MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
12#include "tmop_amr.hpp"
14namespace mfem
17using namespace mfem;
21 bool iso = false;
22 bool aniso = false;
23 if (amrmetric == 1 || amrmetric == 2 || amrmetric == 58)
24 {
25 aniso = true;
26 }
27 if (amrmetric == 55 || amrmetric == 56 || amrmetric == 77 ||
28 amrmetric == 315 || amrmetric == 316 || amrmetric == 321)
29 {
30 iso = true;
31 }
32 if (amrmetric == 7 || amrmetric == 9)
33 {
34 iso = true; aniso = true;
35 }
37 MFEM_VERIFY(iso || aniso, "Metric type not supported in hr-adaptivity.");
39 const int dim = mesh->Dimension();
40 const int num_ref_types = 3 + 4*(dim-2);
41 const int NEorig = mesh->GetNE();
43 aniso_flags.SetSize(NEorig);
45 Vector amr_base_energy(NEorig), amr_temp_energy(NEorig);
46 error_estimates = 1.*std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
47 aniso_flags = -1;
48 GetTMOPRefinementEnergy(0, amr_base_energy);
50 for (int i = 1; i < num_ref_types+1; i++)
51 {
52 if ( dim == 2 && i < 3 && aniso != true ) { continue; }
53 if ( dim == 2 && i == 3 && iso != true ) { continue; }
54 if ( dim == 3 && i < 7 && aniso != true ) { continue; }
55 if ( dim == 3 && i == 7 && iso != true ) { continue; }
57 GetTMOPRefinementEnergy(i, amr_temp_energy);
59 for (int e = 0; e < NEorig; e++)
60 {
61 if ( amr_temp_energy(e) < error_estimates(e) )
62 {
63 error_estimates(e) = amr_temp_energy(e);
64 aniso_flags[e] = i;
65 }
66 }
67 }
70 if (spat_gf)
71 {
72 L2_FECollection avg_fec(0, mesh->Dimension());
73 FiniteElementSpace avg_fes(spat_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh(), &avg_fec);
74 GridFunction elem_avg(&avg_fes);
75 spat_gf->GetElementAverages(elem_avg);
76 for (int i = 0; i < amr_base_energy.Size(); i++)
77 {
78 if (elem_avg(i) < spat_gf_critical) { amr_base_energy(i) = 0.; }
79 }
80 }
82 error_estimates -= amr_base_energy;
83 error_estimates *= -1; // error = E(parent) - scaling_factor*mean(E(children))
88 Vector &el_energy_vec)
91 const int NE = fes->GetNE();
92 GridFunction *xdof = mesh->GetNodes();
93 xdof->SetTrueVector();
94 xdof->SetFromTrueVector();
96 el_energy_vec.SetSize(NE);
97 el_energy_vec = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
99 for (int e = 0; e < NE; e++)
100 {
101 Geometry::Type gtype = fes->GetFE(e)->GetGeomType();
102 DenseMatrix tr, xsplit;
103 IntegrationRule *irule = NULL;
105 if ( (gtype == Geometry::TRIANGLE && reftype > 0 && reftype < 3) ||
106 (gtype == Geometry::CUBE && reftype > 0 && reftype < 7) ||
107 (gtype == Geometry::TETRAHEDRON && reftype > 0 && reftype < 7) )
108 {
109 continue;
110 }
112 switch (gtype)
113 {
115 {
116 int ref_access = reftype == 0 ? 0 : 1;
117 xdof->GetVectorValues(e, *TriIntRule[ref_access], xsplit, tr);
118 irule = TriIntRule[ref_access];
119 break;
120 }
122 {
123 int ref_access = reftype == 0 ? 0 : 1;
124 xdof->GetVectorValues(e, *TetIntRule[ref_access], xsplit, tr);
125 irule = TetIntRule[ref_access];
126 break;
127 }
128 case Geometry::SQUARE:
129 {
130 MFEM_VERIFY(QuadIntRule[reftype], " Integration rule does not exist.");
131 xdof->GetVectorValues(e, *QuadIntRule[reftype], xsplit, tr);
132 irule = QuadIntRule[reftype];
133 break;
134 }
135 case Geometry::CUBE:
136 {
137 int ref_access = reftype == 0 ? 0 : 1;
138 xdof->GetVectorValues(e, *HexIntRule[ref_access], xsplit, tr);
139 irule = HexIntRule[ref_access];
140 break;
141 }
142 default:
143 MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible geometry type!");
144 }
145 xsplit.Transpose();
147 el_energy_vec(e) = 0.; // Re-set to 0
149 // The data format is xe1,xe2,..xen,ye1,ye2..yen.
150 // We will reformat it inside GetRefinementElementEnergy
151 Vector elfun(xsplit.GetData(), xsplit.NumCols()*xsplit.NumRows());
154 TMOP_Integrator *ti = NULL;
155 TMOPComboIntegrator *co = NULL;
156 for (int i = 0; i < integs.Size(); i++)
157 {
158 ti = dynamic_cast<TMOP_Integrator *>(integs[i]);
159 if (ti)
160 {
161 el_energy_vec(e) = ti->GetRefinementElementEnergy(*fes->GetFE(e),
163 elfun,
164 *irule);
165 }
166 co = dynamic_cast<TMOPComboIntegrator *>(integs[i]);
167 if (co)
168 {
170 for (int j = 0; j < ati.Size(); j++)
171 {
172 el_energy_vec(e) += ati[j]->GetRefinementElementEnergy(*fes->GetFE(e),
174 elfun,
175 *irule);
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 }
184 HexIntRule.SetSize(1+1);
185 // Reftype = 0 -> original element
186 Mesh meshsplit = Mesh::MakeCartesian3D(1, 1, 1, Element::HEXAHEDRON);
187 Mesh base_mesh_copy(meshsplit);
188 HexIntRule[0] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(meshsplit);
189 meshsplit.Clear();
191 // Reftype = 7
192 for (int i = 7; i < 8; i++)
193 {
194 Array<Refinement> marked_elements;
195 Mesh mesh_ref(base_mesh_copy);
196 for (int e = 0; e < mesh_ref.GetNE(); e++)
197 {
198 marked_elements.Append(Refinement(e, i));
199 }
200 mesh_ref.GeneralRefinement(marked_elements, 1, 0);
201 HexIntRule[1] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(mesh_ref);
202 mesh_ref.Clear();
203 }
208 QuadIntRule.SetSize(3+1);
210 // Reftype = 0 -> original element
212 Mesh base_mesh_copy(meshsplit);
213 QuadIntRule[0] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(meshsplit);
214 meshsplit.Clear();
216 // Reftype = 1-3
217 for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
218 {
219 Array<Refinement> marked_elements;
220 Mesh mesh_ref(base_mesh_copy);
221 for (int e = 0; e < mesh_ref.GetNE(); e++)
222 {
223 marked_elements.Append(Refinement(e, i));
224 }
225 mesh_ref.GeneralRefinement(marked_elements, 1, 0);
226 QuadIntRule[i] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(mesh_ref);
227 mesh_ref.Clear();
228 }
233 TriIntRule.SetSize(1+1);
235 // Reftype = 0 // original element
236 const int Nvert = 3, NEsplit = 1;
237 Mesh meshsplit(2, Nvert, NEsplit, 0, 2);
238 const real_t tri_v[3][2] =
239 {
240 {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}
241 };
242 const int tri_e[1][3] =
243 {
244 {0, 1, 2}
245 };
247 for (int j = 0; j < Nvert; j++)
248 {
249 meshsplit.AddVertex(tri_v[j]);
250 }
251 meshsplit.AddTriangle(tri_e[0], 1);
252 meshsplit.FinalizeTriMesh(1, 1, true);
254 Mesh base_mesh_copy(meshsplit);
255 TriIntRule[0] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(meshsplit);
256 meshsplit.Clear();
258 // no anisotropic refinements for triangle
259 // Reftype = 3
260 for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++)
261 {
262 Array<Refinement> marked_elements;
263 Mesh mesh_ref(base_mesh_copy);
264 for (int e = 0; e < mesh_ref.GetNE(); e++)
265 {
266 marked_elements.Append(Refinement(e, i));
267 }
268 mesh_ref.GeneralRefinement(marked_elements, 1, 0);
269 TriIntRule[i] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(mesh_ref);
270 mesh_ref.Clear();
271 }
276 TetIntRule.SetSize(1+1);
278 // Reftype = 0 // original element
279 const int Nvert = 4, NEsplit = 1;
280 Mesh meshsplit(3, Nvert, NEsplit, 0, 3);
281 const real_t tet_v[4][3] =
282 {
283 {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}
284 };
285 const int tet_e[1][4] =
286 {
287 {0, 1, 2, 3}
288 };
290 for (int j = 0; j < Nvert; j++)
291 {
292 meshsplit.AddVertex(tet_v[j]);
293 }
294 meshsplit.AddTet(tet_e[0], 1);
295 meshsplit.FinalizeTetMesh(1, 1, true);
297 Mesh base_mesh_copy(meshsplit);
298 TetIntRule[0] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(meshsplit);
299 meshsplit.Clear();
301 // no anisotropic refinements for triangle
302 // Reftype = 7
303 for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++)
304 {
305 Array<Refinement> marked_elements;
306 Mesh mesh_ref(base_mesh_copy);
307 for (int e = 0; e < mesh_ref.GetNE(); e++)
308 {
309 marked_elements.Append(Refinement(e, i)); // ref_type will default to 7
310 }
311 mesh_ref.GeneralRefinement(marked_elements, 1, 0);
312 TetIntRule[i] = SetIntRulesFromMesh(mesh_ref);
313 mesh_ref.Clear();
314 }
319 const int dim = meshsplit.Dimension();
321 FiniteElementSpace nodal_fes(&meshsplit, &fec, dim);
322 meshsplit.SetNodalFESpace(&nodal_fes);
324 const int NEsplit = meshsplit.GetNE();
325 const int dof_cnt = nodal_fes.GetFE(0)->GetDof(),
326 pts_cnt = NEsplit * dof_cnt;
328 DenseMatrix pos(dof_cnt, dim);
329 Vector posV(pos.Data(), dof_cnt * dim);
330 Array<int> xdofs(dof_cnt * dim);
332 // Create an IntegrationRule on the nodes of the reference submesh.
333 IntegrationRule *irule = new IntegrationRule(pts_cnt);
334 GridFunction *nodesplit = meshsplit.GetNodes();
336 int pt_id = 0;
337 for (int i = 0; i < NEsplit; i++)
338 {
339 nodal_fes.GetElementVDofs(i, xdofs);
340 nodesplit->GetSubVector(xdofs, posV);
341 for (int j = 0; j < dof_cnt; j++)
342 {
343 if (dim == 2)
344 {
345 irule->IntPoint(pt_id).Set2(pos(j, 0), pos(j, 1));
346 }
347 else if (dim == 3)
348 {
349 irule->IntPoint(pt_id).Set3(pos(j, 0), pos(j, 1), pos(j, 2));
350 }
351 pt_id++;
352 }
353 }
354 return irule;
358 TMOP_Integrator &tmopi,
359 Vector &fine_energy)
361 DiscreteAdaptTC *tcd = tmopi.GetDiscreteAdaptTC();
362 fine_energy.SetSize(mesh->GetNE());
364 if (serial)
365 {
366 Mesh meshcopy(*mesh);
367 FiniteElementSpace *tcdfes = NULL;
368 if (tcd)
369 {
370 tcdfes = new FiniteElementSpace(*tcd->GetTSpecFESpace(), &meshcopy);
371 }
373 Vector local_err(meshcopy.GetNE());
374 local_err = 0.;
375 real_t threshold = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
376 meshcopy.DerefineByError(local_err, threshold, 0, 1);
378 if (meshcopy.GetGlobalNE() == mesh->GetGlobalNE())
379 {
380 delete tcdfes;
381 return false;
382 }
384 if (tcd)
385 {
386 tcdfes->Update();
387 tcd->SetTspecDataForDerefinement(tcdfes);
388 }
390 Vector coarse_energy(meshcopy.GetNE());
391 GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(meshcopy, tmopi, coarse_energy);
392 if (tcd) { tcd->ResetDerefinementTspecData(); }
393 GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(*mesh, tmopi, fine_energy);
395 const CoarseFineTransformations &dtrans =
398 Table coarse_to_fine;
399 dtrans.MakeCoarseToFineTable(coarse_to_fine);
401 Array<int> tabrow;
402 for (int pe = 0; pe < coarse_to_fine.Size(); pe++)
403 {
404 coarse_to_fine.GetRow(pe, tabrow);
405 int nchild = tabrow.Size();
406 real_t parent_energy = coarse_energy(pe);
407 for (int fe = 0; fe < nchild; fe++)
408 {
409 int child = tabrow[fe];
410 MFEM_VERIFY(child < mesh->GetNE(), " invalid coarse to fine mapping");
411 fine_energy(child) -= parent_energy;
412 }
413 }
414 delete tcdfes;
415 }
416 else
417 {
418#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
419 ParMesh meshcopy(*pmesh);
420 ParFiniteElementSpace *tcdfes = NULL;
421 if (tcd)
422 {
423 tcdfes = new ParFiniteElementSpace(*tcd->GetTSpecParFESpace(), meshcopy);
424 }
426 Vector local_err(meshcopy.GetNE());
427 local_err = 0.;
428 real_t threshold = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
429 meshcopy.DerefineByError(local_err, threshold, 0, 1);
431 if (meshcopy.GetGlobalNE() == pmesh->GetGlobalNE())
432 {
433 delete tcdfes;
434 return false;
435 }
437 if (tcd)
438 {
439 tcdfes->Update();
440 tcd->SetTspecDataForDerefinement(tcdfes);
441 }
443 Vector coarse_energy(meshcopy.GetNE());
444 GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(meshcopy, tmopi, coarse_energy);
445 if (tcd) { tcd->ResetDerefinementTspecData(); }
446 GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(*pmesh, tmopi, fine_energy);
448 const CoarseFineTransformations &dtrans =
451 Table coarse_to_fine;
452 dtrans.MakeCoarseToFineTable(coarse_to_fine);
454 Array<int> tabrow;
455 for (int pe = 0; pe < meshcopy.GetNE(); pe++)
456 {
457 coarse_to_fine.GetRow(pe, tabrow);
458 int nchild = tabrow.Size();
459 real_t parent_energy = coarse_energy(pe);
460 for (int fe = 0; fe < nchild; fe++)
461 {
462 int child = tabrow[fe];
463 MFEM_VERIFY(child < pmesh->GetNE(), " invalid coarse to fine mapping");
464 fine_energy(child) -= parent_energy;
465 }
466 }
467 delete tcdfes;
469 }
471 // error_estimate(e) = energy(parent_of_e)-energy(e)
472 // Negative energy means derefinement is desirable.
473 fine_energy *= -1;
474 return true;
480 TMOP_Integrator *ti = NULL;
481 TMOPComboIntegrator *co = NULL;
483 error_estimates = 0.;
484 Vector fine_energy(mesh->GetNE());
486 for (int i = 0; i < integs.Size(); i++)
487 {
488 ti = dynamic_cast<TMOP_Integrator *>(integs[i]);
489 if (ti)
490 {
491 bool deref = GetDerefineEnergyForIntegrator(*ti, fine_energy);
492 if (!deref) { error_estimates = 1; return; }
493 error_estimates += fine_energy;
494 }
495 co = dynamic_cast<TMOPComboIntegrator *>(integs[i]);
496 if (co)
497 {
499 for (int j = 0; j < ati.Size(); j++)
500 {
501 bool deref = GetDerefineEnergyForIntegrator(*ati[j], fine_energy);
502 if (!deref) { error_estimates = 1; return; }
503 error_estimates += fine_energy;
504 }
505 }
506 }
510 TMOP_Integrator &tmopi,
511 Vector &el_energy_vec)
513 const int cNE = cmesh.GetNE();
514 el_energy_vec.SetSize(cNE);
515 const FiniteElementSpace *fespace = cmesh.GetNodalFESpace();
517 GridFunction *cxdof = cmesh.GetNodes();
519 Array<int> vdofs;
520 Vector el_x;
521 const FiniteElement *fe;
524 for (int j = 0; j < cNE; j++)
525 {
526 fe = fespace->GetFE(j);
527 fespace->GetElementVDofs(j, vdofs);
528 T = cmesh.GetElementTransformation(j);
529 cxdof->GetSubVector(vdofs, el_x);
530 el_energy_vec(j) = tmopi.GetDerefinementElementEnergy(*fe, *T, el_x);
531 }
536 TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, GridFunction &x_,
537 bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_,
538 int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_,
539 int hr_iter_, int h_per_r_iter_) :
540 mesh(&mesh_), nlf(&nlf_), tmopns(&tmopns_), x(&x_),
541 gridfuncarr(), fespacearr(),
542 move_bnd(move_bnd_), hradaptivity(hradaptivity_),
543 mesh_poly_deg(mesh_poly_deg_), amr_metric_id(amr_metric_id_),
544 serial(true), hr_iter(hr_iter_), h_per_r_iter(h_per_r_iter_)
546 if (!hradaptivity) { return; }
557#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
559 TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, ParGridFunction &px_,
560 bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_,
561 int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_,
562 int hr_iter_, int h_per_r_iter_) :
563 mesh(&pmesh_), nlf(&pnlf_), tmopns(&tmopns_), x(&px_),
564 gridfuncarr(), fespacearr(),
565 move_bnd(move_bnd_), hradaptivity(hradaptivity_),
566 mesh_poly_deg(mesh_poly_deg_), amr_metric_id(amr_metric_id_),
567 pmesh(&pmesh_), pnlf(&pnlf_), pgridfuncarr(), pfespacearr(),
568 serial(false), hr_iter(hr_iter_), h_per_r_iter(h_per_r_iter_)
570 if (!hradaptivity) { return; }
584 Vector b(0);
585#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
586 int myid = 0;
588 if (serial)
589 {
591 }
592 else
593 {
594#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
595 myid = pnlf->ParFESpace()->GetMyRank();
598 }
599 if (!hradaptivity)
600 {
603 return;
604 }
606 bool radaptivity = true;
608 tmop_dr->Reset();
609 tmop_r->Reset();
611 if (serial)
612 {
613 for (int i_hr = 0; i_hr < hr_iter; i_hr++)
614 {
615 if (!radaptivity)
616 {
617 break;
618 }
619 mfem::out << i_hr << " r-adaptivity iteration.\n";
625 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after r-adaptivity: " <<
627 ", Elements: " << mesh->GetNE() << std::endl;
629 for (int i_h = 0; i_h < h_per_r_iter; i_h++)
630 {
631 // Derefinement step.
632 if (mesh->ncmesh)
633 {
634 tmop_dr->Apply(*mesh);
635 Update();
636 }
637 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after derefinement: " <<
639 ", Elements: " << mesh->GetNE() << std::endl;
641 // Refinement step.
642 tmop_r->Apply(*mesh);
643 Update();
644 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after refinement: " <<
646 ", Elements: " << mesh->GetNE() << std::endl;
648 if (!tmop_dr->Derefined() && tmop_r->Stop())
649 {
650 radaptivity = false;
651 mfem::out << "AMR stopping criterion satisfied. Stop.\n";
652 break;
653 }
654 } //n_h
655 } //n_hr
656 }
657 else
658 {
659#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
660 int NEGlob;
661 real_t tmopenergy;
662 for (int i_hr = 0; i_hr < hr_iter; i_hr++)
663 {
664 if (!radaptivity)
665 {
666 break;
667 }
668 if (myid == 0) { mfem::out << i_hr << " r-adaptivity iteration.\n"; }
673 NEGlob = pmesh->GetGlobalNE();
674 tmopenergy = pnlf->GetParGridFunctionEnergy(*x) / NEGlob;
675 if (myid == 0)
676 {
677 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after r-adaptivity: " << tmopenergy <<
678 ", Elements: " << NEGlob << std::endl;
679 }
681 for (int i_h = 0; i_h < h_per_r_iter; i_h++)
682 {
683 // Derefinement step.
684 if (pmesh->pncmesh)
685 {
687 ParUpdate();
690 ParUpdate();
691 }
692 NEGlob = pmesh->GetGlobalNE();
693 tmopenergy = pnlf->GetParGridFunctionEnergy(*x) / NEGlob;
694 if (myid == 0)
695 {
696 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after derefinement: " << tmopenergy <<
697 ", Elements: " << NEGlob << std::endl;
698 }
700 // Refinement step.
701 tmop_r->Apply(*pmesh);
702 ParUpdate();
703 NEGlob = pmesh->GetGlobalNE();
704 tmopenergy = pnlf->GetParGridFunctionEnergy(*x) / NEGlob;
705 if (myid == 0)
706 {
707 mfem::out << "TMOP energy after refinement: " << tmopenergy <<
708 ", Elements: " << NEGlob << std::endl;
709 }
711 if (!tmop_dr->Derefined() && tmop_r->Stop())
712 {
713 radaptivity = false;
714 if (myid == 0)
715 {
716 mfem::out << "AMR stopping criterion satisfied. Stop.\n";
717 }
718 break;
719 }
720 } // n_r limit
721 } // n_hr
723 }
726#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
729 ParNCMesh *pncmesh = pmesh->pncmesh;
730 if (pncmesh)
731 {
732 const Table &dreftable = pncmesh->GetDerefinementTable();
733 Array<int> drefs, new_ranks;
734 for (int i = 0; i < dreftable.Size(); i++)
735 {
736 drefs.Append(i);
737 }
738 pncmesh->GetFineToCoarsePartitioning(drefs, new_ranks);
739 pmesh->Rebalance(new_ranks);
740 }
746 // Update FESpace
747 for (int i = 0; i < fespacearr.Size(); i++)
748 {
749 fespacearr[i]->Update();
750 }
751 // Update nodal GF
752 for (int i = 0; i < gridfuncarr.Size(); i++)
753 {
754 gridfuncarr[i]->Update();
755 gridfuncarr[i]->SetTrueVector();
756 gridfuncarr[i]->SetFromTrueVector();
757 }
759 // Update Discrete Indicator for all the TMOP_Integrators in NonLinearForm
761 TMOP_Integrator *ti = NULL;
762 TMOPComboIntegrator *co = NULL;
763 DiscreteAdaptTC *dtc = NULL;
764 for (int i = 0; i < integs.Size(); i++)
765 {
766 ti = dynamic_cast<TMOP_Integrator *>(integs[i]);
767 if (ti)
768 {
770 dtc = ti->GetDiscreteAdaptTC();
771 if (dtc) { dtc->UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange(); }
772 }
773 co = dynamic_cast<TMOPComboIntegrator *>(integs[i]);
774 if (co)
775 {
777 for (int j = 0; j < ati.Size(); j++)
778 {
779 ati[j]->UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange();
780 dtc = ati[j]->GetDiscreteAdaptTC();
781 if (dtc) { dtc->UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange(); }
782 }
783 }
784 }
786 // Update the Nonlinear form and set Essential BC.
790#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
793 // Update FESpace
794 for (int i = 0; i < pfespacearr.Size(); i++)
795 {
796 pfespacearr[i]->Update();
797 }
798 // Update nodal GF
799 for (int i = 0; i < pgridfuncarr.Size(); i++)
800 {
801 pgridfuncarr[i]->Update();
802 pgridfuncarr[i]->SetTrueVector();
803 pgridfuncarr[i]->SetFromTrueVector();
804 }
806 // Update Discrete Indicator
808 TMOP_Integrator *ti = NULL;
809 TMOPComboIntegrator *co = NULL;
810 DiscreteAdaptTC *dtc = NULL;
811 for (int i = 0; i < integs.Size(); i++)
812 {
813 ti = dynamic_cast<TMOP_Integrator *>(integs[i]);
814 if (ti)
815 {
817 dtc = ti->GetDiscreteAdaptTC();
818 if (dtc) { dtc->ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange(); }
819 }
820 co = dynamic_cast<TMOPComboIntegrator *>(integs[i]);
821 if (co)
822 {
824 for (int j = 0; j < ati.Size(); j++)
825 {
826 ati[j]->ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange();
827 dtc = ati[j]->GetDiscreteAdaptTC();
828 if (dtc) { dtc->ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange(); }
829 }
830 }
831 }
833 // Update the Nonlinear form and set Essential BC.
840 const FiniteElementSpace &fes = *mesh_->GetNodalFESpace();
842 // Update Nonlinear form and Set Essential BC
843 nlf_->Update();
844 const int dim = fes.GetFE(0)->GetDim();
845 if (move_bnd == false)
846 {
847 Array<int> ess_bdr(mesh_->bdr_attributes.Max());
848 ess_bdr = 1;
849 nlf_->SetEssentialBC(ess_bdr);
850 }
851 else
852 {
853 const int nd = fes.GetBE(0)->GetDof();
854 int n = 0;
855 for (int i = 0; i < mesh_->GetNBE(); i++)
856 {
857 const int attr = mesh_->GetBdrElement(i)->GetAttribute();
858 MFEM_VERIFY(!(dim == 2 && attr == 3),
859 "Boundary attribute 3 must be used only for 3D meshes. "
860 "Adjust the attributes (1/2/3/4 for fixed x/y/z/all "
861 "components, rest for free nodes), or use -fix-bnd.");
862 if (attr == 1 || attr == 2 || attr == 3) { n += nd; }
863 if (attr == 4) { n += nd * dim; }
864 }
865 Array<int> ess_vdofs(n), vdofs;
866 n = 0;
867 for (int i = 0; i < mesh_->GetNBE(); i++)
868 {
869 const int attr = mesh_->GetBdrElement(i)->GetAttribute();
870 fes.GetBdrElementVDofs(i, vdofs);
871 if (attr == 1) // Fix x components.
872 {
873 for (int j = 0; j < nd; j++)
874 { ess_vdofs[n++] = vdofs[j]; }
875 }
876 else if (attr == 2) // Fix y components.
877 {
878 for (int j = 0; j < nd; j++)
879 { ess_vdofs[n++] = vdofs[j+nd]; }
880 }
881 else if (attr == 3) // Fix z components.
882 {
883 for (int j = 0; j < nd; j++)
884 { ess_vdofs[n++] = vdofs[j+2*nd]; }
885 }
886 else if (attr == 4) // Fix all components.
887 {
888 for (int j = 0; j < vdofs.Size(); j++)
889 { ess_vdofs[n++] = vdofs[j]; }
890 }
891 }
892 nlf_->SetEssentialVDofs(ess_vdofs);
893 }
T Max() const
Find the maximal element in the array, using the comparison operator < for class T.
Definition array.cpp:68
void SetSize(int nsize)
Change the logical size of the array, keep existing entries.
Definition array.hpp:697
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition array.hpp:144
int Append(const T &el)
Append element 'el' to array, resize if necessary.
Definition array.hpp:769
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition densemat.hpp:24
void Transpose()
(*this) = (*this)^t
real_t * Data() const
Returns the matrix data array.
Definition densemat.hpp:111
real_t * GetData() const
Returns the matrix data array.
Definition densemat.hpp:115
FiniteElementSpace * GetTSpecFESpace()
Get the FESpace associated with tspec.
Definition tmop.hpp:1620
void SetTspecDataForDerefinement(FiniteElementSpace *fes)
Computes target specification data with respect to the coarse FE space.
Definition tmop.cpp:2131
void ResetDerefinementTspecData()
Definition tmop.hpp:1717
void UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange()
Update all discrete fields based on tspec and update for AMR.
Definition tmop.cpp:2037
void ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange()
Definition tmop.cpp:1848
ParFiniteElementSpace * GetTSpecParFESpace()
Definition tmop.hpp:1627
int GetAttribute() const
Return element's attribute.
Definition element.hpp:55
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition fespace.hpp:220
const FiniteElement * GetBE(int i) const
Returns pointer to the FiniteElement in the FiniteElementCollection associated with i'th boundary fac...
Definition fespace.cpp:3204
DofTransformation * GetElementVDofs(int i, Array< int > &vdofs) const
Returns indices of degrees of freedom for the i'th element. The returned indices are offsets into an ...
Definition fespace.cpp:287
virtual const FiniteElement * GetFE(int i) const
Returns pointer to the FiniteElement in the FiniteElementCollection associated with i'th element in t...
Definition fespace.cpp:3168
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements in the mesh.
Definition fespace.hpp:740
virtual void Update(bool want_transform=true)
Reflect changes in the mesh: update number of DOFs, etc. Also, calculate GridFunction transformation ...
Definition fespace.cpp:3439
Mesh * GetMesh() const
Returns the mesh.
Definition fespace.hpp:559
DofTransformation * GetBdrElementVDofs(int i, Array< int > &vdofs) const
Returns indices of degrees of freedom for i'th boundary element. The returned indices are offsets int...
Definition fespace.cpp:303
Abstract class for all finite elements.
Definition fe_base.hpp:239
int GetDim() const
Returns the reference space dimension for the finite element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:316
Geometry::Type GetGeomType() const
Returns the Geometry::Type of the reference element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:326
int GetDof() const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:329
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
void SetTrueVector()
Shortcut for calling GetTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:144
void SetFromTrueVector()
Shortcut for calling SetFromTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:150
const Vector & GetTrueVector() const
Read only access to the (optional) internal true-dof Vector.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:130
void GetElementAverages(GridFunction &avgs) const
FiniteElementSpace * FESpace()
Definition gridfunc.hpp:696
void GetVectorValues(int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr) const
Definition gridfunc.cpp:714
Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements.
Definition fe_coll.hpp:260
void Set2(const real_t x1, const real_t x2)
Definition intrules.hpp:89
void Set3(const real_t x1, const real_t x2, const real_t x3)
Definition intrules.hpp:79
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
Definition intrules.hpp:100
IntegrationPoint & IntPoint(int i)
Returns a reference to the i-th integration point.
Definition intrules.hpp:259
Arbitrary order "L2-conforming" discontinuous finite elements.
Definition fe_coll.hpp:330
virtual void SetOperator(const Operator &op)
Also calls SetOperator for the preconditioner if there is one.
Definition solvers.hpp:787
bool Derefined() const
Check if the mesh was de-refined.
bool Apply(Mesh &mesh)
Perform the mesh operation.
bool Stop() const
Check if STOP action is requested, e.g. stopping criterion is satisfied.
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
Array< int > bdr_attributes
A list of all unique boundary attributes used by the Mesh.
Definition mesh.hpp:282
void GeneralRefinement(const Array< Refinement > &refinements, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0)
Definition mesh.cpp:10558
void FinalizeTetMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true)
Finalize the construction of a tetrahedral Mesh.
Definition mesh.cpp:3022
const FiniteElementSpace * GetNodalFESpace() const
Definition mesh.cpp:6206
int AddTriangle(int v1, int v2, int v3, int attr=1)
Adds a triangle to the mesh given by 3 vertices v1 through v3.
Definition mesh.cpp:1729
long GetSequence() const
Definition mesh.hpp:2242
void Clear()
Clear the contents of the Mesh.
Definition mesh.hpp:730
int AddVertex(real_t x, real_t y=0.0, real_t z=0.0)
Definition mesh.cpp:1658
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1226
int AddTet(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int attr=1)
Adds a tetrahedron to the mesh given by 4 vertices v1 through v4.
Definition mesh.cpp:1757
int Dimension() const
Dimension of the reference space used within the elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1160
const Element * GetBdrElement(int i) const
Return pointer to the i'th boundary element object.
Definition mesh.hpp:1298
bool DerefineByError(Array< real_t > &elem_error, real_t threshold, int nc_limit=0, int op=1)
Definition mesh.cpp:10304
void GetElementTransformation(int i, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr) const
Builds the transformation defining the i-th element in ElTr. ElTr must be allocated in advance and wi...
Definition mesh.cpp:357
static Mesh MakeCartesian3D(int nx, int ny, int nz, Element::Type type, real_t sx=1.0, real_t sy=1.0, real_t sz=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true)
Creates a mesh for the parallelepiped [0,sx]x[0,sy]x[0,sz], divided into nx*ny*nz hexahedra if type =...
Definition mesh.cpp:4253
void GetNodes(Vector &node_coord) const
Definition mesh.cpp:8973
void FinalizeTriMesh(int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true)
Finalize the construction of a triangular Mesh.
Definition mesh.cpp:2148
virtual void SetNodalFESpace(FiniteElementSpace *nfes)
Definition mesh.cpp:6153
int GetNBE() const
Returns number of boundary elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1229
long long GetGlobalNE() const
Return the total (global) number of elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1255
NCMesh * ncmesh
Optional nonconforming mesh extension.
Definition mesh.hpp:291
static Mesh MakeCartesian2D(int nx, int ny, Element::Type type, bool generate_edges=false, real_t sx=1.0, real_t sy=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true)
Creates mesh for the rectangle [0,sx]x[0,sy], divided into nx*ny quadrilaterals if type = QUADRILATER...
Definition mesh.cpp:4243
const CoarseFineTransformations & GetDerefinementTransforms() const
Definition ncmesh.cpp:4725
const Table & GetDerefinementTable()
Definition ncmesh.cpp:1965
virtual void Update()
Update the NonlinearForm to propagate updates of the associated FE space.
Array< NonlinearFormIntegrator * > * GetDNFI()
Access all integrators added with AddDomainIntegrator().
void SetEssentialBC(const Array< int > &bdr_attr_is_ess, Vector *rhs=NULL)
Specify essential boundary conditions.
real_t GetGridFunctionEnergy(const Vector &x) const
Compute the energy corresponding to the state x.
void SetEssentialVDofs(const Array< int > &ess_vdofs_list)
Specify essential boundary conditions.
int NumCols() const
Get the number of columns (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with Width().
Definition operator.hpp:75
int NumRows() const
Get the number of rows (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with Height().
Definition operator.hpp:69
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition pfespace.hpp:29
void Update(bool want_transform=true) override
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition pgridfunc.hpp:33
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition pmesh.hpp:34
void Rebalance()
Definition pmesh.cpp:4009
ParNCMesh * pncmesh
Definition pmesh.hpp:439
A parallel extension of the NCMesh class.
Definition pncmesh.hpp:65
void GetFineToCoarsePartitioning(const Array< int > &derefs, Array< int > &new_ranks) const
Definition pncmesh.cpp:1537
Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs.
real_t GetParGridFunctionEnergy(const Vector &x) const
Compute the energy corresponding to the state x.
ParFiniteElementSpace * ParFESpace() const
const Array< TMOP_Integrator * > & GetTMOPIntegrators() const
Definition tmop.hpp:2273
bool GetDerefineEnergyForIntegrator(TMOP_Integrator &tmopi, Vector &fine_energy)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:357
void GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(Mesh &cmesh, TMOP_Integrator &tmopi, Vector &el_energy_vec)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:509
void RebalanceParNCMesh()
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:727
void UpdateNonlinearFormAndBC(Mesh *mesh, NonlinearForm *nlf)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:838
TMOPRefinerEstimator * tmop_r_est
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:214
void AddGridFunctionForUpdate(GridFunction *gf)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:252
const int mesh_poly_deg
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:204
NonlinearForm * nlf
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:198
ThresholdRefiner * tmop_r
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:215
TMOPNewtonSolver * tmopns
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:199
Array< GridFunction * > gridfuncarr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:201
Array< ParFiniteElementSpace * > pfespacearr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:209
ParNonlinearForm * pnlf
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:207
TMOPDeRefinerEstimator * tmop_dr_est
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:216
Array< FiniteElementSpace * > fespacearr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:202
TMOPHRSolver(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_, TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, GridFunction &x_, bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_, int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_, int hr_iter_=5, int h_per_r_iter_=1)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:535
ThresholdDerefiner * tmop_dr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:217
Array< ParGridFunction * > pgridfuncarr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:208
const int amr_metric_id
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:204
GridFunction * x
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:200
virtual void Mult(const Vector &b, Vector &x) const
Solve the nonlinear system with right-hand side b.
Array< IntegrationRule * > TetIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
Array< IntegrationRule * > HexIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
void SetEnergyScalingFactor(real_t scale)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:116
Array< IntegrationRule * > QuadIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
Array< IntegrationRule * > TriIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
IntegrationRule * SetIntRulesFromMesh(Mesh &meshsplit)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:317
void GetTMOPRefinementEnergy(int reftype, Vector &el_energy_vec)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:87
A TMOP integrator class based on any given TMOP_QualityMetric and TargetConstructor.
Definition tmop.hpp:1738
void ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange()
Definition tmop.cpp:3156
virtual real_t GetRefinementElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, const IntegrationRule &irule)
Computes the mean of the energies of the given element's children.
Definition tmop.cpp:3327
virtual real_t GetDerefinementElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun)
Definition tmop.cpp:3413
DiscreteAdaptTC * GetDiscreteAdaptTC() const
Definition tmop.hpp:2221
void UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange()
Definition tmop.cpp:3143
void GetRow(int i, Array< int > &row) const
Return row i in array row (the Table must be finalized)
Definition table.cpp:187
int Size() const
Returns the number of TYPE I elements.
Definition table.hpp:92
De-refinement operator using an error threshold.
virtual void Reset()
Reset the associated estimator.
Mesh refinement operator using an error threshold.
void SetTotalErrorFraction(real_t fraction)
Set the total fraction used in the computation of the threshold. The default value is 1/2.
virtual void Reset()
Reset the associated estimator.
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
void SetSize(int s)
Resize the vector to size s.
Definition vector.hpp:538
void GetSubVector(const Array< int > &dofs, Vector &elemvect) const
Extract entries listed in dofs to the output Vector elemvect.
Definition vector.cpp:578
int dim
Definition ex24.cpp:53
real_t b
Definition lissajous.cpp:42
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition globals.hpp:66
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
Defines the coarse-fine transformations of all fine elements.
Definition ncmesh.hpp:72
void MakeCoarseToFineTable(Table &coarse_to_fine, bool want_ghosts=false) const
Definition ncmesh.cpp:4783