Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- D : mfem::DiscreteUpwindLOSolver, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::navier::NavierSolver, mfem::OptimizationProblem, mfem::VectorL2MortarIntegrator
- d : mfem::CGSolver, mfem::VectorDeltaCoefficient
- D1 : NeoHookeanMaterial< dim, gradient_type >
- d1d_ : mfem::ElasticityOperator
- d2Fdx2 : mfem::ElementTransformation
- d2q : mfem::DGMassInverse
- d2shape_x : mfem::NURBS2DFiniteElement, mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- d2shape_y : mfem::NURBS2DFiniteElement, mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- d2shape_z : mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- d2xdt2 : mfem::GeneralizedAlpha2Solver
- d_ : mfem::DGMassInverse
- d_buffer : mfem::QuadratureInterpolator
- D_form : mfem::navier::NavierSolver
- D_height : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- d_hi : mfem::OptimizationProblem
- d_lo : mfem::OptimizationProblem
- d_to_d : mfem::NURBSExtension
- DaJ : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- data : mfem::Array< T >, mfem::ArraysByName< T >, mfem::ComplexFactors, mfem::DeviceTensor< Dim, Scalar >, mfem::Factors, mfem::MemoryIJData, mfem::NURBSPatch, mfem::ParNCMesh::ElementSet, mfem::TAutoDiffVector< dtype >, mfem::TMatrix< N1, N2, data_t, align >, mfem::TTensor3< N1, N2, N3, data_t, align >, mfem::TTensor4< N1, N2, N3, N4, data_t, align >, mfem::TVector< S, data_t, align >, mfem::VarMessage< Tag >, mfem::Vector
- data_i : mfem::ComplexFactors
- data_in : mfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >
- data_out : mfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >
- data_r : mfem::ComplexFactors
- dBuffer : mfem::SparseMatrix
- DdI2t : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- debug : mfem::navier::NavierSolver
- default_abs_tol : mfem::SundialsSolver
- default_abs_tolB : mfem::CVODESSolver
- default_abs_tolQB : mfem::CVODESSolver
- default_interp_value : mfem::FindPointsGSLIB
- default_rel_tol : mfem::SundialsSolver
- default_rel_tolB : mfem::CVODESSolver
- default_thread_required : mfem::Mpi
- default_type : mfem::HypreSmoother
- degree : mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >, mfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< G, P, L2_FE_type, L2Pos_FE_type, DOFS, TP >
- delta : mfem::DeltaLFIntegrator
- derefinements : mfem::NCMesh
- deriv_map_type : mfem::FiniteElement
- deriv_range_type : mfem::FiniteElement
- deriv_type : mfem::FiniteElement
- descr : mfem::SparseMatrix
- detJ : mfem::FaceGeometricFactors, mfem::FaceNeighborGeometricFactors, mfem::GeometricFactors
- detT_ep : mfem::TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric
- dFdx : mfem::ElementTransformation
- dh_params : mfem::GnuTLS_global_state
- dI1 : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dI1b : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dI2 : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dI2b : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dI3 : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dI3b : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- diag_inv : mfem::DGMassInverse
- diag_policy : mfem::BilinearForm, mfem::ComplexDPGWeakForm, mfem::ConstrainedOperator, mfem::DPGWeakForm
- diffcoef : mfem::common::ScreenedPoisson
- diffuse_iter : mfem::common::HeatDistanceSolver
- DIM : mfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t >
- Dim : mfem::Mesh, mfem::NCMesh, mfem::NURBSPatch
- dim : mfem::BatchedLOR_ADS, mfem::BatchedLOR_AMS, mfem::CartesianPML, mfem::ConvectionIntegrator, mfem::CurlCurlIntegrator, mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::DGTraceIntegrator, mfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >, mfem::FindPointsGSLIB, mfem::FiniteElement, mfem::FluxFunction, mfem::GenericIntegrationRule< G, Q, Order, real_t >, mfem::H1_FECollection, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >, mfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< G, P, L2_FE_type, L2Pos_FE_type, DOFS, TP >, mfem::L2NormalDerivativeFaceRestriction, mfem::MassIntegrator, mfem::MeshPart::EntityHelper, mfem::MixedScalarCurlIntegrator, mfem::MomentFittingIntRules, mfem::NCMesh::Point, mfem::ND_FECollection, mfem::RT_FECollection, mfem::ShapeEvaluator< FE, IR, real_t >, mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t, impl_traits_t >, mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >, mfem::TMesh< FESpace, nodeLayout >, mfem::TMOP_Integrator, mfem::TProductIntegrationRule< Dim, Q, Order, real_t >, mfem::VectorDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::VectorFEMassIntegrator, mfem::VectorMassIntegrator
- dim_ : mfem::ElasticityOperator
- dim_1 : mfem::OffsetStridedLayout1D< N1, S1 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >, mfem::StridedLayout1D< N1, S1 >, mfem::StridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >, mfem::StridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
- dim_2 : mfem::OffsetStridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >, mfem::StridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >, mfem::StridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
- dim_3 : mfem::OffsetStridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::OffsetStridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >, mfem::StridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >, mfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
- dim_4 : mfem::OffsetStridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >, mfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
- Dimension : mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::CUBE >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::POINT >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PRISM >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PYRAMID >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SEGMENT >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SQUARE >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON >, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TRIANGLE >, mfem::Geometry
- dimension : mfem::MeshPart
- DimStart : mfem::Geometry
- dir : mfem::VectorDeltaCoefficient
- dirichlet_coefficients : mfem::spde::Boundary
- discr_tc : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- displaced_tdof_list_ : mfem::ElasticityOperator
- distfint : mfem::OversetFindPointsGSLIB
- DJt : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- dnfi : mfem::BlockNonlinearForm, mfem::NonlinearForm, mfem::PANonlinearFormExtension, mfem::ParametricBNLForm
- dnfi_marker : mfem::BlockNonlinearForm, mfem::NonlinearForm
- DOF : mfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t >
- dof : mfem::ElementRestriction, mfem::FiniteElement
- dof2nk : mfem::RT_R2D_FiniteElement
- dof2quad_array : mfem::FiniteElement
- dof2tk : mfem::ND_R2D_FiniteElement
- dof_elem_array : mfem::FiniteElementSpace
- dof_ldof_array : mfem::FiniteElementSpace
- dof_map : mfem::ceed::AlgebraicCoarseSpace, mfem::H1Pos_TetrahedronElement, mfem::H1Pos_TriangleElement, mfem::ND_R2D_FiniteElement, mfem::RT_R2D_FiniteElement, mfem::TensorBasisElement
- dof_offset : mfem::ParNCMesh::RebalanceDofMessage
- dof_offsets : mfem::ComplexDPGWeakForm, mfem::DPGWeakForm
- dof_trans_ : mfem::DofTransformation
- dofs : mfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >, mfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< G, P, L2_FE_type, L2Pos_FE_type, DOFS, TP >, mfem::ParNCMesh::RebalanceDofMessage, mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t, impl_traits_t >, mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >, mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType >
- dofs1D : mfem::ConvectionIntegrator, mfem::CurlCurlIntegrator, mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::DGTraceIntegrator, mfem::MassIntegrator, mfem::MixedScalarCurlIntegrator, mfem::VectorDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::VectorFEMassIntegrator, mfem::VectorMassIntegrator
- dofs1Dtest : mfem::MixedScalarCurlIntegrator, mfem::VectorFEMassIntegrator
- dofs_1d : mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >, mfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >, mfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< G, P, L2_FE_type, L2Pos_FE_type, DOFS, TP >
- DoFTrans : mfem::FiniteElementSpace
- DoFTransArray : mfem::FiniteElementSpace
- dom_fes : mfem::GridTransfer
- domain_delta_integs : mfem::LinearForm
- domain_delta_integs_elem_id : mfem::LinearForm
- domain_delta_integs_ip : mfem::LinearForm
- domain_fes : mfem::ParDiscreteLinearOperator
- domain_integs : mfem::BilinearForm, mfem::LinearForm, mfem::MixedBilinearForm
- domain_integs_marker : mfem::BilinearForm, mfem::LinearForm, mfem::MixedBilinearForm
- dp_ : mfem::SIASolver
- DQ : mfem::CurlCurlIntegrator, mfem::MixedVectorIntegrator, mfem::VectorFEMassIntegrator
- dq_ : mfem::SIASolver
- DS : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- DSh : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- dshape : mfem::DGDirichletLFIntegrator, mfem::DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator, mfem::SBM2DirichletIntegrator, mfem::SBM2DirichletLFIntegrator, mfem::SBM2NeumannIntegrator
- dshape1 : mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape1_dnM : mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape1_ps : mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape1dn : mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator
- dshape2 : mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape2_dnM : mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape2_ps : mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- dshape2dn : mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator
- dshape_1d : mfem::H1Pos_TetrahedronElement, mfem::H1Pos_TriangleElement
- dshape_dd : mfem::SBM2DirichletLFIntegrator
- dshape_dn : mfem::DGDirichletLFIntegrator, mfem::DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator, mfem::SBM2DirichletLFIntegrator
- dshape_du : mfem::DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator
- dshape_ps : mfem::DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator
- dshape_x : mfem::NURBS2DFiniteElement, mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- dshape_y : mfem::NURBS2DFiniteElement, mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- dshape_z : mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- dshapedn : mfem::SBM2DirichletIntegrator, mfem::SBM2NeumannIntegrator
- dshapephys : mfem::SBM2DirichletIntegrator
- dsigma_cache_ : mfem::ElasticityOperator
- dsp_m1 : mfem::electromagnetics::MagneticDiffusionEOperator
- dsp_m2 : mfem::electromagnetics::MagneticDiffusionEOperator
- dsp_m3 : mfem::electromagnetics::MagneticDiffusionEOperator
- dt_A1 : mfem::electromagnetics::MagneticDiffusionEOperator
- dt_A2 : mfem::electromagnetics::MagneticDiffusionEOperator
- dthist : mfem::navier::NavierSolver
- du : mfem::NURBS2DFiniteElement, mfem::NURBS3DFiniteElement
- dual_pc : mfem::SchurConstrainedSolver
- dx : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- dX_ess_ : mfem::ElasticityOperator
- dxscale : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- DXt : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >
- DYt : mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >