MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
mfem::DenseMatrix Class Reference

Data type dense matrix using column-major storage. More...

#include <densemat.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mfem::DenseMatrix:
Collaboration diagram for mfem::DenseMatrix:

Public Member Functions

 DenseMatrix ()
 DenseMatrix (const DenseMatrix &)
 Copy constructor.
 DenseMatrix (int s)
 Creates square matrix of size s.
 DenseMatrix (int m, int n)
 Creates rectangular matrix of size m x n.
 DenseMatrix (const DenseMatrix &mat, char ch)
 Creates rectangular matrix equal to the transpose of mat.
 DenseMatrix (real_t *d, int h, int w)
 Construct a DenseMatrix using an existing data array.
template<int M, int N, typename T = real_t>
 DenseMatrix (const T(&values)[M][N])
void UseExternalData (real_t *d, int h, int w)
 Change the data array and the size of the DenseMatrix.
void Reset (real_t *d, int h, int w)
 Change the data array and the size of the DenseMatrix.
void ClearExternalData ()
void Clear ()
 Delete the matrix data array (if owned) and reset the matrix state.
int Size () const
 For backward compatibility define Size to be synonym of Width()
void SetSize (int s)
 Change the size of the DenseMatrix to s x s.
void SetSize (int h, int w)
 Change the size of the DenseMatrix to h x w.
real_tData () const
 Returns the matrix data array.
real_tGetData () const
 Returns the matrix data array.
Memory< real_t > & GetMemory ()
const Memory< real_t > & GetMemory () const
bool OwnsData () const
 Return the DenseMatrix data (host pointer) ownership flag.
real_toperator() (int i, int j)
 Returns reference to a_{ij}.
const real_toperator() (int i, int j) const
 Returns constant reference to a_{ij}.
real_t operator* (const DenseMatrix &m) const
 Matrix inner product: tr(A^t B)
real_t Trace () const
 Trace of a square matrix.
virtual real_tElem (int i, int j)
 Returns reference to a_{ij}.
virtual const real_tElem (int i, int j) const
 Returns constant reference to a_{ij}.
void Mult (const real_t *x, real_t *y) const
 Matrix vector multiplication.
void Mult (const real_t *x, Vector &y) const
 Matrix vector multiplication.
void Mult (const Vector &x, real_t *y) const
 Matrix vector multiplication.
virtual void Mult (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 Matrix vector multiplication.
void MultTranspose (const real_t *x, real_t *y) const
 Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.
void MultTranspose (const real_t *x, Vector &y) const
 Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.
void MultTranspose (const Vector &x, real_t *y) const
 Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.
virtual void MultTranspose (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.
virtual void AddMult (const Vector &x, Vector &y, const real_t a=1.0) const
 y += a * A.x
virtual void AddMultTranspose (const Vector &x, Vector &y, const real_t a=1.0) const
 y += a * A^t x
void AddMult_a (real_t a, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 y += a * A.x
void AddMultTranspose_a (real_t a, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 y += a * A^t x
real_t InnerProduct (const real_t *x, const real_t *y) const
 Compute y^t A x.
void LeftScaling (const Vector &s)
 LeftScaling this = diag(s) * this.
void InvLeftScaling (const Vector &s)
 InvLeftScaling this = diag(1./s) * this.
void RightScaling (const Vector &s)
 RightScaling: this = this * diag(s);.
void InvRightScaling (const Vector &s)
 InvRightScaling: this = this * diag(1./s);.
void SymmetricScaling (const Vector &s)
 SymmetricScaling this = diag(sqrt(s)) * this * diag(sqrt(s))
void InvSymmetricScaling (const Vector &s)
 InvSymmetricScaling this = diag(sqrt(1./s)) * this * diag(sqrt(1./s))
real_t InnerProduct (const Vector &x, const Vector &y) const
 Compute y^t A x.
virtual MatrixInverseInverse () const
 Returns a pointer to the inverse matrix.
void Invert ()
 Replaces the current matrix with its inverse.
void SquareRootInverse ()
 Replaces the current matrix with its square root inverse.
real_t Det () const
real_t Weight () const
void Set (real_t alpha, const real_t *A)
 Set the matrix to alpha * A, assuming that A has the same dimensions as the matrix and uses column-major layout.
void Set (real_t alpha, const DenseMatrix &A)
 Set the matrix to alpha * A.
void Add (const real_t c, const DenseMatrix &A)
 Adds the matrix A multiplied by the number c to the matrix.
void Add (const real_t c, const real_t *A)
DenseMatrixoperator= (real_t c)
 Sets the matrix elements equal to constant c.
DenseMatrixoperator= (const real_t *d)
 Copy the matrix entries from the given array.
DenseMatrixoperator= (const DenseMatrix &m)
 Sets the matrix size and elements equal to those of m.
DenseMatrixoperator+= (const real_t *m)
DenseMatrixoperator+= (const DenseMatrix &m)
DenseMatrixoperator-= (const DenseMatrix &m)
DenseMatrixoperator*= (real_t c)
void Neg ()
 (*this) = -(*this)
void Norm2 (real_t *v) const
 Take the 2-norm of the columns of A and store in v.
void Norm2 (Vector &v) const
 Take the 2-norm of the columns of A and store in v.
real_t MaxMaxNorm () const
 Compute the norm ||A|| = max_{ij} |A_{ij}|.
real_t FNorm () const
 Compute the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
real_t FNorm2 () const
 Compute the square of the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
void Eigenvalues (Vector &ev)
 Compute eigenvalues of A x = ev x where A = *this.
void Eigenvalues (Vector &ev, DenseMatrix &evect)
 Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev x where A = *this.
void Eigensystem (Vector &ev, DenseMatrix &evect)
 Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev x where A = *this.
void Eigenvalues (DenseMatrix &b, Vector &ev)
void Eigenvalues (DenseMatrix &b, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix &evect)
 Compute generalized eigenvalues of A x = ev B x, where A = *this.
void Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &b, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix &evect)
void SingularValues (Vector &sv) const
int Rank (real_t tol) const
real_t CalcSingularvalue (const int i) const
 Return the i-th singular value (decreasing order) of NxN matrix, N=1,2,3.
void CalcEigenvalues (real_t *lambda, real_t *vec) const
void GetRow (int r, Vector &row) const
void GetColumn (int c, Vector &col) const
real_tGetColumn (int col)
const real_tGetColumn (int col) const
void GetColumnReference (int c, Vector &col)
void SetRow (int r, const real_t *row)
void SetRow (int r, const Vector &row)
void SetCol (int c, const real_t *col)
void SetCol (int c, const Vector &col)
void SetRow (int row, real_t value)
 Set all entries of a row to the specified value.
void SetCol (int col, real_t value)
 Set all entries of a column to the specified value.
void GetDiag (Vector &d) const
 Returns the diagonal of the matrix.
void Getl1Diag (Vector &l) const
 Returns the l1 norm of the rows of the matrix v_i = sum_j |a_ij|.
void GetRowSums (Vector &l) const
 Compute the row sums of the DenseMatrix.
void Diag (real_t c, int n)
 Creates n x n diagonal matrix with diagonal elements c.
void Diag (real_t *diag, int n)
 Creates n x n diagonal matrix with diagonal given by diag.
void Transpose ()
 (*this) = (*this)^t
void Transpose (const DenseMatrix &A)
 (*this) = A^t
void Symmetrize ()
 (*this) = 1/2 ((*this) + (*this)^t)
void Lump ()
void GradToCurl (DenseMatrix &curl)
void GradToVectorCurl2D (DenseMatrix &curl)
void GradToDiv (Vector &div)
void CopyRows (const DenseMatrix &A, int row1, int row2)
 Copy rows row1 through row2 from A to *this.
void CopyCols (const DenseMatrix &A, int col1, int col2)
 Copy columns col1 through col2 from A to *this.
void CopyMN (const DenseMatrix &A, int m, int n, int Aro, int Aco)
 Copy the m x n submatrix of A at row/col offsets Aro/Aco to *this.
void CopyMN (const DenseMatrix &A, int row_offset, int col_offset)
 Copy matrix A to the location in *this at row_offset, col_offset.
void CopyMNt (const DenseMatrix &A, int row_offset, int col_offset)
 Copy matrix A^t to the location in *this at row_offset, col_offset.
void CopyMN (const DenseMatrix &A, int m, int n, int Aro, int Aco, int row_offset, int col_offset)
void CopyMNDiag (real_t c, int n, int row_offset, int col_offset)
 Copy c on the diagonal of size n to *this at row_offset, col_offset.
void CopyMNDiag (real_t *diag, int n, int row_offset, int col_offset)
 Copy diag on the diagonal of size n to *this at row_offset, col_offset.
void CopyExceptMN (const DenseMatrix &A, int m, int n)
 Copy All rows and columns except m and n from A.
void AddMatrix (DenseMatrix &A, int ro, int co)
 Perform (ro+i,co+j)+=A(i,j) for 0<=i.
void AddMatrix (real_t a, const DenseMatrix &A, int ro, int co)
 Perform (ro+i,co+j)+=a*A(i,j) for 0<=i.
void GetSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx, DenseMatrix &A) const
void GetSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx_i, const Array< int > &idx_j, DenseMatrix &A) const
void GetSubMatrix (int ibeg, int iend, DenseMatrix &A)
void GetSubMatrix (int ibeg, int iend, int jbeg, int jend, DenseMatrix &A)
void SetSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx, const DenseMatrix &A)
 Set (*this)(idx[i],idx[j]) = A(i,j)
void SetSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx_i, const Array< int > &idx_j, const DenseMatrix &A)
 Set (*this)(idx_i[i],idx_j[j]) = A(i,j)
void SetSubMatrix (int ibeg, const DenseMatrix &A)
void SetSubMatrix (int ibeg, int jbeg, const DenseMatrix &A)
void AddSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx, const DenseMatrix &A)
 (*this)(idx[i],idx[j]) += A(i,j)
void AddSubMatrix (const Array< int > &idx_i, const Array< int > &idx_j, const DenseMatrix &A)
 (*this)(idx_i[i],idx_j[j]) += A(i,j)
void AddSubMatrix (int ibeg, const DenseMatrix &A)
void AddSubMatrix (int ibeg, int jbeg, const DenseMatrix &A)
void AddToVector (int offset, Vector &v) const
 Add the matrix 'data' to the Vector 'v' at the given 'offset'.
void GetFromVector (int offset, const Vector &v)
 Get the matrix 'data' from the Vector 'v' at the given 'offset'.
void AdjustDofDirection (Array< int > &dofs)
void Threshold (real_t eps)
 Replace small entries, abs(a_ij) <= eps, with zero.
int CheckFinite () const
virtual void Print (std::ostream &out=mfem::out, int width_=4) const
 Prints matrix to stream out.
virtual void PrintMatlab (std::ostream &out=mfem::out) const
 Prints operator in Matlab format.
virtual void PrintT (std::ostream &out=mfem::out, int width_=4) const
 Prints the transpose matrix to stream out.
void TestInversion ()
 Invert and print the numerical conditioning of the inversion.
std::size_t MemoryUsage () const
const real_tRead (bool on_dev=true) const
 Shortcut for mfem::Read( GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).
const real_tHostRead () const
 Shortcut for mfem::Read(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).
real_tWrite (bool on_dev=true)
 Shortcut for mfem::Write(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).
real_tHostWrite ()
 Shortcut for mfem::Write(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).
real_tReadWrite (bool on_dev=true)
 Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).
real_tHostReadWrite ()
 Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).
void Swap (DenseMatrix &other)
virtual ~DenseMatrix ()
 Destroys dense matrix.
- Public Member Functions inherited from mfem::Matrix
 Matrix (int s)
 Creates a square matrix of size s.
 Matrix (int h, int w)
 Creates a matrix of the given height and width.
bool IsSquare () const
 Returns whether the matrix is a square matrix.
virtual void Finalize (int)
 Finalizes the matrix initialization.
virtual ~Matrix ()
 Destroys matrix.
- Public Member Functions inherited from mfem::Operator
void InitTVectors (const Operator *Po, const Operator *Ri, const Operator *Pi, Vector &x, Vector &b, Vector &X, Vector &B) const
 Initializes memory for true vectors of linear system.
 Operator (int s=0)
 Construct a square Operator with given size s (default 0).
 Operator (int h, int w)
 Construct an Operator with the given height (output size) and width (input size).
int Height () const
 Get the height (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with NumRows().
int NumRows () const
 Get the number of rows (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with Height().
int Width () const
 Get the width (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with NumCols().
int NumCols () const
 Get the number of columns (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with Width().
virtual MemoryClass GetMemoryClass () const
 Return the MemoryClass preferred by the Operator.
virtual void ArrayMult (const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y) const
 Operator application on a matrix: Y=A(X).
virtual void ArrayMultTranspose (const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y) const
 Action of the transpose operator on a matrix: Y=A^t(X).
virtual void ArrayAddMult (const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y, const real_t a=1.0) const
 Operator application on a matrix: Y+=A(X) (default) or Y+=a*A(X).
virtual void ArrayAddMultTranspose (const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y, const real_t a=1.0) const
 Operator transpose application on a matrix: Y+=A^t(X) (default) or Y+=a*A^t(X).
virtual OperatorGetGradient (const Vector &x) const
 Evaluate the gradient operator at the point x. The default behavior in class Operator is to generate an error.
virtual void AssembleDiagonal (Vector &diag) const
 Computes the diagonal entries into diag. Typically, this operation only makes sense for linear Operators. In some cases, only an approximation of the diagonal is computed.
virtual const OperatorGetProlongation () const
 Prolongation operator from linear algebra (linear system) vectors, to input vectors for the operator. NULL means identity.
virtual const OperatorGetRestriction () const
 Restriction operator from input vectors for the operator to linear algebra (linear system) vectors. NULL means identity.
virtual const OperatorGetOutputProlongation () const
 Prolongation operator from linear algebra (linear system) vectors, to output vectors for the operator. NULL means identity.
virtual const OperatorGetOutputRestrictionTranspose () const
 Transpose of GetOutputRestriction, directly available in this form to facilitate matrix-free RAP-type operators.
virtual const OperatorGetOutputRestriction () const
 Restriction operator from output vectors for the operator to linear algebra (linear system) vectors. NULL means identity.
void FormLinearSystem (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B, int copy_interior=0)
 Form a constrained linear system using a matrix-free approach.
void FormRectangularLinearSystem (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B)
 Form a column-constrained linear system using a matrix-free approach.
virtual void RecoverFEMSolution (const Vector &X, const Vector &b, Vector &x)
 Reconstruct a solution vector x (e.g. a GridFunction) from the solution X of a constrained linear system obtained from Operator::FormLinearSystem() or Operator::FormRectangularLinearSystem().
void FormSystemOperator (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this square operator.
void FormRectangularSystemOperator (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this rectangular operator (including constraints).
void FormDiscreteOperator (Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this rectangular operator.
void PrintMatlab (std::ostream &out, int n, int m=0) const
 Prints operator with input size n and output size m in Matlab format.
virtual ~Operator ()
 Virtual destructor.
Type GetType () const
 Return the type ID of the Operator class.


class DenseTensor
class DenseMatrixInverse

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mfem::Operator
enum  DiagonalPolicy { DIAG_ZERO , DIAG_ONE , DIAG_KEEP }
 Defines operator diagonal policy upon elimination of rows and/or columns. More...
enum  Type {
  PETSC_MATGENERIC , Complex_Operator , MFEM_ComplexSparseMat , Complex_Hypre_ParCSR ,
  Complex_DenseMat , MFEM_Block_Matrix , MFEM_Block_Operator
 Enumeration defining IDs for some classes derived from Operator. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mfem::Operator
void FormConstrainedSystemOperator (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, ConstrainedOperator *&Aout)
 see FormSystemOperator()
void FormRectangularConstrainedSystemOperator (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, RectangularConstrainedOperator *&Aout)
 see FormRectangularSystemOperator()
OperatorSetupRAP (const Operator *Pi, const Operator *Po)
 Returns RAP Operator of this, using input/output Prolongation matrices Pi corresponds to "P", Po corresponds to "Rt".
- Protected Attributes inherited from mfem::Operator
int height
 Dimension of the output / number of rows in the matrix.
int width
 Dimension of the input / number of columns in the matrix.

Detailed Description

Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.

Definition at line 23 of file densemat.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DenseMatrix() [1/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( )

Default constructor for DenseMatrix. Sets data = NULL and height = width = 0.

Definition at line 137 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [2/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( const DenseMatrix & m)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 139 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [3/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( int s)

Creates square matrix of size s.

Definition at line 150 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [4/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( int m,
int n )

Creates rectangular matrix of size m x n.

Definition at line 160 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [5/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( const DenseMatrix & mat,
char ch )

Creates rectangular matrix equal to the transpose of mat.

Definition at line 172 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [6/7]

mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( real_t * d,
int h,
int w )

Construct a DenseMatrix using an existing data array.

The DenseMatrix does not assume ownership of the data array, i.e. it will not delete the array.

Definition at line 58 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ DenseMatrix() [7/7]

template<int M, int N, typename T = real_t>
mfem::DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix ( const T(&) values[M][N])

Create a dense matrix using a braced initializer list The inner lists correspond to rows of the matrix

Definition at line 64 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ ~DenseMatrix()

mfem::DenseMatrix::~DenseMatrix ( )

Destroys dense matrix.

Definition at line 2426 of file densemat.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Add ( const real_t c,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Adds the matrix A multiplied by the number c to the matrix.

Definition at line 628 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Add() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Add ( const real_t c,
const real_t * A )

Adds the matrix A multiplied by the number c to the matrix, assuming A has the same dimensions and uses column-major layout.

Definition at line 639 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMatrix() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMatrix ( DenseMatrix & A,
int ro,
int co )

Perform (ro+i,co+j)+=A(i,j) for 0<=i.

Definition at line 1835 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMatrix() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMatrix ( real_t a,
const DenseMatrix & A,
int ro,
int co )

Perform (ro+i,co+j)+=a*A(i,j) for 0<=i.

Definition at line 1865 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMult()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMult ( const Vector & x,
Vector & y,
const real_t a = 1.0 ) const

y += a * A.x

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 299 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMult_a()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMult_a ( real_t a,
const Vector & x,
Vector & y ) const

y += a * A.x

Definition at line 346 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMultTranspose()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMultTranspose ( const Vector & x,
Vector & y,
const real_t a = 1.0 ) const

y += a * A^t x

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 322 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddMultTranspose_a()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddMultTranspose_a ( real_t a,
const Vector & x,
Vector & y ) const

y += a * A^t x

Definition at line 364 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddSubMatrix() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx,
const DenseMatrix & A )

(*this)(idx[i],idx[j]) += A(i,j)

Definition at line 2112 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddSubMatrix() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx_i,
const Array< int > & idx_j,
const DenseMatrix & A )

(*this)(idx_i[i],idx_j[j]) += A(i,j)

Definition at line 2140 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddSubMatrix() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Add the submatrix A to this with row and column offset ibeg

Definition at line 2171 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddSubMatrix() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
int jbeg,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Add the submatrix A to this with row and column offsets ibeg and jbeg respectively

Definition at line 2197 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AddToVector()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AddToVector ( int offset,
Vector & v ) const

Add the matrix 'data' to the Vector 'v' at the given 'offset'.

Definition at line 2225 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ AdjustDofDirection()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::AdjustDofDirection ( Array< int > & dofs)

If (dofs[i] < 0 and dofs[j] >= 0) or (dofs[i] >= 0 and dofs[j] < 0) then (*this)(i,j) = -(*this)(i,j).

Definition at line 2247 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CalcEigenvalues()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CalcEigenvalues ( real_t * lambda,
real_t * vec ) const

Return the eigenvalues (in increasing order) and eigenvectors of a 2x2 or 3x3 symmetric matrix.

Definition at line 1405 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CalcSingularvalue()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::CalcSingularvalue ( const int i) const

Return the i-th singular value (decreasing order) of NxN matrix, N=1,2,3.

Definition at line 1380 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CheckFinite()

int mfem::DenseMatrix::CheckFinite ( ) const

Count the number of entries in the matrix for which isfinite is false, i.e. the entry is a NaN or +/-Inf.

Definition at line 452 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Clear()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Clear ( )

Delete the matrix data array (if owned) and reset the matrix state.

Definition at line 98 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ ClearExternalData()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::ClearExternalData ( )

Clear the data array and the dimensions of the DenseMatrix. This method should not be used with DenseMatrix that owns its current data array.

Definition at line 95 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ CopyCols()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyCols ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int col1,
int col2 )

Copy columns col1 through col2 from A to *this.

Definition at line 1691 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyExceptMN()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyExceptMN ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int m,
int n )

Copy All rows and columns except m and n from A.

Definition at line 1809 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMN() [1/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMN ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int m,
int n,
int Aro,
int Aco )

Copy the m x n submatrix of A at row/col offsets Aro/Aco to *this.

Definition at line 1704 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMN() [2/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMN ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int m,
int n,
int Aro,
int Aco,
int row_offset,
int col_offset )

Copy the m x n submatrix of A at row/col offsets Aro/Aco to *this at row_offset, col_offset

Definition at line 1743 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMN() [3/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMN ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int row_offset,
int col_offset )

Copy matrix A to the location in *this at row_offset, col_offset.

Definition at line 1717 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMNDiag() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMNDiag ( real_t * diag,
int n,
int row_offset,
int col_offset )

Copy diag on the diagonal of size n to *this at row_offset, col_offset.

Definition at line 1791 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMNDiag() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMNDiag ( real_t c,
int n,
int row_offset,
int col_offset )

Copy c on the diagonal of size n to *this at row_offset, col_offset.

Definition at line 1774 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyMNt()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyMNt ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int row_offset,
int col_offset )

Copy matrix A^t to the location in *this at row_offset, col_offset.

Definition at line 1730 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ CopyRows()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::CopyRows ( const DenseMatrix & A,
int row1,
int row2 )

Copy rows row1 through row2 from A to *this.

Definition at line 1678 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Data()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::Data ( ) const

Returns the matrix data array.

Definition at line 111 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Det()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::Det ( ) const

Calculates the determinant of the matrix (optimized for 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 matrices)

Definition at line 535 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Diag() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Diag ( real_t * diag,
int n )

Creates n x n diagonal matrix with diagonal given by diag.

Definition at line 1517 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Diag() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Diag ( real_t c,
int n )

Creates n x n diagonal matrix with diagonal elements c.

Definition at line 1502 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Eigensystem() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigensystem ( DenseMatrix & b,
Vector & ev,
DenseMatrix & evect )

Compute generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev B x, where A = *this

Definition at line 294 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Eigensystem() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigensystem ( Vector & ev,
DenseMatrix & evect )

Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev x where A = *this.

Definition at line 280 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Eigenvalues() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigenvalues ( DenseMatrix & b,
Vector & ev )

Compute generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev B x, where A = *this

Definition at line 285 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Eigenvalues() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigenvalues ( DenseMatrix & b,
Vector & ev,
DenseMatrix & evect )

Compute generalized eigenvalues of A x = ev B x, where A = *this.

Definition at line 289 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Eigenvalues() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigenvalues ( Vector & ev)

Compute eigenvalues of A x = ev x where A = *this.

Definition at line 272 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Eigenvalues() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Eigenvalues ( Vector & ev,
DenseMatrix & evect )

Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A x = ev x where A = *this.

Definition at line 276 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Elem() [1/2]

real_t & mfem::DenseMatrix::Elem ( int i,
int j )

Returns reference to a_{ij}.

Implements mfem::Matrix.

Definition at line 210 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Elem() [2/2]

const real_t & mfem::DenseMatrix::Elem ( int i,
int j ) const

Returns constant reference to a_{ij}.

Implements mfem::Matrix.

Definition at line 215 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ FNorm()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::FNorm ( ) const

Compute the Frobenius norm of the matrix.

Definition at line 266 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ FNorm2()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::FNorm2 ( ) const

Compute the square of the Frobenius norm of the matrix.

Definition at line 269 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetColumn() [1/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetColumn ( int c,
Vector & col ) const

Definition at line 1443 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetColumn() [2/3]

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::GetColumn ( int col)

Definition at line 309 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetColumn() [3/3]

const real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::GetColumn ( int col) const

Definition at line 310 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetColumnReference()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetColumnReference ( int c,
Vector & col )

Definition at line 312 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetData()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::GetData ( ) const

Returns the matrix data array.

Definition at line 115 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetDiag()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetDiag ( Vector & d) const

Returns the diagonal of the matrix.

Definition at line 1457 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetFromVector()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetFromVector ( int offset,
const Vector & v )

Get the matrix 'data' from the Vector 'v' at the given 'offset'.

Definition at line 2236 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Getl1Diag()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Getl1Diag ( Vector & l) const

Returns the l1 norm of the rows of the matrix v_i = sum_j |a_ij|.

Definition at line 1471 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetMemory() [1/2]

Memory< real_t > & mfem::DenseMatrix::GetMemory ( )

Definition at line 117 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetMemory() [2/2]

const Memory< real_t > & mfem::DenseMatrix::GetMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ GetRow()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetRow ( int r,
Vector & row ) const

Definition at line 1427 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetRowSums()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetRowSums ( Vector & l) const

Compute the row sums of the DenseMatrix.

Definition at line 1488 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetSubMatrix() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx,
DenseMatrix & A ) const

Get the square submatrix which corresponds to the given indices idx. Note: the A matrix will be resized to accommodate the data

Definition at line 1895 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetSubMatrix() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx_i,
const Array< int > & idx_j,
DenseMatrix & A ) const

Get the rectangular submatrix which corresponds to the given indices idx_i and idx_j. Note: the A matrix will be resized to accommodate the data

Definition at line 1916 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetSubMatrix() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
int iend,
DenseMatrix & A )

Get the square submatrix which corresponds to the range [ ibeg, iend ). Note: the A matrix will be resized to accommodate the data

Definition at line 1942 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GetSubMatrix() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GetSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
int iend,
int jbeg,
int jend,
DenseMatrix & A )

Get the square submatrix which corresponds to the range i ∈ [ ibeg, iend ) and j ∈ [ jbeg, jend ) Note: the A matrix will be resized to accommodate the data

Definition at line 1966 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GradToCurl()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GradToCurl ( DenseMatrix & curl)

Given a DShape matrix (from a scalar FE), stored in this, returns the CurlShape matrix. If *this is a N by D matrix, then curl is a D*N by D(D-1)/2 matrix. The size of curl must be set outside. The dimension D can be either 2 or 3. In 2D this computes the scalar-valued curl of a 2D vector field

Definition at line 1590 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GradToDiv()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GradToDiv ( Vector & div)

Given a DShape matrix (from a scalar FE), stored in *this, returns the DivShape vector. If *this is a N by dim matrix, then div is a dim*N vector. The size of div must be set outside.

Definition at line 1663 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ GradToVectorCurl2D()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::GradToVectorCurl2D ( DenseMatrix & curl)

Given a DShape matrix (from a scalar FE), stored in *this, returns the CurlShape matrix. This computes the vector-valued curl of a scalar field. this is N by 2 matrix and curl is N by 2 matrix as well.

Definition at line 1649 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ HostRead()

const real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::HostRead ( ) const

Shortcut for mfem::Read(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).

Definition at line 470 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ HostReadWrite()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::HostReadWrite ( )

Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).

Definition at line 486 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ HostWrite()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::HostWrite ( )

Shortcut for mfem::Write(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), false).

Definition at line 478 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ InnerProduct() [1/2]

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::InnerProduct ( const real_t * x,
const real_t * y ) const

Compute y^t A x.

Definition at line 383 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ InnerProduct() [2/2]

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::InnerProduct ( const Vector & x,
const Vector & y ) const

Compute y^t A x.

Definition at line 198 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Inverse()

MatrixInverse * mfem::DenseMatrix::Inverse ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the inverse matrix.

Implements mfem::Matrix.

Definition at line 530 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Invert()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Invert ( )

Replaces the current matrix with its inverse.

Definition at line 726 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ InvLeftScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::InvLeftScaling ( const Vector & s)

InvLeftScaling this = diag(1./s) * this.

Definition at line 414 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ InvRightScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::InvRightScaling ( const Vector & s)

InvRightScaling: this = this * diag(1./s);.

Definition at line 442 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ InvSymmetricScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::InvSymmetricScaling ( const Vector & s)

InvSymmetricScaling this = diag(sqrt(1./s)) * this * diag(sqrt(1./s))

Definition at line 484 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ LeftScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::LeftScaling ( const Vector & s)

LeftScaling this = diag(s) * this.

Definition at line 401 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Lump()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Lump ( )

Definition at line 1576 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MaxMaxNorm()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::MaxMaxNorm ( ) const

Compute the norm ||A|| = max_{ij} |A_{ij}|.

Definition at line 911 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MemoryUsage()

std::size_t mfem::DenseMatrix::MemoryUsage ( ) const

Definition at line 463 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Mult() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Mult ( const real_t * x,
real_t * y ) const

Matrix vector multiplication.

Definition at line 220 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Mult() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Mult ( const real_t * x,
Vector & y ) const

Matrix vector multiplication.

Definition at line 225 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Mult() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Mult ( const Vector & x,
real_t * y ) const

Matrix vector multiplication.

Definition at line 232 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Mult() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Mult ( const Vector & x,
Vector & y ) const

Matrix vector multiplication.

Implements mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 239 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MultTranspose() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::MultTranspose ( const real_t * x,
real_t * y ) const

Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.

Definition at line 262 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MultTranspose() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::MultTranspose ( const real_t * x,
Vector & y ) const

Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.

Definition at line 277 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MultTranspose() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::MultTranspose ( const Vector & x,
real_t * y ) const

Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.

Definition at line 284 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ MultTranspose() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::MultTranspose ( const Vector & x,
Vector & y ) const

Multiply a vector with the transpose matrix.

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 291 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Neg()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Neg ( )

(*this) = -(*this)

Definition at line 717 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Norm2() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Norm2 ( real_t * v) const

Take the 2-norm of the columns of A and store in v.

Definition at line 898 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Norm2() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Norm2 ( Vector & v) const

Take the 2-norm of the columns of A and store in v.

Definition at line 256 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ operator()() [1/2]

real_t & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator() ( int i,
int j )

Returns reference to a_{ij}.

Definition at line 1295 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ operator()() [2/2]

const real_t & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator() ( int i,
int j ) const

Returns constant reference to a_{ij}.

Definition at line 1301 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ operator*()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::operator* ( const DenseMatrix & m) const

Matrix inner product: tr(A^t B)

Definition at line 247 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator*=()

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator*= ( real_t c)

Definition at line 707 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator+= ( const DenseMatrix & m)

Definition at line 687 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator+= ( const real_t * m)

Definition at line 681 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator-=()

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator-= ( const DenseMatrix & m)

Definition at line 694 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator= ( const DenseMatrix & m)

Sets the matrix size and elements equal to those of m.

Definition at line 668 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator=() [2/3]

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator= ( const real_t * d)

Copy the matrix entries from the given array.

Definition at line 658 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ operator=() [3/3]

DenseMatrix & mfem::DenseMatrix::operator= ( real_t c)

Sets the matrix elements equal to constant c.

Definition at line 648 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ OwnsData()

bool mfem::DenseMatrix::OwnsData ( ) const

Return the DenseMatrix data (host pointer) ownership flag.

Definition at line 121 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Print()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Print ( std::ostream & out = mfem::out,
int width_ = 4 ) const

Prints matrix to stream out.

Reimplemented from mfem::Matrix.

Definition at line 2334 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ PrintMatlab()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::PrintMatlab ( std::ostream & out = mfem::out) const

Prints operator in Matlab format.

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 2360 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ PrintT()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::PrintT ( std::ostream & out = mfem::out,
int width_ = 4 ) const

Prints the transpose matrix to stream out.

Definition at line 2379 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Rank()

int mfem::DenseMatrix::Rank ( real_t tol) const

Definition at line 1365 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Read()

const real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::Read ( bool on_dev = true) const

Shortcut for mfem::Read( GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).

Definition at line 466 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ ReadWrite()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::ReadWrite ( bool on_dev = true)

Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).

Definition at line 482 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Reset()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Reset ( real_t * d,
int h,
int w )

Change the data array and the size of the DenseMatrix.

The DenseMatrix does not assume ownership of the data array, i.e. it will not delete the new array d. This method will delete the current data array, if owned.

Definition at line 90 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ RightScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::RightScaling ( const Vector & s)

RightScaling: this = this * diag(s);.

Definition at line 427 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Set() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Set ( real_t alpha,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Set the matrix to alpha * A.

Definition at line 220 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Set() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Set ( real_t alpha,
const real_t * A )

Set the matrix to alpha * A, assuming that A has the same dimensions as the matrix and uses column-major layout.

Definition at line 619 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetCol() [1/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetCol ( int c,
const real_t * col )

Definition at line 2305 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetCol() [2/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetCol ( int c,
const Vector & col )

Definition at line 2314 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetCol() [3/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetCol ( int col,
real_t value )

Set all entries of a column to the specified value.

Definition at line 2282 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetRow() [1/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetRow ( int r,
const real_t * row )

Definition at line 2290 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetRow() [2/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetRow ( int r,
const Vector & row )

Definition at line 2299 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetRow() [3/3]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetRow ( int row,
real_t value )

Set all entries of a row to the specified value.

Definition at line 2274 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetSize() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSize ( int h,
int w )

Change the size of the DenseMatrix to h x w.

Definition at line 191 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetSize() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSize ( int s)

Change the size of the DenseMatrix to s x s.

Definition at line 105 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ SetSubMatrix() [1/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Set (*this)(idx[i],idx[j]) = A(i,j)

Definition at line 1999 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetSubMatrix() [2/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSubMatrix ( const Array< int > & idx_i,
const Array< int > & idx_j,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Set (*this)(idx_i[i],idx_j[j]) = A(i,j)

Definition at line 2028 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetSubMatrix() [3/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Set a submatrix of (this) to the given matrix A with row and column offset ibeg

Definition at line 2058 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SetSubMatrix() [4/4]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SetSubMatrix ( int ibeg,
int jbeg,
const DenseMatrix & A )

Set a submatrix of (this) to the given matrix A with row and column offset ibeg and jbeg respectively

Definition at line 2084 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SingularValues()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SingularValues ( Vector & sv) const

Definition at line 1313 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Size()

int mfem::DenseMatrix::Size ( ) const

For backward compatibility define Size to be synonym of Width()

Definition at line 102 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ SquareRootInverse()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SquareRootInverse ( )

Replaces the current matrix with its square root inverse.

Definition at line 853 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Swap()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Swap ( DenseMatrix & other)

Definition at line 2419 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ SymmetricScaling()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::SymmetricScaling ( const Vector & s)

SymmetricScaling this = diag(sqrt(s)) * this * diag(sqrt(s))

Definition at line 456 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Symmetrize()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Symmetrize ( )

(*this) = 1/2 ((*this) + (*this)^t)

Definition at line 1565 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ TestInversion()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::TestInversion ( )

Invert and print the numerical conditioning of the inversion.

Definition at line 2405 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Threshold()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Threshold ( real_t eps)

Replace small entries, abs(a_ij) <= eps, with zero.

Definition at line 2320 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Trace()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::Trace ( ) const

Trace of a square matrix.

Definition at line 511 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Transpose() [1/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Transpose ( )

(*this) = (*this)^t

Definition at line 1532 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Transpose() [2/2]

void mfem::DenseMatrix::Transpose ( const DenseMatrix & A)

(*this) = A^t

Definition at line 1554 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ UseExternalData()

void mfem::DenseMatrix::UseExternalData ( real_t * d,
int h,
int w )

Change the data array and the size of the DenseMatrix.

The DenseMatrix does not assume ownership of the data array, i.e. it will not delete the data array d. This method should not be used with DenseMatrix that owns its current data array.

Definition at line 80 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ Weight()

real_t mfem::DenseMatrix::Weight ( ) const

Definition at line 592 of file densemat.cpp.

◆ Write()

real_t * mfem::DenseMatrix::Write ( bool on_dev = true)

Shortcut for mfem::Write(GetMemory(), TotalSize(), on_dev).

Definition at line 474 of file densemat.hpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ DenseMatrixInverse

friend class DenseMatrixInverse

Definition at line 26 of file densemat.hpp.

◆ DenseTensor

friend class DenseTensor

Definition at line 25 of file densemat.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: