MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
15#include "tmop_tools.hpp"
16#include "nonlinearform.hpp"
17#include "pnonlinearform.hpp"
18#include "estimators.hpp"
21namespace mfem
27 Mesh *mesh; // not owned
28 NonlinearForm *nlf; // not owned
29 int order;
35 // An element is refined only if
36 // [mean TMOPEnergy(children)]*energy_scaling_factor < TMOPEnergy(parent)
38 GridFunction *spat_gf; // If specified, can be used to specify the
39 real_t spat_gf_critical; // region where hr-adaptivity is done.
41 /// Check if the mesh of the solution was modified.
43 {
44 long mesh_sequence = mesh->GetSequence();
45 MFEM_ASSERT(mesh_sequence >= current_sequence, "");
46 return (mesh_sequence > current_sequence);
47 }
49 /// Compute the element error estimates. For an element E in the mesh,
50 /// error(E) = TMOPEnergy(E)*energy_scaling_factor-Mean(TMOPEnergy(ChildofE)),
51 /// where TMOPEnergy of Children of E is obtained by assuming the element E
52 /// is refined using the refinement type being considered based on the TMOP
53 /// mesh quality metric.
54 void ComputeEstimates();
56 /// Construct the integration rules to model how each element type is split
57 /// using different refinement types. ref_type = 0 is the original element
58 /// and reftype \ in [1, 7] represent different refinement type based on
59 /// NCMesh class.
60 void SetQuadIntRules(); // supports ref_type = 1 to 3.
61 void SetTriIntRules(); // currently supports only isotropic refinement.
62 void SetHexIntRules(); // currently supports only isotropic refinement.
63 void SetTetIntRules(); // currently supports only isotropic refinement.
65 /// Get TMOP energy for each element corresponding to the refinement type
66 /// specified.
67 void GetTMOPRefinementEnergy(int reftype, Vector &el_energy_vec);
69 /// Use a mesh to setup an integration rule that will mimic the different
70 /// refinement types.
73 TMOPRefinerEstimator(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_, int order_,
74 int amrmetric_) :
75 mesh(&mesh_), nlf(&nlf_), order(order_), amrmetric(amrmetric_),
79 {
80 if (mesh->Dimension() == 2)
81 {
84 }
85 else
86 {
89 }
90 }
93 {
94 for (int i = 0; i < QuadIntRule.Size(); i++) { delete QuadIntRule[i]; }
95 for (int i = 0; i < TriIntRule.Size(); i++) { delete TriIntRule[i]; }
96 for (int i = 0; i < HexIntRule.Size(); i++) { delete HexIntRule[i]; }
97 for (int i = 0; i < TetIntRule.Size(); i++) { delete TetIntRule[i]; }
98 }
100 /// Get TMOP-based errors for each element in the mesh computed based on the
101 /// refinement types being considered.
102 virtual const Vector &GetLocalErrors()
103 {
104 if (MeshIsModified()) { ComputeEstimates(); }
105 return error_estimates;
106 }
107 /// For anisotropic refinements, get the refinement type (e.g., x or y)
109 {
110 if (MeshIsModified()) { ComputeEstimates(); }
111 return aniso_flags;
112 }
114 /// Scaling factor for the TMOP refinement energy. An element is refined if
115 /// [mean TMOPEnergy(children)]*energy_scaling_factor < TMOPEnergy(parent)
118 /// Spatial indicator function (eta) that can be used to prevent elements
119 /// from being refined even if the energy criterion is met. Using this,
120 /// an element E is not refined if mean(@a spat_gf(E)) < @a spat_gf_critical.
122 real_t spat_gf_critical_ = 0.5)
123 { spat_gf = &spat_gf_; spat_gf_critical = spat_gf_critical_; }
126 /// Reset the error estimator.
127 virtual void Reset() { current_sequence = -1; }
135#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
139 int order;
143 bool serial;
145 /// Check if the mesh of the solution was modified.
147 {
148 long mesh_sequence = mesh->GetSequence();
149 MFEM_ASSERT(mesh_sequence >= current_sequence, "");
150 return (mesh_sequence > current_sequence);
151 }
153 /// Compute the element error estimates. For a given element E in the mesh,
154 /// error(E) = TMOPEnergy(parent_of_E)-TMOPEnergy(E). Children element of an
155 /// element are derefined if the mean TMOP energy of children is greater than
156 /// the TMOP energy associated with their parent.
157 void ComputeEstimates();
160 TMOP_Integrator &tmopi,
161 Vector &el_energy_vec);
164 Vector &fine_energy);
167 mesh(&mesh_), nlf(&nlf_),
168 current_sequence(-1), error_estimates(), serial(true) { }
169#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
171 mesh(&pmesh_), nlf(&pnlf_), pmesh(&pmesh_), pnlf(&pnlf_),
172 current_sequence(-1), error_estimates(), serial(false) { }
177 virtual const Vector &GetLocalErrors()
178 {
179 if (MeshIsModified()) { ComputeEstimates(); }
180 return error_estimates;
181 }
183 /// Reset the error estimator.
184 virtual void Reset() { current_sequence = -1; }
187// hr-adaptivity using TMOP.
188// If hr-adaptivity is disabled, r-adaptivity is done once using the
189// TMOPNewtonSolver.
190// Otherwise, "hr_iter" iterations of r-adaptivity are done followed by
191// "h_per_r_iter" iterations of h-adaptivity after each r-adaptivity iteration.
192// The solver terminates early if an h-adaptivity iteration does not
193// refine/derefine any element in the mesh.
205#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
211 bool serial;
213 // All are owned.
221 void Update();
222#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
223 void ParUpdate();
227#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
228 // Rebalance ParMesh such that all the children elements are moved to the same
229 // MPI rank where the parent will be if the mesh were to be derefined.
230 void RebalanceParNCMesh();
234 TMOPHRSolver(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_,
235 TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, GridFunction &x_,
236 bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_,
237 int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_,
238 int hr_iter_ = 5, int h_per_r_iter_ = 1);
239#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
240 TMOPHRSolver(ParMesh &pmesh_, ParNonlinearForm &pnlf_,
241 TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, ParGridFunction &x_,
242 bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_,
243 int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_,
244 int hr_iter_ = 5, int h_per_r_iter_ = 1);
247 void Mult();
249 /// These are used to update spaces and functions that are not owned by the
250 /// TMOPIntegrator or DiscreteAdaptTC. The owned ones are updated in the
251 /// functions UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange() of both classes.
255#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
257 {
258 pgridfuncarr.Append(pgf_);
259 }
261 {
262 pfespacearr.Append(pfes_);
263 }
267 {
268 if (!hradaptivity) { return; }
269 delete tmop_dr;
270 delete tmop_dr_est;
271 delete tmop_r;
272 delete tmop_r_est;
273 }
275 /// Total number of hr-adaptivity iterations. At each iteration, we do an
276 /// r-adaptivity iteration followed by a number of h-adaptivity iterations.
277 void SetHRAdaptivityIterations(int iter) { hr_iter = iter; }
279 /// Total number of h-adaptivity iterations per r-adaptivity iteration.
280 void SetHAdaptivityIterations(int iter) { h_per_r_iter = iter; }
The AnisotropicErrorEstimator class is the base class for all error estimators that compute one non-n...
Base class for all element based error estimators.
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition fespace.hpp:220
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
Definition intrules.hpp:100
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
long GetSequence() const
Definition mesh.hpp:2242
int Dimension() const
Dimension of the reference space used within the elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1160
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition pfespace.hpp:29
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition pgridfunc.hpp:33
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition pmesh.hpp:34
Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs.
virtual const Vector & GetLocalErrors()
Get a Vector with all element errors.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:177
bool GetDerefineEnergyForIntegrator(TMOP_Integrator &tmopi, Vector &fine_energy)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:357
bool MeshIsModified()
Check if the mesh of the solution was modified.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:146
TMOPDeRefinerEstimator(ParMesh &pmesh_, ParNonlinearForm &pnlf_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:170
TMOPDeRefinerEstimator(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:166
virtual void Reset()
Reset the error estimator.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:184
void GetTMOPDerefinementEnergy(Mesh &cmesh, TMOP_Integrator &tmopi, Vector &el_energy_vec)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:509
ParNonlinearForm * pnlf
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:137
void RebalanceParNCMesh()
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:727
void AddGridFunctionForUpdate(ParGridFunction *pgf_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:256
void UpdateNonlinearFormAndBC(Mesh *mesh, NonlinearForm *nlf)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:838
TMOPRefinerEstimator * tmop_r_est
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:214
void AddGridFunctionForUpdate(GridFunction *gf)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:252
const int mesh_poly_deg
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:204
NonlinearForm * nlf
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:198
ThresholdRefiner * tmop_r
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:215
void SetHRAdaptivityIterations(int iter)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:277
void SetHAdaptivityIterations(int iter)
Total number of h-adaptivity iterations per r-adaptivity iteration.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:280
void AddFESpaceForUpdate(FiniteElementSpace *fes)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:253
TMOPNewtonSolver * tmopns
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:199
Array< GridFunction * > gridfuncarr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:201
void AddFESpaceForUpdate(ParFiniteElementSpace *pfes_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:260
Array< ParFiniteElementSpace * > pfespacearr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:209
ParNonlinearForm * pnlf
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:207
TMOPDeRefinerEstimator * tmop_dr_est
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:216
Array< FiniteElementSpace * > fespacearr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:202
TMOPHRSolver(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_, TMOPNewtonSolver &tmopns_, GridFunction &x_, bool move_bnd_, bool hradaptivity_, int mesh_poly_deg_, int amr_metric_id_, int hr_iter_=5, int h_per_r_iter_=1)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:535
ThresholdDerefiner * tmop_dr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:217
Array< ParGridFunction * > pgridfuncarr
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:208
const int amr_metric_id
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:204
GridFunction * x
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:200
bool MeshIsModified()
Check if the mesh of the solution was modified.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:42
virtual const Array< int > & GetAnisotropicFlags()
For anisotropic refinements, get the refinement type (e.g., x or y)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:108
Array< IntegrationRule * > TetIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
Array< IntegrationRule * > HexIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
virtual void Reset()
Reset the error estimator.
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:127
virtual const Vector & GetLocalErrors()
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:102
void SetEnergyScalingFactor(real_t scale)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:116
TMOPRefinerEstimator(Mesh &mesh_, NonlinearForm &nlf_, int order_, int amrmetric_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:73
Array< IntegrationRule * > QuadIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
Array< IntegrationRule * > TriIntRule
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:31
void SetSpatialIndicator(GridFunction &spat_gf_, real_t spat_gf_critical_=0.5)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:121
void SetSpatialIndicatorCritical(real_t val_)
Definition tmop_amr.hpp:124
IntegrationRule * SetIntRulesFromMesh(Mesh &meshsplit)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:317
void GetTMOPRefinementEnergy(int reftype, Vector &el_energy_vec)
Definition tmop_amr.cpp:87
A TMOP integrator class based on any given TMOP_QualityMetric and TargetConstructor.
Definition tmop.hpp:1738
De-refinement operator using an error threshold.
Mesh refinement operator using an error threshold.
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43