Here is a list of all variables with links to the files they belong to:
- a -
- b -
- b : lissajous.cpp
- bb_max : ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp
- bb_min : ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp
- beta : convection-diffusion.cpp, pconvection-diffusion.cpp
- c -
- d -
- delta : lissajous.cpp
- DIM : minimal-surface.cpp, pminimal-surface.cpp
- dim : ex24.cpp, ex24p.cpp, ex25.cpp, ex25p.cpp, ex3.cpp, ex31.cpp, ex31p.cpp, ex3p.cpp, acoustics.cpp, maxwell.cpp, pacoustics.cpp, pmaxwell.cpp
- dimc : maxwell.cpp, pmaxwell.cpp
- dimension : hooke.cpp
- direction : lor-transfer.cpp, plor-transfer.cpp
- domain_bdr : ex25.cpp, ex25p.cpp
- e -
- f -
- freq : ex24.cpp, ex24p.cpp, ex3.cpp, ex31.cpp, ex31p.cpp, ex3p.cpp, ex4.cpp, ex4p.cpp, ex3p.cpp, ex4p.cpp
- func_order : findpts.cpp, pfindpts.cpp
- g -
- i -
- k -
- m -
- n -
- o -
- p -
- PI : minimal-surface.cpp, pminimal-surface.cpp
- pi2 : polar-nc.cpp
- prob : ex25.cpp, ex25p.cpp, acoustics.cpp, convection-diffusion.cpp, diffusion.cpp, pacoustics.cpp, pconvection-diffusion.cpp, pdiffusion.cpp, pmaxwell.cpp
- problem : ex15.cpp, ex15p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, ex9.cpp, ex9p.cpp, extrapolate.cpp, lor-transfer.cpp, plor-transfer.cpp
- q -
- r -
- s -
- t -
- v -
- w -