No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- j -
- J : mfem::FaceGeometricFactors, mfem::FaceNeighborGeometricFactors, mfem::GeometricFactors, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::CUBE >::VertToVert, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PRISM >::VertToVert, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PYRAMID >::VertToVert, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SQUARE >::VertToVert, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON >::VertToVert, mfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TRIANGLE >::VertToVert, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >, mfem::MemoryIJData, mfem::SparseMatrix, mfem::Table
- jacobian : mfem::KINSolver
- jfnk : mfem::KINSolver
- jmat : mfem::DGDiffusionIntegrator, mfem::DGElasticityIntegrator
- Jpr : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- Jpt : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- Jrt : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- Jt : mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 10, it_t >, mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 2, it_t >, mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 3, it_t >, mfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 6, it_t >
- JtJ : mfem::VectorFiniteElement
- Jtr : mfem::TMOP_Integrator, mfem::TMOP_QualityMetric
- Jtr_debug_grad : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- Jtr_needs_update : mfem::TMOP_Integrator
- Jtrcomp : mfem::DiscreteAdaptTC