MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
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1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
12// 3D Taylor-Green vortex benchmark example at Re=1600
13// Unsteady flow of a decaying vortex is computed and compared against a known,
14// analytical solution.
16#include "navier_solver.hpp"
17#include <fstream>
19using namespace mfem;
20using namespace navier;
22struct s_NavierContext
24 int element_subdivisions = 1;
25 int order = 4;
26 real_t kinvis = 1.0 / 1600.0;
27 real_t t_final = 10 * 1e-3;
28 real_t dt = 1e-3;
29 bool pa = true;
30 bool ni = false;
31 bool visualization = false;
32 bool checkres = false;
35void vel_tgv(const Vector &x, real_t t, Vector &u)
37 real_t xi = x(0);
38 real_t yi = x(1);
39 real_t zi = x(2);
41 u(0) = sin(xi) * cos(yi) * cos(zi);
42 u(1) = -cos(xi) * sin(yi) * cos(zi);
43 u(2) = 0.0;
46class QuantitiesOfInterest
49 QuantitiesOfInterest(ParMesh *pmesh)
50 {
51 H1_FECollection h1fec(1);
52 ParFiniteElementSpace h1fes(pmesh, &h1fec);
54 onecoeff.constant = 1.0;
55 mass_lf = new ParLinearForm(&h1fes);
56 mass_lf->AddDomainIntegrator(new DomainLFIntegrator(onecoeff));
57 mass_lf->Assemble();
59 ParGridFunction one_gf(&h1fes);
60 one_gf.ProjectCoefficient(onecoeff);
62 volume = mass_lf->operator()(one_gf);
63 };
65 real_t ComputeKineticEnergy(ParGridFunction &v)
66 {
67 Vector velx, vely, velz;
68 real_t integ = 0.0;
69 const FiniteElement *fe;
71 FiniteElementSpace *fes = v.FESpace();
73 for (int i = 0; i < fes->GetNE(); i++)
74 {
75 fe = fes->GetFE(i);
76 int intorder = 2 * fe->GetOrder();
77 const IntegrationRule *ir = &IntRules.Get(fe->GetGeomType(), intorder);
79 v.GetValues(i, *ir, velx, 1);
80 v.GetValues(i, *ir, vely, 2);
81 v.GetValues(i, *ir, velz, 3);
83 T = fes->GetElementTransformation(i);
84 for (int j = 0; j < ir->GetNPoints(); j++)
85 {
86 const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir->IntPoint(j);
87 T->SetIntPoint(&ip);
89 real_t vel2 = velx(j) * velx(j) + vely(j) * vely(j)
90 + velz(j) * velz(j);
92 integ += ip.weight * T->Weight() * vel2;
93 }
94 }
96 real_t global_integral = 0.0;
97 MPI_Allreduce(&integ,
98 &global_integral,
99 1,
101 MPI_SUM,
104 return 0.5 * global_integral / volume;
105 };
107 ~QuantitiesOfInterest() { delete mass_lf; };
110 ConstantCoefficient onecoeff;
111 ParLinearForm *mass_lf;
112 real_t volume;
115template<typename T>
116T sq(T x)
118 return x * x;
121// Computes Q = 0.5*(tr(\nabla u)^2 - tr(\nabla u \cdot \nabla u))
124 FiniteElementSpace *v_fes = u.FESpace();
125 FiniteElementSpace *fes = q.FESpace();
127 // AccumulateAndCountZones
128 Array<int> zones_per_vdof;
129 zones_per_vdof.SetSize(fes->GetVSize());
130 zones_per_vdof = 0;
132 q = 0.0;
134 // Local interpolation
135 int elndofs;
136 Array<int> v_dofs, dofs;
137 Vector vals;
138 Vector loc_data;
139 int vdim = v_fes->GetVDim();
140 DenseMatrix grad_hat;
141 DenseMatrix dshape;
142 DenseMatrix grad;
144 for (int e = 0; e < fes->GetNE(); ++e)
145 {
146 fes->GetElementVDofs(e, dofs);
147 v_fes->GetElementVDofs(e, v_dofs);
148 u.GetSubVector(v_dofs, loc_data);
149 vals.SetSize(dofs.Size());
151 const FiniteElement *el = fes->GetFE(e);
152 elndofs = el->GetDof();
153 int dim = el->GetDim();
154 dshape.SetSize(elndofs, dim);
156 for (int dof = 0; dof < elndofs; ++dof)
157 {
158 // Project
159 const IntegrationPoint &ip = el->GetNodes().IntPoint(dof);
160 tr->SetIntPoint(&ip);
162 // Eval
163 // GetVectorGradientHat
164 el->CalcDShape(tr->GetIntPoint(), dshape);
165 grad_hat.SetSize(vdim, dim);
166 DenseMatrix loc_data_mat(loc_data.GetData(), elndofs, vdim);
167 MultAtB(loc_data_mat, dshape, grad_hat);
169 const DenseMatrix &Jinv = tr->InverseJacobian();
170 grad.SetSize(grad_hat.Height(), Jinv.Width());
171 Mult(grad_hat, Jinv, grad);
173 real_t q_val = 0.5 * (sq(grad(0, 0)) + sq(grad(1, 1)) + sq(grad(2, 2)))
174 + grad(0, 1) * grad(1, 0) + grad(0, 2) * grad(2, 0)
175 + grad(1, 2) * grad(2, 1);
177 vals(dof) = q_val;
178 }
180 // Accumulate values in all dofs, count the zones.
181 for (int j = 0; j < dofs.Size(); j++)
182 {
183 int ldof = dofs[j];
184 q(ldof) += vals[j];
185 zones_per_vdof[ldof]++;
186 }
187 }
189 // Communication
191 // Count the zones globally.
192 GroupCommunicator &gcomm = q.ParFESpace()->GroupComm();
193 gcomm.Reduce<int>(zones_per_vdof, GroupCommunicator::Sum);
194 gcomm.Bcast(zones_per_vdof);
196 // Accumulate for all vdofs.
198 gcomm.Bcast<real_t>(q.GetData());
200 // Compute means
201 for (int i = 0; i < q.Size(); i++)
202 {
203 const int nz = zones_per_vdof[i];
204 if (nz)
205 {
206 q(i) /= nz;
207 }
208 }
211int main(int argc, char *argv[])
213 Mpi::Init(argc, argv);
214 Hypre::Init();
216 OptionsParser args(argc, argv);
217 args.AddOption(&ctx.element_subdivisions,
218 "-es",
219 "--element-subdivisions",
220 "Number of 1d uniform subdivisions for each element.");
221 args.AddOption(&ctx.order,
222 "-o",
223 "--order",
224 "Order (degree) of the finite elements.");
225 args.AddOption(&ctx.dt, "-dt", "--time-step", "Time step.");
226 args.AddOption(&ctx.t_final, "-tf", "--final-time", "Final time.");
227 args.AddOption(&,
228 "-pa",
229 "--enable-pa",
230 "-no-pa",
231 "--disable-pa",
232 "Enable partial assembly.");
233 args.AddOption(&,
234 "-ni",
235 "--enable-ni",
236 "-no-ni",
237 "--disable-ni",
238 "Enable numerical integration rules.");
239 args.AddOption(&ctx.visualization,
240 "-vis",
241 "--visualization",
242 "-no-vis",
243 "--no-visualization",
244 "Enable or disable GLVis visualization.");
245 args.AddOption(
246 &ctx.checkres,
247 "-cr",
248 "--checkresult",
249 "-no-cr",
250 "--no-checkresult",
251 "Enable or disable checking of the result. Returns -1 on failure.");
252 args.Parse();
253 if (!args.Good())
254 {
255 if (Mpi::Root())
256 {
257 args.PrintUsage(mfem::out);
258 }
259 return 1;
260 }
261 if (Mpi::Root())
262 {
264 }
266 Mesh orig_mesh("../../data/periodic-cube.mesh");
267 Mesh mesh = Mesh::MakeRefined(orig_mesh, ctx.element_subdivisions,
269 orig_mesh.Clear();
271 mesh.EnsureNodes();
272 GridFunction *nodes = mesh.GetNodes();
273 *nodes *= M_PI;
275 int nel = mesh.GetNE();
276 if (Mpi::Root())
277 {
278 mfem::out << "Number of elements: " << nel << std::endl;
279 }
281 auto *pmesh = new ParMesh(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mesh);
282 mesh.Clear();
284 // Create the flow solver.
285 NavierSolver flowsolver(pmesh, ctx.order, ctx.kinvis);
286 flowsolver.EnablePA(;
287 flowsolver.EnableNI(;
289 // Set the initial condition.
290 ParGridFunction *u_ic = flowsolver.GetCurrentVelocity();
291 VectorFunctionCoefficient u_excoeff(pmesh->Dimension(), vel_tgv);
292 u_ic->ProjectCoefficient(u_excoeff);
294 real_t t = 0.0;
295 real_t dt = ctx.dt;
296 real_t t_final = ctx.t_final;
297 bool last_step = false;
299 flowsolver.Setup(dt);
301 ParGridFunction *u_gf = flowsolver.GetCurrentVelocity();
302 ParGridFunction *p_gf = flowsolver.GetCurrentPressure();
304 ParGridFunction w_gf(*u_gf);
305 ParGridFunction q_gf(*p_gf);
306 flowsolver.ComputeCurl3D(*u_gf, w_gf);
307 ComputeQCriterion(*u_gf, q_gf);
309 QuantitiesOfInterest kin_energy(pmesh);
311 ParaViewDataCollection pvdc("tgv_output", pmesh);
312 pvdc.SetDataFormat(VTKFormat::BINARY32);
313 pvdc.SetHighOrderOutput(true);
314 pvdc.SetLevelsOfDetail(ctx.order);
315 pvdc.SetCycle(0);
316 pvdc.SetTime(t);
317 pvdc.RegisterField("velocity", u_gf);
318 pvdc.RegisterField("pressure", p_gf);
319 pvdc.RegisterField("vorticity", &w_gf);
320 pvdc.RegisterField("qcriterion", &q_gf);
321 pvdc.Save();
323 real_t u_inf_loc = u_gf->Normlinf();
324 real_t p_inf_loc = p_gf->Normlinf();
325 real_t u_inf = GlobalLpNorm(infinity(), u_inf_loc, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
326 real_t p_inf = GlobalLpNorm(infinity(), p_inf_loc, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
327 real_t ke = kin_energy.ComputeKineticEnergy(*u_gf);
329 std::string fname = "tgv_out_p_" + std::to_string(ctx.order) + ".txt";
330 FILE *f = NULL;
332 if (Mpi::Root())
333 {
334 int nel1d = static_cast<int>(std::round(pow(nel, 1.0 / 3.0)));
335 int ngridpts = p_gf->ParFESpace()->GlobalVSize();
336 printf("%11s %11s %11s %11s %11s\n", "Time", "dt", "u_inf", "p_inf", "ke");
337 printf("%.5E %.5E %.5E %.5E %.5E\n", t, dt, u_inf, p_inf, ke);
339 f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
340 fprintf(f, "3D Taylor Green Vortex\n");
341 fprintf(f, "order = %d\n", ctx.order);
342 fprintf(f, "grid = %d x %d x %d\n", nel1d, nel1d, nel1d);
343 fprintf(f, "dofs per component = %d\n", ngridpts);
344 fprintf(f, "=================================================\n");
345 fprintf(f, " time kinetic energy\n");
346 fprintf(f, "%20.16e %20.16e\n", t, ke);
347 fflush(f);
348 fflush(stdout);
349 }
351 for (int step = 0; !last_step; ++step)
352 {
353 if (t + dt >= t_final - dt / 2)
354 {
355 last_step = true;
356 }
358 flowsolver.Step(t, dt, step);
360 if ((step + 1) % 100 == 0 || last_step)
361 {
362 flowsolver.ComputeCurl3D(*u_gf, w_gf);
363 ComputeQCriterion(*u_gf, q_gf);
364 pvdc.SetCycle(step);
365 pvdc.SetTime(t);
366 pvdc.Save();
367 }
369 u_inf_loc = u_gf->Normlinf();
370 p_inf_loc = p_gf->Normlinf();
371 u_inf = GlobalLpNorm(infinity(), u_inf_loc, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
372 p_inf = GlobalLpNorm(infinity(), p_inf_loc, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
373 ke = kin_energy.ComputeKineticEnergy(*u_gf);
374 if (Mpi::Root())
375 {
376 printf("%.5E %.5E %.5E %.5E %.5E\n", t, dt, u_inf, p_inf, ke);
377 fprintf(f, "%20.16e %20.16e\n", t, ke);
378 fflush(f);
379 fflush(stdout);
380 }
381 }
383 flowsolver.PrintTimingData();
385 // Test if the result for the test run is as expected.
386 if (ctx.checkres)
387 {
388 real_t tol = 2e-5;
389 real_t ke_expected = 1.25e-1;
390 if (fabs(ke - ke_expected) > tol)
391 {
392 if (Mpi::Root())
393 {
394 mfem::out << "Result has a larger error than expected."
395 << std::endl;
396 }
397 return -1;
398 }
399 }
401 delete pmesh;
403 return 0;
void SetSize(int nsize)
Change the logical size of the array, keep existing entries.
Definition array.hpp:697
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition array.hpp:144
@ ClosedUniform
Nodes: x_i = i/(n-1), i=0,...,n-1.
Definition fe_base.hpp:35
A coefficient that is constant across space and time.
virtual void RegisterField(const std::string &field_name, GridFunction *gf)
Add a grid function to the collection.
void SetCycle(int c)
Set time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
void SetTime(real_t t)
Set physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition densemat.hpp:24
void SetSize(int s)
Change the size of the DenseMatrix to s x s.
Definition densemat.hpp:105
Class for domain integration .
Definition lininteg.hpp:109
real_t Weight()
Return the weight of the Jacobian matrix of the transformation at the currently set IntegrationPoint....
Definition eltrans.hpp:131
void SetIntPoint(const IntegrationPoint *ip)
Set the integration point ip that weights and Jacobians will be evaluated at.
Definition eltrans.hpp:93
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition fespace.hpp:220
ElementTransformation * GetElementTransformation(int i) const
Returns ElementTransformation for the i-th element.
Definition fespace.hpp:773
DofTransformation * GetElementVDofs(int i, Array< int > &vdofs) const
Returns indices of degrees of freedom for the i'th element. The returned indices are offsets into an ...
Definition fespace.cpp:287
virtual const FiniteElement * GetFE(int i) const
Returns pointer to the FiniteElement in the FiniteElementCollection associated with i'th element in t...
Definition fespace.cpp:3168
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements in the mesh.
Definition fespace.hpp:740
int GetVSize() const
Return the number of vector dofs, i.e. GetNDofs() x GetVDim().
Definition fespace.hpp:713
int GetVDim() const
Returns vector dimension.
Definition fespace.hpp:706
Abstract class for all finite elements.
Definition fe_base.hpp:239
int GetOrder() const
Returns the order of the finite element. In the case of anisotropic orders, returns the maximum order...
Definition fe_base.hpp:333
int GetDim() const
Returns the reference space dimension for the finite element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:316
const IntegrationRule & GetNodes() const
Get a const reference to the nodes of the element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:395
virtual void CalcDShape(const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &dshape) const =0
Evaluate the gradients of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the gi...
Geometry::Type GetGeomType() const
Returns the Geometry::Type of the reference element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:326
int GetDof() const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:329
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
void GetValues(int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, int vdim=1) const
Definition gridfunc.cpp:521
FiniteElementSpace * FESpace()
Definition gridfunc.hpp:696
Communicator performing operations within groups defined by a GroupTopology with arbitrary-size data ...
void Reduce(T *ldata, void(*Op)(OpData< T >)) const
Reduce within each group where the master is the root.
static void Sum(OpData< T >)
Reduce operation Sum, instantiated for int and double.
void Bcast(T *ldata, int layout) const
Broadcast within each group where the master is the root.
Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements.
Definition fe_coll.hpp:260
static void Init()
Initialize hypre by calling HYPRE_Init() and set default options. After calling Hypre::Init(),...
Definition hypre.hpp:74
Class for integration point with weight.
Definition intrules.hpp:35
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
Definition intrules.hpp:100
int GetNPoints() const
Returns the number of the points in the integration rule.
Definition intrules.hpp:256
IntegrationPoint & IntPoint(int i)
Returns a reference to the i-th integration point.
Definition intrules.hpp:259
const IntegrationRule & Get(int GeomType, int Order)
Returns an integration rule for given GeomType and Order.
void AddDomainIntegrator(LinearFormIntegrator *lfi)
Adds new Domain Integrator. Assumes ownership of lfi.
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
void EnsureNodes()
Make sure that the mesh has valid nodes, i.e. its geometry is described by a vector finite element gr...
Definition mesh.cpp:6159
void Clear()
Clear the contents of the Mesh.
Definition mesh.hpp:730
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1226
int Dimension() const
Dimension of the reference space used within the elements.
Definition mesh.hpp:1160
static Mesh MakeRefined(Mesh &orig_mesh, int ref_factor, int ref_type)
Create a refined (by any factor) version of orig_mesh.
Definition mesh.cpp:4290
void GetNodes(Vector &node_coord) const
Definition mesh.cpp:8973
static bool Root()
Return true if the rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD is zero.
static void Init(int &argc, char **&argv, int required=default_thread_required, int *provided=nullptr)
Singleton creation with Mpi::Init(argc, argv).
int Height() const
Get the height (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with NumRows().
Definition operator.hpp:66
int Width() const
Get the width (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with NumCols().
Definition operator.hpp:72
void Parse()
Parse the command-line options. Note that this function expects all the options provided through the ...
void PrintUsage(std::ostream &out) const
Print the usage message.
void PrintOptions(std::ostream &out) const
Print the options.
void AddOption(bool *var, const char *enable_short_name, const char *enable_long_name, const char *disable_short_name, const char *disable_long_name, const char *description, bool required=false)
Add a boolean option and set 'var' to receive the value. Enable/disable tags are used to set the bool...
Definition optparser.hpp:82
bool Good() const
Return true if the command line options were parsed successfully.
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition pfespace.hpp:29
HYPRE_BigInt GlobalVSize() const
Definition pfespace.hpp:283
GroupCommunicator & GroupComm()
Return a reference to the internal GroupCommunicator (on VDofs)
Definition pfespace.hpp:344
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition pgridfunc.hpp:33
ParFiniteElementSpace * ParFESpace() const
void ProjectCoefficient(Coefficient &coeff) override
Project coeff Coefficient to this GridFunction. The projection computation depends on the choice of t...
Class for parallel linear form.
void Assemble()
Assembles the ParLinearForm i.e. sums over all domain/bdr integrators.
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition pmesh.hpp:34
Helper class for ParaView visualization data.
void SetHighOrderOutput(bool high_order_output_)
void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail_)
virtual void Save() override
void SetDataFormat(VTKFormat fmt)
A general vector function coefficient.
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
real_t Normlinf() const
Returns the l_infinity norm of the vector.
Definition vector.cpp:850
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
Definition vector.hpp:218
void SetSize(int s)
Resize the vector to size s.
Definition vector.hpp:538
real_t * GetData() const
Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data.
Definition vector.hpp:227
Transient incompressible Navier Stokes solver in a split scheme formulation.
void Setup(real_t dt)
Initialize forms, solvers and preconditioners.
ParGridFunction * GetCurrentPressure()
Return a pointer to the current pressure ParGridFunction.
void PrintTimingData()
Print timing summary of the solving routine.
void EnablePA(bool pa)
Enable partial assembly for every operator.
ParGridFunction * GetCurrentVelocity()
Return a pointer to the current velocity ParGridFunction.
void Step(real_t &time, real_t dt, int cur_step, bool provisional=false)
Compute solution at the next time step t+dt.
void ComputeCurl3D(ParGridFunction &u, ParGridFunction &cu)
Compute for .
int dim
Definition ex24.cpp:53
int main()
real_t infinity()
Define a shortcut for std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
Definition vector.hpp:45
real_t u(const Vector &xvec)
Definition lor_mms.hpp:22
void Mult(const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C)
C = A * B (as boolean matrices)
Definition table.cpp:476
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition globals.hpp:66
real_t GlobalLpNorm(const real_t p, real_t loc_norm, MPI_Comm comm)
Compute a global Lp norm from the local Lp norms computed by each processor.
ComplexDenseMatrix * MultAtB(const ComplexDenseMatrix &A, const ComplexDenseMatrix &B)
Multiply the complex conjugate transpose of a matrix A with a matrix B. A^H*B.
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
std::function< real_t(const Vector &)> f(real_t mass_coeff)
Definition lor_mms.hpp:30
IntegrationRules IntRules(0, Quadrature1D::GaussLegendre)
A global object with all integration rules (defined in intrules.cpp)
Definition intrules.hpp:486
void vel_tgv(const Vector &x, real_t t, Vector &u)
void ComputeQCriterion(ParGridFunction &u, ParGridFunction &q)
T sq(T x)
struct s_NavierContext ctx
RefCoord t[3]
Helper struct to convert a C++ type to an MPI type.