MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
15#include "../config/config.hpp"
16#include "gridfunc.hpp"
17#include "qfunction.hpp"
18#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
19#include "pgridfunc.hpp"
21#include <string>
22#include <map>
23#include <fstream>
25namespace mfem
28/// Lightweight adaptor over an std::map from strings to pointer to T
29template<typename T>
33 typedef std::map<std::string, T*> MapType;
34 typedef typename MapType::iterator iterator;
35 typedef typename MapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
37 /// Register field @a field with name @a fname
38 /** Replace existing field associated with @a fname (and optionally
39 delete associated pointer if @a own_data is true) */
40 void Register(const std::string& fname, T* field, bool own_data)
41 {
42 T*& ref = field_map[fname];
43 if (own_data)
44 {
45 delete ref; // if newly allocated -> ref is null -> OK
46 }
47 ref = field;
48 }
50 /// Unregister association between field @a field and name @a fname
51 /** Optionally delete associated pointer if @a own_data is true */
52 void Deregister(const std::string& fname, bool own_data)
53 {
54 iterator it = field_map.find(fname);
55 if ( it != field_map.end() )
56 {
57 if (own_data)
58 {
59 delete it->second;
60 }
61 field_map.erase(it);
62 }
63 }
65 /// Clear all associations between names and fields
66 /** Delete associated pointers when @a own_data is true */
67 void DeleteData(bool own_data)
68 {
69 for (iterator it = field_map.begin(); it != field_map.end(); ++it)
70 {
71 if (own_data)
72 {
73 delete it->second;
74 }
75 it->second = NULL;
76 }
77 }
79 /// Predicate to check if a field is associated with name @a fname
80 bool Has(const std::string& fname) const
81 {
82 return field_map.find(fname) != field_map.end();
83 }
85 /// Get a pointer to the field associated with name @a fname
86 /** @return Pointer to field associated with @a fname or NULL */
87 T* Get(const std::string& fname) const
88 {
89 const_iterator it = field_map.find(fname);
90 return it != field_map.end() ? it->second : NULL;
91 }
93 /// Returns a const reference to the underlying map
94 const MapType& GetMap() const { return field_map; }
96 /// Returns the number of registered fields
97 int NumFields() const { return field_map.size(); }
99 /// Returns a begin iterator to the registered fields
100 iterator begin() { return field_map.begin(); }
101 /// Returns a begin const iterator to the registered fields
102 const_iterator begin() const { return field_map.begin(); }
104 /// Returns an end iterator to the registered fields
105 iterator end() { return field_map.end(); }
106 /// Returns an end const iterator to the registered fields
107 const_iterator end() const { return field_map.end(); }
109 /// Returns an iterator to the field @a fname
110 iterator find(const std::string& fname)
111 { return field_map.find(fname); }
113 /// Returns a const iterator to the field @a fname
114 const_iterator find(const std::string& fname) const
115 { return field_map.find(fname); }
117 /// Clears the map of registered fields without reclaiming memory
118 void clear() { field_map.clear(); }
125/** A class for collecting finite element data that is part of the same
126 simulation. Currently, this class groups together grid functions (fields),
127 quadrature functions (q-fields), and the mesh that they are defined on. */
131 /// A collection of named GridFunctions
134 /// A collection of named QuadratureFunctions
145 /// Format constants to be used with SetFormat().
146 /** Derived classes can define their own format enumerations and override the
147 method SetFormat() to perform input validation. */
149 {
150 SERIAL_FORMAT = 0, /**<
151 MFEM's serial ascii format, using the methods Mesh::Print() /
152 ParMesh::Print(), and GridFunction::Save() / ParGridFunction::Save().*/
153 PARALLEL_FORMAT = 1 /**<
154 MFEM's parallel ascii format, using the methods ParMesh::ParPrint() and
155 GridFunction::Save() / ParGridFunction::Save(). */
156 };
159 /// Name of the collection, used as a directory name when saving
160 std::string name;
162 /** @brief A path where the directory with results is saved.
163 If not empty, it has '/' at the end. */
164 std::string prefix_path;
166 /** A FieldMap mapping registered field names to GridFunction pointers. */
169 /** A FieldMap mapping registered names to QuadratureFunction pointers. */
172 /// The (common) mesh for the collected fields
175 /// Time cycle; for time-dependent simulations cycle >= 0, otherwise = -1.
176 /** When cycle >= 0, it is appended to directory names. */
177 int cycle;
178 /// Physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
181 /// Time step i.e. delta_t (for time-dependent simulations)
184 /// Serial or parallel run? False iff mesh is a ParMesh
185 bool serial;
186 /// Append rank to any output file names.
189 /// MPI rank (in parallel)
190 int myid;
191 /// Number of MPI ranks (in parallel)
193#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
194 /// Associated MPI communicator
195 MPI_Comm m_comm;
198 /// Precision (number of digits) used for the text output of doubles
200 /// Number of digits used for the cycle and MPI rank in filenames
203 /// Default value for precision
204 static const int precision_default = 6;
205 /// Default value for pad_digits_*
206 static const int pad_digits_default = 6;
208 /// Output mesh format: see the #Format enumeration
212 /// Should the collection delete its mesh and fields
215 /// Error state
216 int error;
218 /// Delete data owned by the DataCollection keeping field information
219 void DeleteData();
220 /// Delete data owned by the DataCollection including field information
221 void DeleteAll();
223 std::string GetMeshShortFileName() const;
224 std::string GetMeshFileName() const;
225 std::string GetFieldFileName(const std::string &field_name) const;
227 /// Save one field to disk, assuming the collection directory exists
228 void SaveOneField(const FieldMapIterator &it);
230 /// Save one q-field to disk, assuming the collection directory exists
231 void SaveOneQField(const QFieldMapIterator &it);
233 // Helper method
234 static int create_directory(const std::string &dir_name,
235 const Mesh *mesh, int myid);
238 /// Initialize the collection with its name and Mesh.
239 /** When @a mesh_ is NULL, then the real mesh can be set with SetMesh(). */
240 explicit DataCollection(const std::string& collection_name,
241 Mesh *mesh_ = NULL);
243 /// Add a grid function to the collection
244 virtual void RegisterField(const std::string& field_name, GridFunction *gf)
245 { field_map.Register(field_name, gf, own_data); }
247 /// Remove a grid function from the collection
248 virtual void DeregisterField(const std::string& field_name)
249 { field_map.Deregister(field_name, own_data); }
251 /// Add a QuadratureFunction to the collection.
252 virtual void RegisterQField(const std::string& q_field_name,
254 { q_field_map.Register(q_field_name, qf, own_data); }
257 /// Remove a QuadratureFunction from the collection
258 virtual void DeregisterQField(const std::string& field_name)
259 { q_field_map.Deregister(field_name, own_data); }
261 /// Check if a grid function is part of the collection
262 bool HasField(const std::string& field_name) const
263 { return field_map.Has(field_name); }
265 /// Get a pointer to a grid function in the collection.
266 /** Returns NULL if @a field_name is not in the collection. */
267 GridFunction *GetField(const std::string& field_name)
268 { return field_map.Get(field_name); }
270#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
271 /// Return the associated MPI communicator or MPI_COMM_NULL.
272 MPI_Comm GetComm() const { return m_comm; }
274 /// Get a pointer to a parallel grid function in the collection.
275 /** Returns NULL if @a field_name is not in the collection.
276 @note The GridFunction pointer stored in the collection is statically
277 cast to ParGridFunction pointer. */
278 ParGridFunction *GetParField(const std::string& field_name)
279 { return static_cast<ParGridFunction*>(GetField(field_name)); }
282 /// Check if a QuadratureFunction with the given name is in the collection.
283 bool HasQField(const std::string& q_field_name) const
284 { return q_field_map.Has(q_field_name); }
286 /// Get a pointer to a QuadratureFunction in the collection.
287 /** Returns NULL if @a field_name is not in the collection. */
288 QuadratureFunction *GetQField(const std::string& q_field_name)
289 { return q_field_map.Get(q_field_name); }
291 /// Get a const reference to the internal field map.
292 /** The keys in the map are the field names and the values are pointers to
293 GridFunction%s. */
295 { return field_map.GetMap(); }
297 /// Get a const reference to the internal q-field map.
298 /** The keys in the map are the q-field names and the values are pointers to
299 QuadratureFunction%s. */
301 { return q_field_map.GetMap(); }
303 /// Get a pointer to the mesh in the collection
304 Mesh *GetMesh() { return mesh; }
305 /// Set/change the mesh associated with the collection
306 /** When passed a Mesh, assumes the serial case: MPI rank id is set to 0 and
307 MPI num_procs is set to 1. When passed a ParMesh, MPI info from the
308 ParMesh is used to set the DataCollection's MPI rank and num_procs. */
309 virtual void SetMesh(Mesh *new_mesh);
310#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
311 /// Set/change the mesh associated with the collection.
312 /** For this case, @a comm is used to set the DataCollection's MPI rank id
313 and MPI num_procs, which influences the how files are saved for domain
314 decomposed meshes. */
315 virtual void SetMesh(MPI_Comm comm, Mesh *new_mesh);
318 /// Set time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
319 void SetCycle(int c) { cycle = c; }
320 /// Set physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
321 void SetTime(real_t t) { time = t; }
323 /// Set the simulation time step (for time-dependent simulations)
324 void SetTimeStep(real_t ts) { time_step = ts; }
326 /// Get time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
327 int GetCycle() const { return cycle; }
328 /// Get physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
329 real_t GetTime() const { return time; }
330 /// Get the simulation time step (for time-dependent simulations)
331 real_t GetTimeStep() const { return time_step; }
333 /// Get the name of the collection
334 const std::string& GetCollectionName() const { return name; }
335 /// Set the ownership of collection data
336 void SetOwnData(bool o) { own_data = o; }
338 /// Set the precision (number of digits) used for the text output of doubles
339 void SetPrecision(int prec) { precision = prec; }
340 /// Set the number of digits used for both the cycle and the MPI rank
341 virtual void SetPadDigits(int digits)
343 /// Set the number of digits used for the cycle
344 virtual void SetPadDigitsCycle(int digits) { pad_digits_cycle = digits; }
345 /// Set the number of digits used for the MPI rank in filenames
346 virtual void SetPadDigitsRank(int digits) { pad_digits_rank = digits; }
347 /// Set the desired output mesh and data format.
348 /** See the enumeration #Format for valid options. Derived classes can define
349 their own format enumerations and override this method to perform input
350 validation. */
351 virtual void SetFormat(int fmt);
353 /// Set the flag for use of gz compressed files
354 virtual void SetCompression(bool comp);
356 /// Set the path where the DataCollection will be saved.
357 void SetPrefixPath(const std::string &prefix);
359 /// Get the path where the DataCollection will be saved.
360 const std::string &GetPrefixPath() const { return prefix_path; }
362 /// Save the collection to disk.
363 /** By default, everything is saved in the "prefix_path" directory with
364 subdirectory name "collection_name" or "collection_name_cycle" for
365 time-dependent simulations. */
366 virtual void Save();
367 /// Save the mesh, creating the collection directory.
368 virtual void SaveMesh();
369 /// Save one field, assuming the collection directory already exists.
370 virtual void SaveField(const std::string &field_name);
371 /// Save one q-field, assuming the collection directory already exists.
372 virtual void SaveQField(const std::string &q_field_name);
374 /// Load the collection. Not implemented in the base class DataCollection.
375 virtual void Load(int cycle_ = 0);
377 /// Delete the mesh and fields if owned by the collection
378 virtual ~DataCollection();
380 /// Errors returned by Error()
381 enum
382 {
383 // Workaround for use with headers that define NO_ERROR as a macro,
384 // e.g. winerror.h (which is included by Windows.h):
385#ifndef NO_ERROR
388 // Use the following identifier if NO_ERROR is defined as a macro,
389 // e.g. winerror.h (which is included by Windows.h):
393 };
395 /// Get the current error state
396 int Error() const { return error; }
397 /// Reset the error state
398 void ResetError(int err_state = No_Error) { error = err_state; }
400#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
401 friend class ParMesh;
406/// Helper class for VisIt visualization data
410 std::string association;
412 int lod;
414 VisItFieldInfo(std::string association_, int num_components_, int lod_ = 1)
415 { association = association_; num_components = num_components_; lod =lod_;}
418/// Data collection with VisIt I/O routines
422 // Additional data needed in the VisIt root file, which describes the mesh
423 // and all the fields in the collection
427 std::map<std::string, VisItFieldInfo> field_info_map;
428 typedef std::map<std::string, VisItFieldInfo>::iterator FieldInfoMapIterator;
430 /// Prepare the VisIt root file in JSON format for the current collection
431 std::string GetVisItRootString();
432 /// Read in a VisIt root file in JSON format
433 void ParseVisItRootString(const std::string& json);
435 void UpdateMeshInfo();
437 // Helper functions for Load()
438 void LoadVisItRootFile(const std::string& root_name);
439 void LoadMesh();
440 void LoadFields();
443 /// Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
444 /** If @a mesh_ is NULL, then the mesh can be set later by calling either
445 SetMesh() or Load(). The latter works only in serial. */
446 VisItDataCollection(const std::string& collection_name, Mesh *mesh_ = NULL);
448#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
449 /// Construct a parallel VisItDataCollection to be loaded from files.
450 /** Before loading the collection with Load(), some parameters in the
451 collection can be adjusted, e.g. SetPadDigits(), SetPrefixPath(), etc. */
452 VisItDataCollection(MPI_Comm comm, const std::string& collection_name,
453 Mesh *mesh_ = NULL);
456 /// Set/change the mesh associated with the collection
457 virtual void SetMesh(Mesh *new_mesh) override;
459#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
460 /// Set/change the mesh associated with the collection.
461 virtual void SetMesh(MPI_Comm comm, Mesh *new_mesh) override;
464 /// Add a grid function to the collection and update the root file
465 virtual void RegisterField(const std::string& field_name,
466 GridFunction *gf) override;
468 /// Add a quadrature function to the collection and update the root file.
469 /** Visualization of quadrature function is not supported in VisIt(3.12).
470 A patch has been sent to VisIt developers in June 2020. */
471 virtual void RegisterQField(const std::string& q_field_name,
472 QuadratureFunction *qf) override;
474 /// Set the number of digits used for both the cycle and the MPI rank
475 /// @note VisIt seems to require 6 pad digits for the MPI rank. Therefore,
476 /// this function uses this default value. This behavior can be overridden
477 /// by calling SetPadDigitsCycle() and SetPadDigitsRank() instead.
478 virtual void SetPadDigits(int digits) override
479 { pad_digits_cycle=digits; pad_digits_rank=6; }
481 /// Set VisIt parameter: default levels of detail for the MultiresControl
482 void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail);
484 /// Set VisIt parameter: maximum levels of detail for the MultiresControl
485 void SetMaxLevelsOfDetail(int max_levels_of_detail);
487 /** @brief Delete all data owned by VisItDataCollection including field data
488 information. */
489 void DeleteAll();
491 /// Save the collection and a VisIt root file
492 virtual void Save() override;
494 /// Save a VisIt root file for the collection
495 void SaveRootFile();
497 /// Load the collection based on its VisIt data (described in its root file)
498 virtual void Load(int cycle_ = 0) override;
500 /// We will delete the mesh and fields if we own them
505/// Helper class for ParaView visualization data
509 int levels_of_detail;
510 int compression_level;
511 std::fstream pvd_stream;
512 VTKFormat pv_data_format;
513 bool high_order_output;
514 bool restart_mode;
517 void WritePVTUHeader(std::ostream &out);
518 void WritePVTUFooter(std::ostream &out, const std::string &vtu_prefix);
519 void SaveDataVTU(std::ostream &out, int ref);
520 void SaveGFieldVTU(std::ostream& out, int ref_, const FieldMapIterator& it);
521 const char *GetDataFormatString() const;
522 const char *GetDataTypeString() const;
523 /// @brief If compression is enabled, return the compression level, otherwise
524 /// return 0.
525 int GetCompressionLevel() const;
527 std::string GenerateCollectionPath();
528 std::string GenerateVTUFileName(const std::string &prefix, int rank);
529 std::string GenerateVTUPath();
530 std::string GeneratePVDFileName();
531 std::string GeneratePVTUFileName(const std::string &prefix);
532 std::string GeneratePVTUPath();
536 /// Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
537 /** If @a mesh_ is NULL, then the mesh can be set later by calling SetMesh().
538 Before saving the data collection, some parameters in the collection can
539 be adjusted, e.g. SetPadDigits(), SetPrefixPath(), etc. */
540 ParaViewDataCollection(const std::string& collection_name,
541 mfem::Mesh *mesh_ = NULL);
543 /// Set refinement levels - every element is uniformly split based on
544 /// levels_of_detail_. The initial value is 1.
545 void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail_);
547 /// Save the collection - the directory name is constructed based on the
548 /// cycle value
549 virtual void Save() override;
551 /// Set the data format for the ParaView output files. Possible options are
552 /// VTKFormat::ASCII, VTKFormat::BINARY, and VTKFormat::BINARY32.
553 /// The ASCII and BINARY options output double precision data, whereas the
554 /// BINARY32 option outputs single precision data.
555 ///
556 /// The initial format is VTKFormat::BINARY.
557 void SetDataFormat(VTKFormat fmt);
559 /// @brief Set the zlib compression level.
560 ///
561 /// 0 indicates no compression, -1 indicates the default compression level.
562 /// Otherwise, specify a number between 1 and 9, 1 being the fastest, and 9
563 /// being the best compression. Compression only takes effect if the output
564 /// format is BINARY or BINARY32. MFEM must be compiled with MFEM_USE_ZLIB =
565 /// YES.
566 ///
567 /// The initial compression level is 0 if MFEM is compiled with MFEM_USE_ZLIB
568 /// turned off, and -1 otherwise.
569 ///
570 /// Any nonzero compression level will enable compression.
571 void SetCompressionLevel(int compression_level_);
573 /// Enable or disable zlib compression. If the input is true, use the default
574 /// zlib compression level (unless the compression level has previously been
575 /// set by calling SetCompressionLevel()).
576 void SetCompression(bool compression_) override;
578 /// Returns true if the output format is BINARY or BINARY32, false if ASCII.
579 bool IsBinaryFormat() const;
581 /// Sets whether or not to output the data as high-order elements (false
582 /// by default). Reading high-order data requires ParaView 5.5 or later.
583 void SetHighOrderOutput(bool high_order_output_);
585 /// Enable or disable restart mode. If restart is enabled, new writes will
586 /// preserve timestep metadata for any solutions prior to the currently
587 /// defined time.
588 ///
589 /// Initially, restart mode is disabled.
590 void UseRestartMode(bool restart_mode_);
592 /// Load the collection - not implemented in the ParaView writer
593 virtual void Load(int cycle_ = 0) override;
int cycle
Time cycle; for time-dependent simulations cycle >= 0, otherwise = -1.
real_t time
Physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
MPI_Comm GetComm() const
Return the associated MPI communicator or MPI_COMM_NULL.
void ResetError(int err_state=No_Error)
Reset the error state.
QFieldMap::iterator QFieldMapIterator
virtual void SetMesh(Mesh *new_mesh)
Set/change the mesh associated with the collection.
void SaveOneQField(const QFieldMapIterator &it)
Save one q-field to disk, assuming the collection directory exists.
virtual void RegisterQField(const std::string &q_field_name, QuadratureFunction *qf)
Add a QuadratureFunction to the collection.
const std::string & GetCollectionName() const
Get the name of the collection.
bool own_data
Should the collection delete its mesh and fields.
DataCollection(const std::string &collection_name, Mesh *mesh_=NULL)
Initialize the collection with its name and Mesh.
static int create_directory(const std::string &dir_name, const Mesh *mesh, int myid)
int GetCycle() const
Get time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
GFieldMap::iterator FieldMapIterator
void SetTimeStep(real_t ts)
Set the simulation time step (for time-dependent simulations)
void SaveOneField(const FieldMapIterator &it)
Save one field to disk, assuming the collection directory exists.
void SetPrecision(int prec)
Set the precision (number of digits) used for the text output of doubles.
void DeleteAll()
Delete data owned by the DataCollection including field information.
QuadratureFunction * GetQField(const std::string &q_field_name)
Get a pointer to a QuadratureFunction in the collection.
GFieldMap::const_iterator FieldMapConstIterator
virtual void DeregisterField(const std::string &field_name)
Remove a grid function from the collection.
QFieldMap::const_iterator QFieldMapConstIterator
virtual void RegisterField(const std::string &field_name, GridFunction *gf)
Add a grid function to the collection.
static const int precision_default
Default value for precision.
bool HasField(const std::string &field_name) const
Check if a grid function is part of the collection.
virtual void SetPadDigitsRank(int digits)
Set the number of digits used for the MPI rank in filenames.
int Error() const
Get the current error state.
int pad_digits_cycle
Number of digits used for the cycle and MPI rank in filenames.
bool serial
Serial or parallel run? False iff mesh is a ParMesh.
void SetCycle(int c)
Set time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
virtual void SetCompression(bool comp)
Set the flag for use of gz compressed files.
std::string prefix_path
A path where the directory with results is saved. If not empty, it has '/' at the end.
virtual void SetPadDigits(int digits)
Set the number of digits used for both the cycle and the MPI rank.
GridFunction * GetField(const std::string &field_name)
Get a pointer to a grid function in the collection.
std::string GetFieldFileName(const std::string &field_name) const
virtual void DeregisterQField(const std::string &field_name)
Remove a QuadratureFunction from the collection.
int myid
MPI rank (in parallel)
ParGridFunction * GetParField(const std::string &field_name)
Get a pointer to a parallel grid function in the collection.
void SetTime(real_t t)
Set physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
static const int pad_digits_default
Default value for pad_digits_*.
real_t time_step
Time step i.e. delta_t (for time-dependent simulations)
int num_procs
Number of MPI ranks (in parallel)
const std::string & GetPrefixPath() const
Get the path where the DataCollection will be saved.
const QFieldMapType & GetQFieldMap() const
Get a const reference to the internal q-field map.
std::string GetMeshShortFileName() const
virtual void Load(int cycle_=0)
Load the collection. Not implemented in the base class DataCollection.
virtual void SetFormat(int fmt)
Set the desired output mesh and data format.
void SetPrefixPath(const std::string &prefix)
Set the path where the DataCollection will be saved.
virtual ~DataCollection()
Delete the mesh and fields if owned by the collection.
real_t GetTimeStep() const
Get the simulation time step (for time-dependent simulations)
std::string GetMeshFileName() const
Format constants to be used with SetFormat().
const FieldMapType & GetFieldMap() const
Get a const reference to the internal field map.
Mesh * GetMesh()
Get a pointer to the mesh in the collection.
void DeleteData()
Delete data owned by the DataCollection keeping field information.
bool appendRankToFileName
Append rank to any output file names.
void SetOwnData(bool o)
Set the ownership of collection data.
std::string name
Name of the collection, used as a directory name when saving.
virtual void Save()
Save the collection to disk.
virtual void SaveField(const std::string &field_name)
Save one field, assuming the collection directory already exists.
MPI_Comm m_comm
Associated MPI communicator.
GFieldMap::MapType FieldMapType
bool HasQField(const std::string &q_field_name) const
Check if a QuadratureFunction with the given name is in the collection.
QFieldMap::MapType QFieldMapType
virtual void SetPadDigitsCycle(int digits)
Set the number of digits used for the cycle.
Mesh * mesh
The (common) mesh for the collected fields.
virtual void SaveMesh()
Save the mesh, creating the collection directory.
int precision
Precision (number of digits) used for the text output of doubles.
int format
Output mesh format: see the Format enumeration.
virtual void SaveQField(const std::string &q_field_name)
Save one q-field, assuming the collection directory already exists.
real_t GetTime() const
Get physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
Lightweight adaptor over an std::map from strings to pointer to T.
void Register(const std::string &fname, T *field, bool own_data)
Register field field with name fname.
iterator end()
Returns an end iterator to the registered fields.
MapType::iterator iterator
iterator begin()
Returns a begin iterator to the registered fields.
const_iterator end() const
Returns an end const iterator to the registered fields.
std::map< std::string, T * > MapType
void DeleteData(bool own_data)
Clear all associations between names and fields.
MapType::const_iterator const_iterator
bool Has(const std::string &fname) const
Predicate to check if a field is associated with name fname.
const_iterator find(const std::string &fname) const
Returns a const iterator to the field fname.
void clear()
Clears the map of registered fields without reclaiming memory.
void Deregister(const std::string &fname, bool own_data)
Unregister association between field field and name fname.
T * Get(const std::string &fname) const
Get a pointer to the field associated with name fname.
const_iterator begin() const
Returns a begin const iterator to the registered fields.
iterator find(const std::string &fname)
Returns an iterator to the field fname.
int NumFields() const
Returns the number of registered fields.
const MapType & GetMap() const
Returns a const reference to the underlying map.
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition pgridfunc.hpp:33
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition pmesh.hpp:34
Helper class for ParaView visualization data.
void WritePVTUHeader(std::ostream &out)
void SetHighOrderOutput(bool high_order_output_)
void UseRestartMode(bool restart_mode_)
void SetCompression(bool compression_) override
virtual void Load(int cycle_=0) override
Load the collection - not implemented in the ParaView writer.
bool IsBinaryFormat() const
Returns true if the output format is BINARY or BINARY32, false if ASCII.
ParaViewDataCollection(const std::string &collection_name, mfem::Mesh *mesh_=NULL)
Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
void SaveGFieldVTU(std::ostream &out, int ref_, const FieldMapIterator &it)
const char * GetDataFormatString() const
void WritePVTUFooter(std::ostream &out, const std::string &vtu_prefix)
void SaveDataVTU(std::ostream &out, int ref)
void SetCompressionLevel(int compression_level_)
Set the zlib compression level.
void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail_)
int GetCompressionLevel() const
If compression is enabled, return the compression level, otherwise return 0.
std::string GenerateVTUFileName(const std::string &prefix, int rank)
virtual void Save() override
const char * GetDataTypeString() const
std::string GeneratePVTUFileName(const std::string &prefix)
void SetDataFormat(VTKFormat fmt)
Represents values or vectors of values at quadrature points on a mesh.
Definition qfunction.hpp:24
Data collection with VisIt I/O routines.
void SaveRootFile()
Save a VisIt root file for the collection.
std::string GetVisItRootString()
Prepare the VisIt root file in JSON format for the current collection.
virtual void RegisterQField(const std::string &q_field_name, QuadratureFunction *qf) override
Add a quadrature function to the collection and update the root file.
void LoadVisItRootFile(const std::string &root_name)
virtual ~VisItDataCollection()
We will delete the mesh and fields if we own them.
virtual void SetPadDigits(int digits) override
VisItDataCollection(const std::string &collection_name, Mesh *mesh_=NULL)
Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
virtual void Load(int cycle_=0) override
Load the collection based on its VisIt data (described in its root file)
void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail)
Set VisIt parameter: default levels of detail for the MultiresControl.
virtual void Save() override
Save the collection and a VisIt root file.
void SetMaxLevelsOfDetail(int max_levels_of_detail)
Set VisIt parameter: maximum levels of detail for the MultiresControl.
std::map< std::string, VisItFieldInfo >::iterator FieldInfoMapIterator
virtual void SetMesh(Mesh *new_mesh) override
Set/change the mesh associated with the collection.
virtual void RegisterField(const std::string &field_name, GridFunction *gf) override
Add a grid function to the collection and update the root file.
std::map< std::string, VisItFieldInfo > field_info_map
void DeleteAll()
Delete all data owned by VisItDataCollection including field data information.
void ParseVisItRootString(const std::string &json)
Read in a VisIt root file in JSON format.
Helper class for VisIt visualization data.
VisItFieldInfo(std::string association_, int num_components_, int lod_=1)
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition globals.hpp:66
Data array format for VTK and VTU files.
Definition vtk.hpp:99
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
RefCoord t[3]