MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Deprecated List
Member mfem::BilinearForm::GetFES ()
Use FESpace() instead.
Member mfem::Device::GetMemoryClass ()
Use GetDeviceMemoryClass() instead.
Member mfem::Device::GetMemoryType ()
Use GetDeviceMemoryType() instead.
Member mfem::Element::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const =0
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::FaceElementTransformations::Face
No longer necessary
Member mfem::FaceElementTransformations::FaceGeom
Use GetGeometryType instead
Member mfem::FiniteElementSpace::RebuildElementToDofTable ()
) Use the Update() method if the space or mesh changed.
Member mfem::FunctionCoefficient::FunctionCoefficient (real_t(*f)(Vector &))
Use the method where the C-function, f, uses a const Vector argument instead of Vector.
Member mfem::FunctionCoefficient::FunctionCoefficient (real_t(*tdf)(Vector &, real_t))
Use the method where the C-function, tdf, uses a const Vector argument instead of Vector.
Member mfem::GeometricMultigrid::GeometricMultigrid (const FiniteElementSpaceHierarchy &fespaces_)
Use GeometricMultigrid::GeometricMultigrid(const FiniteElementSpaceHierarchy&, const Array<int>&) instead. This version constructs prolongation and restriction operators without eliminated essential boundary conditions.
Member mfem::Hexahedron::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::HypreSmoother::default_type
Use DefaultType() instead
Class mfem::isockstream
This class is DEPRECATED. New code should use class socketserver (see socketstream.hpp).
Member mfem::IterativeSolver::print_level
print_options should be used instead.
Member mfem::LEGACYFULL
Use LEGACY instead.
Member mfem::LinearForm::GetFES ()
Use FESpace() instead.
Member mfem::MatrixCoefficient::EvalSymmetric (Vector &K, ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip)
Use Eval() instead.
Member mfem::MatrixCoefficient::IsSymmetric () const
Use SymmetricMatrixCoefficient instead
Member mfem::MatrixFunctionCoefficient::EvalSymmetric (Vector &K, ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip)
Use Eval() instead.
Member mfem::MatrixFunctionCoefficient::MatrixFunctionCoefficient (int dim, std::function< void(const Vector &, Vector &)> SymmF, Coefficient *q=NULL)
Use another constructor without setting SymmFunction.
Class mfem::osockstream
This class is DEPRECATED. New code should use class socketstream (see socketstream.hpp).
Member mfem::Point::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Pyramid::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Quadrilateral::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Segment::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Tetrahedron::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Triangle::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.
Member mfem::Vertex::SetCoords (const real_t *p)
This old version of SetCoords is not always memory safe.
Member mfem::Wedge::GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const override
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.