MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
12#ifndef ADMFEM_HPP
13#define ADMFEM_HPP
15#include "mfem.hpp"
16#include "../../linalg/dual.hpp"
17#include "tadvector.hpp"
18#include "taddensemat.hpp"
21#include <codi.hpp>
23namespace mfem
26namespace ad
29/// Forward AD type declaration
30typedef codi::RealForward ADFloatType;
31/// Vector type for AD-numbers
33/// Matrix type for AD-numbers
36/// Reverse AD type declaration
37typedef codi::RealReverse ADFloatType;
38/// Vector type for AD-numbers
40/// Matrix type for AD-numbers
45/// The class provides an evaluation of the Jacobian of a templated vector
46/// function provided in the constructor. The Jacobian is evaluated with the
47/// help of automatic differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the
48/// size of the return vector (vector_size), the size of the input vector
49/// (state_size), and the size of the parameters supplied to the function.
50template<int vector_size=1, int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
54 /// F_ is user implemented function to be differentiated by
55 /// VectorFuncAutoDiff. The signature of the function is: F_(mfem::Vector&
56 /// parameters, ad::ADVectorType& state_vector, ad::ADVectorType& result).
57 /// The parameters vector should have size param_size. The state_vector
58 /// should have size state_size, and the result vector should have size
59 /// vector_size. All size parameters are teplate parameters in
60 /// VectorFuncAutoDiff.
62 std::function<void(mfem::Vector&, ad::ADVectorType&, ad::ADVectorType&)> F_)
63 {
64 F=F_;
65 }
67 /// Evaluates the Jacobian of the vector function F_ for a set of parameters
68 /// (vparam) and state vector vstate. The Jacobian (jac) has dimensions
69 /// [vector_size x state_size].
70 void Jacobian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &vstate,
72 {
74 // use forward mode
75 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
76 jac = 0.0;
77 {
78 ad::ADVectorType ad_state(state_size);
79 ad::ADVectorType ad_result(vector_size);
80 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
81 {
82 ad_state[i].setValue(vstate[i]);
83 ad_state[i].setGradient(0.0);
84 }
85 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++)
86 {
87 ad_state[ii].setGradient(1.0);
88 F(vparam,ad_state,ad_result);
89 for (int jj=0; jj<vector_size; jj++)
90 {
91 jac(jj,ii)=ad_result[jj].getGradient();
92 }
93 ad_state[ii].setGradient(0.0);
94 }
95 }
96#else // use reverse mode
97 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
98 jac = 0.0;
99 {
100 ad::ADVectorType ad_state(state_size);
101 ad::ADVectorType ad_result(vector_size);
102 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
103 {
104 ad_state[i]=vstate[i];
105 }
107 ad::ADFloatType::TapeType& tape =ad::ADFloatType::getGlobalTape();
108 typename ad::ADFloatType::TapeType::Position pos=tape.getPosition();
110 tape.setActive();
111 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++) { tape.registerInput(ad_state[ii]); }
112 F(vparam,ad_state,ad_result);
113 for (int ii=0; ii<vector_size; ii++) { tape.registerOutput(ad_result[ii]); }
114 tape.setPassive();
116 for (int jj=0; jj<vector_size; jj++)
117 {
118 ad_result[jj].setGradient(1.0);
119 tape.evaluate();
120 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++)
121 {
122 jac(jj,ii)=ad_state[ii].getGradient();
123 }
124 tape.clearAdjoints();
125 ad_result[jj].setGradient(0.0);
126 }
127 tape.reset(pos);
128 }
130 }
132 std::function<void(mfem::Vector&, ad::ADVectorType&, ad::ADVectorType&)> F;
133}; // VectorFuncAutoDiff
135/// The class provides an evaluation of the Jacobian of a templated vector
136/// function provided as a functor TFunctor. The Jacobian is evaluated with the
137/// help of automatic differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the
138/// size of the return vector (vector_size), the size of the input vector
139/// (state_size), and the size of the parameters supplied to the function. The
140/// TFunctor functor is a template class with parameters [Float data type],
141/// [Vector type for the additional parameters], [Vector type for the state
142/// vector and the return residual]. The integer template parameters are the
143/// same ones passed to QVectorFuncAutoDiff.
144template<template<typename, typename, typename, int, int, int> class TFunctor
145 , int vector_size=1, int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
146class QVectorFuncAutoDiff
149 /// Evaluates the vector function for given set of parameters and state
150 /// values in vector uu. The result is returned in vector rr.
151 void VectorFunc(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector& rr)
152 {
153 rf(vparam,uu,rr);
154 }
156 /// Returns the gradient of TFunctor(...) in the dense matrix jac. The
157 /// dimensions of jac are vector_size x state_size, where state_size is the
158 /// length of vector uu.
160 {
162 // use forward mode
163 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
164 jac = 0.0;
165 {
166 ad::ADVectorType aduu(state_size);
167 ad::ADVectorType rr(vector_size);
168 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
169 {
170 aduu[i].setValue(uu[i]);
171 aduu[i].setGradient(0.0);
172 }
174 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++)
175 {
176 aduu[ii].setGradient(1.0);
177 tf(vparam,aduu,rr);
178 for (int jj=0; jj<vector_size; jj++)
179 {
180 jac(jj,ii)=rr[jj].getGradient();
181 }
182 aduu[ii].setGradient(0.0);
183 }
184 }
185#else // end MFEM_USE_ADFORWARD
186 // use reverse mode
187 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
188 jac = 0.0;
189 {
190 ad::ADVectorType aduu(state_size);
191 ad::ADVectorType rr(vector_size);
192 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
193 {
194 aduu[i]=uu[i];
195 }
197 ad::ADFloatType::TapeType& tape =ad::ADFloatType::getGlobalTape();
198 typename ad::ADFloatType::TapeType::Position pos=tape.getPosition();
200 tape.setActive();
201 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++) { tape.registerInput(aduu[ii]); }
202 tf(vparam,aduu,rr);
203 for (int ii=0; ii<vector_size; ii++) { tape.registerOutput(rr[ii]); }
204 tape.setPassive();
205 for (int jj=0; jj<vector_size; jj++)
206 {
207 rr[jj].setGradient(1.0);
208 tape.evaluate();
209 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++)
210 {
211 jac(jj,ii)=aduu[ii].getGradient();
212 }
213 tape.clearAdjoints();
214 rr[jj].setGradient(0.0);
215 }
216 tape.reset(pos);
217 }
219 }
223 TFunctor<ad::ADFloatType, const Vector, ad::ADVectorType,
224 vector_size, state_size, param_size> tf;
226 TFunctor<real_t,const mfem::Vector, mfem::Vector,
227 vector_size, state_size, param_size> rf;
231/// The class provides an evaluation of the first derivatives and the Hessian of
232/// a templated scalar function provided as a functor TFunctor. Both the first
233/// and the second derivatives are evaluated with the help of automatic
234/// differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the size of the input
235/// vector (state_size) and the size of the parameters supplied to the
236/// function. The TFunctor functor is a template class with parameters [Float
237/// data type], [Vector type for the additional parameters], [Vector type for
238/// the state vector and the return residual]. The integer template parameters
239/// are the same ones passed to QFunctionAutoDiff.
240template<template<typename, typename, typename, int, int> class TFunctor
241 , int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
242class QFunctionAutoDiff
246 /// Evaluates a function for arguments vparam and uu. The evaluation is
247 /// based on the operator() in the user provided functor TFunctor.
249 {
250 return rf(vparam,uu);
251 }
253 /// Provides the same functionality as Grad.
254 void VectorFunc(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector &rr)
255 {
256 Grad(vparam,uu,rr);
257 }
259 /// Returns the first derivative of TFunctor(...) with respect to the active
260 /// arguments proved in vector uu. The length of rr is the same as for uu.
261 void Grad(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector &rr)
262 {
265 // use forward mode
266 rr.SetSize(state_size);
267 {
268 ad::ADVectorType aduu(state_size);
269 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
270 {
271 aduu[i].setValue(uu[i]);
272 aduu[i].setGradient(0.0);
273 }
275 ad::ADFloatType rez;
277 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++)
278 {
279 aduu[ii].setGradient(1.0);
280 rez=tf(vparam,aduu);
281 rr[ii]=rez.getGradient();
282 aduu[ii].setGradient(0.0);
283 }
284 }
286 {
287 ad::ADVectorType aduu(state_size);
288 ad::ADFloatType rez;
289 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
290 {
291 aduu[i]=uu[i];
292 }
294 ad::ADFloatType::TapeType& tape =ad::ADFloatType::getGlobalTape();
295 typename ad::ADFloatType::TapeType::Position pos=tape.getPosition();
297 tape.setActive();
298 for (int ii=0; ii<state_size; ii++) { tape.registerInput(aduu[ii]); }
300 rez=tf(vparam,aduu);
301 tape.registerOutput(rez);
302 tape.setPassive();
304 rez.setGradient(1.0);
305 tape.evaluate();
306 for (int i=0; i<state_size; i++)
307 {
308 rr[i]=aduu[i].getGradient();
309 }
310 tape.reset(pos);
311 }
313 }
315 /// Provides same functionality as Hessian.
317 {
318 Hessian(vparam,uu,jac);
319 }
322 // use forward-forward mode
323 typedef codi::RealForwardGen<real_t> ADFType;
327 typedef codi::RealForwardGen<ADFType> ADSType;
331 //use mixed forward and reverse mode
332 typedef codi::RealForwardGen<real_t> ADFType;
336 typedef codi::RealReverseGen<ADFType> ADSType;
342 /// Returns the Hessian of TFunctor(...) in the dense matrix jac. The
343 /// dimensions of jac are state_size x state_size, where state_size is the
344 /// length of vector uu.
346 {
348 // use forward-forward mode
349 jac.SetSize(state_size);
350 jac=0.0;
351 {
352 ADSVector aduu(state_size);
353 for (int ii = 0; ii < state_size; ii++)
354 {
355 aduu[ii].value().value()=uu[ii];
356 aduu[ii].value().gradient()=0.0;
357 aduu[ii].gradient().value()=0.0;
358 aduu[ii].gradient().gradient()=0.0;
359 }
361 for (int ii = 0; ii < state_size; ii++)
362 {
363 aduu[ii].value().gradient()=1.0;
364 for (int jj=0; jj<(ii+1); jj++)
365 {
366 aduu[jj].gradient().value()=1.0;
367 ADSType rez=sf(vparam,aduu);
368 jac(ii,jj)=rez.gradient().gradient();
369 jac(jj,ii)=jac(ii,jj);
370 aduu[jj].gradient().value()=0.0;
371 }
372 aduu[ii].value().gradient()=0.0;
373 }
374 }
376 // use mixed forward and reverse mode
377 jac.SetSize(state_size);
378 jac=0.0;
379 {
380 ADSVector aduu(state_size);
381 for (int ii=0; ii < state_size ; ii++)
382 {
383 aduu[ii].value().value()=uu[ii];
384 }
386 ADSType rez;
388 ADSType::TapeType& tape = ADSType::getGlobalTape();
389 typename ADSType::TapeType::Position pos;
390 for (int ii = 0; ii < state_size ; ii++)
391 {
392 pos=tape.getPosition();
393 tape.setActive();
395 for (int jj=0; jj < state_size; jj++)
396 {
397 if (jj==ii) {aduu[jj].value().gradient()=1.0;}
398 else {aduu[jj].value().gradient()=0.0;}
399 tape.registerInput(aduu[jj]);
400 }
402 rez=sf(vparam,aduu);
403 tape.registerOutput(rez);
404 tape.setPassive();
406 rez.gradient().value()=1.0;
407 tape.evaluate();
409 for (int jj=0; jj<(ii+1); jj++)
410 {
411 jac(ii,jj)=aduu[jj].gradient().gradient();
412 jac(jj,ii)=jac(ii,jj);
413 }
414 tape.reset(pos);
415 }
417 }
419 }
421 TFunctor<real_t, const mfem::Vector,
422 mfem::Vector, state_size, param_size> rf;
424 TFunctor<ad::ADFloatType, const mfem::Vector,
425 ad::ADVectorType, state_size, param_size> tf;
427 TFunctor<ADSType, const mfem::Vector, ADSVector,
428 state_size, param_size> sf;
432#else // end MFEM_USE_CODIPACK
435namespace mfem
438namespace ad
440/// MFEM native forward AD-type
441typedef internal::dual<real_t, real_t> ADFloatType;
442/// Vector type for AD-type numbers
443typedef TAutoDiffVector<ADFloatType> ADVectorType;
444/// Matrix type for AD-type numbers
445typedef TAutoDiffDenseMatrix<ADFloatType> ADMatrixType;
448/// The class provides an evaluation of the Jacobian of a templated vector
449/// function provided in the constructor. The Jacobian is evaluated with the
450/// help of automatic differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the
451/// size of the return vector (vector_size), the size of the input vector
452/// (state_size), and the size of the parameters supplied to the function.
453template<int vector_size=1, int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
457 /// F_ is user implemented function to be differentiated by
458 /// VectorFuncAutoDiff. The signature of the function is: F_(mfem::Vector&
459 /// parameters, ad::ADVectroType& state_vector, ad::ADVectorType& result).
460 /// The parameters vector should have size param_size. The state_vector
461 /// should have size state_size, and the result vector should have size
462 /// vector_size. All size parameters are teplate parameters in
463 /// VectorFuncAutoDiff.
465 std::function<void(mfem::Vector&, ad::ADVectorType&, ad::ADVectorType&)> F_)
466 {
467 F=F_;
468 }
470 /// Evaluates the Jacobian of the vector function F_ for a set of parameters
471 /// (vparam) and state vector uu. The Jacobian (jac) has dimensions
472 /// [vector_size x state_size].
474 {
475 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
476 jac = 0.0;
477 {
478 ad::ADVectorType aduu(uu); // all dual numbers are initialized to zero
479 ad::ADVectorType rr(vector_size);
481 for (int ii = 0; ii < state_size; ii++)
482 {
483 aduu[ii].gradient = 1.0;
484 F(vparam,aduu,rr);
485 for (int jj = 0; jj < vector_size; jj++)
486 {
487 jac(jj, ii) = rr[jj].gradient;
488 }
489 aduu[ii].gradient = 0.0;
490 }
491 }
492 }
495 std::function<void(mfem::Vector&, ad::ADVectorType&, ad::ADVectorType&)> F;
499/// The class provides an evaluation of the Jacobian of a templated vector
500/// function provided as a functor TFunctor. The Jacobian is evaluated with the
501/// help of automatic differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the
502/// size of the return vector (vector_size), the size of the input vector
503/// (state_size), and the size of the parameters supplied to the function. The
504/// TFunctor functor is a template class with parameters [Float data type],
505/// [Vector type for the additional parameters], [Vector type for the state
506/// vector and the return residual].
507/// The integer template parameters are the same ones
508/// passed to QVectorFuncAutoDiff. \n
509/// Example: f={sin(a*x*y), cos(b*x*y*z), x*x+y*x} \n
510/// The vector function has vector_size=3, and state_size=3, i.e., it has
511/// three arguments [x,y,z]. The parameters [a,b] size is 2.
512/// The functor class will have the following form
513/// \code{.cpp}
514/// template<typename TDataType, typename TParamVector, typename TStateVector,
515/// int residual_size, int state_size, int param_size>
516/// class MyVectorFunction{
517/// public:
518/// TDataType operator() (TParamVector& vparam, TStateVector& uu, TStateVector& rr)
519/// {
520/// auto a=vparam[0];
521/// auto b=vparam[1];
522/// rr[0]=sin(a*uu[0]*uu[1]);
523/// rr[1]=cos(b*uu[0]*uu[1]*uu[2]);
524/// rr[2]=uu[0]*uu[0]+uu[0]*uu[1];
525/// }
527/// };
528/// \endcode
529template<template<typename, typename, typename, int, int, int> class TFunctor
530 , int vector_size=1, int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
534 /// MFEM native forward AD-type
535 typedef internal::dual<real_t, real_t> ADFType;
536 /// Vector type for AD-type numbers
538 /// Matrix type for AD-type numbers
542 /// Returns a vector valued function rr for supplied passive arguments
543 /// vparam and active arguments uu. The evaluation is based on the user
544 /// supplied TFunctor template class.
545 void VectorFunc(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
546 {
547 func(vparam, uu, rr);
548 }
550 /// Returns the gradient of TFunctor(...) residual in the dense matrix jac.
551 /// The dimensions of jac are vector_size x state_size, where state_size is
552 /// the length of vector uu.
554 {
555 // use native AD package
556 jac.SetSize(vector_size, state_size);
557 jac = 0.0;
558 {
559 ADFVector aduu(uu); // all dual numbers are initialized to zero
560 ADFVector rr(vector_size);
562 for (int ii = 0; ii < state_size; ii++)
563 {
564 aduu[ii].gradient = 1.0;
565 Eval(vparam, aduu, rr);
566 for (int jj = 0; jj < vector_size; jj++)
567 {
568 jac(jj, ii) = rr[jj].gradient;
569 }
570 aduu[ii].gradient = 0.0;
571 }
572 }
573 }
576 /// Evaluates the residual from TFunctor(...).
577 /// Intended for internal use only.
578 void Eval(const Vector &vparam, ADFVector &uu, ADFVector &rr)
579 {
580 tf(vparam, uu, rr);
581 }
583 TFunctor<real_t, const Vector, Vector,
584 vector_size, state_size, param_size> func;
586 TFunctor<ADFType, const Vector, ADFVector,
587 vector_size, state_size, param_size> tf;
591/// The class provides an evaluation of the first derivatives and the Hessian of
592/// a templated scalar function provided as a functor TFunctor. Both the first
593/// and the second derivatives are evaluated with the help of automatic
594/// differentiation (AD). The template parameters specify the size of the input
595/// vector (state_size) and the size of the parameters supplied to the
596/// function. The TFunctor functor is a template class with parameters [Float
597/// data type], [Vector type for the additional parameters], [Vector type for
598/// the state vector and the return residual]. The integer template parameters
599/// are the same ones passed to QFunctionAutoDiff. The class duplicates Grad and
600/// Hessian, i.e., VectorFunc calls Grad, and Jacobian calls Hessian. The main
601/// reason is to provide the same interface as the QVectorFuncAutoDiff class
602/// used to differentiate vector functions. Such compatibility allows users to
603/// start implementation of their problem based only on some energy or a weak
604/// form. The gradients, computed with Grad/VectorFunc, of the function will
605/// contribute to the FE residual. Computed with Hessian/Jacobian, the Hessian
606/// will contribute to the tangent matrix in Newton's iterations. Once the
607/// implementation is complete and tested, the users can start improving the
608/// performance by replacing Grad/VectorFunc with a hand-coded version. The
609/// gradient is a vector function and can be differentiated with the
610/// functionality implemented in QVectorFuncAutoDiff. Thus, the user can
611/// directly employ AD for computing the contributions to the global tangent
612/// matrix. The main code will not require changes as the names Grad/VectorFunc
613/// and Hessian/Jacobian are mirrored.
614template<template<typename, typename, typename, int, int> class TFunctor
615 , int state_size=1, int param_size=0>
619 /// MFEM native AD-type for first derivatives
620 typedef internal::dual<real_t, real_t> ADFType;
621 /// Vector type for AD-numbers(first derivatives)
623 /// Matrix type for AD-numbers(first derivatives)
625 /// MFEM native AD-type for second derivatives
626 typedef internal::dual<ADFType, ADFType> ADSType;
627 /// Vector type for AD-numbers (second derivatives)
629 /// Vector type for AD-numbers (second derivatives)
633 /// Evaluates a function for arguments vparam and uu. The evaluation is
634 /// based on the operator() in the user provided functor TFunctor.
635 real_t Eval(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu)
636 {
637 return tf(vparam,uu);
638 }
640 /// Provides the same functionality as Grad.
641 void VectorFunc(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
642 {
643 Grad(vparam,uu,rr);
644 }
646 /// Returns the first derivative of TFunctor(...) with respect to the active
647 /// arguments proved in vector uu. The length of rr is the same as for uu.
648 void Grad(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
649 {
650 int n = uu.Size();
651 rr.SetSize(n);
652 ADFVector aduu(uu);
653 ADFType rez;
654 for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
655 {
656 aduu[ii].gradient = 1.0;
657 rez = ff(vparam, aduu);
658 rr[ii] = rez.gradient;
659 aduu[ii].gradient = 0.0;
660 }
661 }
663 /// Provides same functionality as Hessian.
665 {
666 Hessian(vparam,uu,jac);
667 }
669 /// Returns the Hessian of TFunctor(...) in the dense matrix jac. The
670 /// dimensions of jac are state_size x state_size, where state_size is the
671 /// length of vector uu.
673 {
674 int n = uu.Size();
675 jac.SetSize(n);
676 jac = 0.0;
677 {
678 ADSVector aduu(n);
679 for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
680 {
681 aduu[ii].value = ADFType{uu[ii], 0.0};
682 aduu[ii].gradient = ADFType{0.0, 0.0};
683 }
685 for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
686 {
687 aduu[ii].value = ADFType{uu[ii], 1.0};
688 for (int jj = 0; jj < (ii + 1); jj++)
689 {
690 aduu[jj].gradient = ADFType{1.0, 0.0};
691 ADSType rez = sf(vparam, aduu);
692 jac(ii, jj) = rez.gradient.gradient;
693 jac(jj, ii) = rez.gradient.gradient;
694 aduu[jj].gradient = ADFType{0.0, 0.0};
695 }
696 aduu[ii].value = ADFType{uu[ii], 0.0};
697 }
698 }
699 }
702 TFunctor<real_t, const Vector, Vector, state_size, param_size> tf;
703 TFunctor<ADFType, const Vector, ADFVector, state_size, param_size> ff;
704 TFunctor<ADSType, const Vector, ADSVector, state_size, param_size> sf;
708} // end namespace mfem
710#endif // NATIVE
712#endif // ADMFEM_HPP
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition densemat.hpp:24
void SetSize(int s)
Change the size of the DenseMatrix to s x s.
Definition densemat.hpp:105
void VectorFunc(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector &rr)
Provides the same functionality as Grad.
Definition admfem.hpp:254
real_t Eval(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu)
Definition admfem.hpp:635
codi::RealForwardGen< real_t > ADFType
Definition admfem.hpp:323
void Hessian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::DenseMatrix &jac)
Definition admfem.hpp:345
real_t Eval(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu)
Definition admfem.hpp:248
void Jacobian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::DenseMatrix &jac)
Provides same functionality as Hessian.
Definition admfem.hpp:316
TAutoDiffVector< ADSType > ADSVector
Definition admfem.hpp:328
TAutoDiffDenseMatrix< ADFType > ADFDenseMatrix
Definition admfem.hpp:325
void Grad(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector &rr)
Definition admfem.hpp:261
void VectorFunc(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
Provides the same functionality as Grad.
Definition admfem.hpp:641
codi::RealReverseGen< ADFType > ADSType
Definition admfem.hpp:336
TAutoDiffDenseMatrix< ADSType > ADSDenseMatrix
Definition admfem.hpp:329
TAutoDiffVector< ADFType > ADFVector
Definition admfem.hpp:324
codi::RealForwardGen< ADFType > ADSType
Definition admfem.hpp:327
void Grad(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
Definition admfem.hpp:648
void Jacobian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::DenseMatrix &jac)
Definition admfem.hpp:159
void VectorFunc(const Vector &vparam, Vector &uu, Vector &rr)
Definition admfem.hpp:545
void VectorFunc(const mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::Vector &rr)
Definition admfem.hpp:151
Templated dense matrix data type.
Templated vector data type.
Definition tadvector.hpp:41
void Jacobian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &vstate, mfem::DenseMatrix &jac)
Definition admfem.hpp:70
VectorFuncAutoDiff(std::function< void(mfem::Vector &, ad::ADVectorType &, ad::ADVectorType &)> F_)
Definition admfem.hpp:61
void Jacobian(mfem::Vector &vparam, mfem::Vector &uu, mfem::DenseMatrix &jac)
Definition admfem.hpp:473
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
Definition vector.hpp:218
void SetSize(int s)
Resize the vector to size s.
Definition vector.hpp:538
This file contains the declaration of a dual number class.
TAutoDiffDenseMatrix< ADFloatType > ADMatrixType
Matrix type for AD-numbers.
Definition admfem.hpp:34
TAutoDiffVector< ADFloatType > ADVectorType
Vector type for AD-numbers.
Definition admfem.hpp:32
codi::RealForward ADFloatType
Forward AD type declaration.
Definition admfem.hpp:30
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43