class | Array |
class | Array2D |
| Dynamic 2D array using row-major layout. More...
class | Array3D |
class | BlockArray |
class | MPI_Session |
| A simple convenience class that calls MPI_Init() at construction and MPI_Finalize() at destruction. It also provides easy access to MPI_COMM_WORLD's rank and size. More...
class | GroupTopology |
class | GroupCommunicator |
| Communicator performing operations within groups defined by a GroupTopology with arbitrary-size data associated with each group. More...
struct | VarMessage |
| Variable-length MPI message containing unspecific binary data. More...
struct | MPITypeMap |
| Helper struct to convert a C++ type to an MPI type. More...
struct | MPITypeMap< int > |
struct | MPITypeMap< double > |
struct | Backend |
| MFEM backends. More...
class | Device |
| The MFEM Device class abstracts hardware devices such as GPUs, as well as programming models such as CUDA, OCCA, RAJA and OpenMP. More...
class | ErrorException |
| Exception class thrown when MFEM encounters an error and the current ErrorAction is set to MFEM_ERROR_THROW. More...
class | OutStream |
| Simple extension of std::ostream. More...
struct | Hashed2 |
struct | Hashed4 |
class | HashTable |
class | isockstream |
class | StackPart |
class | Stack |
class | MemAllocNode |
class | MemAlloc |
class | Memory |
| Class used by MFEM to store pointers to host and/or device memory. More...
class | MemoryManager |
| The memory manager class. More...
class | OptionsParser |
class | osockstream |
class | IntegerSet |
| A set of integers. More...
class | ListOfIntegerSets |
| List of integer sets. More...
class | socketbuf |
class | GnuTLS_status |
class | GnuTLS_global_state |
class | GnuTLS_session_params |
class | GnuTLS_socketbuf |
class | socketstream |
class | socketserver |
class | Pair |
| A pair of objects. More...
class | Triple |
class | STable3DNode |
class | STable3D |
| Symmetric 3D Table. More...
struct | Connection |
| Helper struct for defining a connectivity table, see Table::MakeFromList. More...
class | Table |
class | STable |
class | DSTable |
struct | AssignOp |
class | StopWatch |
| Timing object. More...
class | ofgzstream |
class | ifgzstream |
class | named_ifgzstream |
class | BlockMatrix |
class | BlockOperator |
| A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation. More...
class | BlockDiagonalPreconditioner |
| A class to handle Block diagonal preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation. More...
class | BlockLowerTriangularPreconditioner |
| A class to handle Block lower triangular preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation. More...
class | BlockVector |
| A class to handle Vectors in a block fashion. More...
class | ComplexOperator |
| Mimic the action of a complex operator using two real operators. More...
class | ComplexSparseMatrix |
| Specialization of the ComplexOperator built from a pair of Sparse Matrices. More...
class | ComplexHypreParMatrix |
| Specialization of the ComplexOperator built from a pair of HypreParMatrices. More...
class | DenseMatrix |
| Data type dense matrix using column-major storage. More...
class | LUFactors |
class | DenseMatrixInverse |
class | DenseMatrixEigensystem |
class | DenseMatrixSVD |
class | DenseTensor |
| Rank 3 tensor (array of matrices) More...
class | TensorInd |
| A Class to compute the real index from the multi-indices of a tensor. More...
class | TensorInd< Dim, Dim, T, Args...> |
class | Init |
| A class to initialize the size of a Tensor. More...
class | Init< Dim, Dim, T, Args...> |
class | DeviceTensor |
| A basic generic Tensor class, appropriate for use on the GPU. More...
class | OperatorHandle |
| Pointer to an Operator of a specified type. More...
class | HiopOptimizationProblem |
| Internal class - adapts the OptimizationProblem class to HiOp's interface. More...
class | HiopNlpOptimizer |
| Adapts the HiOp functionality to the MFEM OptimizationSolver interface. More...
class | HypreParVector |
| Wrapper for hypre's parallel vector class. More...
class | HypreParMatrix |
| Wrapper for hypre's ParCSR matrix class. More...
class | HypreSmoother |
| Parallel smoothers in hypre. More...
class | HypreSolver |
| Abstract class for hypre's solvers and preconditioners. More...
class | HyprePCG |
| PCG solver in hypre. More...
class | HypreGMRES |
| GMRES solver in hypre. More...
class | HypreIdentity |
| The identity operator as a hypre solver. More...
class | HypreDiagScale |
| Jacobi preconditioner in hypre. More...
class | HypreParaSails |
| The ParaSails preconditioner in hypre. More...
class | HypreEuclid |
class | HypreBoomerAMG |
| The BoomerAMG solver in hypre. More...
class | HypreAMS |
| The Auxiliary-space Maxwell Solver in hypre. More...
class | HypreADS |
| The Auxiliary-space Divergence Solver in hypre. More...
class | HypreLOBPCG |
class | HypreAME |
struct | ScalarOps |
| Auxiliary class used as the default for the second template parameter in the classes InvariantsEvaluator2D and InvariantsEvaluator3D. More...
class | InvariantsEvaluator2D |
| Auxiliary class for evaluating the 2x2 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives. More...
class | InvariantsEvaluator3D |
| Auxiliary class for evaluating the 3x3 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives. More...
class | Matrix |
| Abstract data type matrix. More...
class | MatrixInverse |
| Abstract data type for matrix inverse. More...
class | AbstractSparseMatrix |
| Abstract data type for sparse matrices. More...
class | ODESolver |
| Abstract class for solving systems of ODEs: dx/dt = f(x,t) More...
class | ForwardEulerSolver |
| The classical forward Euler method. More...
class | RK2Solver |
class | RK3SSPSolver |
| Third-order, strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta method. More...
class | RK4Solver |
| The classical explicit forth-order Runge-Kutta method, RK4. More...
class | ExplicitRKSolver |
class | RK6Solver |
class | RK8Solver |
class | AdamsBashforthSolver |
class | AB1Solver |
class | AB2Solver |
class | AB3Solver |
class | AB4Solver |
class | AB5Solver |
class | AdamsMoultonSolver |
class | AM0Solver |
class | AM1Solver |
class | AM2Solver |
class | AM3Solver |
class | AM4Solver |
class | BackwardEulerSolver |
| Backward Euler ODE solver. L-stable. More...
class | ImplicitMidpointSolver |
| Implicit midpoint method. A-stable, not L-stable. More...
class | SDIRK23Solver |
class | SDIRK34Solver |
class | SDIRK33Solver |
class | GeneralizedAlphaSolver |
class | SIASolver |
class | SIA1Solver |
class | SIA2Solver |
class | SIAVSolver |
class | SecondOrderODESolver |
| Abstract class for solving systems of ODEs: d2x/dt2 = f(x,dx/dt,t) More...
class | NewmarkSolver |
class | LinearAccelerationSolver |
class | CentralDifferenceSolver |
class | FoxGoodwinSolver |
class | GeneralizedAlpha2Solver |
class | AverageAccelerationSolver |
| The classical midpoint method. More...
class | HHTAlphaSolver |
class | WBZAlphaSolver |
class | Operator |
| Abstract operator. More...
class | TimeDependentOperator |
| Base abstract class for first order time dependent operators. More...
class | SecondOrderTimeDependentOperator |
| Base abstract class for second order time dependent operators. More...
class | Solver |
| Base class for solvers. More...
class | IdentityOperator |
| Identity Operator I: x -> x. More...
class | ScaledOperator |
| Scaled Operator B: x -> a A(x). More...
class | TransposeOperator |
| The transpose of a given operator. Switches the roles of the methods Mult() and MultTranspose(). More...
class | ProductOperator |
| General product operator: x -> (A*B)(x) = A(B(x)). More...
class | RAPOperator |
| The operator x -> R*A*P*x constructed through the actions of R^T, A and P. More...
class | TripleProductOperator |
| General triple product operator x -> A*B*C*x, with ownership of the factors. More...
class | ConstrainedOperator |
| Square Operator for imposing essential boundary conditions using only the action, Mult(), of a given unconstrained Operator. More...
class | RectangularConstrainedOperator |
| Rectangular Operator for imposing essential boundary conditions on the input space using only the action, Mult(), of a given unconstrained Operator. More...
class | PetscParVector |
| Wrapper for PETSc's vector class. More...
class | PetscParMatrix |
| Wrapper for PETSc's matrix class. More...
class | PetscBCHandler |
| Helper class for handling essential boundary conditions. More...
class | PetscPreconditionerFactory |
class | PetscSolver |
| Abstract class for PETSc's solvers. More...
class | PetscLinearSolver |
| Abstract class for PETSc's linear solvers. More...
class | PetscPCGSolver |
class | PetscPreconditioner |
| Abstract class for PETSc's preconditioners. More...
class | PetscBDDCSolverParams |
| Auxiliary class for BDDC customization. More...
class | PetscBDDCSolver |
class | PetscFieldSplitSolver |
class | PetscNonlinearSolver |
| Abstract class for PETSc's nonlinear solvers. More...
class | PetscODESolver |
| Abstract class for PETSc's ODE solvers. More...
class | PetscSolverMonitor |
| Abstract class for monitoring PETSc's solvers. More...
class | IterativeSolver |
| Abstract base class for iterative solver. More...
class | OperatorJacobiSmoother |
| Jacobi smoothing for a given bilinear form (no matrix necessary). More...
class | SLISolver |
| Stationary linear iteration: x <- x + B (b - A x) More...
class | CGSolver |
| Conjugate gradient method. More...
class | GMRESSolver |
| GMRES method. More...
class | FGMRESSolver |
| FGMRES method. More...
class | BiCGSTABSolver |
| BiCGSTAB method. More...
class | MINRESSolver |
| MINRES method. More...
class | NewtonSolver |
| Newton's method for solving F(x)=b for a given operator F. More...
class | OptimizationProblem |
class | OptimizationSolver |
| Abstract solver for OptimizationProblems. More...
class | SLBQPOptimizer |
class | BlockILU |
class | UMFPackSolver |
| Direct sparse solver using UMFPACK. More...
class | KLUSolver |
| Direct sparse solver using KLU. More...
class | SparseMatrix |
| Data type sparse matrix. More...
class | SparseSmoother |
class | GSSmoother |
| Data type for Gauss-Seidel smoother of sparse matrix. More...
class | DSmoother |
| Data type for scaled Jacobi-type smoother of sparse matrix. More...
class | STRUMPACKRowLocMatrix |
class | STRUMPACKSolver |
class | SundialsSolver |
| Base class for interfacing with SUNDIALS packages. More...
class | CVODESolver |
| Interface to the CVODE library – linear multi-step methods. More...
class | ARKStepSolver |
| Interface to ARKode's ARKStep module – additive Runge-Kutta methods. More...
class | KINSolver |
| Interface to the KINSOL library – nonlinear solver methods. More...
class | SuperLURowLocMatrix |
class | SuperLUSolver |
struct | OffsetStridedLayout1D |
struct | StridedLayout2D |
struct | StridedLayout1D |
struct | OffsetStridedLayout2D |
struct | StridedLayout3D |
struct | StridedLayout4D |
struct | OffsetStridedLayout3D |
struct | OffsetStridedLayout4D |
struct | ColumnMajorLayout2D |
struct | ColumnMajorLayout3D |
struct | ColumnMajorLayout4D |
class | DynamicVectorLayout |
class | VectorLayout |
class | ScalarLayout |
struct | TVector |
struct | TMatrix |
struct | TTensor3 |
struct | TTensor4 |
class | Vector |
| Vector data type. More...
class | Element |
| Abstract data type element. More...
class | Hexahedron |
| Data type hexahedron element. More...
class | Mesh |
class | GeometricFactors |
| Structure for storing mesh geometric factors: coordinates, Jacobians, and determinants of the Jacobians. More...
class | FaceGeometricFactors |
| Structure for storing face geometric factors: coordinates, Jacobians, determinants of the Jacobians, and normal vectors. More...
class | NodeExtrudeCoefficient |
| Class used to extrude the nodes of a mesh. More...
class | MeshOperator |
| The MeshOperator class serves as base for mesh manipulation classes. More...
class | MeshOperatorSequence |
class | ThresholdRefiner |
| Mesh refinement operator using an error threshold. More...
class | ThresholdDerefiner |
| De-refinement operator using an error threshold. More...
class | Rebalancer |
| ParMesh rebalancing operator. More...
class | MesquiteMesh |
struct | Refinement |
struct | Embedding |
| Defines the position of a fine element within a coarse element. More...
struct | CoarseFineTransformations |
| Defines the coarse-fine transformations of all fine elements. More...
class | NCMesh |
| A class for non-conforming AMR on higher-order hexahedral, prismatic, quadrilateral or triangular meshes. More...
struct | RefTrf |
class | KnotVector |
class | NURBSPatch |
class | NURBSExtension |
class | ParNURBSExtension |
class | NURBSPatchMap |
class | ParMesh |
| Class for parallel meshes. More...
class | ParNCMesh |
| A parallel extension of the NCMesh class. More...
class | Point |
| Data type point element. More...
class | PumiMesh |
| Base class for PUMI meshes. More...
class | ParPumiMesh |
| Class for PUMI parallel meshes. More...
class | GridFunctionPumi |
| Class for PUMI grid functions. More...
class | Quadrilateral |
| Data type quadrilateral element. More...
class | Segment |
| Data type line segment element. More...
class | Tetrahedron |
| Data type tetrahedron element. More...
class | TMesh |
class | Triangle |
| Data type triangle element. More...
class | Vertex |
| Data type for vertex. More...
class | Wedge |
| Data type Wedge element. More...
class | BilinearForm |
class | MixedBilinearForm |
class | DiscreteLinearOperator |
class | BilinearFormExtension |
| Class extending the BilinearForm class to support the different AssemblyLevels. More...
class | FABilinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for fully-assembled bilinear forms. More...
class | EABilinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for element-assembled bilinear forms. More...
class | PABilinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for partially-assembled bilinear forms. More...
class | MFBilinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for matrix-free bilinear forms. More...
class | MixedBilinearFormExtension |
| Class extending the MixedBilinearForm class to support the different AssemblyLevels. More...
class | PAMixedBilinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for partially-assembled mixed bilinear forms. More...
class | BilinearFormIntegrator |
| Abstract base class BilinearFormIntegrator. More...
class | TransposeIntegrator |
class | LumpedIntegrator |
class | InverseIntegrator |
| Integrator that inverts the matrix assembled by another integrator. More...
class | SumIntegrator |
| Integrator defining a sum of multiple Integrators. More...
class | MixedScalarIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarVectorIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarMassIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorProductIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarDerivativeIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakDerivativeIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarDivergenceIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorDivergenceIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakGradientIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorMassIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossProductIntegrator |
class | MixedDotProductIntegrator |
class | MixedWeakGradDotIntegrator |
class | MixedWeakDivCrossIntegrator |
class | MixedGradGradIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossGradGradIntegrator |
class | MixedCurlCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossCurlCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossCurlGradIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossGradCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedWeakCurlCrossIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakCurlCrossIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossGradIntegrator |
class | MixedCrossCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarCrossCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarCrossGradIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarCrossProductIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakCrossProductIntegrator |
class | MixedDirectionalDerivativeIntegrator |
class | MixedGradDivIntegrator |
class | MixedDivGradIntegrator |
class | MixedScalarWeakDivergenceIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorGradientIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorWeakCurlIntegrator |
class | MixedVectorWeakDivergenceIntegrator |
class | GradientIntegrator |
class | DiffusionIntegrator |
class | MassIntegrator |
class | BoundaryMassIntegrator |
class | ConvectionIntegrator |
| alpha (q . grad u, v) More...
class | GroupConvectionIntegrator |
| alpha (q . grad u, v) using the "group" FE discretization More...
class | VectorMassIntegrator |
class | VectorFEDivergenceIntegrator |
class | VectorFEWeakDivergenceIntegrator |
class | VectorFECurlIntegrator |
class | DerivativeIntegrator |
| Class for integrating (Q D_i(u), v); u and v are scalars. More...
class | CurlCurlIntegrator |
| Integrator for (curl u, curl v) for Nedelec elements. More...
class | VectorCurlCurlIntegrator |
class | VectorFEMassIntegrator |
class | VectorDivergenceIntegrator |
class | DivDivIntegrator |
| (Q div u, div v) for RT elements More...
class | VectorDiffusionIntegrator |
class | ElasticityIntegrator |
class | DGTraceIntegrator |
class | DGDiffusionIntegrator |
class | DGElasticityIntegrator |
class | TraceJumpIntegrator |
class | NormalTraceJumpIntegrator |
class | DiscreteInterpolator |
class | GradientInterpolator |
class | IdentityInterpolator |
class | CurlInterpolator |
class | DivergenceInterpolator |
class | NormalInterpolator |
class | ScalarProductInterpolator |
class | ScalarVectorProductInterpolator |
class | VectorScalarProductInterpolator |
class | VectorCrossProductInterpolator |
class | VectorInnerProductInterpolator |
class | Coefficient |
| Base class Coefficient that may optionally depend on time. More...
class | ConstantCoefficient |
| Subclass constant coefficient. More...
class | PWConstCoefficient |
| class for piecewise constant coefficient More...
class | FunctionCoefficient |
| class for C-function coefficient More...
class | GridFunctionCoefficient |
| Coefficient defined by a GridFunction. This coefficient is mesh dependent. More...
class | TransformedCoefficient |
class | DeltaCoefficient |
| Delta function coefficient. More...
class | RestrictedCoefficient |
| Coefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class | VectorCoefficient |
class | VectorConstantCoefficient |
class | VectorFunctionCoefficient |
class | VectorArrayCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined by an array of scalar coefficients. More...
class | VectorGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined by a vector GridFunction. More...
class | GradientGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the Gradient of a scalar GridFunction. More...
class | CurlGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the Curl of a vector GridFunction. More...
class | DivergenceGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the Divergence of a vector GridFunction. More...
class | VectorDeltaCoefficient |
| VectorDeltaCoefficient: DeltaCoefficient with a direction. More...
class | VectorRestrictedCoefficient |
| VectorCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class | MatrixCoefficient |
class | MatrixConstantCoefficient |
class | MatrixFunctionCoefficient |
class | MatrixArrayCoefficient |
class | MatrixRestrictedCoefficient |
| MatrixCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class | SumCoefficient |
| Coefficients based on sums and products of other coefficients. More...
class | ProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the product of two scalar coefficients. More...
class | PowerCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as a scalar raised to a power. More...
class | InnerProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the inner product of two vector coefficients. More...
class | VectorRotProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as a cross product of two vectors in 2D. More...
class | DeterminantCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the determinant of a matrix coefficient. More...
class | VectorSumCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the sum of two vector coefficients. More...
class | ScalarVectorProductCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a product of a scalar and a vector. More...
class | VectorCrossProductCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a cross product of two vectors. More...
class | MatVecCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a matrix vector product. More...
class | IdentityMatrixCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the identity of dimension d. More...
class | MatrixSumCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the sum of two matrix coefficients. More...
class | ScalarMatrixProductCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as a product of a scalar and a matrix. More...
class | TransposeMatrixCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the transpose a matrix. More...
class | InverseMatrixCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the inverse a matrix. More...
class | OuterProductCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the outer product of two vectors. More...
class | ComplexGridFunction |
class | ComplexLinearForm |
class | SesquilinearForm |
class | ParComplexGridFunction |
class | ParComplexLinearForm |
class | ParSesquilinearForm |
class | ConduitDataCollection |
| Data collection that uses the Conduit Mesh Blueprint specification. More...
class | NamedFieldsMap |
| Lightweight adaptor over an std::map from strings to pointer to T. More...
class | DataCollection |
class | VisItFieldInfo |
| Helper class for VisIt visualization data. More...
class | VisItDataCollection |
| Data collection with VisIt I/O routines. More...
class | ParaViewDataCollection |
| Helper class for ParaView visualization data. More...
class | ElementTransformation |
class | InverseElementTransformation |
| The inverse transformation of a given ElementTransformation. More...
class | IsoparametricTransformation |
class | IntegrationPointTransformation |
class | FaceElementTransformations |
class | AbstractErrorEstimator |
| Base class for all error estimators. More...
class | ErrorEstimator |
| Base class for all element based error estimators. More...
class | AnisotropicErrorEstimator |
| The AnisotropicErrorEstimator class is the base class for all error estimators that compute one non-negative real (double) number and an anisotropic flag for every element in the Mesh. More...
class | ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator |
| The ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator class implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure. More...
class | L2ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator |
| The L2ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator class implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure where the flux averaging is replaced by a global L2 projection (requiring a mass matrix solve). More...
class | BasisType |
| Possible basis types. Note that not all elements can use all BasisType(s). More...
class | DofToQuad |
| Structure representing the matrices/tensors needed to evaluate (in reference space) the values, gradients, divergences, or curls of a FiniteElement at a the quadrature points of a given IntegrationRule. More...
class | FunctionSpace |
| Describes the space on each element. More...
class | FiniteElement |
| Abstract class for Finite Elements. More...
class | ScalarFiniteElement |
class | NodalFiniteElement |
class | PositiveFiniteElement |
class | VectorFiniteElement |
class | PointFiniteElement |
class | Linear1DFiniteElement |
| Class for linear FE on interval. More...
class | Linear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for linear FE on triangle. More...
class | BiLinear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for bilinear FE on quadrilateral. More...
class | GaussLinear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for linear FE on triangle with nodes at the 3 "Gaussian" points. More...
class | GaussBiLinear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for bilinear FE on quad with nodes at the 4 Gaussian points. More...
class | P1OnQuadFiniteElement |
class | Quad1DFiniteElement |
| Class for quadratic FE on interval. More...
class | QuadPos1DFiniteElement |
class | Quad2DFiniteElement |
| Class for quadratic FE on triangle. More...
class | GaussQuad2DFiniteElement |
| Class for quadratic FE on triangle with nodes at the "Gaussian" points. More...
class | BiQuad2DFiniteElement |
| Class for bi-quadratic FE on quadrilateral. More...
class | BiQuadPos2DFiniteElement |
class | GaussBiQuad2DFiniteElement |
| Bi-quadratic element on quad with nodes at the 9 Gaussian points. More...
class | BiCubic2DFiniteElement |
class | Cubic1DFiniteElement |
class | Cubic2DFiniteElement |
class | Cubic3DFiniteElement |
| Class for cubic FE on tetrahedron. More...
class | P0TriangleFiniteElement |
| Class for constant FE on triangle. More...
class | P0QuadFiniteElement |
class | Linear3DFiniteElement |
| Class for linear FE on tetrahedron. More...
class | Quadratic3DFiniteElement |
| Class for quadratic FE on tetrahedron. More...
class | TriLinear3DFiniteElement |
| Class for tri-linear FE on cube. More...
class | CrouzeixRaviartFiniteElement |
| Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on triangle. More...
class | CrouzeixRaviartQuadFiniteElement |
| Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on quadrilateral. More...
class | P0SegmentFiniteElement |
class | RT0TriangleFiniteElement |
class | RT0QuadFiniteElement |
class | RT1TriangleFiniteElement |
class | RT1QuadFiniteElement |
class | RT2TriangleFiniteElement |
class | RT2QuadFiniteElement |
class | P1SegmentFiniteElement |
| Linear 1D element with nodes 1/3 and 2/3 (trace of RT1) More...
class | P2SegmentFiniteElement |
| Quadratic 1D element with nodes the Gaussian points in [0,1] (trace of RT2) More...
class | Lagrange1DFiniteElement |
class | P1TetNonConfFiniteElement |
class | P0TetFiniteElement |
class | P0HexFiniteElement |
class | LagrangeHexFiniteElement |
| Tensor products of 1D FEs (only degree 2 is functional) More...
class | RefinedLinear1DFiniteElement |
| Class for refined linear FE on interval. More...
class | RefinedLinear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for refined linear FE on triangle. More...
class | RefinedLinear3DFiniteElement |
| Class for refined linear FE on tetrahedron. More...
class | RefinedBiLinear2DFiniteElement |
| Class for refined bi-linear FE on quadrilateral. More...
class | RefinedTriLinear3DFiniteElement |
| Class for refined trilinear FE on a hexahedron. More...
class | Nedelec1HexFiniteElement |
class | Nedelec1TetFiniteElement |
class | RT0HexFiniteElement |
class | RT1HexFiniteElement |
class | RT0TetFiniteElement |
class | RotTriLinearHexFiniteElement |
class | Poly_1D |
class | TensorBasisElement |
class | NodalTensorFiniteElement |
class | PositiveTensorFiniteElement |
class | VectorTensorFiniteElement |
class | H1_SegmentElement |
class | H1_QuadrilateralElement |
class | H1_HexahedronElement |
class | H1Pos_SegmentElement |
class | H1Pos_QuadrilateralElement |
class | H1Ser_QuadrilateralElement |
class | H1Pos_HexahedronElement |
class | H1_TriangleElement |
class | H1_TetrahedronElement |
class | H1Pos_TriangleElement |
class | H1Pos_TetrahedronElement |
class | H1_WedgeElement |
class | BiLinear3DFiniteElement |
| Class for linear FE on wedge. More...
class | BiQuadratic3DFiniteElement |
| Class for quadratic FE on wedge. More...
class | BiCubic3DFiniteElement |
| Class for cubic FE on wedge. More...
class | H1Pos_WedgeElement |
class | L2_SegmentElement |
class | L2Pos_SegmentElement |
class | L2_QuadrilateralElement |
class | L2Pos_QuadrilateralElement |
class | L2_HexahedronElement |
class | L2Pos_HexahedronElement |
class | L2_TriangleElement |
class | L2Pos_TriangleElement |
class | L2_TetrahedronElement |
class | L2Pos_TetrahedronElement |
class | L2_WedgeElement |
class | P0WedgeFiniteElement |
class | L2Pos_WedgeElement |
class | RT_QuadrilateralElement |
class | RT_HexahedronElement |
class | RT_TriangleElement |
class | RT_TetrahedronElement |
class | ND_HexahedronElement |
class | ND_QuadrilateralElement |
class | ND_TetrahedronElement |
class | ND_TriangleElement |
class | ND_SegmentElement |
class | NURBSFiniteElement |
class | NURBS1DFiniteElement |
class | NURBS2DFiniteElement |
class | NURBS3DFiniteElement |
class | FiniteElementCollection |
class | H1_FECollection |
| Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements. More...
class | H1Pos_FECollection |
class | H1Ser_FECollection |
class | H1_Trace_FECollection |
class | L2_FECollection |
| Arbitrary order "L2-conforming" discontinuous finite elements. More...
class | RT_FECollection |
| Arbitrary order H(div)-conforming Raviart-Thomas finite elements. More...
class | RT_Trace_FECollection |
class | DG_Interface_FECollection |
class | ND_FECollection |
| Arbitrary order H(curl)-conforming Nedelec finite elements. More...
class | ND_Trace_FECollection |
class | NURBSFECollection |
| Arbitrary order non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) finite elements. More...
class | LinearFECollection |
| Piecewise-(bi)linear continuous finite elements. More...
class | QuadraticFECollection |
| Piecewise-(bi)quadratic continuous finite elements. More...
class | QuadraticPosFECollection |
| Version of QuadraticFECollection with positive basis functions. More...
class | CubicFECollection |
| Piecewise-(bi)cubic continuous finite elements. More...
class | CrouzeixRaviartFECollection |
| Crouzeix-Raviart nonconforming elements in 2D. More...
class | LinearNonConf3DFECollection |
| Piecewise-linear nonconforming finite elements in 3D. More...
class | RT0_2DFECollection |
class | RT1_2DFECollection |
class | RT2_2DFECollection |
class | Const2DFECollection |
class | LinearDiscont2DFECollection |
class | GaussLinearDiscont2DFECollection |
| Version of LinearDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points. More...
class | P1OnQuadFECollection |
| Linear (P1) finite elements on quadrilaterals. More...
class | QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection |
class | QuadraticPosDiscont2DFECollection |
| Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with positive basis functions. More...
class | GaussQuadraticDiscont2DFECollection |
| Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points. More...
class | CubicDiscont2DFECollection |
class | Const3DFECollection |
class | LinearDiscont3DFECollection |
class | QuadraticDiscont3DFECollection |
class | RefinedLinearFECollection |
| Finite element collection on a macro-element. More...
class | ND1_3DFECollection |
class | RT0_3DFECollection |
class | RT1_3DFECollection |
class | Local_FECollection |
| Discontinuous collection defined locally by a given finite element. More...
class | Ordering |
| The ordering method used when the number of unknowns per mesh node (vector dimension) is bigger than 1. More...
class | FiniteElementSpace |
| Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of degrees of freedom. More...
class | QuadratureSpace |
| Class representing the storage layout of a QuadratureFunction. More...
class | GridTransfer |
| Base class for transfer algorithms that construct transfer Operators between two finite element (FE) spaces. More...
class | InterpolationGridTransfer |
| Transfer data between a coarse mesh and an embedded refined mesh using interpolation. More...
class | L2ProjectionGridTransfer |
| Transfer data between a coarse mesh and an embedded refined mesh using L2 projection. More...
class | Geometry |
class | RefinedGeometry |
class | GeometryRefiner |
class | GridFunction |
| Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space. More...
class | QuadratureFunction |
| Class representing a function through its values (scalar or vector) at quadrature points. More...
class | ExtrudeCoefficient |
| Class used for extruding scalar GridFunctions. More...
class | FindPointsGSLIB |
class | Hybridization |
class | IntegrationPoint |
| Class for integration point with weight. More...
class | IntegrationRule |
| Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint. More...
class | QuadratureFunctions1D |
| A Class that defines 1-D numerical quadrature rules on [0,1]. More...
class | Quadrature1D |
| A class container for 1D quadrature type constants. More...
class | IntegrationRules |
| Container class for integration rules. More...
class | LinearForm |
| Class for linear form - Vector with associated FE space and LFIntegrators. More...
class | LinearFormIntegrator |
| Abstract base class LinearFormIntegrator. More...
class | DeltaLFIntegrator |
| Abstract class for integrators that support delta coefficients. More...
class | DomainLFIntegrator |
| Class for domain integration L(v) := (f, v) More...
class | BoundaryLFIntegrator |
| Class for boundary integration L(v) := (g, v) More...
class | BoundaryNormalLFIntegrator |
| Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (g \cdot n, v) \). More...
class | BoundaryTangentialLFIntegrator |
| Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (g \cdot \tau, v) \) in 2D. More...
class | VectorDomainLFIntegrator |
class | VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator |
class | VectorFEDomainLFIntegrator |
| \( (f, v)_{\Omega} \) for VectorFiniteElements (Nedelec, Raviart-Thomas) More...
class | VectorBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator |
class | VectorFEBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator |
class | VectorFEBoundaryTangentLFIntegrator |
| Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (n \times f, v) \). More...
class | BoundaryFlowIntegrator |
class | DGDirichletLFIntegrator |
class | DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator |
class | NonlinearForm |
class | BlockNonlinearForm |
| A class representing a general block nonlinear operator defined on the Cartesian product of multiple FiniteElementSpaces. More...
class | NonlinearFormExtension |
class | PANonlinearFormExtension |
| Data and methods for partially-assembled nonlinear forms. More...
class | NonlinearFormIntegrator |
class | BlockNonlinearFormIntegrator |
class | HyperelasticModel |
| Abstract class for hyperelastic models. More...
class | InverseHarmonicModel |
class | NeoHookeanModel |
class | HyperelasticNLFIntegrator |
class | IncompressibleNeoHookeanIntegrator |
class | VectorConvectionNLFIntegrator |
class | ParBilinearForm |
| Class for parallel bilinear form. More...
class | ParMixedBilinearForm |
| Class for parallel bilinear form using different test and trial FE spaces. More...
class | ParDiscreteLinearOperator |
class | ParFiniteElementSpace |
| Abstract parallel finite element space. More...
class | ConformingProlongationOperator |
| Auxiliary class used by ParFiniteElementSpace. More...
class | DeviceConformingProlongationOperator |
| Auxiliary device class used by ParFiniteElementSpace. More...
class | ParGridFunction |
| Class for parallel grid function. More...
class | ParLinearForm |
| Class for parallel linear form. More...
class | ParNonlinearForm |
| Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs. More...
class | ParBlockNonlinearForm |
| A class representing a general parallel block nonlinear operator defined on the Cartesian product of multiple ParFiniteElementSpaces. More...
class | ParL2FaceRestriction |
| Operator that extracts Face degrees of freedom in parallel. More...
class | QuadratureInterpolator |
| A class that performs interpolation from an E-vector to quadrature point values and/or derivatives (Q-vectors). More...
class | FaceQuadratureInterpolator |
| A class that performs interpolation from a face E-vector to quadrature point values and/or derivatives (Q-vectors) on the faces. More...
class | ElementRestriction |
| Operator that converts FiniteElementSpace L-vectors to E-vectors. More...
class | L2ElementRestriction |
| Operator that converts L2 FiniteElementSpace L-vectors to E-vectors. More...
class | H1FaceRestriction |
| Operator that extracts Face degrees of freedom. More...
class | L2FaceRestriction |
| Operator that extracts Face degrees of freedom. More...
class | SidreDataCollection |
| Data collection with Sidre routines following the Conduit mesh blueprint specification. More...
class | StaticCondensation |
class | TBilinearForm |
class | TIntegrator |
struct | TMassKernel |
struct | TDiffusionKernel |
struct | TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t > |
struct | TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t > |
struct | TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t > |
class | TCoefficient |
class | TConstantCoefficient |
class | TFunctionCoefficient |
class | TPiecewiseConstCoefficient |
class | TGridFunctionCoefficient |
struct | IntRuleCoefficient |
class | TElementTransformation |
class | ShapeEvaluator_base |
class | ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t > |
class | TProductShapeEvaluator |
class | TProductShapeEvaluator< 1, DOF, NIP, real_t > |
class | TProductShapeEvaluator< 2, DOF, NIP, real_t > |
class | TProductShapeEvaluator< 3, DOF, NIP, real_t > |
class | ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, true, real_t > |
class | ShapeEvaluator |
class | FieldEvaluator_base |
class | FieldEvaluator |
class | H1_FiniteElement |
class | H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P > |
class | H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P > |
class | H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P > |
class | H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P > |
class | H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P > |
class | L2_FiniteElement_base |
class | L2_FiniteElement |
class | L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P > |
class | L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P > |
class | L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P > |
class | L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P > |
class | L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P > |
class | ElementDofIndexer |
class | TFiniteElementSpace_simple |
class | H1_FiniteElementSpace |
class | DGIndexer |
class | L2_FiniteElementSpace |
class | GenericIntegrationRule |
class | TProductIntegrationRule_base |
class | TProductIntegrationRule_base< 1, Q, real_t > |
class | TProductIntegrationRule_base< 2, Q, real_t > |
class | TProductIntegrationRule_base< 3, Q, real_t > |
class | TProductIntegrationRule |
class | GaussIntegrationRule |
class | TIntegrationRule |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SEGMENT, Order, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SQUARE, Order, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::CUBE, Order, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 0, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 1, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 2, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 3, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 4, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 5, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 6, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 7, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 0, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 1, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 2, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 3, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 4, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 5, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 6, real_t > |
class | TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 7, real_t > |
class | TMOP_QualityMetric |
| Abstract class for local mesh quality metrics in the target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP) by P. Knupp et al. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_001 |
| Metric without a type, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_skew2D |
| Skew metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_skew3D |
| Skew metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_aspratio2D |
| Aspect ratio metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_aspratio3D |
| Aspect ratio metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_002 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_007 |
| Shape & area, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_009 |
| Shape & area metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_022 |
| Shifted barrier form of metric 2 (shape, ideal barrier metric), 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_050 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_055 |
| Area metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_056 |
| Area, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_058 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_077 |
| Area, ideal barrier metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_211 |
| Untangling metric, 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_252 |
| Shifted barrier form of metric 56 (area, ideal barrier metric), 2D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_301 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_302 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_303 |
| Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_315 |
| Volume metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_316 |
| Volume, ideal barrier metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_321 |
| Shape & volume, ideal barrier metric, 3D. More...
class | TMOP_Metric_352 |
| Shifted barrier form of 3D metric 16 (volume, ideal barrier metric), 3D. More...
class | TMOP_LimiterFunction |
| Base class for limiting functions to be used in class TMOP_Integrator. More...
class | TMOP_QuadraticLimiter |
| Default limiter function in TMOP_Integrator. More...
class | AdaptivityEvaluator |
class | TargetConstructor |
| Base class representing target-matrix construction algorithms for mesh optimization via the target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP). More...
class | AnalyticAdaptTC |
class | DiscreteAdaptTC |
class | TMOP_Integrator |
| A TMOP integrator class based on any given TMOP_QualityMetric and TargetConstructor. More...
class | AdvectorCG |
class | SerialAdvectorCGOper |
| Performs a single remap advection step in serial. More...
class | ParAdvectorCGOper |
| Performs a single remap advection step in parallel. More...
class | TMOPNewtonSolver |
class | TMOPDescentNewtonSolver |
| Allows negative Jacobians. Used for untangling. More...
template<class T > |
void | Swap (Array< T > &, Array< T > &) |
template<class T > |
bool | operator== (const Array< T > &LHS, const Array< T > &RHS) |
template<class T > |
bool | operator!= (const Array< T > &LHS, const Array< T > &RHS) |
template<class T > |
void | Swap (Array2D< T > &, Array2D< T > &) |
template<class T > |
void | Swap (T &a, T &b) |
| inlines /// More...
void | KdTreeSort (int **coords, int d, int dim, int size) |
MPI_Comm | ReorderRanksZCurve (MPI_Comm comm) |
void | mfem_cuda_error (cudaError_t err, const char *expr, const char *func, const char *file, int line) |
void * | CuMemAlloc (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes) |
| Allocates device memory. More...
void * | CuMallocManaged (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes) |
| Allocates managed device memory. More...
void * | CuMemFree (void *d_ptr) |
| Frees device memory. More...
void * | CuMemcpyHtoD (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Host to Device. More...
void * | CuMemcpyHtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Host to Device. More...
void * | CuMemcpyDtoD (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * | CuMemcpyDtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * | CuMemcpyDtoH (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void * | CuMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void | CuCheckLastError () |
| Check the error code returned by cudaGetLastError(), aborting on error. More...
int | CuGetDeviceCount () |
| Get the number of CUDA devices. More...
template<typename T > |
MemoryClass | GetMemoryClass (const Memory< T > &mem, bool on_dev) |
| Return the memory class to be used by the functions Read(), Write(), and ReadWrite(), while setting the device use flag in mem, if on_dev is true. More...
template<typename T > |
const T * | Read (const Memory< T > &mem, int size, bool on_dev=true) |
| Get a pointer for read access to mem with the mfem::Device's DeviceMemoryClass, if on_dev = true, or the mfem::Device's HostMemoryClass, otherwise. More...
template<typename T > |
const T * | HostRead (const Memory< T > &mem, int size) |
| Shortcut to Read(const Memory<T> &mem, int size, false) More...
template<typename T > |
T * | Write (Memory< T > &mem, int size, bool on_dev=true) |
| Get a pointer for write access to mem with the mfem::Device's DeviceMemoryClass, if on_dev = true, or the mfem::Device's HostMemoryClass, otherwise. More...
template<typename T > |
T * | HostWrite (Memory< T > &mem, int size) |
| Shortcut to Write(const Memory<T> &mem, int size, false) More...
template<typename T > |
T * | ReadWrite (Memory< T > &mem, int size, bool on_dev=true) |
| Get a pointer for read+write access to mem with the mfem::Device's DeviceMemoryClass, if on_dev = true, or the mfem::Device's HostMemoryClass, otherwise. More...
template<typename T > |
T * | HostReadWrite (Memory< T > &mem, int size) |
| Shortcut to ReadWrite(Memory<T> &mem, int size, false) More...
void | set_error_action (ErrorAction action) |
| Set the action MFEM takes when an error is encountered. More...
ErrorAction | get_error_action () |
| Get the action MFEM takes when an error is encountered. More...
void | mfem_backtrace (int mode, int depth) |
void | mfem_error (const char *msg=NULL) |
| Function called when an error is encountered. Used by the macros MFEM_ABORT, MFEM_ASSERT, MFEM_VERIFY. More...
void | mfem_warning (const char *msg=NULL) |
| Function called by the macro MFEM_WARNING. More...
template<typename HBODY > |
void | OmpWrap (const int N, HBODY &&h_body) |
| OpenMP backend. More...
template<const int BLOCKS = MFEM_CUDA_BLOCKS, typename DBODY > |
void | RajaCudaWrap1D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | RajaCudaWrap2D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int BZ) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | RajaCudaWrap3D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int Z) |
template<typename HBODY > |
void | RajaOmpWrap (const int N, HBODY &&h_body) |
template<typename HBODY > |
void | RajaSeqWrap (const int N, HBODY &&h_body) |
| RAJA sequential loop backend. More...
template<const int BLCK = MFEM_CUDA_BLOCKS, typename DBODY > |
void | CuWrap1D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | CuWrap2D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int BZ) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | CuWrap3D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int Z) |
template<const int BLCK = MFEM_HIP_BLOCKS, typename DBODY > |
void | HipWrap1D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | HipWrap2D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int BZ) |
template<typename DBODY > |
void | HipWrap3D (const int N, DBODY &&d_body, const int X, const int Y, const int Z) |
template<const int DIM, typename DBODY , typename HBODY > |
void | ForallWrap (const bool use_dev, const int N, DBODY &&d_body, HBODY &&h_body, const int X=0, const int Y=0, const int Z=0) |
| The forall kernel body wrapper. More...
std::string | MakeParFilename (const std::string &prefix, const int myid, const std::string suffix="", const int width=6) |
| Construct a string of the form "<prefix><myid><suffix>" where the integer myid is padded with leading zeros to be at least width digits long. More...
void | mfem_hip_error (hipError_t err, const char *expr, const char *func, const char *file, int line) |
void * | HipMemAlloc (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes) |
| Allocates device memory. More...
void * | HipMallocManaged (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes) |
| Allocates managed device memory. More...
void * | HipMemFree (void *d_ptr) |
| Frees device memory. More...
void * | HipMemcpyHtoD (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Host to Device. More...
void * | HipMemcpyHtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Host to Device. More...
void * | HipMemcpyDtoD (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * | HipMemcpyDtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * | HipMemcpyDtoH (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void * | HipMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes) |
| Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void | HipCheckLastError () |
| Check the error code returned by hipGetLastError(), aborting on error. More...
int | HipGetDeviceCount () |
| Get the number of HIP devices. More...
MemoryType | GetMemoryType (MemoryClass mc) |
| Return a suitable MemoryType for a given MemoryClass. More...
MemoryClass | operator* (MemoryClass mc1, MemoryClass mc2) |
| Return a suitable MemoryClass from a pair of MemoryClasses. More...
void | MemoryPrintFlags (unsigned flags) |
| Print the state of a Memory object based on its internal flags. Useful in a debugger. See also Memory<T>::PrintFlags(). More...
bool | IsHostMemory (MemoryType mt) |
| Return true if the given memory type is in MemoryClass::HOST. More...
bool | IsDeviceMemory (MemoryType mt) |
occa::device & | OccaDev () |
| Return the default occa::device used by MFEM. More...
occa::memory | OccaMemoryWrap (void *ptr, std::size_t bytes) |
| Wrap a pointer as occa::memory with the default occa::device used by MFEM. More...
template<typename T > |
const occa::memory | OccaMemoryRead (const Memory< T > &mem, size_t size) |
| Wrap a Memory object as occa::memory for read only access with the mfem::Device MemoryClass. The returned occa::memory is associated with the default occa::device used by MFEM. More...
template<typename T > |
occa::memory | OccaMemoryWrite (Memory< T > &mem, size_t size) |
| Wrap a Memory object as occa::memory for write only access with the mfem::Device MemoryClass. The returned occa::memory is associated with the default occa::device used by MFEM. More...
template<typename T > |
occa::memory | OccaMemoryReadWrite (Memory< T > &mem, size_t size) |
| Wrap a Memory object as occa::memory for read-write access with the mfem::Device MemoryClass. The returned occa::memory is associated with the default occa::device used by MFEM. More...
bool | DeviceCanUseOcca () |
| Function that determines if an OCCA kernel should be used, based on the current mfem::Device configuration. More...
int | isValidAsInt (char *s) |
int | isValidAsDouble (char *s) |
void | parseArray (char *str, Array< int > &var) |
void | parseVector (char *str, Vector &var) |
template<class A , class B > |
bool | operator< (const Pair< A, B > &p, const Pair< A, B > &q) |
| Comparison operator for class Pair, based on the first element only. More...
template<class A , class B > |
bool | operator== (const Pair< A, B > &p, const Pair< A, B > &q) |
| Equality operator for class Pair, based on the first element only. More...
template<class A , class B > |
void | SortPairs (Pair< A, B > *pairs, int size) |
| Sort an array of Pairs with respect to the first element. More...
template<class A , class B , class C > |
bool | operator< (const Triple< A, B, C > &p, const Triple< A, B, C > &q) |
| Lexicographic comparison operator for class Triple. More...
template<class A , class B , class C > |
void | SortTriple (Triple< A, B, C > *triples, int size) |
| Lexicographic sort for arrays of class Triple. More...
void | Sort3 (int &r, int &c, int &f) |
void | Transpose (const Table &A, Table &At, int _ncols_A=-1) |
| Transpose a Table. More...
Table * | Transpose (const Table &A) |
void | Transpose (const Array< int > &A, Table &At, int _ncols_A=-1) |
| Transpose an Array<int> More...
void | Mult (const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C) |
| C = A * B (as boolean matrices) More...
Table * | Mult (const Table &A, const Table &B) |
template<> |
void | Swap< Table > (Table &a, Table &b) |
| Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Table. More...
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename lvalue_t , typename rvalue_t > |
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE lvalue_t & | Assign (lvalue_t &a, const rvalue_t &b) |
void | skip_comment_lines (std::istream &is, const char comment_char) |
void | filter_dos (std::string &line) |
std::string | to_string (int i) |
std::string | to_padded_string (int i, int digits) |
int | to_int (const std::string &str) |
void | tic () |
| Start timing. More...
double | toc () |
| End timing. More...
int | GetVersion () |
int | GetVersionMajor () |
int | GetVersionMinor () |
int | GetVersionPatch () |
const char * | GetVersionStr () |
const char * | GetGitStr () |
const char * | GetConfigStr () |
BlockMatrix * | Transpose (const BlockMatrix &A) |
| Transpose a BlockMatrix: result = A'. More...
BlockMatrix * | Mult (const BlockMatrix &A, const BlockMatrix &B) |
| Multiply BlockMatrix matrices: result = A*B. More...
void | dsyevr_Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &a, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix *evect) |
void | dsyev_Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &a, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix *evect) |
void | dsygv_Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &b, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix *evect) |
void | Add (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, double alpha, DenseMatrix &C) |
| C = A + alpha*B. More...
void | Add (double alpha, const double *A, double beta, const double *B, DenseMatrix &C) |
| C = alpha*A + beta*B. More...
void | Add (double alpha, const DenseMatrix &A, double beta, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
| C = alpha*A + beta*B. More...
bool | LinearSolve (DenseMatrix &A, double *X, double TOL=1.e-9) |
| Solves the dense linear system, A * X = B for X More...
void | Mult (const DenseMatrix &b, const DenseMatrix &c, DenseMatrix &a) |
| Matrix matrix multiplication. A = B * C. More...
void | AddMult_a (double alpha, const DenseMatrix &b, const DenseMatrix &c, DenseMatrix &a) |
| Matrix matrix multiplication. A += alpha * B * C. More...
void | AddMult (const DenseMatrix &b, const DenseMatrix &c, DenseMatrix &a) |
| Matrix matrix multiplication. A += B * C. More...
void | CalcAdjugate (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &adja) |
void | CalcAdjugateTranspose (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &adjat) |
| Calculate the transposed adjugate of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) More...
void | CalcInverse (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &inva) |
void | CalcInverseTranspose (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &inva) |
| Calculate the inverse transpose of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) More...
void | CalcOrtho (const DenseMatrix &J, Vector &n) |
void | MultAAt (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &aat) |
| Calculate the matrix A.At. More...
void | AddMultADAt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, DenseMatrix &ADAt) |
| ADAt += A D A^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void | MultADAt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, DenseMatrix &ADAt) |
| ADAt = A D A^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void | MultABt (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ABt) |
| Multiply a matrix A with the transpose of a matrix B: A*Bt. More...
void | MultADBt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ADBt) |
| ADBt = A D B^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void | AddMultABt (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ABt) |
| ABt += A * B^t. More...
void | AddMultADBt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ADBt) |
| ADBt = A D B^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void | AddMult_a_ABt (double a, const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ABt) |
| ABt += a * A * B^t. More...
void | MultAtB (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &AtB) |
| Multiply the transpose of a matrix A with a matrix B: At*B. More...
void | AddMult_a_AAt (double a, const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &AAt) |
| AAt += a * A * A^t. More...
void | Mult_a_AAt (double a, const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &AAt) |
| AAt = a * A * A^t. More...
void | MultVVt (const Vector &v, DenseMatrix &vvt) |
| Make a matrix from a vector V.Vt. More...
void | MultVWt (const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt) |
void | AddMultVWt (const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt) |
| VWt += v w^t. More...
void | AddMultVVt (const Vector &v, DenseMatrix &VWt) |
| VVt += v v^t. More...
void | AddMult_a_VWt (const double a, const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt) |
| VWt += a * v w^t. More...
void | AddMult_a_VVt (const double a, const Vector &v, DenseMatrix &VVt) |
| VVt += a * v v^t. More...
template<typename T , typename... Dims> |
DeviceTensor< sizeof...(Dims), T > | Reshape (T *ptr, Dims...dims) |
| Wrap a pointer as a DeviceTensor with automatically deduced template parameters. More...
double | InnerProduct (HypreParVector *x, HypreParVector *y) |
double | InnerProduct (HypreParVector &x, HypreParVector &y) |
| Returns the inner product of x and y. More...
double | ParNormlp (const Vector &vec, double p, MPI_Comm comm) |
| Compute the l_p norm of the Vector which is split without overlap across the given communicator. More...
void | delete_hypre_CSRMatrixData (hypre_CSRMatrix *M) |
void | delete_hypre_ParCSRMatrixColMapOffd (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A) |
void | delete_hypre_CSRMatrixI (hypre_CSRMatrix *M) |
void | delete_hypre_CSRMatrixJ (hypre_CSRMatrix *M) |
HypreParMatrix * | Add (double alpha, const HypreParMatrix &A, double beta, const HypreParMatrix &B) |
| Return a new matrix C = alpha*A + beta*B , assuming that both A and B use the same row and column partitions and the same col_map_offd arrays. More...
HypreParMatrix * | ParMult (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B, bool own_matrix) |
HypreParMatrix * | ParAdd (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B) |
| Returns the matrix A + B. More...
HypreParMatrix * | RAP (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix P^t * A * P. More...
HypreParMatrix * | RAP (const HypreParMatrix *Rt, const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P. More...
void | EliminateBC (HypreParMatrix &A, HypreParMatrix &Ae, const Array< int > &ess_dof_list, const Vector &X, Vector &B) |
int | ParCSRRelax_Taubin (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, double lambda, double mu, int N, double max_eig, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *r) |
int | ParCSRRelax_FIR (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, double max_eig, int poly_order, double *fir_coeffs, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *x0, hypre_ParVector *x1, hypre_ParVector *x2, hypre_ParVector *x3) |
HypreParMatrix * | DiscreteGrad (ParFiniteElementSpace *edge_fespace, ParFiniteElementSpace *vert_fespace) |
| Compute the discrete gradient matrix between the nodal linear and ND1 spaces. More...
HypreParMatrix * | DiscreteCurl (ParFiniteElementSpace *face_fespace, ParFiniteElementSpace *edge_fespace) |
| Compute the discrete curl matrix between the ND1 and RT0 spaces. More...
bool | IsIdentityProlongation (const Operator *P) |
void | MFEMInitializePetsc () |
| Convenience functions to initialize/finalize PETSc. More...
void | MFEMInitializePetsc (int *argc, char ***argv) |
void | MFEMInitializePetsc (int *argc, char ***argv, const char rc_file[], const char help[]) |
void | MFEMFinalizePetsc () |
PetscParMatrix * | TripleMatrixProduct (PetscParMatrix *R, PetscParMatrix *A, PetscParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix R * A * P. More...
PetscParMatrix * | RAP (PetscParMatrix *Rt, PetscParMatrix *A, PetscParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P. More...
PetscParMatrix * | RAP (PetscParMatrix *A, PetscParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix P^t * A * P. More...
PetscParMatrix * | RAP (HypreParMatrix *A, PetscParMatrix *P) |
| Returns the matrix P^t * A * P. More...
PetscParMatrix * | ParMult (const PetscParMatrix *A, const PetscParMatrix *B) |
| Returns the matrix A * B. More...
void | EliminateBC (PetscParMatrix &A, PetscParMatrix &Ae, const Array< int > &ess_dof_list, const Vector &X, Vector &B) |
| Eliminate essential BC specified by ess_dof_list from the solution X to the r.h.s. B. More...
void | SLI (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24) |
| Stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | SLI (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24) |
| Preconditioned stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | CG (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24) |
| Conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | PCG (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24) |
| Preconditioned conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | GeneratePlaneRotation (double &dx, double &dy, double &cs, double &sn) |
void | ApplyPlaneRotation (double &dx, double &dy, double &cs, double &sn) |
void | Update (Vector &x, int k, DenseMatrix &h, Vector &s, Array< Vector * > &v) |
int | GMRES (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, Solver &M, int &max_iter, int m, double &tol, double atol, int printit) |
| GMRES method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | GMRES (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, int m=50, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24) |
| GMRES method. (tolerances are squared) More...
int | BiCGSTAB (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, Solver &M, int &max_iter, double &tol, double atol, int printit) |
| BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | BiCGSTAB (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24) |
| BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | MINRES (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_it=0, int max_it=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24) |
| MINRES method without preconditioner. (tolerances are squared) More...
void | MINRES (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_it=0, int max_it=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24) |
| MINRES method with preconditioner. (tolerances are squared) More...
int | aGMRES (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, const Operator &M, int &max_iter, int m_max, int m_min, int m_step, double cf, double &tol, double &atol, int printit) |
void | MinimumDiscardedFillOrdering (SparseMatrix &C, Array< int > &p) |
void | SparseMatrixFunction (SparseMatrix &S, double(*f)(double)) |
| Applies f() to each element of the matrix (after it is finalized). More...
SparseMatrix * | Transpose (const SparseMatrix &A) |
| Transpose of a sparse matrix. A must be finalized. More...
SparseMatrix * | TransposeAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, int useActualWidth) |
| Transpose of a sparse matrix. A does not need to be a CSR matrix. More...
SparseMatrix * | Mult (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B, SparseMatrix *OAB=NULL) |
| Matrix product A.B. More...
SparseMatrix * | TransposeMult (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B) |
| C = A^T B. More...
SparseMatrix * | MultAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, const AbstractSparseMatrix &B) |
| Matrix product of sparse matrices. A and B do not need to be CSR matrices. More...
DenseMatrix * | Mult (const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
| Matrix product A.B. More...
DenseMatrix * | RAP (const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &P) |
| RAP matrix product (with R=P^T) More...
DenseMatrix * | RAP (DenseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &P) |
| RAP matrix product (with R=P^T) More...
SparseMatrix * | RAP (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &R, SparseMatrix *ORAP) |
SparseMatrix * | RAP (const SparseMatrix &Rt, const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &P) |
| General RAP with given R^T, A and P. More...
SparseMatrix * | Mult_AtDA (const SparseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, SparseMatrix *OAtDA=NULL) |
| Matrix multiplication A^t D A. All matrices must be finalized. More...
SparseMatrix * | Add (double a, const SparseMatrix &A, double b, const SparseMatrix &B) |
| Matrix addition result = a*A + b*B. More...
SparseMatrix * | Add (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B) |
| Matrix addition result = A + B. More...
SparseMatrix * | Add (Array< SparseMatrix * > &Ai) |
| Matrix addition result = sum_i A_i. More...
void | Add (const SparseMatrix &A, double alpha, DenseMatrix &B) |
| B += alpha * A. More...
DenseMatrix * | OuterProduct (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B) |
| Produces a block matrix with blocks A_{ij}*B. More...
SparseMatrix * | OuterProduct (const DenseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B) |
| Produces a block matrix with blocks A_{ij}*B. More...
SparseMatrix * | OuterProduct (const SparseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B) |
| Produces a block matrix with blocks A_{ij}*B. More...
SparseMatrix * | OuterProduct (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B) |
| Produces a block matrix with blocks A_{ij}*B. More...
class if | defined (__alignas_is_defined) alignas(double) RowNode |
template<> |
void | Swap< SparseMatrix > (SparseMatrix &a, SparseMatrix &b) |
| Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class SparseMatrix. More...
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | sMult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<int bA1, int bA2, int bB2, bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | bMult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | Mult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<typename scalar_t , typename layout_t , typename data_t > |
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE scalar_t | TDet (const layout_t &a, const data_t &A) |
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename D_data_t > |
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void | TDet (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, D_data_t &D) |
template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t > |
void | TAdjugate (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, B_data_t &B) |
template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t > |
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE scalar_t | TAdjDet (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, B_data_t &B) |
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename scalar_t > |
MFEM_HOST_DEVICE void | TAssign (const A_layout_t &A_layout, A_data_t &A_data, scalar_t value) |
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t > |
void | TAssign (const A_layout_t &A_layout, A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data) |
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | Mult_1_2 (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | Mult_2_1 (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | TensorAssemble (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data) |
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t , typename D_layout_t , typename D_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | TensorAssemble (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, const C_data_t &C_data, const D_layout_t &D_layout, D_data_t &D_data) |
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t > |
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void | TensorProduct (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, const B_data_t &B, const C_layout_t &c, C_data_t &C) |
void | add (const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, Vector &v) |
void | add (const Vector &v1, double alpha, const Vector &v2, Vector &v) |
void | add (const double a, const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z) |
void | add (const double a, const Vector &x, const double b, const Vector &y, Vector &z) |
void | subtract (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z) |
void | subtract (const double a, const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z) |
int | CheckFinite (const double *v, const int n) |
double | infinity () |
| Define a shortcut for std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() More...
bool | IsFinite (const double &val) |
template<> |
void | Swap< Vector > (Vector &a, Vector &b) |
| Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Vector. More...
double | DistanceSquared (const double *x, const double *y, const int n) |
double | Distance (const double *x, const double *y, const int n) |
double | InnerProduct (const Vector &x, const Vector &y) |
| Returns the inner product of x and y. More...
double | InnerProduct (MPI_Comm comm, const Vector &x, const Vector &y) |
| Returns the inner product of x and y in parallel. More...
void | XYZ_VectorFunction (const Vector &p, Vector &v) |
void | FindPartitioningComponents (Table &elem_elem, const Array< int > &partitioning, Array< int > &component, Array< int > &num_comp) |
void | DetOfLinComb (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, Vector &c) |
int | FindRoots (const Vector &z, Vector &x) |
void | FindTMax (Vector &c, Vector &x, double &tmax, const double factor, const int Dim) |
template<typename T > |
void | WriteBinaryOrASCII (std::ostream &out, std::vector< char > &buf, const T &val, const char *suffix, VTKFormat format) |
template<> |
void | WriteBinaryOrASCII< uint8_t > (std::ostream &out, std::vector< char > &buf, const uint8_t &val, const char *suffix, VTKFormat format) |
template<> |
void | WriteBinaryOrASCII< double > (std::ostream &out, std::vector< char > &buf, const double &val, const char *suffix, VTKFormat format) |
template<> |
void | WriteBinaryOrASCII< float > (std::ostream &out, std::vector< char > &buf, const float &val, const char *suffix, VTKFormat format) |
void | WriteBase64WithSizeAndClear (std::ostream &out, std::vector< char > &buf, int compression_level) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Mesh &mesh) |
Mesh * | Extrude1D (Mesh *mesh, const int ny, const double sy, const bool closed=false) |
| Extrude a 1D mesh. More...
Mesh * | Extrude2D (Mesh *mesh, const int nz, const double sz) |
| Extrude a 2D mesh. More...
void | ShiftRight (int &a, int &b, int &c) |
bool | CubeFaceLeft (int node, int *n) |
bool | CubeFaceRight (int node, int *n) |
bool | CubeFaceFront (int node, int *n) |
bool | CubeFaceBack (int node, int *n) |
bool | CubeFaceBottom (int node, int *n) |
bool | CubeFaceTop (int node, int *n) |
bool | PrismFaceBottom (int node, int *n) |
bool | PrismFaceTop (int node, int *n) |
NURBSPatch * | Interpolate (NURBSPatch &p1, NURBSPatch &p2) |
NURBSPatch * | Revolve3D (NURBSPatch &patch, double n[], double ang, int times) |
bool | operator< (const ParNCMesh::CommGroup &lhs, const ParNCMesh::CommGroup &rhs) |
bool | operator< (const NCMesh::MeshId &a, const NCMesh::MeshId &b) |
bool | operator== (const NCMesh::MeshId &a, const NCMesh::MeshId &b) |
int | BarycentricToVTKTriangle (int *b, int ref) |
int | BarycentricToVTKTetra (int *b, int ref) |
int | VTKTriangleDOFOffset (int ref, int i, int j) |
int | CartesianToVTKPrism (int i, int j, int k, int ref) |
int | CartesianToVTKTensor (int idx_in, int ref, Geometry::Type geom) |
void | CreateVTKElementConnectivity (Array< int > &con, Geometry::Type geom, int ref) |
void | WriteVTKEncodedCompressed (std::ostream &out, const void *bytes, uint32_t nbytes, int compression_level) |
bool | IsBigEndian () |
const char * | VTKByteOrder () |
double | LpNormLoop (double p, Coefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
double | LpNormLoop (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
double | ComputeLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
double | ComputeLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
double | ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
double | ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
void | InvertLinearTrans (ElementTransformation &trans, const IntegrationPoint &pt, Vector &x) |
H1_WedgeElement | WedgeFE (1) |
template<> |
void | Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byNODES > (int ndofs, int vdim, Array< int > &dofs) |
template<> |
void | Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byVDIM > (int ndofs, int vdim, Array< int > &dofs) |
template<> |
int | Ordering::Map< Ordering::byNODES > (int ndofs, int vdim, int dof, int vd) |
template<> |
int | Ordering::Map< Ordering::byVDIM > (int ndofs, int vdim, int dof, int vd) |
bool | UsesTensorBasis (const FiniteElementSpace &fes) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GridFunction &sol) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const QuadratureFunction &qf) |
| Overload operator<< for std::ostream and QuadratureFunction. More...
double | ZZErrorEstimator (BilinearFormIntegrator &blfi, GridFunction &u, GridFunction &flux, Vector &error_estimates, Array< int > *aniso_flags, int with_subdomains, bool with_coeff) |
double | ComputeElementLpDistance (double p, int i, GridFunction &gf1, GridFunction &gf2) |
| Compute the Lp distance between two grid functions on the given element. More...
GridFunction * | Extrude1DGridFunction (Mesh *mesh, Mesh *mesh2d, GridFunction *sol, const int ny) |
| Extrude a scalar 1D GridFunction, after extruding the mesh with Extrude1D. More...
double | GlobalLpNorm (const double p, double loc_norm, MPI_Comm comm) |
| Compute a global Lp norm from the local Lp norms computed by each processor. More...
double | L2ZZErrorEstimator (BilinearFormIntegrator &flux_integrator, const ParGridFunction &x, ParFiniteElementSpace &smooth_flux_fes, ParFiniteElementSpace &flux_fes, Vector &errors, int norm_p, double solver_tol, int solver_max_it) |
void | GetFaceDofs (const int dim, const int face_id, const int dof1d, Array< int > &faceMap) |
| Return the face degrees of freedom returned in Lexicographic order. More...
int | PermuteFaceL2 (const int dim, const int face_id1, const int face_id2, const int orientation, const int size1d, const int index) |
| Permute dofs or quads on a face for e2 to match with the ordering of e1. More...
int | ToLexOrdering (const int dim, const int face_id, const int size1d, const int index) |
template<typename real_t > |
void | CalcShapeMatrix (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *B, const Array< int > *dof_map=NULL) |
template<typename real_t > |
void | CalcGradTensor (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *G, const Array< int > *dof_map=NULL) |
template<typename real_t > |
void | CalcShapes (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *B, real_t *G, const Array< int > *dof_map) |
void | InterpolateTMOP_QualityMetric (TMOP_QualityMetric &metric, const TargetConstructor &tc, const Mesh &mesh, GridFunction &metric_gf) |
| Interpolates the metric's values at the nodes of metric_gf. More...
void | vis_tmop_metric_p (int order, TMOP_QualityMetric &qm, const TargetConstructor &tc, ParMesh &pmesh, char *title, int position) |
void | vis_tmop_metric_s (int order, TMOP_QualityMetric &qm, const TargetConstructor &tc, Mesh &mesh, char *title, int position) |
Functions for getting and setting the MPI communicator used by the library as the "global" communicator.
This "global" communicator is used for example in the function mfem_error(), which is invoked when an error is detected - the "global" communicator is used as a parameter to MPI_Abort() to terminate all "global" tasks.
MPI_Comm | GetGlobalMPI_Comm () |
| Get MFEM's "global" MPI communicator. More...
void | SetGlobalMPI_Comm (MPI_Comm comm) |
| Set MFEM's "global" MPI communicator. More...