MFEM  v4.1.0
Finite element discretization library
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mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t > Class Template Reference

#include <tbilinearform.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >:
Collaboration diagram for mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >:


struct  S_spec
struct  T_result

Public Member Functions

 TBilinearForm (const IntegratorType &integ, const FiniteElementSpace &sol_fes)
virtual ~TBilinearForm ()
virtual const OperatorGetProlongation () const
 Get the input finite element space prolongation matrix. More...
virtual const OperatorGetRestriction () const
 Get the input finite element space restriction matrix. More...
virtual void Mult (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 Operator application: y=A(x). More...
void MultUnassembled (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
void Assemble ()
template<int num_elem>
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void ElementAddMultAssembled (int el, solFieldEval &solFEval) const
template<int num_elem>
void MultAssembled (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
void TestElementwiseExtractAssemble (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
void SerializeNodes (Vector &sNodes) const
void AssembleFromSerializedNodes (const Vector &sNodes)
void Serialize (const Vector &x, Vector &sx) const
void MultAssembledSerialized (const Vector &sx, Vector &sy) const
void AssembleMatrix (SparseMatrix &M) const
void AssembleMatrix (DenseTensor &M) const
void AssembleBilinearForm (BilinearForm &a) const
void AddMult (DenseTensor &M, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from mfem::Operator
void InitTVectors (const Operator *Po, const Operator *Ri, const Operator *Pi, Vector &x, Vector &b, Vector &X, Vector &B) const
 Initializes memory for true vectors of linear system. More...
 Operator (int s=0)
 Construct a square Operator with given size s (default 0). More...
 Operator (int h, int w)
 Construct an Operator with the given height (output size) and width (input size). More...
int Height () const
 Get the height (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with NumRows(). More...
int NumRows () const
 Get the number of rows (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with Height(). More...
int Width () const
 Get the width (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with NumCols(). More...
int NumCols () const
 Get the number of columns (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with Width(). More...
virtual MemoryClass GetMemoryClass () const
 Return the MemoryClass preferred by the Operator. More...
virtual void MultTranspose (const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
 Action of the transpose operator: y=A^t(x). The default behavior in class Operator is to generate an error. More...
virtual OperatorGetGradient (const Vector &x) const
 Evaluate the gradient operator at the point x. The default behavior in class Operator is to generate an error. More...
virtual const OperatorGetOutputProlongation () const
 Prolongation operator from linear algebra (linear system) vectors, to output vectors for the operator. NULL means identity. More...
virtual const OperatorGetOutputRestriction () const
 Restriction operator from output vectors for the operator to linear algebra (linear system) vectors. NULL means identity. More...
void FormLinearSystem (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B, int copy_interior=0)
 Form a constrained linear system using a matrix-free approach. More...
void FormRectangularLinearSystem (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B)
 Form a column-constrained linear system using a matrix-free approach. More...
virtual void RecoverFEMSolution (const Vector &X, const Vector &b, Vector &x)
 Reconstruct a solution vector x (e.g. a GridFunction) from the solution X of a constrained linear system obtained from Operator::FormLinearSystem() or Operator::FormRectangularLinearSystem(). More...
void FormSystemOperator (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this square operator. More...
void FormRectangularSystemOperator (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this rectangular operator (including constraints). More...
void FormDiscreteOperator (Operator *&A)
 Return in A a parallel (on truedofs) version of this rectangular operator. More...
void PrintMatlab (std::ostream &out, int n=0, int m=0) const
 Prints operator with input size n and output size m in Matlab format. More...
virtual ~Operator ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
Type GetType () const
 Return the type ID of the Operator class. More...

Protected Types

typedef complex_t complex_type
typedef real_t real_type
typedef meshType::FE_type meshFE_type
typedef ShapeEvaluator
< meshFE_type, IR, real_t > 
typedef solFESpace::FE_type solFE_type
typedef ShapeEvaluator
< solFE_type, IR, real_t > 
typedef solVecLayout_t solVecLayout_type
typedef IntegratorType integ_t
typedef integ_t::coefficient_type coeff_t
typedef integ_t::template
kernel< sdim, dim, complex_t >
typedef kernel_t::template
p_asm_data< qpts >::type 
typedef kernel_t::template
f_asm_data< qpts >::type 
typedef TElementTransformation
< meshType, IR, real_t > 
typedef FieldEvaluator
< solFESpace, solVecLayout_t,
IR, complex_t, real_t > 

Protected Attributes

meshType mesh
meshShapeEval meshEval
solFE_type sol_fe
solShapeEval solEval
solFESpace solFES
solVecLayout_t solVecLayout
IR int_rule
coeff_t coeff
const FiniteElementSpacein_fes
- Protected Attributes inherited from mfem::Operator
int height
 Dimension of the output / number of rows in the matrix. More...
int width
 Dimension of the input / number of columns in the matrix. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const int dim = meshType::dim
static const int sdim = meshType::space_dim
static const int dofs = solFE_type::dofs
static const int vdim = solVecLayout_t::vec_dim
static const int qpts = IR::qpts

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mfem::Operator
enum  Type {
  PETSC_MATGENERIC, Complex_Operator, MFEM_ComplexSparseMat, Complex_Hypre_ParCSR
 Enumeration defining IDs for some classes derived from Operator. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mfem::Operator
void FormConstrainedSystemOperator (const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, ConstrainedOperator *&Aout)
 see FormSystemOperator() More...
void FormRectangularConstrainedSystemOperator (const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, RectangularConstrainedOperator *&Aout)
 see FormRectangularSystemOperator() More...
OperatorSetupRAP (const Operator *Pi, const Operator *Po)
 Returns RAP Operator of this, taking in input/output Prolongation matrices. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename meshType, typename solFESpace, typename IR, typename IntegratorType, typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
class mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >

Definition at line 34 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef integ_t::coefficient_type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::coeff_t

Definition at line 53 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef complex_t mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::complex_type

Definition at line 37 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef kernel_t::template f_asm_data<qpts>::type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::f_assembled_t

Definition at line 56 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef IntegratorType mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::integ_t

Definition at line 52 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef integ_t::template kernel<sdim,dim,complex_t>::type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::kernel_t

Definition at line 54 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef meshType::FE_type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::meshFE_type

Definition at line 40 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef ShapeEvaluator<meshFE_type,IR,real_t> mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::meshShapeEval

Definition at line 41 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef kernel_t::template p_asm_data<qpts>::type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::p_assembled_t

Definition at line 55 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef real_t mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::real_type

Definition at line 38 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef solFESpace::FE_type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solFE_type

Definition at line 42 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef FieldEvaluator<solFESpace,solVecLayout_t,IR, complex_t,real_t> mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solFieldEval

Definition at line 67 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef ShapeEvaluator<solFE_type,IR,real_t> mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solShapeEval

Definition at line 43 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef solVecLayout_t mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solVecLayout_type

Definition at line 44 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
typedef TElementTransformation<meshType,IR,real_t> mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::Trans_t

Definition at line 58 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::TBilinearForm ( const IntegratorType &  integ,
const FiniteElementSpace sol_fes 

Definition at line 94 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
virtual mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::~TBilinearForm ( )

Definition at line 108 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::AddMult ( DenseTensor M,
const Vector x,
Vector y 
) const

Definition at line 507 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::Assemble ( )

Definition at line 178 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::AssembleBilinearForm ( BilinearForm a) const

Definition at line 435 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::AssembleFromSerializedNodes ( const Vector sNodes)

Definition at line 285 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::AssembleMatrix ( SparseMatrix M) const

Definition at line 355 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::AssembleMatrix ( DenseTensor M) const

Definition at line 397 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
template<int num_elem>
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::ElementAddMultAssembled ( int  el,
solFieldEval solFEval 
) const

Definition at line 209 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
virtual const Operator* mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::GetProlongation ( ) const

Get the input finite element space prolongation matrix.

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 114 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
virtual const Operator* mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::GetRestriction ( ) const

Get the input finite element space restriction matrix.

Reimplemented from mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 117 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
virtual void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::Mult ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) const

Operator application: y=A(x).

Implements mfem::Operator.

Definition at line 120 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
template<int num_elem>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::MultAssembled ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) const

Definition at line 224 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::MultAssembledSerialized ( const Vector sx,
Vector sy 
) const

Definition at line 331 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::MultUnassembled ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) const

Definition at line 134 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::Serialize ( const Vector x,
Vector sx 
) const

Definition at line 312 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::SerializeNodes ( Vector sNodes) const

Definition at line 265 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
void mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::TestElementwiseExtractAssemble ( const Vector x,
Vector y 
) const

Definition at line 245 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
p_assembled_t* mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::assembled_data

Definition at line 89 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
coeff_t mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::coeff

Definition at line 87 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const int mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::dim = meshType::dim

Definition at line 46 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const int mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::dofs = solFE_type::dofs

Definition at line 48 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const FiniteElementSpace& mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::in_fes

Definition at line 91 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
IR mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::int_rule

Definition at line 85 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
meshType mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::mesh

Definition at line 77 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
meshShapeEval mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::meshEval

Definition at line 78 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const int mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::qpts = IR::qpts

Definition at line 50 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const int mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::sdim = meshType::space_dim

Definition at line 47 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
solFE_type mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::sol_fe

Definition at line 80 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
solShapeEval mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solEval

Definition at line 81 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
solFESpace mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solFES

Definition at line 82 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
solVecLayout_t mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::solVecLayout

Definition at line 83 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

template<typename meshType , typename solFESpace , typename IR , typename IntegratorType , typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout, typename complex_t = double, typename real_t = double>
const int mfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t >::vdim = solVecLayout_t::vec_dim

Definition at line 49 of file tbilinearform.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: