mfem | |
  bin_io | |
  electromagnetics | |
   MeshDependentCoefficient | |
   ScaledGFCoefficient | |
   MagneticDiffusionEOperator | |
   JouleHeatingCoefficient | |
   MaxwellSolver | |
   TeslaSolver | |
   SurfaceCurrent | |
   VoltaSolver | |
  miniapps | |
   H1_FESpace | |
   ND_FESpace | |
   RT_FESpace | |
   ElementMeshStream | |
   H1_ParFESpace | |
   ND_ParFESpace | |
   RT_ParFESpace | |
   L2_ParFESpace | |
   ParDiscreteInterpolationOperator | |
   ParDiscreteGradOperator | |
   ParDiscreteCurlOperator | |
   ParDiscreteDivOperator | |
   IrrotationalProjector | |
   DivergenceFreeProjector | |
  superlu | |
  superlu_internal | |
  BaseArray | Base class for array container |
  Array | |
  Array2D | Dynamic 2D array using row-major layout |
  Array3D | |
  BlockArray | |
   const_iterator | |
   iterator | |
   iterator_base | |
  MPI_Session | A simple convenience class that calls MPI_Init() at construction and MPI_Finalize() at destruction. It also provides easy access to MPI_COMM_WORLD's rank and size |
  GroupTopology | |
  GroupCommunicator | Communicator performing operations within groups defined by a GroupTopology with arbitrary-size data associated with each group |
   OpData | Data structure on which we define reduce operations |
  VarMessage | Variable-length MPI message containing unspecific binary data |
  MPITypeMap | Helper struct to convert a C++ type to an MPI type |
  MPITypeMap< int > | |
  MPITypeMap< double > | |
  ErrorException | Exception class thrown when MFEM encounters an error and the current ErrorAction is set to MFEM_ERROR_THROW |
  OutStream | Simple extension of std::ostream |
  gzstreambuf | |
  gzstreambase | |
  igzstream | |
  ifgzstream | |
  ogzstream | |
  ofgzstream | |
  Hashed2 | |
  Hashed4 | |
  HashTable | |
   const_iterator | |
   iterator | |
  isockstream | |
  StackPart | |
  Stack | |
  MemAllocNode | |
  MemAlloc | |
  OptionsParser | |
  osockstream | |
  IntegerSet | A set of integers |
  ListOfIntegerSets | List of integer sets |
  socketbuf | |
  GnuTLS_status | |
  GnuTLS_global_state | |
  GnuTLS_session_params | |
  GnuTLS_socketbuf | |
  socketstream | |
  socketserver | |
  Pair | A pair of objects |
  Triple | |
  STable3DNode | |
  STable3D | Symmetric 3D Table |
  Connection | Helper struct for defining a connectivity table, see Table::MakeFromList |
  Table | |
  STable | |
  DSTable | |
   RowIterator | |
  AssignOp | |
  StopWatch | Timing object |
  BlockMatrix | |
  BlockOperator | A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation |
  BlockDiagonalPreconditioner | A class to handle Block diagonal preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation |
  BlockLowerTriangularPreconditioner | A class to handle Block lower triangular preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation |
  BlockVector | |
  ComplexOperator | Mimic the action of a complex operator using two real operators |
  ComplexSparseMatrix | Specialization of the ComplexOperator built from a pair of Sparse Matrices |
  DenseMatrix | Data type dense matrix using column-major storage |
  LUFactors | |
  DenseMatrixInverse | |
  DenseMatrixEigensystem | |
  DenseMatrixSVD | |
  DenseTensor | Rank 3 tensor (array of matrices) |
  OperatorHandle | Pointer to an Operator of a specified type |
  HypreParVector | Wrapper for hypre's parallel vector class |
  HypreParMatrix | Wrapper for hypre's ParCSR matrix class |
  HypreSmoother | Parallel smoothers in hypre |
  HypreSolver | Abstract class for hypre's solvers and preconditioners |
  HyprePCG | PCG solver in hypre |
  HypreGMRES | GMRES solver in hypre |
  HypreIdentity | The identity operator as a hypre solver |
  HypreDiagScale | Jacobi preconditioner in hypre |
  HypreParaSails | The ParaSails preconditioner in hypre |
  HypreBoomerAMG | The BoomerAMG solver in hypre |
  HypreAMS | The Auxiliary-space Maxwell Solver in hypre |
  HypreADS | The Auxiliary-space Divergence Solver in hypre |
  HypreLOBPCG | |
  HypreAME | |
  ScalarOps | Auxiliary class used as the default for the second template parameter in the classes InvariantsEvaluator2D and InvariantsEvaluator3D |
  InvariantsEvaluator2D | Auxiliary class for evaluating the 2x2 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives |
  InvariantsEvaluator3D | Auxiliary class for evaluating the 3x3 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives |
  Matrix | Abstract data type matrix |
  MatrixInverse | Abstract data type for matrix inverse |
  AbstractSparseMatrix | Abstract data type for sparse matrices |
  ODESolver | Abstract class for solving systems of ODEs: dx/dt = f(x,t) |
  ForwardEulerSolver | The classical forward Euler method |
  RK2Solver | |
  RK3SSPSolver | Third-order, strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta method |
  RK4Solver | The classical explicit forth-order Runge-Kutta method, RK4 |
  ExplicitRKSolver | |
  RK6Solver | |
  RK8Solver | |
  BackwardEulerSolver | Backward Euler ODE solver. L-stable |
  ImplicitMidpointSolver | Implicit midpoint method. A-stable, not L-stable |
  SDIRK23Solver | |
  SDIRK34Solver | |
  SDIRK33Solver | |
  GeneralizedAlphaSolver | |
  SIASolver | |
  SIA1Solver | |
  SIA2Solver | |
  SIAVSolver | |
  Operator | Abstract operator |
  TimeDependentOperator | Base abstract class for time dependent operators |
  Solver | Base class for solvers |
  IdentityOperator | Identity Operator I: x -> x |
  TransposeOperator | The transpose of a given operator. Switches the roles of the methods Mult() and MultTranspose() |
  ProductOperator | General product operator: x -> (A*B)(x) = A(B(x)) |
  RAPOperator | The operator x -> R*A*P*x constructed through the actions of R^T, A and P |
  TripleProductOperator | General triple product operator x -> A*B*C*x, with ownership of the factors |
  ConstrainedOperator | Square Operator for imposing essential boundary conditions using only the action, Mult(), of a given unconstrained Operator |
  PetscParVector | Wrapper for PETSc's vector class |
  PetscParMatrix | Wrapper for PETSc's matrix class |
  PetscBCHandler | Helper class for handling essential boundary conditions |
  PetscPreconditionerFactory | |
  PetscSolver | Abstract class for PETSc's solvers |
  PetscLinearSolver | Abstract class for PETSc's linear solvers |
  PetscPCGSolver | |
  PetscPreconditioner | Abstract class for PETSc's preconditioners |
  PetscBDDCSolverParams | Auxiliary class for BDDC customization |
  PetscBDDCSolver | |
  PetscFieldSplitSolver | |
  PetscNonlinearSolver | Abstract class for PETSc's nonlinear solvers |
  PetscODESolver | Abstract class for PETSc's ODE solvers |
  PetscSolverMonitor | Abstract class for monitoring PETSc's solvers |
  IterativeSolver | Abstract base class for iterative solver |
  SLISolver | Stationary linear iteration: x <- x + B (b - A x) |
  CGSolver | Conjugate gradient method |
  GMRESSolver | GMRES method |
  FGMRESSolver | FGMRES method |
  BiCGSTABSolver | BiCGSTAB method |
  MINRESSolver | MINRES method |
  NewtonSolver | Newton's method for solving F(x)=b for a given operator F |
  SLBQPOptimizer | |
  UMFPackSolver | Direct sparse solver using UMFPACK |
  KLUSolver | Direct sparse solver using KLU |
  SparseMatrix | Data type sparse matrix |
  SparseSmoother | |
  GSSmoother | Data type for Gauss-Seidel smoother of sparse matrix |
  DSmoother | Data type for scaled Jacobi-type smoother of sparse matrix |
  STRUMPACKRowLocMatrix | |
  STRUMPACKSolver | |
  SundialsODELinearSolver | Abstract base class, wrapping the custom linear solvers interface in SUNDIALS' CVODE and ARKODE solvers |
  SundialsSolver | A base class for the MFEM classes wrapping SUNDIALS' solvers |
  CVODESolver | Wrapper for SUNDIALS' CVODE library – Multi-step time integration |
  ARKODESolver | Wrapper for SUNDIALS' ARKODE library – Runge-Kutta time integration |
  KinSolver | Wrapper for SUNDIALS' KINSOL library – Nonlinear solvers |
  SuperLURowLocMatrix | |
  SuperLUSolver | |
  OffsetStridedLayout1D | |
  StridedLayout2D | |
  StridedLayout1D | |
  OffsetStridedLayout2D | |
  StridedLayout3D | |
  StridedLayout4D | |
  OffsetStridedLayout3D | |
  OffsetStridedLayout4D | |
  ColumnMajorLayout2D | |
  ColumnMajorLayout3D | |
  ColumnMajorLayout4D | |
  DynamicVectorLayout | |
  VectorLayout | |
  ScalarLayout | |
  TVector | |
  TMatrix | |
  TTensor3 | |
  TTensor4 | |
  Vector | Vector data type |
  Element | Abstract data type element |
  Hexahedron | Data type hexahedron element |
  Mesh | |
   FaceInfo | |
   NCFaceInfo | |
  NodeExtrudeCoefficient | Class used to extrude the nodes of a mesh |
  named_ifgzstream | |
  MeshOperator | Serves as base for mesh manipulation classes |
  MeshOperatorSequence | |
  ThresholdRefiner | Mesh refinement operator using an error threshold |
  ThresholdDerefiner | De-refinement operator using an error threshold |
  Rebalancer | ParMesh rebalancing operator |
  MesquiteMesh | |
  Refinement | |
  Embedding | Defines the position of a fine element within a coarse element |
  CoarseFineTransformations | Defines the coarse-fine transformations of all fine elements |
  NCMesh | A class for non-conforming AMR on higher-order hexahedral, quadrilateral or triangular meshes |
   Element | |
   Face | |
   GeomInfo | |
   Master | |
   MeshId | Identifies a vertex/edge/face in both Mesh and NCMesh |
   NCList | Lists all edges/faces in the nonconforming mesh |
   Node | |
   Point | |
   PointMatrix | |
   Slave | Nonconforming edge/face within a bigger edge/face |
   TmpVertex | |
  KnotVector | |
  NURBSPatch | |
  NURBSExtension | |
  ParNURBSExtension | |
  NURBSPatchMap | |
  ParMesh | Class for parallel meshes |
  ParNCMesh | A parallel extension of the NCMesh class |
   ElementSet | |
   ElementValueMessage | |
   NeighborDerefinementMessage | |
   NeighborElementRankMessage | |
   NeighborRefinementMessage | |
   RebalanceDofMessage | |
   RebalanceMessage | |
  Point | Data type point element |
  PumiMesh | Base class for PUMI meshes |
  ParPumiMesh | Class for PUMI parallel meshes |
  GridFunctionPumi | Class for PUMI grid functions |
  Quadrilateral | Data type quadrilateral element |
  Segment | Data type line segment element |
  Tetrahedron | Data type tetrahedron element |
  TMesh | |
  Triangle | Data type triangle element |
  Vertex | Data type for vertex |
  BilinearForm | |
  MixedBilinearForm | |
  DiscreteLinearOperator | |
  BilinearFormIntegrator | Abstract base class BilinearFormIntegrator |
  TransposeIntegrator | |
  LumpedIntegrator | |
  InverseIntegrator | Integrator that inverts the matrix assembled by another integrator |
  SumIntegrator | Integrator defining a sum of multiple Integrators |
  MixedScalarIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarVectorIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarMassIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorProductIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarDerivativeIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakDerivativeIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarDivergenceIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorDivergenceIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakGradientIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorMassIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossProductIntegrator | |
  MixedDotProductIntegrator | |
  MixedWeakGradDotIntegrator | |
  MixedWeakDivCrossIntegrator | |
  MixedGradGradIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossGradGradIntegrator | |
  MixedCurlCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossCurlCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossCurlGradIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossGradCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedWeakCurlCrossIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakCurlCrossIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossGradIntegrator | |
  MixedCrossCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarCrossCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarCrossGradIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarCrossProductIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakCrossProductIntegrator | |
  MixedDirectionalDerivativeIntegrator | |
  MixedGradDivIntegrator | |
  MixedDivGradIntegrator | |
  MixedScalarWeakDivergenceIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorGradientIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorWeakCurlIntegrator | |
  MixedVectorWeakDivergenceIntegrator | |
  DiffusionIntegrator | |
  MassIntegrator | |
  BoundaryMassIntegrator | |
  ConvectionIntegrator | Alpha (q . grad u, v) |
  GroupConvectionIntegrator | Alpha (q . grad u, v) using the "group" FE discretization |
  VectorMassIntegrator | |
  VectorFEDivergenceIntegrator | |
  VectorFEWeakDivergenceIntegrator | |
  VectorFECurlIntegrator | |
  DerivativeIntegrator | Class for integrating (Q D_i(u), v); u and v are scalars |
  CurlCurlIntegrator | Integrator for (curl u, curl v) for Nedelec elements |
  VectorCurlCurlIntegrator | |
  VectorFEMassIntegrator | Integrator for (Q u, v) for VectorFiniteElements |
  VectorDivergenceIntegrator | |
  DivDivIntegrator | (Q div u, div v) for RT elements |
  VectorDiffusionIntegrator | |
  ElasticityIntegrator | |
  DGTraceIntegrator | |
  DGDiffusionIntegrator | |
  DGElasticityIntegrator | |
  TraceJumpIntegrator | |
  NormalTraceJumpIntegrator | |
  DiscreteInterpolator | |
  GradientInterpolator | |
  IdentityInterpolator | |
  CurlInterpolator | |
  DivergenceInterpolator | |
  NormalInterpolator | |
  ScalarProductInterpolator | |
  ScalarVectorProductInterpolator | |
  VectorScalarProductInterpolator | |
  VectorCrossProductInterpolator | |
  VectorInnerProductInterpolator | |
  Coefficient | Base class Coefficient that may optionally depend on time |
  ConstantCoefficient | Subclass constant coefficient |
  PWConstCoefficient | Class for piecewise constant coefficient |
  FunctionCoefficient | Class for C-function coefficient |
  GridFunctionCoefficient | Coefficient defined by a GridFunction. This coefficient is mesh dependent |
  TransformedCoefficient | |
  DeltaCoefficient | Delta function coefficient |
  RestrictedCoefficient | Coefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes |
  VectorCoefficient | |
  VectorConstantCoefficient | |
  VectorFunctionCoefficient | |
  VectorArrayCoefficient | Vector coefficient defined by an array of scalar coefficients |
  VectorGridFunctionCoefficient | Vector coefficient defined by a vector GridFunction |
  VectorDeltaCoefficient | VectorDeltaCoefficient: DeltaCoefficient with a direction |
  VectorRestrictedCoefficient | VectorCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes |
  MatrixCoefficient | |
  MatrixConstantCoefficient | |
  MatrixFunctionCoefficient | |
  MatrixArrayCoefficient | |
  MatrixRestrictedCoefficient | MatrixCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes |
  ConduitDataCollection | Data collection that uses the Conduit Mesh Blueprint specification |
  NamedFieldsMap | Lightweight adaptor over an std::map from strings to pointer to T |
  DataCollection | |
  VisItFieldInfo | Helper class for VisIt visualization data |
  VisItDataCollection | Data collection with VisIt I/O routines |
  ElementTransformation | |
  InverseElementTransformation | The inverse transformation of a given ElementTransformation |
  IsoparametricTransformation | |
  IntegrationPointTransformation | |
  FaceElementTransformations | |
  AbstractErrorEstimator | Base class for all error estimators |
  ErrorEstimator | Base class for all element based error estimators |
  AnisotropicErrorEstimator | Base class for all error estimators that compute one non-negative real (double) number and an anisotropic flag for every element in the Mesh |
  ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator | Implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure |
  L2ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator | Implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure where the flux averaging is replaced by a global L2 projection (requiring a mass matrix solve) |
  BasisType | Possible basis types. Note that not all elements can use all BasisType(s) |
  FunctionSpace | Describes the space on each element |
  FiniteElement | Abstract class for Finite Elements |
  ScalarFiniteElement | |
  NodalFiniteElement | |
  PositiveFiniteElement | |
  VectorFiniteElement | |
  PointFiniteElement | |
  Linear1DFiniteElement | Class for linear FE on interval |
  Linear2DFiniteElement | Class for linear FE on triangle |
  BiLinear2DFiniteElement | Class for bilinear FE on quadrilateral |
  GaussLinear2DFiniteElement | Class for linear FE on triangle with nodes at the 3 "Gaussian" points |
  GaussBiLinear2DFiniteElement | Class for bilinear FE on quad with nodes at the 4 Gaussian points |
  P1OnQuadFiniteElement | |
  Quad1DFiniteElement | Class for quadratic FE on interval |
  QuadPos1DFiniteElement | |
  Quad2DFiniteElement | Class for quadratic FE on triangle |
  GaussQuad2DFiniteElement | Class for quadratic FE on triangle with nodes at the "Gaussian" points |
  BiQuad2DFiniteElement | Class for bi-quadratic FE on quadrilateral |
  BiQuadPos2DFiniteElement | |
  GaussBiQuad2DFiniteElement | Bi-quadratic element on quad with nodes at the 9 Gaussian points |
  BiCubic2DFiniteElement | |
  Cubic1DFiniteElement | |
  Cubic2DFiniteElement | |
  Cubic3DFiniteElement | Class for cubic FE on tetrahedron |
  P0TriangleFiniteElement | Class for constant FE on triangle |
  P0QuadFiniteElement | |
  Linear3DFiniteElement | Class for linear FE on tetrahedron |
  Quadratic3DFiniteElement | Class for quadratic FE on tetrahedron |
  TriLinear3DFiniteElement | Class for tri-linear FE on cube |
  CrouzeixRaviartFiniteElement | Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on triangle |
  CrouzeixRaviartQuadFiniteElement | Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on quadrilateral |
  P0SegmentFiniteElement | |
  RT0TriangleFiniteElement | |
  RT0QuadFiniteElement | |
  RT1TriangleFiniteElement | |
  RT1QuadFiniteElement | |
  RT2TriangleFiniteElement | |
  RT2QuadFiniteElement | |
  P1SegmentFiniteElement | Linear 1D element with nodes 1/3 and 2/3 (trace of RT1) |
  P2SegmentFiniteElement | Quadratic 1D element with nodes the Gaussian points in [0,1] (trace of RT2) |
  Lagrange1DFiniteElement | |
  P1TetNonConfFiniteElement | |
  P0TetFiniteElement | |
  P0HexFiniteElement | |
  LagrangeHexFiniteElement | Tensor products of 1D FEs (only degree 2 is functional) |
  RefinedLinear1DFiniteElement | Class for refined linear FE on interval |
  RefinedLinear2DFiniteElement | Class for refined linear FE on triangle |
  RefinedLinear3DFiniteElement | Class for refined linear FE on tetrahedron |
  RefinedBiLinear2DFiniteElement | Class for refined bi-linear FE on quadrilateral |
  RefinedTriLinear3DFiniteElement | Class for refined trilinear FE on a hexahedron |
  Nedelec1HexFiniteElement | |
  Nedelec1TetFiniteElement | |
  RT0HexFiniteElement | |
  RT1HexFiniteElement | |
  RT0TetFiniteElement | |
  RotTriLinearHexFiniteElement | |
  Poly_1D | |
   Basis | |
  TensorBasisElement | |
  NodalTensorFiniteElement | |
  PositiveTensorFiniteElement | |
  H1_SegmentElement | |
  H1_QuadrilateralElement | |
  H1_HexahedronElement | |
  H1Pos_SegmentElement | |
  H1Pos_QuadrilateralElement | |
  H1Pos_HexahedronElement | |
  H1_TriangleElement | |
  H1_TetrahedronElement | |
  H1Pos_TriangleElement | |
  H1Pos_TetrahedronElement | |
  L2_SegmentElement | |
  L2Pos_SegmentElement | |
  L2_QuadrilateralElement | |
  L2Pos_QuadrilateralElement | |
  L2_HexahedronElement | |
  L2Pos_HexahedronElement | |
  L2_TriangleElement | |
  L2Pos_TriangleElement | |
  L2_TetrahedronElement | |
  L2Pos_TetrahedronElement | |
  RT_QuadrilateralElement | |
  RT_HexahedronElement | |
  RT_TriangleElement | |
  RT_TetrahedronElement | |
  ND_HexahedronElement | |
  ND_QuadrilateralElement | |
  ND_TetrahedronElement | |
  ND_TriangleElement | |
  ND_SegmentElement | |
  NURBSFiniteElement | |
  NURBS1DFiniteElement | |
  NURBS2DFiniteElement | |
  NURBS3DFiniteElement | |
  FiniteElementCollection | |
  H1_FECollection | Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements |
  H1Pos_FECollection | |
  H1_Trace_FECollection | |
  L2_FECollection | Arbitrary order "L2-conforming" discontinuous finite elements |
  RT_FECollection | Arbitrary order H(div)-conforming Raviart-Thomas finite elements |
  RT_Trace_FECollection | |
  DG_Interface_FECollection | |
  ND_FECollection | Arbitrary order H(curl)-conforming Nedelec finite elements |
  ND_Trace_FECollection | |
  NURBSFECollection | Arbitrary order non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) finite elements |
  LinearFECollection | Piecewise-(bi)linear continuous finite elements |
  QuadraticFECollection | Piecewise-(bi)quadratic continuous finite elements |
  QuadraticPosFECollection | Version of QuadraticFECollection with positive basis functions |
  CubicFECollection | Piecewise-(bi)cubic continuous finite elements |
  CrouzeixRaviartFECollection | Crouzeix-Raviart nonconforming elements in 2D |
  LinearNonConf3DFECollection | Piecewise-linear nonconforming finite elements in 3D |
  RT0_2DFECollection | |
  RT1_2DFECollection | |
  RT2_2DFECollection | |
  Const2DFECollection | |
  LinearDiscont2DFECollection | |
  GaussLinearDiscont2DFECollection | Version of LinearDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points |
  P1OnQuadFECollection | Linear (P1) finite elements on quadrilaterals |
  QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection | |
  QuadraticPosDiscont2DFECollection | Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with positive basis functions |
  GaussQuadraticDiscont2DFECollection | Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points |
  CubicDiscont2DFECollection | |
  Const3DFECollection | |
  LinearDiscont3DFECollection | |
  QuadraticDiscont3DFECollection | |
  RefinedLinearFECollection | Finite element collection on a macro-element |
  ND1_3DFECollection | |
  RT0_3DFECollection | |
  RT1_3DFECollection | |
  Local_FECollection | Discontinuous collection defined locally by a given finite element |
  Ordering | The ordering method used when the number of unknowns per mesh node (vector dimension) is bigger than 1 |
  FiniteElementSpace | Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of degrees of freedom |
   RefinementOperator | GridFunction interpolation operator applicable after mesh refinement |
  QuadratureSpace | Class representing the storage layout of a QuadratureFunction |
  Geometry | |
   Constants | |
   Constants< Geometry::CUBE > | |
    VertToVert | |
   Constants< Geometry::POINT > | |
   Constants< Geometry::SEGMENT > | |
   Constants< Geometry::SQUARE > | |
    VertToVert | |
   Constants< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON > | |
    VertToVert | |
   Constants< Geometry::TRIANGLE > | |
    VertToVert | |
  RefinedGeometry | |
  GeometryRefiner | |
  GridFunction | Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space |
  QuadratureFunction | Class representing a function through its values (scalar or vector) at quadrature points |
  ExtrudeCoefficient | Class used for extruding scalar GridFunctions |
  Hybridization | |
  IntegrationPoint | Class for integration point with weight |
  IntegrationRule | Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint |
  QuadratureFunctions1D | A Class that defines 1-D numerical quadrature rules on [0,1] |
  Quadrature1D | A class container for 1D quadrature type constants |
  IntegrationRules | Container class for integration rules |
  LinearForm | Class for linear form - Vector with associated FE space and LFIntegrators |
  LinearFormIntegrator | Abstract base class LinearFormIntegrator |
  DeltaLFIntegrator | Abstract class for integrators that support delta coefficients |
  DomainLFIntegrator | Class for domain integration L(v) := (f, v) |
  BoundaryLFIntegrator | Class for boundary integration L(v) := (g, v) |
  BoundaryNormalLFIntegrator | Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (g \cdot n, v) \) |
  BoundaryTangentialLFIntegrator | Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (g \cdot \tau, v) \) in 2D |
  VectorDomainLFIntegrator | |
  VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator | |
  VectorFEDomainLFIntegrator | \( (f, v)_{\Omega} \) for VectorFiniteElements (Nedelec, Raviart-Thomas) |
  VectorBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator | |
  VectorFEBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator | |
  VectorFEBoundaryTangentLFIntegrator | Class for boundary integration \( L(v) = (n \times f, v) \) |
  BoundaryFlowIntegrator | |
  DGDirichletLFIntegrator | |
  DGElasticityDirichletLFIntegrator | |
  NonlinearForm | |
  BlockNonlinearForm | A class representing a general block nonlinear operator defined on the Cartesian product of multiple FiniteElementSpaces |
  NonlinearFormIntegrator | |
  BlockNonlinearFormIntegrator | |
  HyperelasticModel | Abstract class for hyperelastic models |
  InverseHarmonicModel | |
  NeoHookeanModel | |
  HyperelasticNLFIntegrator | |
  IncompressibleNeoHookeanIntegrator | |
  ParBilinearForm | Class for parallel bilinear form |
  ParMixedBilinearForm | Class for parallel bilinear form using different test and trial FE spaces |
  ParDiscreteLinearOperator | |
  ParFiniteElementSpace | Abstract parallel finite element space |
  ConformingProlongationOperator | Auxiliary class used by ParFiniteElementSpace |
  ParGridFunction | Class for parallel grid function |
  ParLinearForm | Class for parallel linear form |
  ParNonlinearForm | Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs |
  ParBlockNonlinearForm | A class representing a general parallel block nonlinear operator defined on the Cartesian product of multiple ParFiniteElementSpaces |
  SidreDataCollection | Data collection with Sidre routines following the Conduit mesh blueprint specification |
  StaticCondensation | |
  TBilinearForm | |
   S_spec | |
   T_result | |
  TIntegrator | |
   kernel | |
  TMassKernel | |
   CoefficientEval | |
   f_asm_data | |
   p_asm_data | |
  TDiffusionKernel | |
  TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t > | |
   CoefficientEval | |
   f_asm_data | |
   p_asm_data | |
  TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t > | |
   CoefficientEval | |
   f_asm_data | |
   p_asm_data | |
  TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t > | |
   CoefficientEval | |
   f_asm_data | |
   p_asm_data | |
  TCoefficient | |
  TConstantCoefficient | |
  TFunctionCoefficient | |
   Dim | |
   Dim< 1, dummy > | |
   Dim< 2, dummy > | |
   Dim< 3, dummy > | |
  TPiecewiseConstCoefficient | |
  TGridFunctionCoefficient | |
  IntRuleCoefficient | |
   Aux | |
   Aux< false, dummy > | |
   Aux< true, dummy > | |
    result_t | |
  TElementTransformation | |
   Get | |
   Result | |
   Result< 0, NE > | |
   Result< 1, NE > | |
   Result< 10, NE > | |
   Result< 2, NE > | |
   Result< 3, NE > | |
   Result< 6, NE > | |
  ShapeEvaluator_base | |
  ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t > | |
  TProductShapeEvaluator | |
  TProductShapeEvaluator< 1, DOF, NIP, real_t > | |
  TProductShapeEvaluator< 2, DOF, NIP, real_t > | |
  TProductShapeEvaluator< 3, DOF, NIP, real_t > | |
  ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, true, real_t > | |
  ShapeEvaluator | |
  FieldEvaluator_base | |
  FieldEvaluator | |
   Action | |
   Action< 0, dummy > | |
   Action< 1, dummy > | |
   Action< 2, dummy > | |
   Action< 3, dummy > | |
   AData | |
   AData< 0, NE > | |
   AData< 1, NE > | |
   AData< 2, NE > | |
   AData< 3, NE > | |
   BData | |
   Spec | |
   TElementMatrix | |
   TElementMatrix< 1, 1, NE > | |
   TElementMatrix< 2, 2, NE > | |
  H1_FiniteElement | |
  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P > | |
  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P > | |
  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P > | |
  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P > | |
  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P > | |
  L2_FiniteElement_base | |
  L2_FiniteElement | |
  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P > | |
  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P > | |
  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P > | |
  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P > | |
  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P > | |
  ElementDofIndexer | |
  TFiniteElementSpace_simple | |
  H1_FiniteElementSpace | |
  DGIndexer | |
  L2_FiniteElementSpace | |
  GenericIntegrationRule | |
  TProductIntegrationRule_base | |
  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 1, Q, real_t > | |
  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 2, Q, real_t > | |
  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 3, Q, real_t > | |
  TProductIntegrationRule | |
  GaussIntegrationRule | |
  TIntegrationRule | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SEGMENT, Order, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SQUARE, Order, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::CUBE, Order, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 0, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 1, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 2, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 3, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 4, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 5, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 6, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 7, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 0, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 1, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 2, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 3, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 4, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 5, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 6, real_t > | |
  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 7, real_t > | |
  TMOP_QualityMetric | Abstract class for local mesh quality metrics in the target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP) by P. Knupp et al |
  TMOP_Metric_001 | Metric without a type, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_002 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_007 | Shape & area, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_009 | Shape & area metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_022 | Shifted barrier form of metric 2 (shape, ideal barrier metric), 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_050 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_055 | Area metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_056 | Area, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_058 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_077 | Area, ideal barrier metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_211 | Untangling metric, 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_252 | Shifted barrier form of metric 56 (area, ideal barrier metric), 2D |
  TMOP_Metric_301 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_302 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_303 | Shape, ideal barrier metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_315 | Volume metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_316 | Volume, ideal barrier metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_321 | Shape & volume, ideal barrier metric, 3D |
  TMOP_Metric_352 | Shifted barrier form of 3D metric 16 (volume, ideal barrier metric), 3D |
  TargetConstructor | Base class representing target-matrix construction algorithms for mesh optimization via the target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP) |
  TMOP_Integrator | A TMOP integrator class based on any given TMOP_QualityMetric and TargetConstructor |
 DomainIntegrator | |
 FaceIntegrator | |
 FE_Evolution | |
 RiemannSolver | |