MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
hypre.cpp File Reference

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namespace  mfem


template<typename T >
bool mfem::CanShallowCopy (const Memory< T > &src, MemoryClass mc)
 Return true if the src Memory can be used with the MemoryClass mc.
real_t mfem::InnerProduct (HypreParVector *x, HypreParVector *y)
real_t mfem::InnerProduct (HypreParVector &x, HypreParVector &y)
 Returns the inner product of x and y.
real_t mfem::ParNormlp (const Vector &vec, real_t p, MPI_Comm comm)
 Compute the l_p norm of the Vector which is split without overlap across the given communicator.
template<typename T >
void mfem::CopyMemory (Memory< T > &src, Memory< T > &dst, MemoryClass dst_mc, bool dst_owner)
 Shallow or deep copy src to dst with the goal to make the array src accessible through dst with the MemoryClass dst_mc. If one of the host/device MemoryTypes of src is contained in dst_mc, then a shallow copy will be used and dst will simply be an alias of src. Otherwise, dst will be properly allocated and src will be deep copied to dst.
template<typename SrcT , typename DstT >
void mfem::CopyConvertMemory (Memory< SrcT > &src, MemoryClass dst_mc, Memory< DstT > &dst)
 Deep copy and convert src to dst with the goal to make the array src accessible through dst with the MemoryClass dst_mc and convert it from type SrcT to type DstT.
decltype(hypre_CSRMatrix::memory_location) mfem::GetHypreParMatrixMemoryLocation (MemoryClass mc)
void mfem::delete_hypre_ParCSRMatrixColMapOffd (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A)
void mfem::HypreStealOwnership (HypreParMatrix &A_hyp, SparseMatrix &A_diag)
 Make A_hyp steal ownership of its diagonal part A_diag.
void mfem::BlockInverseScale (const HypreParMatrix *A, HypreParMatrix *C, const Vector *b, HypreParVector *d, int blocksize, BlockInverseScaleJob job)
HypreParMatrixmfem::Add (real_t alpha, const HypreParMatrix &A, real_t beta, const HypreParMatrix &B)
 Return a new matrix C = alpha*A + beta*B, assuming that both A and B use the same row and column partitions and the same col_map_offd arrays.
HypreParMatrixmfem::ParAdd (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B)
 Returns the matrix A + B.
HypreParMatrixmfem::ParMult (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B, bool own_matrix)
HypreParMatrixmfem::RAP (const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *P)
 Returns the matrix P^t * A * P.
HypreParMatrixmfem::RAP (const HypreParMatrix *Rt, const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *P)
 Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P.
void mfem::GatherBlockOffsetData (MPI_Comm comm, const int rank, const int nprocs, const int num_loc, const Array< int > &offsets, std::vector< int > &all_num_loc, const int numBlocks, std::vector< std::vector< HYPRE_BigInt > > &blockProcOffsets, std::vector< HYPRE_BigInt > &procOffsets, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &procBlockOffsets, HYPRE_BigInt &firstLocal, HYPRE_BigInt &globalNum)
HypreParMatrixmfem::HypreParMatrixFromBlocks (Array2D< const HypreParMatrix * > &blocks, Array2D< real_t > *blockCoeff=NULL)
 Returns a merged hypre matrix constructed from hypre matrix blocks.
HypreParMatrixmfem::HypreParMatrixFromBlocks (Array2D< HypreParMatrix * > &blocks, Array2D< real_t > *blockCoeff=NULL)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void mfem::EliminateBC (const HypreParMatrix &A, const HypreParMatrix &Ae, const Array< int > &ess_dof_list, const Vector &X, Vector &B)
 Eliminate essential BC specified by ess_dof_list from the solution X to the r.h.s. B.
int mfem::ParCSRRelax_Taubin (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, real_t lambda, real_t mu, int N, real_t max_eig, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *r)
int mfem::ParCSRRelax_FIR (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, real_t max_eig, int poly_order, real_t *fir_coeffs, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *x0, hypre_ParVector *x1, hypre_ParVector *x2, hypre_ParVector *x3)