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MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::KINSolver, including all inherited members.
A | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
abs_tol | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
AdaptiveLinRtolPostSolve(const Vector &x, const Vector &b, const int it, const real_t fnorm) const | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
AdaptiveLinRtolPreSolve(const Vector &x, const int it, const real_t fnorm) const | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
AddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const real_t a=1.0) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
AddMultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const real_t a=1.0) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
AllocateEmptyNVector(N_Vector &y) | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
AllocateEmptyNVector(N_Vector &y, MPI_Comm comm) | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
alpha | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
ANY_TYPE enum value | mfem::Operator | |
ArrayAddMult(const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y, const real_t a=1.0) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
ArrayAddMultTranspose(const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y, const real_t a=1.0) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
ArrayMult(const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
ArrayMultTranspose(const Array< const Vector * > &X, Array< Vector * > &Y) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
AssembleDiagonal(Vector &diag) const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
c | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
Complex_DenseMat enum value | mfem::Operator | |
Complex_Hypre_ParCSR enum value | mfem::Operator | |
Complex_Operator enum value | mfem::Operator | |
ComputeScalingFactor(const Vector &x, const Vector &b) const | mfem::NewtonSolver | inlinevirtual |
converged | mfem::IterativeSolver | mutableprotected |
default_abs_tol | mfem::SundialsSolver | protectedstatic |
default_rel_tol | mfem::SundialsSolver | protectedstatic |
DIAG_KEEP enum value | mfem::Operator | |
DIAG_ONE enum value | mfem::Operator | |
DIAG_ZERO enum value | mfem::Operator | |
DiagonalPolicy enum name | mfem::Operator | |
Dot(const Vector &x, const Vector &y) const | mfem::IterativeSolver | protectedvirtual |
eta_last | mfem::NewtonSolver | mutableprotected |
f_scale | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
final_iter | mfem::IterativeSolver | mutableprotected |
final_norm | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
flag | mfem::SundialsSolver | mutableprotected |
fnorm_last | mfem::NewtonSolver | mutableprotected |
FormConstrainedSystemOperator(const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, ConstrainedOperator *&Aout) | mfem::Operator | protected |
FormDiscreteOperator(Operator *&A) | mfem::Operator | |
FormLinearSystem(const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B, int copy_interior=0) | mfem::Operator | |
FormRectangularConstrainedSystemOperator(const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, RectangularConstrainedOperator *&Aout) | mfem::Operator | protected |
FormRectangularLinearSystem(const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Vector &x, Vector &b, Operator *&A, Vector &X, Vector &B) | mfem::Operator | |
FormRectangularSystemOperator(const Array< int > &trial_tdof_list, const Array< int > &test_tdof_list, Operator *&A) | mfem::Operator | |
FormSystemOperator(const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list, Operator *&A) | mfem::Operator | |
FromLegacyPrintLevel(int) | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
gamma | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
GetComm() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetConverged() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetFinalNorm() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetFinalRelNorm() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetFlag() const | mfem::SundialsSolver | inline |
GetGradient(const Vector &x) const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetInitialNorm() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetMem() const | mfem::SundialsSolver | inline |
GetMemoryClass() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetNumIterations() const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
GetOutputProlongation() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetOutputRestriction() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetOutputRestrictionTranspose() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetProlongation() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetRestriction() const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
GetType() const | mfem::Operator | inline |
global_strategy | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
grad | mfem::NewtonSolver | mutableprotected |
GradientMult(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, N_Vector u, booleantype *new_u, void *user_data) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
GuessLegacyPrintLevel(PrintLevel) | mfem::IterativeSolver | protectedstatic |
Height() const | mfem::Operator | inline |
height | mfem::Operator | protected |
Hypre_ParCSR enum value | mfem::Operator | |
initial_norm | mfem::IterativeSolver | mutableprotected |
InitTVectors(const Operator *Po, const Operator *Ri, const Operator *Pi, Vector &x, Vector &b, Vector &X, Vector &B) const | mfem::Operator | |
iterative_mode | mfem::Solver | |
IterativeSolver() | mfem::IterativeSolver | |
IterativeSolver(MPI_Comm comm_) | mfem::IterativeSolver | |
jacobian | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
jfnk | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
KINSolver(int strategy, bool oper_grad=true) | mfem::KINSolver | |
KINSolver(MPI_Comm comm, int strategy, bool oper_grad=true) | mfem::KINSolver | |
lin_rtol0 | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
lin_rtol_max | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
lin_rtol_type | mfem::NewtonSolver | protected |
LinSysSetup(N_Vector u, N_Vector fu, SUNMatrix J, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
LinSysSolve(SUNLinearSolver LS, SUNMatrix J, N_Vector u, N_Vector b, realtype tol) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
lnorm_last | mfem::NewtonSolver | mutableprotected |
LSA | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
LSM | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
M | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
maa | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
max_iter | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
maxli | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
maxlrs | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
MFEM_Block_Matrix enum value | mfem::Operator | |
MFEM_Block_Operator enum value | mfem::Operator | |
MFEM_ComplexSparseMat enum value | mfem::Operator | |
MFEM_SPARSEMAT enum value | mfem::Operator | |
Monitor(int it, real_t norm, const Vector &r, const Vector &x, bool final=false) const | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
monitor | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
Mult(const N_Vector u, N_Vector fu, void *user_data) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
Mult(const Vector &b, Vector &x) const | mfem::KINSolver | virtual |
Mult(Vector &x, const Vector &x_scale, const Vector &fx_scale) const | mfem::KINSolver | |
MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |
NewtonSolver() | mfem::NewtonSolver | inline |
NewtonSolver(MPI_Comm comm_) | mfem::NewtonSolver | inline |
NLS | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
Norm(const Vector &x) const | mfem::IterativeSolver | inlineprotected |
NumCols() const | mfem::Operator | inline |
NumRows() const | mfem::Operator | inline |
oper | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
Operator(int s=0) | mfem::Operator | inlineexplicit |
Operator(int h, int w) | mfem::Operator | inline |
Parallel() const | mfem::SundialsSolver | inlineprotected |
Parallel() const | mfem::SundialsSolver | inlineprotected |
PETSC_MATAIJ enum value | mfem::Operator | |
PETSC_MATGENERIC enum value | mfem::Operator | |
PETSC_MATHYPRE enum value | mfem::Operator | |
PETSC_MATIS enum value | mfem::Operator | |
PETSC_MATNEST enum value | mfem::Operator | |
PETSC_MATSHELL enum value | mfem::Operator | |
prec | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
PrecSetup(N_Vector uu, N_Vector uscale, N_Vector fval, N_Vector fscale, void *user_data) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
PrecSolve(N_Vector uu, N_Vector uscale, N_Vector fval, N_Vector fscale, N_Vector vv, void *user_data) | mfem::KINSolver | protectedstatic |
print_level | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
print_options | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
PrintMatlab(std::ostream &out, int n, int m=0) const | mfem::Operator | |
PrintMatlab(std::ostream &out) const | mfem::Operator | virtual |
ProcessNewState(const Vector &x) const | mfem::NewtonSolver | inlinevirtual |
r | mfem::NewtonSolver | mutableprotected |
RecoverFEMSolution(const Vector &X, const Vector &b, Vector &x) | mfem::Operator | virtual |
reinit | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
rel_tol | mfem::IterativeSolver | protected |
saved_global_size | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
SetAbsTol(real_t atol) | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
SetAdaptiveLinRtol(const int type=2, const real_t rtol0=0.5, const real_t rtol_max=0.9, const real_t alpha=0.5 *(1.0+sqrt(5.0)), const real_t gamma=1.0) | mfem::NewtonSolver | |
SetJFNK(bool use_jfnk) | mfem::KINSolver | inline |
SetJFNKSolver(Solver &solver) | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
SetLSMaxIter(int m) | mfem::KINSolver | inline |
SetLSMaxRestarts(int m) | mfem::KINSolver | inline |
SetMAA(int maa) | mfem::KINSolver | |
SetMaxIter(int max_it) | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
SetMaxSetupCalls(int max_calls) | mfem::KINSolver | |
SetMonitor(IterativeSolverMonitor &m) | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
SetOperator(const Operator &op) | mfem::KINSolver | virtual |
SetPreconditioner(Solver &solver) | mfem::KINSolver | inlinevirtual |
SetPrintLevel(int print_lvl) | mfem::KINSolver | inlinevirtual |
SetPrintLevel(PrintLevel) | mfem::KINSolver | virtual |
SetRelTol(real_t rtol) | mfem::IterativeSolver | inline |
SetScaledStepTol(double sstol) | mfem::KINSolver | |
SetSolver(Solver &solver) | mfem::KINSolver | virtual |
SetupRAP(const Operator *Pi, const Operator *Po) | mfem::Operator | protected |
Solver(int s=0, bool iter_mode=false) | mfem::Solver | inlineexplicit |
Solver(int h, int w, bool iter_mode=false) | mfem::Solver | inline |
sundials_mem | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
SundialsSolver() | mfem::SundialsSolver | inlineprotected |
Type enum name | mfem::Operator | |
use_oper_grad | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
Width() const | mfem::Operator | inline |
width | mfem::Operator | protected |
wrk | mfem::KINSolver | protected |
Y | mfem::SundialsSolver | protected |
y_scale | mfem::KINSolver | mutableprotected |
~KINSolver() | mfem::KINSolver | virtual |
~Operator() | mfem::Operator | inlinevirtual |