MFEM  v3.2
Finite element discretization library
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mfem Namespace Reference




class  BaseArray
 Base class for array container. More...
class  Array
class  Array2D
class  Array3D
class  MPI_Session
 A simple convenience class that calls MPI_Init() at construction and MPI_Finalize() at destruction. It also provides easy access to MPI_COMM_WORLD's rank and size. More...
class  GroupTopology
class  GroupCommunicator
struct  VarMessage
 Variable-length MPI message containing unspecific binary data. More...
struct  MPITypeMap
 Helper struct to convert a C++ type to an MPI type. More...
class  IdGenerator
struct  Hashed2
struct  Hashed4
class  HashTable
class  isockstream
class  StackPart
class  Stack
class  MemAllocNode
class  MemAlloc
class  OptionsParser
class  osockstream
class  IntegerSet
 A set of integers. More...
class  ListOfIntegerSets
 List of integer sets. More...
class  socketbuf
class  GnuTLS_status
class  GnuTLS_global_state
class  GnuTLS_session_params
class  GnuTLS_socketbuf
class  socketstream
class  socketserver
class  Pair
 A pair of objects. More...
class  Triple
class  STable3DNode
class  STable3D
 Symmetric 3D Table. More...
struct  Connection
 Helper struct for defining a connectivity table, see Table::MakeFromList. More...
class  Table
class  STable
class  DSTable
struct  AssignOp
class  StopWatch
 Timing object. More...
class  BlockMatrix
class  BlockOperator
 A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation. More...
class  BlockDiagonalPreconditioner
 A class to handle Block diagonal preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation. More...
class  BlockVector
class  DenseMatrix
 Data type dense matrix using column-major storage. More...
class  LUFactors
class  DenseMatrixInverse
class  DenseMatrixEigensystem
class  DenseMatrixSVD
class  DenseTensor
 Rank 3 tensor (array of matrices) More...
class  HypreParVector
 Wrapper for hypre's parallel vector class. More...
class  HypreParMatrix
 Wrapper for hypre's ParCSR matrix class. More...
class  HypreSmoother
 Parallel smoothers in hypre. More...
class  HypreSolver
 Abstract class for hypre's solvers and preconditioners. More...
class  HyprePCG
 PCG solver in hypre. More...
class  HypreGMRES
 GMRES solver in hypre. More...
class  HypreIdentity
 The identity operator as a hypre solver. More...
class  HypreDiagScale
 Jacobi preconditioner in hypre. More...
class  HypreParaSails
 The ParaSails preconditioner in hypre. More...
class  HypreBoomerAMG
 The BoomerAMG solver in hypre. More...
class  HypreAMS
 The Auxiliary-space Maxwell Solver in hypre. More...
class  HypreADS
 The Auxiliary-space Divergence Solver in hypre. More...
class  HypreLOBPCG
class  HypreAME
class  Matrix
 Abstract data type matrix. More...
class  MatrixInverse
 Abstract data type for matrix inverse. More...
class  AbstractSparseMatrix
 Abstract data type for sparse matrices. More...
class  ODESolver
 Abstract class for solving systems of ODEs: dx/dt = f(x,t) More...
class  ForwardEulerSolver
 The classical forward Euler method. More...
class  RK2Solver
class  RK3SSPSolver
 Third-order, strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta method. More...
class  RK4Solver
 The classical explicit forth-order Runge-Kutta method, RK4. More...
class  ExplicitRKSolver
class  RK6Solver
class  RK8Solver
class  BackwardEulerSolver
 Backward Euler ODE solver. L-stable. More...
class  ImplicitMidpointSolver
 Implicit midpoint method. A-stable, not L-stable. More...
class  SDIRK23Solver
class  SDIRK34Solver
class  SDIRK33Solver
class  Operator
 Abstract operator. More...
class  TimeDependentOperator
 Base abstract class for time dependent operators: (x,t) -> f(x,t) More...
class  Solver
 Base class for solvers. More...
class  IdentityOperator
 Operator I: x -> x. More...
class  TransposeOperator
 The transpose of a given operator. More...
class  RAPOperator
 The operator x -> R*A*P*x. More...
class  TripleProductOperator
 General triple product operator x -> A*B*C*x, with ownership of the factors. More...
class  IterativeSolver
 Abstract base class for iterative solver. More...
class  SLISolver
 Stationary linear iteration: x <- x + B (b - A x) More...
class  CGSolver
 Conjugate gradient method. More...
class  GMRESSolver
 GMRES method. More...
class  FGMRESSolver
 FGMRES method. More...
class  BiCGSTABSolver
 BiCGSTAB method. More...
class  MINRESSolver
 MINRES method. More...
class  NewtonSolver
class  SLBQPOptimizer
class  UMFPackSolver
 Direct sparse solver using UMFPACK. More...
class  KLUSolver
 Direct sparse solver using KLU. More...
class  SparseMatrix
 Data type sparse matrix. More...
class  SparseSmoother
class  GSSmoother
 Data type for Gauss-Seidel smoother of sparse matrix. More...
class  DSmoother
 Data type for scaled Jacobi-type smoother of sparse matrix. More...
class  SuperLURowLocMatrix
class  SuperLUSolver
struct  OffsetStridedLayout1D
struct  StridedLayout2D
struct  StridedLayout1D
struct  OffsetStridedLayout2D
struct  StridedLayout3D
struct  StridedLayout4D
struct  OffsetStridedLayout3D
struct  OffsetStridedLayout4D
struct  ColumnMajorLayout2D
struct  ColumnMajorLayout3D
struct  ColumnMajorLayout4D
class  DynamicVectorLayout
class  VectorLayout
class  ScalarLayout
struct  TVector
struct  TMatrix
struct  TTensor3
struct  TTensor4
class  Vector
 Vector data type. More...
class  Element
 Abstract data type element. More...
class  Hexahedron
 Data type hexahedron element. More...
class  Mesh
class  NodeExtrudeCoefficient
 Class used to extrude the nodes of a mesh. More...
class  named_ifstream
class  MeshOperator
 The MeshOperator class serves as base for mesh manipulation classes. More...
class  MeshOperatorSequence
class  ThresholdRefiner
 Mesh refinement operator using an error threshold. More...
class  ThresholdDerefiner
 De-refinement operator using an error threshold. More...
class  Rebalancer
 ParMesh rebalancing operator. More...
class  MesquiteMesh
struct  Refinement
struct  Embedding
 Defines the position of a fine element within a coarse element. More...
struct  CoarseFineTransformations
 Defines the coarse-fine transformations of all fine elements. More...
class  NCMesh
 A class for non-conforming AMR on higher-order hexahedral, quadrilateral or triangular meshes. More...
class  KnotVector
class  NURBSPatch
class  NURBSExtension
class  ParNURBSExtension
class  NURBSPatchMap
class  ParMesh
 Class for parallel meshes. More...
class  ParNCMesh
 A parallel extension of the NCMesh class. More...
class  NeighborDofMessage
class  NeighborRowRequest
class  NeighborRowReply
class  Point
 Data type point element. More...
class  Quadrilateral
 Data type quadrilateral element. More...
class  Segment
 Data type line segment element. More...
class  Tetrahedron
 Data type tetrahedron element. More...
class  TMesh
class  Triangle
 Data type triangle element. More...
class  Vertex
 Data type for vertex. More...
class  BilinearForm
class  MixedBilinearForm
class  DiscreteLinearOperator
class  BilinearFormIntegrator
 Abstract base class BilinearFormIntegrator. More...
class  TransposeIntegrator
class  LumpedIntegrator
class  InverseIntegrator
 Integrator that inverts the matrix assembled by another integrator. More...
class  SumIntegrator
 Integrator defining a sum of multiple Integrators. More...
class  DiffusionIntegrator
class  MassIntegrator
class  BoundaryMassIntegrator
class  ConvectionIntegrator
 alpha (q . grad u, v) More...
class  GroupConvectionIntegrator
 alpha (q . grad u, v) using the "group" FE discretization More...
class  VectorMassIntegrator
class  VectorFEDivergenceIntegrator
class  VectorFECurlIntegrator
 Integrator for (curl u, v) for Nedelec and RT elements. More...
class  DerivativeIntegrator
 Class for integrating (Q D_i(u), v); u and v are scalars. More...
class  CurlCurlIntegrator
 Integrator for (curl u, curl v) for Nedelec elements. More...
class  VectorCurlCurlIntegrator
class  VectorFEMassIntegrator
 Integrator for (Q u, v) for VectorFiniteElements. More...
class  VectorDivergenceIntegrator
class  DivDivIntegrator
 (Q div u, div v) for RT elements More...
class  VectorDiffusionIntegrator
class  ElasticityIntegrator
class  DGTraceIntegrator
class  DGDiffusionIntegrator
class  TraceJumpIntegrator
class  NormalTraceJumpIntegrator
class  DiscreteInterpolator
class  GradientInterpolator
class  IdentityInterpolator
class  CurlInterpolator
class  DivergenceInterpolator
class  NormalInterpolator
class  Coefficient
 Base class Coefficient that may optionally depend on time. More...
class  ConstantCoefficient
 Subclass constant coefficient. More...
class  PWConstCoefficient
 class for piecewise constant coefficient More...
class  FunctionCoefficient
 class for C-function coefficient More...
class  GridFunctionCoefficient
 Coefficient defined by a GridFunction. This coefficient is mesh dependent. More...
class  TransformedCoefficient
class  DeltaCoefficient
 Delta function coefficient. More...
class  RestrictedCoefficient
 Coefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class  VectorCoefficient
class  VectorConstantCoefficient
class  VectorFunctionCoefficient
class  VectorArrayCoefficient
 Vector coefficient defined by an array of scalar coefficients. More...
class  VectorGridFunctionCoefficient
 Vector coefficient defined by a vector GridFunction. More...
class  VectorRestrictedCoefficient
 VectorCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class  MatrixCoefficient
class  MatrixFunctionCoefficient
class  MatrixArrayCoefficient
class  MatrixRestrictedCoefficient
 MatrixCoefficient defined on a subset of domain or boundary attributes. More...
class  DataCollection
class  VisItFieldInfo
 Helper class for VisIt visualization data. More...
class  VisItDataCollection
 Data collection with VisIt I/O routines. More...
class  ElementTransformation
class  IsoparametricTransformation
class  IntegrationPointTransformation
class  FaceElementTransformations
class  AbstractErrorEstimator
 Base class for all error estimators. More...
class  ErrorEstimator
 Base class for all element based error estimators. More...
class  AnisotropicErrorEstimator
 The AnisotropicErrorEstimator class is the base class for all error estimators that compute one non-negative real (double) number and an anisotropic flag for every element in the Mesh. More...
class  ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator
 The ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator class implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure. More...
class  L2ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator
 The L2ZienkiewiczZhuEstimator class implements the Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimation procedure where the flux averaging is replaced by a global L2 projection (requiring a mass matrix solve). More...
class  FunctionSpace
 Describes the space on each element. More...
class  FiniteElement
 Abstract class for Finite Elements. More...
class  NodalFiniteElement
class  PositiveFiniteElement
class  VectorFiniteElement
class  PointFiniteElement
class  Linear1DFiniteElement
 Class for linear FE on interval. More...
class  Linear2DFiniteElement
 Class for linear FE on triangle. More...
class  BiLinear2DFiniteElement
 Class for bilinear FE on quadrilateral. More...
class  GaussLinear2DFiniteElement
 Class for linear FE on triangle with nodes at the 3 "Gaussian" points. More...
class  GaussBiLinear2DFiniteElement
 Class for bilinear FE on quad with nodes at the 4 Gaussian points. More...
class  P1OnQuadFiniteElement
class  Quad1DFiniteElement
 Class for quadratic FE on interval. More...
class  QuadPos1DFiniteElement
class  Quad2DFiniteElement
 Class for quadratic FE on triangle. More...
class  GaussQuad2DFiniteElement
 Class for quadratic FE on triangle with nodes at the "Gaussian" points. More...
class  BiQuad2DFiniteElement
 Class for bi-quadratic FE on quadrilateral. More...
class  BiQuadPos2DFiniteElement
class  GaussBiQuad2DFiniteElement
 Bi-quadratic element on quad with nodes at the 9 Gaussian points. More...
class  BiCubic2DFiniteElement
class  Cubic1DFiniteElement
class  Cubic2DFiniteElement
class  Cubic3DFiniteElement
 Class for cubic FE on tetrahedron. More...
class  P0TriangleFiniteElement
 Class for constant FE on triangle. More...
class  P0QuadFiniteElement
class  Linear3DFiniteElement
 Class for linear FE on tetrahedron. More...
class  Quadratic3DFiniteElement
 Class for quadratic FE on tetrahedron. More...
class  TriLinear3DFiniteElement
 Class for tri-linear FE on cube. More...
class  CrouzeixRaviartFiniteElement
 Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on triangle. More...
class  CrouzeixRaviartQuadFiniteElement
 Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on quadrilateral. More...
class  P0SegmentFiniteElement
class  RT0TriangleFiniteElement
class  RT0QuadFiniteElement
class  RT1TriangleFiniteElement
class  RT1QuadFiniteElement
class  RT2TriangleFiniteElement
class  RT2QuadFiniteElement
class  P1SegmentFiniteElement
 Linear 1D element with nodes 1/3 and 2/3 (trace of RT1) More...
class  P2SegmentFiniteElement
 Quadratic 1D element with nodes the Gaussian points in [0,1] (trace of RT2) More...
class  Lagrange1DFiniteElement
class  P1TetNonConfFiniteElement
class  P0TetFiniteElement
class  P0HexFiniteElement
class  LagrangeHexFiniteElement
 Tensor products of 1D FEs (only degree 2 is functional) More...
class  RefinedLinear1DFiniteElement
 Class for refined linear FE on interval. More...
class  RefinedLinear2DFiniteElement
 Class for refined linear FE on triangle. More...
class  RefinedLinear3DFiniteElement
 Class for refined linear FE on tetrahedron. More...
class  RefinedBiLinear2DFiniteElement
 Class for refined bi-linear FE on quadrilateral. More...
class  RefinedTriLinear3DFiniteElement
 Class for refined trilinear FE on a hexahedron. More...
class  Nedelec1HexFiniteElement
class  Nedelec1TetFiniteElement
class  RT0HexFiniteElement
class  RT1HexFiniteElement
class  RT0TetFiniteElement
class  RotTriLinearHexFiniteElement
class  Poly_1D
class  H1_SegmentElement
class  H1_QuadrilateralElement
class  H1_HexahedronElement
class  H1Pos_SegmentElement
class  H1Pos_QuadrilateralElement
class  H1Pos_HexahedronElement
class  H1_TriangleElement
class  H1_TetrahedronElement
class  H1Pos_TriangleElement
class  H1Pos_TetrahedronElement
class  L2_SegmentElement
class  L2Pos_SegmentElement
class  L2_QuadrilateralElement
class  L2Pos_QuadrilateralElement
class  L2_HexahedronElement
class  L2Pos_HexahedronElement
class  L2_TriangleElement
class  L2Pos_TriangleElement
class  L2_TetrahedronElement
class  L2Pos_TetrahedronElement
class  RT_QuadrilateralElement
class  RT_HexahedronElement
class  RT_TriangleElement
class  RT_TetrahedronElement
class  ND_HexahedronElement
class  ND_QuadrilateralElement
class  ND_TetrahedronElement
class  ND_TriangleElement
class  ND_SegmentElement
class  NURBSFiniteElement
class  NURBS1DFiniteElement
class  NURBS2DFiniteElement
class  NURBS3DFiniteElement
class  FiniteElementCollection
class  H1_FECollection
 Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements. More...
class  H1Pos_FECollection
class  H1_Trace_FECollection
class  L2_FECollection
 Arbitrary order "L2-conforming" discontinuous finite elements. More...
class  RT_FECollection
 Arbitrary order H(div)-conforming Raviart-Thomas finite elements. More...
class  RT_Trace_FECollection
class  DG_Interface_FECollection
class  ND_FECollection
 Arbitrary order H(curl)-conforming Nedelec finite elements. More...
class  ND_Trace_FECollection
class  NURBSFECollection
 Arbitrary order non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) finite elements. More...
class  LinearFECollection
 Piecewise-(bi)linear continuous finite elements. More...
class  QuadraticFECollection
 Piecewise-(bi)quadratic continuous finite elements. More...
class  QuadraticPosFECollection
 Version of QuadraticFECollection with positive basis functions. More...
class  CubicFECollection
 Piecewise-(bi)cubic continuous finite elements. More...
class  CrouzeixRaviartFECollection
 Crouzeix-Raviart nonconforming elements in 2D. More...
class  LinearNonConf3DFECollection
 Piecewise-linear nonconforming finite elements in 3D. More...
class  RT0_2DFECollection
class  RT1_2DFECollection
class  RT2_2DFECollection
class  Const2DFECollection
class  LinearDiscont2DFECollection
class  GaussLinearDiscont2DFECollection
 Version of LinearDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points. More...
class  P1OnQuadFECollection
 Linear (P1) finite elements on quadrilaterals. More...
class  QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection
class  QuadraticPosDiscont2DFECollection
 Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with positive basis functions. More...
class  GaussQuadraticDiscont2DFECollection
 Version of QuadraticDiscont2DFECollection with dofs in the Gaussian points. More...
class  CubicDiscont2DFECollection
class  Const3DFECollection
class  LinearDiscont3DFECollection
class  QuadraticDiscont3DFECollection
class  RefinedLinearFECollection
 Finite element collection on a macro-element. More...
class  ND1_3DFECollection
class  RT0_3DFECollection
class  RT1_3DFECollection
class  Local_FECollection
 Discontinuous collection defined locally by a given finite element. More...
class  Ordering
class  FiniteElementSpace
class  Geometry
class  RefinedGeometry
class  GeometryRefiner
class  GridFunction
 Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space. More...
class  ExtrudeCoefficient
 Class used for extruding scalar GridFunctions. More...
class  Hybridization
class  IntegrationPoint
 Class for integration point with weight. More...
class  IntegrationRule
 Class for integration rule. More...
class  IntegrationRules
 Container class for integration rules. More...
class  LinearForm
 Class for linear form - Vector with associated FE space and LFIntegrators. More...
class  LinearFormIntegrator
 Abstract base class LinearFormIntegrator. More...
class  DomainLFIntegrator
 Class for domain integration L(v) := (f, v) More...
class  BoundaryLFIntegrator
 Class for boundary integration L(v) := (g, v) More...
class  BoundaryNormalLFIntegrator
 Class for boundary integration $ L(v) = (g \cdot n, v) $. More...
class  BoundaryTangentialLFIntegrator
 Class for boundary integration $ L(v) = (g \dot tau, v) $ in 2D. More...
class  VectorDomainLFIntegrator
class  VectorBoundaryLFIntegrator
class  VectorFEDomainLFIntegrator
 $ (f, v)_{\Omega} $ for VectorFiniteElements (Nedelec, Raviart-Thomas) More...
class  VectorBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator
class  VectorFEBoundaryFluxLFIntegrator
class  VectorFEBoundaryTangentLFIntegrator
 Class for boundary integration $ L(v) = (n \times f, v) $. More...
class  BoundaryFlowIntegrator
class  DGDirichletLFIntegrator
class  NonlinearForm
class  NonlinearFormIntegrator
class  HyperelasticModel
 Abstract class for hyperelastic models. More...
class  InverseHarmonicModel
class  NeoHookeanModel
class  HyperelasticNLFIntegrator
 Hyperelastic integrator for any given HyperelasticModel. More...
class  ParBilinearForm
 Class for parallel bilinear form. More...
class  ParMixedBilinearForm
 Class for parallel bilinear form. More...
class  ParDiscreteLinearOperator
class  ParFiniteElementSpace
 Abstract parallel finite element space. More...
class  ParGridFunction
 Class for parallel grid function. More...
class  ParLinearForm
 Class for parallel linear form. More...
class  ParNonlinearForm
 Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs. More...
class  StaticCondensation
class  TBilinearForm
class  TIntegrator
struct  TMassKernel
struct  TDiffusionKernel
struct  TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t >
struct  TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t >
struct  TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t >
class  TCoefficient
class  TConstantCoefficient
class  TFunctionCoefficient
class  TPiecewiseConstCoefficient
class  TGridFunctionCoefficient
struct  IntRuleCoefficient
class  TElementTransformation
class  ShapeEvaluator_base
class  ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t >
class  TProductShapeEvaluator
class  TProductShapeEvaluator< 1, DOF, NIP, real_t >
class  TProductShapeEvaluator< 2, DOF, NIP, real_t >
class  TProductShapeEvaluator< 3, DOF, NIP, real_t >
class  ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, true, real_t >
class  ShapeEvaluator
class  FieldEvaluator_base
class  FieldEvaluator
class  H1_FiniteElement
class  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >
class  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >
class  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >
class  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >
class  H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >
class  L2_FiniteElement_base
class  L2_FiniteElement
class  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >
class  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >
class  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >
class  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >
class  L2_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >
class  ElementDofIndexer
class  TFiniteElementSpace_simple
class  H1_FiniteElementSpace
class  DGIndexer
class  L2_FiniteElementSpace
class  GenericIntegrationRule
class  TProductIntegrationRule_base
class  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 1, Q, real_t >
class  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 2, Q, real_t >
class  TProductIntegrationRule_base< 3, Q, real_t >
class  TProductIntegrationRule
class  GaussIntegrationRule
class  TIntegrationRule
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SEGMENT, Order, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::SQUARE, Order, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::CUBE, Order, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 0, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 1, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 2, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 3, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 4, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 5, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 6, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 7, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 0, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 1, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 2, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 3, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 4, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 5, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 6, real_t >
class  TIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 7, real_t >


typedef int idxtype
typedef int idx_t
typedef float real_t
typedef L2_FECollection DG_FECollection


template<class T >
void Swap (Array< T > &, Array< T > &)
template<class T >
bool operator== (const Array< T > &LHS, const Array< T > &RHS)
template<class T >
bool operator!= (const Array< T > &LHS, const Array< T > &RHS)
template<class T >
void Swap (Array2D< T > &, Array2D< T > &)
template<class T >
void Swap (T &a, T &b)
void KdTreeSort (int **coords, int d, int dim, int size)
MPI_Comm ReorderRanksZCurve (MPI_Comm comm)
void mfem_error (const char *msg)
void mfem_warning (const char *msg)
int isValidAsInt (char *s)
int isValidAsDouble (char *s)
void parseArray (char *str, Array< int > &var)
void parseVector (char *str, Vector &var)
template<class A , class B >
bool operator< (const Pair< A, B > &p, const Pair< A, B > &q)
 Comparison operator for class Pair, based on the first element only. More...
template<class A , class B >
void SortPairs (Pair< A, B > *pairs, int size)
 Sort an array of Pairs with respect to the first element. More...
template<class A , class B , class C >
bool operator< (const Triple< A, B, C > &p, const Triple< A, B, C > &q)
 Lexicographic comparison operator for class Triple. More...
template<class A , class B , class C >
void SortTriple (Triple< A, B, C > *triples, int size)
 Lexicographic sort for arrays of class Triple. More...
void Sort3 (int &r, int &c, int &f)
void Transpose (const Table &A, Table &At, int _ncols_A=-1)
 Transpose a Table. More...
TableTranspose (const Table &A)
void Transpose (const Array< int > &A, Table &At, int _ncols_A=-1)
 Transpose an Array<int> More...
void Mult (const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C)
 C = A * B (as boolean matrices) More...
TableMult (const Table &A, const Table &B)
void Swap< Table > (Table &a, Table &b)
 Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Table. More...
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename lvalue_t , typename rvalue_t >
lvalue_t & Assign (lvalue_t &a, const rvalue_t &b)
void tic ()
 Start timing. More...
double toc ()
 End timing. More...
BlockMatrixTranspose (const BlockMatrix &A)
 Transpose a BlockMatrix: result = A'. More...
BlockMatrixMult (const BlockMatrix &A, const BlockMatrix &B)
 Multiply BlockMatrix matrices: result = A*B. More...
void dgetrf_ (int *, int *, double *, int *, int *, int *)
void dgetrs_ (char *, int *, int *, double *, int *, int *, double *, int *, int *)
void dgetri_ (int *N, double *A, int *LDA, int *IPIV, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO)
void dsyevr_ (char *JOBZ, char *RANGE, char *UPLO, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, double *VL, double *VU, int *IL, int *IU, double *ABSTOL, int *M, double *W, double *Z, int *LDZ, int *ISUPPZ, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *IWORK, int *LIWORK, int *INFO)
void dsyev_ (char *JOBZ, char *UPLO, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, double *W, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO)
void dgesvd_ (char *JOBU, char *JOBVT, int *M, int *N, double *A, int *LDA, double *S, double *U, int *LDU, double *VT, int *LDVT, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO)
void dsyevr_Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &a, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix *evect)
void dsyev_Eigensystem (DenseMatrix &a, Vector &ev, DenseMatrix *evect)
void Eigenvalues2S (const double &d12, double &d1, double &d2)
void Eigensystem2S (const double &d12, double &d1, double &d2, double &c, double &s)
void vec_normalize3_aux (const double &x1, const double &x2, const double &x3, double &n1, double &n2, double &n3)
void vec_normalize3 (const double &x1, const double &x2, const double &x3, double &n1, double &n2, double &n3)
bool KernelVector2G (const int &mode, double &d1, double &d12, double &d21, double &d2)
int KernelVector3G_aux (const int &mode, double &d1, double &d2, double &d3, double &c12, double &c13, double &c23, double &c21, double &c31, double &c32)
int KernelVector3S (const int &mode, const double &d12, const double &d13, const double &d23, double &d1, double &d2, double &d3)
int Reduce3S (const int &mode, double &d1, double &d2, double &d3, double &d12, double &d13, double &d23, double &z1, double &z2, double &z3, double &v1, double &v2, double &v3, double &g)
void GetScalingFactor (const double &d_max, double &mult)
void Add (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, double alpha, DenseMatrix &C)
 C = A + alpha*B. More...
void Add (double alpha, const DenseMatrix &A, double beta, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C)
 C = alpha*A + beta*B. More...
void dgemm_ (char *, char *, int *, int *, int *, double *, double *, int *, double *, int *, double *, double *, int *)
void Mult (const DenseMatrix &b, const DenseMatrix &c, DenseMatrix &a)
 Matrix matrix multiplication. A = B * C. More...
void AddMult (const DenseMatrix &b, const DenseMatrix &c, DenseMatrix &a)
 Matrix matrix multiplication. A += B * C. More...
void CalcAdjugate (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &adja)
void CalcAdjugateTranspose (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &adjat)
 Calculate the transposed adjugate of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) More...
void CalcInverse (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &inva)
void CalcInverseTranspose (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &inva)
 Calculate the inverse transpose of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) More...
void CalcOrtho (const DenseMatrix &J, Vector &n)
void MultAAt (const DenseMatrix &a, DenseMatrix &aat)
 Calculate the matrix A.At. More...
void AddMultADAt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, DenseMatrix &ADAt)
 ADAt += A D A^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void MultADAt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, DenseMatrix &ADAt)
 ADAt = A D A^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void MultABt (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ABt)
 Multiply a matrix A with the transpose of a matrix B: A*Bt. More...
void MultADBt (const DenseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ADAt)
 ADBt = A D B^t, where D is diagonal. More...
void AddMultABt (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &ABt)
 ABt += A * B^t. More...
void MultAtB (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &AtB)
 Multiply the transpose of a matrix A with a matrix B: At*B. More...
void AddMult_a_AAt (double a, const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &AAt)
 AAt += a * A * A^t. More...
void Mult_a_AAt (double a, const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &AAt)
 AAt = a * A * A^t. More...
void MultVVt (const Vector &v, DenseMatrix &vvt)
 Make a matrix from a vector V.Vt. More...
void MultVWt (const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt)
void AddMultVWt (const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt)
 VWt += v w^t. More...
void AddMult_a_VWt (const double a, const Vector &v, const Vector &w, DenseMatrix &VWt)
 VWt += a * v w^t. More...
void AddMult_a_VVt (const double a, const Vector &v, DenseMatrix &VVt)
 VVt += a * v v^t. More...
double InnerProduct (HypreParVector *x, HypreParVector *y)
double InnerProduct (HypreParVector &x, HypreParVector &y)
 Returns the inner product of x and y. More...
double ParNormlp (const Vector &vec, double p, MPI_Comm comm)
 Compute the l_p norm of the Vector which is split without overlap across the given communicator. More...
HypreParMatrixParMult (HypreParMatrix *A, HypreParMatrix *B)
 Returns the matrix A * B. More...
HypreParMatrixRAP (HypreParMatrix *A, HypreParMatrix *P)
 Returns the matrix P^t * A * P. More...
HypreParMatrixRAP (HypreParMatrix *Rt, HypreParMatrix *A, HypreParMatrix *P)
 Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P. More...
void EliminateBC (HypreParMatrix &A, HypreParMatrix &Ae, const Array< int > &ess_dof_list, const Vector &X, Vector &B)
int ParCSRRelax_Taubin (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, double lambda, double mu, int N, double max_eig, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *r)
int ParCSRRelax_FIR (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A, hypre_ParVector *f, double max_eig, int poly_order, double *fir_coeffs, hypre_ParVector *u, hypre_ParVector *x0, hypre_ParVector *x1, hypre_ParVector *x2, hypre_ParVector *x3)
HypreParMatrixDiscreteGrad (ParFiniteElementSpace *edge_fespace, ParFiniteElementSpace *vert_fespace)
 Compute the discrete gradient matrix between the nodal linear and ND1 spaces. More...
HypreParMatrixDiscreteCurl (ParFiniteElementSpace *face_fespace, ParFiniteElementSpace *edge_fespace)
 Compute the discrete curl matrix between the ND1 and RT0 spaces. More...
void SLI (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24)
 Stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared) More...
void SLI (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24)
 Preconditioned stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared) More...
void CG (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24)
 Conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void PCG (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double RTOLERANCE=1e-12, double ATOLERANCE=1e-24)
 Preconditioned conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void GeneratePlaneRotation (double &dx, double &dy, double &cs, double &sn)
void ApplyPlaneRotation (double &dx, double &dy, double &cs, double &sn)
void Update (Vector &x, int k, DenseMatrix &h, Vector &s, Array< Vector * > &v)
int GMRES (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, Solver &M, int &max_iter, int m, double &tol, double atol, int printit)
 GMRES method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void GMRES (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, int m=50, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24)
 GMRES method. (tolerances are squared) More...
int BiCGSTAB (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, Solver &M, int &max_iter, double &tol, double atol, int printit)
 BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void BiCGSTAB (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_iter=0, int max_num_iter=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24)
 BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared) More...
void MINRES (const Operator &A, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_it=0, int max_it=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24)
 MINRES method without preconditioner. (tolerances are squared) More...
void MINRES (const Operator &A, Solver &B, const Vector &b, Vector &x, int print_it=0, int max_it=1000, double rtol=1e-12, double atol=1e-24)
 MINRES method with preconditioner. (tolerances are squared) More...
int aGMRES (const Operator &A, Vector &x, const Vector &b, const Operator &M, int &max_iter, int m_max, int m_min, int m_step, double cf, double &tol, double &atol, int printit)
void SparseMatrixFunction (SparseMatrix &S, double(*f)(double))
 Applies f() to each element of the matrix (after it is finalized). More...
SparseMatrixTranspose (const SparseMatrix &A)
 Transpose of a sparse matrix. A must be finalized. More...
SparseMatrixTransposeAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, int useActualWidth)
 Transpose of a sparse matrix. A does not need to be a CSR matrix. More...
SparseMatrixMult (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B, SparseMatrix *OAB)
SparseMatrixMultAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, const AbstractSparseMatrix &B)
 Matrix product of sparse matrices. A and B do not need to be CSR matrices. More...
DenseMatrixMult (const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B)
 Matrix product A.B. More...
DenseMatrixRAP (const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &P)
 RAP matrix product (with R=P^T) More...
SparseMatrixRAP (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &R, SparseMatrix *ORAP)
SparseMatrixRAP (const SparseMatrix &Rt, const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &P)
 General RAP with given R^T, A and P. More...
SparseMatrixMult_AtDA (const SparseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, SparseMatrix *OAtDA=NULL)
 Matrix multiplication A^t D A. All matrices must be finalized. More...
SparseMatrixAdd (double a, const SparseMatrix &A, double b, const SparseMatrix &B)
 Matrix addition result = a*A + b*B. More...
SparseMatrixAdd (const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B)
 Matrix addition result = A + B. More...
SparseMatrixAdd (Array< SparseMatrix * > &Ai)
 Matrix addition result = sum_i A_i. More...
class if defined (__alignas_is_defined) alignas(double) RowNode
void Swap< SparseMatrix > (SparseMatrix &a, SparseMatrix &b)
 Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class SparseMatrix. More...
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void sMult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<int bA1, int bA2, int bB2, bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void bMult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Mult_AB (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<typename scalar_t , typename layout_t , typename data_t >
scalar_t TDet (const layout_t &a, const data_t &A)
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename D_data_t >
void TDet (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, D_data_t &D)
template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
void TAdjugate (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, B_data_t &B)
template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
scalar_t TAdjDet (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, B_data_t &B)
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename scalar_t >
void TAssign (const A_layout_t &A_layout, A_data_t &A_data, scalar_t value)
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
void TAssign (const A_layout_t &A_layout, A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data)
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Mult_1_2 (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Mult_2_1 (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void TensorAssemble (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t , typename D_layout_t , typename D_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void TensorAssemble (const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, const C_data_t &C_data, const D_layout_t &D_layout, D_data_t &D_data)
template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void TensorProduct (const A_layout_t &a, const A_data_t &A, const B_layout_t &b, const B_data_t &B, const C_layout_t &c, C_data_t &C)
void add (const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, Vector &v)
void add (const Vector &v1, double alpha, const Vector &v2, Vector &v)
void add (const double a, const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z)
void add (const double a, const Vector &x, const double b, const Vector &y, Vector &z)
void subtract (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z)
void subtract (const double a, const Vector &x, const Vector &y, Vector &z)
int CheckFinite (const double *v, const int n)
bool IsFinite (const double &val)
void Swap< Vector > (Vector &a, Vector &b)
 Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Vector. More...
double Distance (const double *x, const double *y, const int n)
void XYZ_VectorFunction (const Vector &p, Vector &v)
void METIS_PartGraphRecursive (int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *)
void METIS_PartGraphKway (int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *)
void METIS_PartGraphVKway (int *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, idxtype *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, idxtype *)
int METIS_PartGraphRecursive (idx_t *nvtxs, idx_t *ncon, idx_t *xadj, idx_t *adjncy, idx_t *vwgt, idx_t *vsize, idx_t *adjwgt, idx_t *nparts, real_t *tpwgts, real_t *ubvec, idx_t *options, idx_t *edgecut, idx_t *part)
int METIS_PartGraphKway (idx_t *nvtxs, idx_t *ncon, idx_t *xadj, idx_t *adjncy, idx_t *vwgt, idx_t *vsize, idx_t *adjwgt, idx_t *nparts, real_t *tpwgts, real_t *ubvec, idx_t *options, idx_t *edgecut, idx_t *part)
int METIS_SetDefaultOptions (idx_t *options)
void FindPartitioningComponents (Table &elem_elem, const Array< int > &partitioning, Array< int > &component, Array< int > &num_comp)
void DetOfLinComb (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, Vector &c)
int FindRoots (const Vector &z, Vector &x)
void FindTMax (Vector &c, Vector &x, double &tmax, const double factor, const int Dim)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Mesh &mesh)
MeshExtrude1D (Mesh *mesh, const int ny, const double sy, const bool closed=false)
 Extrude a 1D mesh. More...
NURBSPatchInterpolate (NURBSPatch &p1, NURBSPatch &p2)
NURBSPatchRevolve3D (NURBSPatch &patch, double n[], double ang, int times)
bool operator< (const NCMesh::MeshId &a, const NCMesh::MeshId &b)
double LpNormLoop (double p, Coefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
double LpNormLoop (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
double ComputeLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
double ComputeLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
double ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
double ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
string to_string (int i)
string to_padded_string (int i, int digits)
int to_int (string str)
void Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byNODES > (int ndofs, int vdim, Array< int > &dofs)
void Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byVDIM > (int ndofs, int vdim, Array< int > &dofs)
void InvertLinearTrans (IsoparametricTransformation &trans, const DenseMatrix &invdfdx, const IntegrationPoint &pt, Vector &x)
int Ordering::Map< Ordering::byNODES > (int ndofs, int vdim, int dof, int vd)
int Ordering::Map< Ordering::byVDIM > (int ndofs, int vdim, int dof, int vd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GridFunction &sol)
double ZZErrorEstimator (BilinearFormIntegrator &blfi, GridFunction &u, GridFunction &flux, Vector &error_estimates, Array< int > *aniso_flags, int with_subdomains)
double ComputeElementLpDistance (double p, int i, GridFunction &gf1, GridFunction &gf2)
 Compute the Lp distance between two grid functions on the given element. More...
GridFunctionExtrude1DGridFunction (Mesh *mesh, Mesh *mesh2d, GridFunction *sol, const int ny)
 Extrude a scalar 1D GridFunction, after extruding the mesh with Extrude1D. More...
int decode_dof (int dof, double &sign)
double GlobalLpNorm (const double p, double loc_norm, MPI_Comm comm)
 Compute a global Lp norm from the local Lp norms computed by each processor. More...
double L2ZZErrorEstimator (BilinearFormIntegrator &flux_integrator, const ParGridFunction &x, ParFiniteElementSpace &smooth_flux_fes, ParFiniteElementSpace &flux_fes, Vector &errors, int norm_p, double solver_tol, int solver_max_it)
template<typename real_t >
void CalcShapeMatrix (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *B, const Array< int > *dof_map=NULL)
template<typename real_t >
void CalcGradTensor (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *G, const Array< int > *dof_map=NULL)
template<typename real_t >
void CalcShapes (const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, real_t *B, real_t *G, const Array< int > *dof_map)


StopWatch tic_toc
TriLinear3DFiniteElement HexahedronFE
PointFiniteElement PointFE
BiLinear2DFiniteElement QuadrilateralFE
Linear1DFiniteElement SegmentFE
Linear3DFiniteElement TetrahedronFE
Linear2DFiniteElement TriangleFE
Poly_1D poly1d
Geometry Geometries
GeometryRefiner GlobGeometryRefiner
IntegrationRules IntRules (0)
 A global object with all integration rules (defined in intrules.cpp) More...
IntegrationRules RefinedIntRules (1)
 A global object with all refined integration rules. More...

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 176 of file fe_coll.hpp.

typedef int mfem::idx_t

Definition at line 4275 of file mesh.cpp.

typedef int mfem::idxtype

Definition at line 4264 of file mesh.cpp.

typedef float mfem::real_t

Definition at line 4276 of file mesh.cpp.

Function Documentation

void mfem::add ( const Vector &  v1,
const Vector &  v2,
Vector &  v 

Definition at line 259 of file vector.cpp.

void mfem::add ( const Vector &  v1,
double  alpha,
const Vector &  v2,
Vector &  v 

Definition at line 277 of file vector.cpp.

void mfem::add ( const double  a,
const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
Vector &  z 

Definition at line 308 of file vector.cpp.

void mfem::add ( const double  a,
const Vector &  x,
const double  b,
const Vector &  y,
Vector &  z 

Definition at line 340 of file vector.cpp.

void mfem::Add ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
double  alpha,
DenseMatrix &  C 

C = A + alpha*B.

Definition at line 2809 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::Add ( double  alpha,
const DenseMatrix &  A,
double  beta,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
DenseMatrix &  C 

C = alpha*A + beta*B.

Definition at line 2819 of file densemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Add ( double  a,
const SparseMatrix &  A,
double  b,
const SparseMatrix &  B 

Matrix addition result = a*A + b*B.

Definition at line 2881 of file sparsemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Add ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
const SparseMatrix &  B 

Matrix addition result = A + B.

Definition at line 2964 of file sparsemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Add ( Array< SparseMatrix * > &  Ai)

Matrix addition result = sum_i A_i.

Definition at line 2969 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMult ( const DenseMatrix &  b,
const DenseMatrix &  c,
DenseMatrix &  a 

Matrix matrix multiplication. A += B * C.

Definition at line 2872 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMult_a_AAt ( double  a,
const DenseMatrix &  A,
DenseMatrix &  AAt 

AAt += a * A * A^t.

Definition at line 3455 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMult_a_VVt ( const double  a,
const Vector &  v,
DenseMatrix &  VVt 

VVt += a * v v^t.

Definition at line 3568 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMult_a_VWt ( const double  a,
const Vector &  v,
const Vector &  w,
DenseMatrix &  VWt 

VWt += a * v w^t.

Definition at line 3546 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMultABt ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
DenseMatrix &  ABt 

ABt += A * B^t.

Definition at line 3341 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMultADAt ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const Vector &  D,
DenseMatrix &  ADAt 

ADAt += A D A^t, where D is diagonal.

Definition at line 3174 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::AddMultVWt ( const Vector &  v,
const Vector &  w,
DenseMatrix &  VWt 

VWt += v w^t.

Definition at line 3525 of file densemat.cpp.

int mfem::aGMRES ( const Operator &  A,
Vector &  x,
const Vector &  b,
const Operator &  M,
int &  max_iter,
int  m_max,
int  m_min,
int  m_step,
double  cf,
double &  tol,
double &  atol,
int  printit 

Adaptive restarted GMRES. m_max and m_min(=1) are the maximal and minimal restart parameters. m_step(=1) is the step to use for going from m_max and m_min. cf(=0.4) is a desired convergence factor.

Definition at line 1271 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::ApplyPlaneRotation ( double &  dx,
double &  dy,
double &  cs,
double &  sn 

Definition at line 493 of file solvers.cpp.

template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename lvalue_t , typename rvalue_t >
lvalue_t& mfem::Assign ( lvalue_t &  a,
const rvalue_t &  b 

Definition at line 97 of file tassign.hpp.

int mfem::BiCGSTAB ( const Operator &  A,
Vector &  x,
const Vector &  b,
Solver &  M,
int &  max_iter,
double &  tol,
double  atol,
int  printit 

BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 986 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::BiCGSTAB ( const Operator &  A,
Solver &  B,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,
double  rtol,
double  atol 

BiCGSTAB method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 1002 of file solvers.cpp.

template<int bA1, int bA2, int bB2, bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::bMult_AB ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 75 of file tmatrix.hpp.

void mfem::CalcAdjugate ( const DenseMatrix &  a,
DenseMatrix &  adja 

Calculate the adjugate of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) or the matrix adj(A^t.A).A^t for rectangular matrices (2x1, 3x1, or 3x2). This operation is well defined even when the matrix is not full rank.

Definition at line 2904 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::CalcAdjugateTranspose ( const DenseMatrix &  a,
DenseMatrix &  adjat 

Calculate the transposed adjugate of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3)

Definition at line 2976 of file densemat.cpp.

template<typename real_t >
void mfem::CalcGradTensor ( const FiniteElement &  fe,
const IntegrationRule &  ir,
real_t *  G,
const Array< int > *  dof_map = NULL 

Definition at line 45 of file tfe.hpp.

void mfem::CalcInverse ( const DenseMatrix &  a,
DenseMatrix &  inva 

Calculate the inverse of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3) or the left inverse (A^t.A)^{-1}.A^t (for 2x1, 3x1, or 3x2 matrices)

Definition at line 3012 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::CalcInverseTranspose ( const DenseMatrix &  a,
DenseMatrix &  inva 

Calculate the inverse transpose of a matrix (for NxN matrices, N=1,2,3)

Definition at line 3095 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::CalcOrtho ( const DenseMatrix &  J,
Vector &  n 

For a given Nx(N-1) (N=2,3) matrix J, compute a vector n such that n_k = (-1)^{k+1} det(J_k), k=1,..,N, where J_k is the matrix J with the k-th row removed. Note: J^t.n = 0, det([n|J])=|n|^2=det(J^t.J).

Definition at line 3134 of file densemat.cpp.

template<typename real_t >
void mfem::CalcShapeMatrix ( const FiniteElement &  fe,
const IntegrationRule &  ir,
real_t *  B,
const Array< int > *  dof_map = NULL 

Definition at line 24 of file tfe.hpp.

template<typename real_t >
void mfem::CalcShapes ( const FiniteElement &  fe,
const IntegrationRule &  ir,
real_t *  B,
real_t *  G,
const Array< int > *  dof_map 

Definition at line 70 of file tfe.hpp.

void mfem::CG ( const Operator &  A,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,

Conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 443 of file solvers.cpp.

int mfem::CheckFinite ( const double *  v,
const int  n 

Count the number of entries in an array of doubles for which isfinite is false, i.e. the entry is a NaN or +/-Inf.

Definition at line 239 of file vector.hpp.

double mfem::ComputeElementLpDistance ( double  p,
int  i,
GridFunction &  gf1,
GridFunction &  gf2 

Compute the Lp distance between two grid functions on the given element.

Definition at line 2417 of file gridfunc.cpp.

double mfem::ComputeGlobalLpNorm ( double  p,
Coefficient &  coeff,
ParMesh &  pmesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Compute the global Lp norm of a function f. $ \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \int_\Omega | f |^p d\Omega)^{1/p} $

Definition at line 358 of file coefficient.cpp.

double mfem::ComputeGlobalLpNorm ( double  p,
VectorCoefficient &  coeff,
ParMesh &  pmesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Compute the global Lp norm of a vector function f = {f_i}_i=1...N. $ \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \sum_i \| f_i \|_{Lp}^p )^{1/p} $

Definition at line 388 of file coefficient.cpp.

double mfem::ComputeLpNorm ( double  p,
Coefficient &  coeff,
Mesh &  mesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Compute the Lp norm of a function f. $ \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \int_\Omega | f |^p d\Omega)^{1/p} $

Definition at line 315 of file coefficient.cpp.

double mfem::ComputeLpNorm ( double  p,
VectorCoefficient &  coeff,
Mesh &  mesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Compute the Lp norm of a vector function f = {f_i}_i=1...N. $ \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \sum_i \| f_i \|_{Lp}^p )^{1/p} $

Definition at line 336 of file coefficient.cpp.

int mfem::decode_dof ( int  dof,
double &  sign 

Definition at line 963 of file pfespace.cpp.

class if mfem::defined ( __alignas_is_defined  )

Definition at line 26 of file sparsemat.hpp.

void mfem::DetOfLinComb ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
Vector &  c 

Definition at line 4696 of file mesh.cpp.

void mfem::dgemm_ ( char *  ,
char *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
double *  ,
int *   
void mfem::dgesvd_ ( char *  JOBU,
char *  JOBVT,
int *  M,
int *  N,
double *  A,
int *  LDA,
double *  S,
double *  U,
int *  LDU,
double *  VT,
int *  LDVT,
double *  WORK,
int *  LWORK,
int *  INFO 
void mfem::dgetrf_ ( int *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *   
void mfem::dgetri_ ( int *  N,
double *  A,
int *  LDA,
int *  IPIV,
double *  WORK,
int *  LWORK,
int *  INFO 
void mfem::dgetrs_ ( char *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
double *  ,
int *  ,
int *   
HypreParMatrix* mfem::DiscreteCurl ( ParFiniteElementSpace *  face_fespace,
ParFiniteElementSpace *  edge_fespace 

Compute the discrete curl matrix between the ND1 and RT0 spaces.

HypreParMatrix* mfem::DiscreteGrad ( ParFiniteElementSpace *  edge_fespace,
ParFiniteElementSpace *  vert_fespace 

Compute the discrete gradient matrix between the nodal linear and ND1 spaces.

double mfem::Distance ( const double *  x,
const double *  y,
const int  n 

Definition at line 329 of file vector.hpp.

void mfem::dsyev_ ( char *  JOBZ,
char *  UPLO,
int *  N,
double *  A,
int *  LDA,
double *  W,
double *  WORK,
int *  LWORK,
int *  INFO 
void mfem::dsyev_Eigensystem ( DenseMatrix &  a,
Vector &  ev,
DenseMatrix *  evect 

Definition at line 915 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::dsyevr_ ( char *  JOBZ,
char *  RANGE,
char *  UPLO,
int *  N,
double *  A,
int *  LDA,
double *  VL,
double *  VU,
int *  IL,
int *  IU,
double *  ABSTOL,
int *  M,
double *  W,
double *  Z,
int *  LDZ,
int *  ISUPPZ,
double *  WORK,
int *  LWORK,
int *  IWORK,
int *  LIWORK,
int *  INFO 
void mfem::dsyevr_Eigensystem ( DenseMatrix &  a,
Vector &  ev,
DenseMatrix *  evect 

Definition at line 751 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::Eigensystem2S ( const double &  d12,
double &  d1,
double &  d2,
double &  c,
double &  s 

Definition at line 1061 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::Eigenvalues2S ( const double &  d12,
double &  d1,
double &  d2 

Definition at line 1042 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::EliminateBC ( HypreParMatrix &  A,
HypreParMatrix &  Ae,
const Array< int > &  ess_dof_list,
const Vector &  X,
Vector &  B 

Eliminate essential BC specified by 'ess_dof_list' from the solution X to the r.h.s. B. Here A is a matrix with eliminated BC, while Ae is such that (A+Ae) is the original (Neumann) matrix before elimination.

Definition at line 1415 of file hypre.cpp.

Mesh * mfem::Extrude1D ( Mesh *  mesh,
const int  ny,
const double  sy,
const bool  closed 

Extrude a 1D mesh.

Definition at line 8261 of file mesh.cpp.

GridFunction * mfem::Extrude1DGridFunction ( Mesh *  mesh,
Mesh *  mesh2d,
GridFunction *  sol,
const int  ny 

Extrude a scalar 1D GridFunction, after extruding the mesh with Extrude1D.

Definition at line 2484 of file gridfunc.cpp.

void mfem::FindPartitioningComponents ( Table &  elem_elem,
const Array< int > &  partitioning,
Array< int > &  component,
Array< int > &  num_comp 

Definition at line 4568 of file mesh.cpp.

int mfem::FindRoots ( const Vector &  z,
Vector &  x 

Definition at line 4776 of file mesh.cpp.

void mfem::FindTMax ( Vector &  c,
Vector &  x,
double &  tmax,
const double  factor,
const int  Dim 

Definition at line 4923 of file mesh.cpp.

void mfem::GeneratePlaneRotation ( double &  dx,
double &  dy,
double &  cs,
double &  sn 

Definition at line 471 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::GetScalingFactor ( const double &  d_max,
double &  mult 

Definition at line 1632 of file densemat.cpp.

double mfem::GlobalLpNorm ( const double  p,
double  loc_norm,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Compute a global Lp norm from the local Lp norms computed by each processor.

Definition at line 459 of file pgridfunc.cpp.

int mfem::GMRES ( const Operator &  A,
Vector &  x,
const Vector &  b,
Solver &  M,
int &  max_iter,
int  m,
double &  tol,
double  atol,
int  printit 

GMRES method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 824 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::GMRES ( const Operator &  A,
Solver &  B,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,
int  m,
double  rtol,
double  atol 

GMRES method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 841 of file solvers.cpp.

double mfem::InnerProduct ( HypreParVector *  x,
HypreParVector *  y 

Definition at line 196 of file hypre.cpp.

double mfem::InnerProduct ( HypreParVector &  x,
HypreParVector &  y 

Returns the inner product of x and y.

Definition at line 201 of file hypre.cpp.

NURBSPatch* mfem::Interpolate ( NURBSPatch &  p1,
NURBSPatch &  p2 

Definition at line 1052 of file nurbs.cpp.

void mfem::InvertLinearTrans ( IsoparametricTransformation &  trans,
const DenseMatrix &  invdfdx,
const IntegrationPoint &  pt,
Vector &  x 

Definition at line 753 of file fespace.cpp.

bool mfem::IsFinite ( const double &  val)

Definition at line 227 of file vector.hpp.

int mfem::isValidAsDouble ( char *  s)

Definition at line 50 of file optparser.cpp.

int mfem::isValidAsInt ( char *  s)

Definition at line 21 of file optparser.cpp.

void mfem::KdTreeSort ( int **  coords,
int  d,
int  dim,
int  size 

Definition at line 560 of file communication.cpp.

bool mfem::KernelVector2G ( const int &  mode,
double &  d1,
double &  d12,
double &  d21,
double &  d2 

Definition at line 1135 of file densemat.cpp.

int mfem::KernelVector3G_aux ( const int &  mode,
double &  d1,
double &  d2,
double &  d3,
double &  c12,
double &  c13,
double &  c23,
double &  c21,
double &  c31,
double &  c32 

Definition at line 1276 of file densemat.cpp.

int mfem::KernelVector3S ( const int &  mode,
const double &  d12,
const double &  d13,
const double &  d23,
double &  d1,
double &  d2,
double &  d3 

Definition at line 1381 of file densemat.cpp.

double mfem::L2ZZErrorEstimator ( BilinearFormIntegrator &  flux_integrator,
const ParGridFunction &  x,
ParFiniteElementSpace &  smooth_flux_fes,
ParFiniteElementSpace &  flux_fes,
Vector &  errors,
int  norm_p = 2,
double  solver_tol = 1e-12,
int  solver_max_it = 200 

Performs a global L2 projection (through a HypreBoomerAMG solve) of flux from supplied discontinuous space into supplied smooth (continuous, or at least conforming) space, and computes the Lp norms of the differences between them on each element. This is one approach to handling conforming and non-conforming elements in parallel. Returns the total error estimate.

Definition at line 542 of file pgridfunc.cpp.

double mfem::LpNormLoop ( double  p,
Coefficient &  coeff,
Mesh &  mesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Definition at line 242 of file coefficient.cpp.

double mfem::LpNormLoop ( double  p,
VectorCoefficient &  coeff,
Mesh &  mesh,
const IntegrationRule *  irs[] 

Definition at line 273 of file coefficient.cpp.

void mfem::METIS_PartGraphKway ( int *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
idxtype *   
int mfem::METIS_PartGraphKway ( idx_t *  nvtxs,
idx_t *  ncon,
idx_t *  xadj,
idx_t *  adjncy,
idx_t *  vwgt,
idx_t *  vsize,
idx_t *  adjwgt,
idx_t *  nparts,
real_t *  tpwgts,
real_t *  ubvec,
idx_t *  options,
idx_t *  edgecut,
idx_t *  part 
void mfem::METIS_PartGraphRecursive ( int *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
idxtype *   
int mfem::METIS_PartGraphRecursive ( idx_t *  nvtxs,
idx_t *  ncon,
idx_t *  xadj,
idx_t *  adjncy,
idx_t *  vwgt,
idx_t *  vsize,
idx_t *  adjwgt,
idx_t *  nparts,
real_t *  tpwgts,
real_t *  ubvec,
idx_t *  options,
idx_t *  edgecut,
idx_t *  part 
void mfem::METIS_PartGraphVKway ( int *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
idxtype *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
int *  ,
idxtype *   
int mfem::METIS_SetDefaultOptions ( idx_t *  options)
void mfem::mfem_error ( const char *  msg)

Definition at line 23 of file error.cpp.

void mfem::mfem_warning ( const char *  msg)

Definition at line 38 of file error.cpp.

void mfem::MINRES ( const Operator &  A,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_it,
int  max_it,
double  rtol,
double  atol 

MINRES method without preconditioner. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 1171 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::MINRES ( const Operator &  A,
Solver &  B,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_it,
int  max_it,
double  rtol,
double  atol 

MINRES method with preconditioner. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 1183 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::Mult ( const Table &  A,
const Table &  B,
Table &  C 

C = A * B (as boolean matrices)

Definition at line 451 of file table.cpp.

Table * mfem::Mult ( const Table &  A,
const Table &  B 

Definition at line 522 of file table.cpp.

BlockMatrix * mfem::Mult ( const BlockMatrix &  A,
const BlockMatrix &  B 

Multiply BlockMatrix matrices: result = A*B.

Definition at line 523 of file blockmatrix.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Mult ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
const SparseMatrix &  B,
SparseMatrix *  OAB = NULL 

Matrix product A.B. If OAB is not NULL, we assume it has the structure of A.B and store the result in OAB. If OAB is NULL, we create a new SparseMatrix to store the result and return a pointer to it. All matrices must be finalized.

Definition at line 2594 of file sparsemat.cpp.

DenseMatrix * mfem::Mult ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
DenseMatrix &  B 

Matrix product A.B.

Definition at line 2817 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::Mult ( const DenseMatrix &  b,
const DenseMatrix &  c,
DenseMatrix &  a 

Matrix matrix multiplication. A = B * C.

Definition at line 2836 of file densemat.cpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::Mult_1_2 ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 392 of file ttensor.hpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::Mult_2_1 ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 415 of file ttensor.hpp.

void mfem::Mult_a_AAt ( double  a,
const DenseMatrix &  A,
DenseMatrix &  AAt 

AAt = a * A * A^t.

Definition at line 3480 of file densemat.cpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::Mult_AB ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 216 of file tmatrix.hpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Mult_AtDA ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
const Vector &  D,
SparseMatrix *  OAtDA 

Matrix multiplication A^t D A. All matrices must be finalized.

Definition at line 2862 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultAAt ( const DenseMatrix &  a,
DenseMatrix &  aat 

Calculate the matrix A.At.

Definition at line 3160 of file densemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::MultAbstractSparseMatrix ( const AbstractSparseMatrix &  A,
const AbstractSparseMatrix &  B 

Matrix product of sparse matrices. A and B do not need to be CSR matrices.

Definition at line 2720 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultABt ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
DenseMatrix &  ABt 

Multiply a matrix A with the transpose of a matrix B: A*Bt.

Definition at line 3218 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultADAt ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const Vector &  D,
DenseMatrix &  ADAt 

ADAt = A D A^t, where D is diagonal.

Definition at line 3202 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultADBt ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const Vector &  D,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
DenseMatrix &  ADBt 

ADBt = A D B^t, where D is diagonal.

Definition at line 3301 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultAtB ( const DenseMatrix &  A,
const DenseMatrix &  B,
DenseMatrix &  AtB 

Multiply the transpose of a matrix A with a matrix B: At*B.

Definition at line 3398 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultVVt ( const Vector &  v,
DenseMatrix &  vvt 

Make a matrix from a vector V.Vt.

Definition at line 3494 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::MultVWt ( const Vector &  v,
const Vector &  w,
DenseMatrix &  VWt 

Definition at line 3503 of file densemat.cpp.

template<class T >
bool mfem::operator!= ( const Array< T > &  LHS,
const Array< T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 240 of file array.hpp.

template<class A , class B >
bool mfem::operator< ( const Pair< A, B > &  p,
const Pair< A, B > &  q 

Comparison operator for class Pair, based on the first element only.

Definition at line 32 of file sort_pairs.hpp.

template<class A , class B , class C >
bool mfem::operator< ( const Triple< A, B, C > &  p,
const Triple< A, B, C > &  q 

Lexicographic comparison operator for class Triple.

Definition at line 56 of file sort_pairs.hpp.

bool mfem::operator< ( const NCMesh::MeshId &  a,
const NCMesh::MeshId &  b 

Definition at line 577 of file pncmesh.hpp.

std::ostream & mfem::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const GridFunction &  sol 

Overload operator<< for std::ostream and GridFunction; valid also for the derived class ParGridFunction

Definition at line 2322 of file gridfunc.cpp.

std::ostream & mfem::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Mesh &  mesh 

Overload operator<< for std::ostream and Mesh; valid also for the derived class ParMesh

Definition at line 8230 of file mesh.cpp.

template<class T >
bool mfem::operator== ( const Array< T > &  LHS,
const Array< T > &  RHS 

Definition at line 231 of file array.hpp.

void mfem::Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byNODES > ( int  ndofs,
int  vdim,
Array< int > &  dofs 

Definition at line 26 of file fespace.cpp.

void mfem::Ordering::DofsToVDofs< Ordering::byVDIM > ( int  ndofs,
int  vdim,
Array< int > &  dofs 

Definition at line 41 of file fespace.cpp.

int mfem::Ordering::Map< Ordering::byNODES > ( int  ndofs,
int  vdim,
int  dof,
int  vd 

Definition at line 42 of file fespace.hpp.

int mfem::Ordering::Map< Ordering::byVDIM > ( int  ndofs,
int  vdim,
int  dof,
int  vd 

Definition at line 49 of file fespace.hpp.

int mfem::ParCSRRelax_FIR ( hypre_ParCSRMatrix *  A,
hypre_ParVector *  f,
double  max_eig,
int  poly_order,
double *  fir_coeffs,
hypre_ParVector *  u,
hypre_ParVector *  x0,
hypre_ParVector *  x1,
hypre_ParVector *  x2,
hypre_ParVector *  x3 

Definition at line 1502 of file hypre.cpp.

int mfem::ParCSRRelax_Taubin ( hypre_ParCSRMatrix *  A,
hypre_ParVector *  f,
double  lambda,
double  mu,
int  N,
double  max_eig,
hypre_ParVector *  u,
hypre_ParVector *  r 

Definition at line 1465 of file hypre.cpp.

HypreParMatrix * mfem::ParMult ( HypreParMatrix *  A,
HypreParMatrix *  B 

Returns the matrix A * B.

Definition at line 1355 of file hypre.cpp.

double mfem::ParNormlp ( const Vector &  vec,
double  p,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Compute the l_p norm of the Vector which is split without overlap across the given communicator.

Definition at line 207 of file hypre.cpp.

void mfem::parseArray ( char *  str,
Array< int > &  var 

Definition at line 116 of file optparser.cpp.

void mfem::parseVector ( char *  str,
Vector &  var 

Definition at line 127 of file optparser.cpp.

void mfem::PCG ( const Operator &  A,
Solver &  B,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,

Preconditioned conjugate gradient method. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 456 of file solvers.cpp.

HypreParMatrix * mfem::RAP ( HypreParMatrix *  A,
HypreParMatrix *  P 

Returns the matrix P^t * A * P.

Definition at line 1365 of file hypre.cpp.

HypreParMatrix * mfem::RAP ( HypreParMatrix *  Rt,
HypreParMatrix *  A,
HypreParMatrix *  P 

Returns the matrix Rt^t * A * P.

Definition at line 1388 of file hypre.cpp.

DenseMatrix * mfem::RAP ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
DenseMatrix &  P 

RAP matrix product (with R=P^T)

Definition at line 2830 of file sparsemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::RAP ( const SparseMatrix &  A,
const SparseMatrix &  R,
SparseMatrix *  ORAP = NULL 

RAP matrix product (with P=R^T). ORAP is like OAB above. All matrices must be finalized.

Definition at line 2840 of file sparsemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::RAP ( const SparseMatrix &  Rt,
const SparseMatrix &  A,
const SparseMatrix &  P 

General RAP with given R^T, A and P.

Definition at line 2851 of file sparsemat.cpp.

int mfem::Reduce3S ( const int &  mode,
double &  d1,
double &  d2,
double &  d3,
double &  d12,
double &  d13,
double &  d23,
double &  z1,
double &  z2,
double &  z3,
double &  v1,
double &  v2,
double &  v3,
double &  g 

Definition at line 1510 of file densemat.cpp.

MPI_Comm mfem::ReorderRanksZCurve ( MPI_Comm  comm)

Reorder MPI ranks to follow the Z-curve within the physical machine topology (provided that functions to query physical node coordinates are available). Returns a new communicator with reordered ranks.

Definition at line 591 of file communication.cpp.

NURBSPatch* mfem::Revolve3D ( NURBSPatch &  patch,
double  n[],
double  ang,
int  times 

Definition at line 1099 of file nurbs.cpp.

void mfem::SLI ( const Operator &  A,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,

Stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 259 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::SLI ( const Operator &  A,
Solver &  B,
const Vector &  b,
Vector &  x,
int  print_iter,
int  max_num_iter,

Preconditioned stationary linear iteration. (tolerances are squared)

Definition at line 272 of file solvers.cpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::sMult_AB ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 29 of file tmatrix.hpp.

void mfem::Sort3 ( int &  r,
int &  c,
int &  f 

Definition at line 35 of file stable3d.cpp.

template<class A , class B >
void mfem::SortPairs ( Pair< A, B > *  pairs,
int  size 

Sort an array of Pairs with respect to the first element.

Definition at line 39 of file sort_pairs.hpp.

template<class A , class B , class C >
void mfem::SortTriple ( Triple< A, B, C > *  triples,
int  size 

Lexicographic sort for arrays of class Triple.

Definition at line 65 of file sort_pairs.hpp.

void mfem::SparseMatrixFunction ( SparseMatrix &  S,
double(*)(double)  f 

Applies f() to each element of the matrix (after it is finalized).

Definition at line 2452 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::subtract ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
Vector &  z 

Definition at line 385 of file vector.cpp.

void mfem::subtract ( const double  a,
const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
Vector &  z 

Definition at line 407 of file vector.cpp.

template<class T >
void mfem::Swap ( Array< T > &  a,
Array< T > &  b 

Definition at line 322 of file array.hpp.

template<class T >
void mfem::Swap ( Array2D< T > &  a,
Array2D< T > &  b 

Definition at line 564 of file array.hpp.

template<class T >
void mfem::Swap ( T &  a,
T &  b 

Definition at line 314 of file array.hpp.

void mfem::Swap< SparseMatrix > ( SparseMatrix &  a,
SparseMatrix &  b 

Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class SparseMatrix.

Definition at line 570 of file sparsemat.hpp.

void mfem::Swap< Table > ( Table &  a,
Table &  b 

Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Table.

Definition at line 160 of file table.hpp.

void mfem::Swap< Vector > ( Vector &  a,
Vector &  b 

Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class Vector.

Definition at line 316 of file vector.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
scalar_t mfem::TAdjDet ( const A_layout_t &  a,
const A_data_t &  A,
const B_layout_t &  b,
B_data_t &  B 

Definition at line 510 of file tmatrix.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
void mfem::TAdjugate ( const A_layout_t &  a,
const A_data_t &  A,
const B_layout_t &  b,
B_data_t &  B 

Definition at line 496 of file tmatrix.hpp.

template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename scalar_t >
void mfem::TAssign ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
A_data_t &  A_data,
scalar_t  value 

Definition at line 219 of file ttensor.hpp.

template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t >
void mfem::TAssign ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data 

Definition at line 232 of file ttensor.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename layout_t , typename data_t >
scalar_t mfem::TDet ( const layout_t &  a,
const data_t &  A 

Definition at line 474 of file tmatrix.hpp.

template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename D_data_t >
void mfem::TDet ( const A_layout_t &  a,
const A_data_t &  A,
D_data_t &  D 

Definition at line 485 of file tmatrix.hpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::TensorAssemble ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
C_data_t &  C_data 

Definition at line 432 of file ttensor.hpp.

template<bool Add, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t , typename D_layout_t , typename D_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::TensorAssemble ( const A_layout_t &  A_layout,
const A_data_t &  A_data,
const B_layout_t &  B_layout,
const B_data_t &  B_data,
const C_layout_t &  C_layout,
const C_data_t &  C_data,
const D_layout_t &  D_layout,
D_data_t &  D_data 

Definition at line 507 of file ttensor.hpp.

template<AssignOp::Type Op, typename A_layout_t , typename A_data_t , typename B_layout_t , typename B_data_t , typename C_layout_t , typename C_data_t >
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void mfem::TensorProduct ( const A_layout_t &  a,
const A_data_t &  A,
const B_layout_t &  b,
const B_data_t &  B,
const C_layout_t &  c,
C_data_t &  C 

Definition at line 598 of file ttensor.hpp.

void mfem::tic ( )

Start timing.

Definition at line 340 of file tic_toc.cpp.

int mfem::to_int ( string  str)

Definition at line 49 of file datacollection.cpp.

string mfem::to_padded_string ( int  i,
int  digits 

Definition at line 42 of file datacollection.cpp.

string mfem::to_string ( int  i)

Definition at line 31 of file datacollection.cpp.

double mfem::toc ( )

End timing.

Definition at line 346 of file tic_toc.cpp.

void mfem::Transpose ( const Table &  A,
Table &  At,
int  _ncols_A 

Transpose a Table.

Definition at line 391 of file table.cpp.

Table * mfem::Transpose ( const Table &  A)

Definition at line 429 of file table.cpp.

void mfem::Transpose ( const Array< int > &  A,
Table &  At,
int  _ncols_A 

Transpose an Array<int>

Definition at line 436 of file table.cpp.

BlockMatrix * mfem::Transpose ( const BlockMatrix &  A)

Transpose a BlockMatrix: result = A'.

Definition at line 509 of file blockmatrix.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::Transpose ( const SparseMatrix &  A)

Transpose of a sparse matrix. A must be finalized.

Definition at line 2463 of file sparsemat.cpp.

SparseMatrix * mfem::TransposeAbstractSparseMatrix ( const AbstractSparseMatrix &  A,
int  useActualWidth 

Transpose of a sparse matrix. A does not need to be a CSR matrix.

Definition at line 2517 of file sparsemat.cpp.

void mfem::Update ( Vector &  x,
int  k,
DenseMatrix &  h,
Vector &  s,
Array< Vector * > &  v 

Definition at line 500 of file solvers.cpp.

void mfem::vec_normalize3 ( const double &  x1,
const double &  x2,
const double &  x3,
double &  n1,
double &  n2,
double &  n3 

Definition at line 1107 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::vec_normalize3_aux ( const double &  x1,
const double &  x2,
const double &  x3,
double &  n1,
double &  n2,
double &  n3 

Definition at line 1090 of file densemat.cpp.

void mfem::XYZ_VectorFunction ( const Vector &  p,
Vector &  v 

Definition at line 2966 of file mesh.cpp.

double mfem::ZZErrorEstimator ( BilinearFormIntegrator &  blfi,
GridFunction &  u,
GridFunction &  flux,
Vector &  error_estimates,
Array< int > *  aniso_flags,
int  with_subdomains 

Definition at line 2330 of file gridfunc.cpp.

Variable Documentation

Geometry mfem::Geometries

Definition at line 544 of file geom.cpp.

GeometryRefiner mfem::GlobGeometryRefiner

Definition at line 1015 of file geom.cpp.

TriLinear3DFiniteElement mfem::HexahedronFE

Definition at line 52 of file hexahedron.cpp.

IntegrationRules mfem::IntRules

A global object with all integration rules (defined in intrules.cpp)

Definition at line 292 of file intrules.hpp.

const int mfem::INVALID_DOF = INT_MAX

Definition at line 968 of file pfespace.cpp.

PointFiniteElement mfem::PointFE

Definition at line 30 of file point.cpp.

Poly_1D mfem::poly1d

Definition at line 6614 of file fe.cpp.

BiLinear2DFiniteElement mfem::QuadrilateralFE

Definition at line 55 of file quadrilateral.cpp.

IntegrationRules mfem::RefinedIntRules

A global object with all refined integration rules.

Definition at line 295 of file intrules.hpp.

Linear1DFiniteElement mfem::SegmentFE

Definition at line 49 of file segment.cpp.

Linear3DFiniteElement mfem::TetrahedronFE

Definition at line 313 of file tetrahedron.cpp.

StopWatch mfem::tic_toc

Definition at line 338 of file tic_toc.cpp.

Linear2DFiniteElement mfem::TriangleFE

Definition at line 198 of file triangle.cpp.