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Finite element discretization library
Subdomain representation of a topological parent in another Mesh. More...
#include <submesh.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
SubMesh ()=delete | |
const Mesh * | GetParent () const |
Get the parent Mesh object. More... | |
From | GetFrom () const |
Get the From indicator. More... | |
const Array< int > & | GetParentElementIDMap () const |
Get the parent element id map. More... | |
const Array< int > & | GetParentFaceIDMap () const |
Get the face id map. More... | |
const Array< int > & | GetParentFaceOrientations () const |
Get the relative face orientations. More... | |
const Array< int > & | GetParentVertexIDMap () const |
Get the parent vertex id map. More... | |
~SubMesh () | |
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Mesh () | |
Mesh (const Mesh &mesh, bool copy_nodes=true) | |
Mesh (Mesh &&mesh) | |
Move constructor, useful for using a Mesh as a function return value. More... | |
Mesh & | operator= (Mesh &&mesh) |
Move assignment operator. More... | |
Mesh & | operator= (const Mesh &mesh)=delete |
Explicitly delete the copy assignment operator. More... | |
Mesh (double *vertices, int num_vertices, int *element_indices, Geometry::Type element_type, int *element_attributes, int num_elements, int *boundary_indices, Geometry::Type boundary_type, int *boundary_attributes, int num_boundary_elements, int dimension, int space_dimension=-1) | |
Construct a Mesh from the given primary data. More... | |
Mesh (int Dim_, int NVert, int NElem, int NBdrElem=0, int spaceDim_=-1) | |
Init constructor: begin the construction of a Mesh object. More... | |
Mesh (const std::string &filename, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1, bool fix_orientation=true) | |
Mesh (std::istream &input, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1, bool fix_orientation=true) | |
Mesh (Mesh *mesh_array[], int num_pieces) | |
virtual void | Load (std::istream &input, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1, bool fix_orientation=true) |
void | Swap (Mesh &other, bool non_geometry) |
void | Clear () |
Clear the contents of the Mesh. More... | |
virtual | ~Mesh () |
Destroys Mesh. More... | |
Element * | NewElement (int geom) |
int | AddVertex (double x, double y=0.0, double z=0.0) |
int | AddVertex (const double *coords) |
int | AddVertex (const Vector &coords) |
void | AddVertexParents (int i, int p1, int p2) |
Mark vertex i as nonconforming, with parent vertices p1 and p2. More... | |
int | AddSegment (int v1, int v2, int attr=1) |
int | AddSegment (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddTriangle (int v1, int v2, int v3, int attr=1) |
int | AddTriangle (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddTri (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddQuad (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int attr=1) |
int | AddQuad (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddTet (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int attr=1) |
int | AddTet (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddWedge (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int v5, int v6, int attr=1) |
int | AddWedge (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddPyramid (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int v5, int attr=1) |
int | AddPyramid (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddHex (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int v5, int v6, int v7, int v8, int attr=1) |
int | AddHex (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
void | AddHexAsTets (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
void | AddHexAsWedges (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
void | AddHexAsPyramids (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddElement (Element *elem) |
int | AddBdrElement (Element *elem) |
int | AddBdrSegment (int v1, int v2, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrSegment (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrTriangle (int v1, int v2, int v3, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrTriangle (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrQuad (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrQuad (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
void | AddBdrQuadAsTriangles (const int *vi, int attr=1) |
int | AddBdrPoint (int v, int attr=1) |
void | GenerateBoundaryElements () |
void | FinalizeTriMesh (int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of a triangular Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeQuadMesh (int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of a quadrilateral Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeTetMesh (int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of a tetrahedral Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeWedgeMesh (int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of a wedge Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeHexMesh (int generate_edges=0, int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of a hexahedral Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeMesh (int refine=0, bool fix_orientation=true) |
Finalize the construction of any type of Mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeTopology (bool generate_bdr=true) |
Finalize the construction of the secondary topology (connectivity) data of a Mesh. More... | |
virtual void | Finalize (bool refine=false, bool fix_orientation=false) |
Finalize the construction of a general Mesh. More... | |
virtual void | SetAttributes () |
Determine the sets of unique attribute values in domain and boundary elements. More... | |
int | CheckElementOrientation (bool fix_it=true) |
Check (and optionally attempt to fix) the orientation of the elements. More... | |
int | CheckBdrElementOrientation (bool fix_it=true) |
Check the orientation of the boundary elements. More... | |
virtual MFEM_DEPRECATED void | ReorientTetMesh () |
void | RemoveUnusedVertices () |
Remove unused vertices and rebuild mesh connectivity. More... | |
void | RemoveInternalBoundaries () |
double | GetGeckoElementOrdering (Array< int > &ordering, int iterations=4, int window=4, int period=2, int seed=0, bool verbose=false, double time_limit=0) |
void | GetHilbertElementOrdering (Array< int > &ordering) |
void | ReorderElements (const Array< int > &ordering, bool reorder_vertices=true) |
MFEM_DEPRECATED | Mesh (int nx, int ny, int nz, Element::Type type, bool generate_edges=false, double sx=1.0, double sy=1.0, double sz=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true) |
Deprecated: see MakeCartesian3D. More... | |
MFEM_DEPRECATED | Mesh (int nx, int ny, Element::Type type, bool generate_edges=false, double sx=1.0, double sy=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true) |
Deprecated: see MakeCartesian2D. More... | |
MFEM_DEPRECATED | Mesh (int n, double sx=1.0) |
Deprecated: see MakeCartesian1D. More... | |
MFEM_DEPRECATED | Mesh (Mesh *orig_mesh, int ref_factor, int ref_type) |
Deprecated: see MakeRefined. More... | |
int | Dimension () const |
Dimension of the reference space used within the elements. More... | |
int | SpaceDimension () const |
Dimension of the physical space containing the mesh. More... | |
int | EulerNumber () const |
Equals 1 + num_holes - num_loops. More... | |
int | EulerNumber2D () const |
Equals 1 - num_holes. More... | |
int | MeshGenerator () |
Get the mesh generator/type. More... | |
virtual bool | HasBoundaryElements () const |
Checks if the mesh has boundary elements. More... | |
bool | HasGeometry (Geometry::Type geom) const |
Return true iff the given geom is encountered in the mesh. Geometries of dimensions lower than Dimension() are counted as well. More... | |
int | GetNumGeometries (int dim) const |
Return the number of geometries of the given dimension present in the mesh. More... | |
void | GetGeometries (int dim, Array< Geometry::Type > &el_geoms) const |
Return all element geometries of the given dimension present in the mesh. More... | |
void | GetBoundingBox (Vector &min, Vector &max, int ref=2) |
Returns the minimum and maximum corners of the mesh bounding box. More... | |
void | GetCharacteristics (double &h_min, double &h_max, double &kappa_min, double &kappa_max, Vector *Vh=NULL, Vector *Vk=NULL) |
int | GetNV () const |
Returns number of vertices. Vertices are only at the corners of elements, where you would expect them in the lowest-order mesh. More... | |
int | GetNE () const |
Returns number of elements. More... | |
int | GetNBE () const |
Returns number of boundary elements. More... | |
int | GetNEdges () const |
Return the number of edges. More... | |
int | GetNFaces () const |
Return the number of faces in a 3D mesh. More... | |
int | GetNumFaces () const |
Return the number of faces (3D), edges (2D) or vertices (1D). More... | |
int | GetNumFacesWithGhost () const |
Return the number of faces (3D), edges (2D) or vertices (1D) including ghost faces. More... | |
virtual int | GetNFbyType (FaceType type) const |
Returns the number of faces according to the requested type, does not count master nonconforming faces. More... | |
long long | GetGlobalNE () const |
Return the total (global) number of elements. More... | |
const double * | GetVertex (int i) const |
Return pointer to vertex i's coordinates. More... | |
double * | GetVertex (int i) |
Return pointer to vertex i's coordinates. More... | |
const Element * | GetElement (int i) const |
Return pointer to the i'th element object. More... | |
Element * | GetElement (int i) |
Return pointer to the i'th element object. More... | |
const Element * | GetBdrElement (int i) const |
Return pointer to the i'th boundary element object. More... | |
Element * | GetBdrElement (int i) |
Return pointer to the i'th boundary element object. More... | |
const Element * | GetFace (int i) const |
const Element *const * | GetElementsArray () const |
void | GetElementData (int geom, Array< int > &elem_vtx, Array< int > &attr) const |
void | GetBdrElementData (int geom, Array< int > &bdr_elem_vtx, Array< int > &bdr_attr) const |
int | GetAttribute (int i) const |
Return the attribute of element i. More... | |
void | SetAttribute (int i, int attr) |
Set the attribute of element i. More... | |
int | GetBdrAttribute (int i) const |
Return the attribute of boundary element i. More... | |
void | SetBdrAttribute (int i, int attr) |
Set the attribute of boundary element i. More... | |
int | GetPatchAttribute (int i) const |
Return the attribute of patch i, for a NURBS mesh. More... | |
void | SetPatchAttribute (int i, int attr) |
Set the attribute of patch i, for a NURBS mesh. More... | |
int | GetPatchBdrAttribute (int i) const |
Return the attribute of patch boundary element i, for a NURBS mesh. More... | |
void | SetPatchBdrAttribute (int i, int attr) |
Set the attribute of patch boundary element i, for a NURBS mesh. More... | |
Element::Type | GetElementType (int i) const |
Returns the type of element i. More... | |
Element::Type | GetBdrElementType (int i) const |
Returns the type of boundary element i. More... | |
MFEM_DEPRECATED Geometry::Type | GetFaceGeometryType (int Face) const |
Deprecated in favor of Mesh::GetFaceGeometry. More... | |
Element::Type | GetFaceElementType (int Face) const |
Geometry::Type | GetFaceGeometry (int i) const |
Return the Geometry::Type associated with face i. More... | |
Geometry::Type | GetElementGeometry (int i) const |
Geometry::Type | GetBdrElementGeometry (int i) const |
MFEM_DEPRECATED Geometry::Type | GetFaceBaseGeometry (int i) const |
Deprecated in favor of Mesh::GetFaceGeometry. More... | |
Geometry::Type | GetElementBaseGeometry (int i) const |
Geometry::Type | GetBdrElementBaseGeometry (int i) const |
bool | FaceIsInterior (int FaceNo) const |
Return true if the given face is interior. More... | |
double | GetElementSize (int i, int type=0) |
Get the size of the i-th element relative to the perfect reference element. More... | |
double | GetElementSize (int i, const Vector &dir) |
double | GetElementVolume (int i) |
void | GetElementCenter (int i, Vector ¢er) |
void | GetElementJacobian (int i, DenseMatrix &J, const IntegrationPoint *ip=NULL) |
void | GetElementVertices (int i, Array< int > &v) const |
Returns the indices of the vertices of element i. More... | |
void | GetBdrElementVertices (int i, Array< int > &v) const |
Returns the indices of the vertices of boundary element i. More... | |
void | GetElementEdges (int i, Array< int > &edges, Array< int > &cor) const |
Return the indices and the orientations of all edges of element i. More... | |
void | GetBdrElementEdges (int i, Array< int > &edges, Array< int > &cor) const |
Return the indices and the orientations of all edges of bdr element i. More... | |
void | GetFaceEdges (int i, Array< int > &edges, Array< int > &o) const |
void | GetFaceVertices (int i, Array< int > &vert) const |
Returns the indices of the vertices of face i. More... | |
void | GetEdgeVertices (int i, Array< int > &vert) const |
Returns the indices of the vertices of edge i. More... | |
void | GetElementFaces (int i, Array< int > &faces, Array< int > &ori) const |
Return the indices and the orientations of all faces of element i. More... | |
Array< int > | FindFaceNeighbors (const int elem) const |
Returns the sorted, unique indices of elements sharing a face with element elem, including elem. More... | |
void | GetBdrElementFace (int i, int *f, int *o) const |
Return the index and the orientation of the face of bdr element i. (3D) More... | |
int | GetBdrElementEdgeIndex (int i) const |
void | GetBdrElementAdjacentElement (int bdr_el, int &el, int &info) const |
For the given boundary element, bdr_el, return its adjacent element and its info, i.e. 64*local_bdr_index+bdr_orientation. More... | |
void | GetBdrElementAdjacentElement2 (int bdr_el, int &el, int &info) const |
For the given boundary element, bdr_el, return its adjacent element and its info, i.e. 64*local_bdr_index+inverse_bdr_orientation. More... | |
int | GetBdrFace (int BdrElemNo) const |
Return the local face index for the given boundary face. More... | |
Table * | GetVertexToElementTable () |
The returned Table should be deleted by the caller. More... | |
Table * | GetFaceToElementTable () const |
Table * | GetFaceEdgeTable () const |
Table * | GetEdgeVertexTable () const |
void | GetVertexToVertexTable (DSTable &) const |
const Table & | ElementToElementTable () |
const Table & | ElementToFaceTable () const |
const Table & | ElementToEdgeTable () const |
Array< int > | GetFaceToBdrElMap () const |
void | GetElementTransformation (int i, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr) |
ElementTransformation * | GetElementTransformation (int i) |
void | GetElementTransformation (int i, const Vector &nodes, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr) |
ElementTransformation * | GetBdrElementTransformation (int i) |
void | GetBdrElementTransformation (int i, IsoparametricTransformation *ElTr) |
void | GetFaceTransformation (int i, IsoparametricTransformation *FTr) |
void | GetLocalFaceTransformation (int face_type, int elem_type, IsoparametricTransformation &Transf, int info) |
A helper method that constructs a transformation from the reference space of a face to the reference space of an element. More... | |
ElementTransformation * | GetFaceTransformation (int FaceNo) |
void | GetEdgeTransformation (int i, IsoparametricTransformation *EdTr) |
ElementTransformation * | GetEdgeTransformation (int EdgeNo) |
virtual FaceElementTransformations * | GetFaceElementTransformations (int FaceNo, int mask=31) |
FaceElementTransformations * | GetInteriorFaceTransformations (int FaceNo) |
FaceElementTransformations * | GetBdrFaceTransformations (int BdrElemNo) |
const GeometricFactors * | GetGeometricFactors (const IntegrationRule &ir, const int flags, MemoryType d_mt=MemoryType::DEFAULT) |
Return the mesh geometric factors corresponding to the given integration rule. More... | |
const FaceGeometricFactors * | GetFaceGeometricFactors (const IntegrationRule &ir, const int flags, FaceType type, MemoryType d_mt=MemoryType::DEFAULT) |
Return the mesh geometric factors for the faces corresponding to the given integration rule. More... | |
void | DeleteGeometricFactors () |
Destroy all GeometricFactors stored by the Mesh. More... | |
void | GetPointMatrix (int i, DenseMatrix &pointmat) const |
void | GetBdrPointMatrix (int i, DenseMatrix &pointmat) const |
FaceInformation | GetFaceInformation (int f) const |
void | GetFaceElements (int Face, int *Elem1, int *Elem2) const |
void | GetFaceInfos (int Face, int *Inf1, int *Inf2) const |
void | GetFaceInfos (int Face, int *Inf1, int *Inf2, int *NCFace) const |
int * | CartesianPartitioning (int nxyz[]) |
int * | GeneratePartitioning (int nparts, int part_method=1) |
void | CheckPartitioning (int *partitioning_) |
void | MoveVertices (const Vector &displacements) |
void | GetVertices (Vector &vert_coord) const |
void | SetVertices (const Vector &vert_coord) |
void | ChangeVertexDataOwnership (double *vertices, int len_vertices, bool zerocopy=false) |
Set the internal Vertex array to point to the given vertices array without assuming ownership of the pointer. More... | |
void | GetNode (int i, double *coord) const |
void | SetNode (int i, const double *coord) |
void | MoveNodes (const Vector &displacements) |
void | GetNodes (Vector &node_coord) const |
void | SetNodes (const Vector &node_coord) |
Updates the vertex/node locations. Invokes NodesUpdated(). More... | |
void | ScaleSubdomains (double sf) |
void | ScaleElements (double sf) |
void | Transform (void(*f)(const Vector &, Vector &)) |
void | Transform (VectorCoefficient &deformation) |
void | NodesUpdated () |
This function should be called after the mesh node coordinates have been updated externally, e.g. by modifying the internal nodal GridFunction returned by GetNodes(). More... | |
GridFunction * | GetNodes () |
Return a pointer to the internal node GridFunction (may be NULL). More... | |
const GridFunction * | GetNodes () const |
bool | OwnsNodes () const |
Return the mesh nodes ownership flag. More... | |
void | SetNodesOwner (bool nodes_owner) |
Set the mesh nodes ownership flag. More... | |
void | NewNodes (GridFunction &nodes, bool make_owner=false) |
Replace the internal node GridFunction with the given GridFunction. More... | |
void | SwapNodes (GridFunction *&nodes, int &own_nodes_) |
Swap the internal node GridFunction pointer and ownership flag members with the given ones. More... | |
void | GetNodes (GridFunction &nodes) const |
Return the mesh nodes/vertices projected on the given GridFunction. More... | |
virtual void | SetNodalFESpace (FiniteElementSpace *nfes) |
void | SetNodalGridFunction (GridFunction *nodes, bool make_owner=false) |
const FiniteElementSpace * | GetNodalFESpace () const |
void | EnsureNodes () |
Make sure that the mesh has valid nodes, i.e. its geometry is described by a vector finite element grid function (even if it is a low-order mesh with straight edges). More... | |
virtual void | SetCurvature (int order, bool discont=false, int space_dim=-1, int ordering=1) |
Set the curvature of the mesh nodes using the given polynomial degree. More... | |
void | UniformRefinement (int ref_algo=0) |
Refine all mesh elements. More... | |
void | GeneralRefinement (const Array< Refinement > &refinements, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0) |
void | GeneralRefinement (const Array< int > &el_to_refine, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0) |
void | RandomRefinement (double prob, bool aniso=false, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0) |
Refine each element with given probability. Uses GeneralRefinement. More... | |
void | RefineAtVertex (const Vertex &vert, double eps=0.0, int nonconforming=-1) |
Refine elements sharing the specified vertex. Uses GeneralRefinement. More... | |
bool | RefineByError (const Array< double > &elem_error, double threshold, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0) |
bool | RefineByError (const Vector &elem_error, double threshold, int nonconforming=-1, int nc_limit=0) |
bool | DerefineByError (Array< double > &elem_error, double threshold, int nc_limit=0, int op=1) |
bool | DerefineByError (const Vector &elem_error, double threshold, int nc_limit=0, int op=1) |
Same as DerefineByError for an error vector. More... | |
void | EnsureNCMesh (bool simplices_nonconforming=false) |
bool | Conforming () const |
bool | Nonconforming () const |
const CoarseFineTransformations & | GetRefinementTransforms () |
Operation | GetLastOperation () const |
Return type of last modification of the mesh. More... | |
long | GetSequence () const |
void | RefineNURBSFromFile (std::string ref_file) |
void | KnotInsert (Array< KnotVector *> &kv) |
void | KnotInsert (Array< Vector *> &kv) |
void | DegreeElevate (int rel_degree, int degree=16) |
std::vector< int > | CreatePeriodicVertexMapping (const std::vector< Vector > &translations, double tol=1e-8) const |
Creates a mapping v2v from the vertex indices of the mesh such that coincident vertices under the given translations are identified. More... | |
virtual int | FindPoints (DenseMatrix &point_mat, Array< int > &elem_ids, Array< IntegrationPoint > &ips, bool warn=true, InverseElementTransformation *inv_trans=NULL) |
Find the ids of the elements that contain the given points, and their corresponding reference coordinates. More... | |
void | GetGeometricParametersFromJacobian (const DenseMatrix &J, double &volume, Vector &aspr, Vector &skew, Vector &ori) const |
Computes geometric parameters associated with a Jacobian matrix in 2D/3D. These parameters are (1) Area/Volume, (2) Aspect-ratio (1 in 2D, and 2 non-dimensional and 2 dimensional parameters in 3D. Dimensional parameters are used for target construction in TMOP), (3) skewness (1 in 2D and 3 in 3D), and finally (4) orientation (1 in 2D and 3 in 3D). More... | |
virtual long long | ReduceInt (int value) const |
Utility function: sum integers from all processors (Allreduce). More... | |
void | GetElementColoring (Array< int > &colors, int el0=0) |
void | MesquiteSmooth (const int mesquite_option=0) |
void | CheckDisplacements (const Vector &displacements, double &tmax) |
virtual void | PrintXG (std::ostream &os=mfem::out) const |
Print the mesh to the given stream using Netgen/Truegrid format. More... | |
virtual void | Print (std::ostream &os=mfem::out) const |
virtual void | Save (const std::string &fname, int precision=16) const |
virtual void | Print (adios2stream &os) const |
Print the mesh to the given stream using the adios2 bp format. More... | |
void | PrintVTK (std::ostream &os) |
void | PrintVTK (std::ostream &os, int ref, int field_data=0) |
void | PrintVTU (std::ostream &os, int ref=1, VTKFormat format=VTKFormat::ASCII, bool high_order_output=false, int compression_level=0, bool bdr_elements=false) |
virtual void | PrintVTU (std::string fname, VTKFormat format=VTKFormat::ASCII, bool high_order_output=false, int compression_level=0, bool bdr=false) |
void | PrintBdrVTU (std::string fname, VTKFormat format=VTKFormat::ASCII, bool high_order_output=false, int compression_level=0) |
void | PrintWithPartitioning (int *partitioning, std::ostream &os, int elem_attr=0) const |
Prints the mesh with boundary elements given by the boundary of the subdomains, so that the boundary of subdomain i has boundary attribute i+1. More... | |
void | PrintElementsWithPartitioning (int *partitioning, std::ostream &out, int interior_faces=0) |
void | PrintSurfaces (const Table &Aface_face, std::ostream &out) const |
Print set of disjoint surfaces: More... | |
void | PrintCharacteristics (Vector *Vh=NULL, Vector *Vk=NULL, std::ostream &os=mfem::out) |
Compute and print mesh characteristics such as number of vertices, number of elements, number of boundary elements, minimal and maximal element sizes, minimal and maximal element aspect ratios, etc. More... | |
virtual void | PrintInfo (std::ostream &os=mfem::out) |
In serial, this method calls PrintCharacteristics(). In parallel, additional information about the parallel decomposition is also printed. More... | |
void | DebugDump (std::ostream &out) const |
Output an NCMesh-compatible debug dump. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static SubMesh | CreateFromDomain (const Mesh &parent, Array< int > domain_attributes) |
Create a domain SubMesh from its parent. More... | |
static SubMesh | CreateFromBoundary (const Mesh &parent, Array< int > boundary_attributes) |
Create a surface SubMesh from its parent. More... | |
static void | Transfer (const GridFunction &src, GridFunction &dst) |
Transfer the dofs of a GridFunction. More... | |
static TransferMap | CreateTransferMap (const GridFunction &src, const GridFunction &dst) |
Create a Transfer Map object. More... | |
static bool | IsSubMesh (const Mesh *m) |
Check if Mesh m is a SubMesh. More... | |
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static FiniteElement * | GetTransformationFEforElementType (Element::Type) |
Return FiniteElement for reference element of the specified type. More... | |
static Mesh | LoadFromFile (const std::string &filename, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1, bool fix_orientation=true) |
static Mesh | MakeCartesian1D (int n, double sx=1.0) |
static Mesh | MakeCartesian2D (int nx, int ny, Element::Type type, bool generate_edges=false, double sx=1.0, double sy=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true) |
static Mesh | MakeCartesian3D (int nx, int ny, int nz, Element::Type type, double sx=1.0, double sy=1.0, double sz=1.0, bool sfc_ordering=true) |
static Mesh | MakeRefined (Mesh &orig_mesh, int ref_factor, int ref_type) |
Create a refined (by any factor) version of orig_mesh. More... | |
static Mesh | MakeRefined (Mesh &orig_mesh, const Array< int > &ref_factors, int ref_type) |
refined ref_factors[i] times in each dimension. More... | |
static Mesh | MakeSimplicial (const Mesh &orig_mesh) |
static Mesh | MakePeriodic (const Mesh &orig_mesh, const std::vector< int > &v2v) |
Create a periodic mesh by identifying vertices of orig_mesh. More... | |
static void | PrintElementsByGeometry (int dim, const Array< int > &num_elems_by_geom, std::ostream &out) |
Auxiliary method used by PrintCharacteristics(). More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const int | GENERATED_ATTRIBUTE = 900 |
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static bool | remove_unused_vertices = true |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Array< int > | attributes |
A list of all unique element attributes used by the Mesh. More... | |
Array< int > | bdr_attributes |
A list of all unique boundary attributes used by the Mesh. More... | |
NURBSExtension * | NURBSext |
Optional NURBS mesh extension. More... | |
NCMesh * | ncmesh |
Optional nonconforming mesh extension. More... | |
Array< GeometricFactors * > | geom_factors |
Optional geometric factors. More... | |
Array< FaceGeometricFactors * > | face_geom_factors |
![]() | |
void | Init () |
void | InitTables () |
void | SetEmpty () |
void | DestroyTables () |
void | DeleteTables () |
void | DestroyPointers () |
void | Destroy () |
void | ResetLazyData () |
Element * | ReadElementWithoutAttr (std::istream &) |
Element * | ReadElement (std::istream &) |
void | ReadMFEMMesh (std::istream &input, int version, int &curved) |
void | ReadLineMesh (std::istream &input) |
void | ReadNetgen2DMesh (std::istream &input, int &curved) |
void | ReadNetgen3DMesh (std::istream &input) |
void | ReadTrueGridMesh (std::istream &input) |
void | CreateVTKMesh (const Vector &points, const Array< int > &cell_data, const Array< int > &cell_offsets, const Array< int > &cell_types, const Array< int > &cell_attributes, int &curved, int &read_gf, bool &finalize_topo) |
void | ReadVTKMesh (std::istream &input, int &curved, int &read_gf, bool &finalize_topo) |
void | ReadXML_VTKMesh (std::istream &input, int &curved, int &read_gf, bool &finalize_topo, const std::string &xml_prefix="") |
void | ReadNURBSMesh (std::istream &input, int &curved, int &read_gf) |
void | ReadInlineMesh (std::istream &input, bool generate_edges=false) |
void | ReadGmshMesh (std::istream &input, int &curved, int &read_gf) |
void | ReadCubit (const char *filename, int &curved, int &read_gf) |
void | SetMeshGen () |
Determine the mesh generator bitmask meshgen, see MeshGenerator(). More... | |
double | GetLength (int i, int j) const |
Return the length of the segment from node i to node j. More... | |
void | MarkForRefinement () |
void | MarkTriMeshForRefinement () |
void | GetEdgeOrdering (DSTable &v_to_v, Array< int > &order) |
virtual void | MarkTetMeshForRefinement (DSTable &v_to_v) |
void | PrepareNodeReorder (DSTable **old_v_to_v, Table **old_elem_vert) |
void | DoNodeReorder (DSTable *old_v_to_v, Table *old_elem_vert) |
STable3D * | GetFacesTable () |
STable3D * | GetElementToFaceTable (int ret_ftbl=0) |
void | RedRefinement (int i, const DSTable &v_to_v, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *middle) |
void | GreenRefinement (int i, const DSTable &v_to_v, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *middle) |
void | Bisection (int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *) |
Bisect a triangle: element with index i is bisected. More... | |
void | Bisection (int i, HashTable< Hashed2 > &) |
Bisect a tetrahedron: element with index i is bisected. More... | |
void | BdrBisection (int i, const HashTable< Hashed2 > &) |
Bisect a boundary triangle: boundary element with index i is bisected. More... | |
void | UniformRefinement (int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *) |
void | AverageVertices (const int *indexes, int n, int result) |
Averages the vertices with given indexes and saves the result in vertices[result]. More... | |
void | InitRefinementTransforms () |
int | FindCoarseElement (int i) |
void | UpdateNodes () |
Update the nodes of a curved mesh after the topological part of a Mesh::Operation, such as refinement, has been performed. More... | |
void | SetVerticesFromNodes (const GridFunction *nodes) |
Helper to set vertex coordinates given a high-order curvature function. More... | |
void | UniformRefinement2D_base (bool update_nodes=true) |
virtual void | UniformRefinement2D () |
Refine a mixed 2D mesh uniformly. More... | |
void | UniformRefinement3D_base (Array< int > *f2qf=NULL, DSTable *v_to_v_p=NULL, bool update_nodes=true) |
virtual void | UniformRefinement3D () |
Refine a mixed 3D mesh uniformly. More... | |
virtual void | NURBSUniformRefinement () |
Refine NURBS mesh. More... | |
virtual void | LocalRefinement (const Array< int > &marked_el, int type=3) |
This function is not public anymore. Use GeneralRefinement instead. More... | |
virtual void | NonconformingRefinement (const Array< Refinement > &refinements, int nc_limit=0) |
This function is not public anymore. Use GeneralRefinement instead. More... | |
virtual bool | NonconformingDerefinement (Array< double > &elem_error, double threshold, int nc_limit=0, int op=1) |
NC version of GeneralDerefinement. More... | |
double | AggregateError (const Array< double > &elem_error, const int *fine, int nfine, int op) |
Derefinement helper. More... | |
void | LoadPatchTopo (std::istream &input, Array< int > &edge_to_knot) |
Read NURBS patch/macro-element mesh. More... | |
void | UpdateNURBS () |
void | PrintTopo (std::ostream &out, const Array< int > &e_to_k) const |
void | GetLocalPtToSegTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &, int) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalSegToTriTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
void | GetLocalSegToQuadTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
void | GetLocalTriToTetTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalTriToWdgTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalTriToPyrTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalQuadToHexTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalQuadToWdgTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | GetLocalQuadToPyrTransformation (IsoparametricTransformation &loc, int i) |
Used in GetFaceElementTransformations (...) More... | |
void | ApplyLocalSlaveTransformation (FaceElementTransformations &FT, const FaceInfo &fi, bool is_ghost) |
bool | IsSlaveFace (const FaceInfo &fi) const |
int | GetElementToEdgeTable (Table &, Array< int > &) |
void | AddPointFaceElement (int lf, int gf, int el) |
Used in GenerateFaces() More... | |
void | AddSegmentFaceElement (int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1) |
void | AddTriangleFaceElement (int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1, int v2) |
void | AddQuadFaceElement (int lf, int gf, int el, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3) |
bool | FaceIsTrueInterior (int FaceNo) const |
void | FreeElement (Element *E) |
void | GenerateFaces () |
void | GenerateNCFaceInfo () |
void | InitMesh (int Dim_, int spaceDim_, int NVert, int NElem, int NBdrElem) |
Begin construction of a mesh. More... | |
void | FinalizeCheck () |
void | Loader (std::istream &input, int generate_edges=0, std::string parse_tag="") |
void | Printer (std::ostream &out=mfem::out, std::string section_delimiter="") const |
void | Make3D (int nx, int ny, int nz, Element::Type type, double sx, double sy, double sz, bool sfc_ordering) |
void | Make2D (int nx, int ny, Element::Type type, double sx, double sy, bool generate_edges, bool sfc_ordering) |
void | Make1D (int n, double sx=1.0) |
Creates a 1D mesh for the interval [0,sx] divided into n equal intervals. More... | |
void | MakeRefined_ (Mesh &orig_mesh, const Array< int > ref_factors, int ref_type) |
Internal function used in Mesh::MakeRefined. More... | |
void | InitFromNCMesh (const NCMesh &ncmesh) |
Initialize vertices/elements/boundary/tables from a nonconforming mesh. More... | |
Mesh (const NCMesh &ncmesh) | |
Create from a nonconforming mesh. More... | |
void | GetElementData (const Array< Element *> &elem_array, int geom, Array< int > &elem_vtx, Array< int > &attr) const |
double | GetElementSize (ElementTransformation *T, int type=0) |
void | MakeSimplicial_ (const Mesh &orig_mesh, int *vglobal) |
![]() | |
static void | PrintElementWithoutAttr (const Element *, std::ostream &) |
static void | PrintElement (const Element *, std::ostream &) |
static int | GetTriOrientation (const int *base, const int *test) |
Returns the orientation of "test" relative to "base". More... | |
static int | InvertTriOrientation (int ori) |
static int | ComposeTriOrientations (int ori_a_b, int ori_b_c) |
static int | GetQuadOrientation (const int *base, const int *test) |
Returns the orientation of "test" relative to "base". More... | |
static int | InvertQuadOrientation (int ori) |
static int | ComposeQuadOrientations (int ori_a_b, int ori_b_c) |
static int | GetTetOrientation (const int *base, const int *test) |
Returns the orientation of "test" relative to "base". More... | |
static void | GetElementArrayEdgeTable (const Array< Element *> &elem_array, const DSTable &v_to_v, Table &el_to_edge) |
![]() | |
int | Dim |
int | spaceDim |
int | NumOfVertices |
int | NumOfElements |
int | NumOfBdrElements |
int | NumOfEdges |
int | NumOfFaces |
int | nbInteriorFaces |
int | nbBoundaryFaces |
int | meshgen |
int | mesh_geoms |
long | sequence |
Array< Element * > | elements |
Array< Vertex > | vertices |
Array< Element * > | boundary |
Array< Element * > | faces |
Array< FaceInfo > | faces_info |
Array< NCFaceInfo > | nc_faces_info |
Table * | el_to_edge |
Table * | el_to_face |
Table * | el_to_el |
Array< int > | be_to_edge |
Table * | bel_to_edge |
Array< int > | be_to_face |
Table * | face_to_elem |
Table * | face_edge |
Table * | edge_vertex |
IsoparametricTransformation | Transformation |
IsoparametricTransformation | Transformation2 |
IsoparametricTransformation | BdrTransformation |
IsoparametricTransformation | FaceTransformation |
IsoparametricTransformation | EdgeTransformation |
FaceElementTransformations | FaceElemTr |
CoarseFineTransformations | CoarseFineTr |
GridFunction * | Nodes |
int | own_nodes |
MemAlloc< Tetrahedron, 1024 > | TetMemory |
Array< Triple< int, int, int > > | tmp_vertex_parents |
Operation | last_operation |
![]() | |
static const int | vtk_quadratic_tet [10] |
static const int | vtk_quadratic_pyramid [13] |
static const int | vtk_quadratic_wedge [18] |
static const int | vtk_quadratic_hex [27] |
Subdomain representation of a topological parent in another Mesh.
SubMesh is a subdomain representation of a Mesh defined on its parents attributes. The current implementation creates either a domain or surface subset of the parents Mesh and reuses the parallel distribution.
The attributes are taken from the parent. That means if a volume is extracted from a volume, it has the same domain attribute as the parent. Its boundary attributes are generated (there will be one boundary attribute 1 for all of the boundaries).
If a surface is extracted from a volume, the boundary attribute from the parent is assigned to be the new domain attribute. Its boundary attributes are generated (there will be one boundary attribute 1 for all of the boundaries).
For more customized boundary attributes, the resulting SubMesh has to be postprocessed.
Definition at line 42 of file submesh.hpp.
enum mfem::SubMesh::From |
Indicator from which part of the parent Mesh the SubMesh is created.
Enumerator | |
Domain | |
Boundary |
Definition at line 46 of file submesh.hpp.
delete |
mfem::SubMesh::~SubMesh | ( | ) |
Definition at line 196 of file submesh.cpp.
static |
Create a surface SubMesh from its parent.
The SubMesh object expects the parent Mesh object to be valid for the entire object lifetime. The boundary_attributes have to mark exactly one connected subset of the parent Mesh.
[in] | parent | Parent Mesh |
[in] | boundary_attributes | Boundary attributes to extract |
Definition at line 25 of file submesh.cpp.
static |
Create a domain SubMesh from its parent.
The SubMesh object expects the parent Mesh object to be valid for the entire object lifetime. The domain_attributes have to mark exactly one connected subset of the parent Mesh.
[in] | parent | Parent Mesh |
[in] | domain_attributes | Domain attributes to extract |
Definition at line 19 of file submesh.cpp.
static |
Create a Transfer Map object.
The src GridFunction can either be defined on a Mesh or a SubMesh and is transferred appropriately.
Definition at line 204 of file submesh.cpp.
inline |
Get the From indicator.
Indicates whether the SubMesh has been created from a domain or surface.
Definition at line 98 of file submesh.hpp.
inline |
Get the parent Mesh object.
Definition at line 87 of file submesh.hpp.
inline |
Get the parent element id map.
SubMesh element id (array index) to parent Mesh element id.
Definition at line 108 of file submesh.hpp.
inline |
Get the face id map.
SubMesh element id (array index) to parent Mesh face id.
Definition at line 118 of file submesh.hpp.
inline |
Get the relative face orientations.
SubMesh element id (array index) to parent Mesh face orientation.
Definition at line 128 of file submesh.hpp.
inline |
Get the parent vertex id map.
SubMesh vertex id (array index) to parent Mesh vertex id.
Definition at line 138 of file submesh.hpp.
inlinestatic |
m | The input Mesh |
Definition at line 172 of file submesh.hpp.
static |
Transfer the dofs of a GridFunction.
The src GridFunction can either be defined on a Mesh or a SubMesh and is transferred appropriately.
[in] | src | |
[out] | dst |
Definition at line 198 of file submesh.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 52 of file submesh.hpp.