MFEM  v4.6.0
Finite element discretization library
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mfem::NCMesh Class Reference

A class for non-conforming AMR. The class is not used directly by the user, rather it is an extension of the Mesh class. More...

#include <ncmesh.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mfem::NCMesh:
Collaboration diagram for mfem::NCMesh:


struct  Element
struct  Face
struct  GeomInfo
 This holds in one place the constants about the geometries we support. More...
struct  Master
struct  MeshId
 Identifies a vertex/edge/face in both Mesh and NCMesh. More...
struct  NCList
 Lists all edges/faces in the nonconforming mesh. More...
struct  Node
struct  Point
struct  PointMatrix
 The PointMatrix stores the coordinates of the slave face using the master face coordinate as reference. More...
struct  Slave
 Nonconforming edge/face within a bigger edge/face. More...
struct  TmpVertex

Public Types

typedef std::int64_t RefCoord

Public Member Functions

 NCMesh (const Mesh *mesh)
 NCMesh (std::istream &input, int version, int &curved, int &is_nc)
 NCMesh (const NCMesh &other)
 Deep copy of another instance. More...
NCMeshoperator= (NCMesh &)=delete
 Copy assignment not supported. More...
virtual ~NCMesh ()
int Dimension () const
 Return the dimension of the NCMesh. More...
int SpaceDimension () const
 Return the space dimension of the NCMesh. More...
int GetNVertices () const
 Return the number of vertices in the NCMesh. More...
int GetNEdges () const
 Return the number of edges in the NCMesh. More...
int GetNFaces () const
 Return the number of (2D) faces in the NCMesh. More...
virtual int GetNGhostElements () const
virtual void Refine (const Array< Refinement > &refinements)
virtual void LimitNCLevel (int max_nc_level)
const TableGetDerefinementTable ()
virtual void CheckDerefinementNCLevel (const Table &deref_table, Array< int > &level_ok, int max_nc_level)
virtual void Derefine (const Array< int > &derefs)
const NCListGetFaceList ()
 Return the current list of conforming and nonconforming faces. More...
const NCListGetEdgeList ()
 Return the current list of conforming and nonconforming edges. More...
const NCListGetVertexList ()
const NCListGetNCList (int entity)
 Return vertex/edge/face list (entity = 0/1/2, respectively). More...
void MarkCoarseLevel ()
const CoarseFineTransformationsGetRefinementTransforms ()
const CoarseFineTransformationsGetDerefinementTransforms ()
void ClearTransforms ()
 Free all internal data created by the above three functions. More...
void GetEdgeVertices (const MeshId &edge_id, int vert_index[2], bool oriented=true) const
 Return Mesh vertex indices of an edge identified by 'edge_id'. More...
int GetEdgeNCOrientation (const MeshId &edge_id) const
int GetFaceVerticesEdges (const MeshId &face_id, int vert_index[4], int edge_index[4], int edge_orientation[4]) const
int GetEdgeMaster (int v1, int v2) const
virtual void GetBoundaryClosure (const Array< int > &bdr_attr_is_ess, Array< int > &bdr_vertices, Array< int > &bdr_edges)
Geometry::Type GetElementGeometry (int index) const
 Return element geometry type. index is the Mesh element number. More...
Geometry::Type GetFaceGeometry (int index) const
 Return face geometry type. index is the Mesh face number. More...
int GetNumRootElements ()
 Return the number of root elements. More...
int GetElementDepth (int i) const
 Return the distance of leaf 'i' from the root. More...
int GetElementSizeReduction (int i) const
void GetElementFacesAttributes (int i, Array< int > &faces, Array< int > &fattr) const
 Return the faces and face attributes of leaf element 'i'. More...
void Print (std::ostream &out) const
 I/O: Print the mesh in "MFEM NC mesh v1.0" format. More...
bool IsLegacyLoaded () const
 I/O: Return true if the mesh was loaded from the legacy v1.1 format. More...
void LegacyToNewVertexOrdering (Array< int > &order) const
 I/O: Return a map from old (v1.1) vertex indices to new vertex indices. More...
virtual void Trim ()
 Save memory by releasing all non-essential and cached data. More...
long MemoryUsage () const
 Return total number of bytes allocated. More...
int PrintMemoryDetail () const
void DebugLeafOrder (std::ostream &out) const
void DebugDump (std::ostream &out) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void GridSfcOrdering2D (int width, int height, Array< int > &coords)
static void GridSfcOrdering3D (int width, int height, int depth, Array< int > &coords)

Protected Types

typedef std::map< std::string, int > RefPathMap

Protected Member Functions

void GetMeshComponents (Mesh &mesh) const
 Fill Mesh::{vertices,elements,boundary} for the current finest level. More...
void OnMeshUpdated (Mesh *mesh)
void MakeTopologyOnly ()
virtual void Update ()
void UpdateLeafElements ()
 Update the leaf elements indices in leaf_elements. More...
void UpdateVertices ()
 This method assigns indices to vertices (Node::vert_index) that will be seen by the Mesh class and the rest of MFEM. More...
void CollectLeafElements (int elem, int state, Array< int > &ghosts, int &counter)
void InitRootState (int root_count)
void InitGeomFlags ()
bool HavePrisms () const
 Return true if the mesh contains prism elements. More...
bool HavePyramids () const
 Return true if the mesh contains pyramid elements. More...
bool HaveTets () const
 Return true if the mesh contains tetrahedral elements. More...
bool IsGhost (const Element &el) const
 Return true if the Element el is a ghost element. More...
void RefineElement (int elem, char ref_type)
void DerefineElement (int elem)
 Derefine the element elem, does nothing on leaf elements. More...
int AddElement (const Element &el)
void FreeElement (int id)
int NewHexahedron (int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int attr, int fattr0, int fattr1, int fattr2, int fattr3, int fattr4, int fattr5)
int NewWedge (int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int attr, int fattr0, int fattr1, int fattr2, int fattr3, int fattr4)
int NewTetrahedron (int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int attr, int fattr0, int fattr1, int fattr2, int fattr3)
int NewPyramid (int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int attr, int fattr0, int fattr1, int fattr2, int fattr3, int fattr4)
int NewQuadrilateral (int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int attr, int eattr0, int eattr1, int eattr2, int eattr3)
int NewTriangle (int n0, int n1, int n2, int attr, int eattr0, int eattr1, int eattr2)
int NewSegment (int n0, int n1, int attr, int vattr1, int vattr2)
mfem::ElementNewMeshElement (int geom) const
int QuadFaceSplitType (int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int mid[5]=NULL) const
bool TriFaceSplit (int v1, int v2, int v3, int mid[3]=NULL) const
void ForceRefinement (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4)
void FindEdgeElements (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4, Array< MeshId > &prisms) const
void CheckAnisoPrism (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4, const Refinement *refs, int nref)
void CheckAnisoFace (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4, int mid12, int mid34, int level=0)
void CheckIsoFace (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4, int en1, int en2, int en3, int en4, int midf)
void ReparentNode (int node, int new_p1, int new_p2)
int FindMidEdgeNode (int node1, int node2) const
int GetMidEdgeNode (int node1, int node2)
int GetMidFaceNode (int en1, int en2, int en3, int en4)
void ReferenceElement (int elem)
void UnreferenceElement (int elem, Array< int > &elemFaces)
FaceGetFace (Element &elem, int face_no)
void RegisterFaces (int elem, int *fattr=NULL)
void DeleteUnusedFaces (const Array< int > &elemFaces)
void CollectDerefinements (int elem, Array< Connection > &list)
int RetrieveNode (const Element &el, int index)
 Return el.node[index] correctly, even if the element is refined. More...
int FindNodeExt (const Element &el, int node, bool abort=true)
 Extended version of find_node: works if 'el' is refined. More...
int ReorderFacePointMat (int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, int elem, const PointMatrix &pm, PointMatrix &reordered) const
void TraverseQuadFace (int vn0, int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, const PointMatrix &pm, int level, Face *eface[4], MatrixMap &matrix_map)
bool TraverseTriFace (int vn0, int vn1, int vn2, const PointMatrix &pm, int level, MatrixMap &matrix_map)
void TraverseTetEdge (int vn0, int vn1, const Point &p0, const Point &p1, MatrixMap &matrix_map)
void TraverseEdge (int vn0, int vn1, double t0, double t1, int flags, int level, MatrixMap &matrix_map)
virtual void BuildFaceList ()
virtual void BuildEdgeList ()
virtual void BuildVertexList ()
virtual void ElementSharesFace (int elem, int local, int face)
virtual void ElementSharesEdge (int elem, int local, int enode)
virtual void ElementSharesVertex (int elem, int local, int vnode)
void FindSetNeighbors (const Array< char > &elem_set, Array< int > *neighbors, Array< char > *neighbor_set=NULL)
void FindNeighbors (int elem, Array< int > &neighbors, const Array< int > *search_set=NULL)
void NeighborExpand (const Array< int > &elems, Array< int > &expanded, const Array< int > *search_set=NULL)
void CollectEdgeVertices (int v0, int v1, Array< int > &indices)
void CollectTriFaceVertices (int v0, int v1, int v2, Array< int > &indices)
void CollectQuadFaceVertices (int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3, Array< int > &indices)
void BuildElementToVertexTable ()
void UpdateElementToVertexTable ()
int GetVertexRootCoord (int elem, RefCoord coord[3]) const
void CollectIncidentElements (int elem, const RefCoord coord[3], Array< int > &list) const
void FindVertexCousins (int elem, int local, Array< int > &cousins) const
void GetPointMatrix (Geometry::Type geom, const char *ref_path, DenseMatrix &matrix)
void TraverseRefinements (int elem, int coarse_index, std::string &ref_path, RefPathMap &map)
void InitDerefTransforms ()
void SetDerefMatrixCodes (int parent, Array< int > &fine_coarse)
const double * CalcVertexPos (int node) const
int GetEdgeMaster (int node) const
void FindFaceNodes (int face, int node[4])
int EdgeSplitLevel (int vn1, int vn2) const
int TriFaceSplitLevel (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3) const
void QuadFaceSplitLevel (int vn1, int vn2, int vn3, int vn4, int &h_level, int &v_level) const
void CountSplits (int elem, int splits[3]) const
void GetLimitRefinements (Array< Refinement > &refinements, int max_level)
int PrintVertexParents (std::ostream *out) const
 Print the "vertex_parents" section of the mesh file. More...
void LoadVertexParents (std::istream &input)
 Load the vertex parent hierarchy from a mesh file. More...
int PrintBoundary (std::ostream *out) const
void LoadBoundary (std::istream &input)
 Load the "boundary" section of the mesh file. More...
void PrintCoordinates (std::ostream &out) const
 Print the "coordinates" section of the mesh file. More...
void LoadCoordinates (std::istream &input)
 Load the "coordinates" section of the mesh file. More...
void InitRootElements ()
 Count root elements and initialize root_state. More...
int CountTopLevelNodes () const
 Return the index of the last top-level node plus one. More...
bool ZeroRootStates () const
 Return true if all root_states are zero. More...
void LoadCoarseElements (std::istream &input)
 Load the element refinement hierarchy from a legacy mesh file. More...
void CopyElements (int elem, const BlockArray< Element > &tmp_elements)
void LoadLegacyFormat (std::istream &input, int &curved, int &is_nc)
 Load the deprecated MFEM mesh v1.1 format for backward compatibility. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static int find_node (const Element &el, int node)
static int find_element_edge (const Element &el, int vn0, int vn1, bool abort=true)
static int find_local_face (int geom, int a, int b, int c)
static const PointMatrixGetGeomIdentity (Geometry::Type geom)

Protected Attributes

int Dim
int spaceDim
 dimensions of the elements and the vertex coordinates More...
int MyRank
 used in parallel, or when loading a parallel file in serial More...
bool Iso
 true if the mesh only contains isotropic refinements More...
int Geoms
 bit mask of element geometries present, see InitGeomFlags() More...
bool Legacy
 true if the mesh was loaded from the legacy v1.1 format More...
HashTable< Nodenodes
HashTable< Facefaces
BlockArray< Elementelements
Array< int > free_element_ids
Array< int > root_state
Array< double > coordinates
int NElements
int NVertices
int NEdges
int NFaces
int NGhostElements
int NGhostVertices
int NGhostEdges
int NGhostFaces
Array< int > leaf_elements
 finest elements, in Mesh ordering (+ ghosts) More...
Array< int > leaf_sfc_index
 natural tree ordering of leaf elements More...
Array< int > vertex_nodeId
 vertex-index to node-id map, see UpdateVertices More...
NCList face_list
 lazy-initialized list of faces, see GetFaceList More...
NCList edge_list
 lazy-initialized list of edges, see GetEdgeList More...
NCList vertex_list
 lazy-initialized list of vertices, see GetVertexList More...
Array< int > boundary_faces
 subset of all faces, set by BuildFaceList More...
Array< char > face_geom
 face geometry by face index, set by OnMeshUpdated More...
Table element_vertex
 leaf-element to vertex table, see FindSetNeighbors More...
Array< Refinementref_stack
 stack of scheduled refinements (temporary) More...
HashTable< Nodeshadow
 temporary storage for reparented nodes More...
Array< Triple< int, int, int > > reparents
 scheduled node reparents (tmp) More...
Table derefinements
 possible derefinements, see GetDerefinementTable More...
CoarseFineTransformations transforms
 storage for data returned by Get[De]RefinementTransforms() More...
Array< int > coarse_elements
 state of leaf_elements before Refine(), set by MarkCoarseLevel() More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const int MaxElemNodes
 Number of nodes of an element can have. More...
static const int MaxElemEdges
 Number of edges of an element can have. More...
static const int MaxElemFaces
 Number of faces of an element can have. More...
static const int MaxElemChildren
 Number of children of an element can have. More...
static PointMatrix pm_seg_identity
static PointMatrix pm_tri_identity
static PointMatrix pm_quad_identity
static PointMatrix pm_tet_identity
static PointMatrix pm_prism_identity
static PointMatrix pm_pyramid_identity
static PointMatrix pm_hex_identity
static GeomInfo GI [Geometry::NumGeom]


class Mesh
class ParNCMesh
struct MatrixMap
struct PointMatrixHash

Detailed Description

A class for non-conforming AMR. The class is not used directly by the user, rather it is an extension of the Mesh class.

In general, the class is used by MFEM as follows:

  1. NCMesh is constructed from elements of an existing Mesh. The elements are copied and become roots of the refinement hierarchy.
  2. Some elements are refined with the Refine() method. Both isotropic and anisotropic refinements of quads/hexes are supported.
  3. A new Mesh is created from NCMesh containing the leaf elements. This new Mesh may have non-conforming (hanging) edges and faces and is the one seen by the user.
  4. FiniteElementSpace asks NCMesh for a list of conforming, master and slave edges/faces and creates the conforming interpolation matrix P.
  5. A continuous/conforming solution is obtained by solving P'*A*P x = P'*b.
  6. Repeat from step 2.

Definition at line 121 of file ncmesh.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ RefCoord

typedef std::int64_t mfem::NCMesh::RefCoord

Definition at line 397 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ RefPathMap

typedef std::map<std::string, int> mfem::NCMesh::RefPathMap

Definition at line 921 of file ncmesh.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NCMesh() [1/3]

mfem::NCMesh::NCMesh ( const Mesh mesh)

Definition at line 105 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NCMesh() [2/3]

mfem::NCMesh::NCMesh ( std::istream &  input,
int  version,
int &  curved,
int &  is_nc 

Load from a stream. The id header is assumed to have been read already from

[in]versionis 10 for the v1.0 NC format, or 1 for the legacy v1.1 format.
[out]curvedis set to 1 if the curvature GridFunction follows after mesh data.
[out]is_nc(again treated as a boolean) is set to 0 if the legacy v1.1 format in fact defines a conforming mesh. See Mesh::Loader for details.

Definition at line 5764 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NCMesh() [3/3]

mfem::NCMesh::NCMesh ( const NCMesh other)

Deep copy of another instance.

Definition at line 211 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ~NCMesh()

mfem::NCMesh::~NCMesh ( )

Definition at line 250 of file ncmesh.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddElement()

int mfem::NCMesh::AddElement ( const Element el)

Definition at line 624 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ BuildEdgeList()

void mfem::NCMesh::BuildEdgeList ( )

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 3230 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ BuildElementToVertexTable()

void mfem::NCMesh::BuildElementToVertexTable ( )

Definition at line 3548 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ BuildFaceList()

void mfem::NCMesh::BuildFaceList ( )

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 3110 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ BuildVertexList()

void mfem::NCMesh::BuildVertexList ( )

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 3333 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CalcVertexPos()

const double * mfem::NCMesh::CalcVertexPos ( int  node) const

Definition at line 2410 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CheckAnisoFace()

void mfem::NCMesh::CheckAnisoFace ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4,
int  mid12,
int  mid34,
int  level = 0 

Definition at line 812 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CheckAnisoPrism()

void mfem::NCMesh::CheckAnisoPrism ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4,
const Refinement refs,
int  nref 

Definition at line 787 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CheckDerefinementNCLevel()

void mfem::NCMesh::CheckDerefinementNCLevel ( const Table deref_table,
Array< int > &  level_ok,
int  max_nc_level 

Check derefinements returned by GetDerefinementTable and mark those that can be done safely so that the maximum NC level condition is not violated. On return, level_ok.Size() == deref_table.Size() and contains 0/1s.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 1952 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CheckIsoFace()

void mfem::NCMesh::CheckIsoFace ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4,
int  en1,
int  en2,
int  en3,
int  en4,
int  midf 

Definition at line 907 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ClearTransforms()

void mfem::NCMesh::ClearTransforms ( )

Free all internal data created by the above three functions.

Definition at line 4703 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectDerefinements()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectDerefinements ( int  elem,
Array< Connection > &  list 

Definition at line 1904 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectEdgeVertices()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectEdgeVertices ( int  v0,
int  v1,
Array< int > &  indices 

Definition at line 3478 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectIncidentElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectIncidentElements ( int  elem,
const RefCoord  coord[3],
Array< int > &  list 
) const

Definition at line 3934 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectLeafElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectLeafElements ( int  elem,
int  state,
Array< int > &  ghosts,
int &  counter 

Collect the leaf elements in leaf_elements, and the ghost elements in ghosts. Compute and set the element indices of elements. On quad and hex refined elements tries to order leaf elements along a space-filling curve according to the given state variable.

Definition at line 2055 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectQuadFaceVertices()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectQuadFaceVertices ( int  v0,
int  v1,
int  v2,
int  v3,
Array< int > &  indices 

Definition at line 3514 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CollectTriFaceVertices()

void mfem::NCMesh::CollectTriFaceVertices ( int  v0,
int  v1,
int  v2,
Array< int > &  indices 

Definition at line 3490 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CopyElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::CopyElements ( int  elem,
const BlockArray< Element > &  tmp_elements 

Definition at line 5938 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CountSplits()

void mfem::NCMesh::CountSplits ( int  elem,
int  splits[3] 
) const

Definition at line 5312 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ CountTopLevelNodes()

int mfem::NCMesh::CountTopLevelNodes ( ) const

Return the index of the last top-level node plus one.

Definition at line 5754 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ DebugDump()

void mfem::NCMesh::DebugDump ( std::ostream &  out) const

Definition at line 6329 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ DebugLeafOrder()

void mfem::NCMesh::DebugLeafOrder ( std::ostream &  out) const

Definition at line 6304 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ DeleteUnusedFaces()

void mfem::NCMesh::DeleteUnusedFaces ( const Array< int > &  elemFaces)

Definition at line 410 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ Derefine()

void mfem::NCMesh::Derefine ( const Array< int > &  derefs)

Perform a subset of the possible derefinements (see GetDerefinementTable). Note that if anisotropic refinements are present in the mesh, some of the derefinements may have to be skipped to preserve mesh consistency.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 1981 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ DerefineElement()

void mfem::NCMesh::DerefineElement ( int  elem)

Derefine the element elem, does nothing on leaf elements.

Definition at line 1710 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ Dimension()

int mfem::NCMesh::Dimension ( ) const

Return the dimension of the NCMesh.

Definition at line 144 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ EdgeSplitLevel()

int mfem::NCMesh::EdgeSplitLevel ( int  vn1,
int  vn2 
) const

Definition at line 5261 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ElementSharesEdge()

virtual void mfem::NCMesh::ElementSharesEdge ( int  elem,
int  local,
int  enode 

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 743 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ ElementSharesFace()

virtual void mfem::NCMesh::ElementSharesFace ( int  elem,
int  local,
int  face 

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 742 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ ElementSharesVertex()

virtual void mfem::NCMesh::ElementSharesVertex ( int  elem,
int  local,
int  vnode 

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 744 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ find_element_edge()

int mfem::NCMesh::find_element_edge ( const Element el,
int  vn0,
int  vn1,
bool  abort = true 

Definition at line 2768 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ find_local_face()

int mfem::NCMesh::find_local_face ( int  geom,
int  a,
int  b,
int  c 

Definition at line 2786 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ find_node()

int mfem::NCMesh::find_node ( const Element el,
int  node 

Definition at line 2748 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindEdgeElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::FindEdgeElements ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4,
Array< MeshId > &  prisms 
) const

Definition at line 740 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindFaceNodes()

void mfem::NCMesh::FindFaceNodes ( int  face,
int  node[4] 

Definition at line 5164 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindMidEdgeNode()

int mfem::NCMesh::FindMidEdgeNode ( int  node1,
int  node2 
) const

Definition at line 291 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindNeighbors()

void mfem::NCMesh::FindNeighbors ( int  elem,
Array< int > &  neighbors,
const Array< int > *  search_set = NULL 

Return all vertex-, edge- and face-neighbors of a single element. You can limit the number of elements being checked using 'search_set'. The complexity of the function is linear in the size of the search set.

Definition at line 3739 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindNodeExt()

int mfem::NCMesh::FindNodeExt ( const Element el,
int  node,
bool  abort = true 

Extended version of find_node: works if 'el' is refined.

Definition at line 2758 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindSetNeighbors()

void mfem::NCMesh::FindSetNeighbors ( const Array< char > &  elem_set,
Array< int > *  neighbors,
Array< char > *  neighbor_set = NULL 

Return all vertex-, edge- and face-neighbors of a set of elements. The neighbors are returned as a list (neighbors != NULL), as a set (neighbor_set != NULL), or both. The sizes of the set arrays must match that of leaf_elements. The function is intended to be used for large sets of elements and its complexity is linear in the number of leaf elements in the mesh.

Definition at line 3628 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FindVertexCousins()

void mfem::NCMesh::FindVertexCousins ( int  elem,
int  local,
Array< int > &  cousins 
) const

Return elements neighboring to a local vertex of element 'elem'. Only elements from within the same refinement tree ('cousins') are returned. Complexity is proportional to the depth of elem's refinement tree.

Definition at line 3957 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ForceRefinement()

void mfem::NCMesh::ForceRefinement ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4 

Definition at line 682 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ FreeElement()

void mfem::NCMesh::FreeElement ( int  id)

Definition at line 637 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetBoundaryClosure()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetBoundaryClosure ( const Array< int > &  bdr_attr_is_ess,
Array< int > &  bdr_vertices,
Array< int > &  bdr_edges 

Get a list of vertices (2D/3D) and edges (3D) that coincide with boundary elements with the specified attributes (marked in 'bdr_attr_is_ess'). In 3D this function also reveals "hidden" boundary edges. In parallel it helps identifying boundary vertices/edges affected by non-local boundary elements.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 5188 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetDerefinementTable()

const Table & mfem::NCMesh::GetDerefinementTable ( )

Return a list of derefinement opportunities. Each row of the table contains Mesh indices of existing elements that can be derefined to form a single new coarse element. Row numbers are then passed to Derefine. This function works both in serial and parallel.

Definition at line 1937 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetDerefinementTransforms()

const CoarseFineTransformations & mfem::NCMesh::GetDerefinementTransforms ( )

After derefinement, calculate the relations of previous fine elements (some of which may no longer exist) to the current leaf elements. Unlike for refinement, Derefine() may only be called once before this function so there is no MarkFineLevel().

Definition at line 4623 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetEdgeList()

const NCList& mfem::NCMesh::GetEdgeList ( )

Return the current list of conforming and nonconforming edges.

Definition at line 260 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetEdgeMaster() [1/2]

int mfem::NCMesh::GetEdgeMaster ( int  v1,
int  v2 
) const

Given an edge (by its vertex indices v1 and v2) return the first (geometric) parent edge that exists in the Mesh or -1 if there is no such parent.

Definition at line 5108 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetEdgeMaster() [2/2]

int mfem::NCMesh::GetEdgeMaster ( int  node) const

Definition at line 5076 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetEdgeNCOrientation()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetEdgeNCOrientation ( const MeshId edge_id) const

Return "NC" orientation of an edge. As opposed to standard Mesh edge orientation based on vertex IDs, "NC" edge orientation follows the local edge orientation within the element 'edge_id.element' and is thus processor independent. TODO: this seems only partially true?

Definition at line 5026 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetEdgeVertices()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetEdgeVertices ( const MeshId edge_id,
int  vert_index[2],
bool  oriented = true 
) const

Return Mesh vertex indices of an edge identified by 'edge_id'.

Definition at line 5007 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetElementDepth()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetElementDepth ( int  i) const

Return the distance of leaf 'i' from the root.

Definition at line 5117 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetElementFacesAttributes()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetElementFacesAttributes ( int  i,
Array< int > &  faces,
Array< int > &  fattr 
) const

Return the faces and face attributes of leaf element 'i'.

Definition at line 5143 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetElementGeometry()

Geometry::Type mfem::NCMesh::GetElementGeometry ( int  index) const

Return element geometry type. index is the Mesh element number.

Definition at line 358 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetElementSizeReduction()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetElementSizeReduction ( int  i) const

Return the size reduction compared to the root element (ignoring local stretching and curvature).

Definition at line 5129 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetFace()

NCMesh::Face * mfem::NCMesh::GetFace ( Element elem,
int  face_no 

Definition at line 435 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetFaceGeometry()

Geometry::Type mfem::NCMesh::GetFaceGeometry ( int  index) const

Return face geometry type. index is the Mesh face number.

Definition at line 362 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetFaceList()

const NCList& mfem::NCMesh::GetFaceList ( )

Return the current list of conforming and nonconforming faces.

Definition at line 253 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetFaceVerticesEdges()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetFaceVerticesEdges ( const MeshId face_id,
int  vert_index[4],
int  edge_index[4],
int  edge_orientation[4] 
) const

Return Mesh vertex and edge indices of a face identified by 'face_id'. The return value is the number of face vertices.

Definition at line 5038 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetGeomIdentity()

const NCMesh::PointMatrix & mfem::NCMesh::GetGeomIdentity ( Geometry::Type  geom)

Definition at line 4025 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetLimitRefinements()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetLimitRefinements ( Array< Refinement > &  refinements,
int  max_level 

Definition at line 5407 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetMeshComponents()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetMeshComponents ( Mesh mesh) const

Fill Mesh::{vertices,elements,boundary} for the current finest level.

Definition at line 2435 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetMidEdgeNode()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetMidEdgeNode ( int  node1,
int  node2 

Definition at line 307 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetMidFaceNode()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetMidFaceNode ( int  en1,
int  en2,
int  en3,
int  en4 

Definition at line 314 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetNCList()

const NCList& mfem::NCMesh::GetNCList ( int  entity)

Return vertex/edge/face list (entity = 0/1/2, respectively).

Definition at line 275 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetNEdges()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetNEdges ( ) const

Return the number of edges in the NCMesh.

Definition at line 151 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetNFaces()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetNFaces ( void  ) const

Return the number of (2D) faces in the NCMesh.

Definition at line 153 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetNGhostElements()

virtual int mfem::NCMesh::GetNGhostElements ( ) const

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 154 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetNumRootElements()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetNumRootElements ( )

Return the number of root elements.

Definition at line 366 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetNVertices()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetNVertices ( ) const

Return the number of vertices in the NCMesh.

Definition at line 149 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetPointMatrix()

void mfem::NCMesh::GetPointMatrix ( Geometry::Type  geom,
const char *  ref_path,
DenseMatrix matrix 

Definition at line 4042 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetRefinementTransforms()

const CoarseFineTransformations & mfem::NCMesh::GetRefinementTransforms ( )

After refinement, calculate the relation of each fine element to its parent coarse element. Note that Refine() or LimitNCLevel() can be called multiple times between MarkCoarseLevel() and this function.

Definition at line 4572 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GetVertexList()

const NCList& mfem::NCMesh::GetVertexList ( )

Return a list of vertices (in 'conforming'); this function is provided for uniformity/completeness. Needed in ParNCMesh/ParFESpace.

Definition at line 268 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GetVertexRootCoord()

int mfem::NCMesh::GetVertexRootCoord ( int  elem,
RefCoord  coord[3] 
) const

Definition at line 3881 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GridSfcOrdering2D()

void mfem::NCMesh::GridSfcOrdering2D ( int  width,
int  height,
Array< int > &  coords 

Return a space filling curve for a rectangular grid of elements. Implemented is a generalized Hilbert curve for arbitrary grid dimensions. If the width is odd, height should be odd too, otherwise one diagonal (vertex-neighbor) step cannot be avoided in the curve. Even dimensions are recommended.

Definition at line 4960 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ GridSfcOrdering3D()

void mfem::NCMesh::GridSfcOrdering3D ( int  width,
int  height,
int  depth,
Array< int > &  coords 

Return a space filling curve for a 3D rectangular grid of elements. The Hilbert-curve-like algorithm works well for even dimensions. For odd width/height/depth it tends to produce some diagonal (edge-neighbor) steps. Even dimensions are recommended.

Definition at line 4975 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ HavePrisms()

bool mfem::NCMesh::HavePrisms ( ) const

Return true if the mesh contains prism elements.

Definition at line 596 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ HavePyramids()

bool mfem::NCMesh::HavePyramids ( ) const

Return true if the mesh contains pyramid elements.

Definition at line 599 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ HaveTets()

bool mfem::NCMesh::HaveTets ( ) const

Return true if the mesh contains tetrahedral elements.

Definition at line 602 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ InitDerefTransforms()

void mfem::NCMesh::InitDerefTransforms ( )

Definition at line 2017 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ InitGeomFlags()

void mfem::NCMesh::InitGeomFlags ( )

Compute the Geometry::Type present in the root elements (coarse elements) and set Geoms bitmask accordingly.

Definition at line 229 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ InitRootElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::InitRootElements ( )

Count root elements and initialize root_state.

Definition at line 5714 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ InitRootState()

void mfem::NCMesh::InitRootState ( int  root_count)

Try to find a space-filling curve friendly orientation of the root elements: set 'root_state' based on the ordering of coarse elements. Note that the coarse mesh itself must be ordered as an SFC by e.g. Mesh::GetGeckoElementOrdering.

Definition at line 2331 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ IsGhost()

bool mfem::NCMesh::IsGhost ( const Element el) const

Return true if the Element el is a ghost element.

Definition at line 605 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ IsLegacyLoaded()

bool mfem::NCMesh::IsLegacyLoaded ( ) const

I/O: Return true if the mesh was loaded from the legacy v1.1 format.

Definition at line 384 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ LegacyToNewVertexOrdering()

void mfem::NCMesh::LegacyToNewVertexOrdering ( Array< int > &  order) const

I/O: Return a map from old (v1.1) vertex indices to new vertex indices.

Definition at line 6185 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LimitNCLevel()

void mfem::NCMesh::LimitNCLevel ( int  max_nc_level)

Check the mesh and potentially refine some elements so that the maximum difference of refinement levels between adjacent elements is not greater than 'max_nc_level'.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 5437 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LoadBoundary()

void mfem::NCMesh::LoadBoundary ( std::istream &  input)

Load the "boundary" section of the mesh file.

Definition at line 5546 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LoadCoarseElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::LoadCoarseElements ( std::istream &  input)

Load the element refinement hierarchy from a legacy mesh file.

Definition at line 5956 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LoadCoordinates()

void mfem::NCMesh::LoadCoordinates ( std::istream &  input)

Load the "coordinates" section of the mesh file.

Definition at line 5604 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LoadLegacyFormat()

void mfem::NCMesh::LoadLegacyFormat ( std::istream &  input,
int &  curved,
int &  is_nc 

Load the deprecated MFEM mesh v1.1 format for backward compatibility.

Definition at line 6027 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ LoadVertexParents()

void mfem::NCMesh::LoadVertexParents ( std::istream &  input)

Load the vertex parent hierarchy from a mesh file.

Definition at line 5484 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ MakeTopologyOnly()

void mfem::NCMesh::MakeTopologyOnly ( )

Delete top-level vertex coordinates if the Mesh became curved, e.g., by calling Mesh::SetCurvature or otherwise setting the Nodes.

Definition at line 413 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MarkCoarseLevel()

void mfem::NCMesh::MarkCoarseLevel ( )

Remember the current layer of leaf elements before the mesh is refined. Needed by GetRefinementTransforms(), must be called before Refine().

Definition at line 4524 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ MemoryUsage()

long mfem::NCMesh::MemoryUsage ( ) const

Return total number of bytes allocated.

Definition at line 6253 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NeighborExpand()

void mfem::NCMesh::NeighborExpand ( const Array< int > &  elems,
Array< int > &  expanded,
const Array< int > *  search_set = NULL 

Expand a set of elements by all vertex-, edge- and face-neighbors. The output array 'expanded' will contain all items from 'elems' (provided they are in 'search_set') plus their neighbors. The neighbor search can be limited to the optional search set. The complexity is linear in the sum of the sizes of 'elems' and 'search_set'.

Definition at line 3822 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewHexahedron()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewHexahedron ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  n3,
int  n4,
int  n5,
int  n6,
int  n7,
int  attr,
int  fattr0,
int  fattr1,
int  fattr2,
int  fattr3,
int  fattr4,
int  fattr5 

Definition at line 473 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewMeshElement()

mfem::Element * mfem::NCMesh::NewMeshElement ( int  geom) const

Definition at line 2395 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewPyramid()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewPyramid ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  n3,
int  n4,
int  attr,
int  fattr0,
int  fattr1,
int  fattr2,
int  fattr3,
int  fattr4 

Definition at line 560 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewQuadrilateral()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewQuadrilateral ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  n3,
int  attr,
int  eattr0,
int  eattr1,
int  eattr2,
int  eattr3 

Definition at line 590 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewSegment()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewSegment ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  attr,
int  vattr1,
int  vattr2 

Definition at line 642 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewTetrahedron()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewTetrahedron ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  n3,
int  attr,
int  fattr0,
int  fattr1,
int  fattr2,
int  fattr3 

Definition at line 535 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewTriangle()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewTriangle ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  attr,
int  eattr0,
int  eattr1,
int  eattr2 

Definition at line 616 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ NewWedge()

int mfem::NCMesh::NewWedge ( int  n0,
int  n1,
int  n2,
int  n3,
int  n4,
int  n5,
int  attr,
int  fattr0,
int  fattr1,
int  fattr2,
int  fattr3,
int  fattr4 

Definition at line 503 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ OnMeshUpdated()

void mfem::NCMesh::OnMeshUpdated ( Mesh mesh)

Get edge and face numbering from 'mesh' (i.e., set all Edge::index and Face::index) after a new mesh was created from us.

Definition at line 2540 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ operator=()

NCMesh& mfem::NCMesh::operator= ( NCMesh )

Copy assignment not supported.

◆ Print()

void mfem::NCMesh::Print ( std::ostream &  out) const

I/O: Print the mesh in "MFEM NC mesh v1.0" format.

Definition at line 5634 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ PrintBoundary()

int mfem::NCMesh::PrintBoundary ( std::ostream *  out) const

Print the "boundary" section of the mesh file. If out == NULL, only return the number of boundary elements.

Definition at line 5507 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ PrintCoordinates()

void mfem::NCMesh::PrintCoordinates ( std::ostream &  out) const

Print the "coordinates" section of the mesh file.

Definition at line 5586 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ PrintMemoryDetail()

int mfem::NCMesh::PrintMemoryDetail ( ) const

Definition at line 6276 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ PrintVertexParents()

int mfem::NCMesh::PrintVertexParents ( std::ostream *  out) const

Print the "vertex_parents" section of the mesh file.

Definition at line 5455 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ QuadFaceSplitLevel()

void mfem::NCMesh::QuadFaceSplitLevel ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
int  vn4,
int &  h_level,
int &  v_level 
) const

Definition at line 5285 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ QuadFaceSplitType()

int mfem::NCMesh::QuadFaceSplitType ( int  v1,
int  v2,
int  v3,
int  v4,
int  mid[5] = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 2684 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ReferenceElement()

void mfem::NCMesh::ReferenceElement ( int  elem)

Definition at line 322 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ Refine()

void mfem::NCMesh::Refine ( const Array< Refinement > &  refinements)

Perform the given batch of refinements. Please note that in the presence of anisotropic splits additional refinements may be necessary to keep the mesh consistent. However, the function always performs at least the requested refinements.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 1620 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ RefineElement()

void mfem::NCMesh::RefineElement ( int  elem,
char  ref_type 

Refine the element elem with the refinement ref_type (c.f. Refinement::enum)

Definition at line 924 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ RegisterFaces()

void mfem::NCMesh::RegisterFaces ( int  elem,
int *  fattr = NULL 

Definition at line 396 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ReorderFacePointMat()

int mfem::NCMesh::ReorderFacePointMat ( int  v0,
int  v1,
int  v2,
int  v3,
int  elem,
const PointMatrix pm,
PointMatrix reordered 
) const

Definition at line 2864 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ReparentNode()

void mfem::NCMesh::ReparentNode ( int  node,
int  new_p1,
int  new_p2 

Definition at line 275 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ RetrieveNode()

int mfem::NCMesh::RetrieveNode ( const Element el,
int  index 

Return el.node[index] correctly, even if the element is refined.

Definition at line 1668 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ SetDerefMatrixCodes()

void mfem::NCMesh::SetDerefMatrixCodes ( int  parent,
Array< int > &  fine_coarse 

Definition at line 2036 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ SpaceDimension()

int mfem::NCMesh::SpaceDimension ( ) const

Return the space dimension of the NCMesh.

Definition at line 146 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ TraverseEdge()

void mfem::NCMesh::TraverseEdge ( int  vn0,
int  vn1,
double  t0,
double  t1,
int  flags,
int  level,
MatrixMap matrix_map 

Definition at line 3202 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TraverseQuadFace()

void mfem::NCMesh::TraverseQuadFace ( int  vn0,
int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3,
const PointMatrix pm,
int  level,
Face eface[4],
MatrixMap matrix_map 

Definition at line 2895 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TraverseRefinements()

void mfem::NCMesh::TraverseRefinements ( int  elem,
int  coarse_index,
std::string &  ref_path,
RefPathMap map 

Definition at line 4538 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TraverseTetEdge()

void mfem::NCMesh::TraverseTetEdge ( int  vn0,
int  vn1,
const Point p0,
const Point p1,
MatrixMap matrix_map 

Definition at line 3014 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TraverseTriFace()

bool mfem::NCMesh::TraverseTriFace ( int  vn0,
int  vn1,
int  vn2,
const PointMatrix pm,
int  level,
MatrixMap matrix_map 

Definition at line 3051 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TriFaceSplit()

bool mfem::NCMesh::TriFaceSplit ( int  v1,
int  v2,
int  v3,
int  mid[3] = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 2731 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ TriFaceSplitLevel()

int mfem::NCMesh::TriFaceSplitLevel ( int  vn1,
int  vn2,
int  vn3 
) const

Definition at line 5268 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ Trim()

void mfem::NCMesh::Trim ( )

Save memory by releasing all non-essential and cached data.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 6210 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ UnreferenceElement()

void mfem::NCMesh::UnreferenceElement ( int  elem,
Array< int > &  elemFaces 

Definition at line 353 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ Update()

void mfem::NCMesh::Update ( )

Apart from the primary data structure, which is the element/node/face hierarchy, there is secondary data that is derived from the primary data and needs to be updated when the primary data changes. Update() takes care of that and needs to be called after each refinement and derefinement.

Reimplemented in mfem::ParNCMesh.

Definition at line 238 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ UpdateElementToVertexTable()

void mfem::NCMesh::UpdateElementToVertexTable ( )

Definition at line 782 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ UpdateLeafElements()

void mfem::NCMesh::UpdateLeafElements ( )

Update the leaf elements indices in leaf_elements.

Definition at line 2123 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ UpdateVertices()

void mfem::NCMesh::UpdateVertices ( )

This method assigns indices to vertices (Node::vert_index) that will be seen by the Mesh class and the rest of MFEM.

We must be careful to:

  1. Stay compatible with the conforming code, which expects top-level (original) vertices to be indexed first, otherwise GridFunctions defined on a conforming mesh would no longer be valid when the mesh is converted to an NC mesh.
  2. Make sure serial NCMesh is compatible with the parallel ParNCMesh, so it is possible to read parallel partial solutions in serial code (e.g., serial GLVis). This means handling ghost elements, if present.
  3. Assign vertices in a globally consistent order for parallel meshes: if two vertices i,j are shared by two ranks r1,r2, and i<j on r1, then i<j on r2 as well. This is true for top-level vertices but also for the remaining shared vertices thanks to the globally consistent SFC ordering of the leaf elements. This property reduces communication and simplifies ParNCMesh. update Vertex::index and vertex_nodeId

Definition at line 2151 of file ncmesh.cpp.

◆ ZeroRootStates()

bool mfem::NCMesh::ZeroRootStates ( ) const

Return true if all root_states are zero.

Definition at line 5625 of file ncmesh.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ MatrixMap

friend struct MatrixMap

Definition at line 1021 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ Mesh

friend class Mesh

Definition at line 402 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ ParNCMesh

friend class ParNCMesh

Definition at line 1020 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ PointMatrixHash

friend struct PointMatrixHash

Definition at line 1022 of file ncmesh.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ boundary_faces

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::boundary_faces

subset of all faces, set by BuildFaceList

Definition at line 548 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ coarse_elements

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::coarse_elements

state of leaf_elements before Refine(), set by MarkCoarseLevel()

Definition at line 930 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ coordinates

Array<double> mfem::NCMesh::coordinates

Coordinates of top-level vertices (organized as triples). If empty, the Mesh is curved (Nodes != NULL) and NCMesh is topology-only.

Definition at line 521 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ derefinements

Table mfem::NCMesh::derefinements

possible derefinements, see GetDerefinementTable

Definition at line 614 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ Dim

int mfem::NCMesh::Dim

Definition at line 418 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ edge_list

NCList mfem::NCMesh::edge_list

lazy-initialized list of edges, see GetEdgeList

Definition at line 545 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ element_vertex

Table mfem::NCMesh::element_vertex

leaf-element to vertex table, see FindSetNeighbors

Definition at line 551 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ elements

BlockArray<Element> mfem::NCMesh::elements

Definition at line 511 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ face_geom

Array<char> mfem::NCMesh::face_geom

face geometry by face index, set by OnMeshUpdated

Definition at line 549 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ face_list

NCList mfem::NCMesh::face_list

lazy-initialized list of faces, see GetFaceList

Definition at line 544 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ faces

HashTable<Face> mfem::NCMesh::faces

Definition at line 509 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ free_element_ids

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::free_element_ids

Definition at line 512 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ Geoms

int mfem::NCMesh::Geoms

bit mask of element geometries present, see InitGeomFlags()

Definition at line 421 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ GI

NCMesh::GeomInfo mfem::NCMesh::GI

Definition at line 1012 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ Iso

bool mfem::NCMesh::Iso

true if the mesh only contains isotropic refinements

Definition at line 420 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ leaf_elements

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::leaf_elements

finest elements, in Mesh ordering (+ ghosts)

Definition at line 540 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ leaf_sfc_index

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::leaf_sfc_index

natural tree ordering of leaf elements

Definition at line 541 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ Legacy

bool mfem::NCMesh::Legacy

true if the mesh was loaded from the legacy v1.1 format

Definition at line 422 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MaxElemChildren

const int mfem::NCMesh::MaxElemChildren
Initial value:

Number of children of an element can have.

Definition at line 430 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MaxElemEdges

const int mfem::NCMesh::MaxElemEdges
Initial value:

Number of edges of an element can have.

Definition at line 426 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MaxElemFaces

const int mfem::NCMesh::MaxElemFaces
Initial value:

Number of faces of an element can have.

Definition at line 428 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MaxElemNodes

const int mfem::NCMesh::MaxElemNodes
Initial value:

Number of nodes of an element can have.

Definition at line 424 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ MyRank

int mfem::NCMesh::MyRank

used in parallel, or when loading a parallel file in serial

Definition at line 419 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NEdges

int mfem::NCMesh::NEdges

Definition at line 534 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NElements

int mfem::NCMesh::NElements

Definition at line 534 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NFaces

int mfem::NCMesh::NFaces

Definition at line 534 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NGhostEdges

int mfem::NCMesh::NGhostEdges

Definition at line 538 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NGhostElements

int mfem::NCMesh::NGhostElements

Definition at line 538 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NGhostFaces

int mfem::NCMesh::NGhostFaces

Definition at line 538 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NGhostVertices

int mfem::NCMesh::NGhostVertices

Definition at line 538 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ nodes

HashTable<Node> mfem::NCMesh::nodes

Definition at line 508 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ NVertices

int mfem::NCMesh::NVertices

Definition at line 534 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_hex_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_hex_identity

Definition at line 914 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_prism_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_prism_identity

Definition at line 912 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_pyramid_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_pyramid_identity

Definition at line 913 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_quad_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_quad_identity

Definition at line 910 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_seg_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_seg_identity

Definition at line 908 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_tet_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_tet_identity

Definition at line 911 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ pm_tri_identity

NCMesh::PointMatrix mfem::NCMesh::pm_tri_identity

Definition at line 909 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ ref_stack

Array<Refinement> mfem::NCMesh::ref_stack

stack of scheduled refinements (temporary)

Definition at line 610 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ reparents

Array<Triple<int, int, int> > mfem::NCMesh::reparents

scheduled node reparents (tmp)

Definition at line 612 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ root_state

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::root_state

Initial traversal state (~ element orientation) for each root element NOTE: M = root_state.Size() is the number of root elements. NOTE: the first M items of 'elements' is the coarse mesh.

Definition at line 517 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ shadow

HashTable<Node> mfem::NCMesh::shadow

temporary storage for reparented nodes

Definition at line 611 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ spaceDim

int mfem::NCMesh::spaceDim

dimensions of the elements and the vertex coordinates

Definition at line 418 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ tmp_vertex

TmpVertex* mfem::NCMesh::tmp_vertex

Definition at line 945 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ transforms

CoarseFineTransformations mfem::NCMesh::transforms

storage for data returned by Get[De]RefinementTransforms()

Definition at line 927 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ vertex_list

NCList mfem::NCMesh::vertex_list

lazy-initialized list of vertices, see GetVertexList

Definition at line 546 of file ncmesh.hpp.

◆ vertex_nodeId

Array<int> mfem::NCMesh::vertex_nodeId

vertex-index to node-id map, see UpdateVertices

Definition at line 542 of file ncmesh.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: