MFEM  v3.4
Finite element discretization library
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1 // Copyright (c) 2010, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at
2 // the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. LLNL-CODE-443211. All Rights
3 // reserved. See file COPYRIGHT for details.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability see
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by the Free
10 // Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
15 // Data types for sparse matrix
17 #include "../general/mem_alloc.hpp"
18 #include "../general/table.hpp"
19 #include "../general/globals.hpp"
20 #include "densemat.hpp"
22 namespace mfem
23 {
25 class
26 #if defined(__alignas_is_defined)
27  alignas(double)
28 #endif
29  RowNode
30 {
31 public:
32  double Value;
33  RowNode *Prev;
34  int Column;
35 };
37 /// Data type sparse matrix
39 {
40 protected:
41  /// @name Arrays used by the CSR storage format.
42  /** */
43  ///@{
44  /// @brief %Array with size (#height+1) containing the row offsets.
45  /** The data for row r, 0 <= r < height, is at offsets j, I[r] <= j < I[r+1].
46  The offsets, j, are indices in the #J and #A arrays. The first entry in
47  this array is always zero, I[0] = 0, and the last entry, I[height], gives
48  the total number of entries stored (at a minimum, all nonzeros must be
49  represented) in the sparse matrix. */
50  int *I;
51  /** @brief %Array with size #I[#height], containing the column indices for
52  all matrix entries, as indexed by the #I array. */
53  int *J;
54  /** @brief %Array with size #I[#height], containing the actual entries of the
55  sparse matrix, as indexed by the #I array. */
56  double *A;
57  ///@}
59  /** @brief %Array of linked lists, one for every row. This array represents
60  the linked list (LIL) storage format. */
61  RowNode **Rows;
63  mutable int current_row;
64  mutable int* ColPtrJ;
65  mutable RowNode ** ColPtrNode;
70 #endif
72  /// Say whether we own the pointers for I and J (should we free them?).
73  bool ownGraph;
74  /// Say whether we own the pointers for A (should we free them?).
75  bool ownData;
77  /// Are the columns sorted already.
78  bool isSorted;
80  void Destroy(); // Delete all owned data
81  void SetEmpty(); // Init all entries with empty values
83 public:
84  /// Create an empty SparseMatrix.
87  /** @brief Create a sparse matrix with flexible sparsity structure using a
88  row-wise linked list (LIL) format. */
89  /** New entries are added as needed by methods like AddSubMatrix(),
90  SetSubMatrix(), etc. Calling Finalize() will convert the SparseMatrix to
91  the more compact compressed sparse row (CSR) format. */
92  explicit SparseMatrix(int nrows, int ncols = -1);
94  /** @brief Create a sparse matrix in CSR format. Ownership of @a i, @a j, and
95  @a data is transferred to the SparseMatrix. */
96  SparseMatrix(int *i, int *j, double *data, int m, int n);
98  /** @brief Create a sparse matrix in CSR format. Ownership of @a i, @a j, and
99  @a data is optionally transferred to the SparseMatrix. */
100  SparseMatrix(int *i, int *j, double *data, int m, int n, bool ownij,
101  bool owna, bool issorted);
103  /** @brief Create a sparse matrix in CSR format where each row has space
104  allocated for exactly @a rowsize entries. */
105  /** SetRow() can then be called or the #I, #J, #A arrays can be used
106  directly. */
107  SparseMatrix(int nrows, int ncols, int rowsize);
109  /// Copy constructor (deep copy).
110  /** If @a mat is finalized and @a copy_graph is false, the #I and #J arrays
111  will use a shallow copy (copy the pointers only) without transferring
112  ownership. */
113  SparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix &mat, bool copy_graph = true);
115  /// Assignment operator: deep copy
116  SparseMatrix& operator=(const SparseMatrix &rhs);
118  /** @brief Clear the contents of the SparseMatrix and make it a reference to
119  @a master */
120  /** After this call, the matrix will point to the same data as @a master but
121  it will not own its data. The @a master must be finalized. */
122  void MakeRef(const SparseMatrix &master);
124  /// For backward compatibility, define Size() to be synonym of Height().
125  int Size() const { return Height(); }
127  /// Clear the contents of the SparseMatrix.
128  void Clear() { Destroy(); SetEmpty(); }
130  /// Check if the SparseMatrix is empty.
131  bool Empty() const { return (A == NULL) && (Rows == NULL); }
133  /// Return the array #I
134  inline int *GetI() const { return I; }
135  /// Return the array #J
136  inline int *GetJ() const { return J; }
137  /// Return element data, i.e. array #A
138  inline double *GetData() const { return A; }
139  /// Returns the number of elements in row @a i
140  int RowSize(const int i) const;
141  /// Returns the maximum number of elements among all rows
142  int MaxRowSize() const;
143  /// Return a pointer to the column indices in a row
144  int *GetRowColumns(const int row);
145  const int *GetRowColumns(const int row) const;
146  /// Return a pointer to the entries in a row
147  double *GetRowEntries(const int row);
148  const double *GetRowEntries(const int row) const;
150  /// Change the width of a SparseMatrix.
151  /*!
152  * If width_ = -1 (DEFAULT), this routine will set the new width
153  * to the actual Width of the matrix awidth = max(J) + 1.
154  * Values 0 <= width_ < awidth are not allowed (error check in Debug Mode only)
155  *
156  * This method can be called for matrices finalized or not.
157  */
158  void SetWidth(int width_ = -1);
160  /// Returns the actual Width of the matrix.
161  /*! This method can be called for matrices finalized or not. */
162  int ActualWidth();
164  /// Sort the column indices corresponding to each row.
165  void SortColumnIndices();
167  /** @brief Move the diagonal entry to the first position in each row,
168  preserving the order of the rest of the columns. */
169  void MoveDiagonalFirst();
171  /// Returns reference to a_{ij}.
172  virtual double &Elem(int i, int j);
174  /// Returns constant reference to a_{ij}.
175  virtual const double &Elem(int i, int j) const;
177  /// Returns reference to A[i][j].
178  double &operator()(int i, int j);
180  /// Returns reference to A[i][j].
181  const double &operator()(int i, int j) const;
183  /// Returns the Diagonal of A
184  void GetDiag(Vector & d) const;
186  /// Matrix vector multiplication.
187  virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const;
189  /// y += A * x (default) or y += a * A * x
190  void AddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a = 1.0) const;
192  /// Multiply a vector with the transposed matrix. y = At * x
193  void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const;
195  /// y += At * x (default) or y += a * At * x
196  void AddMultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y,
197  const double a = 1.0) const;
199  void PartMult(const Array<int> &rows, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const;
200  void PartAddMult(const Array<int> &rows, const Vector &x, Vector &y,
201  const double a=1.0) const;
203  /// y = A * x, but treat all elements as booleans (zero=false, nonzero=true).
204  void BooleanMult(const Array<int> &x, Array<int> &y) const;
205  /// y = At * x, but treat all elements as booleans (zero=false, nonzero=true).
206  void BooleanMultTranspose(const Array<int> &x, Array<int> &y) const;
208  /// Compute y^t A x
209  double InnerProduct(const Vector &x, const Vector &y) const;
211  /// For all i compute \f$ x_i = \sum_j A_{ij} \f$
212  void GetRowSums(Vector &x) const;
213  /// For i = irow compute \f$ x_i = \sum_j | A_{i, j} | \f$
214  double GetRowNorml1(int irow) const;
216  /// This virtual method is not supported: it always returns NULL.
217  virtual MatrixInverse *Inverse() const;
219  /// Eliminates a column from the transpose matrix.
220  void EliminateRow(int row, const double sol, Vector &rhs);
222  /// Eliminates a row from the matrix.
223  /*!
224  * - If @a dpolicy = #DIAG_ZERO, all the entries in the row will be set to 0.
225  * - If @a dpolicy = #DIAG_ONE (matrix must be square), the diagonal entry
226  * will be set equal to 1 and all other entries in the row to 0.
227  * - The policy #DIAG_KEEP is not supported.
228  */
229  void EliminateRow(int row, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ZERO);
231  /// Eliminates the column @a col from the matrix.
232  /** - If @a dpolicy = #DIAG_ZERO, all entries in the column will be set to 0.
233  - If @a dpolicy = #DIAG_ONE (matrix must be square), the diagonal entry
234  will be set equal to 1 and all other entries in the column to 0.
235  - The policy #DIAG_KEEP is not supported. */
236  void EliminateCol(int col, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ZERO);
238  /// Eliminate all columns i for which @a cols[i] != 0.
239  /** Elimination of a column means that all entries in the column are set to
240  zero. In addition, if the pointers @a x and @a b are not NULL, the
241  eliminated matrix entries are multiplied by the corresponding solution
242  value in @a *x and subtracted from the r.h.s. vector, @a *b. */
243  void EliminateCols(const Array<int> &cols, const Vector *x = NULL,
244  Vector *b = NULL);
246  /// Eliminate row @a rc and column @a rc and modify the @a rhs using @a sol.
247  /** Eliminates the column @a rc to the @a rhs, deletes the row @a rc and
248  replaces the element (rc,rc) with 1.0; assumes that element (i,rc)
249  is assembled if and only if the element (rc,i) is assembled.
250  By default, elements (rc,rc) are set to 1.0, although this behavior
251  can be adjusted by changing the @a dpolicy parameter. */
252  void EliminateRowCol(int rc, const double sol, Vector &rhs,
253  DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ONE);
255  /** @brief Similar to
256  EliminateRowCol(int, const double, Vector &, DiagonalPolicy), but
257  multiple values for eliminated unknowns are accepted, and accordingly
258  multiple right-hand-sides are used. */
259  void EliminateRowColMultipleRHS(int rc, const Vector &sol,
260  DenseMatrix &rhs,
261  DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ONE);
263  /// Perform elimination and set the diagonal entry to the given value
264  void EliminateRowColDiag(int rc, double value);
266  /// Eliminate row @a rc and column @a rc.
267  void EliminateRowCol(int rc, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ONE);
269  /** @brief Similar to EliminateRowCol(int, DiagonalPolicy) + save the
270  eliminated entries into @a Ae so that (*this) + Ae is equal to the
271  original matrix */
272  void EliminateRowCol(int rc, SparseMatrix &Ae,
273  DiagonalPolicy dpolicy = DIAG_ONE);
275  /// If a row contains only one diag entry of zero, set it to 1.
276  void SetDiagIdentity();
277  /// If a row contains only zeros, set its diagonal to 1.
278  virtual void EliminateZeroRows(const double threshold = 1e-12);
280  /// Gauss-Seidel forward and backward iterations over a vector x.
281  void Gauss_Seidel_forw(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const;
282  void Gauss_Seidel_back(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const;
284  /// Determine appropriate scaling for Jacobi iteration
285  double GetJacobiScaling() const;
286  /** One scaled Jacobi iteration for the system A x = b.
287  x1 = x0 + sc D^{-1} (b - A x0) where D is the diag of A. */
288  void Jacobi(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1, double sc) const;
290  void DiagScale(const Vector &b, Vector &x, double sc = 1.0) const;
292  /** x1 = x0 + sc D^{-1} (b - A x0) where \f$ D_{ii} = \sum_j |A_{ij}| \f$. */
293  void Jacobi2(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1,
294  double sc = 1.0) const;
296  /** x1 = x0 + sc D^{-1} (b - A x0) where \f$ D_{ii} = \sum_j A_{ij} \f$. */
297  void Jacobi3(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1,
298  double sc = 1.0) const;
300  /** @brief Finalize the matrix initialization, switching the storage format
301  from LIL to CSR. */
302  /** This method should be called once, after the matrix has been initialized.
303  Internally, this method converts the matrix from row-wise linked list
304  (LIL) format into CSR (compressed sparse row) format. */
305  virtual void Finalize(int skip_zeros = 1) { Finalize(skip_zeros, false); }
307  /// A slightly more general version of the Finalize(int) method.
308  void Finalize(int skip_zeros, bool fix_empty_rows);
310  bool Finalized() const { return (A != NULL); }
311  bool areColumnsSorted() const { return isSorted; }
313  /** Split the matrix into M x N blocks of sparse matrices in CSR format.
314  The 'blocks' array is M x N (i.e. M and N are determined by its
315  dimensions) and its entries are overwritten by the new blocks. */
316  void GetBlocks(Array2D<SparseMatrix *> &blocks) const;
318  void GetSubMatrix(const Array<int> &rows, const Array<int> &cols,
319  DenseMatrix &subm) const;
321  inline void SetColPtr(const int row) const;
322  inline void ClearColPtr() const;
323  inline double &SearchRow(const int col);
324  inline void _Add_(const int col, const double a)
325  { SearchRow(col) += a; }
326  inline void _Set_(const int col, const double a)
327  { SearchRow(col) = a; }
328  inline double _Get_(const int col) const;
330  inline double &SearchRow(const int row, const int col);
331  inline void _Add_(const int row, const int col, const double a)
332  { SearchRow(row, col) += a; }
333  inline void _Set_(const int row, const int col, const double a)
334  { SearchRow(row, col) = a; }
336  void Set(const int i, const int j, const double a);
337  void Add(const int i, const int j, const double a);
339  void SetSubMatrix(const Array<int> &rows, const Array<int> &cols,
340  const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros = 1);
342  void SetSubMatrixTranspose(const Array<int> &rows, const Array<int> &cols,
343  const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros = 1);
345  void AddSubMatrix(const Array<int> &rows, const Array<int> &cols,
346  const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros = 1);
348  bool RowIsEmpty(const int row) const;
350  /// Extract all column indices and values from a given row.
351  /** If the matrix is finalized (i.e. in CSR format), @a cols and @a srow will
352  simply be references to the specific portion of the #J and #A arrays.
353  As required by the AbstractSparseMatrix interface this method returns:
354  - 0, if @a cols and @a srow are copies of the values in the matrix, i.e.
355  when the matrix is open.
356  - 1, if @a cols and @a srow are views of the values in the matrix, i.e.
357  when the matrix is finalized. */
358  virtual int GetRow(const int row, Array<int> &cols, Vector &srow) const;
360  void SetRow(const int row, const Array<int> &cols, const Vector &srow);
361  void AddRow(const int row, const Array<int> &cols, const Vector &srow);
363  void ScaleRow(const int row, const double scale);
364  // this = diag(sl) * this;
365  void ScaleRows(const Vector & sl);
366  // this = this * diag(sr);
367  void ScaleColumns(const Vector & sr);
369  /** Add the sparse matrix 'B' to '*this'. This operation will cause an error
370  if '*this' is finalized and 'B' has larger sparsity pattern. */
373  /** Add the sparse matrix 'B' scaled by the scalar 'a' into '*this'.
374  Only entries in the sparsity pattern of '*this' are added. */
375  void Add(const double a, const SparseMatrix &B);
377  SparseMatrix &operator=(double a);
379  SparseMatrix &operator*=(double a);
381  /// Prints matrix to stream out.
382  void Print(std::ostream &out = mfem::out, int width_ = 4) const;
384  /// Prints matrix in matlab format.
385  void PrintMatlab(std::ostream &out = mfem::out) const;
387  /// Prints matrix in Matrix Market sparse format.
388  void PrintMM(std::ostream &out = mfem::out) const;
390  /// Prints matrix to stream out in hypre_CSRMatrix format.
391  void PrintCSR(std::ostream &out) const;
393  /// Prints a sparse matrix to stream out in CSR format.
394  void PrintCSR2(std::ostream &out) const;
396  /// Print various sparse matrix staticstics.
397  void PrintInfo(std::ostream &out) const;
399  /// Walks the sparse matrix
400  int Walk(int &i, int &j, double &a);
402  /// Returns max_{i,j} |(i,j)-(j,i)| for a finalized matrix
403  double IsSymmetric() const;
405  /// (*this) = 1/2 ((*this) + (*this)^t)
406  void Symmetrize();
408  /// Returns the number of the nonzero elements in the matrix
409  virtual int NumNonZeroElems() const;
411  double MaxNorm() const;
413  /// Count the number of entries with |a_ij| <= tol.
414  int CountSmallElems(double tol) const;
416  /// Count the number of entries that are NOT finite, i.e. Inf or Nan.
417  int CheckFinite() const;
419  /// Set the graph ownership flag (I and J arrays).
420  void SetGraphOwner(bool ownij) { ownGraph = ownij; }
421  /// Set the data ownership flag (A array).
422  void SetDataOwner(bool owna) { ownData = owna; }
423  /// Get the graph ownership flag (I and J arrays).
424  bool OwnsGraph() const { return ownGraph; }
425  /// Get the data ownership flag (A array).
426  bool OwnsData() const { return ownData; }
427  /// Lose the ownership of the graph (I, J) and data (A) arrays.
428  void LoseData() { ownGraph = ownData = false; }
430  void Swap(SparseMatrix &other);
432  /// Destroys sparse matrix.
433  virtual ~SparseMatrix() { Destroy(); }
435  Type GetType() const { return MFEM_SPARSEMAT; }
436 };
438 /// Applies f() to each element of the matrix (after it is finalized).
439 void SparseMatrixFunction(SparseMatrix &S, double (*f)(double));
442 /// Transpose of a sparse matrix. A must be finalized.
443 SparseMatrix *Transpose(const SparseMatrix &A);
444 /// Transpose of a sparse matrix. A does not need to be a CSR matrix.
445 SparseMatrix *TransposeAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A,
446  int useActualWidth);
448 /** Matrix product A.B.
449  If OAB is not NULL, we assume it has the structure
450  of A.B and store the result in OAB.
451  If OAB is NULL, we create a new SparseMatrix to store
452  the result and return a pointer to it.
453  All matrices must be finalized. */
454 SparseMatrix *Mult(const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &B,
455  SparseMatrix *OAB = NULL);
457 /// Matrix product of sparse matrices. A and B do not need to be CSR matrices
458 SparseMatrix *MultAbstractSparseMatrix (const AbstractSparseMatrix &A,
459  const AbstractSparseMatrix &B);
461 /// Matrix product A.B
462 DenseMatrix *Mult(const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B);
464 /// RAP matrix product (with R=P^T)
465 DenseMatrix *RAP(const SparseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &P);
467 /** RAP matrix product (with P=R^T). ORAP is like OAB above.
468  All matrices must be finalized. */
469 SparseMatrix *RAP(const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix &R,
470  SparseMatrix *ORAP = NULL);
472 /// General RAP with given R^T, A and P
473 SparseMatrix *RAP(const SparseMatrix &Rt, const SparseMatrix &A,
474  const SparseMatrix &P);
476 /// Matrix multiplication A^t D A. All matrices must be finalized.
477 SparseMatrix *Mult_AtDA(const SparseMatrix &A, const Vector &D,
478  SparseMatrix *OAtDA = NULL);
481 /// Matrix addition result = A + B.
482 SparseMatrix * Add(const SparseMatrix & A, const SparseMatrix & B);
483 /// Matrix addition result = a*A + b*B
484 SparseMatrix * Add(double a, const SparseMatrix & A, double b,
485  const SparseMatrix & B);
486 /// Matrix addition result = sum_i A_i
487 SparseMatrix * Add(Array<SparseMatrix *> & Ai);
490 // Inline methods
492 inline void SparseMatrix::SetColPtr(const int row) const
493 {
494  if (Rows)
495  {
496  if (ColPtrNode == NULL)
497  {
498  ColPtrNode = new RowNode *[width];
499  for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
500  {
501  ColPtrNode[i] = NULL;
502  }
503  }
504  for (RowNode *node_p = Rows[row]; node_p != NULL; node_p = node_p->Prev)
505  {
506  ColPtrNode[node_p->Column] = node_p;
507  }
508  }
509  else
510  {
511  if (ColPtrJ == NULL)
512  {
513  ColPtrJ = new int[width];
514  for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
515  {
516  ColPtrJ[i] = -1;
517  }
518  }
519  for (int j = I[row], end = I[row+1]; j < end; j++)
520  {
521  ColPtrJ[J[j]] = j;
522  }
523  }
524  current_row = row;
525 }
527 inline void SparseMatrix::ClearColPtr() const
528 {
529  if (Rows)
530  for (RowNode *node_p = Rows[current_row]; node_p != NULL;
531  node_p = node_p->Prev)
532  {
533  ColPtrNode[node_p->Column] = NULL;
534  }
535  else
536  for (int j = I[current_row], end = I[current_row+1]; j < end; j++)
537  {
538  ColPtrJ[J[j]] = -1;
539  }
540 }
542 inline double &SparseMatrix::SearchRow(const int col)
543 {
544  if (Rows)
545  {
546  RowNode *node_p = ColPtrNode[col];
547  if (node_p == NULL)
548  {
550  node_p = NodesMem->Alloc();
551 #else
552  node_p = new RowNode;
553 #endif
554  node_p->Prev = Rows[current_row];
555  node_p->Column = col;
556  node_p->Value = 0.0;
557  Rows[current_row] = ColPtrNode[col] = node_p;
558  }
559  return node_p->Value;
560  }
561  else
562  {
563  const int j = ColPtrJ[col];
564  MFEM_VERIFY(j != -1, "Entry for column " << col << " is not allocated.");
565  return A[j];
566  }
567 }
569 inline double SparseMatrix::_Get_(const int col) const
570 {
571  if (Rows)
572  {
573  RowNode *node_p = ColPtrNode[col];
574  return (node_p == NULL) ? 0.0 : node_p->Value;
575  }
576  else
577  {
578  const int j = ColPtrJ[col];
579  return (j == -1) ? 0.0 : A[j];
580  }
581 }
583 inline double &SparseMatrix::SearchRow(const int row, const int col)
584 {
585  if (Rows)
586  {
587  RowNode *node_p;
589  for (node_p = Rows[row]; 1; node_p = node_p->Prev)
590  {
591  if (node_p == NULL)
592  {
594  node_p = NodesMem->Alloc();
595 #else
596  node_p = new RowNode;
597 #endif
598  node_p->Prev = Rows[row];
599  node_p->Column = col;
600  node_p->Value = 0.0;
601  Rows[row] = node_p;
602  break;
603  }
604  else if (node_p->Column == col)
605  {
606  break;
607  }
608  }
609  return node_p->Value;
610  }
611  else
612  {
613  int *Ip = I+row, *Jp = J;
614  for (int k = Ip[0], end = Ip[1]; k < end; k++)
615  {
616  if (Jp[k] == col)
617  {
618  return A[k];
619  }
620  }
621  MFEM_ABORT("Could not find entry for row = " << row << ", col = " << col);
622  }
623  return A[0];
624 }
626 /// Specialization of the template function Swap<> for class SparseMatrix
627 template<> inline void Swap<SparseMatrix>(SparseMatrix &a, SparseMatrix &b)
628 {
629  a.Swap(b);
630 }
632 }
634 #endif
RowNode ** ColPtrNode
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:65
Elem * Alloc()
Definition: mem_alloc.hpp:146
void _Add_(const int row, const int col, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:331
double GetJacobiScaling() const
Determine appropriate scaling for Jacobi iteration.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1834
int CheckFinite() const
Count the number of entries that are NOT finite, i.e. Inf or Nan.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1056
SparseMatrix * TransposeAbstractSparseMatrix(const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, int useActualWidth)
Transpose of a sparse matrix. A does not need to be a CSR matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2787
int RowSize(const int i) const
Returns the number of elements in row i.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:224
virtual int NumNonZeroElems() const
Returns the number of the nonzero elements in the matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:983
void Add(const int i, const int j, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2035
void _Add_(const int col, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:324
void Clear()
Clear the contents of the SparseMatrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:128
void EliminateCol(int col, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy=DIAG_ZERO)
Eliminates the column col from the matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1133
Type GetType() const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:435
void _Set_(const int row, const int col, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:333
HypreParMatrix * RAP(const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *P)
Returns the matrix P^t * A * P.
Definition: hypre.cpp:1558
void DiagScale(const Vector &b, Vector &x, double sc=1.0) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1898
virtual void Finalize(int skip_zeros=1)
Finalize the matrix initialization, switching the storage format from LIL to CSR. ...
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:305
void MakeRef(const SparseMatrix &master)
Clear the contents of the SparseMatrix and make it a reference to master.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:197
double & SearchRow(const int col)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:542
bool Empty() const
Check if the SparseMatrix is empty.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:131
int * GetRowColumns(const int row)
Return a pointer to the column indices in a row.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:271
int * I
Array with size (height+1) containing the row offsets.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:50
Set the diagonal value to zero.
Definition: matrix.hpp:34
void BooleanMult(const Array< int > &x, Array< int > &y) const
y = A * x, but treat all elements as booleans (zero=false, nonzero=true).
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:644
void Mult(const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C)
C = A * B (as boolean matrices)
Definition: table.cpp:478
Abstract data type for sparse matrices.
Definition: matrix.hpp:77
SparseMatrix & operator+=(const SparseMatrix &B)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2377
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition: densemat.hpp:23
void AddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a=1.0) const
y += A * x (default) or y += a * A * x
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:492
double MaxNorm() const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1005
virtual ~SparseMatrix()
Destroys sparse matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:433
void AddMultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a=1.0) const
y += At * x (default) or y += a * At * x
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:569
Abstract data type for matrix inverse.
Definition: matrix.hpp:66
void EliminateRowColMultipleRHS(int rc, const Vector &sol, DenseMatrix &rhs, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy=DIAG_ONE)
Similar to EliminateRowCol(int, const double, Vector &amp;, DiagonalPolicy), but multiple values for elim...
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1300
void PrintInfo(std::ostream &out) const
Print various sparse matrix staticstics.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2597
virtual double & Elem(int i, int j)
Returns reference to a_{ij}.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:390
void LoseData()
Lose the ownership of the graph (I, J) and data (A) arrays.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:428
void AddRow(const int row, const Array< int > &cols, const Vector &srow)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2258
double * GetRowEntries(const int row)
Return a pointer to the entries in a row.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:285
void SortColumnIndices()
Sort the column indices corresponding to each row.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:337
void PrintMM(std::ostream &out=mfem::out) const
Prints matrix in Matrix Market sparse format.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2528
void GetSubMatrix(const Array< int > &rows, const Array< int > &cols, DenseMatrix &subm) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2122
void _Set_(const int col, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:326
void BooleanMultTranspose(const Array< int > &x, Array< int > &y) const
y = At * x, but treat all elements as booleans (zero=false, nonzero=true).
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:667
SparseMatrix * Mult_AtDA(const SparseMatrix &A, const Vector &D, SparseMatrix *OAtDA)
Matrix multiplication A^t D A. All matrices must be finalized.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:3132
void PartAddMult(const Array< int > &rows, const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double a=1.0) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:626
bool RowIsEmpty(const int row) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2150
void GetBlocks(Array2D< SparseMatrix * > &blocks) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:836
void ScaleRow(const int row, const double scale)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2290
RowNodeAlloc * NodesMem
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:69
int ActualWidth()
Returns the actual Width of the matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2696
void Symmetrize()
(*this) = 1/2 ((*this) + (*this)^t)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:968
void MoveDiagonalFirst()
Move the diagonal entry to the first position in each row, preserving the order of the rest of the co...
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:366
void SetGraphOwner(bool ownij)
Set the graph ownership flag (I and J arrays).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:420
ID for class SparseMatrix.
Definition: operator.hpp:127
void Add(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, double alpha, DenseMatrix &C)
C = A + alpha*B.
Definition: densemat.cpp:2942
bool OwnsData() const
Get the data ownership flag (A array).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:426
void ClearColPtr() const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:527
void ScaleColumns(const Vector &sr)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2349
void PrintCSR2(std::ostream &out) const
Prints a sparse matrix to stream out in CSR format.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2572
virtual int GetRow(const int row, Array< int > &cols, Vector &srow) const
Extract all column indices and values from a given row.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2171
bool isSorted
Are the columns sorted already.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:78
Create an empty SparseMatrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:85
Data type sparse matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:38
bool ownData
Say whether we own the pointers for A (should we free them?).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:75
int Height() const
Get the height (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with NumRows().
Definition: operator.hpp:36
bool OwnsGraph() const
Get the graph ownership flag (I and J arrays).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:424
void SetWidth(int width_=-1)
Change the width of a SparseMatrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:299
bool areColumnsSorted() const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:311
double IsSymmetric() const
Returns max_{i,j} |(i,j)-(j,i)| for a finalized matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:926
void SetDiagIdentity()
If a row contains only one diag entry of zero, set it to 1.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1648
void Transpose(const Table &A, Table &At, int _ncols_A)
Transpose a Table.
Definition: table.cpp:418
void ScaleRows(const Vector &sl)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2318
void Swap< SparseMatrix >(SparseMatrix &a, SparseMatrix &b)
Specialization of the template function Swap&lt;&gt; for class SparseMatrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:627
void PrintMatlab(std::ostream &out=mfem::out) const
Prints matrix in matlab format.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2510
double * GetData() const
Return element data, i.e. array A.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:138
void AddSubMatrix(const Array< int > &rows, const Array< int > &cols, const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros=1)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1978
Set the diagonal value to one.
Definition: matrix.hpp:35
int * GetI() const
Return the array I.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:134
Dynamic 2D array using row-major layout.
Definition: array.hpp:289
void Jacobi(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1, double sc) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1867
void SetSubMatrix(const Array< int > &rows, const Array< int > &cols, const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros=1)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2054
bool Finalized() const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:310
Enumeration defining IDs for some classes derived from Operator.
Definition: operator.hpp:124
void SparseMatrixFunction(SparseMatrix &S, double(*f)(double))
Applies f() to each element of the matrix (after it is finalized).
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2722
virtual MatrixInverse * Inverse() const
This virtual method is not supported: it always returns NULL.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1080
void EliminateRowColDiag(int rc, double value)
Perform elimination and set the diagonal entry to the given value.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1497
virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Matrix vector multiplication.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:486
void SetColPtr(const int row) const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:492
void SetSubMatrixTranspose(const Array< int > &rows, const Array< int > &cols, const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros=1)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2087
void Set(const int i, const int j, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2016
void EliminateRowCol(int rc, const double sol, Vector &rhs, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy=DIAG_ONE)
Eliminate row rc and column rc and modify the rhs using sol.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1204
int * J
Array with size I[height], containing the column indices for all matrix entries, as indexed by the I ...
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:53
int Size() const
For backward compatibility, define Size() to be synonym of Height().
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:125
void Gauss_Seidel_back(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1759
void Gauss_Seidel_forw(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Gauss-Seidel forward and backward iterations over a vector x.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1684
RowNode ** Rows
Array of linked lists, one for every row. This array represents the linked list (LIL) storage format...
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:61
void EliminateRow(int row, const double sol, Vector &rhs)
Eliminates a column from the transpose matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1085
double * A
Array with size I[height], containing the actual entries of the sparse matrix, as indexed by the I ar...
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:56
void GetDiag(Vector &d) const
Returns the Diagonal of A.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:458
MemAlloc< RowNode, 1024 > RowNodeAlloc
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:68
double GetRowNorml1(int irow) const
For i = irow compute .
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:735
virtual void EliminateZeroRows(const double threshold=1e-12)
If a row contains only zeros, set its diagonal to 1.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1657
double & operator()(int i, int j)
Returns reference to A[i][j].
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:400
void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Multiply a vector with the transposed matrix. y = At * x.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:563
void EliminateCols(const Array< int > &cols, const Vector *x=NULL, Vector *b=NULL)
Eliminate all columns i for which cols[i] != 0.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1173
SparseMatrix & operator=(const SparseMatrix &rhs)
Assignment operator: deep copy.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:187
bool ownGraph
Say whether we own the pointers for I and J (should we free them?).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:73
SparseMatrix & operator*=(double a)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2448
void SetDataOwner(bool owna)
Set the data ownership flag (A array).
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:422
void SetRow(const int row, const Array< int > &cols, const Vector &srow)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2210
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:48
int Walk(int &i, int &j, double &a)
Walks the sparse matrix.
void Print(std::ostream &out=mfem::out, int width_=4) const
Prints matrix to stream out.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2466
void Jacobi2(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1, double sc=1.0) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1930
int MaxRowSize() const
Returns the maximum number of elements among all rows.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:247
void Jacobi3(const Vector &b, const Vector &x0, Vector &x1, double sc=1.0) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1954
SparseMatrix * MultAbstractSparseMatrix(const AbstractSparseMatrix &A, const AbstractSparseMatrix &B)
Matrix product of sparse matrices. A and B do not need to be CSR matrices.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2990
double _Get_(const int col) const
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:569
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition: globals.hpp:64
void Swap(SparseMatrix &other)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:3260
int * GetJ() const
Return the array J.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:136
void PrintCSR(std::ostream &out) const
Prints matrix to stream out in hypre_CSRMatrix format.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2548
double InnerProduct(const Vector &x, const Vector &y) const
Compute y^t A x.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:690
int width
Dimension of the input / number of columns in the matrix.
Definition: operator.hpp:25
int CountSmallElems(double tol) const
Count the number of entries with |a_ij| &lt;= tol.
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1028
void PartMult(const Array< int > &rows, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:608
void GetRowSums(Vector &x) const
For all i compute .
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:716