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MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
A 3D tri-linear element on a cube with nodes at the vertices of the cube. More...
#include <fe_fixed_order.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
TriLinear3DFiniteElement () | |
Construct the TriLinear3DFiniteElement. | |
virtual void | CalcShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &shape) const |
virtual void | CalcDShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &dshape) const |
virtual void | ProjectDelta (int vertex, Vector &dofs) const |
Project a delta function centered on the given vertex in the local finite dimensional space represented by the dofs. | |
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NodalFiniteElement (int D, Geometry::Type G, int Do, int O, int F=FunctionSpace::Pk) | |
Construct NodalFiniteElement with given. | |
const DofToQuad & | GetDofToQuad (const IntegrationRule &ir, DofToQuad::Mode mode) const override |
Return a DofToQuad structure corresponding to the given IntegrationRule using the given DofToQuad::Mode. | |
void | GetLocalInterpolation (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const override |
Return the local interpolation matrix I (Dof x Dof) where the fine element is the image of the base geometry under the given transformation. | |
void | GetLocalRestriction (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &R) const override |
Return a local restriction matrix R (Dof x Dof) mapping fine dofs to coarse dofs. | |
void | GetTransferMatrix (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const override |
Return interpolation matrix, I, which maps dofs from a coarse element, fe, to the fine dofs on this finite element. | |
void | Project (Coefficient &coeff, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const override |
Given a coefficient and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. | |
void | Project (VectorCoefficient &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const override |
Given a vector coefficient and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. (VectorFiniteElements) | |
void | ProjectMatrixCoefficient (MatrixCoefficient &mc, ElementTransformation &T, Vector &dofs) const override |
Given a matrix coefficient and a transformation, compute an approximation ("projection") in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. For VectorFiniteElements, the rows of the coefficient are projected in the vector space. | |
void | Project (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const override |
Compute the embedding/projection matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the projection depends on it. | |
void | ProjectGrad (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &grad) const override |
Compute the discrete gradient matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. | |
void | ProjectDiv (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &div) const override |
Compute the discrete divergence matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. | |
const Array< int > & | GetLexicographicOrdering () const |
Get an Array<int> that maps lexicographically ordered indices to the indices of the respective nodes/dofs/basis functions. | |
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ScalarFiniteElement (int D, Geometry::Type G, int Do, int O, int F=FunctionSpace::Pk) | |
Construct ScalarFiniteElement with given. | |
virtual void | SetMapType (int M) |
Set the FiniteElement::MapType of the element to either VALUE or INTEGRAL. Also sets the FiniteElement::DerivType to GRAD if the FiniteElement::MapType is VALUE. | |
void | NodalLocalInterpolation (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I, const ScalarFiniteElement &fine_fe) const |
Get the matrix I that defines nodal interpolation between this element and the refined element fine_fe. | |
void | ScalarLocalInterpolation (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I, const ScalarFiniteElement &fine_fe) const |
Get matrix I "Interpolation" defined through local L2-projection in the space defined by the fine_fe. | |
void | ScalarLocalL2Restriction (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &R, const ScalarFiniteElement &coarse_fe) const |
Get restriction matrix R defined through local L2-projection in the space defined by the coarse_fe. | |
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FiniteElement (int D, Geometry::Type G, int Do, int O, int F=FunctionSpace::Pk) | |
Construct FiniteElement with given. | |
int | GetDim () const |
Returns the reference space dimension for the finite element. | |
int | GetRangeDim () const |
Returns the vector dimension for vector-valued finite elements, which is also the dimension of the interpolation operation. | |
int | GetCurlDim () const |
Returns the dimension of the curl for vector-valued finite elements. | |
Geometry::Type | GetGeomType () const |
Returns the Geometry::Type of the reference element. | |
int | GetDof () const |
Returns the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element. | |
int | GetOrder () const |
Returns the order of the finite element. In the case of anisotropic orders, returns the maximum order. | |
bool | HasAnisotropicOrders () const |
Returns true if the FiniteElement basis may be using different orders/degrees in different spatial directions. | |
const int * | GetAnisotropicOrders () const |
Returns an array containing the anisotropic orders/degrees. | |
int | Space () const |
Returns the type of FunctionSpace on the element. | |
int | GetRangeType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::RangeType of the element, one of {SCALAR, VECTOR}. | |
int | GetDerivRangeType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::RangeType of the element derivative, either SCALAR or VECTOR. | |
int | GetMapType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::MapType of the element describing how reference functions are mapped to physical space, one of {VALUE, INTEGRAL H_DIV, H_CURL}. | |
int | GetDerivType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::DerivType of the element describing the spatial derivative method implemented, one of {NONE, GRAD, DIV, CURL}. | |
int | GetDerivMapType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::DerivType of the element describing how reference function derivatives are mapped to physical space, one of {VALUE, INTEGRAL, H_DIV, H_CURL}. | |
void | CalcPhysShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. | |
void | CalcPhysDShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &dshape) const |
Evaluate the gradients of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. | |
const IntegrationRule & | GetNodes () const |
Get a const reference to the nodes of the element. | |
virtual void | CalcVShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
virtual void | CalcVShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. | |
void | CalcPhysVShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Equivalent to the CalcVShape() method with the same arguments. | |
virtual void | CalcDivShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &divshape) const |
Evaluate the divergence of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
void | CalcPhysDivShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &divshape) const |
Evaluate the divergence of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. | |
virtual void | CalcCurlShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &curl_shape) const |
Evaluate the curl of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
virtual void | CalcPhysCurlShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl_shape) const |
Evaluate the curl of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. | |
virtual void | GetFaceDofs (int face, int **dofs, int *ndofs) const |
Get the dofs associated with the given face. *dofs is set to an internal array of the local dofc on the face, while *ndofs is set to the number of dofs on that face. | |
virtual void | CalcHessian (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &Hessian) const |
Evaluate the Hessians of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
virtual void | CalcPhysHessian (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &Hessian) const |
Evaluate the Hessian of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
virtual void | CalcPhysLaplacian (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &Laplacian) const |
Evaluate the Laplacian of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. | |
virtual void | CalcPhysLinLaplacian (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &Laplacian) const |
virtual void | ProjectFromNodes (Vector &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Given a vector of values at the finite element nodes and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. Valid for VectorFiniteElements. | |
virtual void | ProjectCurl (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl) const |
Compute the discrete curl matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. | |
virtual void | GetFaceMap (const int face_id, Array< int > &face_map) const |
Return the mapping from lexicographic face DOFs to lexicographic element DOFs for the given local face face_id. | |
virtual const StatelessDofTransformation * | GetDofTransformation () const |
Return a DoF transformation object for this particular type of basis. | |
virtual | ~FiniteElement () |
Deconstruct the FiniteElement. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | RangeType { UNKNOWN_RANGE_TYPE = -1 , SCALAR , VECTOR } |
Enumeration for range_type and deriv_range_type. More... | |
enum | MapType { UNKNOWN_MAP_TYPE = -1 , VALUE , INTEGRAL , H_DIV , H_CURL } |
Enumeration for MapType: defines how reference functions are mapped to physical space. More... | |
enum | DerivType { NONE , GRAD , DIV , CURL } |
Enumeration for DerivType: defines which derivative method is implemented. More... | |
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static bool | IsClosedType (int b_type) |
Return true if the BasisType of b_type is closed (has Quadrature1D points on the boundary). | |
static bool | IsOpenType (int b_type) |
Return true if the BasisType of b_type is open (doesn't have Quadrature1D points on the boundary). | |
static int | VerifyClosed (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type is closed (has Quadrature1D points on the boundary). | |
static int | VerifyOpen (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type is open (doesn't have Quadrature1D points on the boundary). | |
static int | VerifyNodal (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type nodal (satisfies the interpolation property). | |
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void | ProjectCurl_2D (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl) const |
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static const ScalarFiniteElement & | CheckScalarFE (const FiniteElement &fe) |
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Array< int > | lex_ordering |
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int | dim |
Dimension of reference space. | |
int | vdim |
Vector dimension of vector-valued basis functions. | |
int | cdim |
Dimension of curl for vector-valued basis functions. | |
Geometry::Type | geom_type |
Geometry::Type of the reference element. | |
int | func_space |
int | range_type |
int | map_type |
int | deriv_type |
int | deriv_range_type |
int | deriv_map_type |
int | dof |
Number of degrees of freedom. | |
int | order |
Order/degree of the shape functions. | |
int | orders [Geometry::MaxDim] |
Anisotropic orders. | |
IntegrationRule | Nodes |
DenseMatrix | vshape |
Array< DofToQuad * > | dof2quad_array |
Container for all DofToQuad objects created by the FiniteElement. | |
A 3D tri-linear element on a cube with nodes at the vertices of the cube.
Definition at line 431 of file fe_fixed_order.hpp.
mfem::TriLinear3DFiniteElement::TriLinear3DFiniteElement | ( | ) |
Construct the TriLinear3DFiniteElement.
Definition at line 1544 of file fe_fixed_order.cpp.
virtual |
virtual function which evaluates the values of all partial derivatives of all shape functions at a given point ip and stores them in the matrix dshape (Dof x Dim) (8 x 3) so that each row contains the derivatives of one shape function
Implements mfem::FiniteElement.
Definition at line 1596 of file fe_fixed_order.cpp.
virtual |
virtual function which evaluates the values of all shape functions at a given point ip and stores them in the vector shape of dimension Dof (8)
Implements mfem::FiniteElement.
Definition at line 1580 of file fe_fixed_order.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Project a delta function centered on the given vertex in the local finite dimensional space represented by the dofs.
Reimplemented from mfem::FiniteElement.
Definition at line 449 of file fe_fixed_order.hpp.