MFEM  v4.6.0
Finite element discretization library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // for details.
12 #include "blockstaticcond.hpp"
14 namespace mfem
15 {
18  fes_)
19 {
20  SetSpaces(fes_);
22  Array<int> rvdofs;
23  Array<int> vdofs;
24  Array<int> rdof_edof0;
25  for (int k = 0; k<nblocks; k++)
26  {
27  if (!tr_fes[k]) { continue; }
28  rdof_edof0.SetSize(tr_fes[k]->GetVSize());
29  for (int i = 0; i < mesh->GetNE(); i++)
30  {
31  fes[k]->GetElementVDofs(i, vdofs);
32  tr_fes[k]->GetElementVDofs(i, rvdofs);
33  const int vdim = fes[k]->GetVDim();
34  const int nsd = vdofs.Size()/vdim;
35  const int nsrd = rvdofs.Size()/vdim;
36  for (int vd = 0; vd < vdim; vd++)
37  {
38  for (int j = 0; j < nsrd; j++)
39  {
40  int rvdof = rvdofs[j+nsrd*vd];
41  int vdof = vdofs[j+nsd*vd];
42  if (rvdof < 0)
43  {
44  rvdof = -1-rvdof;
45  vdof = -1-vdof;
46  }
47  MFEM_ASSERT(vdof >= 0, "incompatible volume and trace FE spaces");
48  rdof_edof0[rvdof] = vdof + dof_offsets[k];
49  }
50  }
51  }
52  rdof_edof.Append(rdof_edof0);
53  }
54 }
56 void BlockStaticCondensation::SetSpaces(Array<FiniteElementSpace*> & fes_)
57 {
58 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
59  ParMesh *pmesh = nullptr;
60  parallel = false;
61  if (dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace *>(fes_[0]))
62  {
63  parallel = true;
64  }
65 #else
66  parallel = false;
67 #endif
68  fes=fes_;
69  nblocks = fes.Size();
70  rblocks = 0;
71  tr_fes.SetSize(nblocks);
72  mesh = fes[0]->GetMesh();
74  IsTraceSpace.SetSize(nblocks);
75  const FiniteElementCollection * fec;
76  for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
77  {
78  fec = fes[i]->FEColl();
79  IsTraceSpace[i] =
80  (dynamic_cast<const H1_Trace_FECollection*>(fec) ||
81  dynamic_cast<const ND_Trace_FECollection*>(fec) ||
82  dynamic_cast<const RT_Trace_FECollection*>(fec));
83 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
84  if (parallel)
85  {
86  pmesh = dynamic_cast<ParMesh *>(mesh);
87  tr_fes[i] = (fec->GetContType() == FiniteElementCollection::DISCONTINUOUS) ?
88  nullptr : (IsTraceSpace[i]) ? fes[i] :
89  new ParFiniteElementSpace(pmesh, fec->GetTraceCollection(), fes[i]->GetVDim(),
90  fes[i]->GetOrdering());
91  }
92  else
93  {
94  tr_fes[i] = (fec->GetContType() == FiniteElementCollection::DISCONTINUOUS) ?
95  nullptr : (IsTraceSpace[i]) ? fes[i] :
96  new FiniteElementSpace(mesh, fec->GetTraceCollection(), fes[i]->GetVDim(),
97  fes[i]->GetOrdering());
98  }
99 #else
100  // skip if it's an L2 space (no trace space to construct)
101  tr_fes[i] = (fec->GetContType() == FiniteElementCollection::DISCONTINUOUS) ?
102  nullptr : (IsTraceSpace[i]) ? fes[i] :
103  new FiniteElementSpace(mesh, fec->GetTraceCollection(), fes[i]->GetVDim(),
104  fes[i]->GetOrdering());
105 #endif
106  if (tr_fes[i]) { rblocks++; }
107  }
108  if (parallel)
109  {
110  ess_tdofs.SetSize(rblocks);
111  for (int i = 0; i<rblocks; i++)
112  {
113  ess_tdofs[i] = new Array<int>();
114  }
115  }
116  Init();
117 }
119 void BlockStaticCondensation::ComputeOffsets()
120 {
121  dof_offsets.SetSize(nblocks+1);
122  tdof_offsets.SetSize(nblocks+1);
123  dof_offsets[0] = 0;
124  tdof_offsets[0] = 0;
126  rdof_offsets.SetSize(rblocks+1);
127  rtdof_offsets.SetSize(rblocks+1);
128  rdof_offsets[0] = 0;
129  rtdof_offsets[0] = 0;
131  int j=0;
132  for (int i =0; i<nblocks; i++)
133  {
134  dof_offsets[i+1] = fes[i]->GetVSize();
135  tdof_offsets[i+1] = fes[i]->GetTrueVSize();
136  if (tr_fes[i])
137  {
138  rdof_offsets[j+1] = tr_fes[i]->GetVSize();
139  rtdof_offsets[j+1] = tr_fes[i]->GetTrueVSize();
140  j++;
141  }
142  }
143  rdof_offsets.PartialSum();
144  rtdof_offsets.PartialSum();
145  dof_offsets.PartialSum();
146  tdof_offsets.PartialSum();
147 }
150 void BlockStaticCondensation::Init()
151 {
152  lmat.SetSize(mesh->GetNE());
153  lvec.SetSize(mesh->GetNE());
154  for (int i = 0; i < mesh->GetNE(); i++)
155  {
156  lmat[i] = nullptr;
157  lvec[i] = nullptr;
158  }
160  ComputeOffsets();
162  S = new BlockMatrix(rdof_offsets);
163  S->owns_blocks = 1;
165  for (int i = 0; i<S->NumRowBlocks(); i++)
166  {
167  int h = rdof_offsets[i+1] - rdof_offsets[i];
168  for (int j = 0; j<S->NumColBlocks(); j++)
169  {
170  int w = rdof_offsets[j+1] - rdof_offsets[j];
171  S->SetBlock(i,j,new SparseMatrix(h, w));
172  }
173  }
174  y = new BlockVector(rdof_offsets);
175  *y = 0.;
176 }
178 void BlockStaticCondensation::GetReducedElementIndicesAndOffsets(int el,
179  Array<int> & trace_ldofs,
180  Array<int> & interior_ldofs,
181  Array<int> & offsets) const
182 {
183  int dim = mesh->Dimension();
184  offsets.SetSize(tr_fes.Size()+1); offsets = 0;
185  Array<int> dofs;
186  Array<int> faces, ori;
187  if (dim == 1)
188  {
189  mesh->GetElementVertices(el, faces);
190  }
191  else if (dim == 2)
192  {
193  mesh->GetElementEdges(el, faces, ori);
194  }
195  else if (dim == 3)
196  {
197  mesh->GetElementFaces(el,faces,ori);
198  }
199  else
200  {
201  MFEM_ABORT("BlockStaticCondensation::GetReducedElementIndicesAndOffsets: "
202  "dim > 3 not supported");
203  }
204  int numfaces = faces.Size();
206  trace_ldofs.SetSize(0);
207  interior_ldofs.SetSize(0);
208  // construct Array of bubble dofs to be extracted
209  int skip=0;
210  Array<int> tr_dofs;
211  Array<int> int_dofs;
212  for (int i = 0; i<tr_fes.Size(); i++)
213  {
214  int td = 0;
215  int ndof;
216  // if it's an L2 space (bubbles)
217  if (!tr_fes[i])
218  {
219  ndof = fes[i]->GetVDim()*fes[i]->GetFE(el)->GetDof();
220  td = 0;
221  }
222  else if (IsTraceSpace[i])
223  {
224  for (int iface = 0; iface < numfaces; iface++)
225  {
226  td += fes[i]->GetVDim()*fes[i]->GetFaceElement(faces[iface])->GetDof();
227  }
228  ndof = td;
229  }
230  else
231  {
232  Array<int> trace_dofs;
233  ndof = fes[i]->GetVDim()*fes[i]->GetFE(el)->GetDof();
234  tr_fes[i]->GetElementVDofs(el, trace_dofs);
235  td = trace_dofs.Size(); // number of trace dofs
236  }
237  offsets[i+1] = td;
238  tr_dofs.SetSize(td);
239  int_dofs.SetSize(ndof - td);
240  for (int j = 0; j<td; j++)
241  {
242  tr_dofs[j] = skip + j;
243  }
244  for (int j = 0; j<ndof-td; j++)
245  {
246  int_dofs[j] = skip + td + j;
247  }
248  skip+=ndof;
250  trace_ldofs.Append(tr_dofs);
251  interior_ldofs.Append(int_dofs);
252  }
253  offsets.PartialSum();
254 }
257 void BlockStaticCondensation::GetReducedElementVDofs(int el,
258  Array<int> & rdofs) const
259 {
260  Array<int> faces, ori;
261  int dim = mesh->Dimension();
262  if (dim == 1)
263  {
264  mesh->GetElementVertices(el, faces);
265  }
266  else if (dim == 2)
267  {
268  mesh->GetElementEdges(el, faces, ori);
269  }
270  else if (dim == 3)
271  {
272  mesh->GetElementFaces(el,faces,ori);
273  }
274  else
275  {
276  MFEM_ABORT("BlockStaticCondensation::GetReducedElementVDofs: "
277  "dim > 3 not supported");
278  }
279  int numfaces = faces.Size();
280  rdofs.SetSize(0);
281  int skip = 0;
282  for (int i = 0; i<tr_fes.Size(); i++)
283  {
284  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
285  Array<int> vdofs;
286  if (IsTraceSpace[i])
287  {
288  Array<int> face_vdofs;
289  for (int k = 0; k < numfaces; k++)
290  {
291  int iface = faces[k];
292  tr_fes[i]->GetFaceVDofs(iface, face_vdofs);
293  vdofs.Append(face_vdofs);
294  }
295  }
296  else
297  {
298  tr_fes[i]->GetElementVDofs(el, vdofs);
299  }
300  for (int j=0; j<vdofs.Size(); j++)
301  {
302  vdofs[j] = (vdofs[j]>=0) ? vdofs[j]+rdof_offsets[skip] :
303  vdofs[j]-rdof_offsets[skip];
304  }
305  skip++;
306  rdofs.Append(vdofs);
307  }
308 }
310 void BlockStaticCondensation::GetElementVDofs(int el, Array<int> & vdofs) const
311 {
312  Array<int> faces, ori;
313  int dim = mesh->Dimension();
314  if (dim == 1)
315  {
316  mesh->GetElementVertices(el, faces);
317  }
318  else if (dim == 2)
319  {
320  mesh->GetElementEdges(el, faces, ori);
321  }
322  else if (dim == 3)
323  {
324  mesh->GetElementFaces(el,faces,ori);
325  }
326  else
327  {
328  MFEM_ABORT("BlockStaticCondensation::GetElementVDofs: "
329  "dim > 3 not supported");
330  }
331  int numfaces = faces.Size();
332  vdofs.SetSize(0);
333  for (int i = 0; i<tr_fes.Size(); i++)
334  {
335  Array<int> dofs;
336  if (IsTraceSpace[i])
337  {
338  Array<int> face_vdofs;
339  for (int k = 0; k < numfaces; k++)
340  {
341  int iface = faces[k];
342  fes[i]->GetFaceVDofs(iface, face_vdofs);
343  dofs.Append(face_vdofs);
344  }
345  }
346  else
347  {
348  fes[i]->GetElementVDofs(el, dofs);
349  }
350  for (int j=0; j<dofs.Size(); j++)
351  {
352  dofs[j] = (dofs[j]>=0) ? dofs[j]+dof_offsets[i] :
353  dofs[j]-dof_offsets[i];
354  }
355  vdofs.Append(dofs);
356  }
357 }
360 void BlockStaticCondensation::GetLocalSchurComplement(int el,
361  const Array<int> & tr_idx,
362  const Array<int> & int_idx,
363  const DenseMatrix & elmat,
364  const Vector & elvect,
365  DenseMatrix & rmat,
366  Vector & rvect)
367 {
368  int rdofs = tr_idx.Size();
369  int idofs = int_idx.Size();
370  MFEM_VERIFY(idofs != 0, "Number of interior dofs is zero");
371  MFEM_VERIFY(rdofs != 0, "Number of interface dofs is zero");
373  rmat.SetSize(rdofs);
374  rvect.SetSize(rdofs);
376  DenseMatrix A_tt, A_ti, A_it, A_ii;
377  Vector y_t, y_i;
379  elmat.GetSubMatrix(tr_idx,A_tt);
380  elmat.GetSubMatrix(tr_idx,int_idx, A_ti);
381  elmat.GetSubMatrix(int_idx, tr_idx, A_it);
382  elmat.GetSubMatrix(int_idx, A_ii);
384  elvect.GetSubVector(tr_idx, y_t);
385  elvect.GetSubVector(int_idx, y_i);
387  DenseMatrixInverse lu(A_ii);
388  lu.Factor();
389  lmat[el] = new DenseMatrix(idofs,rdofs);
390  lvec[el] = new Vector(idofs);
392  lu.Mult(A_it,*lmat[el]);
393  lu.Mult(y_i,*lvec[el]);
395  // LHS
396  mfem::Mult(A_ti,*lmat[el],rmat);
398  rmat.Neg();
399  rmat.Add(1., A_tt);
401  // RHS
402  A_ti.Mult(*lvec[el], rvect);
403  rvect.Neg();
404  rvect.Add(1., y_t);
405 }
409  DenseMatrix &elmat,
410  Vector & elvect)
411 {
412  // Get Schur Complement
413  Array<int> tr_idx, int_idx;
414  Array<int> offsets;
415  // Get local element idx and offsets for global assembly
416  GetReducedElementIndicesAndOffsets(el, tr_idx,int_idx, offsets);
418  DenseMatrix rmat, *rmatptr;
419  Vector rvec, *rvecptr;
420  // Extract the reduced matrices based on tr_idx and int_idx
421  if (int_idx.Size()!=0)
422  {
423  GetLocalSchurComplement(el,tr_idx,int_idx, elmat, elvect, rmat, rvec);
424  rmatptr = &rmat;
425  rvecptr = &rvec;
426  }
427  else
428  {
429  rmatptr = &elmat;
430  rvecptr = &elvect;
431  }
433  // Assemble global mat and rhs
434  DofTransformation * doftrans_i, *doftrans_j;
436  Array<int> faces, ori;
437  int dim = mesh->Dimension();
438  if (dim == 1)
439  {
440  mesh->GetElementVertices(el, faces);
441  }
442  else if (dim == 2)
443  {
444  mesh->GetElementEdges(el, faces, ori);
445  }
446  else if (dim == 3)
447  {
448  mesh->GetElementFaces(el,faces,ori);
449  }
450  else
451  {
452  MFEM_ABORT("BlockStaticCondensation::AssembleReducedSystem: "
453  "dim > 3 not supported");
454  }
455  int numfaces = faces.Size();
457  int skip_i=0;
458  for (int i = 0; i<tr_fes.Size(); i++)
459  {
460  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
461  Array<int> vdofs_i;
462  doftrans_i = nullptr;
463  if (IsTraceSpace[i])
464  {
465  Array<int> face_vdofs;
466  for (int k = 0; k < numfaces; k++)
467  {
468  int iface = faces[k];
469  tr_fes[i]->GetFaceVDofs(iface, face_vdofs);
470  vdofs_i.Append(face_vdofs);
471  }
472  }
473  else
474  {
475  doftrans_i = tr_fes[i]->GetElementVDofs(el, vdofs_i);
476  }
477  int skip_j=0;
478  for (int j = 0; j<tr_fes.Size(); j++)
479  {
480  if (!tr_fes[j]) { continue; }
481  Array<int> vdofs_j;
482  doftrans_j = nullptr;
484  if (IsTraceSpace[j])
485  {
486  Array<int> face_vdofs;
487  for (int k = 0; k < numfaces; k++)
488  {
489  int iface = faces[k];
490  tr_fes[j]->GetFaceVDofs(iface, face_vdofs);
491  vdofs_j.Append(face_vdofs);
492  }
493  }
494  else
495  {
496  doftrans_j = tr_fes[j]->GetElementVDofs(el, vdofs_j);
497  }
499  DenseMatrix Ae;
500  rmatptr->GetSubMatrix(offsets[i],offsets[i+1],
501  offsets[j],offsets[j+1], Ae);
502  if (doftrans_i || doftrans_j)
503  {
504  TransformDual(doftrans_i, doftrans_j, Ae);
505  }
506  S->GetBlock(skip_i,skip_j).AddSubMatrix(vdofs_i,vdofs_j, Ae);
507  skip_j++;
508  }
510  // assemble rhs
511  double * data = rvecptr->GetData();
512  Vector vec1;
513  // ref subvector
514  vec1.SetDataAndSize(&data[offsets[i]],
515  offsets[i+1]-offsets[i]);
516  if (doftrans_i)
517  {
518  doftrans_i->TransformDual(vec1);
519  }
520  y->GetBlock(skip_i).AddElementVector(vdofs_i,vec1);
521  skip_i++;
522  }
523 }
525 void BlockStaticCondensation::BuildProlongation()
526 {
527  P = new BlockMatrix(rdof_offsets, rtdof_offsets);
528  R = new BlockMatrix(rtdof_offsets, rdof_offsets);
529  P->owns_blocks = 0;
530  R->owns_blocks = 0;
531  int skip = 0;
532  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
533  {
534  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
535  const SparseMatrix *P_ = tr_fes[i]->GetConformingProlongation();
536  if (P_)
537  {
538  const SparseMatrix *R_ = tr_fes[i]->GetRestrictionMatrix();
539  P->SetBlock(skip,skip,const_cast<SparseMatrix*>(P_));
540  R->SetBlock(skip,skip,const_cast<SparseMatrix*>(R_));
541  }
542  skip++;
543  }
544 }
546 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
547 void BlockStaticCondensation::BuildParallelProlongation()
548 {
549  MFEM_VERIFY(parallel, "BuildParallelProlongation: wrong code path");
550  pP = new BlockOperator(rdof_offsets, rtdof_offsets);
551  R = new BlockMatrix(rtdof_offsets, rdof_offsets);
552  pP->owns_blocks = 0;
553  R->owns_blocks = 0;
554  int skip = 0;
555  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
556  {
557  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
558  const HypreParMatrix *P_ =
559  dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace *>(tr_fes[i])->Dof_TrueDof_Matrix();
560  if (P_)
561  {
562  const SparseMatrix *R_ = tr_fes[i]->GetRestrictionMatrix();
563  pP->SetBlock(skip,skip,const_cast<HypreParMatrix*>(P_));
564  R->SetBlock(skip,skip,const_cast<SparseMatrix*>(R_));
565  }
566  skip++;
567  }
568 }
571 {
572  if (!pP) { BuildParallelProlongation(); }
574  pS = new BlockOperator(rtdof_offsets);
575  pS_e = new BlockOperator(rtdof_offsets);
576  pS->owns_blocks = 1;
577  pS_e->owns_blocks = 1;
578  HypreParMatrix * A = nullptr;
579  HypreParMatrix * PtAP = nullptr;
580  int skip_i=0;
581  ParFiniteElementSpace * pfes_i = nullptr;
582  ParFiniteElementSpace * pfes_j = nullptr;
583  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
584  {
585  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
586  pfes_i = dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace*>(tr_fes[i]);
587  HypreParMatrix * Pi = (HypreParMatrix*)(&pP->GetBlock(skip_i,skip_i));
588  int skip_j=0;
589  for (int j = 0; j<nblocks; j++)
590  {
591  if (!tr_fes[j]) { continue; }
592  if (m->IsZeroBlock(skip_i,skip_j)) { continue; }
593  if (skip_i == skip_j)
594  {
595  // Make block diagonal square hypre matrix
596  A = new HypreParMatrix(pfes_i->GetComm(), pfes_i->GlobalVSize(),
597  pfes_i->GetDofOffsets(),&m->GetBlock(skip_i,skip_i));
598  PtAP = RAP(A,Pi);
599  delete A;
600  pS_e->SetBlock(skip_i,skip_i,PtAP->EliminateRowsCols(*ess_tdofs[skip_i]));
601  }
602  else
603  {
604  pfes_j = dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace*>(tr_fes[j]);
605  HypreParMatrix * Pj = (HypreParMatrix*)(&pP->GetBlock(skip_j,skip_j));
606  A = new HypreParMatrix(pfes_i->GetComm(), pfes_i->GlobalVSize(),
607  pfes_j->GlobalVSize(), pfes_i->GetDofOffsets(),
608  pfes_j->GetDofOffsets(), &m->GetBlock(skip_i,skip_j));
609  PtAP = RAP(Pi,A,Pj);
610  delete A;
611  pS_e->SetBlock(skip_i,skip_j,PtAP->EliminateCols(*ess_tdofs[skip_j]));
612  PtAP->EliminateRows(*ess_tdofs[skip_i]);
613  }
614  pS->SetBlock(skip_i,skip_j,PtAP);
615  skip_j++;
616  }
617  skip_i++;
618  }
619 }
621 #endif
624 void BlockStaticCondensation::ConformingAssemble(int skip_zeros)
625 {
626  Finalize(0);
627  if (!P) { BuildProlongation(); }
629  BlockMatrix * Pt = Transpose(*P);
630  BlockMatrix * PtA = mfem::Mult(*Pt, *S);
631  delete S;
632  if (S_e)
633  {
634  BlockMatrix *PtAe = mfem::Mult(*Pt, *S_e);
635  delete S_e;
636  S_e = PtAe;
637  }
638  delete Pt;
639  S = mfem::Mult(*PtA, *P);
640  delete PtA;
642  if (S_e)
643  {
644  BlockMatrix *PtAeP = mfem::Mult(*S_e, *P);
645  S_e = PtAeP;
646  }
647  height = S->Height();
648  width = S->Width();
649 }
652 {
653  if (S) { S->Finalize(skip_zeros); }
654  if (S_e) { S_e->Finalize(skip_zeros); }
655 }
658  diag_policy)
659 {
660  if (!parallel)
661  {
662  if (!S_e)
663  {
664  bool conforming = true;
665  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
666  {
667  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
668  const SparseMatrix *P_ = tr_fes[i]->GetConformingProlongation();
669  if (P_)
670  {
671  conforming = false;
672  break;
673  }
674  }
675  if (!conforming) { ConformingAssemble(0); }
676  const int remove_zeros = 0;
677  EliminateReducedTrueDofs(ess_rtdof_list, diag_policy);
678  Finalize(remove_zeros);
679  }
680  }
681  else
682  {
683 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
684  FillEssTdofLists(ess_rtdof_list);
685  if (S)
686  {
687  const int remove_zeros = 0;
688  Finalize(remove_zeros);
689  ParallelAssemble(S);
690  delete S; S=nullptr;
691  delete S_e; S_e = nullptr;
692  }
693 #endif
694  }
695 }
698 void BlockStaticCondensation::ConvertMarkerToReducedTrueDofs(
699  Array<int> & tdof_marker,
700  Array<int> & rtdof_marker)
701 {
702  // convert tdof_marker to dof_marker
703  rtdof_marker.SetSize(0);
704  Array<int> tdof_marker0;
705  Array<int> dof_marker0;
706  Array<int> dof_marker;
707  int * data = tdof_marker.GetData();
708  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
709  {
710  tdof_marker0.MakeRef(&data[tdof_offsets[i]],tdof_offsets[i+1]-tdof_offsets[i]);
711  const SparseMatrix * R_ = fes[i]->GetRestrictionMatrix();
712  if (!R_)
713  {
714  dof_marker0.MakeRef(tdof_marker0);
715  }
716  else
717  {
718  dof_marker0.SetSize(fes[i]->GetVSize());
719  R_->BooleanMultTranspose(tdof_marker0, dof_marker0);
720  }
721  dof_marker.Append(dof_marker0);
722  }
724  int rdofs = rdof_edof.Size();
725  Array<int> rdof_marker(rdofs);
727  for (int i = 0; i < rdofs; i++)
728  {
729  rdof_marker[i] = dof_marker[rdof_edof[i]];
730  }
732  // convert rdof_marker to rtdof_marker
733  Array<int> rtdof_marker0;
734  Array<int> rdof_marker0;
735  int * rdata = rdof_marker.GetData();
736  int k=0;
737  for (int i = 0; i<nblocks; i++)
738  {
739  if (!tr_fes[i]) { continue; }
740  rdof_marker0.MakeRef(&rdata[rdof_offsets[k]],rdof_offsets[k+1]-rdof_offsets[k]);
741  const SparseMatrix *tr_R = tr_fes[i]->GetRestrictionMatrix();
742  if (!tr_R)
743  {
744  rtdof_marker0.MakeRef(rdof_marker0);
745  }
746  else
747  {
748  rtdof_marker0.SetSize(tr_fes[i]->GetTrueVSize());
749  tr_R->BooleanMult(rdof_marker0, rtdof_marker0);
750  }
751  rtdof_marker.Append(rtdof_marker0);
752  k++;
753  }
754 }
756 void BlockStaticCondensation::FillEssTdofLists(const Array<int> & ess_tdof_list)
757 {
758  int j;
759  for (int i = 0; i<ess_tdof_list.Size(); i++)
760  {
761  int tdof = ess_tdof_list[i];
762  for (j = 0; j < rblocks; j++)
763  {
764  if (rtdof_offsets[j+1] > tdof) { break; }
765  }
766  ess_tdofs[j]->Append(tdof-rtdof_offsets[j]);
767  }
768 }
771  &ess_tdof_list)
772 {
773  Array<int> tdof_marker;
774  Array<int> rtdof_marker;
775  FiniteElementSpace::ListToMarker(ess_tdof_list,tdof_offsets.Last(),tdof_marker);
776  ConvertMarkerToReducedTrueDofs(tdof_marker, rtdof_marker);
777  FiniteElementSpace::MarkerToList(rtdof_marker,ess_rtdof_list);
778 }
781  &ess_rtdof_list_,
782  Matrix::DiagonalPolicy dpolicy)
783 {
784  MFEM_VERIFY(!parallel, "EliminateReducedTrueDofs::Wrong Code path");
786  if (S_e == NULL)
787  {
788  Array<int> offsets;
790  offsets.MakeRef( (P) ? rtdof_offsets : rdof_offsets);
792  S_e = new BlockMatrix(offsets);
793  S_e->owns_blocks = 1;
794  for (int i = 0; i<S_e->NumRowBlocks(); i++)
795  {
796  int h = offsets[i+1] - offsets[i];
797  for (int j = 0; j<S_e->NumColBlocks(); j++)
798  {
799  int w = offsets[j+1] - offsets[j];
800  S_e->SetBlock(i,j,new SparseMatrix(h, w));
801  }
802  }
803  }
804  S->EliminateRowCols(ess_rtdof_list_,S_e,dpolicy);
805 }
808  Vector &sc_sol) const
809 {
810  MFEM_ASSERT(sol.Size() == dof_offsets.Last(), "'sol' has incorrect size");
811  const int nrdofs = rdof_offsets.Last();
812  Vector sol_r;
813  if (!R)
814  {
815  sc_sol.SetSize(nrdofs);
816  sol_r.SetDataAndSize(sc_sol.GetData(), sc_sol.Size());
817  }
818  else
819  {
820  sol_r.SetSize(nrdofs);
821  }
822  for (int i = 0; i < nrdofs; i++)
823  {
824  sol_r(i) = sol(rdof_edof[i]);
825  }
826  if (R)
827  {
828  // wrap vector into a block vector
829  BlockVector blsol_r(sol_r,rdof_offsets);
830  sc_sol.SetSize(R->Height());
831  R->Mult(blsol_r, sc_sol);
832  }
833 }
836  Vector &B,
837  int copy_interior) const
838 {
839  ReduceSolution(x, X);
840  if (!parallel)
841  {
842  if (!P)
843  {
844  S_e->AddMult(X,*y,-1.);
845  S->PartMult(ess_rtdof_list,X,*y);
846  B.MakeRef(*y, 0, y->Size());
847  }
848  else
849  {
850  B.SetSize(P->Width());
851  P->MultTranspose(*y, B);
852  S_e->AddMult(X,B,-1.);
853  S->PartMult(ess_rtdof_list,X,B);
854  }
855  }
856  else
857  {
858 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
859  B.SetSize(pP->Width());
860  pP->MultTranspose(*y,B);
862  Vector tmp(B.Size());
863  pS_e->Mult(X,tmp);
864  B-=tmp;
865  for (int j = 0; j<rblocks; j++)
866  {
867  if (!ess_tdofs[j]->Size()) { continue; }
868  HypreParMatrix *Ah = (HypreParMatrix *)(&pS->GetBlock(j,j));
869  Vector diag;
870  Ah->GetDiag(diag);
871  for (int i = 0; i < ess_tdofs[j]->Size(); i++)
872  {
873  int tdof = (*ess_tdofs[j])[i];
874  int gdof = tdof + rtdof_offsets[j];
875  B(gdof) = diag(tdof)*X(gdof);
876  }
877  }
878 #endif
879  }
880  if (!copy_interior) { X.SetSubVectorComplement(ess_rtdof_list, 0.0); }
881 }
885  Vector &sol) const
886 {
888  const int nrdofs = rdof_offsets.Last();
889  const int nrtdofs = rtdof_offsets.Last();
890  MFEM_VERIFY(sc_sol.Size() == nrtdofs, "'sc_sol' has incorrect size");
892  Vector sol_r;
893  if (!parallel)
894  {
895  if (!P)
896  {
897  sol_r.SetDataAndSize(sc_sol.GetData(), sc_sol.Size());
898  }
899  else
900  {
901  sol_r.SetSize(nrdofs);
902  P->Mult(sc_sol, sol_r);
903  }
904  }
905  else
906  {
907 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
908  sol_r.SetSize(nrdofs);
909  pP->Mult(sc_sol, sol_r);
910 #endif
911  }
913  if (rdof_offsets.Last() == dof_offsets.Last())
914  {
915  sol = sol_r;
916  return;
917  }
918  else
919  {
920  sol.SetSize(dof_offsets.Last());
921  }
923  Vector lsr; // element (local) sc solution vector
924  Vector lsi; // element (local) interior solution vector
925  const int NE = mesh->GetNE();
927  Array<int> trace_vdofs;
928  Array<int> vdofs;
929  Array<int> tr_offsets;
930  Vector lsol;
931  for (int iel = 0; iel < NE; iel++)
932  {
933  lsol.SetSize(lmat[iel]->Width() + lmat[iel]->Height());
934  GetReducedElementVDofs(iel, trace_vdofs);
936  lsr.SetSize(trace_vdofs.Size());
937  sol_r.GetSubVector(trace_vdofs, lsr);
939  // complete the interior dofs
940  lsi.SetSize(lmat[iel]->Height());
941  lmat[iel]->Mult(lsr,lsi);
942  lsi.Neg();
943  lsi+=*lvec[iel];
945  Array<int> tr_idx,int_idx,idx_offs;
946  GetReducedElementIndicesAndOffsets(iel,tr_idx, int_idx, idx_offs);
947  lsol.SetSubVector(tr_idx,lsr);
949  lsol.SetSubVector(int_idx,lsi);
951  GetElementVDofs(iel, vdofs);
952  sol.SetSubVector(vdofs,lsol);
954  }
956 }
959 {
960  delete S_e; S_e = nullptr;
961  delete S; S=nullptr;
962  delete y; y=nullptr;
964  if (P) { delete P; } P=nullptr;
965  if (R) { delete R; } R=nullptr;
967 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
968  if (parallel)
969  {
970  delete pS; pS=nullptr;
971  delete pS_e; pS_e=nullptr;
972  for (int i = 0; i<rblocks; i++)
973  {
974  delete ess_tdofs[i];
975  }
976  delete pP; pP=nullptr;
977  }
978 #endif
980  for (int i=0; i<lmat.Size(); i++)
981  {
982  delete lmat[i]; lmat[i] = nullptr;
983  delete lvec[i]; lvec[i] = nullptr;
984  }
985 }
987 } // namespace mfem
void EliminateRowsCols(const Array< int > &rows_cols, const HypreParVector &X, HypreParVector &B)
Definition: hypre.cpp:2276
void SetSubVector(const Array< int > &dofs, const double value)
Set the entries listed in dofs to the given value.
Definition: vector.cpp:605
void GetElementEdges(int i, Array< int > &edges, Array< int > &cor) const
Return the indices and the orientations of all edges of element i.
Definition: mesh.cpp:6298
A class to handle Vectors in a block fashion.
Definition: blockvector.hpp:30
void PartMult(const Array< int > &rows, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Partial matrix vector multiplication of (*this) with x involving only the rows given by rows...
Field is discontinuous across element interfaces.
Definition: fe_coll.hpp:48
int Dimension() const
Dimension of the reference space used within the elements.
Definition: mesh.hpp:1020
int owns_blocks
If owns_blocks the SparseMatrix objects Aij will be deallocated.
void SetSize(int s)
Resize the vector to size s.
Definition: vector.hpp:517
void Mult(const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C)
C = A * B (as boolean matrices)
Definition: table.cpp:475
int Width() const
Get the width (size of input) of the Operator. Synonym with NumCols().
Definition: operator.hpp:72
T * GetData()
Returns the data.
Definition: array.hpp:115
void TransformDual(double *v) const
Definition: doftrans.hpp:189
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:197
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition: densemat.hpp:23
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition: pfespace.hpp:28
void FormSystemMatrix(Operator::DiagonalPolicy diag_policy)
Operator & GetBlock(int i, int j)
Return a reference to block i,j.
static void MarkerToList(const Array< int > &marker, Array< int > &list)
Convert a Boolean marker array to a list containing all marked indices.
Definition: fespace.cpp:621
void SetBlock(int i, int j, SparseMatrix *mat)
Set A(i,j) = mat.
Definition: blockmatrix.cpp:61
int NumRowBlocks() const
Return the number of row blocks.
Definition: blockmatrix.hpp:46
virtual void Finalize(int skip_zeros=1)
Finalize all the submatrices.
Definition: blockmatrix.hpp:91
void ReduceSystem(Vector &x, Vector &X, Vector &B, int copy_interior=0) const
Set the reduced solution X and r.h.s B vectors from the full linear system solution x and r...
void GetElementFaces(int i, Array< int > &faces, Array< int > &ori) const
Return the indices and the orientations of all faces of element i.
Definition: mesh.cpp:6514
void ParallelAssemble(BlockMatrix *m)
Data type sparse matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:50
int Append(const T &el)
Append element &#39;el&#39; to array, resize if necessary.
Definition: array.hpp:759
virtual void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
MatrixTranspose-Vector Multiplication y = A&#39;*x.
void GetElementVertices(int i, Array< int > &v) const
Returns the indices of the vertices of element i.
Definition: mesh.hpp:1293
int NumColBlocks() const
Return the number of column blocks.
Definition: blockmatrix.hpp:48
void GetDiag(Vector &diag) const
Get the local diagonal of the matrix.
Definition: hypre.cpp:1481
void RAP(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &P, DenseMatrix &RAP)
Definition: densemat.cpp:3232
void AddElementVector(const Array< int > &dofs, const Vector &elemvect)
Add elements of the elemvect Vector to the entries listed in dofs. Negative dof values cause the -dof...
Definition: vector.cpp:671
void AddSubMatrix(const Array< int > &rows, const Array< int > &cols, const DenseMatrix &subm, int skip_zeros=1)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2722
void Finalize(int skip_zeros=0)
Finalize the construction of the Schur complement matrix.
void SetSubVectorComplement(const Array< int > &dofs, const double val)
Set all vector entries NOT in the dofs Array to the given val.
Definition: vector.cpp:740
virtual void MultTranspose(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Action of the transpose operator.
double * GetData() const
Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data.
Definition: vector.hpp:206
HypreParMatrix * EliminateCols(const Array< int > &cols)
Definition: hypre.cpp:2301
virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Operator application.
HYPRE_BigInt GlobalVSize() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:279
void ReduceSolution(const Vector &sol, Vector &sc_sol) const
void SetSize(int nsize)
Change the logical size of the array, keep existing entries.
Definition: array.hpp:687
void PartialSum()
Fill the entries of the array with the cumulative sum of the entries.
Definition: array.cpp:103
void Transpose(const Table &A, Table &At, int ncols_A_)
Transpose a Table.
Definition: table.cpp:413
virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Matrix-Vector Multiplication y = A*x.
int Height() const
Get the height (size of output) of the Operator. Synonym with NumRows().
Definition: operator.hpp:66
void SetDataAndSize(double *d, int s)
Set the Vector data and size.
Definition: vector.hpp:154
void SetEssentialTrueDofs(const Array< int > &ess_tdof_list)
Determine and save internally essential reduced true dofs.
HYPRE_BigInt * GetDofOffsets() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:277
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements.
Definition: mesh.hpp:1086
void EliminateRows(const Array< int > &rows)
Eliminate rows from the diagonal and off-diagonal blocks of the matrix.
Definition: hypre.cpp:2315
void AssembleReducedSystem(int el, DenseMatrix &elmat, Vector &elvect)
void GetSubMatrix(const Array< int > &idx, DenseMatrix &A) const
Definition: densemat.cpp:1782
Defines operator diagonal policy upon elimination of rows and/or columns.
Definition: operator.hpp:47
int dim
Definition: ex24.cpp:53
SparseMatrix & GetBlock(int i, int j)
Return a reference to block (i,j). Reference may be invalid if Aij(i,j) == NULL.
Definition: blockmatrix.cpp:82
virtual void AddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const double val=1.) const
Matrix-Vector Multiplication y = y + val*A*x.
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.hpp:141
T & Last()
Return the last element in the array.
Definition: array.hpp:792
MPI_Comm GetComm() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:269
static void ListToMarker(const Array< int > &list, int marker_size, Array< int > &marker, int mark_val=-1)
Convert an array of indices (list) to a Boolean marker array where all indices in the list are marked...
Definition: fespace.cpp:640
void MakeRef(T *, int)
Make this Array a reference to a pointer.
Definition: array.hpp:872
void ComputeSolution(const Vector &sc_sol, Vector &sol) const
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:58
void MakeRef(Vector &base, int offset, int size)
Reset the Vector to be a reference to a sub-vector of base.
Definition: vector.hpp:581
void TransformDual(const DofTransformation *ran_dof_trans, const DofTransformation *dom_dof_trans, DenseMatrix &elmat)
Definition: doftrans.cpp:40
void EliminateReducedTrueDofs(const Array< int > &ess_rtdof_list, Matrix::DiagonalPolicy dpolicy)
Eliminate the given reduced true dofs from the Schur complement matrix S.
BlockStaticCondensation(Array< FiniteElementSpace *> &fes_)
Wrapper for hypre&#39;s ParCSR matrix class.
Definition: hypre.hpp:343
A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation.
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition: pmesh.hpp:32
void EliminateRowCols(const Array< int > &vdofs, BlockMatrix *Ae, DiagonalPolicy dpolicy=DIAG_ONE)
Eliminate the rows and columns corresponding to the entries in vdofs + save the eliminated entries in...
void SetBlock(int iRow, int iCol, Operator *op, double c=1.0)
Add a block op in the block-entry (iblock, jblock).
int IsZeroBlock(int i, int j) const
Check if block (i,j) is a zero block.
Definition: blockmatrix.hpp:55
Vector & GetBlock(int i)
Get the i-th vector in the block.
Definition: blockvector.hpp:93
void Neg()
(*this) = -(*this)
Definition: vector.cpp:301
void BooleanMultTranspose(const Array< int > &x, Array< int > &y) const
y = At * x, treating all entries as booleans (zero=false, nonzero=true).
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:1056