MFEM  v4.5.1
Finite element discretization library
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
oCmfem::AbstractErrorEstimatorBase class for all error estimators
oCmfem::navier::AccelTerm_TContainer for an acceleration term
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Action< Ops, dummy >This struct implements the input (Eval, EvalSerialized) and output (Assemble, AssembleSerialized) operations for the given Ops. Ops is "bitwise or" of constants from the enum InOutData
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Action< 0, dummy >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Action< 1, dummy >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Action< 2, dummy >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Action< 3, dummy >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< IOData, impl_traits_t >Auxiliary templated struct AData, used by the Eval() and Assemble() methods
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< 0, it_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< 1, it_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< 2, it_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< 3, it_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::AData< IData|OData, it_t >
oCmfem::Array< T >
oCmfem::Array2D< T >Dynamic 2D array using row-major layout
oCmfem::Array2D< double >
oCmfem::Array2D< int >
oCmfem::Array2D< mfem::Operator * >
oCmfem::Array2D< mfem::OperatorHandle * >
oCmfem::Array2D< mfem::SparseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Array3D< T >
oCmfem::Array< Basis * >
oCmfem::Array< bool >
oCmfem::Array< CeedOperator >
oCmfem::Array< char >
oCmfem::Array< const mfem::KnotVector * >
oCmfem::Array< const mfem::Operator * >
oCmfem::Array< const mfem::SparseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Array< Dist_Level_Set_Coefficient * >
oCmfem::Array< double * >
oCmfem::Array< double >
oCmfem::Array< FiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Array< Geometry::Type >
oCmfem::Array< GroupId >
oCmfem::Array< HYPRE_BigInt >
oCmfem::Array< HYPRE_ParVector >
oCmfem::Array< int >
oCmfem::Array< IntegrationPoint >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Array< int > * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::BilinearForm * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::BlockNonlinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::BlockOperator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ceed::AlgebraicInterpolation * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Coefficient * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Connection >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::DeltaLFIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::DenseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::DofToQuad * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::DofTransformation * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Element * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Eliminator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Embedding >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::FaceGeometricFactors * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::FaceQuadratureInterpolator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::FiniteElementCollection * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::FiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::GeometricFactors * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Geometry::Type >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::GridFunction * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::IntegerSet * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::IntegrationPoint >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::IntegrationRule * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::InterpConfig >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::KnotVector * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::LinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Mesh * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Mesh::FaceInfo >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Mesh::NCFaceInfo >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::MeshOperator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCInterpConfig >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::Element * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::Face * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::Master >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::MeshId >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::Node * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NCMesh::Slave >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NonlinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::NURBSPatch * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Operator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::OperatorHandle * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ParametricBNLFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ParFiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ParGridFunction * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ParMesh::Vert3 >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::ParMesh::Vert4 >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::QuadratureInterpolator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::RefinedGeometry * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Refinement >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Solver * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::SparseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::TMOP_Integrator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::TMOP_QualityMetric * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::TransposeOperator * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Triple< int, int, int > >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Vector * >
oCmfem::Array< mfem::Vertex >
oCmfem::Array< Option >
oCmfem::Array< ParFiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Array< socketstream * >
oCmfem::Array< T * >
oCmfem::Array< unsigned char >
oCmfem::Array< unsigned int >
oCmfem::AutoSIMD< scalar_t, S, align_bytes_ >
oCmfem::AutoSIMD< double, 2, 16 >
oCmfem::AutoSIMD< double, 4, 32 >
oCmfem::AutoSIMD< double, 8, 64 >
oCmfem::AutoSIMDTraits< complex_t, real_t >
oCmfem::IntRuleCoefficient< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >::Aux< is_const, dummy >
oCmfem::IntRuleCoefficient< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >::Aux< false, dummy >
oCmfem::IntRuleCoefficient< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >::Aux< true, dummy >
oCmfem::BackendMFEM backends
oCmfem::BaseQFunctionBase class for representing function at integration points
oCmfem::Poly_1D::BasisClass for evaluating 1D nodal, positive (Bernstein), or integrated (Gerritsma) bases
oCmfem::BasisTypePossible basis types. Note that not all elements can use all BasisType(s)
oCmfem::BatchedLORAssemblyEfficient batched assembly of LOR discretizations on device
oCmfem::BatchedLORKernelAbstract base class for the batched LOR assembly kernels
oCmfem::BlockArray< T >
oCmfem::BlockArray< mfem::NCMesh::Element >
oCmfem::BlockArray< mfem::NCMesh::Face >
oCmfem::BlockArray< mfem::NCMesh::Node >
oCmfem::CoarseFineTransformationsDefines the coarse-fine transformations of all fine elements
oCmfem::CoefficientBase class Coefficients that optionally depend on space and time. These are used by the BilinearFormIntegrator, LinearFormIntegrator, and NonlinearFormIntegrator classes to represent the physical coefficients in the PDEs that are being discretized. This class can also be used in a more general way to represent functions that don't necessarily belong to a FE space, e.g., to project onto GridFunctions to use as initial conditions, exact solutions, etc. See, e.g., ex4 or ex22 for these uses
oCmfem::TMassKernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >::CoefficientEval< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t >::CoefficientEval< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t >::CoefficientEval< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t >::CoefficientEval< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::ConnectionHelper struct for defining a connectivity table, see Table::MakeFromList
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geom >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::CUBE >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::POINT >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PRISM >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PYRAMID >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SEGMENT >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SQUARE >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON >
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TRIANGLE >
oCmfem::ConvergenceStudyClass to compute error and convergence rates. It supports H1, H(curl) (ND elements), H(div) (RT elements) and L2 (DG)
oCmfem::CutAll subclasses of Cut will implement intersection routines and quadrature point generation within the cut in the intersection of two elements. Although, this class is designed to support MortarAssembler and ParMortarAssembler, it can be used for any problem requiring to perform Petrov-Galerkin formulations on non-matching elements
oCmfem::CuWrap< Dim >
oCmfem::CuWrap< 1 >
oCmfem::CuWrap< 2 >
oCmfem::CuWrap< 3 >
oCmfem::DenseTensorRank 3 tensor (array of matrices)
oCmfem::DeviceThe MFEM Device class abstracts hardware devices such as GPUs, as well as programming models such as CUDA, OCCA, RAJA and OpenMP
oCmfem::DeviceTensor< Dim, Scalar >A basic generic Tensor class, appropriate for use on the GPU
oCmfem::blocksolvers::DFSDataData for the divergence free solver
oCmfem::DGIndexer< FE >
oCmfem::TFunctionCoefficient< Func, complex_t >::Dim< dim, dummy >
oCmfem::TFunctionCoefficient< Func, complex_t >::Dim< 1, dummy >
oCmfem::TFunctionCoefficient< Func, complex_t >::Dim< 2, dummy >
oCmfem::TFunctionCoefficient< Func, complex_t >::Dim< 3, dummy >
oCmfem::DofToQuadStructure representing the matrices/tensors needed to evaluate (in reference space) the values, gradients, divergences, or curls of a FiniteElement at a the quadrature points of a given IntegrationRule
oCmfem::ElementAbstract data type element
oCmfem::ElementDofIndexer< FE >
oCmfem::EliminatorPerform elimination of a single constraint
oCmfem::EmbeddingDefines the position of a fine element within a coarse element
oCstd::exceptionSTL class
oCmfem::TMassKernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >::f_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in full element matrix assembly
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t >::f_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in full element matrix assembly
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t >::f_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in full element matrix assembly. Stores one general (non-symmetric) 2 x 2 matrix per point
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t >::f_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in full element matrix assembly. Stores one general (non-symmetric) 3 x 3 matrix per point
oCmfem::FaceGeometricFactorsStructure for storing face geometric factors: coordinates, Jacobians, determinants of the Jacobians, and normal vectors
oCmfem::Mesh::FaceInfoThis structure stores the low level information necessary to interpret the configuration of elements on a specific face. This information can be accessed using methods like GetFaceElements(), GetFaceInfos(), FaceIsInterior(), etc
oCmfem::Mesh::FaceInformationThis structure is used as a human readable output format that decipheres the information contained in Mesh::FaceInfo when using the Mesh::GetFaceInformation() method
oCmfem::FaceQuadratureInterpolatorA class that performs interpolation from a face E-vector to quadrature point values and/or derivatives (Q-vectors) on the faces
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator_base< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >Field evaluators – values of a given global FE grid function This is roughly speaking a templated version of GridFunction
oCmfem::FindPointsGSLIBFindPointsGSLIB can robustly evaluate a GridFunction on an arbitrary collection of points. There are three key functions in FindPointsGSLIB:
oCmfem::FiniteElementAbstract class for all finite elements
oCmfem::FiniteElementCollectionCollection of finite elements from the same family in multiple dimensions. This class is used to match the degrees of freedom of a FiniteElementSpace between elements, and to provide the finite element restriction from an element to its boundary
oCmfem::FiniteElementSpaceClass FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of degrees of freedom
oCmfem::FunctionSpaceDescribes the function space on each element
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< G, Q, Order, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 1, 0, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 1, 1, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 11, 4, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 14, 5, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 24, 6, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 31, 7, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 4, 2, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, 5, 3, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 1, 0, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 1, 1, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 12, 6, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 12, 7, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 3, 2, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 4, 3, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 6, 4, real_t >
oCmfem::GenericIntegrationRule< Geometry::TRIANGLE, 7, 5, real_t >
oCmfem::GeometricFactorsStructure for storing mesh geometric factors: coordinates, Jacobians, and determinants of the Jacobians
oCmfem::NCMesh::GeomInfoThis holds in one place the constants about the geometries we support
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Get< coeff_t, kernel_t >
oCmfem::Ginkgo::gko_mfem_destroy< T >
oCmfem::GridTransferBase class for transfer algorithms that construct transfer Operators between two finite element (FE) spaces
oCmfem::GroupCommunicatorCommunicator performing operations within groups defined by a GroupTopology with arbitrary-size data associated with each group
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< G, P >
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::CUBE, P >
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SEGMENT, P >
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::SQUARE, P >
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P >
oCmfem::H1_FiniteElement< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P >
oCmfem::HashFunctionHash function for data sequences
oCmfem::HipWrap< Dim >
oCmfem::HipWrap< 1 >
oCmfem::HipWrap< 2 >
oCmfem::HipWrap< 3 >
oCmfem::HyperelasticModelAbstract class for hyperelastic models
oCmfem::HypreA simple singleton class for hypre's global settings, that 1) calls HYPRE_Init() and sets some GPU-relevant options at construction and 2) calls HYPRE_Finalize() at destruction
oCmfem::Init< N, Dim, T, Args >A class to initialize the size of a Tensor
oCmfem::Init< Dim, Dim, T, Args...>
oCmfem::kernels::Instances< K, N >Instances
oCmfem::kernels::Instances< K, 1 >
oCmfem::IntegerSetA set of integers
oCmfem::IntegrationPointClass for integration point with weight
oCmfem::IntegrationRulesContainer class for integration rules
oCmfem::InterpolationManagerThis class manages the storage and computation of the interpolations from master (coarse) face to slave (fine) face
oCmfem::IntRuleCoefficient< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >Auxiliary class for evaluating the 2x2 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives
oCmfem::InvariantsEvaluator2D< double >
oCmfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< scalar_t, scalar_ops >Auxiliary class for evaluating the 3x3 matrix invariants and their first and second derivatives
oCmfem::InvariantsEvaluator3D< double >
oCmfem::InverseElementTransformationThe inverse transformation of a given ElementTransformation
oCstd::ios_baseSTL class
oCmfem::IterativeSolverMonitorAbstract base class for an iterative solver monitor
oCmfem::BlockArray< T >::iterator_base< cA, cT >
oCmfem::BlockArray< T >::iterator_base< BlockArray, T >
oCmfem::BlockArray< T >::iterator_base< const BlockArray, const T >
oCmfem::blocksolvers::IterSolveParametersParameters for iterative solver
oCmfem::TIntegrator< coeff_t, kernel_t >::kernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >
oCmfem::kernels::KernelMap< K >KernelMap class which creates an unordered_map of the Keys/Kernels
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement< G, P >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< G, P, L2_FE_type, L2Pos_FE_type, DOFS, TP >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< Geometry::CUBE, P, L2_HexahedronElement, L2Pos_HexahedronElement,(P+1)*(P+1)*(P+1), true >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< Geometry::SEGMENT, P, L2_SegmentElement, L2Pos_SegmentElement, P+1, true >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< Geometry::SQUARE, P, L2_QuadrilateralElement, L2Pos_QuadrilateralElement,(P+1)*(P+1), true >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON, P, L2_TetrahedronElement, L2Pos_TetrahedronElement,((P+1)*(P+2)*(P+3))/6, false >
oCmfem::L2_FiniteElement_base< Geometry::TRIANGLE, P, L2_TriangleElement, L2Pos_TriangleElement,((P+1)*(P+2))/2, false >
oCLinearElasticMaterial< dim >Linear elastic material
oCmfem::LinearFormExtensionClass extending the LinearForm class to support assembly on devices
oCmfem::LinearFormIntegratorAbstract base class LinearFormIntegrator
oCmfem::ListOfIntegerSetsList of integer sets
oCmfem::LORBaseAbstract base class for LORDiscretization and ParLORDiscretization classes, which construct low-order refined versions of bilinear forms
oCmfem::MatrixCoefficientBase class for Matrix Coefficients that optionally depend on time and space
oCmfem::MemAlloc< Elem, Num >
oCmfem::MemAlloc< mfem::STable3DNode, 1024 >
oCmfem::MemAlloc< mfem::Tetrahedron, 1024 >
oCmfem::MemAlloc< Node, 1024 >
oCmfem::MemAllocNode< Elem, Num >
oCmfem::MemAllocNode< mfem::STable3DNode, Num >
oCmfem::MemAllocNode< mfem::Tetrahedron, Num >
oCmfem::MemAllocNode< Node, Num >
oCmfem::Memory< T >Class used by MFEM to store pointers to host and/or device memory
oCmfem::Memory< Basis * >
oCmfem::Memory< bool >
oCmfem::Memory< CeedOperator >
oCmfem::Memory< char >
oCmfem::Memory< const mfem::KnotVector * >
oCmfem::Memory< const mfem::Operator * >
oCmfem::Memory< const mfem::SparseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Memory< Dist_Level_Set_Coefficient * >
oCmfem::Memory< double * >
oCmfem::Memory< double >
oCmfem::Memory< FiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Memory< Geometry::Type >
oCmfem::Memory< GroupId >
oCmfem::Memory< HYPRE_BigInt >
oCmfem::Memory< HYPRE_Int >
oCmfem::Memory< HYPRE_ParVector >
oCmfem::Memory< int >
oCmfem::Memory< IntegrationPoint >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Array< int > * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::BilinearForm * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::BlockNonlinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::BlockOperator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ceed::AlgebraicInterpolation * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Coefficient * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Connection >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::DeltaLFIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::DenseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::DofToQuad * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::DofTransformation * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Element * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Eliminator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Embedding >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::FaceGeometricFactors * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::FaceQuadratureInterpolator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::FiniteElementCollection * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::FiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::GeometricFactors * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Geometry::Type >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::GridFunction * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::IntegerSet * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::IntegrationPoint >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::IntegrationRule * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::InterpConfig >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::KnotVector * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::LinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Mesh * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Mesh::FaceInfo >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Mesh::NCFaceInfo >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::MeshOperator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCInterpConfig >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::Element * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::Face * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::Master >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::MeshId >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::Node * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NCMesh::Slave >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NonlinearFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::NURBSPatch * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Operator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::OperatorHandle * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ParametricBNLFormIntegrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ParFiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ParGridFunction * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ParMesh::Vert3 >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::ParMesh::Vert4 >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::QuadratureInterpolator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::RefinedGeometry * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Refinement >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Solver * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::SparseMatrix * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::TMOP_Integrator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::TMOP_QualityMetric * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::TransposeOperator * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Triple< int, int, int > >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Vector * >
oCmfem::Memory< mfem::Vertex >
oCmfem::Memory< Option >
oCmfem::Memory< p_assembled_t >
oCmfem::Memory< ParFiniteElementSpace * >
oCmfem::Memory< socketstream * >
oCmfem::Memory< T * >
oCmfem::Memory< unsigned char >
oCmfem::Memory< unsigned int >
oCmfem::NCMesh::MeshIdIdentifies a vertex/edge/face in both Mesh and NCMesh
oCmfem::MeshOperatorServes as base for mesh manipulation classes
oCmfem::MortarAssemblerThis class implements the serial variational transfer between finite element spaces. Variational transfer has been shown to have better approximation properties than standard interpolation. This facilities can be used for supporting applications which require the handling of non matching meshes. For instance: General multi-physics problems, fluid structure interaction, or even visualization of average quantities within subvolumes This algorithm allows to perform quadrature in the intersection of elements of two separate and unrelated meshes. It generates quadrature rules in the intersection which allows us to integrate-with to machine precision using the mfem::MortarIntegrator interface. See for and in-depth explanation. At this time curved elements are not supported
oCmfem::MortarIntegratorInterface for mortar element assembly. The MortarIntegrator interface is used for performing Petrov-Galerkin finite element assembly on intersections between elements. The quadrature rules are to be generated by a cut algorithm (e.g., mfem::Cut). The quadrature rules are defined in the respective trial and test reference frames. Trial and test spaces can be associated with different element shapes (e.g., triangles and quadrilaterals) and different polynomial orders (e.g., 1 and 4). This class is designed to work in conjunction with the MFEM/moonolith module but it can be used also for other applications
oCmfem::MpiA simple singleton class that calls MPI_Init() at construction and MPI_Finalize() at destruction. It also provides easy access to MPI_COMM_WORLD's rank and size
oCmfem::MPI_SessionA simple convenience class based on the Mpi singleton class above. Preserved for backward compatibility. New code should use Mpi::Init() and other Mpi methods instead
oCmfem::MPITypeMap< Type >Helper struct to convert a C++ type to an MPI type
oCmfem::MPITypeMap< double >
oCmfem::MPITypeMap< int >
oCmfem::MyEnergyFunctor< TDataType, TParamVector, TStateVector, state_size, param_size >
oCmfem::MyResidualFunctor< TDataType, TParamVector, TStateVector, residual_size, state_size, param_size >
oCmfem::NamedFieldsMap< T >Lightweight adaptor over an std::map from strings to pointer to T
oCmfem::NamedFieldsMap< Array< int > >
oCmfem::NamedFieldsMap< GridFunction >
oCmfem::NamedFieldsMap< QuadratureFunction >
oCmfem::navier::NavierSolverTransient incompressible Navier Stokes solver in a split scheme formulation
oCmfem::NCMesh::NCListLists all edges/faces in the nonconforming mesh
oCmfem::NCMeshA class for non-conforming AMR. The class is not used directly by the user, rather it is an extension of the Mesh class
oCNeoHookeanMaterial< dim, gradient_type >Neo-Hookean material
oCmfem::NonlinearFormIntegratorThis class is used to express the local action of a general nonlinear finite element operator. In addition it may provide the capability to assemble the local gradient operator and to compute the local energy
oCmfem::NoSIMDTraits< complex_t, real_t >
oCmfem::ODESolverAbstract class for solving systems of ODEs: dx/dt = f(x,t)
oCmfem::OffsetStridedLayout1D< N1, S1 >
oCmfem::OffsetStridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >
oCmfem::OffsetStridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >
oCmfem::OffsetStridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
oCmfem::GroupCommunicator::OpData< T >Data structure on which we define reduce operations. The data is associated with (and the operation is performed on) one group at a time
oCmfem::OperatorAbstract operator
oCmfem::OperatorHandlePointer to an Operator of a specified type
oCmfem::OrderingThe ordering method used when the number of unknowns per mesh node (vector dimension) is bigger than 1
oCmfem::TMassKernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >::p_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in partial assembly, and partially assembled action
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t >::p_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in partial assembly, and partially assembled action
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t >::p_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in partial assembly, and partially assembled action. Stores one symmetric 2 x 2 matrix per point
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t >::p_asm_data< qpts >Partially assembled data type for one element with the given number of quadrature points. This type is used in partial assembly, and partially assembled action. Stores one symmetric 3 x 3 matrix per point
oCmfem::Pair< A, B >A pair of objects
oCmfem::ParMortarAssemblerThis class implements the parallel variational transfer between finite element spaces. Variational transfer has been shown to have better approximation properties than standard interpolation. This facilities can be used for supporting applications which require the handling of non matching meshes. For instance: General multi-physics problems, fluid structure interaction, or even visualization of average quantities within subvolumes. This particular code is also used with LLNL for large scale multilevel Monte Carlo simulations. This algorithm allows to perform quadrature in the intersection of elements of two separate, unrelated, and arbitrarily distributed meshes. It generates quadrature rules in the intersection which allows us to integrate with to machine precision using the mfem::MortarIntegrator interface. See for and in-depth explanation. At this time curved elements are not supported. Convex non-affine elements are partially supported, however, high order (>3) finite element discretizations or nonlinear geometric transformations might generate undesired oscillations. Discontinuous fields in general can only be mapped to order 0 destination fields. For such cases localized versions of the projection will have to be developed
oCmfem::ParTransferMapParTransferMap represents a mapping of degrees of freedom from a source ParGridFunction to a destination ParGridFunction
oCmfem::PetscBCHandlerHelper class for handling essential boundary conditions
oCmfem::PetscBDDCSolverParamsAuxiliary class for BDDC customization
oCmfem::PetscSolverAbstract class for PETSc's solvers
oCmfem::PetscSolverMonitorAbstract class for monitoring PETSc's solvers
oCmfem::NCMesh::PointMatrixThe PointMatrix stores the coordinates of the slave face using the master face coordinate as reference
oCmfem::Poly_1DClass for computing 1D special polynomials and their associated basis functions
oCmfem::PowerMethodPowerMethod helper class to estimate the largest eigenvalue of an operator using the iterative power method
oCmfem::navier::PresDirichletBC_TContainer for a Dirichlet boundary condition of the pressure field
oCmfem::IterativeSolver::PrintLevelSettings for the output behavior of the IterativeSolver
oCmfem::QFunctionAutoDiff< TFunctor, state_size, param_size >
oCmfem::Quadrature1DA class container for 1D quadrature type constants
oCmfem::QuadratureFunctions1DA Class that defines 1-D numerical quadrature rules on [0,1]
oCmfem::QuadratureInterpolatorA class that performs interpolation from an E-vector to quadrature point values and/or derivatives (Q-vectors)
oCmfem::QuadratureSpaceBaseAbstract base class for QuadratureSpace and FaceQuadratureSpace
oCmfem::QVectorFuncAutoDiff< TFunctor, vector_size, state_size, param_size >
oCmfem::RajaCuWrap< Dim >
oCmfem::RajaCuWrap< 1 >
oCmfem::RajaCuWrap< 2 >
oCmfem::RajaCuWrap< 3 >
oCmfem::RajaHipWrap< Dim >
oCmfem::RajaHipWrap< 1 >
oCmfem::RajaHipWrap< 2 >
oCmfem::RajaHipWrap< 3 >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< EvalOps, impl_traits_t >Templated struct Result, used to specify the type result that is computed by the TElementTransformation::Eval() method and stored in this structure
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 0, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 1, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 10, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 2, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 3, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >::Result< 6, it_t >
oCmfem::IntRuleCoefficient< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >::Aux< true, dummy >::result_t
oCmfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t, impl_traits_t >::S_specContains matrix sizes, type of kernel (ElementMatrix is templated on a kernel, e.g. ElementMatrix::Compute may be AssembleGradGrad())
oCmfem::ScalarOps< scalar_t >Auxiliary class used as the default for the second template parameter in the classes InvariantsEvaluator2D and InvariantsEvaluator3D
oCmfem::SecondOrderODESolverAbstract class for solving systems of ODEs: d2x/dt2 = f(x,dx/dt,t)
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, TP, real_t >Shape evaluators – values of basis functions on the reference element
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, false, real_t >ShapeEvaluator without tensor-product structure
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE, IR, FE::tensor_prod &&IR::tensor_prod, real_t >
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< FE_type, IR, FE_type::tensor_prod &&IR::tensor_prod, real_t >
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< meshFE_type, IR, meshFE_type::tensor_prod &&IR::tensor_prod, real_t >
oCmfem::ShapeEvaluator_base< solFE_type, IR, solFE_type::tensor_prod &&IR::tensor_prod, real_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::Spec< kernel_t, impl_traits_t >
oCmfem::STable3DSymmetric 3D Table stored as an array of rows each of which has a stack of column, floor, number nodes. The number of the node is assigned by counting the nodes from zero as they are pushed into the table. Diagonals of any kind are not allowed so the row, column and floor must all be different for each node. Only one node is stored for all 6 symmetric entries that are indexable by unique triplets of row, column, and floor
oCmfem::Stack< Elem, Num >
oCmfem::Stack< Elem *, Num >
oCmfem::Stack< mfem::STable3DNode *, Num >
oCmfem::Stack< mfem::Tetrahedron *, Num >
oCmfem::Stack< Node *, Num >
oCmfem::StackPart< Elem, Num >
oCmfem::StackPart< Elem *, Num >
oCmfem::StackPart< mfem::STable3DNode *, Num >
oCmfem::StackPart< mfem::Tetrahedron *, Num >
oCmfem::StackPart< Node *, Num >
oCmfem::StopWatchTiming object
oCzstr::detail::strict_fstream_holder< FStream_Type >
oCzstr::detail::strict_fstream_holder< strict_fstream::ifstream >
oCzstr::detail::strict_fstream_holder< strict_fstream::ofstream >
oCmfem::StridedLayout1D< N1, S1 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2, S2 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout2D< N1, 1, N2, N1 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout3D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout3D< N1, 1, N2, N1, N3, N1 *N2 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, S1, N2, S2, N3, S3, N4, S4 >
oCmfem::StridedLayout4D< N1, 1, N2, N1, N3, N1 *N2, N4, N1 *N2 *N3 >
oCmfem::SundialsSingleton class for SUNContext and SundialsMemHelper objects
oCmfem::SundialsSolverBase class for interfacing with SUNDIALS packages
oCmfem::TBilinearForm< meshType, solFESpace, IR, IntegratorType, solVecLayout_t, complex_t, real_t, impl_traits_t >::T_result
oCmfem::TargetConstructorBase class representing target-matrix construction algorithms for mesh optimization via the target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP)
oCmfem::TAutoDiffDenseMatrix< dtype >Templated dense matrix data type
oCmfem::TAutoDiffVector< dtype >Templated vector data type
oCmfem::TCoefficientTemplated coefficient classes, cf. coefficient.?pp
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >Diffusion kernel
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 1, 1, complex_t >Diffusion kernel in 1D
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 2, 2, complex_t >Diffusion kernel in 2D
oCmfem::TDiffusionKernel< 3, 3, complex_t >Diffusion kernel in 3D
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::TElementMatrix< InOps, OutOps, it_t >This struct implements element matrix computation for some combinations of input (InOps) and output (OutOps) operations
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::TElementMatrix< 1, 1, it_t >
oCmfem::FieldEvaluator< FESpace_t, VecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t >::TElementMatrix< 2, 2, it_t >
oCmfem::TElementTransformation< Mesh_t, IR, real_t >Element transformation class, templated on a mesh type and an integration rule. It is constructed from a mesh (e.g. class TMesh) and shape evaluator (e.g. class ShapeEvaluator) objects. Allows computation of physical coordinates and Jacobian matrices corresponding to the reference integration points. The desired result is specified through the template subclass Result and stored in an object of the same type
oCmfem::TensorInd< N, Dim, T, Args >A Class to compute the real index from the multi-indices of a tensor
oCmfem::TensorInd< Dim, Dim, T, Args...>
oCmfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType >
oCmfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, DGIndexer< FE > >
oCmfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, ElementDofIndexer< FE > >
oCmfem::TIntegrationRule< G, Order, real_t >
oCmfem::TIntegrator< coeff_t, kernel_t >The Integrator class combines a kernel and a coefficient
oCmfem::TMassKernel< SDim, Dim, complex_t >Mass kernel
oCmfem::TMesh< FESpace, nodeLayout >
oCmfem::TMOP_LimiterFunctionBase class for limiting functions to be used in class TMOP_Integrator
oCmfem::TProductIntegrationRule_base< Dim, Q, real_t >
oCmfem::TProductIntegrationRule_base< 1, Q, real_t >
oCmfem::TProductIntegrationRule_base< 2, Q, real_t >
oCmfem::TProductIntegrationRule_base< 3, Q, real_t >
oCmfem::TProductShapeEvaluator< Dim, DOF, NIP, real_t >
oCmfem::TProductShapeEvaluator< 1, DOF, NIP, real_t >ShapeEvaluator with 1D tensor-product structure
oCmfem::TProductShapeEvaluator< 2, DOF, NIP, real_t >ShapeEvaluator with 2D tensor-product structure
oCmfem::TProductShapeEvaluator< 3, DOF, NIP, real_t >ShapeEvaluator with 3D tensor-product structure
oCmfem::TProductShapeEvaluator< FE::dim, FE::dofs_1d, IR::qpts_1d, real_t >
oCmfem::TransferMapTransferMap represents a mapping of degrees of freedom from a source GridFunction to a destination GridFunction
oCmfem::Triple< A, B, C >A triple of objects
oCmfem::Triple< int, int, int >
oCmfem::TVector< S, data_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3 *N4, data_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3 *N4, vcomplex_t, false >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3 *N4, vreal_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, data_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, real_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, real_t, false >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, vcomplex_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, vcomplex_t, false >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, vreal_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2 *N3, vreal_t, false >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2, complex_type, false >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2, data_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2, real_t, align >
oCmfem::TVector< N1 *N2, typename IR::real_type, false >
oCmfem::TVector< Q, real_t >
oCmfem::TVector< qpts, real_t >
oCmfem::SubMeshUtils::UniqueIndexGeneratorConvenience object to create unique indices
oCmfem::VarMessage< Tag >Variable-length MPI message containing unspecific binary data
oCmfem::VarMessage< 158 >
oCmfem::VarMessage< 314 >
oCmfem::VectorVector data type
oCmfem::VectorCoefficientBase class for vector Coefficients that optionally depend on time and space
oCmfem::VectorFuncAutoDiff< vector_size, state_size, param_size >
oCmfem::VectorLayout< Ord, NumComp >
oCmfem::navier::VelDirichletBC_TContainer for a Dirichlet boundary condition of the velocity field
oCmfem::VertexData type for vertex
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TETRAHEDRON >::VertToVert
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PYRAMID >::VertToVert
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::PRISM >::VertToVert
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::TRIANGLE >::VertToVert
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::SQUARE >::VertToVert
oCmfem::Geometry::Constants< Geometry::CUBE >::VertToVert
oCmfem::VisItFieldInfoHelper class for VisIt visualization data
oCmfem::VTKGeometryHelper class for converting between MFEM and VTK geometry types