MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // for details.
12 #ifndef MFEM_LOR_AMS
13 #define MFEM_LOR_AMS
15 #include "../../config/config.hpp"
17 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
19 #include "lor_nd.hpp"
20 #include "../../linalg/hypre.hpp"
22 namespace mfem
23 {
25 // Helper class for assembling the discrete gradient and coordinate vectors
26 // needed by the AMS solver. Generally, this class should *not* be directly used
27 // by users, instead use LORSolver<HypreAMS> (which internally uses this class).
29 {
30 protected:
31  ParFiniteElementSpace &edge_fes; ///< The Nedelec space.
32  const int dim; ///< Spatial dimension.
33  const int order; ///< Polynomial degree.
34  H1_FECollection vert_fec; ///< The corresponding H1 collection.
35  ParFiniteElementSpace vert_fes; ///< The corresponding H1 space.
36  Vector *xyz_tvec; ///< Mesh vertex coordinates in true-vector format.
37  HypreParMatrix *G; ///< Discrete gradient matrix.
39  /// @name Mesh coordinate vectors in HypreParVector format
40  ///@{
42  ///@}
44  /// @name Construct the local (elementwise) discrete gradient
45  ///@{
46  void Form2DEdgeToVertex(Array<int> &edge2vert);
47  void Form2DEdgeToVertex_ND(Array<int> &edge2vert);
48  void Form2DEdgeToVertex_RT(Array<int> &edge2vert);
49  void Form3DEdgeToVertex(Array<int> &edge2vert);
50  ///@}
51 public:
52  /// @brief Construct the BatchedLOR_AMS object associated with the Nedelec
53  /// space (or RT in 2D) @a pfes_ho_.
54  ///
55  /// The vector @a X_vert represents the LOR mesh coordinates in E-vector
56  /// format, see BatchedLORAssembly::GetLORVertexCoordinates.
58  const Vector &X_vert);
60  /// @name These functions steal the discrete gradient and coordinate vectors.
61  ///@{
62  /// The caller assumes ownership and @b must delete the returned objects.
63  /// Subsequent calls will return nullptr.
71  ///@}
73  /// @name These functions return the discrete gradient and coordinate vectors.
74  ///@{
75  /// The caller does not assume ownership, and must not delete the returned
76  /// objects.
78  HypreParMatrix *GetGradientMatrix() const { return G; };
79  HypreParVector *GetXCoordinate() const { return x; };
80  HypreParVector *GetYCoordinate() const { return y; };
81  HypreParVector *GetZCoordinate() const { return z; };
83  ///@}
85  // The following should be protected, but contain MFEM_FORALL kernels
87  /// Construct the mesh coordinate vectors (not part of the public API).
88  void FormCoordinateVectors(const Vector &X_vert);
90  /// Construct the discrete gradient matrix (not part of the public API).
91  void FormGradientMatrix();
93 };
95 template <typename T> T *StealPointer(T *&ptr)
96 {
97  T *tmp = ptr;
98  ptr = nullptr;
99  return tmp;
100 }
102 }
104 #endif
106 #endif
HypreParVector * z
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:41
HypreParVector * StealZCoordinate()
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:343
BatchedLOR_AMS(ParFiniteElementSpace &pfes_ho_, const Vector &X_vert)
Construct the BatchedLOR_AMS object associated with the Nedelec space (or RT in 2D) pfes_ho_...
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:357
HypreParMatrix * GetGradientMatrix() const
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:78
ParFiniteElementSpace & edge_fes
The Nedelec space.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:31
HypreParVector * GetZCoordinate() const
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:81
HypreParVector * x
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:41
void Form2DEdgeToVertex_ND(Array< int > &edge2vert)
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:38
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition: pfespace.hpp:28
void FormGradientMatrix()
Construct the discrete gradient matrix (not part of the public API).
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:139
ParFiniteElementSpace vert_fes
The corresponding H1 space.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:35
Vector * StealCoordinateVector()
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:328
Vector * xyz_tvec
Mesh vertex coordinates in true-vector format.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:36
void Form2DEdgeToVertex(Array< int > &edge2vert)
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:21
HypreParMatrix * G
Discrete gradient matrix.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:37
const int dim
Spatial dimension.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:32
void Form3DEdgeToVertex(Array< int > &edge2vert)
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:105
void FormCoordinateVectors(const Vector &X_vert)
Construct the mesh coordinate vectors (not part of the public API).
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:254
HypreParVector * StealYCoordinate()
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:338
HypreParVector * GetYCoordinate() const
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:80
Wrapper for hypre&#39;s parallel vector class.
Definition: hypre.hpp:161
const int order
Polynomial degree.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:33
HypreParVector * y
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:41
HypreParVector * StealXCoordinate()
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:333
void Form2DEdgeToVertex_RT(Array< int > &edge2vert)
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:72
HypreParVector * GetXCoordinate() const
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:79
H1_FECollection vert_fec
The corresponding H1 collection.
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:34
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:60
Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements.
Definition: fe_coll.hpp:252
T * StealPointer(T *&ptr)
Definition: lor_ams.hpp:95
Wrapper for hypre&#39;s ParCSR matrix class.
Definition: hypre.hpp:343
HypreParMatrix * StealGradientMatrix()
Definition: lor_ams.cpp:323