MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // for details.
15 #include "../config/config.hpp"
16 #include "lininteg.hpp"
17 #include "linearform_ext.hpp"
18 #include "gridfunc.hpp"
20 namespace mfem
21 {
23 /// Vector with associated FE space and LinearFormIntegrators.
24 class LinearForm : public Vector
25 {
26  friend LinearFormExtension;
28 protected:
29  /// FE space on which the LinearForm lives. Not owned.
32  /** @brief Extension for supporting different assembly levels. */
35  /// @brief Should we use the device-compatible fast assembly algorithm (false
36  /// by default)
37  bool fast_assembly = false;
39  /** @brief Indicates the LinearFormIntegrator%s stored in #domain_integs,
40  #domain_delta_integs, #boundary_integs, and #boundary_face_integs are
41  owned by another LinearForm. */
42  int extern_lfs = 0;
44  /// Set of Domain Integrators to be applied.
46  /// Element attribute marker (should be of length mesh->attributes.Max() or
47  /// 0 if mesh->attributes is empty)
48  /// Includes all by default.
49  /// 0 - ignore attribute
50  /// 1 - include attribute
53  /// Separate array for integrators with delta function coefficients.
56  /// Set of Boundary Integrators to be applied.
58  /// Entries are not owned.
61  /// Set of Boundary Face Integrators to be applied.
63  Array<Array<int>*> boundary_face_integs_marker; ///< Entries not owned.
65  /// Set of Internal Face Integrators to be applied.
68  /// The element ids where the centers of the delta functions lie
71  /// The reference coordinates where the centers of the delta functions lie
74  /// If true, the delta locations are not (re)computed during assembly.
76  { return (domain_delta_integs_elem_id.Size() != 0); }
78  /// Force (re)computation of delta locations.
81 private:
82  /// Copy construction is not supported; body is undefined.
83  LinearForm(const LinearForm &);
85 public:
86  /// Creates linear form associated with FE space @a *f.
87  /** The pointer @a f is not owned by the newly constructed object. */
89  { fes = f; UseDevice(true); }
91  /** @brief Create a LinearForm on the FiniteElementSpace @a f, using the
92  same integrators as the LinearForm @a lf.
94  The pointer @a f is not owned by the newly constructed object.
96  The integrators in @a lf are copied as pointers and they are not owned by
97  the newly constructed LinearForm. */
100  /// Create an empty LinearForm without an associated FiniteElementSpace.
101  /** The associated FiniteElementSpace can be set later using one of the
102  methods: Update(FiniteElementSpace *) or
103  Update(FiniteElementSpace *, Vector &, int). */
105  { fes = NULL; UseDevice(true); }
107  /// Construct a LinearForm using previously allocated array @a data.
108  /** The LinearForm does not assume ownership of @a data which is assumed to
109  be of size at least `f->GetVSize()`. Similar to the Vector constructor
110  for externally allocated array, the pointer @a data can be NULL. The data
111  array can be replaced later using the method SetData(). */
112  LinearForm(FiniteElementSpace *f, double *data) : Vector(data, f->GetVSize())
113  { fes = f; }
115  /// Copy assignment. Only the data of the base class Vector is copied.
116  /** It is assumed that this object and @a rhs use FiniteElementSpace%s that
117  have the same size.
119  @note Defining this method overwrites the implicitly defined copy
120  assignment operator. */
122  { return operator=((const Vector &)rhs); }
124  /// (DEPRECATED) Return the FE space associated with the LinearForm.
125  /** @deprecated Use FESpace() instead. */
126  MFEM_DEPRECATED FiniteElementSpace *GetFES() { return fes; }
128  /// Read+write access to the associated FiniteElementSpace.
130  /// Read-only access to the associated FiniteElementSpace.
131  const FiniteElementSpace *FESpace() const { return fes; }
133  /// Adds new Domain Integrator. Assumes ownership of @a lfi.
135  /// Adds new Domain Integrator restricted to certain elements specified by
136  /// the @a elem_attr_marker.
138  Array<int> &elem_marker);
140  /// Adds new Boundary Integrator. Assumes ownership of @a lfi.
143  /** @brief Add new Boundary Integrator, restricted to the given boundary
144  attributes.
146  Assumes ownership of @a lfi. The array @a bdr_attr_marker is stored
147  internally as a pointer to the given Array<int> object. */
149  Array<int> &bdr_attr_marker);
151  /// Adds new Boundary Face Integrator. Assumes ownership of @a lfi.
154  /** @brief Add new Boundary Face Integrator, restricted to the given boundary
155  attributes.
157  Assumes ownership of @a lfi. The array @a bdr_attr_marker is stored
158  internally as a pointer to the given Array<int> object. */
160  Array<int> &bdr_attr_marker);
162  /// Adds new Interior Face Integrator. Assumes ownership of @a lfi.
165  /** @brief Access all integrators added with AddDomainIntegrator() which are
166  not DeltaLFIntegrator%s or they are DeltaLFIntegrator%s with non-delta
167  coefficients. */
170  /** @brief Access all domain markers added with AddDomainIntegrator().
171  If no marker was specified when the integrator was added, the
172  corresponding pointer (to Array<int>) will be NULL. */
175  /** @brief Access all integrators added with AddDomainIntegrator() which are
176  DeltaLFIntegrator%s with delta coefficients. */
179  /// Access all integrators added with AddBoundaryIntegrator().
182  /// Access all integrators added with AddBdrFaceIntegrator().
185  /// Access all integrators added with AddInteriorFaceIntegrator().
188  /** @brief Access all boundary markers added with AddBdrFaceIntegrator().
189  If no marker was specified when the integrator was added, the
190  corresponding pointer (to Array<int>) will be NULL. */
193  /// @brief Which assembly algorithm to use: the new device-compatible fast
194  /// assembly (true), or the legacy CPU-only algorithm (false).
195  /** If not set, the default value is false. If used, this method must be
196  called before assembly. */
197  void UseFastAssembly(bool use_fa);
199  /// Assembles the linear form i.e. sums over all domain/bdr integrators.
200  /** When @ref UseFastAssembly "UseFastAssembly(true)" has been called and the
201  linearform assembly is compatible with device execution, it will be
202  executed on the device. */
203  void Assemble();
205  /// Return true if assembly on device is supported, false otherwise.
206  virtual bool SupportsDevice();
208  /// Assembles delta functions of the linear form
209  void AssembleDelta();
211  /// Update the object according to the associated FE space #fes.
212  /** This method should be called when the associated FE space #fes has been
213  updated, e.g. after its associated Mesh object has been refined.
215  @note This method does not perform assembly. */
216  void Update();
218  /// Associate a new FE space, @a *f, with this object and Update() it. */
221  /** @brief Associate a new FE space, @a *f, with this object and use the data
222  of @a v, offset by @a v_offset, to initialize this object's Vector::data.
224  @note This method does not perform assembly. */
225  void Update(FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset);
227  /** @brief Make the LinearForm reference external data on a new
228  FiniteElementSpace. */
229  /** This method changes the FiniteElementSpace associated with the LinearForm
230  @a *f and sets the data of the Vector @a v (plus the @a v_offset) as
231  external data in the LinearForm.
233  @note This version of the method will also perform bounds checks when the
234  build option MFEM_DEBUG is enabled. */
235  virtual void MakeRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset);
237  /// Return the action of the LinearForm as a linear mapping.
238  /** Linear forms are linear functionals which map GridFunctions to
239  the real numbers. This method performs this mapping which in
240  this case is equivalent as an inner product of the LinearForm
241  and GridFunction. */
242  double operator()(const GridFunction &gf) const { return (*this)*gf; }
244  /// Redefine '=' for LinearForm = constant.
245  LinearForm &operator=(double value);
247  /// Copy the data from @a v.
248  /** The size of @a v must be equal to the size of the associated
249  FiniteElementSpace #fes. */
250  LinearForm &operator=(const Vector &v);
252  /// Destroys linear form.
253  ~LinearForm();
254 };
256 }
258 #endif
Class extending the LinearForm class to support assembly on devices.
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition: gridfunc.hpp:30
Memory< double > data
Definition: vector.hpp:64
LinearForm(FiniteElementSpace *f)
Creates linear form associated with FE space *f.
Definition: linearform.hpp:88
LinearFormExtension * ext
Extension for supporting different assembly levels.
Definition: linearform.hpp:33
virtual void MakeRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset)
Make the LinearForm reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace.
Definition: linearform.cpp:360
Array< Array< int > * > boundary_face_integs_marker
Entries not owned.
Definition: linearform.hpp:63
void Assemble()
Assembles the linear form i.e. sums over all domain/bdr integrators.
Definition: linearform.cpp:168
int extern_lfs
Indicates the LinearFormIntegrators stored in domain_integs, domain_delta_integs, boundary_integs...
Definition: linearform.hpp:42
LinearForm & operator=(const LinearForm &rhs)
Copy assignment. Only the data of the base class Vector is copied.
Definition: linearform.hpp:121
Array< IntegrationPoint > domain_delta_integs_ip
The reference coordinates where the centers of the delta functions lie.
Definition: linearform.hpp:72
void ResetDeltaLocations()
Force (re)computation of delta locations.
Definition: linearform.hpp:79
void AddInteriorFaceIntegrator(LinearFormIntegrator *lfi)
Adds new Interior Face Integrator. Assumes ownership of lfi.
Definition: linearform.cpp:99
Array< int > domain_delta_integs_elem_id
The element ids where the centers of the delta functions lie.
Definition: linearform.hpp:69
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > boundary_face_integs
Set of Boundary Face Integrators to be applied.
Definition: linearform.hpp:62
Abstract base class LinearFormIntegrator.
Definition: lininteg.hpp:24
FiniteElementSpace * FESpace()
Read+write access to the associated FiniteElementSpace.
Definition: linearform.hpp:129
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > * GetFLFI()
Access all integrators added with AddBdrFaceIntegrator().
Definition: linearform.hpp:183
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > interior_face_integs
Set of Internal Face Integrators to be applied.
Definition: linearform.hpp:66
void Update(FiniteElementSpace *f)
Associate a new FE space, *f, with this object and Update() it. */.
Definition: linearform.hpp:219
double f(const Vector &xvec)
Definition: lor_mms.hpp:32
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > domain_integs
Set of Domain Integrators to be applied.
Definition: linearform.hpp:45
FiniteElementSpace * fes
FE space on which the LinearForm lives. Not owned.
Definition: linearform.hpp:30
void AddBdrFaceIntegrator(LinearFormIntegrator *lfi)
Adds new Boundary Face Integrator. Assumes ownership of lfi.
Definition: linearform.cpp:85
void AddBoundaryIntegrator(LinearFormIntegrator *lfi)
Adds new Boundary Integrator. Assumes ownership of lfi.
Definition: linearform.cpp:72
virtual bool SupportsDevice()
Return true if assembly on device is supported, false otherwise.
Definition: linearform.cpp:104
Array< DeltaLFIntegrator * > * GetDLFI_Delta()
Access all integrators added with AddDomainIntegrator() which are DeltaLFIntegrators with delta coeff...
Definition: linearform.hpp:177
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > * GetIFLFI()
Access all integrators added with AddInteriorFaceIntegrator().
Definition: linearform.hpp:186
Create an empty LinearForm without an associated FiniteElementSpace.
Definition: linearform.hpp:104
void AddDomainIntegrator(LinearFormIntegrator *lfi)
Adds new Domain Integrator. Assumes ownership of lfi.
Definition: linearform.cpp:41
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition: fespace.hpp:96
Array< Array< int > * > * GetFLFI_Marker()
Access all boundary markers added with AddBdrFaceIntegrator(). If no marker was specified when the in...
Definition: linearform.hpp:191
void SetSize(int nsize)
Change the logical size of the array, keep existing entries.
Definition: array.hpp:684
double operator()(const GridFunction &gf) const
Return the action of the LinearForm as a linear mapping.
Definition: linearform.hpp:242
void AssembleDelta()
Assembles delta functions of the linear form.
Definition: linearform.cpp:365
Array< DeltaLFIntegrator * > domain_delta_integs
Separate array for integrators with delta function coefficients.
Definition: linearform.hpp:54
void Update()
Update the object according to the associated FE space fes.
Definition: linearform.cpp:344
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > * GetBLFI()
Access all integrators added with AddBoundaryIntegrator().
Definition: linearform.hpp:180
Destroys linear form.
Definition: linearform.cpp:419
MFEM_DEPRECATED FiniteElementSpace * GetFES()
(DEPRECATED) Return the FE space associated with the LinearForm.
Definition: linearform.hpp:126
bool fast_assembly
Should we use the device-compatible fast assembly algorithm (false by default)
Definition: linearform.hpp:37
const FiniteElementSpace * FESpace() const
Read-only access to the associated FiniteElementSpace.
Definition: linearform.hpp:131
bool HaveDeltaLocations()
If true, the delta locations are not (re)computed during assembly.
Definition: linearform.hpp:75
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.hpp:141
virtual bool UseDevice() const
Return the device flag of the Memory object used by the Vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:120
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > boundary_integs
Set of Boundary Integrators to be applied.
Definition: linearform.hpp:57
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:60
LinearForm(FiniteElementSpace *f, double *data)
Construct a LinearForm using previously allocated array data.
Definition: linearform.hpp:112
Vector with associated FE space and LinearFormIntegrators.
Definition: linearform.hpp:24
Array< Array< int > * > boundary_integs_marker
Entries are not owned.
Definition: linearform.hpp:59
Array< Array< int > * > domain_integs_marker
Definition: linearform.hpp:51
Array< Array< int > * > * GetDLFI_Marker()
Access all domain markers added with AddDomainIntegrator(). If no marker was specified when the integ...
Definition: linearform.hpp:173
Array< LinearFormIntegrator * > * GetDLFI()
Access all integrators added with AddDomainIntegrator() which are not DeltaLFIntegrators or they are ...
Definition: linearform.hpp:168
void UseFastAssembly(bool use_fa)
Which assembly algorithm to use: the new device-compatible fast assembly (true), or the legacy CPU-on...
Definition: linearform.cpp:158