MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // for details.
15 #include "../../../config/config.hpp"
16 #include "../../fespace.hpp"
17 #include "../../gridfunc.hpp"
18 #include "operator.hpp"
19 #include "coefficient.hpp"
20 #include "restriction.hpp"
21 #include "util.hpp"
22 #include "ceed.hpp"
24 namespace mfem
25 {
27 namespace ceed
28 {
30 /** The different evaluation modes available for PA and MF CeedIntegrator. */
33 #ifdef MFEM_USE_CEED
34 /** This structure is a template interface for the Assemble methods of
35  PAIntegrator and MFIntegrator. See ceed/mass.cpp for an example. */
37 {
38  /** The path to the qFunction header. */
39  const char *header;
40  /** The name of the qFunction to build a partially assembled CeedOperator
41  with a constant Coefficient. */
42  const char *build_func_const;
43  /** The qFunction to build a partially assembled CeedOperator with a constant
44  Coefficient. */
45  CeedQFunctionUser build_qf_const;
46  /** The name of the qFunction to build a partially assembled CeedOperator
47  with a variable Coefficient. */
48  const char *build_func_quad;
49  /** The qFunction to build a partially assembled CeedOperator with a variable
50  Coefficient. */
51  CeedQFunctionUser build_qf_quad;
52  /** The name of the qFunction to apply a partially assembled CeedOperator. */
53  const char *apply_func;
54  /** The qFunction to apply a partially assembled CeedOperator. */
55  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf;
56  /** The name of the qFunction to apply a matrix-free CeedOperator with a
57  constant Coefficient. */
58  const char *apply_func_mf_const;
59  /** The qFunction to apply a matrix-free CeedOperator with a constant
60  Coefficient. */
61  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf_mf_const;
62  /** The name of the qFunction to apply a matrix-free CeedOperator with a
63  variable Coefficient. */
64  const char *apply_func_mf_quad;
65  /** The qFunction to apply a matrix-free CeedOperator with a variable
66  Coefficient. */
67  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf_mf_quad;
68  /** The EvalMode on the trial basis functions. */
70  /** The EvalMode on the test basis functions. */
72  /** The size of the data at each quadrature point. */
73  int qdatasize;
74 };
75 #endif
77 /** This class represent a partially assembled operator using libCEED. */
79 {
80 #ifdef MFEM_USE_CEED
81 protected:
83  CeedElemRestriction trial_restr, test_restr, mesh_restr, restr_i;
84  CeedQFunction build_qfunc, apply_qfunc;
85  CeedVector node_coords, qdata;
87  CeedQFunctionContext build_ctx;
88  CeedOperator build_oper;
90 public:
92  : Operator(),
93  trial_basis(nullptr), test_basis(nullptr), mesh_basis(nullptr),
94  trial_restr(nullptr), test_restr(nullptr), mesh_restr(nullptr),
95  restr_i(nullptr),
96  build_qfunc(nullptr), apply_qfunc(nullptr), node_coords(nullptr),
97  qdata(nullptr), coeff(nullptr), build_ctx(nullptr), build_oper(nullptr)
98  { }
100  /** @brief This method assembles the `PAIntegrator` with the given
101  `CeedOperatorInfo` @a info, an `mfem::FiniteElementSpace` @a fes, an
102  `mfem::IntegrationRule` @a ir, and `mfem::Coefficient` or
103  `mfem::VectorCoefficient` @a Q.
104  The `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from `OperatorInfo`,
105  and contain a `Context` type relevant to the qFunctions.
107  @param[in] info is the structure describing the CeedOperator to assemble.
108  @param[in] fes is the finite element space.
109  @param[in] ir is the integration rule for the operator.
110  @param[in] Q is the coefficient from the `Integrator`. */
111  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
112  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
113  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes,
114  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
115  CoeffType *Q)
116  {
117  Assemble(info, fes, ir, fes.GetNE(), nullptr, Q);
118  }
120  /** @brief This method assembles the `PAIntegrator` with the given
121  `CeedOperatorInfo` @a info, an `mfem::FiniteElementSpace` @a fes, an
122  `mfem::IntegrationRule` @a ir, and `mfem::Coefficient` or
123  `mfem::VectorCoefficient` @a Q for the elements given by the indices
124  @a indices.
125  The `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from `OperatorInfo`,
126  and contain a `Context` type relevant to the qFunctions.
128  @param[in] info is the structure describing the CeedOperator to assemble.
129  @param[in] fes is the finite element space.
130  @param[in] ir is the integration rule for the operator.
131  @param[in] nelem The number of elements.
132  @param[in] indices The indices of the elements of same type in the
133  `FiniteElementSpace`. If `indices == nullptr`, assumes
134  that the `FiniteElementSpace` is not mixed.
135  @param[in] Q is the coefficient from the `Integrator`. */
136  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
137  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
138  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes,
139  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
140  int nelem,
141  const int* indices,
142  CoeffType *Q)
143  {
144  Assemble(info, fes, fes, ir, nelem, indices, Q);
145  }
147  /** This method assembles the PAIntegrator for mixed forms.
149  @param[in] info the `CeedOperatorInfo` describing the `CeedOperator`,
150  the `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from
151  `OperatorInfo` and contain a `Context` type relevant to
152  the qFunctions.
153  @param[in] trial_fes the trial `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
154  @param[in] test_fes the test `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
155  @param[in] ir the `IntegrationRule` for the numerical integration,
156  @param[in] Q `Coefficient` or `VectorCoefficient`. */
157  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
158  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
159  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes,
160  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes,
161  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
162  CoeffType *Q)
163  {
164  Assemble(info, trial_fes, test_fes, ir, trial_fes.GetNE(), nullptr, Q);
165  }
167  /** This method assembles the PAIntegrator for mixed forms on mixed meshes.
169  @param[in] info the `CeedOperatorInfo` describing the `CeedOperator`,
170  the `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from
171  `OperatorInfo` and contain a `Context` type relevant to
172  the qFunctions.
173  @param[in] trial_fes the trial `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
174  @param[in] test_fes the test `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
175  @param[in] ir the `IntegrationRule` for the numerical integration,
176  @param[in] nelem The number of elements,
177  @param[in] indices The indices of the elements of same type in the
178  `FiniteElementSpace`. If `indices == nullptr`, assumes
179  that the `FiniteElementSpace` is not mixed,
180  @param[in] Q `Coefficient` or `VectorCoefficient`. */
181  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
182  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
183  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes,
184  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes,
185  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
186  int nelem,
187  const int* indices,
188  CoeffType *Q)
189  {
190  Ceed ceed(internal::ceed);
191  mfem::Mesh &mesh = *trial_fes.GetMesh();
192  MFEM_VERIFY(!(!indices && mesh.GetNumGeometries(mesh.Dimension()) > 1),
193  "Use ceed::MixedIntegrator on mixed meshes.");
194  InitCoefficient(Q, mesh, ir, nelem, indices, coeff, info.ctx);
195  bool const_coeff = coeff->IsConstant();
196  std::string build_func = const_coeff ? info.build_func_const
197  : info.build_func_quad;
198  CeedQFunctionUser build_qf = const_coeff ? info.build_qf_const
199  : info.build_qf_quad;
200  PAOperator op {info.qdatasize, info.header,
201  build_func, build_qf,
202  info.apply_func, info.apply_qf,
203  info.trial_op,
204  info.test_op
205  };
206  CeedInt dim = mesh.SpaceDimension();
207  CeedInt trial_vdim = trial_fes.GetVDim();
208  CeedInt test_vdim = test_fes.GetVDim();
210  mesh.EnsureNodes();
211  if ( &trial_fes == &test_fes )
212  {
213  InitBasisAndRestriction(trial_fes, ir, nelem, indices,
214  ceed, &trial_basis, &trial_restr);
217  }
218  else
219  {
220  InitBasisAndRestriction(trial_fes, ir, nelem, indices,
221  ceed, &trial_basis, &trial_restr);
222  InitBasisAndRestriction(test_fes, ir, nelem, indices,
223  ceed, &test_basis, &test_restr);
224  }
226  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace *mesh_fes = mesh.GetNodalFESpace();
227  MFEM_VERIFY(mesh_fes, "the Mesh has no nodal FE space");
228  InitBasisAndRestriction(*mesh_fes, ir, nelem, indices,
229  ceed, &mesh_basis, &mesh_restr);
231  CeedInt trial_nqpts, test_nqpts;
232  CeedBasisGetNumQuadraturePoints(trial_basis, &trial_nqpts);
233  CeedBasisGetNumQuadraturePoints(test_basis, &test_nqpts);
234  MFEM_VERIFY(trial_nqpts == test_nqpts,
235  "Trial and test basis must have the same number of quadrature"
236  " points.");
237  CeedInt nqpts = trial_nqpts;
239  const int qdatasize = op.qdatasize;
240  InitStridedRestriction(*mesh_fes, nelem, nqpts, qdatasize,
242  &restr_i);
244  InitVector(*mesh.GetNodes(), node_coords);
246  CeedVectorCreate(ceed, nelem * nqpts * qdatasize, &qdata);
248  // Context data to be passed to the Q-function.
249  info.ctx.dim = mesh.Dimension();
250  info.ctx.space_dim = mesh.SpaceDimension();
251  info.ctx.vdim = trial_fes.GetVDim();
253  std::string qf_file = GetCeedPath() + op.header;
254  std::string qf = qf_file + op.build_func;
255  CeedQFunctionCreateInterior(ceed, 1, op.build_qf, qf.c_str(),
256  &build_qfunc);
258  // Create the Q-function that builds the operator (i.e. computes its
259  // quadrature data) and set its context data.
260  if (VariableCoefficient *var_coeff =
261  dynamic_cast<VariableCoefficient*>(coeff))
262  {
263  CeedQFunctionAddInput(build_qfunc, "coeff", coeff->ncomp,
264  var_coeff->emode);
265  }
266  CeedQFunctionAddInput(build_qfunc, "dx", dim * dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
267  CeedQFunctionAddInput(build_qfunc, "weights", 1, CEED_EVAL_WEIGHT);
268  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(build_qfunc, "qdata", qdatasize, CEED_EVAL_NONE);
270  CeedQFunctionContextCreate(ceed, &build_ctx);
271  CeedQFunctionContextSetData(build_ctx, CEED_MEM_HOST,
273  sizeof(info.ctx),
274  &info.ctx);
275  CeedQFunctionSetContext(build_qfunc, build_ctx);
277  // Create the operator that builds the quadrature data for the operator.
278  CeedOperatorCreate(ceed, build_qfunc, NULL, NULL, &build_oper);
279  if (GridCoefficient *gridCoeff = dynamic_cast<GridCoefficient*>(coeff))
280  {
281  InitBasisAndRestriction(*gridCoeff->gf.FESpace(), ir,
282  nelem, indices, ceed,
283  &gridCoeff->basis,
284  &gridCoeff->restr);
285  CeedOperatorSetField(build_oper, "coeff", gridCoeff->restr,
286  gridCoeff->basis, gridCoeff->coeffVector);
287  }
288  else if (QuadCoefficient *quadCoeff =
289  dynamic_cast<QuadCoefficient*>(coeff))
290  {
291  const int ncomp = quadCoeff->ncomp;
292  CeedInt strides[3] = {ncomp, 1, ncomp*nqpts};
294  nelem, nqpts, ncomp, strides,
295  &quadCoeff->restr);
296  CeedOperatorSetField(build_oper, "coeff", quadCoeff->restr,
297  CEED_BASIS_COLLOCATED, quadCoeff->coeffVector);
298  }
299  CeedOperatorSetField(build_oper, "dx", mesh_restr,
300  mesh_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
301  CeedOperatorSetField(build_oper, "weights", CEED_ELEMRESTRICTION_NONE,
302  mesh_basis, CEED_VECTOR_NONE);
303  CeedOperatorSetField(build_oper, "qdata", restr_i,
306  // Compute the quadrature data for the operator.
307  CeedOperatorApply(build_oper, node_coords, qdata, CEED_REQUEST_IMMEDIATE);
309  // Create the Q-function that defines the action of the operator.
310  qf = qf_file + op.apply_func;
311  CeedQFunctionCreateInterior(ceed, 1, op.apply_qf, qf.c_str(),
312  &apply_qfunc);
313  // input
314  switch (op.trial_op)
315  {
316  case EvalMode::None:
317  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim, CEED_EVAL_NONE);
318  break;
319  case EvalMode::Interp:
320  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim, CEED_EVAL_INTERP);
321  break;
322  case EvalMode::Grad:
323  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "gu", trial_vdim*dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
324  break;
326  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim, CEED_EVAL_INTERP);
327  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "gu", trial_vdim*dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
328  break;
329  }
330  // qdata
331  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "qdata", qdatasize, CEED_EVAL_NONE);
332  // output
333  switch (op.test_op)
334  {
335  case EvalMode::None:
336  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim, CEED_EVAL_NONE);
337  break;
338  case EvalMode::Interp:
339  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim, CEED_EVAL_INTERP);
340  break;
341  case EvalMode::Grad:
342  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "gv", test_vdim*dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
343  break;
345  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim, CEED_EVAL_INTERP);
346  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "gv", test_vdim*dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
347  break;
348  }
349  CeedQFunctionSetContext(apply_qfunc, build_ctx);
351  // Create the operator.
352  CeedOperatorCreate(ceed, apply_qfunc, NULL, NULL, &oper);
353  // input
354  switch (op.trial_op)
355  {
356  case EvalMode::None:
357  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr,
359  break;
360  case EvalMode::Interp:
361  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr, trial_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
362  break;
363  case EvalMode::Grad:
364  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gu", trial_restr, trial_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
365  break;
367  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr, trial_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
368  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gu", trial_restr, trial_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
369  break;
370  }
371  // qdata
372  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "qdata", restr_i, CEED_BASIS_COLLOCATED,
373  qdata);
374  // output
375  switch (op.test_op)
376  {
377  case EvalMode::None:
378  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr,
380  break;
381  case EvalMode::Interp:
382  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr, test_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
383  break;
384  case EvalMode::Grad:
385  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gv", test_restr, test_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
386  break;
388  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr, test_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
389  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gv", test_restr, test_basis, CEED_VECTOR_ACTIVE);
390  break;
391  }
393  CeedVectorCreate(ceed, trial_vdim*trial_fes.GetNDofs(), &u);
394  CeedVectorCreate(ceed, test_vdim*test_fes.GetNDofs(), &v);
395  }
397  virtual ~PAIntegrator()
398  {
399  CeedQFunctionDestroy(&build_qfunc);
400  CeedQFunctionDestroy(&apply_qfunc);
401  CeedQFunctionContextDestroy(&build_ctx);
402  CeedVectorDestroy(&node_coords);
403  CeedVectorDestroy(&qdata);
404  delete coeff;
405  CeedOperatorDestroy(&build_oper);
406  }
408 private:
409  /** This structure contains the data to assemble a partially assembled
410  operator with libCEED. */
411  struct PAOperator
412  {
413  /** The number of quadrature data at each quadrature point. */
414  int qdatasize;
415  /** The path to the header containing the functions for libCEED. */
416  std::string header;
417  /** The name of the Qfunction to build the quadrature data. */
418  std::string build_func;
419  /** The Qfunction to build the quadrature data. */
420  CeedQFunctionUser build_qf;
421  /** The name of the Qfunction to apply the operator. */
422  std::string apply_func;
423  /** The Qfunction to apply the operator. */
424  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf;
425  /** The evaluation mode to apply to the trial function (CEED_EVAL_INTERP,
426  CEED_EVAL_GRAD, etc.) */
427  EvalMode trial_op;
428  /** The evaluation mode to apply to the test function ( CEED_EVAL_INTERP,
429  CEED_EVAL_GRAD, etc.)*/
430  EvalMode test_op;
431  };
432 #endif
433 };
435 /** This class represent a matrix-free operator using libCEED. */
437 {
438 #ifdef MFEM_USE_CEED
439 protected:
441  CeedElemRestriction trial_restr, test_restr, mesh_restr, restr_i;
442  CeedQFunction apply_qfunc;
443  CeedVector node_coords, qdata;
445  CeedQFunctionContext build_ctx;
447 public:
449  : Operator(),
450  trial_basis(nullptr), test_basis(nullptr), mesh_basis(nullptr),
451  trial_restr(nullptr), test_restr(nullptr), mesh_restr(nullptr),
452  restr_i(nullptr),
453  apply_qfunc(nullptr), node_coords(nullptr),
454  qdata(nullptr), coeff(nullptr), build_ctx(nullptr) { }
456  /** @brief This method assembles the `MFIntegrator` with the given
457  `CeedOperatorInfo` @a info, an `mfem::FiniteElementSpace` @a fes, an
458  `mfem::IntegrationRule` @a ir, and `mfem::Coefficient` or
459  `mfem::VectorCoefficient` @a Q.
460  The `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from `OperatorInfo`,
461  and contain a `Context` type relevant to the qFunctions.
463  @param[in] info is the structure describing the CeedOperator to assemble.
464  @param[in] fes is the finite element space.
465  @param[in] ir is the integration rule for the operator.
466  @param[in] Q is the coefficient from the `Integrator`. */
467  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
468  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
469  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes,
470  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
471  CoeffType *Q)
472  {
473  Assemble(info, fes, ir, fes.GetNE(), nullptr, Q);
474  }
476  /** @brief This method assembles the `MFIntegrator` with the given
477  `CeedOperatorInfo` @a info, an `mfem::FiniteElementSpace` @a fes, an
478  `mfem::IntegrationRule` @a ir, and `mfem::Coefficient` or
479  `mfem::VectorCoefficient` @a Q for the elements given by the indices
480  @a indices.
481  The `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from `OperatorInfo`,
482  and contain a `Context` type relevant to the qFunctions.
484  @param[in] info is the structure describing the CeedOperator to assemble.
485  @param[in] fes is the finite element space.
486  @param[in] ir is the integration rule for the operator.
487  @param[in] nelem The number of elements.
488  @param[in] indices The indices of the elements of same type in the
489  `FiniteElementSpace`. If `indices == nullptr`, assumes
490  that the `FiniteElementSpace` is not mixed.
491  @param[in] Q is the coefficient from the `Integrator`. */
492  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
493  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
494  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes,
495  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
496  int nelem,
497  const int* indices,
498  CoeffType *Q)
499  {
500  Assemble(info, fes, fes, ir, nelem, indices, Q);
501  }
503  /** This method assembles the MFIntegrator for mixed forms.
505  @param[in] info the `CeedOperatorInfo` describing the `CeedOperator`,
506  the `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from
507  `OperatorInfo` and contain a `Context` type relevant to
508  the qFunctions.
509  @param[in] trial_fes the trial `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
510  @param[in] test_fes the test `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
511  @param[in] ir the `IntegrationRule` for the numerical integration,
512  @param[in] Q `Coefficient` or `VectorCoefficient`. */
513  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
514  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
515  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes,
516  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes,
517  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
518  CoeffType *Q)
519  {
520  Assemble(info, trial_fes, test_fes, ir, trial_fes.GetNE(), nullptr, Q);
521  }
523  /** This method assembles the MFIntegrator for mixed forms.
525  @param[in] info the `CeedOperatorInfo` describing the `CeedOperator`,
526  the `CeedOperatorInfo` type is expected to inherit from
527  `OperatorInfo` and contain a `Context` type relevant to
528  the qFunctions.
529  @param[in] trial_fes the trial `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
530  @param[in] test_fes the test `FiniteElementSpace` for the form,
531  @param[in] ir the `IntegrationRule` for the numerical integration,
532  @param[in] nelem The number of elements,
533  @param[in] indices The indices of the elements of same type in the
534  `FiniteElementSpace`. If `indices == nullptr`, assumes
535  that the `FiniteElementSpace` is not mixed,
536  @param[in] Q `Coefficient` or `VectorCoefficient`. */
537  template <typename CeedOperatorInfo, typename CoeffType>
538  void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info,
539  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes,
540  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes,
541  const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir,
542  int nelem,
543  const int* indices,
544  CoeffType *Q)
545  {
546  Ceed ceed(internal::ceed);
547  Mesh &mesh = *trial_fes.GetMesh();
548  MFEM_VERIFY(!(!indices && mesh.GetNumGeometries(mesh.Dimension()) > 1),
549  "Use ceed::MixedIntegrator on mixed meshes.");
550  InitCoefficient(Q, mesh, ir, nelem, indices, coeff, info.ctx);
551  bool const_coeff = coeff->IsConstant();
552  std::string apply_func = const_coeff ? info.apply_func_mf_const
553  : info.apply_func_mf_quad;
554  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf = const_coeff ? info.apply_qf_mf_const
555  : info.apply_qf_mf_quad;
556  MFOperator op {info.header,
557  apply_func, apply_qf,
558  info.trial_op,
559  info.test_op
560  };
562  CeedInt dim = mesh.SpaceDimension();
563  CeedInt trial_vdim = trial_fes.GetVDim();
564  CeedInt test_vdim = test_fes.GetVDim();
566  mesh.EnsureNodes();
567  if ( &trial_fes == &test_fes )
568  {
569  InitBasisAndRestriction(trial_fes, ir, nelem, indices, ceed,
573  }
574  else
575  {
576  InitBasisAndRestriction(trial_fes, ir, nelem, indices, ceed,
578  InitBasisAndRestriction(test_fes, ir, nelem, indices, ceed,
580  }
582  const mfem::FiniteElementSpace *mesh_fes = mesh.GetNodalFESpace();
583  MFEM_VERIFY(mesh_fes, "the Mesh has no nodal FE space");
584  InitBasisAndRestriction(*mesh_fes, ir, nelem, indices, ceed, &mesh_basis,
585  &mesh_restr);
587  CeedInt trial_nqpts, test_nqpts;
588  CeedBasisGetNumQuadraturePoints(trial_basis, &trial_nqpts);
589  CeedBasisGetNumQuadraturePoints(trial_basis, &test_nqpts);
590  MFEM_VERIFY(trial_nqpts == test_nqpts,
591  "Trial and test basis must have the same number of quadrature"
592  " points.");
593  CeedInt nqpts = trial_nqpts;
595  InitVector(*mesh.GetNodes(), node_coords);
597  // Context data to be passed to the Q-function.
598  info.ctx.dim = mesh.Dimension();
599  info.ctx.space_dim = mesh.SpaceDimension();
600  info.ctx.vdim = trial_fes.GetVDim();
602  std::string qf_file = GetCeedPath() + op.header;
603  std::string qf = qf_file + op.apply_func;
604  CeedQFunctionCreateInterior(ceed, 1, op.apply_qf, qf.c_str(),
605  &apply_qfunc);
607  // Create the Q-function that builds the operator (i.e. computes its
608  // quadrature data) and set its context data.
609  if (VariableCoefficient *var_coeff =
610  dynamic_cast<VariableCoefficient*>(coeff))
611  {
612  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "coeff", coeff->ncomp,
613  var_coeff->emode);
614  }
615  // input
616  switch (op.trial_op)
617  {
618  case EvalMode::None:
619  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim,
621  break;
622  case EvalMode::Interp:
623  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim,
625  break;
626  case EvalMode::Grad:
627  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "gu", trial_vdim*dim,
629  break;
631  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "u", trial_vdim,
633  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "gu", trial_vdim*dim,
635  break;
636  }
637  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "dx", dim * dim, CEED_EVAL_GRAD);
638  CeedQFunctionAddInput(apply_qfunc, "weights", 1, CEED_EVAL_WEIGHT);
639  // output
640  switch (op.test_op)
641  {
642  case EvalMode::None:
643  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim,
645  break;
646  case EvalMode::Interp:
647  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim,
649  break;
650  case EvalMode::Grad:
651  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "gv", test_vdim*dim,
653  break;
655  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "v", test_vdim,
657  CeedQFunctionAddOutput(apply_qfunc, "gv", test_vdim*dim,
659  break;
660  }
662  CeedQFunctionContextCreate(ceed, &build_ctx);
663  CeedQFunctionContextSetData(build_ctx, CEED_MEM_HOST,
665  sizeof(info.ctx),
666  &info.ctx);
667  CeedQFunctionSetContext(apply_qfunc, build_ctx);
669  // Create the operator.
670  CeedOperatorCreate(ceed, apply_qfunc, NULL, NULL, &oper);
671  // coefficient
672  if (GridCoefficient *gridCoeff = dynamic_cast<GridCoefficient*>(coeff))
673  {
674  InitBasisAndRestriction(*gridCoeff->gf.FESpace(), ir, nelem, indices,
675  ceed, &gridCoeff->basis, &gridCoeff->restr);
676  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "coeff", gridCoeff->restr,
677  gridCoeff->basis, gridCoeff->coeffVector);
678  }
679  else if (QuadCoefficient *quadCoeff =
680  dynamic_cast<QuadCoefficient*>(coeff))
681  {
682  const int ncomp = quadCoeff->ncomp;
683  CeedInt strides[3] = {ncomp, 1, ncomp*nqpts};
685  nelem, nqpts, ncomp, strides,
686  &quadCoeff->restr);
687  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "coeff", quadCoeff->restr,
688  CEED_BASIS_COLLOCATED, quadCoeff->coeffVector);
689  }
690  // input
691  switch (op.trial_op)
692  {
693  case EvalMode::None:
694  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr,
696  break;
697  case EvalMode::Interp:
698  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr, trial_basis,
700  break;
701  case EvalMode::Grad:
702  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gu", trial_restr, trial_basis,
704  break;
706  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "u", trial_restr, trial_basis,
708  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gu", trial_restr, trial_basis,
710  break;
711  }
712  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "dx", mesh_restr,
714  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "weights", CEED_ELEMRESTRICTION_NONE,
715  mesh_basis, CEED_VECTOR_NONE);
716  // output
717  switch (op.test_op)
718  {
719  case EvalMode::None:
720  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr,
722  break;
723  case EvalMode::Interp:
724  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr, test_basis,
726  break;
727  case EvalMode::Grad:
728  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gv", test_restr, test_basis,
730  break;
732  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "v", test_restr, test_basis,
734  CeedOperatorSetField(oper, "gv", test_restr, test_basis,
736  break;
737  }
739  CeedVectorCreate(ceed, trial_vdim*trial_fes.GetNDofs(), &u);
740  CeedVectorCreate(ceed, test_vdim*test_fes.GetNDofs(), &v);
741  }
743  virtual ~MFIntegrator()
744  {
745  CeedQFunctionDestroy(&apply_qfunc);
746  CeedQFunctionContextDestroy(&build_ctx);
747  CeedVectorDestroy(&node_coords);
748  CeedVectorDestroy(&qdata);
749  delete coeff;
750  }
752 private:
753  /** This structure contains the data to assemble a matrix-free operator with
754  libCEED. */
755  struct MFOperator
756  {
757  /** The path to the header containing the functions for libCEED. */
758  std::string header;
759  /** The name of the Qfunction to apply the operator. */
760  std::string apply_func;
761  /** The Qfunction to apply the operator. */
762  CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf;
763  /** The evaluation mode to apply to the trial function (CEED_EVAL_INTERP,
764  CEED_EVAL_GRAD, etc.) */
765  EvalMode trial_op;
766  /** The evaluation mode to apply to the test function ( CEED_EVAL_INTERP,
767  CEED_EVAL_GRAD, etc.) */
768  EvalMode test_op;
769  };
770 #endif
771 };
773 } // namespace ceed
775 } // namespace mfem
777 #endif // MFEM_LIBCEED_INTEG
CeedQFunctionContext build_ctx
Definition: integrator.hpp:445
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
Definition: intrules.hpp:90
const FiniteElementSpace * GetNodalFESpace() const
Definition: mesh.cpp:5351
void InitVector(const mfem::Vector &v, CeedVector &cv)
Initialize a CeedVector from an mfem::Vector.
Definition: util.cpp:75
int Dimension() const
Definition: mesh.hpp:1047
virtual bool IsConstant() const
Definition: coefficient.hpp:43
CeedElemRestriction test_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:83
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, int nelem, const int *indices, CoeffType *Q)
Definition: integrator.hpp:538
int GetNDofs() const
Returns number of degrees of freedom.
Definition: fespace.hpp:584
CeedQFunctionUser build_qf_quad
Definition: integrator.hpp:51
CeedElemRestriction restr_i
Definition: integrator.hpp:83
CeedElemRestriction restr_i
Definition: integrator.hpp:441
int GetNumGeometries(int dim) const
Return the number of geometries of the given dimension present in the mesh.
Definition: mesh.cpp:5921
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, int nelem, const int *indices, CoeffType *Q)
This method assembles the PAIntegrator with the given CeedOperatorInfo info, an mfem::FiniteElementSp...
Definition: integrator.hpp:137
CeedQFunctionContext build_ctx
Definition: integrator.hpp:87
CeedElemRestriction test_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:441
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, int nelem, const int *indices, CoeffType *Q)
This method assembles the MFIntegrator with the given CeedOperatorInfo info, an mfem::FiniteElementSp...
Definition: integrator.hpp:493
CeedOperator oper
Definition: operator.hpp:29
void InitCoefficient(mfem::Coefficient *Q, mfem::Mesh &mesh, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, Coefficient *&coeff_ptr, Context &ctx)
Initializes an mfem::ceed::Coefficient coeff_ptr from an mfem::Coefficient Q, an mfem::Mesh mesh...
Definition: coefficient.hpp:91
CeedQFunctionUser build_qf_const
Definition: integrator.hpp:45
CeedElemRestriction trial_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:83
const char * build_func_const
Definition: integrator.hpp:42
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, CoeffType *Q)
Definition: integrator.hpp:158
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, CoeffType *Q)
This method assembles the PAIntegrator with the given CeedOperatorInfo info, an mfem::FiniteElementSp...
Definition: integrator.hpp:112
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements in the mesh.
Definition: fespace.hpp:614
CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf_mf_const
Definition: integrator.hpp:61
CeedQFunction build_qfunc
Definition: integrator.hpp:84
const char * apply_func_mf_quad
Definition: integrator.hpp:64
CeedElemRestriction trial_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:441
int GetVDim() const
Returns vector dimension.
Definition: fespace.hpp:581
CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf_mf_quad
Definition: integrator.hpp:67
const char * apply_func_mf_const
Definition: integrator.hpp:58
CeedElemRestriction mesh_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:441
Mesh * GetMesh() const
Returns the mesh.
Definition: fespace.hpp:441
const char * build_func_quad
Definition: integrator.hpp:48
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition: fespace.hpp:96
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, CoeffType *Q)
This method assembles the MFIntegrator with the given CeedOperatorInfo info, an mfem::FiniteElementSp...
Definition: integrator.hpp:468
const std::string & GetCeedPath()
Return the path to the libCEED q-function headers.
Definition: util.cpp:255
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, int nelem, const int *indices, CoeffType *Q)
Definition: integrator.hpp:182
void Assemble(CeedOperatorInfo &info, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &trial_fes, const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &test_fes, const mfem::IntegrationRule &ir, CoeffType *Q)
Definition: integrator.hpp:514
void InitStridedRestriction(const mfem::FiniteElementSpace &fes, CeedInt nelem, CeedInt nqpts, CeedInt qdatasize, const CeedInt *strides, CeedElemRestriction *restr)
Initialize a strided CeedElemRestriction.
int SpaceDimension() const
Definition: mesh.hpp:1048
CeedQFunction apply_qfunc
Definition: integrator.hpp:84
int dim
Definition: ex24.cpp:53
CeedQFunction apply_qfunc
Definition: integrator.hpp:442
void GetNodes(Vector &node_coord) const
Definition: mesh.cpp:7949
void InitBasisAndRestriction(const FiniteElementSpace &fes, const IntegrationRule &irm, Ceed ceed, CeedBasis *basis, CeedElemRestriction *restr)
Initialize a CeedBasis and a CeedElemRestriction based on an mfem::FiniteElementSpace fes...
Definition: util.cpp:93
CeedQFunctionUser apply_qf
Definition: integrator.hpp:55
CeedElemRestriction mesh_restr
Definition: integrator.hpp:83
void EnsureNodes()
Make sure that the mesh has valid nodes, i.e. its geometry is described by a vector finite element gr...
Definition: mesh.cpp:5304