| SBM2NeumannLFIntegrator (const ParMesh *pmesh, ShiftedFunctionCoefficient &u, VectorCoefficient &vD_, ShiftedVectorFunctionCoefficient &vN_, Array< int > &elem_marker_, int nterms_=0, bool include_cut_cell_=false, int ls_cut_marker_=ShiftedFaceMarker::SBElementType::CUT) |
virtual void | AssembleRHSElementVect (const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Tr, Vector &elvect) |
virtual void | AssembleRHSElementVect (const FiniteElement &el, FaceElementTransformations &Tr, Vector &elvect) |
virtual void | AssembleRHSElementVect (const FiniteElement &el1, const FiniteElement &el2, FaceElementTransformations &Tr, Vector &elvect) |
bool | GetTrimFlag () const |
virtual bool | SupportsDevice () |
| Method probing for assembly on device. More...
virtual void | AssembleDevice (const FiniteElementSpace &fes, const Array< int > &markers, Vector &b) |
| Method defining assembly on device. More...
virtual void | SetIntRule (const IntegrationRule *ir) |
const IntegrationRule * | GetIntRule () |
virtual | ~LinearFormIntegrator () |
LinearFormIntegrator for Neumann boundaries using the shifted boundary method. (u, w) = <nhat.n t_n, w> where nhat is the normal vector at the true boundary, n is the normal vector at the surrogate boundary, and t_n is the traction boundary condition. Since this interior face integrator is applied to the surrogate boundary (see marking.hpp for notes on how the surrogate faces are determined and elements are marked), this integrator adds contribution to only the element that is adjacent to that face (Trans.Elem1 or Trans.Elem2) and is part of the surrogate domain. Note that t_N is evaluated at the true boundary using the distance function and ShiftedFunctionCoefficient, i.e. t_N(x_true) = t_N(x_surrogate + D), where x_surrogate is the location of the integration point on the surrogate boundary and D is the distance vector from the surrogate boundary to the true boundary.
Definition at line 270 of file sbm_solver.hpp.