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Finite element discretization library
#include <fe_base.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
VectorTensorFiniteElement (const int dims, const int d, const int p, const int cbtype, const int obtype, const int M, const DofMapType dmtype) | |
VectorTensorFiniteElement (const int dims, const int d, const int p, const int obtype, const int M, const DofMapType dmtype) | |
const DofToQuad & | GetDofToQuad (const IntegrationRule &ir, DofToQuad::Mode mode) const |
Return a DofToQuad structure corresponding to the given IntegrationRule using the given DofToQuad::Mode. More... | |
const DofToQuad & | GetDofToQuadOpen (const IntegrationRule &ir, DofToQuad::Mode mode) const |
const DofToQuad & | GetTensorDofToQuad (const IntegrationRule &ir, DofToQuad::Mode mode, const bool closed) const |
~VectorTensorFiniteElement () | |
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VectorFiniteElement (int D, Geometry::Type G, int Do, int O, int M, int F=FunctionSpace::Pk) | |
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FiniteElement (int D, Geometry::Type G, int Do, int O, int F=FunctionSpace::Pk) | |
Construct FiniteElement with given. More... | |
int | GetDim () const |
Returns the reference space dimension for the finite element. More... | |
int | GetVDim () const |
Returns the vector dimension for vector-valued finite elements. More... | |
int | GetCurlDim () const |
Returns the dimension of the curl for vector-valued finite elements. More... | |
Geometry::Type | GetGeomType () const |
Returns the Geometry::Type of the reference element. More... | |
int | GetDof () const |
Returns the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element. More... | |
int | GetOrder () const |
Returns the order of the finite element. In the case of anisotropic orders, returns the maximum order. More... | |
bool | HasAnisotropicOrders () const |
Returns true if the FiniteElement basis may be using different orders/degrees in different spatial directions. More... | |
const int * | GetAnisotropicOrders () const |
Returns an array containing the anisotropic orders/degrees. More... | |
int | Space () const |
Returns the type of FunctionSpace on the element. More... | |
int | GetRangeType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::RangeType of the element, one of {SCALAR, VECTOR}. More... | |
int | GetDerivRangeType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::RangeType of the element derivative, either SCALAR or VECTOR. More... | |
int | GetMapType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::MapType of the element describing how reference functions are mapped to physical space, one of {VALUE, INTEGRAL H_DIV, H_CURL}. More... | |
int | GetDerivType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::DerivType of the element describing the spatial derivative method implemented, one of {NONE, GRAD, DIV, CURL}. More... | |
int | GetDerivMapType () const |
Returns the FiniteElement::DerivType of the element describing how reference function derivatives are mapped to physical space, one of {VALUE, INTEGRAL, H_DIV, H_CURL}. More... | |
void | CalcPhysShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. More... | |
void | CalcPhysDShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &dshape) const |
Evaluate the gradients of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. More... | |
const IntegrationRule & | GetNodes () const |
Get a const reference to the nodes of the element. More... | |
virtual void | CalcVShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
virtual void | CalcVShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. More... | |
void | CalcPhysVShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
Equivalent to the CalcVShape() method with the same arguments. More... | |
virtual void | CalcDivShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &divshape) const |
Evaluate the divergence of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
void | CalcPhysDivShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &divshape) const |
Evaluate the divergence of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. More... | |
virtual void | CalcCurlShape (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &curl_shape) const |
Evaluate the curl of all shape functions of a vector finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
virtual void | CalcPhysCurlShape (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl_shape) const |
Evaluate the curl of all shape functions of a vector finite element in physical space at the point described by Trans. More... | |
virtual void | GetFaceDofs (int face, int **dofs, int *ndofs) const |
Get the dofs associated with the given face. *dofs is set to an internal array of the local dofc on the face, while *ndofs is set to the number of dofs on that face. More... | |
virtual void | CalcHessian (const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &Hessian) const |
Evaluate the Hessians of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
virtual void | CalcPhysHessian (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &Hessian) const |
Evaluate the Hessian of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
virtual void | CalcPhysLaplacian (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &Laplacian) const |
Evaluate the Laplacian of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given point ip. More... | |
virtual void | CalcPhysLinLaplacian (ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &Laplacian) const |
virtual void | GetLocalInterpolation (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
Return the local interpolation matrix I (Dof x Dof) where the fine element is the image of the base geometry under the given transformation. More... | |
virtual void | GetLocalRestriction (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &R) const |
Return a local restriction matrix R (Dof x Dof) mapping fine dofs to coarse dofs. More... | |
virtual void | GetTransferMatrix (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
Return interpolation matrix, I, which maps dofs from a coarse element, fe, to the fine dofs on this finite element. More... | |
virtual void | Project (Coefficient &coeff, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Given a coefficient and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. More... | |
virtual void | Project (VectorCoefficient &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Given a vector coefficient and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. (VectorFiniteElements) More... | |
virtual void | ProjectFromNodes (Vector &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Given a vector of values at the finite element nodes and a transformation, compute its projection (approximation) in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. Valid for VectorFiniteElements. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectMatrixCoefficient (MatrixCoefficient &mc, ElementTransformation &T, Vector &dofs) const |
Given a matrix coefficient and a transformation, compute an approximation ("projection") in the local finite dimensional space in terms of the degrees of freedom. For VectorFiniteElements, the rows of the coefficient are projected in the vector space. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectDelta (int vertex, Vector &dofs) const |
Project a delta function centered on the given vertex in the local finite dimensional space represented by the dofs. More... | |
virtual void | Project (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
Compute the embedding/projection matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the projection depends on it. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectGrad (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
Compute the discrete gradient matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectCurl (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl) const |
Compute the discrete curl matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectDiv (const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &div) const |
Compute the discrete divergence matrix from the given FiniteElement onto 'this' FiniteElement. The ElementTransformation is included to support cases when the matrix depends on it. More... | |
virtual | ~FiniteElement () |
Deconstruct the FiniteElement. More... | |
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TensorBasisElement (const int dims, const int p, const int btype, const DofMapType dmtype) | |
int | GetBasisType () const |
const Poly_1D::Basis & | GetBasis1D () const |
const Array< int > & | GetDofMap () const |
Get an Array<int> that maps lexicographically ordered indices to the indices of the respective nodes/dofs/basis functions. If the dofs are ordered lexicographically, i.e. the mapping is identity, the returned Array will be empty. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
Poly_1D::Basis & | cbasis1d |
Poly_1D::Basis & | obasis1d |
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bool | is_nodal |
DenseMatrix | JtJ |
DenseMatrix | curlshape |
DenseMatrix | curlshape_J |
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int | dim |
Dimension of reference space. More... | |
int | vdim |
Vector dimension of vector-valued basis functions. More... | |
int | cdim |
Dimension of curl for vector-valued basis functions. More... | |
Geometry::Type | geom_type |
Geometry::Type of the reference element. More... | |
int | func_space |
int | range_type |
int | map_type |
int | deriv_type |
int | deriv_range_type |
int | deriv_map_type |
int | dof |
Number of degrees of freedom. More... | |
int | order |
Order/degree of the shape functions. More... | |
int | orders [Geometry::MaxDim] |
Anisotropic orders. More... | |
IntegrationRule | Nodes |
DenseMatrix | vshape |
Array< DofToQuad * > | dof2quad_array |
Container for all DofToQuad objects created by the FiniteElement. More... | |
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int | b_type |
Array< int > | dof_map |
Poly_1D::Basis & | basis1d |
Array< int > | inv_dof_map |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | RangeType { SCALAR, VECTOR } |
Enumeration for range_type and deriv_range_type. More... | |
enum | MapType { VALUE, INTEGRAL, H_DIV, H_CURL } |
Enumeration for MapType: defines how reference functions are mapped to physical space. More... | |
enum | DerivType { NONE, GRAD, DIV, CURL } |
Enumeration for DerivType: defines which derivative method is implemented. More... | |
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enum | DofMapType { L2_DOF_MAP = 0, H1_DOF_MAP = 1, Sr_DOF_MAP = 2 } |
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static bool | IsClosedType (int b_type) |
Return true if the BasisType of b_type is closed (has Quadrature1D points on the boundary). More... | |
static bool | IsOpenType (int b_type) |
Return true if the BasisType of b_type is open (doesn't have Quadrature1D points on the boundary). More... | |
static int | VerifyClosed (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type is closed (has Quadrature1D points on the boundary). More... | |
static int | VerifyOpen (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type is open (doesn't have Quadrature1D points on the boundary). More... | |
static int | VerifyNodal (int b_type) |
Ensure that the BasisType of b_type nodal (satisfies the interpolation property). More... | |
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static Geometry::Type | GetTensorProductGeometry (int dim) |
static int | Pow (int base, int dim) |
Return base raised to the power dim. More... | |
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void | SetDerivMembers () |
void | CalcVShape_RT (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
void | CalcVShape_ND (ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &shape) const |
void | Project_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, VectorCoefficient &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Project a vector coefficient onto the RT basis functions. More... | |
void | Project_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, Vector &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Projects the vector of values given at FE nodes to RT space. More... | |
void | ProjectMatrixCoefficient_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, MatrixCoefficient &mc, ElementTransformation &T, Vector &dofs) const |
Project the rows of the matrix coefficient in an RT space. More... | |
void | Project_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
Project vector-valued basis functions onto the RT basis functions. More... | |
void | ProjectGrad_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | ProjectCurl_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl) const |
void | ProjectCurl_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &curl) const |
void | Project_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, VectorCoefficient &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Project a vector coefficient onto the ND basis functions. More... | |
void | Project_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, Vector &vc, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &dofs) const |
Projects the vector of values given at FE nodes to ND space. More... | |
void | ProjectMatrixCoefficient_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, MatrixCoefficient &mc, ElementTransformation &T, Vector &dofs) const |
Project the rows of the matrix coefficient in an ND space. More... | |
void | Project_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
Project vector-valued basis functions onto the ND basis functions. More... | |
void | ProjectGrad_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, const FiniteElement &fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | LocalL2Projection_RT (const VectorFiniteElement &cfe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
void | LocalInterpolation_RT (const VectorFiniteElement &cfe, const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
void | LocalL2Projection_ND (const VectorFiniteElement &cfe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
void | LocalInterpolation_ND (const VectorFiniteElement &cfe, const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const |
void | LocalRestriction_RT (const double *nk, const Array< int > &d2n, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &R) const |
void | LocalRestriction_ND (const double *tk, const Array< int > &d2t, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &R) const |
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static const VectorFiniteElement & | CheckVectorFE (const FiniteElement &fe) |
Definition at line 1241 of file fe_base.hpp.
mfem::VectorTensorFiniteElement::VectorTensorFiniteElement | ( | const int | dims, |
const int | d, | ||
const int | p, | ||
const int | cbtype, | ||
const int | obtype, | ||
const int | M, | ||
const DofMapType | dmtype | ||
) |
Definition at line 2431 of file fe_base.cpp.
mfem::VectorTensorFiniteElement::VectorTensorFiniteElement | ( | const int | dims, |
const int | d, | ||
const int | p, | ||
const int | obtype, | ||
const int | M, | ||
const DofMapType | dmtype | ||
) |
Definition at line 2448 of file fe_base.cpp.
mfem::VectorTensorFiniteElement::~VectorTensorFiniteElement | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2543 of file fe_base.cpp.
virtual |
Return a DofToQuad structure corresponding to the given IntegrationRule using the given DofToQuad::Mode.
See the documentation for DofToQuad for more details.
Reimplemented from mfem::FiniteElement.
Definition at line 2464 of file fe_base.cpp.
const DofToQuad & mfem::VectorTensorFiniteElement::GetDofToQuadOpen | ( | const IntegrationRule & | ir, |
DofToQuad::Mode | mode | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 2473 of file fe_base.cpp.
const DofToQuad & mfem::VectorTensorFiniteElement::GetTensorDofToQuad | ( | const IntegrationRule & | ir, |
DofToQuad::Mode | mode, | ||
const bool | closed | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 2482 of file fe_base.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 1248 of file fe_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 1248 of file fe_base.hpp.