MFEM  v4.4.0
Finite element discretization library
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mfem::Point Class Reference

Data type point element. More...

#include <point.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for mfem::Point:
Collaboration diagram for mfem::Point:

Public Types

typedef Geometry::Constants
< Geometry::POINT
- Public Types inherited from mfem::Element
enum  Type {
 Constants for the classes derived from Element. More...

Public Member Functions

 Point ()
 Point (const int *ind, int attr=-1)
 Constructs point by specifying the indices and the attribute. More...
virtual Type GetType () const
 Return element's type. More...
virtual void GetVertices (Array< int > &v) const
 Returns the indices of the element's vertices. More...
virtual int * GetVertices ()
virtual int GetNVertices () const
virtual int GetNEdges () const
virtual const int * GetEdgeVertices (int ei) const
virtual MFEM_DEPRECATED int GetNFaces (int &nFaceVertices) const
virtual int GetNFaces () const
virtual int GetNFaceVertices (int) const
virtual const int * GetFaceVertices (int fi) const
virtual ElementDuplicate (Mesh *m) const
virtual ~Point ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from mfem::Element
 Element (Geometry::Type bg=Geometry::POINT)
 Default element constructor. More...
Geometry::Type GetGeometryType () const
int GetAttribute () const
 Return element's attribute. More...
void SetAttribute (const int attr)
 Set element's attribute. More...
virtual void SetVertices (const int *ind)
 Set the indices the element according to the input. More...
const int * GetVertices () const
virtual void MarkEdge (const DSTable &v_to_v, const int *length)
 Mark the longest edge by assuming/changing the order of the vertices. More...
virtual int NeedRefinement (HashTable< Hashed2 > &v_to_v) const
 Return 1 if the element needs refinement in order to get conforming mesh. More...
virtual void ResetTransform (int tr)
 Set current coarse-fine transformation number. More...
virtual void PushTransform (int tr)
 Add 'tr' to the current chain of coarse-fine transformations. More...
virtual unsigned GetTransform () const
 Return current coarse-fine transformation. More...
virtual ~Element ()
 Destroys element. More...

Protected Attributes

int indices [1]
- Protected Attributes inherited from mfem::Element
int attribute
 Element's attribute (specifying material property, etc). More...
Geometry::Type base_geom
 Element's type from the Finite Element's perspective. More...

Detailed Description

Data type point element.

Definition at line 22 of file point.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 28 of file point.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mfem::Point::Point ( )

Definition at line 30 of file point.hpp.

mfem::Point::Point ( const int *  ind,
int  attr = -1 

Constructs point by specifying the indices and the attribute.

Definition at line 18 of file point.cpp.

virtual mfem::Point::~Point ( )

Definition at line 62 of file point.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual Element* mfem::Point::Duplicate ( Mesh m) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 59 of file point.hpp.

virtual const int* mfem::Point::GetEdgeVertices ( int  ei) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 47 of file point.hpp.

virtual const int* mfem::Point::GetFaceVertices ( int  fi) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 57 of file point.hpp.

virtual int mfem::Point::GetNEdges ( ) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 45 of file point.hpp.

virtual MFEM_DEPRECATED int mfem::Point::GetNFaces ( int &  nFaceVertices) const
Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead.

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 50 of file point.hpp.

virtual int mfem::Point::GetNFaces ( void  ) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 53 of file point.hpp.

virtual int mfem::Point::GetNFaceVertices ( int  ) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 55 of file point.hpp.

virtual int mfem::Point::GetNVertices ( ) const

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 43 of file point.hpp.

virtual Type mfem::Point::GetType ( ) const

Return element's type.

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 36 of file point.hpp.

void mfem::Point::GetVertices ( Array< int > &  v) const

Returns the indices of the element's vertices.

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 24 of file point.cpp.

virtual int* mfem::Point::GetVertices ( )

Implements mfem::Element.

Definition at line 41 of file point.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

int mfem::Point::indices[1]

Definition at line 25 of file point.hpp.

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