| GridFunctionPumi (Mesh *m, apf::Mesh2 *PumiM, apf::Numbering *v_num_loc, const int mesh_order) |
| Construct a GridFunction from a PUMI mesh. More...
virtual | ~GridFunctionPumi () |
| Destroy the grid function. More...
| GridFunction () |
| GridFunction (const GridFunction &orig) |
| Copy constructor. The internal true-dof vector t_vec is not copied. More...
| GridFunction (FiniteElementSpace *f) |
| Construct a GridFunction associated with the FiniteElementSpace *f. More...
| GridFunction (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *data) |
| Construct a GridFunction using previously allocated array data. More...
| GridFunction (Mesh *m, std::istream &input) |
| Construct a GridFunction on the given Mesh, using the data from input. More...
| GridFunction (Mesh *m, GridFunction *gf_array[], int num_pieces) |
GridFunction & | operator= (const GridFunction &rhs) |
| Copy assignment. Only the data of the base class Vector is copied. More...
void | MakeOwner (FiniteElementCollection *fec_) |
| Make the GridFunction the owner of fec and fes. More...
FiniteElementCollection * | OwnFEC () |
int | VectorDim () const |
const Vector & | GetTrueVector () const |
| Read only access to the (optional) internal true-dof Vector. More...
Vector & | GetTrueVector () |
| Read and write access to the (optional) internal true-dof Vector. More...
void | GetTrueDofs (Vector &tv) const |
| Extract the true-dofs from the GridFunction. More...
void | SetTrueVector () |
| Shortcut for calling GetTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument. More...
virtual void | SetFromTrueDofs (const Vector &tv) |
| Set the GridFunction from the given true-dof vector. More...
void | SetFromTrueVector () |
| Shortcut for calling SetFromTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument. More...
void | GetNodalValues (int i, Array< double > &nval, int vdim=1) const |
| Returns the values in the vertices of i'th element for dimension vdim. More...
void | GetLaplacians (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &laps, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetLaplacians (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &laps, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetHessians (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &hess, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetHessians (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &hess, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetValuesFrom (const GridFunction &orig_func) |
void | GetBdrValuesFrom (const GridFunction &orig_func) |
void | GetVectorFieldValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int comp=0) const |
void | ReorderByNodes () |
| For a vector grid function, makes sure that the ordering is byNODES. More...
void | GetNodalValues (Vector &nval, int vdim=1) const |
| Return the values as a vector on mesh vertices for dimension vdim. More...
void | GetVectorFieldNodalValues (Vector &val, int comp) const |
void | ProjectVectorFieldOn (GridFunction &vec_field, int comp=0) |
void | GetDerivative (int comp, int der_comp, GridFunction &der) |
double | GetDivergence (ElementTransformation &tr) const |
void | GetCurl (ElementTransformation &tr, Vector &curl) const |
void | GetGradient (ElementTransformation &tr, Vector &grad) const |
void | GetGradients (ElementTransformation &tr, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetGradients (const int elem, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetVectorGradient (ElementTransformation &tr, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetElementAverages (GridFunction &avgs) const |
virtual void | GetElementDofValues (int el, Vector &dof_vals) const |
void | ImposeBounds (int i, const Vector &weights, const Vector &lo_, const Vector &hi_) |
void | ImposeBounds (int i, const Vector &weights, double min_=0.0, double max_=infinity()) |
void | RestrictConforming () |
void | ProjectGridFunction (const GridFunction &src) |
| Project the src GridFunction to this GridFunction, both of which must be on the same mesh. More...
virtual void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff) |
| Project coeff Coefficient to this GridFunction. The projection computation depends on the choice of the FiniteElementSpace fes. Note that this is usually interpolation at the degrees of freedom in each element (not L2 projection). More...
void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, Array< int > &dofs, int vd=0) |
| Project coeff Coefficient to this GridFunction, using one element for each degree of freedom in dofs and nodal interpolation on that element. More...
void | ProjectCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff) |
| Project vcoeff VectorCoefficient to this GridFunction. The projection computation depends on the choice of the FiniteElementSpace fes. Note that this is usually interpolation at the degrees of freedom in each element (not L2 projection). More...
void | ProjectCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &dofs) |
| Project vcoeff VectorCoefficient to this GridFunction, using one element for each degree of freedom in dofs and nodal interpolation on that element. More...
void | ProjectCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, int attribute) |
| Project vcoeff VectorCoefficient to this GridFunction, only projecting onto elements with the given attribute. More...
void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient *coeff[]) |
| Analogous to the version with argument vcoeff VectorCoefficient but using an array of scalar coefficients for each component. More...
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &coeff) |
| Project a discontinuous vector coefficient as a grid function on a continuous finite element space. The values in shared dofs are determined from the element with maximal attribute. More...
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, AvgType type) |
| Projects a discontinuous coefficient so that the values in shared vdofs are computed by taking an average of the possible values. More...
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &coeff, AvgType type) |
| Projects a discontinuous vector coefficient so that the values in shared vdofs are computed by taking an average of the possible values. More...
void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a Coefficient on the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributes marked in the attr array. More...
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a VectorCoefficient on the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributes marked in the attr array. More...
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (Coefficient *coeff[], Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a set of Coefficients on the components of the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributed marked in the attr array. More...
void | ProjectBdrCoefficientNormal (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &bdr_attr) |
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficientTangent (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &bdr_attr) |
| Project the tangential components of the given VectorCoefficient on the boundary. Only boundary attributes that are marked in bdr_attr are projected. Assumes ND-type VectorFE GridFunction. More...
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (Coefficient *exsol[], const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL, Array< int > *elems=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeGradError (VectorCoefficient *exgrad, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns ||grad u_ex - grad u_h||_L2 for H1 or L2 elements. More...
virtual double | ComputeCurlError (VectorCoefficient *excurl, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns ||curl u_ex - curl u_h||_L2 for ND elements. More...
virtual double | ComputeDivError (Coefficient *exdiv, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns ||div u_ex - div u_h||_L2 for RT elements. More...
virtual double | ComputeDGFaceJumpError (Coefficient *exsol, Coefficient *ell_coeff, class JumpScaling jump_scaling, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
MFEM_DEPRECATED double | ComputeDGFaceJumpError (Coefficient *exsol, Coefficient *ell_coeff, double Nu, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns the Face Jumps error for L2 elements, with 1/h scaling. More...
virtual double | ComputeH1Error (Coefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *exgrad, Coefficient *ell_coef, double Nu, int norm_type) const |
virtual double | ComputeH1Error (Coefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *exgrad, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeHDivError (VectorCoefficient *exsol, Coefficient *exdiv, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns the error measured in H(div)-norm for RT elements. More...
virtual double | ComputeHCurlError (VectorCoefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *excurl, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
| Returns the error measured in H(curl)-norm for ND elements. More...
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (Coefficient *exsol[], const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL1Error (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeW11Error (Coefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *exgrad, int norm_type, Array< int > *elems=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL1Error (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeLpError (const double p, Coefficient &exsol, Coefficient *weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementLpErrors (const double p, Coefficient &exsol, Vector &error, Coefficient *weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL1Errors (Coefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL2Errors (Coefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementMaxErrors (Coefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeLpError (const double p, VectorCoefficient &exsol, Coefficient *weight=NULL, VectorCoefficient *v_weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementLpErrors (const double p, VectorCoefficient &exsol, Vector &error, Coefficient *weight=NULL, VectorCoefficient *v_weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL1Errors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL2Errors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementMaxErrors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, Vector &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeFlux (BilinearFormIntegrator &blfi, GridFunction &flux, bool wcoef=true, int subdomain=-1) |
GridFunction & | operator= (double value) |
| Redefine '=' for GridFunction = constant. More...
GridFunction & | operator= (const Vector &v) |
| Copy the data from v. More...
virtual void | Update () |
| Transform by the Space UpdateMatrix (e.g., on Mesh change). More...
FiniteElementSpace * | FESpace () |
const FiniteElementSpace * | FESpace () const |
virtual void | SetSpace (FiniteElementSpace *f) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace with the GridFunction. More...
virtual void | MakeRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *v) |
| Make the GridFunction reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace. More...
virtual void | MakeRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset) |
| Make the GridFunction reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace. More...
void | MakeTRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *tv) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace and new true-dof data with the GridFunction. More...
void | MakeTRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &tv, int tv_offset) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace and new true-dof data with the GridFunction. More...
virtual void | Save (std::ostream &out) const |
| Save the GridFunction to an output stream. More...
virtual void | Save (const char *fname, int precision=16) const |
virtual void | Save (adios2stream &out, const std::string &variable_name, const adios2stream::data_type type=adios2stream::data_type::point_data) const |
| Save the GridFunction to a binary output stream using adios2 bp format. More...
void | SaveVTK (std::ostream &out, const std::string &field_name, int ref) |
| Write the GridFunction in VTK format. Note that Mesh::PrintVTK must be called first. The parameter ref > 0 must match the one used in Mesh::PrintVTK. More...
void | SaveSTL (std::ostream &out, int TimesToRefine=1) |
| Write the GridFunction in STL format. Note that the mesh dimension must be 2 and that quad elements will be broken into two triangles. More...
virtual | ~GridFunction () |
| Destroys grid function. More...
virtual double | GetValue (int i, const IntegrationPoint &ip, int vdim=1) const |
virtual void | GetVectorValue (int i, const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &val) const |
void | GetValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetVectorValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr) const |
virtual double | GetValue (ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip, int comp=0, Vector *tr=NULL) const |
virtual void | GetVectorValue (ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &val, Vector *tr=NULL) const |
void | GetValues (ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, int comp=0, DenseMatrix *tr=NULL) const |
void | GetVectorValues (ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix *tr=NULL) const |
int | GetFaceValues (int i, int side, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
int | GetFaceVectorValues (int i, int side, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr) const |
| Vector () |
| Default constructor for Vector. Sets size = 0 and data = NULL. More...
| Vector (const Vector &) |
| Copy constructor. Allocates a new data array and copies the data. More...
| Vector (int s) |
| Creates vector of size s. More...
| Vector (double *data_, int size_) |
| Creates a vector referencing an array of doubles, owned by someone else. More...
| Vector (int size_, MemoryType mt) |
| Create a Vector of size size_ using MemoryType mt. More...
| Vector (int size_, MemoryType h_mt, MemoryType d_mt) |
| Create a Vector of size size_ using host MemoryType h_mt and device MemoryType d_mt. More...
template<int N> |
| Vector (const double(&values)[N]) |
| Create a vector using a braced initializer list. More...
virtual void | UseDevice (bool use_dev) const |
| Enable execution of Vector operations using the mfem::Device. More...
virtual bool | UseDevice () const |
| Return the device flag of the Memory object used by the Vector. More...
void | Load (std::istream **in, int np, int *dim) |
| Reads a vector from multiple files. More...
void | Load (std::istream &in, int Size) |
| Load a vector from an input stream. More...
void | Load (std::istream &in) |
| Load a vector from an input stream, reading the size from the stream. More...
void | SetSize (int s) |
| Resize the vector to size s. More...
void | SetSize (int s, MemoryType mt) |
| Resize the vector to size s using MemoryType mt. More...
void | SetSize (int s, Vector &v) |
| Resize the vector to size s using the MemoryType of v. More...
void | SetData (double *d) |
void | SetDataAndSize (double *d, int s) |
| Set the Vector data and size. More...
void | NewDataAndSize (double *d, int s) |
| Set the Vector data and size, deleting the old data, if owned. More...
void | NewMemoryAndSize (const Memory< double > &mem, int s, bool own_mem) |
| Reset the Vector to use the given external Memory mem and size s. More...
void | MakeRef (Vector &base, int offset, int size) |
| Reset the Vector to be a reference to a sub-vector of base. More...
void | MakeRef (Vector &base, int offset) |
| Reset the Vector to be a reference to a sub-vector of base without changing its current size. More...
void | MakeDataOwner () const |
| Set the Vector data (host pointer) ownership flag. More...
void | Destroy () |
| Destroy a vector. More...
void | DeleteDevice (bool copy_to_host=true) |
| Delete the device pointer, if owned. If copy_to_host is true and the data is valid only on device, move it to host before deleting. Invalidates the device memory. More...
int | Size () const |
| Returns the size of the vector. More...
int | Capacity () const |
| Return the size of the currently allocated data array. More...
double * | GetData () const |
| Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data. More...
| operator double * () |
| Conversion to double * . More...
| operator const double * () const |
| Conversion to const double * . More...
double * | begin () |
| STL-like begin. More...
double * | end () |
| STL-like end. More...
const double * | begin () const |
| STL-like begin (const version). More...
const double * | end () const |
| STL-like end (const version). More...
Memory< double > & | GetMemory () |
| Return a reference to the Memory object used by the Vector. More...
const Memory< double > & | GetMemory () const |
| Return a reference to the Memory object used by the Vector, const version. More...
void | SyncMemory (const Vector &v) const |
| Update the memory location of the vector to match v. More...
void | SyncAliasMemory (const Vector &v) const |
| Update the alias memory location of the vector to match v. More...
bool | OwnsData () const |
| Read the Vector data (host pointer) ownership flag. More...
void | StealData (double **p) |
| Changes the ownership of the data; after the call the Vector is empty. More...
double * | StealData () |
| Changes the ownership of the data; after the call the Vector is empty. More...
double & | Elem (int i) |
| Access Vector entries. Index i = 0 .. size-1. More...
const double & | Elem (int i) const |
| Read only access to Vector entries. Index i = 0 .. size-1. More...
double & | operator() (int i) |
| Access Vector entries using () for 0-based indexing. More...
const double & | operator() (int i) const |
| Read only access to Vector entries using () for 0-based indexing. More...
double | operator* (const double *) const |
| Dot product with a double * array. More...
double | operator* (const Vector &v) const |
| Return the inner-product. More...
Vector & | operator= (const double *v) |
| Copy Size() entries from v. More...
Vector & | operator= (const Vector &v) |
| Copy assignment. More...
Vector & | operator= (double value) |
| Redefine '=' for vector = constant. More...
Vector & | operator*= (double c) |
Vector & | operator*= (const Vector &v) |
| Component-wise scaling: (*this)(i) *= v(i) More...
Vector & | operator/= (double c) |
Vector & | operator/= (const Vector &v) |
| Component-wise division: (*this)(i) /= v(i) More...
Vector & | operator-= (double c) |
Vector & | operator-= (const Vector &v) |
Vector & | operator+= (double c) |
Vector & | operator+= (const Vector &v) |
Vector & | Add (const double a, const Vector &Va) |
| (*this) += a * Va More...
Vector & | Set (const double a, const Vector &x) |
| (*this) = a * x More...
void | SetVector (const Vector &v, int offset) |
void | Neg () |
| (*this) = -(*this) More...
void | Swap (Vector &other) |
| Swap the contents of two Vectors. More...
void | median (const Vector &lo, const Vector &hi) |
| v = median(v,lo,hi) entrywise. Implementation assumes lo <= hi. More...
void | GetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, Vector &elemvect) const |
| Extract entries listed in dofs to the output Vector elemvect. More...
void | GetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) const |
| Extract entries listed in dofs to the output array elem_data. More...
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const double value) |
| Set the entries listed in dofs to the given value. More...
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const Vector &elemvect) |
| Set the entries listed in dofs to the values given in the elemvect Vector. Negative dof values cause the -dof-1 position in this Vector to receive the -val from elemvect. More...
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) |
| Set the entries listed in dofs to the values given the , elem_data array. Negative dof values cause the -dof-1 position in this Vector to receive the -val from elem_data. More...
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const Vector &elemvect) |
| Add elements of the elemvect Vector to the entries listed in dofs. Negative dof values cause the -dof-1 position in this Vector to add the -val from elemvect. More...
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) |
| Add elements of the elem_data array to the entries listed in dofs. Negative dof values cause the -dof-1 position in this Vector to add the -val from elem_data. More...
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const double a, const Vector &elemvect) |
| Add times the elements of the elemvect Vector to the entries listed in dofs. Negative dof values cause the -dof-1 position in this Vector to add the -a*val from elemvect. More...
void | SetSubVectorComplement (const Array< int > &dofs, const double val) |
| Set all vector entries NOT in the dofs Array to the given val. More...
void | Print (std::ostream &out=mfem::out, int width=8) const |
| Prints vector to stream out. More...
void | Print (adios2stream &out, const std::string &variable_name) const |
void | Print_HYPRE (std::ostream &out) const |
| Prints vector to stream out in HYPRE_Vector format. More...
void | PrintHash (std::ostream &out) const |
| Print the Vector size and hash of its data. More...
void | Randomize (int seed=0) |
| Set random values in the vector. More...
double | Norml2 () const |
| Returns the l2 norm of the vector. More...
double | Normlinf () const |
| Returns the l_infinity norm of the vector. More...
double | Norml1 () const |
| Returns the l_1 norm of the vector. More...
double | Normlp (double p) const |
| Returns the l_p norm of the vector. More...
double | Max () const |
| Returns the maximal element of the vector. More...
double | Min () const |
| Returns the minimal element of the vector. More...
double | Sum () const |
| Return the sum of the vector entries. More...
double | DistanceSquaredTo (const double *p) const |
| Compute the square of the Euclidean distance to another vector. More...
double | DistanceTo (const double *p) const |
| Compute the Euclidean distance to another vector. More...
int | CheckFinite () const |
| Count the number of entries in the Vector for which isfinite is false, i.e. the entry is a NaN or +/-Inf. More...
virtual | ~Vector () |
| Destroys vector. More...
virtual const double * | Read (bool on_dev=true) const |
| Shortcut for mfem::Read(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
virtual const double * | HostRead () const |
| Shortcut for mfem::Read(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
virtual double * | Write (bool on_dev=true) |
| Shortcut for mfem::Write(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
virtual double * | HostWrite () |
| Shortcut for mfem::Write(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
virtual double * | ReadWrite (bool on_dev=true) |
| Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
virtual double * | HostReadWrite () |
| Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
MFEM_DEPRECATED | Vector (N_Vector nv) |
| (DEPRECATED) Construct a wrapper Vector from SUNDIALS N_Vector. More...
virtual MFEM_DEPRECATED N_Vector | ToNVector () |
| (DEPRECATED) Return a new wrapper SUNDIALS N_Vector of type SUNDIALS_NVEC_SERIAL. More...
virtual MFEM_DEPRECATED void | ToNVector (N_Vector &nv, long global_length=0) |
| Update an existing wrapper SUNDIALS N_Vector to point to this Vector. More...