| AnalyticAdaptTC (TargetType ttype) |
virtual void | SetAnalyticTargetSpec (Coefficient *sspec, VectorCoefficient *vspec, TMOPMatrixCoefficient *mspec) |
virtual void | ComputeElementTargets (int e_id, const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, DenseTensor &Jtr) const |
| Given an element and quadrature rule, computes ref->target transformation Jacobians for each quadrature point in the element. The physical positions of the element's nodes are given by elfun. More...
virtual void | ComputeAllElementTargets (const FiniteElementSpace &fes, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &xe, DenseTensor &Jtr) const |
| Computes reference-to-target transformation Jacobians for all quadrature points in all elements. More...
virtual void | ComputeElementTargetsGradient (const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseTensor &dJtr) const |
| TargetConstructor (TargetType ttype) |
| Constructor for use in serial. More...
| TargetConstructor (TargetType ttype, MPI_Comm mpicomm) |
| Constructor for use in parallel. More...
virtual | ~TargetConstructor () |
void | SetNodes (const GridFunction &n) |
| Set the nodes to be used in the target-matrix construction. More...
const GridFunction * | GetNodes () const |
| Get the nodes to be used in the target-matrix construction. More...
void | SetVolumeScale (double vol_scale) |
| Used by target type IDEAL_SHAPE_EQUAL_SIZE. The default volume scale is 1. More...
TargetType | GetTargetType () const |
bool | UsesPhysicalCoordinates () const |
| Return true if the methods ComputeElementTargets(), ComputeAllElementTargets(), and ComputeElementTargetsGradient() use the physical node coordinates provided by the parameters 'elfun', or 'xe'. More...
virtual bool | ContainsVolumeInfo () const |
| Checks if the target matrices contain non-trivial size specification. More...
Definition at line 1004 of file tmop.hpp.