MFEM  v4.0
Finite element discretization library
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1 // MFEM Example 10 - Parallel Version
2 // SUNDIALS Modification
3 //
4 // Compile with: make ex10p
5 //
6 // Sample runs:
7 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-quad.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 5 -dt 0.15 -vs 10
8 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-tri.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 7 -dt 0.25 -vs 10
9 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-hex.mesh -rp 0 -o 2 -s 5 -dt 0.15 -vs 10
10 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-tri.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 2 -dt 3 -nls kinsol
11 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-quad.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 2 -dt 3 -nls kinsol
12 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-hex.mesh -rs 1 -o 2 -s 2 -dt 3 -nls kinsol
13 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-quad.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 15 -dt 3e-3 -vs 120
14 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-tri.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 16 -dt 5e-3 -vs 60
15 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-hex.mesh -rp 0 -o 2 -s 15 -dt 5e-3 -vs 60
16 // mpirun -np 4 ex10p -m ../../data/beam-quad-amr.mesh -rp 1 -o 2 -s 5 -dt 0.15 -vs 10
17 //
18 // Description: This examples solves a time dependent nonlinear elasticity
19 // problem of the form dv/dt = H(x) + S v, dx/dt = v, where H is a
20 // hyperelastic model and S is a viscosity operator of Laplacian
21 // type. The geometry of the domain is assumed to be as follows:
22 //
23 // +---------------------+
24 // boundary --->| |
25 // attribute 1 | |
26 // (fixed) +---------------------+
27 //
28 // The example demonstrates the use of nonlinear operators (the
29 // class HyperelasticOperator defining H(x)), as well as their
30 // implicit time integration using a Newton method for solving an
31 // associated reduced backward-Euler type nonlinear equation
32 // (class ReducedSystemOperator). Each Newton step requires the
33 // inversion of a Jacobian matrix, which is done through a
34 // (preconditioned) inner solver. Note that implementing the
35 // method HyperelasticOperator::ImplicitSolve is the only
36 // requirement for high-order implicit (SDIRK) time integration.
37 //
38 // We recommend viewing examples 2 and 9 before viewing this
39 // example.
41 #include "mfem.hpp"
42 #include <memory>
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <fstream>
45 #include <string>
46 #include <map>
49 #error This example requires that MFEM is built with MFEM_USE_SUNDIALS=YES
50 #endif
52 using namespace std;
53 using namespace mfem;
55 class ReducedSystemOperator;
56 class SundialsJacSolver;
58 /** After spatial discretization, the hyperelastic model can be written as a
59  * system of ODEs:
60  * dv/dt = -M^{-1}*(H(x) + S*v)
61  * dx/dt = v,
62  * where x is the vector representing the deformation, v is the velocity field,
63  * M is the mass matrix, S is the viscosity matrix, and H(x) is the nonlinear
64  * hyperelastic operator.
65  *
66  * Class HyperelasticOperator represents the right-hand side of the above
67  * system of ODEs. */
68 class HyperelasticOperator : public TimeDependentOperator
69 {
70 protected:
71  ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace;
72  Array<int> ess_tdof_list;
74  ParBilinearForm M, S;
76  double viscosity;
77  HyperelasticModel *model;
79  HypreParMatrix *Mmat; // Mass matrix from ParallelAssemble()
80  CGSolver M_solver; // Krylov solver for inverting the mass matrix M
81  HypreSmoother M_prec; // Preconditioner for the mass matrix M
83  /** Nonlinear operator defining the reduced backward Euler equation for the
84  velocity. Used in the implementation of method ImplicitSolve. */
85  ReducedSystemOperator *reduced_oper;
87  /// Newton solver for the reduced backward Euler equation
88  NewtonSolver *newton_solver;
90  /// Solver for the Jacobian solve in the Newton method
91  Solver *J_solver;
92  /// Preconditioner for the Jacobian solve in the Newton method
93  Solver *J_prec;
95  mutable Vector z; // auxiliary vector
97 public:
98  /// Solver type to use in the ImplicitSolve() method, used by SDIRK methods.
99  enum NonlinearSolverType
100  {
101  NEWTON = 0, ///< Use MFEM's plain NewtonSolver
102  KINSOL = 1 ///< Use SUNDIALS' KINSOL (through MFEM's class KinSolver)
103  };
105  HyperelasticOperator(ParFiniteElementSpace &f, Array<int> &ess_bdr,
106  double visc, double mu, double K,
107  NonlinearSolverType nls_type);
109  /// Compute the right-hand side of the ODE system.
110  virtual void Mult(const Vector &vx, Vector &dvx_dt) const;
111  /** Solve the Backward-Euler equation: k = f(x + dt*k, t), for the unknown k.
112  This is the only requirement for high-order SDIRK implicit integration.*/
113  virtual void ImplicitSolve(const double dt, const Vector &x, Vector &k);
115  /** Connect the Jacobian linear system solver (SundialsJacSolver) used by
116  SUNDIALS' CVODE and ARKODE time integrators to the internal objects
117  created by HyperelasticOperator. This method is called by the InitSystem
118  method of SundialsJacSolver. */
119  void InitSundialsJacSolver(SundialsJacSolver &sjsolv);
121  double ElasticEnergy(const ParGridFunction &x) const;
122  double KineticEnergy(const ParGridFunction &v) const;
123  void GetElasticEnergyDensity(const ParGridFunction &x,
124  ParGridFunction &w) const;
126  virtual ~HyperelasticOperator();
127 };
129 /** Nonlinear operator of the form:
130  k --> (M + dt*S)*k + H(x + dt*v + dt^2*k) + S*v,
131  where M and S are given BilinearForms, H is a given NonlinearForm, v and x
132  are given vectors, and dt is a scalar. */
133 class ReducedSystemOperator : public Operator
134 {
135 private:
136  ParBilinearForm *M, *S;
137  ParNonlinearForm *H;
138  mutable HypreParMatrix *Jacobian;
139  double dt;
140  const Vector *v, *x;
141  mutable Vector w, z;
142  const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list;
144 public:
145  ReducedSystemOperator(ParBilinearForm *M_, ParBilinearForm *S_,
146  ParNonlinearForm *H_, const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list);
148  /// Set current dt, v, x values - needed to compute action and Jacobian.
149  void SetParameters(double dt_, const Vector *v_, const Vector *x_);
151  /// Compute y = H(x + dt (v + dt k)) + M k + S (v + dt k).
152  virtual void Mult(const Vector &k, Vector &y) const;
154  /// Compute J = M + dt S + dt^2 grad_H(x + dt (v + dt k)).
155  virtual Operator &GetGradient(const Vector &k) const;
157  virtual ~ReducedSystemOperator();
158 };
160 /// Custom Jacobian system solver for the SUNDIALS time integrators.
161 /** For the ODE system represented by HyperelasticOperator
163  M dv/dt = -(H(x) + S*v)
164  dx/dt = v,
166  this class facilitates the solution of linear systems of the form
168  (M + γS) yv + γJ yx = M bv, J=(dH/dx)(x)
169  - γ yv + yx = bx
171  for given bv, bx, x, and γ = GetTimeStep(). */
172 class SundialsJacSolver : public SundialsODELinearSolver
173 {
174 private:
175  ParBilinearForm *M, *S;
176  ParNonlinearForm *H;
177  const SparseMatrix *local_grad_H;
178  HypreParMatrix *Jacobian;
179  Solver *J_solver;
180  const Array<int> *ess_tdof_list;
182 public:
183  SundialsJacSolver()
184  : M(), S(), H(), local_grad_H(), Jacobian(), J_solver() { }
186  /// Connect the solver to the objects created inside HyperelasticOperator.
187  void SetOperators(ParBilinearForm &M_, ParBilinearForm &S_,
188  ParNonlinearForm &H_, Solver &solver,
189  const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list_)
190  {
191  M = &M_; S = &S_; H = &H_; J_solver = &solver;
192  ess_tdof_list = &ess_tdof_list_;
193  }
195  /** Linear solve applicable to the SUNDIALS format.
196  Solves (Mass - dt J) y = Mass b, where in our case:
197  Mass = | M 0 | J = | -S -grad_H | y = | v_hat | b = | b_v |
198  | 0 I | | I 0 | | x_hat | | b_x |
199  The result replaces the rhs b.
200  We substitute x_hat = b_x + dt v_hat and solve
201  (M + dt S + dt^2 grad_H) v_hat = M b_v - dt grad_H b_x. */
202  int InitSystem(void *sundials_mem);
203  int SetupSystem(void *sundials_mem, int conv_fail,
204  const Vector &y_pred, const Vector &f_pred, int &jac_cur,
205  Vector &v_temp1, Vector &v_temp2, Vector &v_temp3);
206  int SolveSystem(void *sundials_mem, Vector &b, const Vector &weight,
207  const Vector &y_cur, const Vector &f_cur);
208  int FreeSystem(void *sundials_mem);
209 };
212 /** Function representing the elastic energy density for the given hyperelastic
213  model+deformation. Used in HyperelasticOperator::GetElasticEnergyDensity. */
214 class ElasticEnergyCoefficient : public Coefficient
215 {
216 private:
217  HyperelasticModel &model;
218  const ParGridFunction &x;
219  DenseMatrix J;
221 public:
222  ElasticEnergyCoefficient(HyperelasticModel &m, const ParGridFunction &x_)
223  : model(m), x(x_) { }
224  virtual double Eval(ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip);
225  virtual ~ElasticEnergyCoefficient() { }
226 };
228 void InitialDeformation(const Vector &x, Vector &y);
230 void InitialVelocity(const Vector &x, Vector &v);
232 void visualize(ostream &out, ParMesh *mesh, ParGridFunction *deformed_nodes,
233  ParGridFunction *field, const char *field_name = NULL,
234  bool init_vis = false);
237 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
238 {
239  // 1. Initialize MPI.
240  int num_procs, myid;
241  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
242  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
243  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
245  // 2. Parse command-line options.
246  const char *mesh_file = "../../data/beam-quad.mesh";
247  int ser_ref_levels = 2;
248  int par_ref_levels = 0;
249  int order = 2;
250  int ode_solver_type = 3;
251  double t_final = 300.0;
252  double dt = 3.0;
253  double visc = 1e-2;
254  double mu = 0.25;
255  double K = 5.0;
256  bool visualization = true;
257  const char *nls = "newton";
258  int vis_steps = 1;
260  // Relative and absolute tolerances for CVODE and ARKODE.
261  const double reltol = 1e-1, abstol = 1e-1;
263  OptionsParser args(argc, argv);
264  args.AddOption(&mesh_file, "-m", "--mesh",
265  "Mesh file to use.");
266  args.AddOption(&ser_ref_levels, "-rs", "--refine-serial",
267  "Number of times to refine the mesh uniformly in serial.");
268  args.AddOption(&par_ref_levels, "-rp", "--refine-parallel",
269  "Number of times to refine the mesh uniformly in parallel.");
270  args.AddOption(&order, "-o", "--order",
271  "Order (degree) of the finite elements.");
272  args.AddOption(&ode_solver_type, "-s", "--ode-solver",
273  "ODE solver: 1 - Backward Euler, 2 - SDIRK2, 3 - SDIRK3,\n\t"
274  " 4 - CVODE implicit, approximate Jacobian,\n\t"
275  " 5 - CVODE implicit, specified Jacobian,\n\t"
276  " 6 - ARKODE implicit, approximate Jacobian,\n\t"
277  " 7 - ARKODE implicit, specified Jacobian,\n\t"
278  " 11 - Forward Euler, 12 - RK2,\n\t"
279  " 13 - RK3 SSP, 14 - RK4,\n\t"
280  " 15 - CVODE (adaptive order) explicit,\n\t"
281  " 16 - ARKODE default (4th order) explicit.");
282  args.AddOption(&nls, "-nls", "--nonlinear-solver",
283  "Nonlinear systems solver: "
284  "\"newton\" (plain Newton) or \"kinsol\" (KINSOL).");
285  args.AddOption(&t_final, "-tf", "--t-final",
286  "Final time; start time is 0.");
287  args.AddOption(&dt, "-dt", "--time-step",
288  "Time step.");
289  args.AddOption(&visc, "-v", "--viscosity",
290  "Viscosity coefficient.");
291  args.AddOption(&mu, "-mu", "--shear-modulus",
292  "Shear modulus in the Neo-Hookean hyperelastic model.");
293  args.AddOption(&K, "-K", "--bulk-modulus",
294  "Bulk modulus in the Neo-Hookean hyperelastic model.");
295  args.AddOption(&visualization, "-vis", "--visualization", "-no-vis",
296  "--no-visualization",
297  "Enable or disable GLVis visualization.");
298  args.AddOption(&vis_steps, "-vs", "--visualization-steps",
299  "Visualize every n-th timestep.");
300  args.Parse();
301  if (!args.Good())
302  {
303  if (myid == 0)
304  {
305  args.PrintUsage(cout);
306  }
307  MPI_Finalize();
308  return 1;
309  }
310  if (myid == 0)
311  {
312  args.PrintOptions(cout);
313  }
315  // 3. Read the serial mesh from the given mesh file on all processors. We can
316  // handle triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes
317  // with the same code.
318  Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(mesh_file, 1, 1);
319  int dim = mesh->Dimension();
321  // 4. Define the ODE solver used for time integration. Several implicit
322  // singly diagonal implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) methods, as well as
323  // explicit Runge-Kutta methods are available.
324  ODESolver *ode_solver;
325  CVODESolver *cvode = NULL;
326  ARKODESolver *arkode = NULL;
327  SundialsJacSolver *sjsolver = NULL;
328  switch (ode_solver_type)
329  {
330  // Implicit L-stable methods
331  case 1: ode_solver = new BackwardEulerSolver; break;
332  case 2: ode_solver = new SDIRK23Solver(2); break;
333  case 3: ode_solver = new SDIRK33Solver; break;
334  case 4:
335  case 5:
336  cvode = new CVODESolver(MPI_COMM_WORLD, CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
337  cvode->SetSStolerances(reltol, abstol);
338  cvode->SetMaxStep(dt);
339  if (ode_solver_type == 5)
340  {
341  sjsolver = new SundialsJacSolver;
342  cvode->SetLinearSolver(*sjsolver); // Custom Jacobian inversion.
343  }
344  ode_solver = cvode; break;
345  case 6:
346  case 7:
347  arkode = new ARKODESolver(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ARKODESolver::IMPLICIT);
348  arkode->SetSStolerances(reltol, abstol);
349  arkode->SetMaxStep(dt);
350  if (ode_solver_type == 7)
351  {
352  sjsolver = new SundialsJacSolver;
353  arkode->SetLinearSolver(*sjsolver); // Custom Jacobian inversion.
354  }
355  ode_solver = arkode; break;
356  // Explicit methods
357  case 11: ode_solver = new ForwardEulerSolver; break;
358  case 12: ode_solver = new RK2Solver(0.5); break; // midpoint method
359  case 13: ode_solver = new RK3SSPSolver; break;
360  case 14: ode_solver = new RK4Solver; break;
361  case 15:
363  cvode->SetSStolerances(reltol, abstol);
364  cvode->SetMaxStep(dt);
365  ode_solver = cvode; break;
366  case 16:
367  arkode = new ARKODESolver(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ARKODESolver::EXPLICIT);
368  arkode->SetSStolerances(reltol, abstol);
369  arkode->SetMaxStep(dt);
370  ode_solver = arkode; break;
371  // Implicit A-stable methods (not L-stable)
372  case 22: ode_solver = new ImplicitMidpointSolver; break;
373  case 23: ode_solver = new SDIRK23Solver; break;
374  case 24: ode_solver = new SDIRK34Solver; break;
375  default:
376  if (myid == 0)
377  {
378  cout << "Unknown ODE solver type: " << ode_solver_type << '\n';
379  }
380  delete mesh;
381  MPI_Finalize();
382  return 3;
383  }
385  map<string,HyperelasticOperator::NonlinearSolverType> nls_map;
386  nls_map["newton"] = HyperelasticOperator::NEWTON;
387  nls_map["kinsol"] = HyperelasticOperator::KINSOL;
388  if (nls_map.find(nls) == nls_map.end())
389  {
390  if (myid == 0)
391  {
392  cout << "Unknown type of nonlinear solver: " << nls << endl;
393  }
394  delete ode_solver;
395  delete mesh;
396  MPI_Finalize();
397  return 4;
398  }
400  // 5. Refine the mesh in serial to increase the resolution. In this example
401  // we do 'ser_ref_levels' of uniform refinement, where 'ser_ref_levels' is
402  // a command-line parameter.
403  for (int lev = 0; lev < ser_ref_levels; lev++)
404  {
405  mesh->UniformRefinement();
406  }
408  // 6. Define a parallel mesh by a partitioning of the serial mesh. Refine
409  // this mesh further in parallel to increase the resolution. Once the
410  // parallel mesh is defined, the serial mesh can be deleted.
411  ParMesh *pmesh = new ParMesh(MPI_COMM_WORLD, *mesh);
412  delete mesh;
413  for (int lev = 0; lev < par_ref_levels; lev++)
414  {
415  pmesh->UniformRefinement();
416  }
418  // 7. Define the parallel vector finite element spaces representing the mesh
419  // deformation x_gf, the velocity v_gf, and the initial configuration,
420  // x_ref. Define also the elastic energy density, w_gf, which is in a
421  // discontinuous higher-order space. Since x and v are integrated in time
422  // as a system, we group them together in block vector vx, on the unique
423  // parallel degrees of freedom, with offsets given by array true_offset.
424  H1_FECollection fe_coll(order, dim);
425  ParFiniteElementSpace fespace(pmesh, &fe_coll, dim);
427  HYPRE_Int glob_size = fespace.GlobalTrueVSize();
428  if (myid == 0)
429  {
430  cout << "Number of velocity/deformation unknowns: " << glob_size << endl;
431  }
432  int true_size = fespace.TrueVSize();
433  Array<int> true_offset(3);
434  true_offset[0] = 0;
435  true_offset[1] = true_size;
436  true_offset[2] = 2*true_size;
438  BlockVector vx(true_offset);
439  ParGridFunction v_gf, x_gf;
440  v_gf.MakeTRef(&fespace, vx, true_offset[0]);
441  x_gf.MakeTRef(&fespace, vx, true_offset[1]);
443  ParGridFunction x_ref(&fespace);
444  pmesh->GetNodes(x_ref);
446  L2_FECollection w_fec(order + 1, dim);
447  ParFiniteElementSpace w_fespace(pmesh, &w_fec);
448  ParGridFunction w_gf(&w_fespace);
450  // 8. Set the initial conditions for v_gf, x_gf and vx, and define the
451  // boundary conditions on a beam-like mesh (see description above).
453  v_gf.ProjectCoefficient(velo);
454  v_gf.SetTrueVector();
456  x_gf.ProjectCoefficient(deform);
457  x_gf.SetTrueVector();
459  v_gf.SetFromTrueVector(); x_gf.SetFromTrueVector();
461  Array<int> ess_bdr(fespace.GetMesh()->bdr_attributes.Max());
462  ess_bdr = 0;
463  ess_bdr[0] = 1; // boundary attribute 1 (index 0) is fixed
465  // 9. Initialize the hyperelastic operator, the GLVis visualization and print
466  // the initial energies.
467  HyperelasticOperator oper(fespace, ess_bdr, visc, mu, K, nls_map[nls]);
469  socketstream vis_v, vis_w;
470  if (visualization)
471  {
472  char vishost[] = "localhost";
473  int visport = 19916;
474, visport);
475  vis_v.precision(8);
476  visualize(vis_v, pmesh, &x_gf, &v_gf, "Velocity", true);
477  // Make sure all ranks have sent their 'v' solution before initiating
478  // another set of GLVis connections (one from each rank):
479  MPI_Barrier(pmesh->GetComm());
480, visport);
481  if (vis_w)
482  {
483  oper.GetElasticEnergyDensity(x_gf, w_gf);
484  vis_w.precision(8);
485  visualize(vis_w, pmesh, &x_gf, &w_gf, "Elastic energy density", true);
486  }
487  }
489  double ee0 = oper.ElasticEnergy(x_gf);
490  double ke0 = oper.KineticEnergy(v_gf);
491  if (myid == 0)
492  {
493  cout << "initial elastic energy (EE) = " << ee0 << endl;
494  cout << "initial kinetic energy (KE) = " << ke0 << endl;
495  cout << "initial total energy (TE) = " << (ee0 + ke0) << endl;
496  }
498  double t = 0.0;
499  oper.SetTime(t);
500  ode_solver->Init(oper);
502  // 10. Perform time-integration
503  // (looping over the time iterations, ti, with a time-step dt).
504  bool last_step = false;
505  for (int ti = 1; !last_step; ti++)
506  {
507  double dt_real = min(dt, t_final - t);
509  ode_solver->Step(vx, t, dt_real);
511  last_step = (t >= t_final - 1e-8*dt);
513  if (last_step || (ti % vis_steps) == 0)
514  {
515  v_gf.SetFromTrueVector(); x_gf.SetFromTrueVector();
517  double ee = oper.ElasticEnergy(x_gf);
518  double ke = oper.KineticEnergy(v_gf);
520  if (myid == 0)
521  {
522  cout << "step " << ti << ", t = " << t << ", EE = " << ee
523  << ", KE = " << ke << ", ΔTE = " << (ee+ke)-(ee0+ke0) << endl;
525  if (cvode) { cvode->PrintInfo(); }
526  else if (arkode) { arkode->PrintInfo(); }
527  }
529  if (visualization)
530  {
531  visualize(vis_v, pmesh, &x_gf, &v_gf);
532  if (vis_w)
533  {
534  oper.GetElasticEnergyDensity(x_gf, w_gf);
535  visualize(vis_w, pmesh, &x_gf, &w_gf);
536  }
537  }
538  }
539  }
541  // 11. Save the displaced mesh, the velocity and elastic energy.
542  {
543  v_gf.SetFromTrueVector(); x_gf.SetFromTrueVector();
544  GridFunction *nodes = &x_gf;
545  int owns_nodes = 0;
546  pmesh->SwapNodes(nodes, owns_nodes);
548  ostringstream mesh_name, velo_name, ee_name;
549  mesh_name << "deformed." << setfill('0') << setw(6) << myid;
550  velo_name << "velocity." << setfill('0') << setw(6) << myid;
551  ee_name << "elastic_energy." << setfill('0') << setw(6) << myid;
553  ofstream mesh_ofs(mesh_name.str().c_str());
554  mesh_ofs.precision(8);
555  pmesh->Print(mesh_ofs);
556  pmesh->SwapNodes(nodes, owns_nodes);
557  ofstream velo_ofs(velo_name.str().c_str());
558  velo_ofs.precision(8);
559  v_gf.Save(velo_ofs);
560  ofstream ee_ofs(ee_name.str().c_str());
561  ee_ofs.precision(8);
562  oper.GetElasticEnergyDensity(x_gf, w_gf);
563  w_gf.Save(ee_ofs);
564  }
566  // 12. Free the used memory.
567  delete ode_solver;
568  delete sjsolver;
569  delete pmesh;
571  MPI_Finalize();
573  return 0;
574 }
576 void visualize(ostream &out, ParMesh *mesh, ParGridFunction *deformed_nodes,
577  ParGridFunction *field, const char *field_name, bool init_vis)
578 {
579  if (!out)
580  {
581  return;
582  }
584  GridFunction *nodes = deformed_nodes;
585  int owns_nodes = 0;
587  mesh->SwapNodes(nodes, owns_nodes);
589  out << "parallel " << mesh->GetNRanks() << " " << mesh->GetMyRank() << "\n";
590  out << "solution\n" << *mesh << *field;
592  mesh->SwapNodes(nodes, owns_nodes);
594  if (init_vis)
595  {
596  out << "window_size 800 800\n";
597  out << "window_title '" << field_name << "'\n";
598  if (mesh->SpaceDimension() == 2)
599  {
600  out << "view 0 0\n"; // view from top
601  out << "keys jl\n"; // turn off perspective and light
602  }
603  out << "keys cm\n"; // show colorbar and mesh
604  out << "autoscale value\n"; // update value-range; keep mesh-extents fixed
605  out << "pause\n";
606  }
607  out << flush;
608 }
611 ReducedSystemOperator::ReducedSystemOperator(
613  const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list_)
614  : Operator(M_->ParFESpace()->TrueVSize()), M(M_), S(S_), H(H_),
615  Jacobian(NULL), dt(0.0), v(NULL), x(NULL), w(height), z(height),
616  ess_tdof_list(ess_tdof_list_)
617 { }
619 void ReducedSystemOperator::SetParameters(double dt_, const Vector *v_,
620  const Vector *x_)
621 {
622  dt = dt_; v = v_; x = x_;
623 }
625 void ReducedSystemOperator::Mult(const Vector &k, Vector &y) const
626 {
627  // compute: y = H(x + dt*(v + dt*k)) + M*k + S*(v + dt*k)
628  add(*v, dt, k, w);
629  add(*x, dt, w, z);
630  H->Mult(z, y);
631  M->TrueAddMult(k, y);
632  S->TrueAddMult(w, y);
633  y.SetSubVector(ess_tdof_list, 0.0);
634 }
636 Operator &ReducedSystemOperator::GetGradient(const Vector &k) const
637 {
638  delete Jacobian;
639  SparseMatrix *localJ = Add(1.0, M->SpMat(), dt, S->SpMat());
640  add(*v, dt, k, w);
641  add(*x, dt, w, z);
642  localJ->Add(dt*dt, H->GetLocalGradient(z));
643  Jacobian = M->ParallelAssemble(localJ);
644  delete localJ;
645  HypreParMatrix *Je = Jacobian->EliminateRowsCols(ess_tdof_list);
646  delete Je;
647  return *Jacobian;
648 }
650 ReducedSystemOperator::~ReducedSystemOperator()
651 {
652  delete Jacobian;
653 }
656 int SundialsJacSolver::InitSystem(void *sundials_mem)
657 {
658  TimeDependentOperator *td_oper = GetTimeDependentOperator(sundials_mem);
659  HyperelasticOperator *he_oper;
661  // During development, we use dynamic_cast<> to ensure the setup is correct:
662  he_oper = dynamic_cast<HyperelasticOperator*>(td_oper);
663  MFEM_VERIFY(he_oper, "operator is not HyperelasticOperator");
665  // When the implementation is finalized, we can switch to static_cast<>:
666  // he_oper = static_cast<HyperelasticOperator*>(td_oper);
668  he_oper->InitSundialsJacSolver(*this);
669  return 0;
670 }
672 int SundialsJacSolver::SetupSystem(void *sundials_mem, int conv_fail,
673  const Vector &y_pred, const Vector &f_pred,
674  int &jac_cur, Vector &v_temp1,
675  Vector &v_temp2, Vector &v_temp3)
676 {
677  int sc = y_pred.Size() / 2;
678  const Vector x(y_pred.GetData() + sc, sc);
679  double dt = GetTimeStep(sundials_mem);
681  // J = M + dt*(S + dt*grad(H))
682  delete Jacobian;
683  SparseMatrix *localJ = Add(1.0, M->SpMat(), dt, S->SpMat());
684  local_grad_H = &H->GetLocalGradient(x);
685  localJ->Add(dt*dt, *local_grad_H);
686  Jacobian = M->ParallelAssemble(localJ);
687  delete localJ;
688  HypreParMatrix *Je = Jacobian->EliminateRowsCols(*ess_tdof_list);
689  delete Je;
691  J_solver->SetOperator(*Jacobian);
693  jac_cur = 1;
694  return 0;
695 }
697 int SundialsJacSolver::SolveSystem(void *sundials_mem, Vector &b,
698  const Vector &weight, const Vector &y_cur,
699  const Vector &f_cur)
700 {
701  int sc = b.Size() / 2;
702  ParFiniteElementSpace *fes = H->ParFESpace();
703  // Vector x(y_cur.GetData() + sc, sc);
704  Vector b_v(b.GetData() + 0, sc);
705  Vector b_x(b.GetData() + sc, sc);
706  Vector rhs(sc);
707  double dt = GetTimeStep(sundials_mem);
709  // We can assume that b_v and b_x have zeros at essential tdofs.
711  // rhs = M b_v - dt*grad(H) b_x
712  ParGridFunction lb_x(fes), lrhs(fes);
713  lb_x.Distribute(b_x);
714  local_grad_H->Mult(lb_x, lrhs);
715  lrhs.ParallelAssemble(rhs);
716  rhs *= -dt;
717  M->TrueAddMult(b_v, rhs);
718  rhs.SetSubVector(*ess_tdof_list, 0.0);
720  J_solver->iterative_mode = false;
721  J_solver->Mult(rhs, b_v);
723  b_x.Add(dt, b_v);
725  return 0;
726 }
728 int SundialsJacSolver::FreeSystem(void *sundials_mem)
729 {
730  delete Jacobian;
731  return 0;
732 }
735 HyperelasticOperator::HyperelasticOperator(ParFiniteElementSpace &f,
736  Array<int> &ess_bdr, double visc,
737  double mu, double K,
738  NonlinearSolverType nls_type)
739  : TimeDependentOperator(2*f.TrueVSize(), 0.0), fespace(f),
740  M(&fespace), S(&fespace), H(&fespace),
741  viscosity(visc), M_solver(f.GetComm()), z(height/2)
742 {
743  const double rel_tol = 1e-8;
744  const int skip_zero_entries = 0;
746  const double ref_density = 1.0; // density in the reference configuration
747  ConstantCoefficient rho0(ref_density);
748  M.AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorMassIntegrator(rho0));
749  M.Assemble(skip_zero_entries);
750  M.Finalize(skip_zero_entries);
751  Mmat = M.ParallelAssemble();
752  fespace.GetEssentialTrueDofs(ess_bdr, ess_tdof_list);
753  HypreParMatrix *Me = Mmat->EliminateRowsCols(ess_tdof_list);
754  delete Me;
756  M_solver.iterative_mode = false;
757  M_solver.SetRelTol(rel_tol);
758  M_solver.SetAbsTol(0.0);
759  M_solver.SetMaxIter(30);
760  M_solver.SetPrintLevel(0);
761  M_prec.SetType(HypreSmoother::Jacobi);
762  M_solver.SetPreconditioner(M_prec);
763  M_solver.SetOperator(*Mmat);
765  model = new NeoHookeanModel(mu, K);
766  H.AddDomainIntegrator(new HyperelasticNLFIntegrator(model));
767  H.SetEssentialTrueDofs(ess_tdof_list);
769  ConstantCoefficient visc_coeff(viscosity);
770  S.AddDomainIntegrator(new VectorDiffusionIntegrator(visc_coeff));
771  S.Assemble(skip_zero_entries);
772  S.Finalize(skip_zero_entries);
774  reduced_oper = new ReducedSystemOperator(&M, &S, &H, ess_tdof_list);
776  HypreSmoother *J_hypreSmoother = new HypreSmoother;
777  J_hypreSmoother->SetType(HypreSmoother::l1Jacobi);
778  J_hypreSmoother->SetPositiveDiagonal(true);
779  J_prec = J_hypreSmoother;
781  MINRESSolver *J_minres = new MINRESSolver(f.GetComm());
782  J_minres->SetRelTol(rel_tol);
783  J_minres->SetAbsTol(0.0);
784  J_minres->SetMaxIter(300);
785  J_minres->SetPrintLevel(-1);
786  J_minres->SetPreconditioner(*J_prec);
787  J_solver = J_minres;
789  if (nls_type == KINSOL)
790  {
791  KinSolver *kinsolver = new KinSolver(f.GetComm(), KIN_NONE, true);
792  kinsolver->SetMaxSetupCalls(4);
793  newton_solver = kinsolver;
794  newton_solver->SetMaxIter(200);
795  newton_solver->SetRelTol(rel_tol);
796  newton_solver->SetPrintLevel(0);
797  }
798  else
799  {
800  newton_solver = new NewtonSolver(f.GetComm());
801  newton_solver->SetMaxIter(10);
802  newton_solver->SetRelTol(rel_tol);
803  newton_solver->SetPrintLevel(-1);
804  }
805  newton_solver->SetSolver(*J_solver);
806  newton_solver->iterative_mode = false;
807  newton_solver->SetOperator(*reduced_oper);
808 }
810 void HyperelasticOperator::Mult(const Vector &vx, Vector &dvx_dt) const
811 {
812  // Create views to the sub-vectors v, x of vx, and dv_dt, dx_dt of dvx_dt
813  int sc = height/2;
814  Vector v(vx.GetData() + 0, sc);
815  Vector x(vx.GetData() + sc, sc);
816  Vector dv_dt(dvx_dt.GetData() + 0, sc);
817  Vector dx_dt(dvx_dt.GetData() + sc, sc);
819  H.Mult(x, z);
820  if (viscosity != 0.0)
821  {
822  S.TrueAddMult(v, z);
823  z.SetSubVector(ess_tdof_list, 0.0);
824  }
825  z.Neg(); // z = -z
826  M_solver.Mult(z, dv_dt);
828  dx_dt = v;
829 }
831 void HyperelasticOperator::ImplicitSolve(const double dt,
832  const Vector &vx, Vector &dvx_dt)
833 {
834  int sc = height/2;
835  Vector v(vx.GetData() + 0, sc);
836  Vector x(vx.GetData() + sc, sc);
837  Vector dv_dt(dvx_dt.GetData() + 0, sc);
838  Vector dx_dt(dvx_dt.GetData() + sc, sc);
840  // By eliminating kx from the coupled system:
841  // kv = -M^{-1}*[H(x + dt*kx) + S*(v + dt*kv)]
842  // kx = v + dt*kv
843  // we reduce it to a nonlinear equation for kv, represented by the
844  // reduced_oper. This equation is solved with the newton_solver
845  // object (using J_solver and J_prec internally).
846  reduced_oper->SetParameters(dt, &v, &x);
847  Vector zero; // empty vector is interpreted as zero r.h.s. by NewtonSolver
848  newton_solver->Mult(zero, dv_dt);
849  MFEM_VERIFY(newton_solver->GetConverged(),
850  "Nonlinear solver did not converge.");
851 #ifdef MFEM_DEBUG
852  if (fespace.GetMyRank() == 0)
853  {
854  cout << " num nonlin sol iters = " << newton_solver->GetNumIterations()
855  << ", final norm = " << newton_solver->GetFinalNorm() << '\n';
856  }
857 #endif
858  add(v, dt, dv_dt, dx_dt);
859 }
861 void HyperelasticOperator::InitSundialsJacSolver(SundialsJacSolver &sjsolv)
862 {
863  sjsolv.SetOperators(M, S, H, *J_solver, ess_tdof_list);
864 }
866 double HyperelasticOperator::ElasticEnergy(const ParGridFunction &x) const
867 {
868  return H.GetEnergy(x);
869 }
871 double HyperelasticOperator::KineticEnergy(const ParGridFunction &v) const
872 {
873  double loc_energy = 0.5*M.InnerProduct(v, v);
874  double energy;
875  MPI_Allreduce(&loc_energy, &energy, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM,
876  fespace.GetComm());
877  return energy;
878 }
880 void HyperelasticOperator::GetElasticEnergyDensity(
881  const ParGridFunction &x, ParGridFunction &w) const
882 {
883  ElasticEnergyCoefficient w_coeff(*model, x);
884  w.ProjectCoefficient(w_coeff);
885 }
887 HyperelasticOperator::~HyperelasticOperator()
888 {
889  delete newton_solver;
890  delete J_solver;
891  delete J_prec;
892  delete reduced_oper;
893  delete model;
894  delete Mmat;
895 }
899  const IntegrationPoint &ip)
900 {
901  model.SetTransformation(T);
902  x.GetVectorGradient(T, J);
903  // return model.EvalW(J); // in reference configuration
904  return model.EvalW(J)/J.Det(); // in deformed configuration
905 }
908 void InitialDeformation(const Vector &x, Vector &y)
909 {
910  // set the initial configuration to be the same as the reference, stress
911  // free, configuration
912  y = x;
913 }
915 void InitialVelocity(const Vector &x, Vector &v)
916 {
917  const int dim = x.Size();
918  const double s = 0.1/64.;
920  v = 0.0;
921  v(dim-1) = s*x(0)*x(0)*(8.0-x(0));
922  v(0) = -s*x(0)*x(0);
923 }
void visualize(ostream &out, Mesh *mesh, GridFunction *deformed_nodes, GridFunction *field, const char *field_name=NULL, bool init_vis=false)
Definition: ex10.cpp:377
void EliminateRowsCols(const Array< int > &rows_cols, const HypreParVector &X, HypreParVector &B)
Definition: hypre.cpp:1373
void SetSubVector(const Array< int > &dofs, const double value)
Set the entries listed in dofs to the given value.
Definition: vector.cpp:498
double Eval(ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationPoint &ip, double t)
Evaluate the coefficient in the element described by T at the point ip at time t. ...
Definition: coefficient.hpp:55
void Add(const int i, const int j, const double a)
Definition: sparsemat.cpp:2244
void InitialDeformation(const Vector &x, Vector &y)
Definition: ex10.cpp:589
Conjugate gradient method.
Definition: solvers.hpp:111
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition: gridfunc.hpp:27
void SetSStolerances(double reltol, double abstol)
Set the scalar relative and scalar absolute tolerances.
Definition: sundials.cpp:224
A class to handle Vectors in a block fashion.
Definition: blockvector.hpp:30
void SetMaxSetupCalls(int max_calls)
Set maximum number of nonlinear iterations without a Jacobian update.
Definition: sundials.cpp:980
void SetFromTrueVector()
Shortcut for calling SetFromTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument.
Definition: gridfunc.hpp:139
Subclass constant coefficient.
Definition: coefficient.hpp:67
Base abstract class for time dependent operators.
Definition: operator.hpp:162
void SwapNodes(GridFunction *&nodes, int &own_nodes_)
Definition: mesh.cpp:5875
void Mult(const Table &A, const Table &B, Table &C)
C = A * B (as boolean matrices)
Definition: table.cpp:476
virtual void Step(Vector &x, double &t, double &dt)=0
Perform a time step from time t [in] to time t [out] based on the requested step size dt [in]...
virtual void Init(TimeDependentOperator &f)
Associate a TimeDependentOperator with the ODE solver.
Definition: ode.cpp:18
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition: densemat.hpp:23
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
Definition: vector.hpp:150
Parallel non-linear operator on the true dofs.
Abstract class for solving systems of ODEs: dx/dt = f(x,t)
Definition: ode.hpp:22
virtual void Save(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: pgridfunc.cpp:488
void SetLinearSolver(SundialsODELinearSolver &ls_spec)
Definition: sundials.cpp:233
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition: pfespace.hpp:28
virtual void ProjectCoefficient(Coefficient &coeff)
Definition: pgridfunc.cpp:292
MINRES method.
Definition: solvers.hpp:221
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: ex1.cpp:58
Backward Euler ODE solver. L-stable.
Definition: ode.hpp:210
double * GetData() const
Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data.
Definition: vector.hpp:159
void add(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, Vector &v)
Definition: vector.cpp:238
void SetSStolerances(double reltol, double abstol)
Specify the scalar relative and scalar absolute tolerances.
Definition: sundials.cpp:477
int GetNRanks() const
Definition: pmesh.hpp:224
void InitialVelocity(const Vector &x, Vector &v)
Definition: ex10.cpp:596
void SetPositiveDiagonal(bool pos=true)
After computing l1-norms, replace them with their absolute values.
Definition: hypre.hpp:655
void Add(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, double alpha, DenseMatrix &C)
C = A + alpha*B.
Definition: densemat.cpp:3030
void SetTrueVector()
Shortcut for calling GetTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument.
Definition: gridfunc.hpp:133
int dim
Definition: ex3.cpp:48
virtual void SetPreconditioner(Solver &pr)
This should be called before SetOperator.
Definition: solvers.hpp:234
void SetPrintLevel(int print_lvl)
Definition: solvers.cpp:67
MPI_Comm GetComm() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:239
Wrapper for SUNDIALS&#39; KINSOL library – Nonlinear solvers.
Definition: sundials.hpp:312
Data type sparse matrix.
Definition: sparsemat.hpp:40
Mesh * GetMesh() const
Returns the mesh.
Definition: fespace.hpp:272
Wrapper for SUNDIALS&#39; CVODE library – Multi-step time integration.
Definition: sundials.hpp:133
void UniformRefinement(int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *)
Definition: mesh.cpp:7591
void MakeTRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, double *tv)
Associate a new FiniteElementSpace and new true-dof data with the GridFunction.
Definition: gridfunc.cpp:207
void SetMaxIter(int max_it)
Definition: solvers.hpp:63
T Max() const
Find the maximal element in the array, using the comparison operator &lt; for class T.
Definition: array.cpp:68
HYPRE_Int GlobalTrueVSize() const
Definition: pfespace.hpp:251
void SetMaxStep(double dt_max)
Set the maximum time step of the linear multistep method.
Definition: sundials.hpp:183
Newton&#39;s method for solving F(x)=b for a given operator F.
Definition: solvers.hpp:259
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out=mfem::out) const
Definition: pmesh.cpp:3863
Parallel smoothers in hypre.
Definition: hypre.hpp:567
int Dimension() const
Definition: mesh.hpp:713
void PrintUsage(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: optparser.cpp:434
Wrapper for SUNDIALS&#39; ARKODE library – Runge-Kutta time integration.
Definition: sundials.hpp:220
void SetLinearSolver(SundialsODELinearSolver &ls_spec)
Set a custom Jacobian system solver for implicit methods.
Definition: sundials.cpp:486
int SpaceDimension() const
Definition: mesh.hpp:714
The classical explicit forth-order Runge-Kutta method, RK4.
Definition: ode.hpp:145
void SetAbsTol(double atol)
Definition: solvers.hpp:62
Array< int > bdr_attributes
A list of all unique boundary attributes used by the Mesh.
Definition: mesh.hpp:179
int GetMyRank() const
Definition: pmesh.hpp:225
void SetRelTol(double rtol)
Definition: solvers.hpp:61
MPI_Comm GetComm() const
Definition: pmesh.hpp:223
Base class Coefficient that may optionally depend on time.
Definition: coefficient.hpp:31
void AddOption(bool *var, const char *enable_short_name, const char *enable_long_name, const char *disable_short_name, const char *disable_long_name, const char *description, bool required=false)
Definition: optparser.hpp:76
Third-order, strong stability preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta method.
Definition: ode.hpp:132
void GetVectorGradient(ElementTransformation &tr, DenseMatrix &grad) const
Definition: gridfunc.cpp:1046
Abstract base class, wrapping the custom linear solvers interface in SUNDIALS&#39; CVODE and ARKODE solve...
Definition: sundials.hpp:47
Implicit midpoint method. A-stable, not L-stable.
Definition: ode.hpp:223
Class for integration point with weight.
Definition: intrules.hpp:25
void PrintOptions(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: optparser.cpp:304
Class for parallel bilinear form.
Abstract class for hyperelastic models.
int open(const char hostname[], int port)
Vector data type.
Definition: vector.hpp:48
void GetNodes(Vector &node_coord) const
Definition: mesh.cpp:5837
Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements.
Definition: fe_coll.hpp:83
void PrintInfo() const
Print CVODE statistics.
Definition: sundials.cpp:400
Base class for solvers.
Definition: operator.hpp:279
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition: pgridfunc.hpp:32
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition: globals.hpp:64
The classical forward Euler method.
Definition: ode.hpp:99
void SetMaxStep(double dt_max)
Set the maximum time step of the Runge-Kutta method.
Definition: sundials.hpp:276
Abstract operator.
Definition: operator.hpp:21
Wrapper for hypre&#39;s ParCSR matrix class.
Definition: hypre.hpp:187
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition: pmesh.hpp:32
void PrintInfo() const
Print ARKODE statistics.
Definition: sundials.cpp:691
void SetType(HypreSmoother::Type type, int relax_times=1)
Set the relaxation type and number of sweeps.
Definition: hypre.cpp:1821
Arbitrary order &quot;L2-conforming&quot; discontinuous finite elements.
Definition: fe_coll.hpp:134
bool Good() const
Definition: optparser.hpp:122