MFEM  v4.0
Finite element discretization library
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1 // Copyright (c) 2010, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at
2 // the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. LLNL-CODE-443211. All Rights
3 // reserved. See file COPYRIGHT for details.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability see
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by the Free
10 // Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
12 #include "../general/forall.hpp"
14 #include <cstring> // std::memcpy
16 #include <list>
17 #include <unordered_map>
18 #include <algorithm> // std::max
20 namespace mfem
21 {
24 {
25  switch (mc)
26  {
32  }
33  return MemoryType::HOST;
34 }
37 {
39  // ---------+--------------------------------------------------
41  // HOST_32 | HOST_32 HOST_32 HOST_64 CUDA CUDA_UVM
42  // HOST_64 | HOST_64 HOST_64 HOST_64 CUDA CUDA_UVM
46  // Using the enumeration ordering:
47  // HOST < HOST_32 < HOST_64 < CUDA < CUDA_UVM,
48  // the above table is simply: a*b = max(a,b).
50  return std::max(mc1, mc2);
51 }
54 namespace internal
55 {
57 /// Forward declaration of the Alias structure
58 struct Alias;
60 /// Memory class that holds:
61 /// - a boolean telling which memory space is being used
62 /// - the size in bytes of this memory region,
63 /// - the host and the device pointer.
64 struct Memory
65 {
66  bool host;
67  const std::size_t bytes;
68  void *const h_ptr;
69  void *d_ptr;
70  Memory(void* const h, const std::size_t size):
71  host(true), bytes(size), h_ptr(h), d_ptr(nullptr) {}
72 };
74 /// Alias class that holds the base memory region and the offset
75 struct Alias
76 {
77  Memory *const mem;
78  const long offset;
79  unsigned long counter;
80 };
82 typedef std::unordered_map<const void*, Memory> MemoryMap;
83 // TODO: use 'Alias' or 'const Alias' as the mapped type in the AliasMap instead
84 // of 'Alias*'
85 typedef std::unordered_map<const void*, Alias*> AliasMap;
87 struct Ledger
88 {
89  MemoryMap memories;
90  AliasMap aliases;
91 };
93 } // namespace mfem::internal
95 static internal::Ledger *maps;
98 {
99  exists = true;
100  maps = new internal::Ledger();
101 }
104 {
105  if (exists) { Destroy(); }
106 }
109 {
110  MFEM_VERIFY(exists, "MemoryManager has been destroyed already!");
111  for (auto& n : maps->memories)
112  {
113  internal::Memory &mem = n.second;
114  if (mem.d_ptr) { CuMemFree(mem.d_ptr); }
115  }
116  for (auto& n : maps->aliases)
117  {
118  delete n.second;
119  }
120  delete maps;
121  exists = false;
122 }
124 void* MemoryManager::Insert(void *ptr, const std::size_t bytes)
125 {
126  if (ptr == NULL)
127  {
128  MFEM_VERIFY(bytes == 0, "Trying to add NULL with size " << bytes);
129  return NULL;
130  }
131  auto res = maps->memories.emplace(ptr, internal::Memory(ptr, bytes));
132  if (res.second == false)
133  {
134  mfem_error("Trying to add an already present address!");
135  }
136  return ptr;
137 }
139 void MemoryManager::InsertDevice(void *ptr, void *h_ptr, size_t bytes)
140 {
141  MFEM_VERIFY(ptr != NULL, "cannot register NULL device pointer");
142  MFEM_VERIFY(h_ptr != NULL, "internal error");
143  auto res = maps->memories.emplace(h_ptr, internal::Memory(h_ptr, bytes));
144  if (res.second == false)
145  {
146  mfem_error("Trying to add an already present address!");
147  }
148  res.first->second.d_ptr = ptr;
149 }
151 void *MemoryManager::Erase(void *ptr, bool free_dev_ptr)
152 {
153  if (!ptr) { return ptr; }
154  auto mem_map_iter = maps->memories.find(ptr);
155  if (mem_map_iter == maps->memories.end())
156  {
157  mfem_error("Trying to erase an unknown pointer!");
158  }
159  internal::Memory &mem = mem_map_iter->second;
160  if (mem.d_ptr && free_dev_ptr) { CuMemFree(mem.d_ptr); }
161  maps->memories.erase(mem_map_iter);
162  return ptr;
163 }
165 bool MemoryManager::IsKnown(const void *ptr)
166 {
167  return maps->memories.find(ptr) != maps->memories.end();
168 }
170 void *MemoryManager::GetDevicePtr(const void *ptr, size_t bytes, bool copy_data)
171 {
172  if (!ptr)
173  {
174  MFEM_VERIFY(bytes == 0, "Trying to access NULL with size " << bytes);
175  return NULL;
176  }
177  internal::Memory &base = maps->;
178  if (!base.d_ptr)
179  {
180  CuMemAlloc(&base.d_ptr, base.bytes);
181  }
182  if (copy_data)
183  {
184  MFEM_ASSERT(bytes <= base.bytes, "invalid copy size");
185  CuMemcpyHtoD(base.d_ptr, ptr, bytes);
186 = false;
187  }
188  return base.d_ptr;
189 }
191 void MemoryManager::InsertAlias(const void *base_ptr, void *alias_ptr,
192  bool base_is_alias)
193 {
194  long offset = static_cast<const char*>(alias_ptr) -
195  static_cast<const char*>(base_ptr);
196  if (!base_ptr)
197  {
198  MFEM_VERIFY(offset == 0,
199  "Trying to add alias to NULL at offset " << offset);
200  return;
201  }
202  if (base_is_alias)
203  {
204  const internal::Alias *alias = maps->;
205  base_ptr = alias->mem->h_ptr;
206  offset += alias->offset;
207  }
208  internal::Memory &mem = maps->;
209  auto res = maps->aliases.emplace(alias_ptr, nullptr);
210  if (res.second == false) // alias_ptr was already in the map
211  {
212  if (res.first->second->mem != &mem || res.first->second->offset != offset)
213  {
214  mfem_error("alias already exists with different base/offset!");
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  res.first->second->counter++;
219  }
220  }
221  else
222  {
223  res.first->second = new internal::Alias{&mem, offset, 1};
224  }
225 }
227 void MemoryManager::EraseAlias(void *alias_ptr)
228 {
229  if (!alias_ptr) { return; }
230  auto alias_map_iter = maps->aliases.find(alias_ptr);
231  if (alias_map_iter == maps->aliases.end())
232  {
233  mfem_error("alias not found");
234  }
235  internal::Alias *alias = alias_map_iter->second;
236  if (--alias->counter) { return; }
237  // erase the alias from the alias map:
238  maps->aliases.erase(alias_map_iter);
239  delete alias;
240 }
242 void *MemoryManager::GetAliasDevicePtr(const void *alias_ptr, size_t bytes,
243  bool copy_data)
244 {
245  if (!alias_ptr)
246  {
247  MFEM_VERIFY(bytes == 0, "Trying to access NULL with size " << bytes);
248  return NULL;
249  }
250  auto &alias_map = maps->aliases;
251  auto alias_map_iter = alias_map.find(alias_ptr);
252  if (alias_map_iter == alias_map.end())
253  {
254  mfem_error("alias not found");
255  }
256  const internal::Alias *alias = alias_map_iter->second;
257  internal::Memory &base = *alias->mem;
258  MFEM_ASSERT((char*)base.h_ptr + alias->offset == alias_ptr,
259  "internal error");
260  if (!base.d_ptr)
261  {
262  CuMemAlloc(&base.d_ptr, base.bytes);
263  }
264  if (copy_data)
265  {
266  CuMemcpyHtoD((char*)base.d_ptr + alias->offset, alias_ptr, bytes);
267 = false;
268  }
269  return (char*)base.d_ptr + alias->offset;
270 }
272 static void PullKnown(internal::Ledger *maps,
273  const void *ptr, const std::size_t bytes, bool copy_data)
274 {
275  internal::Memory &base = maps->;
276  MFEM_ASSERT(base.h_ptr == ptr, "internal error");
277  // There are cases where it is OK if base.d_ptr is not allocated yet:
278  // for example, when requesting read-write access on host to memory created
279  // as device memory.
280  if (copy_data && base.d_ptr)
281  {
282  CuMemcpyDtoH(base.h_ptr, base.d_ptr, bytes);
283 = true;
284  }
285 }
287 static void PullAlias(const internal::Ledger *maps,
288  const void *ptr, const std::size_t bytes, bool copy_data)
289 {
290  const internal::Alias *alias = maps->;
291  MFEM_ASSERT((char*)alias->mem->h_ptr + alias->offset == ptr,
292  "internal error");
293  // There are cases where it is OK if alias->mem->d_ptr is not allocated yet:
294  // for example, when requesting read-write access on host to memory created
295  // as device memory.
296  if (copy_data && alias->mem->d_ptr)
297  {
298  CuMemcpyDtoH(const_cast<void*>(ptr),
299  static_cast<char*>(alias->mem->d_ptr) + alias->offset,
300  bytes);
301  }
302 }
305 {
306  if (ptr != NULL)
307  {
308  if (!IsKnown(ptr))
309  {
310  mfem_error("Pointer is not registered!");
311  }
312  }
313 }
316 {
317  for (const auto& n : maps->memories)
318  {
319  const internal::Memory &mem = n.second;
320  mfem::out << std::endl
321  << "key " << n.first << ", "
322  << "host " << << ", "
323  << "h_ptr " << mem.h_ptr << ", "
324  << "d_ptr " << mem.d_ptr;
325  }
326  mfem::out << std::endl;
327 }
329 // Static private MemoryManager methods used by class Memory
331 void *MemoryManager::New_(void *h_ptr, std::size_t size, MemoryType mt,
332  unsigned &flags)
333 {
334  // TODO: save the types of the pointers ...
336  switch (mt)
337  {
338  case MemoryType::HOST: return nullptr; // case is handled outside
340  case MemoryType::HOST_32:
341  case MemoryType::HOST_64:
342  mfem_error("New_(): aligned host types are not implemented yet");
343  return nullptr;
345  case MemoryType::CUDA:
346  mm.Insert(h_ptr, size);
348  return h_ptr;
351  mfem_error("New_(): CUDA UVM allocation is not implemented yet");
352  return nullptr;
353  }
354  return nullptr;
355 }
357 void *MemoryManager::Register_(void *ptr, void *h_ptr, std::size_t capacity,
358  MemoryType mt, bool own, bool alias,
359  unsigned &flags)
360 {
361  // TODO: save the type of the registered pointer ...
362  MFEM_VERIFY(alias == false, "cannot register an alias!");
363  flags = flags | (Mem::REGISTERED | Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL);
364  if (IsHostMemory(mt))
365  {
366  mm.Insert(ptr, capacity);
367  flags = (own ? flags | Mem::OWNS_HOST : flags & ~Mem::OWNS_HOST) |
369  return ptr;
370  }
371  MFEM_VERIFY(mt == MemoryType::CUDA, "Only CUDA pointers are supported");
372  mm.InsertDevice(ptr, h_ptr, capacity);
373  flags = (own ? flags | Mem::OWNS_DEVICE : flags & ~Mem::OWNS_DEVICE) |
375  return h_ptr;
376 }
378 void MemoryManager::Alias_(void *base_h_ptr, std::size_t offset,
379  std::size_t size, unsigned base_flags,
380  unsigned &flags)
381 {
382  // TODO: store the 'size' in the MemoryManager?
383  mm.InsertAlias(base_h_ptr, (char*)base_h_ptr + offset,
384  base_flags & Mem::ALIAS);
385  flags = (base_flags | Mem::ALIAS | Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL) &
387 }
389 MemoryType MemoryManager::Delete_(void *h_ptr, unsigned flags)
390 {
391  // TODO: this logic needs to be updated when support for HOST_32 and HOST_64
392  // memory types is added.
394  MFEM_ASSERT(!(flags & Mem::OWNS_DEVICE) || (flags & Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL),
395  "invalid Memory state");
396  if (mm.exists && (flags & Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL))
397  {
398  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS)
399  {
400  mm.EraseAlias(h_ptr);
401  }
402  else
403  {
404  mm.Erase(h_ptr, flags & Mem::OWNS_DEVICE);
405  }
406  }
407  return MemoryType::HOST;
408 }
410 void *MemoryManager::ReadWrite_(void *h_ptr, MemoryClass mc,
411  std::size_t size, unsigned &flags)
412 {
413  switch (mc)
414  {
415  case MemoryClass::HOST:
416  if (!(flags & Mem::VALID_HOST))
417  {
418  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS) { PullAlias(maps, h_ptr, size, true); }
419  else { PullKnown(maps, h_ptr, size, true); }
420  }
421  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_HOST) & ~Mem::VALID_DEVICE;
422  return h_ptr;
425  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_32 or
426  // MemoryType::HOST_64
427  return h_ptr;
430  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_64
431  return h_ptr;
433  case MemoryClass::CUDA:
434  {
435  // TODO: check that the device pointer is MemoryType::CUDA or
436  // MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
438  const bool need_copy = !(flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE);
439  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_DEVICE) & ~Mem::VALID_HOST;
441  // TODO: add support for UVM
442  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS)
443  {
444  return mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, need_copy);
445  }
446  return mm.GetDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, need_copy);
447  }
450  // TODO: check that the host+device pointers are MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
452  // Do we need to update the validity flags?
454  return h_ptr; // the host and device pointers are the same
455  }
456  return nullptr;
457 }
459 const void *MemoryManager::Read_(void *h_ptr, MemoryClass mc,
460  std::size_t size, unsigned &flags)
461 {
462  switch (mc)
463  {
464  case MemoryClass::HOST:
465  if (!(flags & Mem::VALID_HOST))
466  {
467  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS) { PullAlias(maps, h_ptr, size, true); }
468  else { PullKnown(maps, h_ptr, size, true); }
469  }
470  flags = flags | Mem::VALID_HOST;
471  return h_ptr;
474  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_32 or
475  // MemoryType::HOST_64
476  return h_ptr;
479  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_64
480  return h_ptr;
482  case MemoryClass::CUDA:
483  {
484  // TODO: check that the device pointer is MemoryType::CUDA or
485  // MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
487  const bool need_copy = !(flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE);
488  flags = flags | Mem::VALID_DEVICE;
490  // TODO: add support for UVM
491  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS)
492  {
493  return mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, need_copy);
494  }
495  return mm.GetDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, need_copy);
496  }
499  // TODO: check that the host+device pointers are MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
501  // Do we need to update the validity flags?
503  return h_ptr; // the host and device pointers are the same
504  }
505  return nullptr;
506 }
508 void *MemoryManager::Write_(void *h_ptr, MemoryClass mc, std::size_t size,
509  unsigned &flags)
510 {
511  switch (mc)
512  {
513  case MemoryClass::HOST:
514  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_HOST) & ~Mem::VALID_DEVICE;
515  return h_ptr;
518  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_32 or
519  // MemoryType::HOST_64
521  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_HOST) & ~Mem::VALID_DEVICE;
522  return h_ptr;
525  // TODO: check that the host pointer is MemoryType::HOST_64
527  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_HOST) & ~Mem::VALID_DEVICE;
528  return h_ptr;
530  case MemoryClass::CUDA:
531  // TODO: check that the device pointer is MemoryType::CUDA or
532  // MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
534  flags = (flags | Mem::VALID_DEVICE) & ~Mem::VALID_HOST;
536  // TODO: add support for UVM
537  if (flags & Mem::ALIAS)
538  {
539  return mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, false);
540  }
541  return mm.GetDevicePtr(h_ptr, size, false);
544  // TODO: check that the host+device pointers are MemoryType::CUDA_UVM
546  // Do we need to update the validity flags?
548  return h_ptr; // the host and device pointers are the same
549  }
550  return nullptr;
551 }
553 void MemoryManager::SyncAlias_(const void *base_h_ptr, void *alias_h_ptr,
554  size_t alias_size, unsigned base_flags,
555  unsigned &alias_flags)
556 {
557  // This is called only when (base_flags & Mem::REGISTERED) is true.
558  // Note that (alias_flags & REGISTERED) may not be true.
559  MFEM_ASSERT(alias_flags & Mem::ALIAS, "not an alias");
560  if ((base_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST) && !(alias_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST))
561  {
562  PullAlias(maps, alias_h_ptr, alias_size, true);
563  }
564  if ((base_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE) && !(alias_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE))
565  {
566  if (!(alias_flags & Mem::REGISTERED))
567  {
568  mm.InsertAlias(base_h_ptr, alias_h_ptr, base_flags & Mem::ALIAS);
569  alias_flags = (alias_flags | Mem::REGISTERED | Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL) &
570  ~(Mem::OWNS_HOST | Mem::OWNS_DEVICE);
571  }
572  mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(alias_h_ptr, alias_size, true);
573  }
574  alias_flags = (alias_flags & ~(Mem::VALID_HOST | Mem::VALID_DEVICE)) |
575  (base_flags & (Mem::VALID_HOST | Mem::VALID_DEVICE));
576 }
578 MemoryType MemoryManager::GetMemoryType_(void *h_ptr, unsigned flags)
579 {
580  // TODO: support other memory types
581  if (flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE) { return MemoryType::CUDA; }
582  return MemoryType::HOST;
583 }
585 void MemoryManager::Copy_(void *dest_h_ptr, const void *src_h_ptr,
586  std::size_t size, unsigned src_flags,
587  unsigned &dest_flags)
588 {
589  // Type of copy to use based on the src and dest validity flags:
590  // | src
591  // | h | d | hd
592  // -----------+-----+-----+------
593  // h | h2h d2h h2h
594  // dest d | h2d d2d d2d
595  // hd | h2h d2d d2d
597  const bool src_on_host =
598  (src_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST) &&
599  (!(src_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE) ||
600  ((dest_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST) && !(dest_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE)));
601  const bool dest_on_host =
602  (dest_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST) &&
603  (!(dest_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE) ||
604  ((src_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST) && !(src_flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE)));
605  const void *src_d_ptr = src_on_host ? NULL :
606  ((src_flags & Mem::ALIAS) ?
607  mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(src_h_ptr, size, false) :
608  mm.GetDevicePtr(src_h_ptr, size, false));
609  if (dest_on_host)
610  {
611  if (src_on_host)
612  {
613  if (dest_h_ptr != src_h_ptr && size != 0)
614  {
615  MFEM_ASSERT((char*)dest_h_ptr + size <= src_h_ptr ||
616  (char*)src_h_ptr + size <= dest_h_ptr,
617  "data overlaps!");
618  std::memcpy(dest_h_ptr, src_h_ptr, size);
619  }
620  }
621  else
622  {
623  CuMemcpyDtoH(dest_h_ptr, src_d_ptr, size);
624  }
625  }
626  else
627  {
628  void *dest_d_ptr = (dest_flags & Mem::ALIAS) ?
629  mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(dest_h_ptr, size, false) :
630  mm.GetDevicePtr(dest_h_ptr, size, false);
631  if (src_on_host)
632  {
633  CuMemcpyHtoD(dest_d_ptr, src_h_ptr, size);
634  }
635  else
636  {
637  CuMemcpyDtoD(dest_d_ptr, src_d_ptr, size);
638  }
639  }
640  dest_flags = dest_flags &
641  ~(dest_on_host ? Mem::VALID_DEVICE : Mem::VALID_HOST);
642 }
644 void MemoryManager::CopyToHost_(void *dest_h_ptr, const void *src_h_ptr,
645  std::size_t size, unsigned src_flags)
646 {
647  const bool src_on_host = src_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST;
648  if (src_on_host)
649  {
650  if (dest_h_ptr != src_h_ptr && size != 0)
651  {
652  MFEM_ASSERT((char*)dest_h_ptr + size <= src_h_ptr ||
653  (char*)src_h_ptr + size <= dest_h_ptr,
654  "data overlaps!");
655  std::memcpy(dest_h_ptr, src_h_ptr, size);
656  }
657  }
658  else
659  {
660  const void *src_d_ptr = (src_flags & Mem::ALIAS) ?
661  mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(src_h_ptr, size, false) :
662  mm.GetDevicePtr(src_h_ptr, size, false);
663  CuMemcpyDtoH(dest_h_ptr, src_d_ptr, size);
664  }
665 }
667 void MemoryManager::CopyFromHost_(void *dest_h_ptr, const void *src_h_ptr,
668  std::size_t size, unsigned &dest_flags)
669 {
670  const bool dest_on_host = dest_flags & Mem::VALID_HOST;
671  if (dest_on_host)
672  {
673  if (dest_h_ptr != src_h_ptr && size != 0)
674  {
675  MFEM_ASSERT((char*)dest_h_ptr + size <= src_h_ptr ||
676  (char*)src_h_ptr + size <= dest_h_ptr,
677  "data overlaps!");
678  std::memcpy(dest_h_ptr, src_h_ptr, size);
679  }
680  }
681  else
682  {
683  void *dest_d_ptr = (dest_flags & Mem::ALIAS) ?
684  mm.GetAliasDevicePtr(dest_h_ptr, size, false) :
685  mm.GetDevicePtr(dest_h_ptr, size, false);
686  CuMemcpyHtoD(dest_d_ptr, src_h_ptr, size);
687  }
688  dest_flags = dest_flags &
689  ~(dest_on_host ? Mem::VALID_DEVICE : Mem::VALID_HOST);
690 }
693 void MemoryPrintFlags(unsigned flags)
694 {
695  typedef Memory<int> Mem;
696  mfem::out
697  << " registered = " << bool(flags & Mem::REGISTERED)
698  << "\n owns host = " << bool(flags & Mem::OWNS_HOST)
699  << "\n owns device = " << bool(flags & Mem::OWNS_DEVICE)
700  << "\n owns internal = " << bool(flags & Mem::OWNS_INTERNAL)
701  << "\n valid host = " << bool(flags & Mem::VALID_HOST)
702  << "\n valid device = " << bool(flags & Mem::VALID_DEVICE)
703  << "\n alias = " << bool(flags & Mem::ALIAS)
704  << "\n device flag = " << bool(flags & Mem::USE_DEVICE)
705  << std::endl;
706 }
710 bool MemoryManager::exists = false;
712 } // namespace mfem
void * CuMemcpyHtoD(void *dst, const void *src, size_t bytes)
Copies memory from Host to Device.
Definition: cuda.cpp:64
void * CuMemFree(void *dptr)
Frees device memory.
Definition: cuda.cpp:49
Host memory aligned at 64 bytes (not supported yet)
bool IsHostMemory(MemoryType mt)
Return true if the given memory type is in MemoryClass::HOST.
Definition: mem_manager.hpp:50
The device pointer will be deleted by Delete()
Memory types: { CUDA, CUDA_UVM }.
Host pointer is valid.
Host memory aligned at 32 bytes (not supported yet)
The memory manager class.
void mfem_error(const char *msg)
Function called when an error is encountered. Used by the macros MFEM_ABORT, MFEM_ASSERT, MFEM_VERIFY.
Definition: error.cpp:146
void * CuMemcpyDtoD(void *dst, const void *src, size_t bytes)
Copies memory from Device to Device.
Definition: cuda.cpp:87
h_ptr is registered with the MemoryManager
The host pointer will be deleted by Delete()
Device pointer is valid.
Ownership flag for internal Memory data.
Memory types supported by MFEM.
Definition: mem_manager.hpp:27
void RegisterCheck(void *ptr)
Check if pointer has been registered in the memory manager.
cudaMalloc, cudaFree
MemoryManager mm
The (single) global memory manager object.
Host memory; using new[] and delete[].
void PrintPtrs(void)
Prints all pointers known by the memory manager.
cudaMallocManaged, cudaFree (not supported yet)
MemoryType GetMemoryType(MemoryClass mc)
Return a suitable MemoryType for a given MemoryClass.
Definition: mem_manager.cpp:23
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition: globals.hpp:64
MemoryClass operator*(MemoryClass mc1, MemoryClass mc2)
Return a suitable MemoryClass from a pair of MemoryClasses.
Definition: mem_manager.cpp:36
void * CuMemAlloc(void **dptr, size_t bytes)
Allocates device memory.
Definition: cuda.cpp:34
Memory classes identify subsets of memory types.
Definition: mem_manager.hpp:40
void * CuMemcpyDtoH(void *dst, const void *src, size_t bytes)
Copies memory from Device to Host.
Definition: cuda.cpp:110
void MemoryPrintFlags(unsigned flags)
Print the state of a Memory object based on its internal flags. Useful in a debugger.