42 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[])
48 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
49 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
50 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
51 bool verbose = (myid == 0);
54 const char *mesh_file =
56 bool par_format =
57 bool visualization = 1;
60 args.
63 "Finite element order (polynomial degree).");
64 args.
66 "Format to use when saving the results for VisIt.");
67 args.
69 "Enable or disable GLVis visualization.");
88 Mesh *mesh =
new Mesh(mesh_file, 1, 1);
97 (int)floor(log(10000./mesh->
98 for (
int l = 0; l < ref_levels; l++)
110 int par_ref_levels = 2;
111 for (
int l = 0; l < par_ref_levels; l++)
130 std::cout <<
131 std::cout <<
"dim(R) = " << dimR <<
132 std::cout <<
"dim(W) = " << dimW <<
133 std::cout <<
"dim(R+W) = " << dimR + dimW <<
134 std::cout <<
143 block_offsets[0] = 0;
144 block_offsets[1] = R_space->
145 block_offsets[2] = W_space->
149 block_trueOffsets[0] = 0;
150 block_trueOffsets[1] = R_space->
151 block_trueOffsets[2] = W_space->
167 BlockVector trueX(block_trueOffsets), trueRhs(block_trueOffsets);
257 solver.
Mult(trueRhs, trueX);
264 <<
" iterations with a residual norm of " << solver.
GetFinalNorm() <<
267 <<
" iterations. Residual norm is " << solver.
GetFinalNorm() <<
268 std::cout <<
"MINRES solver took " << chrono.
RealTime() <<
"s. \n";
276 u->
MakeRef(R_space, x.GetBlock(0), 0);
277 p->
MakeRef(W_space, x.GetBlock(1), 0);
281 int order_quad = max(2, 2*order+1);
283 for (
int i=0; i < Geometry::NumGeom; ++i)
295 std::cout <<
"|| u_h - u_ex || / || u_ex || = " << err_u / norm_u <<
296 std::cout <<
"|| p_h - p_ex || / || p_ex || = " << err_p / norm_p <<
302 ostringstream mesh_name, u_name, p_name;
303 mesh_name <<
"mesh." << setfill(
'0') << setw(6) << myid;
304 u_name <<
"sol_u." << setfill(
'0') << setw(6) << myid;
305 p_name <<
"sol_p." << setfill(
'0') << setw(6) << myid;
307 ofstream mesh_ofs(mesh_name.str().c_str());
308 mesh_ofs.precision(8);
309 pmesh->
311 ofstream u_ofs(u_name.str().c_str());
315 ofstream p_ofs(p_name.str().c_str());
325 DataCollection::SERIAL_FORMAT :
326 DataCollection::PARALLEL_FORMAT);
332 char vishost[] =
335 u_sock <<
"parallel " << num_procs <<
" " << myid <<
337 u_sock <<
"solution\n" << *pmesh << *u <<
"window_title 'Velocity'"
343 p_sock <<
"parallel " << num_procs <<
" " << myid <<
345 p_sock <<
"solution\n" << *pmesh << *p <<
"window_title 'Pressure'"
388 u(0) = - exp(xi)*sin(yi)*cos(zi);
389 u(1) = - exp(xi)*cos(yi)*cos(zi);
393 u(2) = exp(xi)*sin(yi)*sin(zi);
409 return exp(xi)*sin(yi)*cos(zi);
Class for domain integration L(v) := (f, v)
int GetVSize() const
Return the number of vector dofs, i.e. GetNDofs() x GetVDim().
Class for an integration rule - an Array of IntegrationPoint.
int GetNumIterations() const
const IntegrationRule & Get(int GeomType, int Order)
Returns an integration rule for given GeomType and Order.
void fFun(const Vector &x, Vector &f)
A class to handle Vectors in a block fashion.
Subclass constant coefficient.
int Size() const
Returns the size of the vector.
int GetNE() const
Returns number of elements.
virtual void Save()
Save the collection and a VisIt root file.
virtual void Save(std::ostream &out) const
Abstract parallel finite element space.
bool iterative_mode
If true, use the second argument of Mult() as an initial guess.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
HypreParMatrix * ParMult(const HypreParMatrix *A, const HypreParMatrix *B)
Returns the matrix A * B.
double GetFinalNorm() const
virtual void MakeRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, double *v)
Make the ParGridFunction reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace.
The BoomerAMG solver in hypre.
virtual void Mult(const Vector &b, Vector &x) const
Operator application: y=A(x).
HYPRE_Int GetGlobalNumRows() const
Return the global number of rows.
void SetPrintLevel(int print_lvl)
virtual void SetPreconditioner(Solver &pr)
This should be called before SetOperator.
A class to handle Block diagonal preconditioners in a matrix-free implementation. ...
Jacobi preconditioner in hypre.
double f_natural(const Vector &x)
void UniformRefinement(int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *)
Data collection with VisIt I/O routines.
void SetMaxIter(int max_it)
HYPRE_Int GlobalTrueVSize() const
virtual void Print(std::ostream &out=mfem::out) const
virtual void SetFormat(int fmt)
Set the desired output mesh and data format.
double pFun_ex(const Vector &x)
HypreParMatrix * Transpose() const
Returns the transpose of *this.
void GetDiag(Vector &diag) const
Get the local diagonal of the matrix.
virtual void SetOperator(const Operator &op)
Also calls SetOperator for the preconditioner if there is one.
void PrintUsage(std::ostream &out) const
Arbitrary order H(div)-conforming Raviart-Thomas finite elements.
Wrapper for hypre's parallel vector class.
void SetAbsTol(double atol)
void SetRelTol(double rtol)
void AddOption(bool *var, const char *enable_short_name, const char *enable_long_name, const char *disable_short_name, const char *disable_long_name, const char *description, bool required=false)
void PartialSum()
Partial Sum.
double ComputeGlobalLpNorm(double p, Coefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[])
void Distribute(const Vector *tv)
virtual void RegisterField(const std::string &field_name, GridFunction *gf)
Add a grid function to the collection and update the root file.
void uFun_ex(const Vector &x, Vector &u)
double gFun(const Vector &x)
virtual double ComputeL2Error(Coefficient *exsol[], const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const
void InvScaleRows(const Vector &s)
Scale the local row i by 1./s(i)
void PrintOptions(std::ostream &out) const
Abstract class for hypre's solvers and preconditioners.
for VectorFiniteElements (Nedelec, Raviart-Thomas)
class for C-function coefficient
HYPRE_Int * GetRowStarts() const
Return the parallel row partitioning array.
Class for parallel grid function.
Wrapper for hypre's ParCSR matrix class.
A class to handle Block systems in a matrix-free implementation.
Class for parallel meshes.
IntegrationRules IntRules(0, Quadrature1D::GaussLegendre)
A global object with all integration rules (defined in intrules.cpp)
Integrator for (Q u, v) for VectorFiniteElements.
void SetBlock(int iRow, int iCol, Operator *op, double c=1.0)
Add a block op in the block-entry (iblock, jblock).
void SetDiagonalBlock(int iblock, Operator *op)
Add a square block op in the block-entry (iblock, iblock).
Vector & GetBlock(int i)
Get the i-th vector in the block.
Arbitrary order "L2-conforming" discontinuous finite elements.