| GridFunctionPumi (Mesh *m, apf::Mesh2 *PumiM, apf::Numbering *v_num_loc, const int mesh_order) |
| Construct a GridFunction from a PUMI mesh. More...
virtual | ~GridFunctionPumi () |
| Destroy the grid function. More...
| GridFunction () |
| GridFunction (const GridFunction &orig) |
| Copy constructor. The internal true-dof vector t_vec is not copied. More...
| GridFunction (FiniteElementSpace *f) |
| Construct a GridFunction associated with the FiniteElementSpace *f. More...
| GridFunction (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *data) |
| Construct a GridFunction using previously allocated array data. More...
| GridFunction (Mesh *m, std::istream &input) |
| Construct a GridFunction on the given Mesh, using the data from input. More...
| GridFunction (Mesh *m, GridFunction *gf_array[], int num_pieces) |
GridFunction & | operator= (const GridFunction &rhs) |
| Copy assignment. Only the data of the base class Vector is copied. More...
void | MakeOwner (FiniteElementCollection *_fec) |
| Make the GridFunction the owner of fec and fes. More...
FiniteElementCollection * | OwnFEC () |
int | VectorDim () const |
const Vector & | GetTrueVector () const |
| Read only access to the (optional) internal true-dof Vector. More...
Vector & | GetTrueVector () |
| Read and write access to the (optional) internal true-dof Vector. More...
void | GetTrueDofs (Vector &tv) const |
| Extract the true-dofs from the GridFunction. If all dofs are true, then tv will be set to point to the data of *this . More...
void | SetTrueVector () |
| Shortcut for calling GetTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument. More...
virtual void | SetFromTrueDofs (const Vector &tv) |
| Set the GridFunction from the given true-dof vector. More...
void | SetFromTrueVector () |
| Shortcut for calling SetFromTrueDofs() with GetTrueVector() as argument. More...
void | GetNodalValues (int i, Array< double > &nval, int vdim=1) const |
| Returns the values in the vertices of i'th element for dimension vdim. More...
virtual double | GetValue (int i, const IntegrationPoint &ip, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetVectorValue (int i, const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &val) const |
void | GetValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
int | GetFaceValues (int i, int side, const IntegrationRule &ir, Vector &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int vdim=1) const |
void | GetVectorValues (ElementTransformation &T, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals) const |
void | GetVectorValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr) const |
int | GetFaceVectorValues (int i, int side, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr) const |
void | GetValuesFrom (const GridFunction &orig_func) |
void | GetBdrValuesFrom (const GridFunction &orig_func) |
void | GetVectorFieldValues (int i, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &vals, DenseMatrix &tr, int comp=0) const |
void | ReorderByNodes () |
| For a vector grid function, makes sure that the ordering is byNODES. More...
void | GetNodalValues (Vector &nval, int vdim=1) const |
| Return the values as a vector on mesh vertices for dimension vdim. More...
void | GetVectorFieldNodalValues (Vector &val, int comp) const |
void | ProjectVectorFieldOn (GridFunction &vec_field, int comp=0) |
void | GetDerivative (int comp, int der_comp, GridFunction &der) |
double | GetDivergence (ElementTransformation &tr) const |
void | GetCurl (ElementTransformation &tr, Vector &curl) const |
void | GetGradient (ElementTransformation &tr, Vector &grad) const |
void | GetGradients (ElementTransformation &tr, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetGradients (const int elem, const IntegrationRule &ir, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetVectorGradient (ElementTransformation &tr, DenseMatrix &grad) const |
void | GetElementAverages (GridFunction &avgs) const |
void | ImposeBounds (int i, const Vector &weights, const Vector &_lo, const Vector &_hi) |
void | ImposeBounds (int i, const Vector &weights, double _min=0.0, double _max=infinity()) |
void | ProjectGridFunction (const GridFunction &src) |
| Project the src GridFunction to this GridFunction, both of which must be on the same mesh. More...
virtual void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff) |
void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, Array< int > &dofs, int vd=0) |
void | ProjectCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff) |
void | ProjectCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &dofs) |
void | ProjectCoefficient (Coefficient *coeff[]) |
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &coeff) |
| Project a discontinuous vector coefficient as a grid function on a continuous finite element space. The values in shared dofs are determined from the element with maximal attribute. More...
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, AvgType type) |
| Projects a discontinuous coefficient so that the values in shared vdofs are computed by taking an average of the possible values. More...
virtual void | ProjectDiscCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &coeff, AvgType type) |
| Projects a discontinuous vector coefficient so that the values in shared vdofs are computed by taking an average of the possible values. More...
void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (Coefficient &coeff, Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a Coefficient on the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributes marked in the attr array. More...
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a VectorCoefficient on the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributes marked in the attr array. More...
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficient (Coefficient *coeff[], Array< int > &attr) |
| Project a set of Coefficients on the components of the GridFunction, modifying only DOFs on the boundary associated with the boundary attributed marked in the attr array. More...
void | ProjectBdrCoefficientNormal (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &bdr_attr) |
virtual void | ProjectBdrCoefficientTangent (VectorCoefficient &vcoeff, Array< int > &bdr_attr) |
| Project the tangential components of the given VectorCoefficient on the boundary. Only boundary attributes that are marked in bdr_attr are projected. Assumes ND-type VectorFE GridFunction. More...
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (Coefficient *exsol[], const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL2Error (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL, Array< int > *elems=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeH1Error (Coefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *exgrad, Coefficient *ell_coef, double Nu, int norm_type) const |
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (Coefficient *exsol[], const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeMaxError (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL1Error (Coefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeW11Error (Coefficient *exsol, VectorCoefficient *exgrad, int norm_type, Array< int > *elems=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeL1Error (VectorCoefficient &exsol, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeLpError (const double p, Coefficient &exsol, Coefficient *weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementLpErrors (const double p, Coefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, Coefficient *weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL1Errors (Coefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL2Errors (Coefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementMaxErrors (Coefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual double | ComputeLpError (const double p, VectorCoefficient &exsol, Coefficient *weight=NULL, VectorCoefficient *v_weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementLpErrors (const double p, VectorCoefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, Coefficient *weight=NULL, VectorCoefficient *v_weight=NULL, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL1Errors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementL2Errors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeElementMaxErrors (VectorCoefficient &exsol, GridFunction &error, const IntegrationRule *irs[]=NULL) const |
virtual void | ComputeFlux (BilinearFormIntegrator &blfi, GridFunction &flux, int wcoef=1, int subdomain=-1) |
GridFunction & | operator= (double value) |
| Redefine '=' for GridFunction = constant. More...
GridFunction & | operator= (const Vector &v) |
| Copy the data from v. More...
virtual void | Update () |
| Transform by the Space UpdateMatrix (e.g., on Mesh change). More...
FiniteElementSpace * | FESpace () |
const FiniteElementSpace * | FESpace () const |
virtual void | SetSpace (FiniteElementSpace *f) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace with the GridFunction. More...
virtual void | MakeRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *v) |
| Make the GridFunction reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace. More...
virtual void | MakeRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset) |
| Make the GridFunction reference external data on a new FiniteElementSpace. More...
void | MakeTRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, double *tv) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace and new true-dof data with the GridFunction. More...
void | MakeTRef (FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &tv, int tv_offset) |
| Associate a new FiniteElementSpace and new true-dof data with the GridFunction. More...
virtual void | Save (std::ostream &out) const |
| Save the GridFunction to an output stream. More...
void | SaveVTK (std::ostream &out, const std::string &field_name, int ref) |
void | SaveSTL (std::ostream &out, int TimesToRefine=1) |
virtual | ~GridFunction () |
| Destroys grid function. More...
| Vector () |
| Default constructor for Vector. Sets size = 0 and data = NULL. More...
| Vector (const Vector &) |
| Copy constructor. Allocates a new data array and copies the data. More...
| Vector (int s) |
| Creates vector of size s. More...
| Vector (double *_data, int _size) |
| Creates a vector referencing an array of doubles, owned by someone else. More...
| Vector (int size_, MemoryType mt) |
| Create a Vector of size size_ using MemoryType mt. More...
void | UseDevice (bool use_dev) const |
| Enable execution of Vector operations using the mfem::Device. More...
bool | UseDevice () const |
| Return the device flag of the Memory object used by the Vector. More...
void | Load (std::istream **in, int np, int *dim) |
| Reads a vector from multiple files. More...
void | Load (std::istream &in, int Size) |
| Load a vector from an input stream. More...
void | Load (std::istream &in) |
| Load a vector from an input stream, reading the size from the stream. More...
void | SetSize (int s) |
| Resize the vector to size s. More...
void | SetSize (int s, MemoryType mt) |
| Resize the vector to size s using MemoryType mt. More...
void | SetSize (int s, Vector &v) |
| Resize the vector to size s using the MemoryType of v. More...
void | SetData (double *d) |
void | SetDataAndSize (double *d, int s) |
| Set the Vector data and size. More...
void | NewDataAndSize (double *d, int s) |
| Set the Vector data and size, deleting the old data, if owned. More...
void | NewMemoryAndSize (const Memory< double > &mem, int s, bool own_mem) |
| Reset the Vector to use the given external Memory mem and size s. More...
void | MakeDataOwner () const |
| Set the Vector data (host pointer) ownership flag. More...
void | Destroy () |
| Destroy a vector. More...
int | Size () const |
| Returns the size of the vector. More...
int | Capacity () const |
| Return the size of the currently allocated data array. More...
double * | GetData () const |
| Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data. More...
| operator double * () |
| Conversion to double * . More...
| operator const double * () const |
| Conversion to const double * . More...
Memory< double > & | GetMemory () |
| Return a reference to the Memory object used by the Vector. More...
const Memory< double > & | GetMemory () const |
| Return a reference to the Memory object used by the Vector, const version. More...
void | SyncMemory (const Vector &v) |
| Update the memory location of the vector to match v. More...
void | SyncAliasMemory (const Vector &v) |
| Update the alias memory location of the vector to match v. More...
bool | OwnsData () const |
| Read the Vector data (host pointer) ownership flag. More...
void | StealData (double **p) |
| Changes the ownership of the data; after the call the Vector is empty. More...
double * | StealData () |
| Changes the ownership of the data; after the call the Vector is empty. More...
double & | Elem (int i) |
| Access Vector entries. Index i = 0 .. size-1. More...
const double & | Elem (int i) const |
| Read only access to Vector entries. Index i = 0 .. size-1. More...
double & | operator() (int i) |
| Access Vector entries using () for 0-based indexing. More...
const double & | operator() (int i) const |
| Read only access to Vector entries using () for 0-based indexing. More...
double | operator* (const double *) const |
| Dot product with a double * array. More...
double | operator* (const Vector &v) const |
| Return the inner-product. More...
Vector & | operator= (const double *v) |
| Copy Size() entries from v. More...
Vector & | operator= (const Vector &v) |
| Copy assignment. More...
Vector & | operator= (double value) |
| Redefine '=' for vector = constant. More...
Vector & | operator*= (double c) |
Vector & | operator/= (double c) |
Vector & | operator-= (double c) |
Vector & | operator-= (const Vector &v) |
Vector & | operator+= (const Vector &v) |
Vector & | Add (const double a, const Vector &Va) |
| (*this) += a * Va More...
Vector & | Set (const double a, const Vector &x) |
| (*this) = a * x More...
void | SetVector (const Vector &v, int offset) |
void | Neg () |
| (*this) = -(*this) More...
void | Swap (Vector &other) |
| Swap the contents of two Vectors. More...
void | median (const Vector &lo, const Vector &hi) |
| v = median(v,lo,hi) entrywise. Implementation assumes lo <= hi. More...
void | GetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, Vector &elemvect) const |
void | GetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) const |
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const double value) |
| Set the entries listed in dofs to the given value . More...
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const Vector &elemvect) |
void | SetSubVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) |
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const Vector &elemvect) |
| Add (element) subvector to the vector. More...
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, double *elem_data) |
void | AddElementVector (const Array< int > &dofs, const double a, const Vector &elemvect) |
void | SetSubVectorComplement (const Array< int > &dofs, const double val) |
| Set all vector entries NOT in the 'dofs' array to the given 'val'. More...
void | Print (std::ostream &out=mfem::out, int width=8) const |
| Prints vector to stream out. More...
void | Print_HYPRE (std::ostream &out) const |
| Prints vector to stream out in HYPRE_Vector format. More...
void | Randomize (int seed=0) |
| Set random values in the vector. More...
double | Norml2 () const |
| Returns the l2 norm of the vector. More...
double | Normlinf () const |
| Returns the l_infinity norm of the vector. More...
double | Norml1 () const |
| Returns the l_1 norm of the vector. More...
double | Normlp (double p) const |
| Returns the l_p norm of the vector. More...
double | Max () const |
| Returns the maximal element of the vector. More...
double | Min () const |
| Returns the minimal element of the vector. More...
double | Sum () const |
| Return the sum of the vector entries. More...
double | DistanceSquaredTo (const double *p) const |
| Compute the square of the Euclidean distance to another vector. More...
double | DistanceTo (const double *p) const |
| Compute the Euclidean distance to another vector. More...
int | CheckFinite () const |
| Count the number of entries in the Vector for which isfinite is false, i.e. the entry is a NaN or +/-Inf. More...
virtual | ~Vector () |
| Destroys vector. More...
const double * | Read (bool on_dev=true) const |
| Shortcut for mfem::Read(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
const double * | HostRead () const |
| Shortcut for mfem::Read(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
double * | Write (bool on_dev=true) |
| Shortcut for mfem::Write(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
double * | HostWrite () |
| Shortcut for mfem::Write(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
double * | ReadWrite (bool on_dev=true) |
| Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), on_dev). More...
double * | HostReadWrite () |
| Shortcut for mfem::ReadWrite(vec.GetMemory(), vec.Size(), false). More...
| Vector (N_Vector nv) |
| Construct a wrapper Vector from SUNDIALS N_Vector. More...
virtual N_Vector | ToNVector () |
| Return a new wrapper SUNDIALS N_Vector of type SUNDIALS_NVEC_SERIAL. More...
virtual void | ToNVector (N_Vector &nv) |
| Update an existing wrapper SUNDIALS N_Vector to point to this Vector. More...