| TMOP_Integrator (TMOP_QualityMetric *m, TargetConstructor *tc) |
void | SetCoefficient (Coefficient &w1) |
| Sets a scaling Coefficient for the quality metric term of the integrator. More...
void | EnableLimiting (const GridFunction &n0, Coefficient &w0) |
| Adds a limiting term to the integrator. More...
void | SetLimitingNodes (const GridFunction &n0) |
| Update the original/reference nodes used for limiting. More...
virtual double | GetElementEnergy (const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun) |
| Computes the integral of W(Jacobian(Trt)) over a target zone. More...
virtual void | AssembleElementVector (const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) |
| Perform the local action of the NonlinearFormIntegrator. More...
virtual void | AssembleElementGrad (const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) |
| Assemble the local gradient matrix. More...
void | SetIntRule (const IntegrationRule *ir) |
| Prescribe a fixed IntegrationRule to use (when ir != NULL) or let the integrator choose (when ir == NULL). More...
void | SetIntegrationRule (const IntegrationRule &irule) |
| Prescribe a fixed IntegrationRule to use. More...
virtual void | AssembleFaceVector (const FiniteElement &el1, const FiniteElement &el2, FaceElementTransformations &Tr, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) |
| Perform the local action of the NonlinearFormIntegrator resulting from a face integral term. More...
virtual void | AssembleFaceGrad (const FiniteElement &el1, const FiniteElement &el2, FaceElementTransformations &Tr, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) |
| Assemble the local action of the gradient of the NonlinearFormIntegrator resulting from a face integral term. More...
virtual | ~NonlinearFormIntegrator () |
A TMOP integrator class based on any given TMOP_QualityMetric and TargetConstructor.
over a target zone, where W is the metric's strain energy density function, and Jpt is the Jacobian of the target->physical coordinates transformation. The virtual target zone is defined by the TargetConstructor.
Definition at line 490 of file tmop.hpp.