Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::BoundaryMassIntegrator, including all inherited members.
AssembleElementGrad(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Tr, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inlinevirtual |
AssembleElementMatrix(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &elmat) | mfem::MassIntegrator | virtual |
AssembleElementMatrix2(const FiniteElement &trial_fe, const FiniteElement &test_fe, ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &elmat) | mfem::MassIntegrator | virtual |
AssembleElementVector(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Tr, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | virtual |
AssembleFaceMatrix(const FiniteElement &el1, const FiniteElement &el2, FaceElementTransformations &Trans, DenseMatrix &elmat) | mfem::BoundaryMassIntegrator | virtual |
mfem::MassIntegrator::AssembleFaceMatrix(const FiniteElement &trial_face_fe, const FiniteElement &test_fe1, const FiniteElement &test_fe2, FaceElementTransformations &Trans, DenseMatrix &elmat) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | virtual |
BilinearFormIntegrator(const IntegrationRule *ir=NULL) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inlineprotected |
BoundaryMassIntegrator(Coefficient &q) | mfem::BoundaryMassIntegrator | inline |
ComputeElementFlux(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &u, const FiniteElement &fluxelem, Vector &flux, int with_coef=1) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inlinevirtual |
ComputeFluxEnergy(const FiniteElement &fluxelem, ElementTransformation &Trans, Vector &flux, Vector *d_energy=NULL) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inlinevirtual |
GetElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Tr, const Vector &elfun) | mfem::NonlinearFormIntegrator | virtual |
IntRule | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | protected |
MassIntegrator(const IntegrationRule *ir=NULL) | mfem::MassIntegrator | inline |
MassIntegrator(Coefficient &q, const IntegrationRule *ir=NULL) | mfem::MassIntegrator | inline |
Q | mfem::MassIntegrator | protected |
SetIntRule(const IntegrationRule *ir) | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inline |
shape | mfem::MassIntegrator | protected |
te_shape | mfem::MassIntegrator | protected |
~BilinearFormIntegrator() | mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator | inlinevirtual |
~NonlinearFormIntegrator() | mfem::NonlinearFormIntegrator | inlinevirtual |