MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
mfem::HashTable< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for mfem::HashTable< T >, including all inherited members.

Alloc(int id, int p1, int p2)mfem::HashTable< T >
mfem::BlockArray::Alloc()mfem::BlockArray< T >protected
Append()mfem::BlockArray< T >
Append(const T &item)mfem::BlockArray< T >
At(int index)mfem::BlockArray< T >inline
At(int index) constmfem::BlockArray< T >inline
Base typedefmfem::HashTable< T >protected
begin()mfem::HashTable< T >inline
begin() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
BinSize(int idx) constmfem::HashTable< T >protected
BlockArray(int block_size=16 *1024)mfem::BlockArray< T >
BlockArray(const BlockArray< T > &other)mfem::BlockArray< T >
blocksmfem::BlockArray< T >protected
Capacity() constmfem::BlockArray< T >inline
cbegin() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
cend() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
CheckIndex(int index) constmfem::BlockArray< T >inlineprotected
CheckRehash()mfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
Delete(int id)mfem::HashTable< T >
DeleteAll()mfem::HashTable< T >
Destroy()mfem::BlockArray< T >protected
DoRehash()mfem::HashTable< T >protected
end()mfem::HashTable< T >inline
end() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
Find(int p1, int p2)mfem::HashTable< T >inline
Find(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4=-1)mfem::HashTable< T >inline
Find(int p1, int p2) constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
Find(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4=-1) constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
FindId(int p1, int p2) constmfem::HashTable< T >
FindId(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4=-1) constmfem::HashTable< T >
Get(int p1, int p2)mfem::HashTable< T >inline
Get(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4=-1)mfem::HashTable< T >inline
GetId(int p1, int p2)mfem::HashTable< T >
GetId(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4=-1)mfem::HashTable< T >
Hash(size_t p1, size_t p2) constmfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
Hash(size_t p1, size_t p2, size_t p3) constmfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
Hash(const Hashed2 &item) constmfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
Hash(const Hashed4 &item) constmfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
HashTable(int block_size=16 *1024, int init_hash_size=32 *1024)mfem::HashTable< T >
HashTable(const HashTable &other)mfem::HashTable< T >
IdExists(int id) constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
Insert(int idx, int id, T &item)mfem::HashTable< T >inlineprotected
maskmfem::HashTable< T >protected
MemoryUsage() constmfem::HashTable< T >
NumFreeIds() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
NumIds() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
operator=(const HashTable &)=deletemfem::HashTable< T >
mfem::BlockArray::operator=(const BlockArray &)=deletemfem::BlockArray< T >
operator[](int index)mfem::BlockArray< T >inline
operator[](int index) constmfem::BlockArray< T >inline
PrintMemoryDetail() constmfem::HashTable< T >
PrintStats() constmfem::HashTable< T >
Reparent(int id, int new_p1, int new_p2)mfem::HashTable< T >
Reparent(int id, int new_p1, int new_p2, int new_p3, int new_p4=-1)mfem::HashTable< T >
SearchList(int id, int p1, int p2) constmfem::HashTable< T >protected
SearchList(int id, int p1, int p2, int p3) constmfem::HashTable< T >protected
shiftmfem::BlockArray< T >protected
Size() constmfem::HashTable< T >inline
sizemfem::BlockArray< T >protected
Swap(BlockArray< T > &other)mfem::BlockArray< T >
tablemfem::HashTable< T >protected
Unlink(int idx, int id)mfem::HashTable< T >protected
unusedmfem::HashTable< T >protected
UpdateUnused()mfem::HashTable< T >
~BlockArray()mfem::BlockArray< T >inline
~HashTable()mfem::HashTable< T >