MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
15#include "../config/tconfig.hpp"
16#include "../linalg/simd.hpp"
17#include "../linalg/ttensor.hpp"
18#include "bilinearform.hpp"
19#include "tevaluator.hpp"
20#include "teltrans.hpp"
21#include "tcoefficient.hpp"
22#include "fespace.hpp"
24namespace mfem
27/** @brief Templated bilinear form class, cf. bilinearform.?pp
29 @tparam meshType typically TMesh, which is templated on FE type
30 @tparam solFESpace eg. H1_FiniteElementSpace
31 @tparam IR integration rule, typically TIntegrationRule, which is further
32 templated on element geometry
33 @tparam IntegratorType typically a TIntegrator, which is templated on a
34 kernel, eg. TDiffusionKernel or TMassKernel. This
35 describes what actual problem you solve.
36 @tparam solVecLayout_t describes how degrees of freedom are laid out,
37 scalar or vector, column/row major, etc.
38 @tparam complex_t data type for solution dofs
39 @tparam real_t data type for mesh nodes, solution basis, and mesh basis
41template <typename meshType, typename solFESpace,
42 typename IR, typename IntegratorType,
43 typename solVecLayout_t = ScalarLayout,
44 typename complex_t = real_t, typename real_t = real_t,
45 typename impl_traits_t = AutoSIMDTraits<complex_t,real_t> >
46class TBilinearForm : public Operator
49 typedef impl_traits_t impl_traits_type;
52 typedef complex_t complex_type;
55 typedef typename meshType::FE_type meshFE_type;
57 typedef typename solFESpace::FE_type solFE_type;
59 typedef solVecLayout_t solVecLayout_type;
61 static const int dim = meshType::dim;
62 static const int sdim = meshType::space_dim;
63 static const int dofs = solFE_type::dofs;
64 static const int vdim = solVecLayout_t::vec_dim;
65 static const int qpts = IR::qpts;
66 static const int AB = impl_traits_t::align_bytes;
67 static const int SS = impl_traits_t::simd_size;
68 static const int BE = impl_traits_t::batch_size;
69 static const int TE = SS*BE;
71 typedef typename impl_traits_t::vcomplex_t vcomplex_t;
72 typedef typename impl_traits_t::vreal_t vreal_t;
74 /// @name IntegratorType defines several internal types
75 ///@{
77 /// coeff_t might be TConstantCoefficient or TFunctionCoefficient, for example
78 typedef typename integ_t::coefficient_type coeff_t;
79 /// kernel_t may be TDiffusionKernel or TMassKernel
80 typedef typename integ_t::template kernel<sdim,dim,vcomplex_t>::type kernel_t;
81 /// p_assembled_t is something like a TTensor or TMatrix for partial assembly
82 typedef typename kernel_t::template p_asm_data<qpts>::type p_assembled_t;
83 /// f_assembled_t is something like a TTensor or TMatrix for full assembly
84 typedef typename kernel_t::template f_asm_data<qpts>::type f_assembled_t;
85 ///@}
87 typedef typename kernel_t::template
88 CoefficientEval<IR,coeff_t,impl_traits_t>::Type coeff_eval_t;
92 struct T_result
93 {
94 static const int EvalOps =
95 Trans_t::template Get<coeff_t,kernel_t>::EvalOps;
96 typedef typename Trans_t::template Result<EvalOps,impl_traits_t> Type;
97 };
99 typedef FieldEvaluator<solFESpace,solVecLayout_t,IR,
102 /** @brief Contains matrix sizes, type of kernel (ElementMatrix is templated
103 on a kernel, e.g. ElementMatrix::Compute may be AssembleGradGrad()). */
104 struct S_spec
105 {
106 typedef typename solFieldEval::template Spec<kernel_t,impl_traits_t> Spec;
107 typedef typename Spec::DataType DataType;
108 typedef typename Spec::ElementMatrix ElementMatrix;
109 };
111 // Data members
113 meshType mesh;
118 mutable solFESpace solFES;
119 solVecLayout_t solVecLayout;
130 TBilinearForm(const IntegratorType &integ, const FiniteElementSpace &sol_fes)
131 : Operator(sol_fes.GetNDofs()*vdim),
132 mesh(*sol_fes.GetMesh()),
133 meshEval(mesh.fe),
134 sol_fe(*sol_fes.FEColl()),
136 solFES(sol_fe, sol_fes),
137 solVecLayout(sol_fes),
138 int_rule(),
139 coeff(integ.coeff),
141 in_fes(sol_fes)
142 {
144 AB == 32 ? MemoryType::HOST_32 :
146 }
149 {
151 }
153 /// Get the input finite element space prolongation matrix
154 virtual const Operator *GetProlongation() const
155 { return ((FiniteElementSpace &)in_fes).GetProlongationMatrix(); }
156 /// Get the input finite element space restriction matrix
157 virtual const Operator *GetRestriction() const
158 { return ((FiniteElementSpace &)in_fes).GetRestrictionMatrix(); }
160 virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
161 {
162 if (!assembled_data.Empty())
163 {
164 MultAssembled(x, y);
165 }
166 else
167 {
168 MultUnassembled(x, y);
169 }
170 }
172 // complex_t = double
173 void MultUnassembled(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
174 {
175 y = 0.0;
177 // For better performance, create stack copies of solFES, and solEval
178 // inside 'solFEval'. The element-transformation 'T' also copies the
179 // meshFES, meshEval, etc internally.
180 // Is performance actually better with this implementation?
183 x.GetData(), y.GetData());
186 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
187 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
188 {
189#if 0
190 typename S_spec::DataType R;
191 solFEval.Eval(el, R);
193 typename T_result::Type F;
194 T.Eval(el, F);
196 typename T_result::Type F;
197 T.Eval(el, F);
199 typename S_spec::DataType R;
200 solFEval.Eval(el, R);
203 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
204 wQ.Eval(F, res);
206 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
207 {
208 kernel_t::Action(k, F, wQ, res, R);
209 }
211 solFEval.template Assemble<true>(R);
212 }
213 }
215 /// Partial assembly of quadrature point data
216 void Assemble()
217 {
221 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
222 if (assembled_data.Empty())
223 {
224 const int size = ((NE+TE-1)/TE)*BE;
226 }
227 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
228 {
229 typename T_result::Type F;
230 T.Eval(el, F);
232 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
233 wQ.Eval(F, res);
235 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
236 {
237 kernel_t::Assemble(k, F, wQ, res, assembled_data[el/SS+k]);
238 }
239 }
240 }
243 void ElementAddMultAssembled(int el, solFieldEval &solFEval) const
244 {
245 typename S_spec::DataType R;
246 solFEval.Eval(el, R);
248 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
249 {
250 kernel_t::MultAssembled(k, assembled_data[el/SS+k], R);
251 }
253 solFEval.template Assemble<true>(R);
254 }
256 // complex_t = double
257 void MultAssembled(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
258 {
259 y = 0.0;
262 x.GetData(), y.GetData());
264 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
265 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
266 {
267 ElementAddMultAssembled(el, solFEval);
268 }
269 }
272 // complex_t = double
274 {
275 y = 0.0;
277 solVecLayout_type solVecLayoutLoc(this->solVecLayout);
278 solFESpace solFESLoc(this->solFES);
282 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
283 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
284 {
285 solFESLoc.SetElement(el);
287 solFESLoc.VectorExtract(solVecLayoutLoc, x, xy_dof.layout, xy_dof);
288 solFESLoc.VectorAssemble(xy_dof.layout, xy_dof, solVecLayoutLoc, y);
289 }
290 }
292 // real_t = double
293 void SerializeNodes(Vector &sNodes) const
294 {
295 typedef typename meshType::FESpace_type meshFESpace;
296 meshFESpace meshFES(mesh.t_fes);
299 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
300 // TODO: How do we make sure that this array is aligned properly, AND the
301 // compiler knows that it is aligned? => ALIGN_32|ALIGN_64 when ready
302 const int NVE = (NE+TE-1)/TE;
303 vreal_t *vsNodes = new vreal_t[lnodes_t::size*NVE];
304 sNodes.NewDataAndSize(vsNodes[0].vec, (lnodes_t::size*SS)*NVE);
305 sNodes.MakeDataOwner();
306 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
307 {
308 meshFES.SetElement(el);
309 meshFES.VectorExtract(mesh.node_layout, mesh.Nodes,
310 lnodes_t::layout, vsNodes);
311 vsNodes += lnodes_t::size;
312 }
313 }
315 /// Partial assembly from "serialized" nodes
316 // real_t = double
318 {
322 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
323 if (assembled_data.Empty())
324 {
325 const int size = ((NE+TE-1)/TE)*BE;
327 }
328 const vreal_t *vsNodes = (const vreal_t*)(sNodes.GetData());
329 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
330 {
331 typename T_result::Type F;
332 T.EvalSerialized(el, vsNodes, F);
334 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
335 wQ.Eval(F, res);
337 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
338 {
339 kernel_t::Assemble(k, F, wQ, res, assembled_data[el/SS+k]);
340 }
341 }
342 }
344 // complex_t = double
345 void Serialize(const Vector &x, Vector &sx) const
346 {
347 typedef TTensor3<dofs,vdim,BE,vcomplex_t> vdof_data_t;
349 solVecLayout_t solVecLayoutLoc(this->solVecLayout);
350 solFESpace solFESLoc(this->solFES);
352 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
353 // TODO: How do we make sure that this array is aligned properly, AND
354 // the compiler knows that it is aligned? => ALIGN_32|ALIGN_64 when ready
355 const int NVE = (NE+TE-1)/TE;
356 vreal_t *vsx = new vreal_t[vdof_data_t::size*NVE];
357 sx.NewDataAndSize(vsx[0].vec, (vdof_data_t::size*SS)*NVE);
358 sx.MakeDataOwner();
359 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
360 {
361 solFESLoc.SetElement(el);
362 solFESLoc.VectorExtract(solVecLayoutLoc, x, vdof_data_t::layout, vsx);
363 vsx += vdof_data_t::size;
364 }
365 }
367 /// serialized vector sx --> serialized vector 'sy'
368 // complex_t = double
369 void MultAssembledSerialized(const Vector &sx, Vector &sy) const
370 {
371 solFieldEval solFEval(solFES, solEval, solVecLayout, NULL, NULL);
373 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
374 const vreal_t *vsx = (const vreal_t*)(sx.GetData());
375 vreal_t *vsy = (vreal_t*)(sy.GetData());
377 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
378 {
379 typename S_spec::DataType R;
380 solFEval.EvalSerialized(vsx, R);
382 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
383 {
384 kernel_t::MultAssembled(k, assembled_data[el/SS+k], R);
385 }
387 solFEval.template AssembleSerialized<false>(R, vsy);
389 vsx += vdim*dofs*BE;
390 vsy += vdim*dofs*BE;
391 }
392 }
395 /// Assemble the operator in a SparseMatrix.
396 // complex_t = double
398 {
400 solFESpace solFESLoc(this->solFES);
401 solShapeEval solEvalLoc(this->solEval);
402 solVecLayout_t solVecLayoutLoc(this->solVecLayout);
405 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
406 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
407 {
408 f_assembled_t asm_qpt_data[BE];
409 {
410 typename T_result::Type F;
411 T.Eval(el, F);
413 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
414 wQ.Eval(F, res);
416 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
417 {
418 kernel_t::Assemble(k, F, wQ, res, asm_qpt_data[k]);
419 }
420 }
422 // For now, when vdim > 1, assume block-diagonal matrix with the same
423 // diagonal block for all components.
424 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
425 {
426 const int el_k = el+SS*k;
427 if (el_k >= NE) { break; }
430 S_spec::ElementMatrix::Compute(
431 asm_qpt_data[k].layout, asm_qpt_data[k], M_loc.layout, M_loc,
432 solEvalLoc);
434 solFESLoc.SetElement(el_k);
435 for (int bi = 0; bi < vdim; bi++)
436 {
437 solFESLoc.AssembleBlock(bi, bi, solVecLayoutLoc, M_loc, M);
438 }
439 }
440 }
441 }
443 /// Assemble element matrices and store them as a DenseTensor object.
444 // complex_t = double
446 {
448 solShapeEval solEvalLoc(this->solEval);
451 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
452 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
453 {
454 f_assembled_t asm_qpt_data[BE];
455 {
456 typename T_result::Type F;
457 T.Eval(el, F);
459 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
460 wQ.Eval(F, res);
462 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
463 {
464 kernel_t::Assemble(k, F, wQ, res, asm_qpt_data[k]);
465 }
466 }
468 // For now, when vdim > 1, assume block-diagonal matrix with the same
469 // diagonal block for all components.
470 // M is assumed to be (dof x dof x NE).
471 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
472 {
473 const int el_k = el+SS*k;
474 if (el_k >= NE) { break; }
477 S_spec::ElementMatrix::Compute(
478 asm_qpt_data[k].layout, asm_qpt_data[k], M_loc.layout, M_loc,
479 solEvalLoc);
481 for (int s = 0; s < SS && el_k+s < NE; s++)
482 {
483 complex_t *M_data = M.GetData(el_k+s);
484 for (int j = 0; j < dofs; j++)
485 {
486 for (int i = 0; i < dofs; i++)
487 {
488 M_data[j+dofs*i] = M_loc(i,j)[s];
489 }
490 }
491 }
492 }
493 }
494 }
496 /// Assemble element matrices and add them to the bilinear form
497 // complex_t = double
499 {
501 solShapeEval solEvalLoc(this->solEval);
504 Array<int> vdofs;
505 const Array<int> *dof_map = sol_fe.GetDofMap();
506 const int *dof_map_ = (dof_map) ? dof_map->GetData() : NULL;
507 DenseMatrix M_loc_perm(dofs*vdim,dofs*vdim); // initialized with zeros
509 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
510 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el += TE)
511 {
512 f_assembled_t asm_qpt_data[BE];
513 {
514 typename T_result::Type F;
515 T.Eval(el, F);
517 typename coeff_eval_t::result_t res;
518 wQ.Eval(F, res);
520 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
521 {
522 kernel_t::Assemble(k, F, wQ, res, asm_qpt_data[k]);
523 }
524 }
526 // For now, when vdim > 1, assume block-diagonal matrix with the same
527 // diagonal block for all components.
528 for (int k = 0; k < BE; k++)
529 {
530 const int el_k = el+SS*k;
531 if (el_k >= NE) { break; }
534 S_spec::ElementMatrix::Compute(
535 asm_qpt_data[k].layout, asm_qpt_data[k], M_loc.layout, M_loc,
536 solEvalLoc);
538 if (dof_map) // switch from tensor-product ordering
539 {
540 for (int s = 0; s < SS && el_k+s < NE; s++)
541 {
542 for (int i = 0; i < dofs; i++)
543 {
544 for (int j = 0; j < dofs; j++)
545 {
546 M_loc_perm(dof_map_[i],dof_map_[j]) = M_loc(i,j)[s];
547 }
548 }
549 for (int bi = 1; bi < vdim; bi++)
550 {
551 M_loc_perm.CopyMN(M_loc_perm, dofs, dofs, 0, 0,
552 bi*dofs, bi*dofs);
553 }
554 a.AssembleElementMatrix(el_k+s, M_loc_perm, vdofs);
555 }
556 }
557 else if (SS == 1)
558 {
559 DenseMatrix DM([0].vec, dofs, dofs);
560 if (vdim == 1)
561 {
562 a.AssembleElementMatrix(el_k, DM, vdofs);
563 }
564 else
565 {
566 for (int bi = 0; bi < vdim; bi++)
567 {
568 M_loc_perm.CopyMN(DM, dofs, dofs, 0, 0, bi*dofs, bi*dofs);
569 }
570 a.AssembleElementMatrix(el_k, M_loc_perm, vdofs);
571 }
572 }
573 else
574 {
575 for (int s = 0; s < SS && el_k+s < NE; s++)
576 {
577 for (int i = 0; i < dofs; i++)
578 {
579 for (int j = 0; j < dofs; j++)
580 {
581 M_loc_perm(i,j) = M_loc(i,j)[s];
582 }
583 }
584 for (int bi = 1; bi < vdim; bi++)
585 {
586 M_loc_perm.CopyMN(M_loc_perm, dofs, dofs, 0, 0,
587 bi*dofs, bi*dofs);
588 }
589 a.AssembleElementMatrix(el_k+s, M_loc_perm, vdofs);
590 }
591 }
592 }
593 }
594 }
596 /// Multiplication using assembled element matrices stored as a DenseTensor.
597 // complex_t = double
598 void AddMult(DenseTensor &M, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
599 {
600 // For now, when vdim > 1, assume block-diagonal matrix with the same
601 // diagonal block for all components.
602 // M is assumed to be (dof x dof x NE).
603 solVecLayout_t solVecLayoutLoc(this->solVecLayout);
604 const int NE = mesh.GetNE();
605 for (int el = 0; el < NE; el++)
606 {
609 solFES.SetElement(el);
610 solFES.VectorExtract(solVecLayoutLoc, x, x_dof.layout, x_dof);
612 M(el).Data(),
613 x_dof.layout.merge_23(), x_dof,
614 y_dof.layout.merge_23(), y_dof);
615 solFES.VectorAssemble(y_dof.layout, y_dof, solVecLayoutLoc, y);
616 }
617 }
618 using Operator::AddMult;
621} // namespace mfem
T * GetData()
Returns the data.
Definition array.hpp:118
A "square matrix" operator for the associated FE space and BLFIntegrators The sum of all the BLFInteg...
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition densemat.hpp:24
void CopyMN(const DenseMatrix &A, int m, int n, int Aro, int Aco)
Copy the m x n submatrix of A at row/col offsets Aro/Aco to *this.
Rank 3 tensor (array of matrices)
real_t * GetData(int k)
complex_t - dof/qpt data type, real_t - ShapeEvaluator (FE basis) data type
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void EvalSerialized(const typename DataType::vcomplex_t *loc_dofs, DataType &F)
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Eval(DataType &F)
Class FiniteElementSpace - responsible for providing FEM view of the mesh, mainly managing the set of...
Definition fespace.hpp:220
Class used by MFEM to store pointers to host and/or device memory.
MemoryType GetMemoryType() const
Return a MemoryType that is currently valid. If both the host and the device pointers are currently v...
bool Empty() const
Return true if the Memory object is empty, see Reset().
void Reset()
Reset the memory to be empty, ensuring that Delete() will be a no-op.
void Delete()
Delete the owned pointers and reset the Memory object.
void New(int size)
Allocate host memory for size entries with the current host memory type returned by MemoryManager::Ge...
Abstract operator.
Definition operator.hpp:25
virtual void AddMult(const Vector &x, Vector &y, const real_t a=1.0) const
Operator application: y+=A(x) (default) or y+=a*A(x).
Definition operator.cpp:51
General ShapeEvaluator for any scalar FE type (L2 or H1)
Data type sparse matrix.
Definition sparsemat.hpp:51
Templated bilinear form class, cf. bilinearform.?pp.
TBilinearForm(const IntegratorType &integ, const FiniteElementSpace &sol_fes)
void SerializeNodes(Vector &sNodes) const
void AssembleBilinearForm(BilinearForm &a) const
Assemble element matrices and add them to the bilinear form.
static const int dim
ShapeEvaluator< solFE_type, IR, real_t > solShapeEval
meshType::FE_type meshFE_type
virtual void Mult(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Operator application: y=A(x).
static const int BE
solFESpace::FE_type solFE_type
Memory< p_assembled_t > assembled_data
static const int AB
virtual const Operator * GetProlongation() const
Get the input finite element space prolongation matrix.
void AssembleMatrix(SparseMatrix &M) const
Assemble the operator in a SparseMatrix.
TElementTransformation< meshType, IR, real_t > Trans_t
static const int qpts
void AssembleFromSerializedNodes(const Vector &sNodes)
Partial assembly from "serialized" nodes.
solVecLayout_t solVecLayout
IntegratorType integ_t
void MultAssembledSerialized(const Vector &sx, Vector &sy) const
serialized vector sx --> serialized vector 'sy'
static const int SS
static const int dofs
static const int vdim
impl_traits_t::vreal_t vreal_t
kernel_t::template p_asm_data< qpts >::type p_assembled_t
p_assembled_t is something like a TTensor or TMatrix for partial assembly
FieldEvaluator< solFESpace, solVecLayout_t, IR, complex_t, real_t > solFieldEval
void Assemble()
Partial assembly of quadrature point data.
void TestElementwiseExtractAssemble(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
void Serialize(const Vector &x, Vector &sx) const
const FiniteElementSpace & in_fes
virtual const Operator * GetRestriction() const
Get the input finite element space restriction matrix.
impl_traits_t impl_traits_type
integ_t::coefficient_type coeff_t
coeff_t might be TConstantCoefficient or TFunctionCoefficient, for example
integ_t::template kernel< sdim, dim, vcomplex_t >::type kernel_t
kernel_t may be TDiffusionKernel or TMassKernel
ShapeEvaluator< meshFE_type, IR, real_t > meshShapeEval
kernel_t::template CoefficientEval< IR, coeff_t, impl_traits_t >::Type coeff_eval_t
void MultAssembled(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
impl_traits_t::vcomplex_t vcomplex_t
void AssembleMatrix(DenseTensor &M) const
Assemble element matrices and store them as a DenseTensor object.
void AddMult(DenseTensor &M, const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
Multiplication using assembled element matrices stored as a DenseTensor.
static const int sdim
static const int TE
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void ElementAddMultAssembled(int el, solFieldEval &solFEval) const
solVecLayout_t solVecLayout_type
void MultUnassembled(const Vector &x, Vector &y) const
kernel_t::template f_asm_data< qpts >::type f_assembled_t
f_assembled_t is something like a TTensor or TMatrix for full assembly
Element transformation class, templated on a mesh type and an integration rule. It is constructed fro...
Definition teltrans.hpp:34
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void EvalSerialized(int el, const typename impl_traits_t::vreal_t *nodeData, Result< EvalOps, impl_traits_t > &F)
Definition teltrans.hpp:129
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Eval(int el, Result< EvalOps, impl_traits_t > &F)
Evaluate coordinates and/or Jacobian matrices at quadrature points.
Definition teltrans.hpp:121
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
void MakeDataOwner() const
Set the Vector data (host pointer) ownership flag.
Definition vector.hpp:206
void NewDataAndSize(real_t *d, int s)
Set the Vector data and size, deleting the old data, if owned.
Definition vector.hpp:181
real_t * GetData() const
Return a pointer to the beginning of the Vector data.
Definition vector.hpp:227
Mesh * GetMesh(int type)
Definition ex29.cpp:218
real_t a
Definition lissajous.cpp:41
MFEM_ALWAYS_INLINE void Mult_AB(const A_layout_t &A_layout, const A_data_t &A_data, const B_layout_t &B_layout, const B_data_t &B_data, const C_layout_t &C_layout, C_data_t &C_data)
Definition tmatrix.hpp:230
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
@ HOST_32
Host memory; aligned at 32 bytes.
@ HOST_64
Host memory; aligned at 64 bytes.
Host memory; using new[] and delete[].
RefCoord s[3]
static StridedLayout2D< N1, S1, N2 *N3, S2 > merge_23()
Definition tlayout.hpp:279
Contains matrix sizes, type of kernel (ElementMatrix is templated on a kernel, e.g....
solFieldEval::template Spec< kernel_t, impl_traits_t > Spec
Spec::ElementMatrix ElementMatrix
Trans_t::template Result< EvalOps, impl_traits_t > Type
static const layout_type layout
Definition ttensor.hpp:356
data_t data[aligned_size >0?aligned_size:1]
Definition ttensor.hpp:294
static const layout_type layout
Definition ttensor.hpp:392