MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details
12// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13// Nodal Transfer Miniapp: Map ParGridFunction to Different MPI Partitioning
14// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
16// The Nodal Transfer Miniapp maps partitioned parallel grid function to a
17// parallel grid function partitioned on a different number of processes. The
18// miniapp has two regimes: 1) Generates partitioned parallel grid function
19// and saves it to a set of files; 2) Reads the partitioned grid function and
20// maps it to the current partition. The map assumes that the position of the
21// nodal DOFs does not change between the original grid function and the target
22// grid function. The transfer does not perform any interpolation. It just
23// copies the nodal values between the two grid functions.
25// Generate second order mesh on 4 processes
26// mpirun -np 4 ./nodal-transfer -rs 2 -rp 1 -gd 1 -o 2
27// Read the generated data and map it to a grid function defined on two processes
28// mpirun -np 2 ./nodal-transfer -rs 2 -rp 0 -gd 0 -snp 4 -o 2
30// Generate first order grid function on 8 processes
31// mpirun -np 8 ./nodal-transfer -rs 2 -rp 2 -gd 1 -o 1 -m ../../data/star.mesh
32// Read the generated data on 4 processes and coarser mesh
33// mpirun -np 4 ./nodal-transfer -rs 2 -rp 0 -gd 0 -snp 8 -o 1 -m ../../data/star.mesh
35#include <mfem.hpp>
36#include <fstream>
37#include <iostream>
38#include <cmath>
41using namespace mfem;
43class TestCoeff : public Coefficient
46 TestCoeff() {}
48 virtual
50 const IntegrationPoint &ip)
51 {
52 if (T.GetSpaceDim()==3)
53 {
54 real_t x[3];
55 Vector transip(x, 3);
56 T.Transform(ip, transip);
57 return std::sin(x[0])*std::cos(x[1]) +
58 std::sin(x[1])*std::cos(x[2]) +
59 std::sin(x[2])*std::cos(x[0]);
60 }
61 else if (T.GetSpaceDim()==2)
62 {
63 real_t x[2];
64 Vector transip(x, 2);
65 T.Transform(ip, transip);
66 return std::sin(x[0])*std::cos(x[1]) +
67 std::sin(x[1])*std::cos(x[0]);
68 }
69 else
70 {
71 real_t x;
72 Vector transip(&x,1);
73 T.Transform(ip, transip);
74 return std::sin(x)+std::cos(x);
75 }
76 }
79int main(int argc, char* argv[])
81 // Initialize MPI.
82 Mpi::Init(argc, argv);
83 int myrank = Mpi::WorldRank();
85 // Parse command-line options
86 const char *mesh_file = "../../data/beam-tet.mesh";
87 int ser_ref_levels = 3;
88 int par_ref_levels = 1;
89 int order = 1;
90 int gen_data = 1;
91 int src_num_procs = 4;
92 bool visualization = true;
94 OptionsParser args(argc, argv);
95 args.AddOption(&mesh_file, "-m", "--mesh", "Mesh file to use.");
96 args.AddOption(&ser_ref_levels,
97 "-rs",
98 "--refine-serial",
99 "Number of times to refine the mesh uniformly in serial.");
100 args.AddOption(&par_ref_levels,
101 "-rp",
102 "--refine-parallel",
103 "Number of times to refine the mesh uniformly in parallel.");
104 args.AddOption(&gen_data,
105 "-gd",
106 "--generate-data",
107 "Generate input data for the transfer.");
108 args.AddOption(&order,
109 "-o",
110 "--order",
111 "Order (degree) of the finite elements.");
112 args.AddOption(&src_num_procs,
113 "-snp",
114 "--src_num_procs",
115 "Number of processes for the src grid function.");
116 args.AddOption(&visualization, "-vis", "--visualization", "-no-vis",
117 "--no-visualization",
118 "Enable or disable ParaView visualization.");
119 args.Parse();
120 if (!args.Good())
121 {
122 if (myrank == 0)
123 {
124 args.PrintUsage(std::cout);
125 }
126 return 1;
127 }
129 if (myrank == 0)
130 {
131 args.PrintOptions(std::cout);
132 }
134 // Read the (serial) mesh from the given mesh file on all processors. We
135 // can handle triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes
136 // with the same code.
137 Mesh mesh(mesh_file, 1, 1);
138 int dim = mesh.SpaceDimension();
140 // Refine the mesh in serial to increase the resolution. In this example
141 // we do 'ser_ref_levels' of uniform refinement, where 'ser_ref_levels' is
142 // a command-line parameter.
143 for (int lev = 0; lev < ser_ref_levels; lev++)
144 {
145 mesh.UniformRefinement();
146 }
148 // Define a parallel mesh by a partitioning of the serial mesh. Refine
149 // this mesh further in parallel to increase the resolution. Once the
150 // parallel mesh is defined, the serial mesh can be deleted.
151 ParMesh pmesh(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mesh);
152 for (int lev = 0; lev < par_ref_levels; lev++)
153 {
154 pmesh.UniformRefinement();
155 }
157 // Define the finite element spaces for the solution
158 H1_FECollection fec(order, dim);
159 ParFiniteElementSpace fespace(&pmesh, &fec, 1, Ordering::byVDIM);
160 HYPRE_Int glob_size = fespace.GlobalTrueVSize();
161 if (myrank == 0)
162 {
163 std::cout << "Number of finite element unknowns: " << glob_size
164 << std::endl;
165 }
167 ParGridFunction x(&fespace); x=0.0;
168 TestCoeff prco;
169 if (gen_data)
170 {
171 Coefficient* coef[2]; coef[0]=&prco; coef[1]=&prco;
172 x.ProjectCoefficient(coef);
174 // Save the grid function
175 {
176 // Save the mesh and the data
177 std::ostringstream oss;
178 oss << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << myrank;
179 std::string mname="mesh_"+oss.str()+".msh";
180 std::string gname="gridfunc_"+oss.str()+".gf";
181 std::ofstream sout;
183 // Save the mesh
185 sout.precision(20);
186 pmesh.ParPrint(sout);
187 sout.close();
189 // Save the grid function data
191 sout.precision(20);
192 x.Save(sout);
193 sout.close();
194 }
195 }
196 else
197 {
198 // Read the grid function written to files and map it to the current
199 // partition scheme.
200 // x grid function will be the target of the transfer
201 // y will be utilized later for comparison
202 ParGridFunction y(&fespace);
203 Coefficient* coef[2]; coef[0]=&prco; coef[1]=&prco;
204 y.ProjectCoefficient(coef);
206 // Map the src grid function
207 {
208 std::ifstream in;
210 if (dim==2)
211 {
212 map = new KDTreeNodalProjection<2>(x);
213 }
214 else
215 {
216 map = new KDTreeNodalProjection<3>(x);
217 }
218 for (int p=0; p<src_num_procs; p++)
219 {
220 std::ostringstream oss;
221 oss << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << p;
222 std::string mname="mesh_"+oss.str()+".msh";
223 std::string gname="gridfunc_"+oss.str()+".gf";
225 // Read the mesh
226 Mesh lmesh;
228 lmesh.Load(in);
229 in.close();
232 GridFunction gf(&lmesh,in);
233 in.close();
235 // Project the grid function
236 map->Project(gf,1e-8);
237 }
238 delete map;
239 }
241 // Write the result into a ParaView file
242 if (visualization)
243 {
244 ParaViewDataCollection paraview_dc("GridFunc", &pmesh);
245 paraview_dc.SetPrefixPath("ParaView");
246 paraview_dc.SetLevelsOfDetail(order);
248 paraview_dc.SetCycle(0);
249 paraview_dc.SetTime(0.0);
250 paraview_dc.RegisterField("x",&x);
251 paraview_dc.RegisterField("y",&y);
252 paraview_dc.Save();
253 }
255 // Compare the results
256 Vector tmpv = x;
257 tmpv -= y;
258 real_t l2err = mfem::InnerProduct(MPI_COMM_WORLD,tmpv,tmpv);
259 if (myrank==0)
260 {
261 std::cout<<"|l2 error|="<<sqrt(l2err)<<std::endl;
262 }
263 }
265 return 0;
Base class for KDTreeNodalProjection.
Definition kdtree.hpp:23
Base class Coefficients that optionally depend on space and time. These are used by the BilinearFormI...
virtual void RegisterField(const std::string &field_name, GridFunction *gf)
Add a grid function to the collection.
void SetCycle(int c)
Set time cycle (for time-dependent simulations)
void SetTime(real_t t)
Set physical time (for time-dependent simulations)
void SetPrefixPath(const std::string &prefix)
Set the path where the DataCollection will be saved.
virtual int GetSpaceDim() const =0
Get the dimension of the target (physical) space.
virtual void Transform(const IntegrationPoint &, Vector &)=0
Transform integration point from reference coordinates to physical coordinates and store them in the ...
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
Arbitrary order H1-conforming (continuous) finite elements.
Definition fe_coll.hpp:260
Class for integration point with weight.
Definition intrules.hpp:35
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
virtual void Load(std::istream &input, int generate_edges=0, int refine=1, bool fix_orientation=true)
Definition mesh.hpp:718
int SpaceDimension() const
Dimension of the physical space containing the mesh.
Definition mesh.hpp:1163
void UniformRefinement(int i, const DSTable &, int *, int *, int *)
Definition mesh.cpp:10970
static int WorldRank()
Return the MPI rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
static void Init(int &argc, char **&argv, int required=default_thread_required, int *provided=nullptr)
Singleton creation with Mpi::Init(argc, argv).
void Parse()
Parse the command-line options. Note that this function expects all the options provided through the ...
void PrintUsage(std::ostream &out) const
Print the usage message.
void PrintOptions(std::ostream &out) const
Print the options.
void AddOption(bool *var, const char *enable_short_name, const char *enable_long_name, const char *disable_short_name, const char *disable_long_name, const char *description, bool required=false)
Add a boolean option and set 'var' to receive the value. Enable/disable tags are used to set the bool...
Definition optparser.hpp:82
bool Good() const
Return true if the command line options were parsed successfully.
Abstract parallel finite element space.
Definition pfespace.hpp:29
HYPRE_BigInt GlobalTrueVSize() const
Definition pfespace.hpp:285
Class for parallel grid function.
Definition pgridfunc.hpp:33
void Save(std::ostream &out) const override
void ProjectCoefficient(Coefficient &coeff) override
Project coeff Coefficient to this GridFunction. The projection computation depends on the choice of t...
Class for parallel meshes.
Definition pmesh.hpp:34
void ParPrint(std::ostream &out, const std::string &comments="") const
Definition pmesh.cpp:6314
Helper class for ParaView visualization data.
void SetLevelsOfDetail(int levels_of_detail_)
virtual void Save() override
void SetDataFormat(VTKFormat fmt)
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
int dim
Definition ex24.cpp:53
int main()
real_t InnerProduct(HypreParVector *x, HypreParVector *y)
Definition hypre.cpp:439
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
real_t p(const Vector &x, real_t t)