MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
mem_manager.hpp File Reference

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class  mfem::Memory< T >
 Class used by MFEM to store pointers to host and/or device memory. More...
class  mfem::MemoryManager


namespace  mfem


typedef int mfem::HYPRE_MemoryLocation


enum class  mfem::MemoryType {
  mfem::HOST , mfem::HOST_32 , mfem::HOST_64 , mfem::HOST_DEBUG ,
  mfem::HOST_UMPIRE , mfem::HOST_PINNED , mfem::MANAGED , mfem::DEVICE ,
  mfem::DEVICE_DEBUG , mfem::DEVICE_UMPIRE , mfem::DEVICE_UMPIRE_2 , mfem::SIZE ,
  mfem::PRESERVE , mfem::DEFAULT
 Memory types supported by MFEM. More...
enum class  mfem::MemoryClass {
  mfem::HOST , mfem::HOST_32 , mfem::HOST_64 , mfem::DEVICE ,
 Memory classes identify sets of memory types. More...


bool mfem::IsHostMemory (MemoryType mt)
 Return true if the given memory type is in MemoryClass::HOST.
bool mfem::IsDeviceMemory (MemoryType mt)
 Return true if the given memory type is in MemoryClass::DEVICE.
MemoryType mfem::GetMemoryType (MemoryClass mc)
 Return a suitable MemoryType for a given MemoryClass.
bool mfem::MemoryClassContainsType (MemoryClass mc, MemoryType mt)
 Return true iff the MemoryType mt is contained in the MemoryClass mc.
MemoryClass mfem::operator* (MemoryClass mc1, MemoryClass mc2)
 Return a suitable MemoryClass from a pair of MemoryClasses.
HYPRE_MemoryLocation mfem::GetHypreMemoryLocation ()
 Return the configured HYPRE_MemoryLocation.
bool mfem::HypreUsingGPU ()
 Return true if HYPRE is configured to use GPU.
void mfem::MemoryPrintFlags (unsigned flags)
 Print the state of a Memory object based on its internal flags. Useful in a debugger. See also Memory<T>::PrintFlags().


constexpr int mfem::MemoryTypeSize = static_cast<int>(MemoryType::SIZE)
 Static casts to 'int' and sizes of some useful memory types.
constexpr int mfem::HostMemoryType = static_cast<int>(MemoryType::HOST)
constexpr int mfem::HostMemoryTypeSize = static_cast<int>(MemoryType::DEVICE)
constexpr int mfem::DeviceMemoryType = static_cast<int>(MemoryType::MANAGED)
constexpr int mfem::DeviceMemoryTypeSize = MemoryTypeSize - DeviceMemoryType