MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
12// Serendipity Finite Element classes
14#include "fe_ser.hpp"
15#include "fe_fixed_order.hpp"
17namespace mfem
20using namespace std;
23 : ScalarFiniteElement(2, Geometry::SQUARE, (p*p + 3*p +6) / 2, p,
24 FunctionSpace::Qk)
26 // Store the dof_map of the associated TensorBasisElement, which will be used
27 // to create the serendipity dof map. Its size is larger than the size of
28 // the serendipity element.
29 TensorBasisElement tbeTemp =
32 const Array<int> tp_dof_map = tbeTemp.GetDofMap();
36 // Fixing the Nodes is exactly the same as the H1_QuadrilateralElement
37 // constructor except we only use those values of the associated tensor
38 // product dof_map that are <= the number of serendipity Dofs e.g. only DoFs
39 // 0-7 out of the 9 tensor product dofs (at quadratic order)
40 int o = 0;
42 for (int j = 0; j <= p; j++)
43 {
44 for (int i = 0; i <= p; i++)
45 {
46 if (tp_dof_map[o] < Nodes.Size())
47 {
48 Nodes.IntPoint(tp_dof_map[o]).x = cp[i];
49 Nodes.IntPoint(tp_dof_map[o]).y = cp[j];
50 }
51 o++;
52 }
53 }
57 Vector &shape) const
59 int p = (this)->GetOrder();
60 real_t x = ip.x, y = ip.y;
63 Vector nodalX(p+1);
64 Vector nodalY(p+1);
66 edgeNodalBasis.Eval(x, nodalX);
67 edgeNodalBasis.Eval(y, nodalY);
69 // First, fix edge-based shape functions. Use a nodal interpolant for edge
70 // points, weighted by the linear function that vanishes on opposite edge.
71 for (int i = 0; i < p-1; i++)
72 {
73 shape(4 + 0*(p-1) + i) = (nodalX(i+1))*(1.-y); // south edge 0->1
74 shape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i) = (nodalY(i+1))*x; // east edge 1->2
75 shape(4 + 3*(p-1) - i - 1) = (nodalX(i+1)) * y; // north edge 3->2
76 shape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1) = (nodalY(i+1)) * (1. - x); // west edge 0->3
77 }
80 Vector bilinearsAtIP(4);
81 bilinear.CalcShape(ip, bilinearsAtIP);
85 // Next, set the shape function associated with vertex V, evaluated at (x,y)
86 // to be: bilinear function associated to V, evaluated at (x,y) - sum (shape
87 // function at edge point P, weighted by bilinear function for V evaluated at
88 // P) where the sum is taken only for points P on edges incident to V.
90 real_t vtx0fix =0;
91 real_t vtx1fix =0;
92 real_t vtx2fix =0;
93 real_t vtx3fix =0;
94 for (int i = 0; i<p-1; i++)
95 {
96 vtx0fix += (1-edgePts[i+1])*(shape(4 + i) +
97 shape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1)); // bot+left edge
98 vtx1fix += (1-edgePts[i+1])*(shape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i) +
99 shape(4 + (p-2)-i)); // right+bot edge
100 vtx2fix += (1-edgePts[i+1])*(shape(4 + 2*(p-1) + i) +
101 shape(1 + 2*p-i)); // top+right edge
102 vtx3fix += (1-edgePts[i+1])*(shape(4 + 3*(p-1) + i) +
103 shape(3*p - i)); // left+top edge
104 }
105 shape(0) = bilinearsAtIP(0) - vtx0fix;
106 shape(1) = bilinearsAtIP(1) - vtx1fix;
107 shape(2) = bilinearsAtIP(2) - vtx2fix;
108 shape(3) = bilinearsAtIP(3) - vtx3fix;
110 // Interior basis functions appear starting at order p=4. These are non-nodal
111 // bubble functions.
112 if (p > 3)
113 {
114 real_t *legX = new real_t[p-1];
115 real_t *legY = new real_t[p-1];
117 Poly_1D::CalcLegendre(p-2, x, legX);
118 Poly_1D::CalcLegendre(p-2, y, legY);
120 int interior_total = 0;
121 for (int j = 4; j < p + 1; j++)
122 {
123 for (int k = 0; k < j-3; k++)
124 {
125 shape(4 + 4*(p-1) + interior_total)
126 = legX[k] * legY[j-4-k] * x * (1. - x) * y * (1. - y);
127 interior_total++;
128 }
129 }
131 delete[] legX;
132 delete[] legY;
133 }
137 DenseMatrix &dshape) const
139 int p = (this)->GetOrder();
140 real_t x = ip.x, y = ip.y;
143 Vector nodalX(p+1);
144 Vector DnodalX(p+1);
145 Vector nodalY(p+1);
146 Vector DnodalY(p+1);
148 edgeNodalBasis.Eval(x, nodalX, DnodalX);
149 edgeNodalBasis.Eval(y, nodalY, DnodalY);
151 for (int i = 0; i < p-1; i++)
152 {
153 dshape(4 + 0*(p-1) + i,0) = DnodalX(i+1) * (1.-y);
154 dshape(4 + 0*(p-1) + i,1) = -nodalX(i+1);
155 dshape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i,0) = nodalY(i+1);
156 dshape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i,1) = DnodalY(i+1)*x;
157 dshape(4 + 3*(p-1) - i - 1,0) = DnodalX(i+1)*y;
158 dshape(4 + 3*(p-1) - i - 1,1) = nodalX(i+1);
159 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1,0) = -nodalY(i+1);
160 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1,1) = DnodalY(i+1) * (1.-x);
161 }
164 DenseMatrix DbilinearsAtIP(4);
165 bilinear.CalcDShape(ip, DbilinearsAtIP);
169 dshape(0,0) = DbilinearsAtIP(0,0);
170 dshape(0,1) = DbilinearsAtIP(0,1);
171 dshape(1,0) = DbilinearsAtIP(1,0);
172 dshape(1,1) = DbilinearsAtIP(1,1);
173 dshape(2,0) = DbilinearsAtIP(2,0);
174 dshape(2,1) = DbilinearsAtIP(2,1);
175 dshape(3,0) = DbilinearsAtIP(3,0);
176 dshape(3,1) = DbilinearsAtIP(3,1);
178 for (int i = 0; i<p-1; i++)
179 {
180 dshape(0,0) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 0*(p-1) + i, 0) +
181 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1,0));
182 dshape(0,1) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 0*(p-1) + i, 1) +
183 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) - i - 1,1));
184 dshape(1,0) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i, 0) +
185 dshape(4 + (p-2)-i, 0));
186 dshape(1,1) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 1*(p-1) + i, 1) +
187 dshape(4 + (p-2)-i, 1));
188 dshape(2,0) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 2*(p-1) + i, 0) +
189 dshape(1 + 2*p-i, 0));
190 dshape(2,1) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 2*(p-1) + i, 1) +
191 dshape(1 + 2*p-i, 1));
192 dshape(3,0) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 3*(p-1) + i, 0) +
193 dshape(3*p - i, 0));
194 dshape(3,1) -= (1-edgePts[i+1])*(dshape(4 + 3*(p-1) + i, 1) +
195 dshape(3*p - i, 1));
196 }
198 if (p > 3)
199 {
200 real_t *legX = new real_t[p-1];
201 real_t *legY = new real_t[p-1];
202 real_t *DlegX = new real_t[p-1];
203 real_t *DlegY = new real_t[p-1];
205 Poly_1D::CalcLegendre(p-2, x, legX, DlegX);
206 Poly_1D::CalcLegendre(p-2, y, legY, DlegY);
208 int interior_total = 0;
209 for (int j = 4; j < p + 1; j++)
210 {
211 for (int k = 0; k < j-3; k++)
212 {
213 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) + interior_total, 0) =
214 legY[j-4-k]*y*(1-y) * (DlegX[k]*x*(1-x) + legX[k]*(1-2*x));
215 dshape(4 + 4*(p-1) + interior_total, 1) =
216 legX[k]*x*(1-x) * (DlegY[j-4-k]*y*(1-y) + legY[j-4-k]*(1-2*y));
217 interior_total++;
218 }
219 }
220 delete[] legX;
221 delete[] legY;
222 delete[] DlegX;
223 delete[] DlegY;
224 }
228 &Trans,
229 DenseMatrix &I) const
231 // For p<=4, the basis is nodal; for p>4, the quad-interior functions are
232 // non-nodal.
233 if (order <= 4)
234 {
235 NodalLocalInterpolation(Trans, I, *this);
236 }
237 else
238 {
239 ScalarLocalInterpolation(Trans, I, *this);
240 }
int Size() const
Return the logical size of the array.
Definition array.hpp:144
@ GaussLobatto
Closed type.
Definition fe_base.hpp:32
A 2D bi-linear element on a square with nodes at the vertices of the square.
virtual void CalcShape(const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &shape) const
virtual void CalcDShape(const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &dshape) const
Data type dense matrix using column-major storage.
Definition densemat.hpp:24
int GetOrder() const
Returns the order of the finite element. In the case of anisotropic orders, returns the maximum order...
Definition fe_base.hpp:333
IntegrationRule Nodes
Definition fe_base.hpp:251
int order
Order/degree of the shape functions.
Definition fe_base.hpp:249
Describes the function space on each element.
Definition fe_base.hpp:222
virtual void GetLocalInterpolation(ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I) const
Return the local interpolation matrix I (Dof x Dof) where the fine element is the image of the base g...
Definition fe_ser.cpp:227
virtual void CalcDShape(const IntegrationPoint &ip, DenseMatrix &dshape) const
Evaluate the gradients of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the gi...
Definition fe_ser.cpp:136
virtual void CalcShape(const IntegrationPoint &ip, Vector &shape) const
Evaluate the values of all shape functions of a scalar finite element in reference space at the given...
Definition fe_ser.cpp:56
H1Ser_QuadrilateralElement(const int p)
Construct the H1Ser_QuadrilateralElement of order p.
Definition fe_ser.cpp:22
Class for integration point with weight.
Definition intrules.hpp:35
IntegrationPoint & IntPoint(int i)
Returns a reference to the i-th integration point.
Definition intrules.hpp:259
Class for evaluating 1D nodal, positive (Bernstein), or integrated (Gerritsma) bases.
Definition fe_base.hpp:991
void Eval(const real_t x, Vector &u) const
Evaluate the basis functions at point x in [0,1].
Definition fe_base.cpp:1761
Basis & GetBasis(const int p, const int btype)
Get a Poly_1D::Basis object of the given degree and BasisType, btype.
Definition fe_base.cpp:2304
static void CalcLegendre(const int p, const real_t x, real_t *u)
Definition fe_base.cpp:2171
const real_t * ClosedPoints(const int p, const int btype=BasisType::GaussLobatto)
Get coordinates of a closed (GaussLegendre) set of points if degree p.
Definition fe_base.hpp:1083
Class for finite elements with basis functions that return scalar values.
Definition fe_base.hpp:656
void NodalLocalInterpolation(ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I, const ScalarFiniteElement &fine_fe) const
Get the matrix I that defines nodal interpolation between this element and the refined element fine_f...
Definition fe_base.cpp:522
void ScalarLocalInterpolation(ElementTransformation &Trans, DenseMatrix &I, const ScalarFiniteElement &fine_fe) const
Get matrix I "Interpolation" defined through local L2-projection in the space defined by the fine_fe.
Definition fe_base.cpp:561
const Array< int > & GetDofMap() const
Get an Array<int> that maps lexicographically ordered indices to the indices of the respective nodes/...
Definition fe_base.hpp:1222
Vector data type.
Definition vector.hpp:80
float real_t
Definition config.hpp:43
Poly_1D poly1d
Definition fe.cpp:28
real_t p(const Vector &x, real_t t)