MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (c) 2010-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2// at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3// LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
5// This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6// availability visit
8// MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9// terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10// for details.
15#include "../config/config.hpp"
19#include "datacollection.hpp"
20#include <conduit.hpp>
22namespace mfem
25/** @brief Data collection that uses the Conduit Mesh Blueprint
26 specification. */
27/** ConduitDataCollection provides json, simple binary, and HDF5-based file
28 formats for visualization or restart. It also provides methods that convert
29 between MFEM Meshes and GridFunctions and Conduit Mesh Blueprint
30 descriptions.
32 For more information, see:
33 - LLNL conduit project,
34 - HDF5 library,
36 @note The ConduitDataCollection only wraps the mfem objects to save them and
37 creates them on load, Conduit does not own any of the data. The
38 SidreDataCollection provides more features, for example the
39 SidreDataCollection allocates and will own the data backing the mfem objects
40 in the data collection.
42 This class also provides public static methods that convert between MFEM
43 Meshes and GridFunctions and Conduit Mesh Blueprint descriptions.
45 Those that describe MFEM data using Conduit (MFEM to Conduit Blueprint) try
46 to zero-copy as much of data MFEM as possible. The Conduit node result will
47 not own all of the data, however you can easily make a copy of the result
48 node using Conduit's API when necessary.
50 Those that construct MFEM objects from Conduit Nodes (Conduit Blueprint to
51 MFEM) provide a zero-copy option. Zero-copy is only possible if the
52 blueprint data matches the data types provided by the MFEM API, for example:
53 ints for connectivity arrays, doubles for field value arrays, allocations
54 that match MFEM's striding options, etc. If these constraints are not met,
55 MFEM objects that own the data are created and returned. In either case
56 pointers to new MFEM object instances are returned, the zero-copy only
57 applies to data backing the MFEM object instances.
59 @note QuadratureFunction%s (q-fields) are not supported.
61 @note AMR Meshes are not fully supported.
63 @warning This class is still _experimental_, meaning that in future
64 releases, it may not be backward compatible, and the output files generated
65 by the current version may become unreadable.
68/// Data collection with Conduit I/O routines
72 // file name helpers
74 /// Returns blueprint root file name for the current cycle
75 std::string RootFileName();
77 /// Returns the mesh file name for a given domain at the current cycle
78 std::string MeshFileName(int domain_id,
79 const std::string &file_protocol="hdf5");
81 /// Returns the mesh output directory for the current cycle
82 std::string MeshDirectoryName();
84 /// Returns the mesh file pattern for the current cycle
85 std::string MeshFilePattern(const std::string &file_protocol="hdf5");
87 // Helper functions for Save()
89 /// Saves root file for the current cycle
90 void SaveRootFile(int num_domains,
91 const conduit::Node &n_mesh,
92 const std::string &file_protocol);
94 /// Saves all meshes and fields for the current cycle
95 void SaveMeshAndFields(int domain_id,
96 const conduit::Node &n_mesh,
97 const std::string &file_protocol);
99 // Helper functions for Load()
101 /// Loads contents of the root field for the current cycle into n_root_out
102 void LoadRootFile(conduit::Node &n_root_out);
104 /// Loads all meshes and fields of a given domain id for the current cycle
105 void LoadMeshAndFields(int domain_id,
106 const std::string &file_protocol);
108 // holds currently active conduit relay i/o protocol
109 std::string relay_protocol;
112 /// Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
113 /** If @a mesh is NULL, then the mesh can be set later by calling either
114 SetMesh() or Load(). The latter works only in serial. */
115 ConduitDataCollection(const std::string& collection_name,
116 Mesh *mesh = NULL);
117#ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
118 /// Construct a parallel ConduitDataCollection.
119 ConduitDataCollection(MPI_Comm comm, const std::string& collection_name,
120 Mesh *mesh = NULL);
123 /// We will delete the mesh and fields if we own them
124 virtual ~ConduitDataCollection();
126 /// Set the Conduit relay i/o protocol to use
127 /** Supported options: hdf5 (default), json, conduit_json, conduit_bin */
128 void SetProtocol(const std::string &protocol);
130 /// Save the collection and a Conduit blueprint root file
131 virtual void Save();
133 /// Load the collection based blueprint data
134 virtual void Load(int cycle = 0);
136 /* Methods that convert to and from MFEM objects and Conduit Nodes that
137 conform to the mesh blueprint.
139 These methods could be public Mesh and GF members in the future. One draw
140 back is that would require use of MFEM_USE_CONDUIT in the mesh and
141 gridfunc sources vs having everything contained in the
142 conduitdatacollection sources.
143 */
145 /// Describes a MFEM mesh using the mesh blueprint
146 /** Sets up passed conduit::Node to describe the given mesh using the mesh
147 blueprint.
149 Zero-copies as much data as possible.
151 @a coordset_name, @a main_topology_name, and @a boundary_topology_name
152 control the names used for the mesh blueprint entries.
154 With the default set of names, this method describes the mesh's
155 coordinates with a coordinate set entry named `coords`. Describes the
156 mesh with a topology entry named 'main'. If the mesh has nodes, these
157 are described in a field entry named `mesh_nodes`. If the mesh has an
158 attribute field, this is described in a field entry named
159 `mesh_attribute`.
161 If the mesh has boundary info, this is described in a topology entry
162 named `boundary`. If the boundary has an attribute field, this is
163 described in a field entry named `boundary_attribute`.
164 */
165 static void MeshToBlueprintMesh(Mesh *m,
166 conduit::Node &out,
167 const std::string &coordset_name = "coords",
168 const std::string &main_topology_name = "main",
169 const std::string &boundary_topology_name = "boundary",
170 const std::string &main_adjset_name = "main_adjset");
172 /// Describes a MFEM grid function using the mesh blueprint
173 /** Sets up passed conduit::Node out to describe the given grid function
174 using the mesh field blueprint.
176 Zero-copies as much data as possible.
178 @a main_toplogy_name is used to set the associated topology name.
179 With the default setting, the resulting field is associated with the
180 topology `main`.
181 */
183 conduit::Node &out,
184 const std::string &main_topology_name = "main");
186 /// Constructs and MFEM mesh from a Conduit Blueprint Description
187 /** @a main_topology_name is used to select which topology to use, when
188 empty ("") the first topology entry will be used.
190 If zero_copy == true, tries to construct a mesh that points to the data
191 described by the conduit node. This is only possible if the data in the
192 node matches the data types needed for the MFEM API (ints for
193 connectivity, doubles for field values, etc). If these constraints are
194 not met, a mesh that owns the data is created and returned.
195 */
196 static Mesh *BlueprintMeshToMesh(const conduit::Node &n_mesh,
197 const std::string &main_toplogy_name = "",
198 bool zero_copy = false);
200 /// Constructs and MFEM Grid Function from a Conduit Blueprint Description
201 /** If zero_copy == true, tries to construct a grid function that points to
202 the data described by the conduit node. This is only possible if the data
203 in the node matches the data types needed for the MFEM API (doubles for
204 field values, allocated in soa or aos ordering, etc). If these
205 constraints are not met, a grid function that owns the data is created
206 and returned.
207 */
209 const conduit::Node &n_field,
210 bool zero_copy = false);
213 /// Converts from MFEM element type enum to mesh bp shape name
214 static std::string ElementTypeToShapeName(Element::Type element_type);
216 /// Converts a mesh bp shape name to a MFEM geom type
217 static mfem::Geometry::Type ShapeNameToGeomType(const std::string &shape_name);
220} // end namespace mfem
Data collection that uses the Conduit Mesh Blueprint specification.
static Mesh * BlueprintMeshToMesh(const conduit::Node &n_mesh, const std::string &main_toplogy_name="", bool zero_copy=false)
Constructs and MFEM mesh from a Conduit Blueprint Description.
std::string RootFileName()
Returns blueprint root file name for the current cycle.
void SaveRootFile(int num_domains, const conduit::Node &n_mesh, const std::string &file_protocol)
Saves root file for the current cycle.
void LoadMeshAndFields(int domain_id, const std::string &file_protocol)
Loads all meshes and fields of a given domain id for the current cycle.
static GridFunction * BlueprintFieldToGridFunction(Mesh *mesh, const conduit::Node &n_field, bool zero_copy=false)
Constructs and MFEM Grid Function from a Conduit Blueprint Description.
virtual void Load(int cycle=0)
Load the collection based blueprint data.
static void MeshToBlueprintMesh(Mesh *m, conduit::Node &out, const std::string &coordset_name="coords", const std::string &main_topology_name="main", const std::string &boundary_topology_name="boundary", const std::string &main_adjset_name="main_adjset")
Describes a MFEM mesh using the mesh blueprint.
std::string MeshDirectoryName()
Returns the mesh output directory for the current cycle.
void SetProtocol(const std::string &protocol)
Set the Conduit relay i/o protocol to use.
std::string MeshFileName(int domain_id, const std::string &file_protocol="hdf5")
Returns the mesh file name for a given domain at the current cycle.
static void GridFunctionToBlueprintField(GridFunction *gf, conduit::Node &out, const std::string &main_topology_name="main")
Describes a MFEM grid function using the mesh blueprint.
std::string MeshFilePattern(const std::string &file_protocol="hdf5")
Returns the mesh file pattern for the current cycle.
virtual void Save()
Save the collection and a Conduit blueprint root file.
void SaveMeshAndFields(int domain_id, const conduit::Node &n_mesh, const std::string &file_protocol)
Saves all meshes and fields for the current cycle.
virtual ~ConduitDataCollection()
We will delete the mesh and fields if we own them.
void LoadRootFile(conduit::Node &n_root_out)
Loads contents of the root field for the current cycle into n_root_out.
ConduitDataCollection(const std::string &collection_name, Mesh *mesh=NULL)
Constructor. The collection name is used when saving the data.
int cycle
Time cycle; for time-dependent simulations cycle >= 0, otherwise = -1.
Mesh * mesh
The (common) mesh for the collected fields.
Constants for the classes derived from Element.
Definition element.hpp:41
Class for grid function - Vector with associated FE space.
Definition gridfunc.hpp:31
Mesh data type.
Definition mesh.hpp:56
OutStream out(std::cout)
Global stream used by the library for standard output. Initially it uses the same std::streambuf as s...
Definition globals.hpp:66