MFEM v4.7.0
Finite element discretization library
No Matches
Code Documentation

Main mesh classes

Main finite element classes

Main linear algebra classes and sources

Main parallel classes

Main GPU classes

Example codes

  • Example 0: simplest example, nodal H1 FEM for the Laplace problem
  • Example 0p: simplest parallel example, nodal H1 FEM for the Laplace problem
  • Example 1: nodal H1 FEM for the Laplace problem (same discretization as ex0 but with more sophisticated options)
  • Example 1p: parallel nodal H1 FEM for the Laplace problem (same discretization as ex0p but with more sophisticated options)
  • Example 2: vector FEM for linear elasticity
  • Example 2p: parallel vector FEM for linear elasticity
  • Example 3: Nedelec H(curl) FEM for the definite Maxwell problem
  • Example 3p: parallel Nedelec H(curl) FEM for the definite Maxwell problem
  • Example 4: Raviart-Thomas H(div) FEM for the grad-div problem
  • Example 4p: parallel Raviart-Thomas H(div) FEM for the grad-div problem
  • Example 5: mixed pressure-velocity FEM for the Darcy problem
  • Example 5p: parallel mixed pressure-velocity FEM for the Darcy problem
  • Example 6: non-conforming adaptive mesh refinement for the Laplace problem
  • Example 6p: parallel non-conforming adaptive mesh refinement for the Laplace problem
  • Example 7: Laplace problem on a surface (the unit sphere)
  • Example 7p: parallel Laplace problem on a surface (the unit sphere)
  • Example 8: Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) for the Laplace problem
  • Example 8p: parallel Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) for the Laplace problem
  • Example 9: Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) time-dependent advection
  • Example 9p: parallel Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) time-dependent advection
  • Example 10: time-dependent implicit nonlinear elasticity
  • Example 10p: parallel time-dependent implicit nonlinear elasticity
  • Example 11p: parallel Laplace eigensolver
  • Example 12p: parallel linear elasticity eigensolver
  • Example 13p: parallel Maxwell eigensolver
  • Example 14: Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for the Laplace problem
  • Example 14p: parallel Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for the Laplace problem
  • Example 15: dynamic AMR for Laplace with prescribed time-dependent source
  • Example 15p: parallel dynamic AMR for Laplace with prescribed time-dependent source
  • Example 16: time-dependent nonlinear heat equation
  • Example 16p: parallel time-dependent nonlinear heat equation
  • Example 17: Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for linear elasticity
  • Example 17p: parallel Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for linear elasticity
  • Example 18: Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for the Euler equations
  • Example 18p: parallel Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) for the Euler equations
  • Example 19: incompressible nonlinear elasticity
  • Example 19p: parallel incompressible nonlinear elasticity
  • Example 20: symplectic ODE integration
  • Example 20p: parallel symplectic ODE integration
  • Example 21: adaptive mesh refinement for linear elasticity
  • Example 21p: parallel adaptive mesh refinement for linear elasticity
  • Example 22: complex-valued linear systems for damped harmonic oscillators
  • Example 22p: parallel complex-valued linear systems for damped harmonic oscillators
  • Example 23: second order in time wave equation
  • Example 24: mixed finite element spaces and interpolators
  • Example 24p: parallel mixed finite element spaces and interpolators
  • Example 25: simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation using a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Example 25p: parallel simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation using a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
  • Example 26: multigrid preconditioner for the Laplace problem using nodal H1 FEM
  • Example 26p: parallel multigrid preconditioner for the Laplace problem using nodal H1 FEM
  • Example 27: boundary conditions for the Laplace problem
  • Example 27p: parallel boundary conditions for the Laplace problem
  • Example 28: sliding contact in elasticity
  • Example 28p: parallel sliding contact in elasticity
  • Example 29: Laplace solve on a 3D-embedded surface
  • Example 29p: parallel Laplace solve on a 3D-embedded surface
  • Example 30: mesh preprocessing to resolve problem data
  • Example 30p: parallel mesh preprocessing to resolve problem data
  • Example 31: Nedelec H(curl) FEM for the definite anisotropic Maxwell problem
  • Example 31p: parallel Nedelec H(curl) FEM for the definite anisotropic Maxwell problem
  • Example 32p: parallel anisotropic Maxwell eigensolver
  • Example 33: nodal H1 FEM for the fractional Laplacian problem
  • Example 33p: parallel nodal H1 FEM for the fractional Laplacian problem
  • Example 34: multi-domain magnetostatics
  • Example 34p: parallel multi-domain magnetostatics
  • Example 35p: parallel multi-domain damped harmonic oscillators
  • Example 36: Proximal Galerkin FEM for the obstacle problem
  • Example 36p: parallel Proximal Galerkin FEM for the obstacle problem
  • Example 37: topology optimization
  • Example 37p: parallel topology optimization
  • Example 38: cut-surface and cut-volume integration
  • Example 39: named mesh attributes
  • Example 39: parallel named mesh attributes

AmgX Examples

Caliper Examples

Ginkgo Examples

HiOp Examples

PETSc Examples

PUMI Examples


SuperLU Examples


See also the examples documentation online.