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Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::BatchedLORAssembly, including all inherited members.
Assemble(BilinearForm &a, const Array< int > ess_dofs, OperatorHandle &A) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | |
AssembleWithoutBC(BilinearForm &a, OperatorHandle &A) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
AssemblyKernel(BilinearForm &a) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
BatchedLORAssembly(FiniteElementSpace &fes_ho_) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | |
fes_ho | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
FillI(SparseMatrix &A) const | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | |
FillJAndData(SparseMatrix &A) const | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | |
FormIsSupported(BilinearForm &a) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | static |
FormLORVertexCoordinates(FiniteElementSpace &fes_ho, Vector &X_vert) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | static |
GetLORVertexCoordinates() | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | inline |
ParAssemble(BilinearForm &a, const Array< int > &ess_dofs, OperatorHandle &A) | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | |
sparse_ij | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
sparse_mapping | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
SparseIJToCSR(OperatorHandle &A) const | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |
X_vert | mfem::BatchedLORAssembly | protected |