MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
lor_batched.hpp File Reference

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class  mfem::BatchedLORAssembly
 Efficient batched assembly of LOR discretizations on device. More...
class  mfem::BatchedLORKernel
 Abstract base class for the batched LOR assembly kernels. More...




template<typename T >
void mfem::EnsureCapacity (Memory< T > &mem, int capacity)
 Ensure that mem has at least capacity capacity. More...
IntegrationRule mfem::GetCollocatedIntRule (FiniteElementSpace &fes)
template<typename INTEGRATOR >
void mfem::ProjectLORCoefficient (BilinearForm &a, CoefficientVector &coeff_vector)