MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Namespaces | Functions
cuda.hpp File Reference

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void mfem::mfem_cuda_error (cudaError_t err, const char *expr, const char *func, const char *file, int line)
void * mfem::CuMemAlloc (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes)
 Allocates device memory and returns destination ptr. More...
void * mfem::CuMallocManaged (void **d_ptr, size_t bytes)
 Allocates managed device memory. More...
void * mfem::CuMemAllocHostPinned (void **ptr, size_t bytes)
 Allocates page-locked (pinned) host memory. More...
void * mfem::CuMemFree (void *d_ptr)
 Frees device memory and returns destination ptr. More...
void * mfem::CuMemFreeHostPinned (void *ptr)
 Frees page-locked (pinned) host memory and returns destination ptr. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyHtoD (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Host to Device and returns destination ptr. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyHtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *h_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Host to Device and returns destination ptr. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyDtoD (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyDtoDAsync (void *d_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Device to Device. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyDtoH (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void * mfem::CuMemcpyDtoHAsync (void *h_dst, const void *d_src, size_t bytes)
 Copies memory from Device to Host. More...
void mfem::CuCheckLastError ()
 Check the error code returned by cudaGetLastError(), aborting on error. More...
int mfem::CuGetDeviceCount ()
 Get the number of CUDA devices. More...