class | mfem::Coefficient |
| Base class Coefficients that optionally depend on space and time. These are used by the BilinearFormIntegrator, LinearFormIntegrator, and NonlinearFormIntegrator classes to represent the physical coefficients in the PDEs that are being discretized. This class can also be used in a more general way to represent functions that don't necessarily belong to a FE space, e.g., to project onto GridFunctions to use as initial conditions, exact solutions, etc. See, e.g., ex4 or ex22 for these uses. More...
class | mfem::ConstantCoefficient |
| A coefficient that is constant across space and time. More...
class | mfem::PWConstCoefficient |
| A piecewise constant coefficient with the constants keyed off the element attribute numbers. More...
class | mfem::PWCoefficient |
| A piecewise coefficient with the pieces keyed off the element attribute numbers. More...
class | mfem::FunctionCoefficient |
| A general function coefficient. More...
class | mfem::GridFunctionCoefficient |
| Coefficient defined by a GridFunction. This coefficient is mesh dependent. More...
class | mfem::TransformedCoefficient |
| A coefficient that depends on 1 or 2 parent coefficients and a transformation rule represented by a C-function. More...
class | mfem::DeltaCoefficient |
| Delta function coefficient optionally multiplied by a weight coefficient and a scaled time dependent C-function. More...
class | mfem::RestrictedCoefficient |
| Derived coefficient that takes the value of the parent coefficient for the active attributes and is zero otherwise. More...
class | mfem::VectorCoefficient |
| Base class for vector Coefficients that optionally depend on time and space. More...
class | mfem::VectorConstantCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient that is constant in space and time. More...
class | mfem::PWVectorCoefficient |
| A piecewise vector-valued coefficient with the pieces keyed off the element attribute numbers. More...
class | mfem::VectorFunctionCoefficient |
| A general vector function coefficient. More...
class | mfem::VectorArrayCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined by an array of scalar coefficients. Coefficients that are not set will evaluate to zero in the vector. This object takes ownership of the array of coefficients inside it and deletes them at object destruction. More...
class | mfem::VectorGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined by a vector GridFunction. More...
class | mfem::GradientGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the Gradient of a scalar GridFunction. More...
class | mfem::CurlGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the Curl of a vector GridFunction. More...
class | mfem::DivergenceGridFunctionCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the Divergence of a vector GridFunction. More...
class | mfem::VectorDeltaCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined by a scalar DeltaCoefficient and a constant vector direction. More...
class | mfem::VectorRestrictedCoefficient |
| Derived vector coefficient that has the value of the parent vector where it is active and is zero otherwise. More...
class | mfem::MatrixCoefficient |
| Base class for Matrix Coefficients that optionally depend on time and space. More...
class | mfem::MatrixConstantCoefficient |
| A matrix coefficient that is constant in space and time. More...
class | mfem::PWMatrixCoefficient |
| A piecewise matrix-valued coefficient with the pieces keyed off the element attribute numbers. More...
class | mfem::MatrixFunctionCoefficient |
| A matrix coefficient with an optional scalar coefficient multiplier q. The matrix function can either be represented by a std function or a constant matrix provided when constructing this object. More...
class | mfem::MatrixArrayCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined by a matrix of scalar coefficients. Coefficients that are not set will evaluate to zero in the vector. The coefficient is stored as a flat Array with indexing (i,j) -> i*width+j. More...
class | mfem::MatrixRestrictedCoefficient |
| Derived matrix coefficient that has the value of the parent matrix coefficient where it is active and is zero otherwise. More...
class | mfem::SumCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the linear combination of two scalar coefficients or a scalar and a scalar coefficient. More...
class | mfem::SymmetricMatrixCoefficient |
| Base class for symmetric matrix coefficients that optionally depend on time and space. More...
class | mfem::SymmetricMatrixConstantCoefficient |
| A matrix coefficient that is constant in space and time. More...
class | mfem::SymmetricMatrixFunctionCoefficient |
| A matrix coefficient with an optional scalar coefficient multiplier q. The matrix function can either be represented by a std function or a constant matrix provided when constructing this object. More...
class | mfem::ProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the product of two scalar coefficients or a scalar and a scalar coefficient. More...
class | mfem::RatioCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the ratio of two scalars where one or both scalars are scalar coefficients. More...
class | mfem::PowerCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as a scalar raised to a power. More...
class | mfem::InnerProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the inner product of two vector coefficients. More...
class | mfem::VectorRotProductCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as a cross product of two vectors in the xy-plane. More...
class | mfem::DeterminantCoefficient |
| Scalar coefficient defined as the determinant of a matrix coefficient. More...
class | mfem::VectorSumCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as the linear combination of two vectors. More...
class | mfem::ScalarVectorProductCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a product of scalar and vector coefficients. More...
class | mfem::NormalizedVectorCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a normalized vector field (returns v/|v|) More...
class | mfem::VectorCrossProductCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a cross product of two vectors. More...
class | mfem::MatrixVectorProductCoefficient |
| Vector coefficient defined as a product of a matrix coefficient and a vector coefficient. More...
class | mfem::IdentityMatrixCoefficient |
| Constant matrix coefficient defined as the identity of dimension d. More...
class | mfem::MatrixSumCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the linear combination of two matrices. More...
class | mfem::MatrixProductCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the product of two matrices. More...
class | mfem::ScalarMatrixProductCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as a product of a scalar coefficient and a matrix coefficient. More...
class | mfem::TransposeMatrixCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the transpose a matrix coefficient. More...
class | mfem::InverseMatrixCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the inverse a matrix coefficient. More...
class | mfem::OuterProductCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as the outer product of two vector coefficients. More...
class | mfem::CrossCrossCoefficient |
| Matrix coefficient defined as -a k x k x, for a vector k and scalar a. More...
class | mfem::VectorQuadratureFunctionCoefficient |
| Vector quadrature function coefficient which requires that the quadrature rules used for this vector coefficient be the same as those that live within the supplied QuadratureFunction. More...
class | mfem::QuadratureFunctionCoefficient |
| Quadrature function coefficient which requires that the quadrature rules used for this coefficient be the same as those that live within the supplied QuadratureFunction. More...
class | mfem::CoefficientVector |
| Class to represent a coefficient evaluated at quadrature points. More...
CoefficientStorage | mfem::operator| (CoefficientStorage a, CoefficientStorage b) |
int | mfem::operator & (CoefficientStorage a, CoefficientStorage b) |
double | mfem::ComputeLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
| Compute the Lp norm of a function f. \( \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \int_\Omega | f |^p d\Omega)^{1/p} \). More...
double | mfem::ComputeLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, Mesh &mesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
| Compute the Lp norm of a vector function f = {f_i}_i=1...N. \( \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \sum_i \| f_i \|_{Lp}^p )^{1/p} \). More...
double | mfem::ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, Coefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
| Compute the global Lp norm of a function f. \( \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \int_\Omega | f |^p d\Omega)^{1/p} \). More...
double | mfem::ComputeGlobalLpNorm (double p, VectorCoefficient &coeff, ParMesh &pmesh, const IntegrationRule *irs[]) |
| Compute the global Lp norm of a vector function f = {f_i}_i=1...N. \( \| f \|_{Lp} = ( \sum_i \| f_i \|_{Lp}^p )^{1/p} \). More...