MFEM  v4.5.2
Finite element discretization library
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
admfem.hpp File Reference

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class  mfem::VectorFuncAutoDiff< vector_size, state_size, param_size >
class  mfem::QVectorFuncAutoDiff< TFunctor, vector_size, state_size, param_size >
class  mfem::QFunctionAutoDiff< TFunctor, state_size, param_size >
class  mfem::VectorFuncAutoDiff< vector_size, state_size, param_size >
class  mfem::QVectorFuncAutoDiff< TFunctor, vector_size, state_size, param_size >
class  mfem::QFunctionAutoDiff< TFunctor, state_size, param_size >




typedef codi::RealForward mfem::ad::ADFloatType
 Forward AD type declaration. More...
typedef TAutoDiffVector< ADFloatType > mfem::ad::ADVectorType
 Vector type for AD-numbers. More...
typedef TAutoDiffDenseMatrix< ADFloatType > mfem::ad::ADMatrixType
 Matrix type for AD-numbers. More...