Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType >, including all inherited members.
Assemble(const dof_layout_t &dof_layout, const dof_data_t &dof_data, glob_dof_data_t &glob_dof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
Assemble(const dof_layout_t &dof_layout, const dof_data_t &dof_data, glob_dof_data_t &glob_dof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
Assemble(const TMatrix< FE::dofs, FE::dofs, vcomplex_t > &m, SparseMatrix &M) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
AssembleBlock(int block_i, int block_j, const vec_layout_t &vl, const TMatrix< FE::dofs, FE::dofs, vcomplex_t > &m, SparseMatrix &M) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
AssembleComponents(int first_comp, const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, const vdof_data_t &vdof_data, const vec_layout_t &vl, glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
dofs | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | static |
Extract(const glob_dof_data_t &glob_dof_data, const dof_layout_t &dof_layout, dof_data_t &dof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
Extract(const glob_dof_data_t &glob_dof_data, const dof_layout_t &dof_layout, dof_data_t &dof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
ExtractComponents(int first_comp, const vec_layout_t &vl, const glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data, const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, vdof_data_t &vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
FE_type typedef | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | |
GetNE() const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
ind | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | protected |
index_type typedef | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | |
num_elems | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | protected |
remain_elems | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | protected |
SetElement(int el) | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
TFiniteElementSpace_simple(const FE &fe, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
VectorAssemble(const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, const vdof_data_t &vdof_data, const vec_layout_t &vl, glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
VectorAssemble(const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, const vdof_data_t &vdof_data, const vec_layout_t &vl, glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
VectorExtract(const vec_layout_t &vl, const glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data, const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, vdof_data_t &vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |
VectorExtract(const vec_layout_t &vl, const glob_vdof_data_t &glob_vdof_data, const vdof_layout_t &vdof_layout, vdof_data_t &vdof_data) const | mfem::TFiniteElementSpace_simple< FE, IndexType > | inline |