Finite element discretization library
This is the complete list of members for mfem::HypreLOBPCG, including all inherited members.
GetEigenvalues(Array< double > &eigenvalues) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
GetEigenvector(unsigned int i) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
HypreLOBPCG(MPI_Comm comm) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetMassMatrix(Operator &M) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetMaxIter(int max_iter) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetNumModes(int num_eigs) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | inline |
SetOperator(Operator &A) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetPreconditioner(Solver &precond) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetPrecondUsageMode(int pcg_mode) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetPrintLevel(int logging) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
SetRandomSeed(int s) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | inline |
SetTol(double tol) | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
Solve() | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | |
StealEigenvectors() | mfem::HypreLOBPCG | inline |
~HypreLOBPCG() | mfem::HypreLOBPCG |